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14th April 1022 – Specialisation not homogeneity via globalisation is the new world we should strive for to stop people sleep-walking into a perpetual controlled state of mind.

The people at the global economic table of the recent past expounded the mantra of globalisation is good. It is good for the climate, the business environment and the people of the world, cause we are Team World! However, the people of the world thrive in competition not handouts. Yes you can survive on handouts. Is surviving living? Globalisation was good for the elite but not the majority of people of this world.

Believe we can overcome our fear and enforced ineffectualness


Many people who advocate the common good, don’t care about the common people. They care about what they think the common people think about them, but not of what they are doing for the common people including small business owners of the world. They want more control over their world, not a better world for all. The best version of the world comes from the disruptors in life.

Business Disruption and Innovation

The International Monetary Fund IMF thinks global growth in 2022 and 2023 will reduce. It is right. The solution is not for small business leaders to step aside and let the big boys deliver everything we need more cost effectively. The solution is to let small business leaders fight for every square inch of marketplace. From the fight and struggle will come better ways of meeting the needs of the global population.

The root cause of the current global malaise is the coordinated efforts of an elite. They have conspired to bring hell to earth for their benefit. There does need to be a coming together. However, it is coming together to trade fairly not to control every waking moment of our lives.

A fragmentation of the world into geopolitical parts is a good thing. It reduces the power available to just a few hands. Yes it means failures in parts of the world. This is preferable to being dictated to by a few people in total power in the world. From the failure will come improvements. Without small failures we will have overreaching power of the few over the many controlling every little part over our lives.

You take the Blue Pill. I much prefer the Red Pill every day of the week!


The few are bringing food shortages, social unrest and pain to your doorstep so you beg them to bring order to your life. We are not, or should not be, ordered people. We are individuals working for the common good not homogenised products churning out widgets or services to help people to exist. We need to thrive in our short lives, not exist.

Beware of the establishment forcing us to accept the need to coordinate our efforts. Rebel against the propaganda that we must cooperate in the face of real life struggles. Yes we need to work on improving the world but not by all becoming a mindless tin of bins with limited shelf life or usefulness!

Become a business leader who fights for prosperity for those on your bus. Ignore the calls to comply. Let’s kick their door in! If we don’t they are going to sit on our heads forever.

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