Fixing Common Business Problems

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Fixing Common Business Problems

Fixing a business can be a daunting task, but it is not impossible. A business can face various challenges, from declining sales to poor employee morale, and if these issues are not addressed in a timely manner, they can lead to the failure of the business.

However, before we dive into the process of fixing a business, it’s essential to understand what exactly needs to be fixed. Here are some of the common problems that businesses face:

Declining Sales: This is one of the most common problems that businesses face. If sales are declining, it means that the company is not generating enough revenue to sustain its operations. This could be due to various reasons, including increased competition, changes in consumer preferences, or economic downturns.

Poor Employee Morale: Employee morale plays a crucial role in the success of a business. If employees are not motivated or engaged, it can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and high turnover rates. This could be due to poor management, inadequate training, or a toxic work environment.

Inefficient Processes: If a business is using outdated or inefficient processes, it can lead to increased costs and decreased productivity. This could be due to lack of automation, poor communication, or inadequate training.

Cash Flow Problems: Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. If a business is facing cash flow problems, it means that it’s not generating enough revenue to cover its expenses. This could be due to slow-paying customers, excessive debt, or poor financial management.

Lack of Innovation: Innovation is essential for the long-term success of any business. If a business is not innovating, it can lead to stagnation and decreased competitiveness. This could be due to a lack of investment in research and development, or a failure to keep up with changing market trends.

Once you have identified the problem, the next step is to develop a plan to fix it. Here are some steps that businesses can take to address these common problems:

Conduct a SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. By conducting a SWOT analysis, businesses can identify their areas of strength and weakness and develop a plan to address them.

Set Goals and Objectives: Once the weaknesses have been identified, it’s essential to set specific goals and objectives for addressing them. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Develop an Action Plan: An action plan is a detailed plan that outlines the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goals and objectives. The action plan should include timelines, responsibilities, and resources needed to achieve the goals.

Invest in Training and Development: In many cases, poor employee morale and inefficient processes can be attributed to a lack of training and development. By investing in training and development, businesses can improve employee skills and productivity.

Review and Improve Financial Management: Cash flow problems are often the result of poor financial management. Businesses can address this by reviewing their financial management processes and implementing improvements such as better invoicing practices or more frequent financial reporting.

Embrace Innovation: Innovation is essential for the long-term success of any business. By embracing innovation, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and meet the changing needs of their customers.

Seek Professional Help: In some cases, businesses may need to seek professional help to address their problems. This could include hiring a consultant or seeking advice from industry experts.

While these steps are not exhaustive, they provide a useful framework for fixing a business. Let’s look at some specific examples of how these steps can be applied to common business problems:

Example 1: Fixing Declining Sales

Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the factors contributing to declining sales. This could include increased competition, changes in consumer preferences, or economic downturns.

Set specific goals and objectives for addressing the factors identified in the SWOT analysis. For example, if increased competition is identified as a factor, a goal could be to increase market share by a certain percentage.

Develop an action plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve the goals and objectives. This could include increasing marketing and advertising efforts, improving product quality, or expanding into new markets.

Invest in training and development for sales staff to improve their skills and productivity.

Review and improve financial management practices to ensure that revenue is being generated and expenses are being controlled.

Embrace innovation by introducing new products or services that meet the changing needs of customers.

Seek professional help if necessary, such as hiring a consultant or seeking advice from industry experts.

Example 2: Fixing Poor Employee Morale

Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the factors contributing to poor employee morale. This could include poor management, inadequate training, or a toxic work environment.

Set specific goals and objectives for addressing the factors identified in the SWOT analysis. For example, a goal could be to improve employee engagement by a certain percentage.

Develop an action plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve the goals and objectives. This could include improving communication between management and employees, increasing training and development opportunities, or addressing any issues with the work environment.

Invest in training and development for employees to improve their skills and productivity.

Review and improve financial management practices to ensure that employees are being compensated fairly and that benefits are competitive.

Embrace innovation by introducing new programs or initiatives that improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Seek professional help if necessary, such as hiring a consultant or seeking advice from industry experts.

Fixing a business is not an easy task, but it is essential for the long-term success of any organisation. By identifying the factors contributing to common business problems such as declining sales, poor employee morale, inefficient processes, cash flow problems, and lack of innovation, businesses can develop a plan to address them.

The steps involved in fixing a business include conducting a SWOT analysis, setting specific goals and objectives, developing an action plan, investing in training and development, reviewing and improving financial management practices, embracing innovation, and seeking professional help if necessary.

By taking these steps, businesses can improve their chances of success and achieve their goals. It’s important to remember that fixing a business is a continuous process, and it requires ongoing effort and dedication. But with the right approach, any business can overcome its challenges and thrive in today’s competitive environment.

In addition to the steps outlined above, there are a few other key factors to keep in mind when fixing a business:

Communication is key. Make sure everyone in the organisation is aware of the plan to fix the business and their role in it. Encourage feedback and suggestions from employees to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Focus on the customer. Ultimately, the success of any business depends on its ability to meet the needs of its customers. Make sure that any changes or improvements being made are geared towards improving the customer experience.

Stay flexible. As the business environment changes, so too will the challenges facing your business. Stay flexible and be prepared to adapt your plan as needed to address new challenges.

Celebrate successes. Fixing a business is hard work, and it’s important to celebrate the successes along the way. This can help to build momentum and maintain morale as the organisation continues to move forward.

Fixing a business is a challenging but essential task that requires a combination of analysis, planning, and action. By identifying the factors contributing to common business problems and taking concrete steps to address them, businesses can improve their chances of success and achieve their goals. Remember to stay focused on the customer, communicate effectively, and stay flexible in the face of new challenges. With these key principles in mind, any business can overcome its challenges and thrive in today’s competitive environment.

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Fixing Common Business Problems

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We learn from our mistakes. We learn more from failure than from our successes. They don’t always have to be our own mistakes. Sure, learn from your own mistakes but also learn from other business leader mistakes. To boost your business success also learn from the successes, skills and experiences of other business leaders.

  • How are decisions made in your business?
  • Do you involve everyone in the decision-making process to ensure you use every last drop of good and bad experiences to improve your business?
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What should you be worried about as business leader in 2023?

The things business leaders should be worried about if you want to really be successful in business

Here are some things business leaders should have in mind when deciding where to deploy finite money time and energy:

  1. Market trends and competition: Keeping an eye on market trends and understanding the competitive landscape can help business leaders make informed decisions about the direction of their company.
  2. Customer needs and satisfaction: Understanding and meeting the needs of customers is critical for any business. This can involve gathering feedback, analysing customer data, and continuously improving products and services to meet changing customer needs.
  3. Financial performance and sustainability: Business leaders should be mindful of the financial health of their company and strive to achieve profitability and financial stability. This may involve setting financial goals, monitoring financial metrics, and making strategic financial decisions.
  4. Employee satisfaction and retention: Happy and engaged employees can drive business success, so it is important for business leaders to prioritise employee well-being and create a positive work culture. This can involve offering competitive benefits, promoting professional development, and fostering a positive engaging work environment.
  5. Legal and regulatory compliance: Businesses must operate within the bounds of the law and adhere to any relevant regulations. This can involve ensuring that business practices and processes are compliant with laws and regulations, and staying up to date on any changes to legal or regulatory requirements.
  6. Innovation and growth: Business leaders should be proactive in seeking out opportunities for growth and innovation. This can involve developing new products or services, entering new markets, and finding ways to differentiate the business from competitors.

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Fix My Business Problems

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How can you solve the business problems holding your business back

  • Identify and clearly define the threats and opportunities impacting on your business objectives. When you understand the issues that could impact on your business you can focus your money and time on the things that matter to your business success or failure.
  • Pursue the opportunities most likely to help you achieve your business objectives.
  • Adopt a risk management process which will help you make better business decisions by reducing uncertainty.
  • Evaluate the solutions to your most important business issues to maximise the return on your investment of time Nd money.
  • Prioritise your risk management actions to maximise your business protection and seize new business opportunities quicker.

What are common business problems

  • Uncertainty is not managed cost effectively. Either too much or too little risk is taken in pursuit of business success.
  • Poor financial management can lead to wasted money reducing chance of success or increasing risk of failure.
  • Failure to monitor business progress or lack of progress. Know your key performance indicators and monitor them regularly to enable you to take early corrective action. Even the best business plans fail a little when put into practice.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of your business. Failure to comply can impact on you personally.
  • Failing to call upon the best people to help you achieve your business objectives could mean your amazing business ideas fail, not because you were mistaken, but due to failure to implement your business plans in best way.
  • Failing to gather risk information to help you make best business decisions at the right time.
  • Failing to use best tools plant and equipment may mean you just can’t compete with your competitors cost effectively to survive in business.

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  • Prioritise the things that are most important not what is urgent.
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Smart Business Decision Making

How to practice smart business decision-making

Smart business decision making involves a combination of careful analysis, strategic thinking, and effective execution. Here are some tips to help you practice smart business decision making:

  1. Gather and analyse data: Before making any business decision, it’s important to gather and analyse relevant data. This might include market research, customer feedback, financial data, and other relevant information. Use this data to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks.
  2. Consider multiple options: When making a business decision, it’s important to consider multiple options. Don’t simply go with the first idea that comes to mind. Instead, brainstorm a variety of potential solutions and evaluate them based on their feasibility, potential benefits, and potential drawbacks.
  3. Evaluate the risks: Every business decision carries some level of risk. Before making a decision, it’s important to carefully evaluate the potential risks and consider how they can be mitigated or managed.
  4. Seek input from others: It can be helpful to seek input from others when making a business decision. This might include input from employees, stakeholders, or industry experts. Different perspectives can help you identify blind spots and make a more informed decision.
  5. Set goals and prioritise: When making a business decision, it’s important to consider your overall goals and priorities. Make sure your decision aligns with your long-term objectives and consider how it might impact other aspects of your business.
  6. Test and iterate: Once you’ve made a decision, test it out and evaluate the results. If it’s not working as expected, be prepared to iterate and make adjustments as needed.

Remember, smart business decision making involves a combination of analysis, creativity, and strategic thinking. By following these tips, you can make more informed decisions that are more likely to lead to success.

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  • Identify the risks impacting on your business
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  • Investigate the upside and downside risks of business problems for your business
  • Monitor and review your risk management plan and risk management strategy effectiveness

If the business problem is a big daunting issue for your business break it down into smaller component parts and assess the parts independently so the big problem becomes more manageable. Avoid business problems altogether if possible.

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Top risks in world economy the threats and the opportunities

Global economic issues and trends with

What are the biggest risks to the global economy?

Although unpredictable lets try and predict the future! What is exciting is that clearly there are many threats particularly from the environment and trade wars. There are also massive opportunities for business leaders who are in control of their own business risks.

What are the biggest threats and opportunities to the world in the new decade?


Some of the biggest global risks business leaders have little control over. Warfare and mass destruction global inequality between countries and unequal economic development creating mass economic migration global trade wars global pandemics political shift towards popularity driven left or right wing positions and systemic collapse of the financial markets. Contingency planning is the best that business leaders can do to manage most of such global catastrophic risks.

However there are risks business leaders do have the potential to have control over but do not always control such global occurring risks. Global risks falling into this category include deteriorating natural environment and global warming as well as cyber attacks.

Many of the risk management solutions for one global risk can manage the threat and opportunity from another risk without extra investment of time or money.


BusinessRiskTV is scanning for threats and opportunities to the global economy in the new decade. If you look for it you can still see an abundance of wealth and opportunity globally and locally.

Global Recession?

Putting warfare and mass destruction risk to one side the most likely cause of a global recession is the continuing or deterioration of global trade wars.

The climate threat has come off age! The solutions are already known. However the will is less obvious. The financial services industry particularly banks will probably be the biggest influencers in driving environmental protection. Many banks and investors are refusing to finance coal businesses and are threatening divestment and lack of funding for other fossil fuel businesses. Even the governor of the Bank of England has told pension fund managers to sort out investment in fossil fuel based businesses.

The flip side of this is the opportunity to make money from environmental protection. Existing and developing environmental protection technologies are a real business opportunity. Even if your business does not sell environmental protection products or services your brand needs protecting via the adoption of good environmental protection policy.

The world is drowning in debt and fake money. Government corporate and personal debt. How future generations will cope with the weight of debt when many in the developed world are also going to suffer the effects of demographic time bomb detonation. Quite frightening! However one way to cope with future and present global risks is for governments to invest money in infrastructure particularly 5G communication and utilities. Many of the innovation and inventions are going to rely on power and the internet.Necessity is the mother of invention but with power and faster communication we will be trapped in the past with only a vision of how much better our future could be globally.

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Global Risks Management with BusinessRiskTV

The global landscape is changing rapidly, with new risks emerging every day. From geopolitical tensions to cybersecurity threats, businesses around the world are facing a complex and constantly evolving set of risks that they must manage in order to survive and thrive. In this article, we will explore some of the most pressing global risks that businesses need to be aware of and offer some strategies for managing them effectively.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical risks are those that arise from political tensions between countries or regions. These risks can take many forms, including trade wars, sanctions, and military conflicts. One recent example of a geopolitical risk is the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which has had significant implications for businesses around the world.

To manage geopolitical risks, businesses need to stay informed about political developments in the regions where they operate. They should also be proactive in diversifying their supply chains and hedging against currency fluctuations. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with local organisations or governments to gain a better understanding of the political environment and mitigate potential risks.

Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity risks are those that arise from the increasing use of technology and the internet. As businesses become more reliant on digital systems and data, they also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks. These attacks can take many forms, including ransomware, phishing, and malware.

To manage cybersecurity risks, businesses need to invest in robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and regular system updates. They should also educate their employees about best practices for online security, such as avoiding suspicious emails and using strong passwords. In addition, businesses can consider purchasing cyber insurance to mitigate the financial impact of a cyber attack.

Climate Change Risks

Climate change risks are those that arise from the impact of climate change on the environment and society. These risks can take many forms, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, and food and water scarcity. The impact of climate change is already being felt around the world, and businesses need to be prepared for the potential consequences.

To manage climate change risks, businesses can take a number of steps. They can invest in renewable energy sources and other sustainable technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. They can also develop contingency plans for extreme weather events and other climate-related risks. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with governments and NGOs to address climate change at a systemic level.

Supply Chain Risks

Supply chain risks are those that arise from disruptions to the flow of goods and services. These disruptions can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, political unrest, and pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, has had a significant impact on global supply chains, causing shortages of critical goods and disrupting manufacturing and distribution networks.

To manage supply chain risks, businesses need to develop contingency plans for disruptions, such as alternative suppliers and backup inventory. They should also be proactive in identifying potential risks in their supply chains and implementing measures to mitigate them. In addition, businesses can consider investing in technologies, such as blockchain and IoT, to improve supply chain visibility and resilience.

Financial Risks

Financial risks are those that arise from changes in the financial markets or economic conditions. These risks can take many forms, including fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices. They can also be caused by systemic risks, such as a global recession or financial crisis.

To manage financial risks, businesses need to be proactive in monitoring financial markets and economic conditions. They should also develop contingency plans for potential disruptions, such as currency hedging strategies and diversified investment portfolios. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with financial institutions and other experts to gain a deeper understanding of financial risks and opportunities.

Managing global risks is a complex and ongoing process for businesses around the world. By staying informed about emerging risks and implementing proactive measures to mitigate them, businesses can reduce their exposure to potential losses and position themselves for long-term success.

It’s important to recognise that global risks are interconnected, meaning that a disruption in one area can have ripple effects across multiple industries and regions. For this reason, businesses need to take a holistic approach to risk management, considering the potential impact of each risk on their operations and stakeholders.

In addition to the strategies outlined above, businesses can also consider partnering with risk management experts and other organisations to stay informed about emerging risks and best practices for risk management. By taking a collaborative approach to risk management, businesses can better anticipate and manage global risks, while also positioning themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing landscape.

Overall, businesses that are able to effectively manage global risks will be better positioned to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By staying informed, developing contingency plans, and investing in resilience, businesses can reduce their exposure to potential losses and position themselves for long-term success.

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  • The importance of problem-solving in business contexts.

Understanding the Significance of Problem Solving

  • Explore why effective problem-solving is crucial for a business’s success.
  • Discuss how it can lead to better decision-making and innovation.

How Your Company Approaches Problems

  • Explain your company’s problem-solving philosophy and principles.
  • Highlight the emphasis on collaboration and cross-functional teams.

The Problem-Solving Process

  • A step-by-step breakdown of your company’s problem-solving process.
  • Detail each stage, from problem identification to solution implementation.

Leveraging Data and Analysis

  • Emphasise the role of data-driven decision-making in problem-solving.
  • Discuss how your company utilises data to understand problems better.

Encouraging a Culture of Innovation

  • Fostering an innovative culture contributes to effective problem-solving.
  • Examples of successful innovations resulting from this approach.

Adapting to Change and Challenges

  • Illustrate how your company tackles unexpected challenges through problem-solving.
  • Highlight the flexibility and adaptability of the process.

The Impact of Problem-Solving on Business Growth

  • Case studies or success stories showcasing the tangible impact of problem-solving.
  • Discuss how problem-solving contributes to overall business growth.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Emphasise the importance of feedback loops in the problem-solving process.
  • Explain how your company continuously improves its approach based on feedback.
  1. Conclusion
    • Summarise the key points discussed.
    • Reiterate the value of problem-solving for your company’s growth and success.
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Corporate Risk Spotlight

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Helping business risk managers develop an enterprise risk management framework to manage corporate risks better. Tap into risk management news analysis and solutions to protect businesses and grow faster. Casting the risk spotlight on current and emerging risks.

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We turn a public eye on key business risks

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BusinessRiskTV Corporate Risk Spotlight

How to prepare for emerging risks trending risks and key corporate risks to focus on now

Prepare for emerging business risks with BusinessRiskTV

Read articles and view videos on emerging and trending corporate risk. Focus your limited business resources on key risks for greatest return. Network with top business leaders and risk management professionals to improve your business performance.

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How To Prepare For Emerging and Trending Risks

Emerging Risks and Trending Risks In Focus Now

How can CEOs senior management teams risk managers business owners and entrepreneurs make the right decisions more often? Find out whats on the horizon. Understand better the business risks acting on your business right now.

Better Business Decision Making Faster Business Growth More Corporate Enterprise Success
Find ways to grow faster and protect your business better
How do business enterprise key decision makers use limited resources more cost effectively and more successfully ?

The pace of business change is increasing. How many people will drive for a living in the next decade? How many people will work in warehouses in next 10 years? What new risks are emerging for businesses when the dramatic changes of 4th Industrial Revolution expected soon are commonly in place?

Cyber crime or error is just one of the threats. How should a business like Amazon react if they are threatened by a cyber criminals who say they have the capability to shut down its warehouse and distribution drones! They presumably have not but even if it was never possible how would Amazons share price react? What will this mean for Amazon’s ability to borrow to invest in its future?

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Like Amazon every business has its own most threatening risks and most exciting opportunities to grow.

Both the threats and the opportunities mean rapid changes are afoot for most businesses in the coming decade. With limited resources, what should your business focus on?

Do you have the time and energy to cope especially with information overload disrupting your ability to pick the right key risks to manage and which to accept or avoid.

Corporate Risk Spotlight

Change does not mean bad disruption to the norms change can bring good disruption for your business

Are you innovative? Is your business innovative? Do you have people in your business who are innovative?

Sure you are! Yes it is! Yes you do! You may not have found the best way to harness a well of innovation in your business till now.

BusinessRiskTV and its business partners will facilitate an innovative process in your business to overcome good and bad disruptive risks facing your organisation now and in future :

  • There are cheaper ways to do what you do now
  • Experts in business can help you
  • Get a quiet night’s sleep knowing threats are reduced
  • Seize a competitive advantage to grow faster
  • Collaborate to maximise the investment in your own assets

Solve the big questions being asked of your business

Positive Risk Management
Positive Risk Management

Get the answers you need to know what to do next that will have the best net positive impact on your business. What are the critical risk factors you need to manage? How viable are your existing business opportunities?

Some corporate risks are mature and well known but how does YOUR business manage them in the most cost effective way? Other corporate risks are just emerging. Do you know which ones present the biggest threats and opportunities for your business?

If you know what the key risks are do YOU oversee the impact on your business or have you delegated it?

Do others in your organisation want to seize a business advantage of your competitors as much as you do? Do your competitors want any of your existing business revenue?

No you can not do everything yourself but are you creating the right risk management culture to ensure that others are of the same mind as you?

If you are not changing your failing!

  • Do you currently have a sustainable business model?
  • Have you assessed and managed your competitive advantages to squeeze the best out of your existing resources in terms of performance?
  • Do you have a Business Enterprise Risk Management Road Map to make achieving your business objectives more likely?

Change Management Tools Techniques Tools and Strategies Used In Change Management

It is not easy to stay ahead or move further ahead of your competition

Accepting Corporate Risks

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