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Online sales and distance selling to expand through coronavirus pandemic

Now that we have been forced to take time to think about everything differently what will you do differently to ride the 4th industrial revolution wave ahead of your competitors?

Signs in the UK that there is demand for even more online. From food to online services to fashion people still want to shop but online from a distance. Major retailers are ramping up their online shopping and delivery services. Many are employing thousands of more staff to cope with demand.

Is your business making the most from online sales and delivery during coronavirus pandemic?


The coronavirus will hopefully pass. It could morph into something worse or less bad. Even if it does not burn itself out the human race will take months to find a vaccine in sufficient quantities to control its spread. Even when the G20 countries have it relatively under control they will be repeatedly be reinfected from each other and less well developed countries as people start to travel again.

Make no mistake one way or another the coronavirus will have long lasting effects on businesses and the global economy. This will totally change how we do business forever. Sure people will return to shopping in High Street shops but the proportion of retail shopping completed online will jump.

Furthermore consumers and business leaders will access more of their services online. More communication than ever will be arranged online. There will be less desire to travel for face to face meetings. Business leaders will become more used to online meetings and realise its better than wasting time travelling. More training will be arranged online. There will be many benefits including protecting environment saving money and saving the most valuable thing time.

Such enforced changes in business practices will usher in the 4th industrial revolution even faster

The 4th industrial revolution was accelerating before the coronavirus. COVID19 will turbo charge it.

  • Jobs will become obsolete even quicker
  • Opportunities to innovate will come faster
  • Technology will advance more rapidly
  • Minds will be more open to change
  • Consumers workers and business leaders will be hungry for something better than what we put up with precoronavirus
  • There will be a bigger demand for faster internet speeds including 5G and increased supply

Now that we have been forced to take time to think about everything differently what will you do differently to ride the 4th industrial revolution wave ahead of your competitors?

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Online sales and distance selling to expand through coronavirus pandemic BusinessRiskTV

How to increase online sales fast with BusinessRiskTV

The coronavirus COVID-19 may change the way we sell forever. More and more sales were going online anyway but now there are urgent reasons to increase the source of your online sales with

Discover how to increase online sales fast. If you have not created an online presence to sell more jump online quickly with us. If you have an online presence but want to increase sources of new business income tap into our services to increase sales online.

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How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV
How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

How to increase sales online fast

Use creative ways to start increasing sales online today. Sell more cost effectively online. Find new customers online. Discover ways to improve the experience of your new customers. Pick up tips to improve your sales performance. Sell more and increase online sales.

How To Grow Your Business Online Presence
How To Grow Your Business Online Presence

Improve your positioning in the marketplace. Adopt new ways of selling products or services online.

How to increase online sales with BusinessRiskTV

Find out more. Complete and submit the form below and enter code #IncreaseOnlineSales.

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How to increase online sales fast with BusinessRiskTV

Managing business risk with more confidence to perform better

Increase your confidence in your risk management capability with

Build your business risk management capability and confidence

Boost your business performance. Understand your business risk profile to inform your business decision making process.

Risk Management Confidence

Not only can you improve your risk management capability but you can increase confidence in your risk management system.

Are you asking the right questions about the key threats to you business? Do you consistently look out for and review business opportunities for growth? If you do not have a risk management system in place your business decision making may be working but is it working well?

What is your appetite for risk? Is this reflected across the whole organisation. Your risk management culture should reflect the attitude to risk of its business leaders for a consistent approach that is less confusing or contradictory further down the organisation. If you are not all singing from same hymn sheet you are losing productivity. In addition you maybe taking too much risk or not enough risk to achieve your business objectives.

Everybody should be clear about their role in your risk management framework and risk assessment process. Lack of clarity produces gaps through which failure in your risk management system can squeeze!

Everyone should be rewarded based on achievement of risk management plan. If your risk management plan has been correctly drafted and embedded it will bring business success. Your risk management plan should be to achieve business objectives set with enterprise risk management methodology. A holistic approach to business decision will produce greater resilience and longer term sustainable success.

Understand that your risk assessment process has weaknesses. Peoples perceptions of risk can skew risk management actions inappropriately. This can result in the failure of your risk management system and business.

Enterprise risk management ERM creates a clear picture of where you are now and plans to get you to where you want to be. However everyone needs to engage in the process for it to work optimally. It is to be present in strategic operational and project risk management.

Build more confidence in your ability to implement a better risk management system

Risk management can help profitability enhance all stakeholder confidence and protect your brand and reputation. Create the environment for more effective business outcomes and greater profitability.

If you improve your confidence in your risk management system you can actually take more risks to achieve more in business.


Increase your risk knowledge and business intelligence. Change your perspective of risks and risk management. Redefine what is acceptable risks without breaching your risk tolerance. If you are not confident in your risk management capability it is hard for the business and business leaders to perform well.

Decide how best to manage risks in your business. Build your colleagues confidence with training and support from BusinessRiskTV. Find out more by completing and submitting the form below and enter code #Confidence.

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Project Development With More Confidence With Risk Management Principles and Practices
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Managing business risk with more confidence to perform better with BusinessRiskTV

Unexpected disasters can be an opportunity to grow fast

Turn tragedy into triumph with

Making the most of unexpected disasters. Make the most of disasters. No one asks for a disaster to hit their business but when one comes along look for the opportunities that come with it. If you do this as part of business continuity planning you can come out of the disaster quicker stronger and more resilient.

how to reduce uncertainty in business
How to reduce uncertainty in business with BusinessRiskTV

Want to read watch videos and speak to experts who can help protect and grow your business through all types of business environment?

Our Knowledge Marketplace, Business Experts Hub and risk management experts:

  • Write risk management articles to inform your decision-making
  • Produce videos and host live online events, training and workshops to develop your risk management knowledge and skills
  • Offer risk management consulting services to help you overcome business problems.


A disaster can be an opportunity to grow if you change your mindset

To come out the other side of major risk event stronger includes being ready to seize new business opportunities as well as mitigate downside risk impact.

You may be able to bring forward future planning as result of risk event. If you have a major fire then do not just build what you had before. Bring forward better ways of working that you may have planned for 5 years time prior to risk event.

  • Competitors who are not resilient as your business may not survive crisis. This may allow you to change pricing or provide opportunity to introduce new marketing campaign to mop up their customers.
  • You products or services may simply be more in demand after the crisis than before it. Attitudes of business buyers and consumers will change during and after the crisis. Your business maybe well positioned to take advantage of change of attitude to sell more and grow your business faster.

There is nothing morally bad about making the most of a bad situation. If you survive a crisis you have the right to explore a new way of working that will benefit both your business consumers and society.

Many great inventions or innovations have been introduced and transformed life and business due to mistakes. Some new drugs and products were discovered when the inventor or developer was trying to achieve something totally different from what transpired as brilliance.

Necessity is the mother of invention

When forced into an existential situation it is human nature to fight to survive. There will always be risk events that threaten survival in business. Sometimes they risk event may be located on one business. On rare occasions a risk event threats whole business systems of working.

Around every 10 years business leaders should expect a financial crisis that threatens business survival. It is almost impossible to know how the financial crisis will arise. The cause of the risk event that creates the crisis is less important than the resilience to overcome the impact on your business.

Th last financial crisis was 2008. May countries in Europe have still not recovered from the 2008 financial crisis never mind businesses.

If you are in business for the long haul then you need to be prepared for at least one financial crisis every 10 years. In between you need to be ready for your own individual crisis’s that pop up just for your business.

Learning opportunities from a crisis

Major risk events are perhaps alarmingly more frequent than one expects. Rather than being overly alarmed maybe the best thing to do is learn from risk events. Take the good from the bad to improve future business performance.

Do not press the panic button
Do not press the panic button

We can also learn from other businesses who make mistakes on our behalf! If they suffer find out what they did wrong learn from their mistakes and make sure your business does not suffer the same consequences.


More than that find out what lessons other business leaders have learned from their past mistakes or negative risk events

Sharing bad experiences allows the herd to be better protected! Sharing successes helps the herd to join in on the success for faster growth and speedier progress.

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Power Of Collaboration In Business Development

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Unexpected disasters can be an opportunity to grow fast BusinessRiskTV

Calculating the business risk of current and future threats

Taking the right risks for greater success with

Identifying and managing business risks

How can a business identify risk and manage business resources to manage business risks better? Undertake risk profile analysis to inform your business decision making. Practical enterprise risk management ERM tips advice training and consultancy.

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How To Take Over The World

Many risk events are possible. However how do you manage your resources cost effectively to control risks whilst boosting business performance?

When beginning the risk management process identify risks that could impact on your business objectives. Look at the whole business at once rather than individual silos functions or departments.

Do not make assumptions at the beginning about the level of risk or effectiveness of risk control measures. Assume that what you currently do risk management wise will not work or not work well enough to control risks.

Consult experts within your business at all levels and experts outside of your business who may have an understanding of your risks. Focus your attention on key internal and external drivers of risk that may have significant impact on your business objectives.

Your business risk exposure needs to be right for your risk management culture. What is your appetite for risk? How much risk can your business tolerate? Getting the balance right is key for sustainable business success.

Reduce or eliminate threats as soon as they appear on the horizon. Seize new business opportunities before your competitors do. Anticipate and plan for future risks. React quickly to current or unexpected risk events.

Risk analysis and Holistic Enterprise Wide Risk Management Approach Will Improve Your Business Decision Making To Boost Business Performance

Manage risks better. Minimise the impact of risk on your business plans. Manage potential problems easier quicker and less expensively. Stop the undermining of key business initiatives or projects by risk events. Explore possible future threats.

Identify business opportunities for growth. Back the best ones to maximise return in investment of time and money. Boost the profit from the best new ideas. Manage opportunities for greater success better.

Create the right risk management framework and enterprise wide risk assessment process for your business

The source of your business risks can be wide and varied. Often they are specific to your business. Sometimes the affect just your industry or geographic location. Occasionally they affect most of the world like the financial crisis of 2008 or global pandemic like 2020.

The impact on your business maybe life giving like if your business is a deep cleaning business or face mask manufacturer in coronavirus outbreak. Or risk events can destroy your business and it may never recover. Your risk management assessment and approach to risk control needs to be tailored to your business.

Not all risks are bad and bad risk events can be good for your specific business in so many different ways. For example the coronavirus tragically will kill thousands of people. In addition many businesses will fail including many of your competitors. Out of the flames the phoenixes will rise. The challenge is to make sure your business and your people survive and prosper no matter what risks are thrown at your business.

Put your great ideas into action with more confidence. Continue to be optimistic about your future. The way your business could and perhaps should change forever not just to get through coronavirus. Learn the lessons from horrifically tragic risk events. Seize the opportunities coming from the 4th industrial revolution. Survive and prosper today tomorrow and then next day no matter what risks you face no matter where you do business and no matter what industry you are in.

Some risks hit you like a ton of bricks. Other risks are more subtle. They creep up on you. You do not know that you are at risk until it can be too late. Enterprise wide risk management means continuous tweaking and adjustment. What is right today may not work tomorrow. The key is to review what has happened but keep your eye on the horizon to ensure you are prepared. Whether you produce the risks internally or have external risks imposed upon your business know what to do when to do it and get to where you want to be regardless.

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Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

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Calculating the business risk of current and future threats BusinessRiskTV

How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

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Risk Communication In Business With BusinessRiskTV

Boosting business performance with enhanced key risk information with

BusinessRiskTV giving business leaders to make more informed risk management decisions. Protect and grow your business faster with less uncertainty. Poor risk communication can exasperate bad risk events and result in missed business opportunities. Embed the concepts of enterprise risk management ERM. Manage key risks critical for success better. Effectively communicate risks to all business stakeholders.

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Use more effective risk communication to inform your risk assessment process. Risk owners get help get help to develop their risk management plan for their business.

Business Risk Assessment
Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

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Risk Communication In Business With BusinessRiskTV

Create Your Virtual Business With BusinessRiskTV

Increase online income with a Virtual Business with BusinessRiskTV

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Marketplace Consultants Helping Online Selling Partners Grow Their Business Faster With BusinessRiskTV

Build your virtual business income with BusinessRiskTV

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  • Engage your potential new customers and drive them towards your business.
  • Promote your business with attractive deals discounts and special offers.
  • Ask for feedback on your products or services you could use in your business marketing.

Build your virtual business with our help. Create and launch your virtual business or grow your existing business faster.

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Clever branding strategies with BusinessRiskTV

How to develop a brand With BusinessRiskTV

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How to develop a brand With BusinessRiskTV

How To Increase Brand Awareness

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BusinessRiskTV is a great place to try some creative marketing for your business. Pick up free branding tips and ideas. Get your business brand out there more sustainably. Create a great brand positioning strategy with BusinessRiskTV. Learn how to build brand awareness.

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Clever Tips for Marketing Your Food and Drink Related Business

Clever Tips for Marketing Your Food and Drink Related Business

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Clever branding strategies with BusinessRiskTV

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Risk Management Online Video Conference with BusinessRiskTV

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Risk Management Online Video Conference with BusinessRiskTV

Virtual Exhibitions Online With BusinessRiskTV

BusinessRiskTV Online Exhibition Platforms

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The traditional world of exhibitions is time consuming and costly. Your investment can all be wasted if not enough people see your products whether this is due to coronavirus or just poor attendance. You may well exhibit in the traditional way but if not enough people see your business offers then you are not going to sell enough to cover your costs.

Our online exhibitions can be tailored to your needs. If you want full interactive experience with potential new customers this can be arranged.

Just because your exhibiting online does NOT mean you cannot speak to people face to face. We will set up an online exhibition stand so you can attract new customers and fully understand barriers to sale as well as make new sales online.


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Best Virtual Exhibition Platform
Virtual Exhibition Platform To Showcase Your Business Products and Services To Buyers Already Interested In Your Type Of Business Offering

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Marketplace Consultants Helping Online Selling Partners Grow Their Business Faster With BusinessRiskTV

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Virtual Exhibitions Online With BusinessRiskTV

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How to grow your business successfully with BusinessRiskTV

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Risk analysis of impact of coronavirus on global economy

Coronavirus hits the global economy on both the supply and demand side

Coronavirus threats to world economy. Coronavirus global economy impact. The coronavirus has not yet be officially acknowledged as a pandemic health risk. However it probably is already a pandemic health risk and is certainly a global economic pandemic spreading uncontrollably around world.

Although the world financial markets have had their worst time since the financial crisis in 2008 the actual impact of the coronavirus has yet to be felt and revealed. The financial markets are giving a glimpse into what is feared in future not what is happening now.

With just 36 cases in the UK it appears that the UK is relatively spared from the virus. The most worrying case out of the 36 is the one where the infected person has not been abroad and has not been in contact with anyone who has to his or her knowledge. Tracing the source is key to controlling and containing the spread of the coronavirus.

Many countries where the official numbers of coronavirus infection cases are so low is worrying

There are many countries where scepticism on figures inflates fear of a pandemic that may not be recoverable. China where the coronavirus originated from may have be slow to unveil the seriousness of the problem have been praised by World Health Organisation WHO for honest figures.

Some countries have different reasons to deliberately suppress news of an epidemic in the country. In addition there are countries which may not have the resources to identify the coronavirus. More worringly they also do not have the resources to stop the spread of the virus.

Other disasters in some parts of the world also have the potential to exasperate and accelerate the spread of the virus. What happens if the coronavirus infects refugees and economic migrants trying to escape to Europe via Italy Greece Bulgaria and Spain. Germany not long ago took around one million of these people. If such numbers flowed again and they also had the coronavirus how much more quickly would the coronavirus spread throughout Europe? Exponentially fast!

Control of coronavirus COVID19 is unlikely especially as there is no vaccine

A vaccine by most estimates is unlikely to be identified until early 2021. Even when a vaccine has been found it then has to be manufactured in sufficient quantities to have a reduction in the spread of the virus never mind eliminated.

The coronavirus is likely to be with us until end of 2021 at the earliest never mind getting coronvirus spread under control this year.

Major sporting events like the Olympics this summer are unlikely to proceed. Whilst this creates obvious disappointment for the athletes supports and Japanese people it in one event creates massive economic loss for Japan Olympic sponsors and lots of products or services will not be sold if the Olympics is cancelled.

Businesses will face reduced performance at best and potentially even collapse

If you are not able to sell products or services how do you pay fixed costs never mind variable costs of being in business. Potentially fatal could be loss of the ability to pay your creditors who may close you down to try to get their money back.

Central banks around the world have yet to realise they have not recovered from the financial crisis in 2008. Their tools to tackle global recession including lowering interest rate and increasing quantitative easing QE are worn out. There is little manoeuvrability for central banks. In COVID19 terms central banks do not have very good vaccines left at their disposal to support economic growth.

Individual countries will undoubtedly fall into a recession due to the coronavirus COVID19

Countries like Italy already severely impacted by coronavirus were already teetering on the edge of recession. The coronavirus will push them over the edge. The northern part of Italy is the powerhouse of the Italian economy and much of it has already been shutdown. Can Italy really stop the spread which will make economic impact worse?

Even countries like USA can dramatically lose economic growth. Not all Americans have good access to healthcare services. If you cannot call upon your healthcare services to detect and help control the coronavirus spread then it could spread like wildfire in USA if it takes hold and it is close to taking hold now.

The coronavirus spread in poorer less developed countries is essentially unstoppable. How can parts of Middle East Africa Asia Central America and South America really contain spread of coronavirus. The how do you contain the spread from these areas to more wealthy parts of the world.

The economic impact is going to be so severe as it hits not just the supply side of the economy it cuts demand too

When disaster strikes businesses can stop supplying cause the risk event stops output abruptly. However the coronavirus dramatically cuts demand quickly too. People stop assembly in public in restaurants events bars concerts sporting events etc through fear of catching the coronavirus. They may start spending again when under control but we are looking at end of 2021 before this even has possibility of subsiding.

Other concerns include lack of scientific knowledge about coronavirus. The boffins do not know enough yet to be sure we will ever get this under control.

  • We do not know how long the virus can survive on surfaces when people cough or touch surfaces with contaminated hands.
  • We do not know if our normal ways of cleaning surfaces works on coronavirus.
  • There have been suggestions that people who have had coronavirus in recent months and recovered then contract virus again. Potentially not only will infected people not be immune in future but then may not be cured in first place or regenerate virus.
  • Many people across the world including the UK will now be thinking they have a mild illness or seasonal flu when in fact they have COVID19. When it can be contained you are tracing contacts to track down infection line to control risks. However when COVID19 is spreading unencumbered mildly infected people will be spreading virus unknowingly and then 80 percent infection across the UK and world starts to become realistic.
  • We do not know if the warmer weather will help the world to control the spread of the virus like it did with SARS or whether it will continue to spread.
  • We do not know if COVID19 will morph into something worse or morph into something less virulent.

Some estimates suggest that 80 percent of people in UK will contract the coronavirus COVID19 if it spreads uncontrollably in UK. The UK could well be on cusp of uncontrollable spread as the UK government gears up to act this week. On the positive side 80 percent of those who contract the virus only get mild manageable symptoms. On negative side a fatal rate of even 1 percent of UK population is still around half a million deaths.

One way some countries may manage the coronavirus risk is simply to let it spread across the whole country without stopping business activity or economic growth. If 80 percent have mild symptoms and 1 percent die what is their tolerance of risks. Will they chose economic slowdown or losing 1 percent of their population? This could mean the rest of the world suffer boomerang epidemics. What could make this less likely is that leaders can die of the virus just like their peasants!

Safety at work and managing health and safety of your workforce

Employers have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect their workers. This includes protection from exposure to coronvirus. This has obvious implications about travelling to coronavirus hotspots but also includes the coronavirus coming to your workplace. The coronavirus could change forever how we do business in future. If and when the spread of the coronavirus is brought under control we may find it more sensible to have less contact face to face and more online communication.

Ocado in UK who deliver to more wealthy customers have already announced a jump in the number of people ordering online for food and drink delivery to home. This is just one example of winners as well as losers from COVID19 outbreak.


We are in the foothills of the coronavirus pandemic. Yes it is a pandemic despite WHOs caution. How you manage the risks to your business will have limitations but where you can control the risks you must start implement your business continuity plan now not when when a full blown pandemic is sweeping across the world.

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Risk analysis of impact of coronavirus on global economy

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Supplier Diversification In Supply Chains

Critical Key Supply’s Should Be Manufactured In Your Own Country More To Mitigate Breaking Supply Chain To Your Business

EU leaders last month stressed the need for the bloc to have strategic autonomy after the coronavirus crisis.

The European Union and its companies need to diversify their supply chains to reduce their reliance on individual countries but that does not mean bringing all production back to Europe

European Union EU Trade Chief

With the coronavirus pandemic many have now realised that there has been an over reliance on Asia for the supply of key supplies. Austrian EU diplomats think this means more manufacturing and production of key supplies should be brought home. Whilst this does not mean all Asian supplies from Asia should cease it does mean more manufacturing is required in your own country to build supply resilience.

We need to look at how to build resilient supply chains based on diversification acknowledging the simple fact that we will not be able to manufacture everything locally

European Union EU Trade Chief

Dutch trade minister Sigrid Kaag told reporters after the video conference with EU counterparts that there was an awakening to the need to determine the weakest links in value chains. How can you mitigate the overdependence on countries such as China or India when it comes to essential goods.

During the coronavirus pandemic France Germany and USA were just some of the countries who intervened at government level to stop supply of some products including personal protective equipment and medical equipment. When supply comes from outside your own country you are diversifying your supply chain but over reliance on overseas supply can increase risk of supply chain interruption. Arriving at the right balance is key to maintaining good business performance and strong business resilience.

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Global Supply Risks And COVID-19 Pandemic Health Risk Management

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Diversify supply chains to reduce reliance on one country or supplier

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Deutsche Bank currency guru says it’s ‘time to sell the dollar’ as greenback sees longest losing streak since 2021

The dollar has been on a losing streak in recent weeks, and a top currency strategist at Deutsche Bank is betting that the trend will continue.

George Saravelos, global co-head of FX research at Deutsche Bank, said in a note to clients on Thursday that he’s once again betting that the dollar will weaken against the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, and other major currencies.

“We believe that the dollar’s recent weakness is more than just a temporary correction,” Saravelos said. “We see a number of factors that are likely to keep the dollar under pressure in the coming months.”

One of the factors that Saravelos is pointing to is the Federal Reserve’s plans to raise interest rates. The Fed is expected to raise rates several times this year in an effort to combat inflation. However, Saravelos believes that the Fed’s rate hikes will be less effective than they have been in the past because the global economy is now in a different phase.

“The global economy is no longer in a synchronised growth upswing,” Saravelos said. “This means that the Fed’s rate hikes are likely to have a more muted impact on economic activity and inflation than they would have in the past.”

Another factor that Saravelos is pointing to is the strength of the euro. The euro has been rising in recent weeks, and Saravelos believes that this trend is likely to continue.

“The euro is benefiting from a number of factors, including the strong performance of the European economy,” Saravelos said. “We believe that the euro is likely to continue to outperform the dollar in the coming months.”

Saravelos’s call is a reversal of his previous stance. In January, he said that the dollar was “oversold” and that he expected it to rebound. However, he has since changed his view, and he now believes that the dollar is likely to continue to weaken.

Saravelos’s call is in line with the views of other currency analysts. A recent survey by Bloomberg found that 60% of currency analysts believe that the dollar will weaken in the coming months.

If Saravelos is right, it could have a significant impact on the global economy. The dollar is the world’s reserve currency, and its value has a major impact on the prices of commodities, assets, and goods. If the dollar weakens, it could lead to higher inflation and lower economic growth.

Of course, it’s impossible to say for sure what will happen to the dollar in the future. However, Saravelos’s call is a warning that the greenback’s days of dominance may be coming to an end.

In addition to the factors mentioned by Saravelos, there are a few other reasons why the dollar could continue to weaken.

  • The US trade deficit is widening. This means that the US is importing more goods and services than it is exporting. This puts downward pressure on the dollar.
  • The US economy is growing more slowly than other major economies. This means that investors are less likely to hold dollars as a safe haven.
  • The US political landscape is becoming more polarised. This could lead to uncertainty and volatility in the markets, which could also weigh on the dollar.

Of course, there are also some factors that could support the dollar. For example, if the Fed raises interest rates more aggressively than expected, it could boost the dollar’s value. However, overall, the trend seems to be pointing towards a weaker dollar.

What does this mean for investors?

If you are an investor who is holding dollars, you may want to consider hedging your bets by investing in other currencies. You may also want to consider investing in assets that are less sensitive to changes in the dollar’s value.

If you are a business that exports goods or services, you may benefit from a weaker dollar. This is because a weaker dollar will make your goods or services cheaper for foreign buyers.

Overall, the outlook for the dollar is uncertain. However, there are a number of factors that could lead to a weaker dollar in the coming months. Investors and businesses should be aware of these factors and should adjust their strategies accordingly

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Do you fear losing what you have created instead of valuing what you might gain from taking more risk?

How to overcome loss aversion with

How do we make the best use of available business assets and resources to maximise return of investment of time and money

Fear of loss often beats the desire to gain more. Fearing losing everything you have built is natural human reaction. However is your fear getting in the way of seizing new business opportunities? Keep innovating and growing with less uncertainty with BusinessRiskTV.

Develop a holistic risk management culture to drive your business forward. Up your risk appetite to achieve more with more controlled balanced risk taking.

The biggest factor in business leader decision making is fear of loss. People worry about loss more than securing gains.


Develop a more assured risk management framework and risk assessment process to match your risk culture. Make sure your risk taking remains within your risk tolerance.

Do you have loss aversion bias in decision making?

Business leaders who are loss averse feel the pain of loss much greater that any joy from any gains from decisions made. They make strategic business decisions accordingly. The risk culture of the business models the loss aversion bias of the business leader.

If this works well for your business you should continue with status quo. However if you would like to experience faster business growth you may need to take more calculated risks.

Loss aversion refers to the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. It is better for you to not lose 10000 pounds than to make 10000 pounds in business. 


However most entrepreneurs and many business leaders are in their position to better themselves. If you mitigate the potential losses from taking more risks and manage the risks to maximise the return on your investment you should end up with faster growth with less uncertainty.

It is more common in people who are not entrepreneurs or business leaders to be biased against taking risks. Loss aversion is a reflection of a general bias in human psychology. People tend to want to stick with what they know than make changes that might not work well. People in general are resistant to change. When presented with the potential benefits of change they focus more on what might be lost rather than on what can be gained.

  • What is your business risk tolerance? If you can make changes to try to grow faster that if do not work fall within your risk tolerance would you take more risk?
  • If you adopted small changes rather than one big radical all eggs in one basket change would you feel more comfortable? Spreading your faster business growth changes across a few new ideas may be better for your business. When you know which one of the new changes works best perhaps then you can focus on one new idea.
  • Do not confuse more risk taking in business with gambling. Taking calculated risks to grow faster is about assessing and then managing the risks before you action more risk taking. You can mitigate the threats from more risk as well as maximise the returns from taking more risks.

Few things in business life are guaranteed other than taxes! Even maintaining the status quo comes with the threat of business failure. Kodack photography business was once one of the most successful businesses in the world. How many Kodack films do you buy for your camera now!

The desire to avoid business losses is motivated by fear. The more a business leader fears losses the more likely he or she is to be loss averse and the more likely they are to be disinclined to make changes to their business to be more successful. Having a better understanding of the risks that could be taken to achieve more will make loss averse business leaders more comfortable with changing the the business.

Often the perception of risks and reward are skewed to the belief that you are doomed to fail which means you do not make changes to the business. By the same token it is important that all stakeholders in the business are involved in assessing risks from changes to business. Business leaders who do like taking risks can miss the pitfalls to mitigate against whilst making changes that can cause the change project fail even if it was a great idea.

With a little input and engagement from all levels of the organisation your project to grow faster is more likely to be a success. Take risks that are worth taking which are achievable with everyone onboard.


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Get ready for the 4th industrial revolution with

Harness the full innovative power of your business. Create a better future with your existing resources. Focus your assets on the opportunities offering the greatest return.

Innovate or wither and die?

Is your business in zombie mode? Is it ticking along but with a little inspiration could be zooming along! Businesses which do not innovate could wither and die in the changes which are already in motion.

If you think the decade has been changing rapidly fasten your seat belt for the next decade! Even the best businesses growing healthily are going to be subject to existential choices.

Take banking industry for example. There is absolutely no reason you will not be banking online with Facebook Google or Amazon instead of Lloyds Barcalys or HSBC.

There are already internet only or app only banking businesses thriving in the UK. They do not have the costs of bank branch network. Fewer employees delivering what especially the younger generation want online. These apps will eventually sell car insurance house insurance mortgages credit cards et al that traditional banks offer. Why could Facebook Google or Amazon not do the same with their astronomical piles of cash. Yes I mean cash as they do not need to borrow money to lend money to you which will make them even more profitable should they start their banking arm of the business in UK.

4th Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review
Fourth Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review

If traditional banking industry could fail to survive in future why do you think your business is safe?

Is it not a little arrogant to think your great business is going to survive the coming changes? If the UK ever gets up to speed with 5g which clearly it eventually will then another building block will be in place that will destroy many traditional businesses.

5G is both an opportunity and existential threat to many traditional businesses. Just because what you have done works for your business model does not mean it will work well in future.

are you really getting the most out of your solid business assets?

Even if you have a great business now are you sure it is operating productively? The greatest killer of UK economic growth is poor productivity. The UK does not perform any way near as productively as its developed competitors in the global marketplace.

Could your business grow faster if it took the slack from poor productivity out?

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Cost effective ways to market your business online with BusinessRiskTV

Cost effective ways to market your business online with BusinessRiskTV

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Discover how to use the advertorial approach to drive online sales. Simple marketing techniques will help grow your business faster. Affordable and effective ways to grow your business fast.

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Your guide to enterprise wide risk assessment for your business

Focus all of your resources on the enterprise wide risk management that matters to your business with help tips and training from

Enterprise Wide Risk Management Consulting

Enterprise-wide risk management encompasses an effective enterprise-wide risk assessment process. Realise the importance of enterprise wide risk management for your business performance. Use enterprise wide risk assessment principles practices and processes to set strategic operational and project objectives and embed to ensure objectives are delivered. Tap into enterprise wide risk management consulting services.

Are you wasting the resources you already have? Could your business be more productive? Does your business operate as individuals not a team? Do your business functions operate to achieve their own aims not business goals? Why are you not reaching more new customers with your great business?


Bring key employees and external experts together to identify threats and opportunities for growth. Analyse and assess critical risks that impact on your business objectives. Implement holistic enterprise wide actions to manage top enterprise risks better. Access your guide to enterprise wide risk assessment for your business.

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Business Risk Assessment
Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

Our enterprise wide risk assessment training and consultancy services help you to develop your own risk management capability. The aim is to boost your business performance with less uncertainty.

Match your enterprise wide risk management approach to your attitude to risk and enterprise culture. Deal with external and internal enterprise threats more consistently and cost effectively. Identify and evaluate best opportunities for business development.

Build a stronger enterprise wide risk management framework for your business to assess top risks that need to be managed if you are to achieve enhanced business success with more confidence.

Managing risk in business made easier with BusinessRiskTV enterprise wide risk management guidance training and tips

Enterprise Wide Risk Management Consulting Services

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Get help from enterprise risk management experts to implement a better enterprise wide risk management system and risk assessment process.

Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment

Enterprise-wide risk assessment template
Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment Matrix

An enterprise wide risk assessment will enable you to focus your limited business resources

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Enterprise-wide Risk Assessments

Proven Steps to Mitigating Business Risks: A UK Business Leader’s Guide to Conducting an Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment

An enterprise-wide risk assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of all types of risks that a business may face. This includes risks related to operations, financials, legal, regulatory, and reputational issues. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, businesses can identify potential threats and vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to mitigate or prevent them.

The first step in conducting an enterprise-wide risk assessment is to identify all areas of the business that are at risk. This includes both internal and external risks, such as supply chain disruptions, data breaches, and economic downturns. Once all areas of risk have been identified, the next step is to assess the likelihood and potential impact of each risk. This will help businesses prioritise which risks need to be addressed first.

Once the risks have been identified and prioritised, businesses can develop a risk management plan. This plan should include specific actions to mitigate or prevent each risk, as well as procedures to respond to and recover from a risk event. The plan should also include monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure that the plan is being implemented effectively.

In addition to the risk management plan, businesses should also consider implementing a risk management programme. This programme should include regular training for employees on risk management and incident response, as well as regular reviews of the risk management plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

In conclusion, an enterprise-wide risk assessment is a critical tool for businesses to identify and manage potential threats and vulnerabilities. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, prioritising risks, and implementing a risk management plan, businesses can take proactive measures to mitigate or prevent risks and ensure their long-term success.

1Identify RisksIdentify all areas of the business that are at risk, including internal and external risks.
2Assess Likelihood and ImpactAssess the likelihood and potential impact of each identified risk.
3Prioritise RisksPrioritise identified risks based on likelihood and impact.
4Develop Risk Management PlanDevelop a risk management plan that includes specific actions to mitigate or prevent each risk, as well as procedures to respond to and recover from a risk event.
5Implement and Monitor Risk Management Programme Implement a risk management programme that includes regular training for employees on risk management and incident response, and regular reviews of the risk management plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.
5-step enterprise-wide risk assessment template

Note: The above table is just an example of a risk assessment template, it may not be sufficient to cover all risks and it’s important to consult professional and include all stakeholders involved.

Enterprise Risk Management Magazine
Proven Steps to Mitigating Business Risks: A UK Business Leader’s Guide to Conducting an Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment

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Your guide to enterprise wide risk assessment for your business

Turning business adversity into success

Building a stronger more resilient business with

Adversity is the mother of invention. Adversity and success have a close working relationship. However it does not have to be your business that suffers the business adversity. A strong business has a developed and tested business continuity plan BCP. The BCP will not only help you to maintain your business to survive adversity but it will help you identify ways to bring forward business improvements or seize new business opportunities.

Covid19 Business Resilience

Thinking More Creatively With BusinessRiskTV
Thinking More Creatively With BusinessRiskTV

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Why is adversity important?

Necessity is the mother of invention. If you have to find a new solution for your business you will find it. Human beings are very clever. Much more intelligent than we realise. However adversity can unveil otherwise hidden abilities to do things better than before adversity hit.

Entrepreneurs and business leaders who overcome adversity

Top entrepreneurs and business leaders quickly identify and exploit opportunities from adversity. The adversity suffered maybe that of your competitors rather than your own business.

Sometimes benefiting from adversity comes from increased demand. Private jet hire cannot cope with current demand due to the coronavirus or Covid19. Thousands of people have died and many tens of thousands have been infected most in China. Commercial airlines like British Airways stopped flying into or out of China due to coronavirus outbreak. Many cannot or do not want to book a flight out of China. Many do not want to fly anywhere with other people they do not know. The result for private jet hire companies is more demand than they can supply. This will boost private jet hire revenue and profit.

The opportunity to grow from adversity is mainly about the change of demand potentially with a reduction in supply. Sometimes profiting from adversity just comes from a reduction in supply. The collapse of a business in your industry may mean you then have the opportunity to sell more and sell more profitably. Thomas Cook holiday and travel business collapsed in September 2019. Many people lost their jobs but many were subsequently taken on by Hays Travel who massively expanded their business within just a few months. TUI travel business had its best month in January 2020. Other holiday and travel related businesses have massively grown on the back of the collapse of Thomas Cook.

The key is to protect your business with a business continuity plan and to be dynamic enough to be prepared to capitalise on potential shifts for demand for your type of business. This includes being very clear on where you want your business to be in x years time and how you could get there. If you know where you are going you can perhaps more easily bring forward your business development plans in the event of a significant risk event not affecting your business directly.

How to overcome adversity with BusinessRiskTV

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Your guide to project risk management

Plan a better project risk management process with

Identify and manage project risks better

Want to make your project a success with less uncertainty? Discover risk analysis techniques in project risk management. Develop a new project risk assessment process. Manage project risks better.

Minimise any potential project problems that may negatively impact a projects timetable or end outcome. Control uncertainty impacting on the people process or assets used in the project. Assess the likelihood of risk events occurring and the size of the impact on the project development and completion date.

Ensure you are able to respond to risk events. Achieve project goals with more confidence. Be prepared for all key risks which may have an impact on project goals.

Project Risks Management Steps

Project risks management and 5 steps to improving project risk management

Mastering Project Risk Management: 5 Essential Steps to Ensure Project Success

Project risk management is an essential aspect of any project management plan. A risk can be defined as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, will have a positive or negative impact on the project’s objectives. Risk management involves identifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and developing strategies to mitigate or avoid them. Proper project risk management helps to minimise the likelihood of negative impacts and improve the chances of project success. In this article, we will discuss project risk management and suggest five steps to improving project risk management.

The Importance of Project Risk Management

Project risk management is critical to the success of any project. By identifying and addressing potential risks early on in the project life cycle, project managers can reduce the likelihood of negative impacts on the project’s objectives. Effective risk management enables project teams to anticipate potential issues and take steps to mitigate or avoid them before they occur. This results in improved project outcomes, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and reduced costs associated with resolving unforeseen issues.

Steps to Improving Project Risk Management

  1. Develop a Risk Management Plan

The first step to improving project risk management is to develop a comprehensive risk management plan. This plan should outline the risk management process, including risk identification, assessment, and response strategies. It should also establish roles and responsibilities for the project team, identify risk thresholds, and establish a process for monitoring and controlling risks throughout the project life cycle.

  1. Identify Risks Early

Effective risk management requires identifying risks early in the project life cycle. The earlier risks are identified, the easier it is to develop strategies to mitigate or avoid them. Project managers should encourage team members to identify risks as early as possible and provide a process for reporting potential risks. This can include risk identification workshops, regular risk reviews, and ongoing risk assessments throughout the project life cycle.

  1. Assess Risks Objectively

Risk assessment is a critical component of project risk management. Project managers should assess risks objectively, taking into account their likelihood and impact on the project’s objectives. This can include using tools such as risk matrices or probability-impact assessments to prioritise risks based on their likelihood and impact. Objective risk assessment helps project teams to focus their efforts on the most significant risks, reducing the likelihood of negative impacts on the project’s objectives.

  1. Develop Effective Risk Response Strategies

Once risks have been identified and assessed, project teams should develop effective risk response strategies. This can include developing contingency plans, implementing risk avoidance strategies, or transferring risk to third-party vendors or insurance providers. The effectiveness of risk response strategies should be regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary throughout the project life cycle.

  1. Monitor and Control Risks

Finally, project managers should establish a process for monitoring and controlling risks throughout the project life cycle. This includes regularly reviewing risk status, tracking risk response strategies, and updating risk management plans as necessary. Project teams should also establish a process for reporting new risks as they arise and adjust risk management plans accordingly.

Project risk management is an essential aspect of any project management plan. By identifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and developing strategies to mitigate or avoid them, project managers can improve the chances of project success. To improve project risk management, project managers should develop a comprehensive risk management plan, identify risks early, assess risks objectively, develop effective risk response strategies, and monitor and control risks throughout the project life cycle. With proper risk management, project teams can reduce the likelihood of negative impacts and improve the chances of project success.

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Travelling to work is worst part of most peoples job in UK

Secure the benefits and avoid the pitfalls of 4th Industrial Revolution with

Most peoples pet hate in UK. Improving work life balance is one reason the UK government should invest heavily in transport infrastructure. Improved UK productivity is another. If people could rely on the infrastructure they need to get to work efficiently they could work more and work better. In addition business travel would become more cost effective easier and better.

The most important infrastructure for the UK government to invest in is 5G. Having access to 5G will transform most UK businesses for the better. It will also disseminate wealth across the whole of the UK not just its major cities and large towns. Furthermore fewer people will need to communicate anywhere which will take pressure off of other types of infrastructure like air rail and road.

New businesses will startup all over the UK and new innovative products or services will start or at least be improved.

The 4th Industrial Revolution In The UK Is Dependent On Old Style Infrastructure and New Technology Infrastructure Upgrades

4th Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review
Fourth Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review. CLICK HERE to find out how to benefit from the 4th Industrial Revolution In UK or email enter code #4thIndustrialRevolution

The country that invests to take advantage of the 4th Industrial Revolution will create significant wealth for their businesses and for their society.

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UK coronavirus recovery requires us to be brave and borrow even more when money is so cheap to invest in our future tomorrow to benefit us today
UK coronavirus recovery requires us to be brave and borrow even more when money is so cheap to invest in our future tomorrow to benefit us today
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Enterprise risk management training courses and business solutions

Enterprise risk management theory and practice

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Objectives of Enterprise Risk Management ERM

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Enterprise risk management theory and practice is an holistic approach to business decision making. It is designed to make the best use of business resources.

  • Achieve enterprise objectives more easily and cost effectively by reducing the impact of uncertainty.
  • Improve business decision making when looking at business strategy operational management and project management.
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Learn strategies to develop collaboration with enterprise risk management development within your business. Create an efficient risk management framework and risk assessment process you can communicate clearly to all employees to embed ERM more effectively.

Enterprise risk management creates value for all stakeholders in the enterprise including customers employees management team and owners.

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Guide To Enterprise Risk Management

In today’s dynamic and interconnected business landscape, managing risks has become an essential aspect of successful enterprise management. Organisations face a wide range of risks, including financial, operational, strategic, and reputational risks, which can significantly impact their ability to achieve objectives and thrive in a competitive environment. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a comprehensive framework and process for identifying, assessing, and mitigating these risks to ensure sustainable growth and resilience. This article serves as a guide to understanding and implementing ERM within organisations.

  1. Understanding Enterprise Risk Management:

Enterprise Risk Management is a strategic approach that enables organisations to proactively identify, assess, and manage risks across all levels and functions. It involves the systematic integration of risk management practices into an organisation’s decision-making processes, governance structure, and operations. ERM goes beyond traditional risk management, which often focuses on isolated risks, by considering the interdependencies and cumulative effects of risks on an enterprise-wide basis.

  1. Key Components of Enterprise Risk Management:

a. Risk Identification: The first step in ERM is identifying and cataloging all potential risks that may affect the organisation. This involves gathering information from various sources, including internal stakeholders, external experts, industry reports, and historical data. The goal is to create a comprehensive risk register that captures both known and emerging risks.

b. Risk Assessment: Once risks are identified, they need to be assessed in terms of their likelihood of occurrence and potential impact. This step involves qualitative and quantitative analysis to prioritise risks based on their significance. Risk assessment techniques may include scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, and probabilistic modeling.

c. Risk Mitigation: After assessing risks, organisations develop risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood or impact of identified risks. These strategies may involve implementing controls, transferring risks through insurance or contracts, accepting risks within predetermined tolerance levels, or avoiding risks altogether by changing business practices or diversifying operations.

d. Risk Monitoring and Reporting: ERM is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring of risks to ensure their effectiveness. Organisations should establish clear risk indicators and thresholds to detect changes in risk levels and trigger appropriate actions. Regular reporting on risk exposures, mitigation efforts, and performance against risk objectives is essential to keep stakeholders informed and accountable.

e. Risk Culture and Communication: ERM is most effective when risk management becomes an integral part of an organisation’s culture. This involves fostering a risk-aware mindset among employees, encouraging open communication about risks, and embedding risk management practices in daily operations. Effective communication channels should be established to facilitate the flow of risk-related information across all levels of the organisation.

  1. Benefits of Enterprise Risk Management:

Implementing ERM brings several benefits to organisations:

a. Improved Decision Making: ERM provides decision-makers with a holistic view of risks, enabling them to make informed choices that align with the organisation’s risk appetite and strategic objectives. By considering risk factors, organisations can avoid costly mistakes and capitalise on opportunities.

b. Enhanced Resilience: ERM helps organisations become more resilient in the face of uncertainties and disruptions. By systematically managing risks, organisations can better anticipate and respond to potential threats, minimising their negative impact and quickly recovering from adverse events.

c. Competitive Advantage: Effective ERM enables organisations to differentiate themselves by demonstrating strong risk management practices to customers, investors, and regulators. This can enhance their reputation, attract new business opportunities, and improve access to capital.

d. Regulatory Compliance: ERM assists organisations in complying with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. By proactively managing risks, organisations can identify compliance gaps and take corrective actions to avoid penalties and reputational damage.

e. Cost Optimization: ERM helps organisations optimise resource allocation by identifying areas of inefficiency, waste, or excessive risk-taking. By streamlining processes, eliminating redundancies, and aligning risk management efforts, organisations can reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.

  1. Implementing Enterprise Risk Management:

To successfully implement ERM, organisations should consider the following steps:

a. Leadership Commitment: Senior management should demonstrate a strong commitment to ERM and actively champion its adoption throughout the organisation. This includes allocating resources, defining roles and responsibilities, and fostering a risk-aware culture.

b. Risk Governance: Establish a clear governance structure for ERM, with defined roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines. Designate a risk officer or risk management team to oversee the ERM process and ensure its integration into decision-making at all levels.

c. Risk Framework: Develop a risk management framework tailored to the organisation’s specific needs and industry context. This framework should outline the key components of ERM, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, monitoring, and reporting.

d. Risk Assessment and Prioritisation: Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify and prioritise risks based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This assessment should involve input from relevant stakeholders and utilise appropriate risk analysis techniques.

e. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Develop and implement risk mitigation strategies that align with the organisation’s risk appetite and strategic objectives. These strategies should be tailored to address specific risks and may involve a combination of controls, risk transfer mechanisms, and process improvements.

f. Integration with Business Processes: Embed risk management practices into existing business processes and decision-making frameworks. This includes integrating risk considerations into strategic planning, project management, performance evaluation, and budgeting processes.

g. Training and Awareness: Provide training and awareness programs to educate employees about ERM principles, methodologies, and their role in managing risks. Foster a culture of risk awareness, where employees are encouraged to report and escalate potential risks.

h. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Establish a system for ongoing risk monitoring and reporting. Regularly review and update the risk register, assess the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures, and identify emerging risks. Continuously improve the ERM process based on lessons learned and feedback from stakeholders.

  1. Overcoming Challenges in Enterprise Risk Management:

Implementing ERM can present challenges, but organisations can overcome them with proper planning and execution:

a. Organisational Silos: ERM requires collaboration and information sharing across different functions and departments. Breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional communication is essential for effective risk management.

b. Resistance to Change: Resistance to change can hinder the adoption of ERM. Organisations should invest in change management efforts, addressing concerns, and providing training and support to employees.

c. Data and Information Management: ERM relies on accurate and timely data and information. Organisations should establish robust data management systems, ensure data integrity, and leverage technology solutions for data collection, analysis, and reporting.

d. Risk Appetite Alignment: Aligning risk appetite across the organisation can be challenging. Clear communication and dialogue between senior management and relevant stakeholders are crucial to establish a shared understanding of risk tolerance and strategic objectives.

e. Evolving Risk Landscape: The risk landscape is continuously evolving, with new risks emerging and existing risks evolving. Organisations should stay updated on industry trends, regulatory changes, and emerging risks to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of their ERM practices.

Enterprise Risk Management is a strategic imperative for organizations to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of the modern business environment. By adopting a comprehensive ERM framework, organisations can proactively identify, assess, and mitigate risks, enabling them to make informed decisions, enhance resilience, and gain a competitive advantage. Successful implementation of ERM requires leadership commitment, a robust governance structure, integration with business processes, and a risk-aware culture. Overcoming challenges and continuously improving the ERM process will contribute to long-term success and sustainability in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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Identify potential risk events that could be damaging and develop strategies to mitigate them

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Risk events can destroy a business strategy. Best laid plans … Managing business risks is crucial to maximise business performance. How do you identify and mitigate strategic operational and project risks?

How To Manage Risk In Business

Taking The Leap To Greater Business Success

Take The Leap Into Your Future Business Success With More Confidence

Analyse the risk so you can decide on its importance in relation to your business objectives.

Prioritise your available business resources to tackle the key business risks for the best return on your risk management time and money.

Assign responsibility for each key risk to your senior management team members. If no one is going to be held account for failure to manage key risks then there will be insufficient consideration of the risk.

Monitor and review your key business risks and effectiveness of associated risk management measures. If the net risk rises then you may need to make changes to you risk management plan. If the net risk reduces you may assign less management time to controlling it but still allocate responsibility for controlling the risk to a key senior management team member.

Risk Identification

Identify potential problems that could cause your business trouble. The business risk can be an event or it can be a condition like changing business environment.

Analysing Your Business Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT

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Risk Mitigation

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Design a risk mitigation plan eliminate or minimise the impact of the risk on your business objectives. After evaluating the risk pick a risk mitigation strategy that avoids reduces or transfers the risk. Alternatively accept the risk as part and parcel of achieving business objectives.

Select and commit business resources required for specific risk mitigation strategies.


Seek out guidance on how to identify the risks your business may face. Understand how to respond to risk events. Put new risk management systems in place to deal with the risks cost effectively.

Learn how to develop a risk management plan to protect your business. Find ways to minimise business risks with a new risk management strategy and approach for managing.

Reduce not only the likelihood of an event occurring but also the potential impact. Make sure you also consider the opportunities to grow your business when determining how best to manage risks.

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Global Strategic Risks: What Businesses Need to Know

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, businesses are not just affected by risks within their own industry or country, but also by global strategic risks that can have far-reaching consequences. These risks can arise from geopolitical, economic, technological, environmental, and societal factors, and can impact businesses in a multitude of ways, from supply chain disruptions to reputational damage.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most significant global strategic risks facing businesses today, and discuss how businesses can prepare themselves to mitigate these risks and remain resilient in the face of uncertainty.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical risks refer to risks that arise from political factors and can have an impact on businesses operating in a particular region or globally. These risks can arise from changes in government policies, political instability, geopolitical tensions, and trade disputes, among other factors.

One of the most significant geopolitical risks currently facing businesses is the rise of economic nationalism and protectionism. In recent years, we have seen a trend towards governments implementing policies to protect domestic industries and workers, which can lead to increased tariffs, trade barriers, and restrictions on foreign investment. These policies can have a significant impact on businesses that rely on international trade and investment, particularly those in the manufacturing and services sectors.

Another geopolitical risk is the increasing geopolitical tensions between major powers such as the US, China, and Russia. These tensions can lead to increased military spending, arms races, and regional conflicts, which can disrupt global supply chains and cause economic uncertainty.

Businesses need to be aware of geopolitical risks and prepare themselves to mitigate their impact. This can involve diversifying supply chains, developing contingency plans, and monitoring political developments in the regions in which they operate.

Economic Risks

Economic risks refer to risks that arise from changes in the global economy and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from changes in consumer demand to fluctuations in commodity prices. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in interest rates, inflation, and exchange rates.

One of the most significant economic risks currently facing businesses is the threat of a global economic recession. While the global economy has experienced a period of sustained growth in recent years, there are concerns that this growth may be slowing, and that a recession could be on the horizon. A global recession could have significant impacts on businesses, particularly those in the retail and hospitality sectors.

Another economic risk is the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace. While these technologies have the potential to increase efficiency and productivity, they can also lead to job losses and a shift in the nature of work. Businesses need to be aware of these trends and prepare themselves to adapt to changing economic conditions.

To mitigate economic risks, businesses can take a range of actions, including diversifying their revenue streams, investing in innovation and technology, and maintaining a strong financial position.

Technological Risks

Technological risks refer to risks that arise from changes in technology and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from cyber threats to disruptions caused by new technologies. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in consumer behaviour, advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, and the increasing use of data analytics.

One of the most significant technological risks currently facing businesses is the threat of cyber attacks. Cyber attacks can have a significant impact on businesses, from the theft of sensitive data to disruptions in business operations. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by cyber attacks and take steps to protect themselves, such as implementing robust cybersecurity measures and regularly reviewing their security protocols.

Another technological risk is the increasing use of automation and robotics in the workplace. While these technologies can increase efficiency and productivity, they can also lead to job losses and a shift in the nature of work. Businesses need to be aware of these trends and prepare themselves to adapt to changing technological conditions.

To mitigate technological risks, businesses can invest in cybersecurity measures, regularly review their technology infrastructure, and adopt a culture of innovation and adaptation.

Environmental Risks

Environmental risks refer to risks that arise from changes in the natural environment and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from supply chain disruptions to regulatory changes. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including climate change, natural disasters, and resource depletion.

One of the most significant environmental risks currently facing businesses is the impact of climate change. Climate change can lead to increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, as well as changes in weather patterns that can disrupt supply chains and business operations. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by climate change and take steps to reduce their environmental footprint, such as investing in renewable energy and reducing waste.

Another environmental risk is the depletion of natural resources, such as water and minerals. Businesses that rely on these resources need to be aware of the risks posed by resource depletion and take steps to diversify their supply chains and reduce their reliance on finite resources.

To mitigate environmental risks, businesses can invest in sustainable practices, reduce waste, and adopt a culture of environmental responsibility.

Societal Risks

Societal risks refer to risks that arise from changes in society and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from changes in consumer behavior to reputational damage. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in demographics, shifts in cultural values, and changes in consumer preferences.

One of the most significant societal risks currently facing businesses is the rise of social media and online activism. Social media can amplify negative feedback and criticisms of businesses, leading to reputational damage and decreased consumer trust. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by social media and take steps to manage their online reputation and respond to criticisms in a timely and effective manner.

Another societal risk is the increasing focus on social and environmental responsibility. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on society and the environment, and are demanding that businesses act responsibly. Businesses that fail to meet these expectations risk losing consumer trust and damaging their reputation.

To mitigate societal risks, businesses can invest in social and environmental responsibility practices, regularly monitor their online reputation, and respond to criticisms in a transparent and accountable manner.

Businesses today face a range of global strategic risks that can have far-reaching consequences. These risks can arise from geopolitical, economic, technological, environmental, and societal factors, and can impact businesses in a variety of ways. To remain resilient in the face of uncertainty, businesses need to be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate their impact. This can involve diversifying supply chains, investing in innovation and technology, reducing environmental impact, and adopting a culture of social and environmental responsibility. By taking a proactive approach to risk management, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly uncertain world.

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Your guide to supply chain risk management

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How Do You Manage Supply Chain Risks

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Supply Chain Risk Management

The importance of supply chain risks management and examples of supply chain risk controls

Supply chain risks refer to any potential disruptions or negative impacts on the supply chain that could impact an organisation’s ability to meet customer demand and/or fulfill their own business objectives. These risks can arise from a wide range of factors, such as natural disasters, geopolitical instability, economic volatility, supplier bankruptcy, and cyber threats. The importance of supply chain risk management cannot be overstated as it enables organisations to mitigate or avoid the negative impacts of these risks and maintain business continuity.

Effective supply chain risk management involves identifying potential risks and implementing strategies to minimise or eliminate them. Organisations need to assess the likelihood and impact of different types of supply chain risks and develop contingency plans to respond to disruptions. They also need to establish processes for monitoring their supply chain and identifying potential risks in real-time so that they can take immediate action to minimise their impact.

One of the most significant benefits of supply chain risk management is that it enables organisations to maintain their customer service levels and meet their business objectives. When supply chain disruptions occur, they can result in delays, product shortages, and quality issues that can negatively impact customer satisfaction and brand reputation. By proactively managing supply chain risks, organisations can minimise the likelihood of these disruptions occurring and ensure that they have the necessary resources and contingency plans in place to respond quickly and effectively.

Another benefit of supply chain risk management is that it enables organisations to reduce their overall supply chain costs. When supply chain disruptions occur, they can result in increased costs, such as rush orders, expedited transportation, and additional inventory holding costs. By managing supply chain risks, organisations can minimise these costs and optimise their supply chain operations to improve efficiency and reduce waste.

Here are some key supply chain risks that organisations need to be aware of, along with examples of supply chain risk controls:

Supply Chain RiskExamples of Risk Controls
Supplier bankruptcyDiversifying supplier base, conducting regular financial assessments of suppliers, establishing contingency plans to switch suppliers if necessary
Natural disastersDeveloping contingency plans for alternate transportation routes, stockpiling inventory in multiple locations, establishing communication channels with suppliers and logistics partners
Geopolitical instabilityDiversifying supplier base across different regions, monitoring political and economic developments in key regions, establishing contingency plans for political unrest
Cyber threatsImplementing cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor authentication, conducting regular cybersecurity audits, establishing incident response plans

In conclusion, supply chain risk management is a critical aspect of modern business operations that can help organisations maintain business continuity, meet customer demand, and optimise their supply chain operations. By identifying potential risks, developing contingency plans, and establishing effective monitoring processes, organisations can minimise the impact of supply chain disruptions and maintain a competitive edge in today’s global marketplace.

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Is There a Demand for Risk Management Consultants?

In today’s increasingly complex and uncertain world, businesses of all sizes are under pressure to manage risk effectively. This has led to a growing demand for risk management consultants, who can help organisations identify, assess, and mitigate risks.

What Do Risk Management Consultants Do?

Risk management consultants typically have a background in business, finance, or statistics. They use their expertise to help organisations develop and implement risk management frameworks. This may involve identifying and assessing risks, developing risk mitigation strategies, and managing risk throughout the organisation.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Risk Management Consultant?

There are a number of benefits to hiring a risk management consultant. These include:

  • Expertise: Risk management consultants have the expertise and experience to help organisations identify, assess, and mitigate risks.
  • Objectivity: Risk management consultants can provide an objective view of an organisation’s risk profile. This can be helpful in identifying risks that may not be apparent to internal stakeholders.
  • Best practices: Risk management consultants can share best practices from other organisations. This can help organisations improve their risk management practices.
  • Improved compliance: Risk management consultants can help organisations improve their compliance with regulations.

Is There a Demand for Risk Management Consultants?

The demand for risk management consultants is growing. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • Increased complexity of business operations: Businesses are becoming more complex, which means that there are more risks to manage.
  • Increased regulatory requirements: Governments are imposing stricter regulations on businesses, which means that they need to improve their risk management practices.
  • Increased awareness of risk: Businesses are becoming more aware of the importance of managing risk. They are realising that risk can have a significant impact on their bottom line.

What Are the Skills Needed to Be a Risk Management Consultant?

The skills needed to be a risk management consultant vary depending on the specific role. However, some of the most important skills include:

  • Business acumen: Risk management consultants need to have a strong understanding of business operations. This will help them identify and assess risks that may impact the organisation.
  • Quantitative skills: Risk management consultants need to be able to analyse data and use statistical methods to assess risk.
  • Communication skills: Risk management consultants need to be able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Problem-solving skills: Risk management consultants need to be able to identify and solve problems.

How to Become a Risk Management Consultant

There are a number of ways to become a risk management consultant. Some people choose to earn a degree in risk management or a related field. Others gain experience in risk management by working in a business or government organisation. There are also a number of certification programs available for risk management professionals.

The Future of Risk Management Consulting

The future of risk management consulting is bright. The demand for risk management consultants is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. This is due to the increasing complexity of business operations, the increasing regulatory requirements, and the increasing awareness of risk.

If you are interested in a career in risk management consulting, there are a number of things you can do to prepare. First, you should gain experience in risk management by working in a business or government organisation. Second, you should earn a degree in risk management or a related field. Third, you should become certified as a risk management professional.

The field of risk management consulting is a dynamic and rewarding field. If you are interested in helping organisations manage risk, then a career in risk management consulting may be the right choice for you.

In addition to the above, here are some other factors that are driving the demand for risk management consultants:

  • The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters.
  • The growing threat of cyberattacks.
  • The increasing complexity of financial markets.
  • The globalisation of business.

As these and other risks continue to grow, the demand for risk management consultants is likely to remain strong.

What is the future of risk management consulting industry?

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10 Fundamentals Of Corporate Risk Management Guide

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organisations face numerous challenges and uncertainties that can impact their success. To navigate these complex waters, companies need to develop robust risk management strategies. Effective risk management enables businesses to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks, protecting their assets, reputation, and bottom line. In this comprehensive guide, BusinessRiskTV provides invaluable insights into corporate risk management, highlighting key principles, methodologies, and best practices to help organisations stay resilient and thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Understanding Risk Management
To effectively manage risks, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what risk management entails. Risk management is a proactive process that involves identifying, assessing, prioritising, and mitigating potential threats and opportunities that can impact an organisation’s objectives. By embracing risk management, businesses can make informed decisions, optimise opportunities, and protect themselves from potential harm.

The Importance of Risk Culture
Risk management is not solely the responsibility of a dedicated department but should be embedded within an organisation’s culture. Establishing a risk-aware culture ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of everyday operations. By fostering a culture that encourages open communication, accountability, and continuous learning, companies can create an environment where risks are identified, discussed, and managed effectively at all levels.

The Risk Management Process
A structured risk management process is crucial for systematic and effective risk mitigation. This section outlines the key steps involved in the risk management process:

a. Risk Identification: Identify potential risks that could impact the organisation’s objectives. This involves analysing internal and external factors, conducting risk assessments, and seeking input from various stakeholders.

b. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of identified risks. This step involves quantifying risks, considering their interdependencies, and prioritising them based on their significance.

c. Risk Mitigation: Develop strategies and action plans to manage and mitigate identified risks. This may involve implementing preventive measures, transferring risks through insurance, or creating contingency plans to minimise the potential impact.

d. Risk Monitoring and Review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of risk management strategies. Regular evaluations help identify emerging risks, reassess existing risks, and ensure the implemented measures remain relevant.

Types of Risks in Corporate Environments
Businesses face a wide range of risks across different aspects of their operations. Understanding these risks is essential for effective risk management. Here are some key types of risks commonly encountered in corporate environments:

a. Strategic Risks: Risks associated with the organisation’s strategic decisions, such as market volatility, changing consumer preferences, or technological disruptions.

b. Operational Risks: Risks arising from internal processes, systems, or human errors, including supply chain disruptions, equipment failures, or cybersecurity breaches.

c. Financial Risks: Risks related to financial management, including market fluctuations, liquidity issues, credit risks, or non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

d. Compliance Risks: Risks associated with non-compliance with laws, regulations, or industry standards, potentially leading to legal consequences, reputational damage, or financial penalties.

e. Reputational Risks: Risks that can harm an organization’s reputation, such as negative publicity, customer dissatisfaction, or unethical behaviour.

f. Environmental and Social Risks: Risks associated with environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and stakeholder expectations. These risks can include climate change impacts, community relations, or labour issues.

Risk Assessment Techniques
To effectively manage risks, organisations employ various techniques to assess and prioritise potential threats. Some commonly used risk assessment techniques include:

a. Qualitative Risk Assessment: Involves evaluating risks based on subjective criteria, such as likelihood and impact, using qualitative scales or matrices. This method provides a qualitative understanding of risks but does not involve precise numerical calculations.

b. Quantitative Risk Assessment: Utilises quantitative data and statistical analysis to assess risks. This involves assigning numerical values to likelihood and impact, calculating risk scores, and prioritising risks based on their quantitative measures. Techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis can be employed for more accurate assessments.

c. Scenario Analysis: Involves developing hypothetical scenarios to evaluate risks and their potential impacts. By exploring different scenarios, organisations can assess the likelihood and consequences of specific events or situations and develop appropriate risk response strategies.

d. SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis helps identify risks arising from internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats), allowing companies to develop targeted risk mitigation strategies.

e. Delphi Technique: A structured method that involves obtaining input from multiple experts or stakeholders anonymously. The experts provide their opinions on potential risks, and the responses are collated and analysed to identify areas of consensus and disagreement. This technique helps capture diverse perspectives and improve risk assessments.

Risk Mitigation Strategies
Once risks are identified and assessed, organisations need to develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies. Here are some common strategies employed in corporate risk management:

a. Risk Avoidance: Involves eliminating activities or situations that pose significant risks. This strategy may include discontinuing certain products or services, exiting high-risk markets, or terminating partnerships with unreliable entities.

b. Risk Reduction: Focuses on minimizing the likelihood or impact of risks. This can be achieved through implementing control measures, improving operational processes, enhancing security systems, or implementing redundancy plans.

c. Risk Transfer: Involves transferring the financial burden of risks to external parties. This can be done through insurance policies, contracts, or outsourcing certain activities to specialised service providers who assume responsibility for specific risks.

d. Risk Acceptance: Sometimes, organizations may choose to accept certain risks if the cost of mitigation outweighs the potential impact. However, even in such cases, organisations need to closely monitor and manage accepted risks to minimise adverse outcomes.

e. Risk Diversification: Spreading risks across different markets, products, or business lines can help reduce the concentration of risks. Diversification provides a buffer against the impact of specific risks and ensures that the organisation is not overly exposed to a single threat.

f. Crisis Management Planning: Developing robust crisis management plans enables organizations to respond effectively to unforeseen events. This involves outlining clear roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, and conducting regular drills to test the plan’s efficacy.

The Role of Technology in Risk Management
Technology plays a vital role in modern risk management practices. Innovative tools and technologies enable organisations to enhance their risk management processes in several ways:

a. Data Analytics: Advanced data analytics techniques allow organisations to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data. By analyzing historical and real-time data, organizations can identify patterns, detect emerging risks, and make informed decisions.

b. Risk Monitoring and Early Warning Systems: Real-time monitoring systems powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning can identify potential risks and alert organizations to take timely action. These systems provide early warnings, enabling proactive risk management.

c. Cybersecurity Measures: With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, robust cybersecurity measures are critical for protecting sensitive data and systems. Implementing firewalls, encryption techniques, and intrusion detection systems helps mitigate cybersecurity risks.

d. Automation and Robotics: Automation technologies streamline risk management processes, reducing human errors and improving efficiency. Robotic process automation (RPA) can handle repetitive tasks, data entry, and report generation, freeing up valuable human resources for more strategic risk management activities.

e. Cloud Computing: Cloud-based solutions provide organisations with secure storage, easy access to data, and enhanced collaboration capabilities. Cloud computing enables real-time data sharing, facilitates remote work, and improves business continuity in the event of a crisis.

f. Predictive Analytics: Predictive modeling techniques leverage historical data and algorithms to forecast future risks and trends. By analysing past patterns and behaviours, organisations can proactively identify potential risks and take preventive measures.

Integrated Risk Management
Integrated risk management (IRM) is an approach that combines all aspects of risk management into a unified framework. IRM breaks down silos and fosters collaboration among different risk management functions within an organization. By integrating various risk disciplines, such as operational risk, financial risk, and compliance risk, organisations can gain a comprehensive view of risks and their interdependencies.

IRM promotes a holistic understanding of risks, enabling organisations to make well-informed decisions that consider the broader impact on multiple areas of the business. It encourages a shared language and consistent methodologies for risk assessment, allowing for more effective communication and coordination.

Furthermore, IRM encourages the alignment of risk management with strategic objectives. By integrating risk considerations into strategic planning processes, organisations can identify and address risks that could hinder the achievement of their goals. This proactive approach ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of decision-making at all levels of the organisation.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation
Risk management is not a one-time exercise but an ongoing process. As the business landscape evolves, new risks emerge, and existing risks change in nature. Therefore, organisations must continuously review and adapt their risk management strategies to remain effective.

Regular risk assessments and monitoring mechanisms help identify emerging risks and allow for timely adjustments to risk mitigation strategies. Additionally, organisations should foster a culture of learning and improvement, encouraging employees to report near-misses, share lessons learned, and propose enhancements to existing risk management practices.

In today’s volatile business environment, effective corporate risk management is essential for organisations to survive and thrive. By understanding the principles, methodologies, and best practices outlined in this BusinessRiskTV Guide, businesses can develop robust risk management strategies that protect their assets, reputation, and bottom line.

Remember, risk management is a proactive and integrated process that requires a risk-aware culture, structured methodologies, and the effective use of technology. By identifying and assessing risks, developing appropriate mitigation strategies, and continuously monitoring and adapting, organizations can navigate uncertainties with confidence and seize opportunities for growth.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and make risk management a priority to ensure the long-term success of your organisation in an ever-changing business landscape.

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Smart Business Decision Making

How to practice smart business decision-making

Smart business decision making involves a combination of careful analysis, strategic thinking, and effective execution. Here are some tips to help you practice smart business decision making:

  1. Gather and analyse data: Before making any business decision, it’s important to gather and analyse relevant data. This might include market research, customer feedback, financial data, and other relevant information. Use this data to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks.
  2. Consider multiple options: When making a business decision, it’s important to consider multiple options. Don’t simply go with the first idea that comes to mind. Instead, brainstorm a variety of potential solutions and evaluate them based on their feasibility, potential benefits, and potential drawbacks.
  3. Evaluate the risks: Every business decision carries some level of risk. Before making a decision, it’s important to carefully evaluate the potential risks and consider how they can be mitigated or managed.
  4. Seek input from others: It can be helpful to seek input from others when making a business decision. This might include input from employees, stakeholders, or industry experts. Different perspectives can help you identify blind spots and make a more informed decision.
  5. Set goals and prioritise: When making a business decision, it’s important to consider your overall goals and priorities. Make sure your decision aligns with your long-term objectives and consider how it might impact other aspects of your business.
  6. Test and iterate: Once you’ve made a decision, test it out and evaluate the results. If it’s not working as expected, be prepared to iterate and make adjustments as needed.

Remember, smart business decision making involves a combination of analysis, creativity, and strategic thinking. By following these tips, you can make more informed decisions that are more likely to lead to success.

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Leveraging Business Intelligence for Improved Decision-Making and Performance

In today’s dynamic and data-driven business landscape, organisations face the constant challenge of extracting meaningful insights from the vast amount of information available. Business intelligence (BI) has emerged as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to harness their data and convert it into actionable intelligence. By leveraging BI technologies and practices, organizations can gain a competitive advantage, optimise operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive overall business growth. This article delves into the ways in which business intelligence helps businesses thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

One of the primary benefits of business intelligence is its ability to enable data-driven decision making. Organizations can utilise BI tools to collect, analyse, and visualise large volumes of data, helping them uncover valuable insights and patterns. This data-driven approach allows businesses to make informed decisions based on factual evidence rather than relying on intuition or guesswork. By accessing accurate and up-to-date information, organizations can mitigate risks, identify emerging trends, and capitalize on new opportunities.

  1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency

BI systems streamline and automate various processes, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency. By integrating data from different sources and departments, BI tools provide a holistic view of the organization’s performance. This comprehensive perspective enables businesses to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. For instance, BI dashboards can display key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time, facilitating quick assessment and adjustment of operations. With timely insights into performance metrics, businesses can optimise processes, allocate resources effectively, and streamline workflows to achieve greater productivity and profitability.

  1. Improved Customer Understanding

Understanding customers and their preferences is essential for any business aiming to succeed. Business intelligence solutions enable organisations to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and buying patterns. By analysing customer data, such as purchase history, browsing habits, and feedback, businesses can personalise their marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and tailor products and services to specific needs. This targeted approach not only boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty but also drives revenue growth and helps businesses stay ahead of their competitors.

  1. Competitive Advantage and Market Intelligence

BI tools provide organisations with an edge over their competitors by delivering crucial market intelligence. By monitoring market trends, analysing customer feedback, and tracking competitor activities, businesses can gain a deep understanding of their industry landscape. This knowledge empowers organisations to identify emerging trends, forecast market demands, and seize opportunities before their competitors. Moreover, BI enables businesses to benchmark their performance against industry standards, allowing them to identify areas where they excel and areas that require improvement. Armed with this competitive advantage, organisations can make informed strategic decisions and stay ahead in the market.

  1. Real-Time Reporting and Visualisation

Business intelligence systems offer real-time reporting and visualisation capabilities, which are invaluable in today’s fast-paced business environment. Through interactive dashboards, reports, and visualisations, organisations can monitor key metrics, track progress, and identify outliers or anomalies. Real-time insights enable timely interventions and corrective actions, preventing potential issues from escalating. The ability to visualise data in an easily digestible format also aids in communication and collaboration across different departments and levels of the organisation. By facilitating data-driven discussions, BI enhances cross-functional cooperation and alignment towards shared goals.

  1. Risk Mitigation and Predictive Analytics

Business intelligence helps organisations identify and mitigate risks proactively. By analysing historical data, patterns, and correlations, businesses can develop predictive models that anticipate potential risks or challenges. These models enable organisations to take preventive measures, mitigate risks, and optimise decision-making processes. For instance, in the financial industry, BI can help detect fraudulent activities by flagging suspicious transactions and patterns. By leveraging predictive analytics, businesses can minimise losses, ensure compliance with regulations, and maintain a secure and resilient operation.

  1. Streamlined Financial Analysis and Planning

Business intelligence tools greatly facilitate financial analysis and planning. By integrating financial data from various sources, organisations can gain a comprehensive view of their financial health, performance, and trends. BI systems enable businesses to generate accurate financial reports, conduct variance analysis, and perform budgeting and forecasting activities. With real-time access to financial information, businesses can make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, investment strategies, and cost optimization. This financial visibility and control empower organisations to improve profitability, manage cash flow effectively, and drive sustainable growth.

  1. Efficient Supply Chain Management

Effective supply chain management is crucial for businesses to meet customer demands, optimise inventory levels, and reduce costs. Business intelligence plays a vital role in enhancing supply chain management by providing insights into demand forecasting, inventory optimisation, and supplier performance. By analyzing historical data and market trends, organisations can accurately predict demand patterns and adjust their procurement and production processes accordingly. BI tools enable businesses to monitor inventory levels in real-time, ensuring that stock is neither excessive nor insufficient. Additionally, by tracking supplier performance and identifying bottlenecks, organizations can establish stronger relationships with reliable suppliers and drive supply chain efficiency.

  1. Improved Employee Performance and Engagement

Business intelligence also extends its benefits to human resources by enhancing employee performance and engagement. BI systems enable organisations to measure and track key HR metrics, such as employee turnover, performance evaluations, and training effectiveness. By analysing this data, organisations can identify areas for improvement, implement targeted training programs, and optimize talent management strategies. Moreover, BI tools provide employee dashboards and self-service portals, empowering individuals to access relevant data and monitor their own performance. This transparency and empowerment contribute to increased employee engagement, motivation, and productivity.

  1. Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

Compliance with regulations and reporting requirements is a critical aspect of running a business. Business intelligence helps organisations ensure compliance by providing accurate and timely data for regulatory reporting. BI systems can automate data collection, validation, and reporting processes, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring regulatory compliance. By centralising and standardising data, organisations can easily generate required reports and meet deadlines. BI tools also provide audit trails and data governance features, enabling businesses to maintain data integrity and transparency, which are essential for regulatory audits.

In the age of data-driven decision making, business intelligence has become a fundamental tool for organisations aiming to thrive in a competitive market. By leveraging BI technologies, businesses can transform raw data into actionable insights, facilitating data-driven decision making, and improving operational efficiency. From enhanced customer understanding to competitive advantage and market intelligence, business intelligence empowers organisations to make informed strategic decisions and drive business growth. With real-time reporting, predictive analytics, and streamlined financial analysis, organisations can mitigate risks, optimize resources, and capitalise on opportunities. Moreover, business intelligence fosters collaboration, engages employees, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. As businesses continue to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape, harnessing the power of business intelligence becomes increasingly essential for sustained success.

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