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Risk Review 28 June 2022: Transitioning to a global recession in 2023

Exploring preparation for a global recession with a

What happens to commodity prices in a recession

The coming global recession will slash demand for oil copper and the like. Prices for most commodities will fall. If the world falls into depression commodity prices will fall off a cliff including oil.

Some prices can rise temporarily as people seek a safe haven. People may flee to gold or a few commodities that they think will safe harbour their money during a recession. However a depression, which is more and more likely, causes most commodity prices to collapse.

June’s weaker demand for commodities signals that an economic global recession is coming closer.


Global recession is necessary to stop runaway global inflation. The hard landing is the only option now available due to the lacklustre response to control inflation by Central banks and global national government.

Agricultural demand and energy demand is likely to keep rising during the autumn and winter and will sustain high commodity prices. This is likely to be aggravated by poor geopolitical decision-making by incompetent national leaders and global bodies like WHO, UN and WEF puppet masters and pied pippers particularly as it relates to food, water and energy. It is likely that another health crisis will emerge in the autumn winter and spring and this is likely to be managed in a restrictive way due to the propensity of these international bodies to take more and more health and economic risk management control. In addition, as demand falls due to rising inflation it can be combined with increased supply chain disruption imposed by recommended risk management action by international bodies that national governments adopt. Worse WHO wants overseeing overriding control of the next wave of the pandemic or next health pandemic.

Demand is likely to stay the same or slightly lower, but our leaders can change the supply up or down with their decisions. Reducing supply will push up prices.

Global stagflation is a certainty. When not if.


Global commodity prices

Wheat and oil future prices are down in June based on the most actively traded futures. Weaker commodity prices in June indicate we are transitioning to a global recession. Although commodity prices will fall, inflation will increase and stay high whilst growth turns to recession. For example there will be less demand for oil, oil prices will fall, but prices of goods and services will remain high.

Surviving global recession: how do you prepare for a recession

Businesses that can offer business discounts and consumer discounts are more likely to survive as more people become price conscious.

Businesses that supply essentials or luxury items at a discount offer more in the marketplace compared to those businesses who have let their own costs of being in business balloon and cannot offer deals and discounts.

  • Discount grocery and retail stores tend to have more footfall during a recession. Many supermarkets take advantage of their customers during the good times and suffer a loss of business and profitability when recessionary precious hit the consumers household budget.
  • People still die during recession! After the management of global risks over the last two years more people will die. businesses which cater for death are likely to perform strongly throughout a recession.
  • People turn to drink and drugs during a recession! Businesses providing alcohol and drugs will perform strongly during the coming recession.
  • You still have to pay your taxes! Accountants and tax advisors are likely to still perform well during the recession.
  • Everyone can afford a bit of lippy! Cosmetic businesses can perform well during a recession.

As for the rest of businesses, they must fully understand what’s important and what is not for their particular business model. Offering more value for money will become more important.

Wheat and oil prices are down in June based on the most actively traded futures market
Global recession 2023

Risk Review 28 June 2022: Transitioning to a global recession in 2023

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Leveraging Business Intelligence for Improved Decision-Making and Performance

In today’s dynamic and data-driven business landscape, organisations face the constant challenge of extracting meaningful insights from the vast amount of information available. Business intelligence (BI) has emerged as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to harness their data and convert it into actionable intelligence. By leveraging BI technologies and practices, organizations can gain a competitive advantage, optimise operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive overall business growth. This article delves into the ways in which business intelligence helps businesses thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

One of the primary benefits of business intelligence is its ability to enable data-driven decision making. Organizations can utilise BI tools to collect, analyse, and visualise large volumes of data, helping them uncover valuable insights and patterns. This data-driven approach allows businesses to make informed decisions based on factual evidence rather than relying on intuition or guesswork. By accessing accurate and up-to-date information, organizations can mitigate risks, identify emerging trends, and capitalize on new opportunities.

  1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency

BI systems streamline and automate various processes, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency. By integrating data from different sources and departments, BI tools provide a holistic view of the organization’s performance. This comprehensive perspective enables businesses to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. For instance, BI dashboards can display key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time, facilitating quick assessment and adjustment of operations. With timely insights into performance metrics, businesses can optimise processes, allocate resources effectively, and streamline workflows to achieve greater productivity and profitability.

  1. Improved Customer Understanding

Understanding customers and their preferences is essential for any business aiming to succeed. Business intelligence solutions enable organisations to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and buying patterns. By analysing customer data, such as purchase history, browsing habits, and feedback, businesses can personalise their marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and tailor products and services to specific needs. This targeted approach not only boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty but also drives revenue growth and helps businesses stay ahead of their competitors.

  1. Competitive Advantage and Market Intelligence

BI tools provide organisations with an edge over their competitors by delivering crucial market intelligence. By monitoring market trends, analysing customer feedback, and tracking competitor activities, businesses can gain a deep understanding of their industry landscape. This knowledge empowers organisations to identify emerging trends, forecast market demands, and seize opportunities before their competitors. Moreover, BI enables businesses to benchmark their performance against industry standards, allowing them to identify areas where they excel and areas that require improvement. Armed with this competitive advantage, organisations can make informed strategic decisions and stay ahead in the market.

  1. Real-Time Reporting and Visualisation

Business intelligence systems offer real-time reporting and visualisation capabilities, which are invaluable in today’s fast-paced business environment. Through interactive dashboards, reports, and visualisations, organisations can monitor key metrics, track progress, and identify outliers or anomalies. Real-time insights enable timely interventions and corrective actions, preventing potential issues from escalating. The ability to visualise data in an easily digestible format also aids in communication and collaboration across different departments and levels of the organisation. By facilitating data-driven discussions, BI enhances cross-functional cooperation and alignment towards shared goals.

  1. Risk Mitigation and Predictive Analytics

Business intelligence helps organisations identify and mitigate risks proactively. By analysing historical data, patterns, and correlations, businesses can develop predictive models that anticipate potential risks or challenges. These models enable organisations to take preventive measures, mitigate risks, and optimise decision-making processes. For instance, in the financial industry, BI can help detect fraudulent activities by flagging suspicious transactions and patterns. By leveraging predictive analytics, businesses can minimise losses, ensure compliance with regulations, and maintain a secure and resilient operation.

  1. Streamlined Financial Analysis and Planning

Business intelligence tools greatly facilitate financial analysis and planning. By integrating financial data from various sources, organisations can gain a comprehensive view of their financial health, performance, and trends. BI systems enable businesses to generate accurate financial reports, conduct variance analysis, and perform budgeting and forecasting activities. With real-time access to financial information, businesses can make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, investment strategies, and cost optimization. This financial visibility and control empower organisations to improve profitability, manage cash flow effectively, and drive sustainable growth.

  1. Efficient Supply Chain Management

Effective supply chain management is crucial for businesses to meet customer demands, optimise inventory levels, and reduce costs. Business intelligence plays a vital role in enhancing supply chain management by providing insights into demand forecasting, inventory optimisation, and supplier performance. By analyzing historical data and market trends, organisations can accurately predict demand patterns and adjust their procurement and production processes accordingly. BI tools enable businesses to monitor inventory levels in real-time, ensuring that stock is neither excessive nor insufficient. Additionally, by tracking supplier performance and identifying bottlenecks, organizations can establish stronger relationships with reliable suppliers and drive supply chain efficiency.

  1. Improved Employee Performance and Engagement

Business intelligence also extends its benefits to human resources by enhancing employee performance and engagement. BI systems enable organisations to measure and track key HR metrics, such as employee turnover, performance evaluations, and training effectiveness. By analysing this data, organisations can identify areas for improvement, implement targeted training programs, and optimize talent management strategies. Moreover, BI tools provide employee dashboards and self-service portals, empowering individuals to access relevant data and monitor their own performance. This transparency and empowerment contribute to increased employee engagement, motivation, and productivity.

  1. Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

Compliance with regulations and reporting requirements is a critical aspect of running a business. Business intelligence helps organisations ensure compliance by providing accurate and timely data for regulatory reporting. BI systems can automate data collection, validation, and reporting processes, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring regulatory compliance. By centralising and standardising data, organisations can easily generate required reports and meet deadlines. BI tools also provide audit trails and data governance features, enabling businesses to maintain data integrity and transparency, which are essential for regulatory audits.

In the age of data-driven decision making, business intelligence has become a fundamental tool for organisations aiming to thrive in a competitive market. By leveraging BI technologies, businesses can transform raw data into actionable insights, facilitating data-driven decision making, and improving operational efficiency. From enhanced customer understanding to competitive advantage and market intelligence, business intelligence empowers organisations to make informed strategic decisions and drive business growth. With real-time reporting, predictive analytics, and streamlined financial analysis, organisations can mitigate risks, optimize resources, and capitalise on opportunities. Moreover, business intelligence fosters collaboration, engages employees, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. As businesses continue to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape, harnessing the power of business intelligence becomes increasingly essential for sustained success.

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Executive Grapevine on Navigating the Risks and Challenges of Business Leadership

As an executive, navigating the risks and challenges of business leadership can be a daunting task. Whether you’re leading a small startup or a multinational corporation, there are countless factors that can impact the success of your organisation. However, by staying informed and proactive, you can mitigate risks and overcome challenges to drive your business forward. This is where Executive Grapevine on can be a valuable resource for business leaders.

Executive Grapevine is a platform that offers business leaders the latest insights and advice on risk management, leadership, and innovation. It provides a forum for executives to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. On, Executive Grapevine provides a wealth of resources for business leaders, including articles, webinars, podcasts, and more.

One of the key areas that Executive Grapevine covers is risk management. Risk management is an essential aspect of business leadership, as it involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can impact the success of your organization. From cyber threats to supply chain disruptions, there are a variety of risks that can pose a threat to your business. By staying informed about the latest risks and trends, you can take proactive steps to mitigate these risks and protect your organisation.

In addition to risk management, Executive Grapevine also covers leadership and innovation. Effective leadership is crucial to the success of any organisation, and Executive Grapevine provides insights and best practices for leading teams and driving growth. Innovation is also a key aspect of business leadership, as it involves finding new and creative ways to solve problems and drive growth. Executive Grapevine offers insights and strategies for fostering a culture of innovation within your organisation.

One of the benefits of Executive Grapevine is that it provides a forum for business leaders to connect and share their experiences. By learning from other executives, you can gain valuable insights and perspectives that can help you navigate the challenges of business leadership. Executive Grapevine also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration, which can be valuable for building relationships and partnerships that can drive growth.

Another benefit of Executive Grapevine is that it provides a range of resources for business leaders, including articles, webinars, podcasts, and more. These resources are designed to provide actionable insights and advice that you can apply to your own organisation. Whether you’re looking to improve your risk management strategies or foster a culture of innovation, Executive Grapevine offers resources that can help you achieve your goals.

In addition to the resources provided by Executive Grapevine, also offers a range of other tools and resources for business leaders. These include risk management software, business continuity planning tools, and more. By leveraging these tools and resources, you can streamline your risk management processes and improve the resilience of your organisation.

Overall, Executive Grapevine on is a valuable resource for business leaders who are looking to navigate the risks and challenges of business leadership. By staying informed and proactive, you can mitigate risks and overcome challenges to drive your business forward. Whether you’re leading a small startup or a multinational corporation, Executive Grapevine offers insights and strategies that can help you achieve your goals.

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, effective risk management, leadership, and innovation are essential to the success of any organisation. By leveraging the resources and insights provided by Executive Grapevine on, business leaders can stay ahead of the curve and position their organisations for success.

Whether you’re looking to improve your risk management strategies, foster a culture of innovation, or connect with other business leaders, Executive Grapevine on offers a wealth of resources and opportunities. By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate the risks and challenges of business leadership and drive your organisation forward.

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Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses

Unleashing the Power of Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses

In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly recognising the significance of global networking. Building connections and fostering relationships across borders has become a crucial strategy for organisations seeking growth, innovation, and a competitive edge. In this article, we will delve into the numerous advantages that global networking offers to businesses of all sizes and industries. By leveraging the power of connectivity, businesses can unlock new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and expand their reach on a global scale. Read on to discover how global networking can propel your business to new heights.

Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
Global networking opens the doors to collaboration with individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise. By connecting with professionals worldwide, businesses can tap into a vast pool of knowledge, insights, and perspectives. This exposure to different ideas and approaches fosters innovation and creativity within organisations.

Moreover, global networking provides opportunities to participate in conferences, seminars, and industry events, where experts and thought leaders share their expertise. These interactions enable businesses to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices, enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.

Access to New Markets and Business Opportunities:
One of the most significant advantages of global networking is the ability to access new markets and expand business opportunities beyond borders. By establishing connections with international partners, businesses can gain valuable insights into local markets, consumer preferences, and cultural nuances. This knowledge allows organisations to tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs of diverse markets, increasing their chances of success.

Furthermore, global networking provides a platform for businesses to showcase their offerings to a wider audience. Through cross-border collaborations, joint ventures, or strategic partnerships, companies can enter new markets with reduced risks and enhanced market knowledge. This enables them to tap into untapped customer segments, diversify their revenue streams, and drive sustainable growth.

Building a Stronger Brand and Reputation:
Global networking offers businesses the opportunity to build a stronger brand and reputation on a global scale. By connecting with influential individuals and organisations, companies can enhance their visibility and credibility within their industry and beyond. Positive endorsements and collaborations with reputable international partners can significantly impact a business’s brand image and attract new customers.

Additionally, active participation in global networking events, industry forums, and online communities allows businesses to showcase their expertise, thought leadership, and unique value propositions. This exposure positions them as industry leaders and trusted authorities in their respective domains, further strengthening their brand reputation.

Recruitment of Global Talent:
Global networking provides businesses with access to a vast talent pool from around the world. By establishing connections with professionals and organisations internationally, companies can tap into a diverse range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. This enables them to recruit top talent from different cultural and educational backgrounds, bringing fresh ideas and innovative approaches to their teams.

Moreover, global networking facilitates the identification of potential partners, suppliers, and collaborators who can contribute to a business’s growth and success. By connecting with like-minded professionals, businesses can build strategic relationships that foster innovation, create synergies, and drive mutual growth.

Global networking has emerged as a vital tool for businesses seeking growth, innovation, and success in the global marketplace. By leveraging the advantages of global networking, businesses can enhance collaboration, access new markets, build a stronger brand, and recruit top talent from around the world. Embracing a global mindset and actively participating in networking activities can open doors to unprecedented opportunities and pave the way for long-term success.

In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses cannot afford to operate in isolation. Establishing and nurturing global connections allows organisations to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the rapidly changing global business landscape. Whether it’s through attending international conferences, leveraging online platforms, or forging partnerships with organisations worldwide, businesses can harness the power of global networking to propel their growth.

The advantages of global networking for businesses are undeniable. From enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing to accessing new markets and business opportunities, building a stronger brand and reputation, and recruiting global talent, the benefits are vast. Embracing a global networking mindset is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s hyperconnected world.

To make the most of global networking, businesses should actively seek opportunities to connect with professionals, industry experts, and potential partners on a global scale. They can explore online networking platforms, join industry-specific communities, participate in international events and conferences, and establish strategic partnerships with organisations in different countries.

However, it’s essential to approach global networking with a genuine intent to build meaningful relationships and provide value to others. Networking is not just about self-promotion; it’s about establishing mutually beneficial connections and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.

By capitalising on the advantages of global networking, businesses can expand their horizons, tap into new markets, stay abreast of industry trends, and unlock innovation. In this fast-paced and interconnected world, building a strong global network is a powerful asset that can set businesses apart from the competition and pave the way for sustained success.

So, don’t wait any longer. Start exploring the world of global networking and unlock the limitless opportunities it offers to take your business to new heights of success in the global marketplace. Embrace the power of connectivity, foster collaborations, and position your business as a global player in your industry. The possibilities are endless when you dare to connect, engage, and grow on a global scale.

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Sharing Risk Knowledge and Building Risk Management Professionalism

Improving risk management process and culture with BusinessRiskTV

Top business risk experts share risk management tips advice and support. We look forward to connecting more risk experts with business leaders. Solve business problems faster and more profitably with BusinessRiskTV.

Receive email alerts to upcoming events workshops and online risk management discussions to manage risks better.

  • Find help throughout your career
  • Develop your skills and risk knowledge
  • Network with key business leaders around the world to improve the way you manage risks

Continual risk management learning opportunities on BusinessRiskTV. Access support via our expanding online resources of risk knowledge webcasts and other free risk management material. We support your own agenda for continued professional development.

Improve your risk management capability risk knowledge and business risk management culture with BusinessRiskTV risk experts.

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BusinessRiskTV Sharing Risk Knowledgerr and Building Risk Management Professionalism

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Finding the latest best risk management products and services can be time consuming or unfruitful. We make easier.

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Business Riskwatch
BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Watch

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Risk Management Services and Products
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Business leaders do not always have the marketing budget to promote their business. We provide a range of online marketing options for businesses to fit most budgets so you can promote your business products or services for longer.

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When Paypal tell us your sponsorship fee has cleared to our account we will

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Risk Management Magazine
Risk Management Magazine
AcademyRisk Magazine
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Industry Risk Management Forum With BusinessRiskTV

Best practices in risk management with

What are the main industry risk factors affecting your business success or failure today and tomorrow

Want to know more about the threats or opportunities within your industry?Need to develop your knowledge and skills at managing your industry risks? Find out more about industry risks management with BusinessRiskTV.

Control Risk Experts To Manage Business Risks Better

Find the best risk expert for your country or industry with BusinessRiskTV entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

Enter code #IndustryRiskManagement

Inform the way you think about your industry risks. Consider changes to the way you manage risk. Reduce the threats to your business. Open up new business development opportunities. Stay on top of key industry risk factors.

Business Leadership Articles

Business Leadership Articles

Introducing the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum

BusinessRiskTV industry risk management forum enables members to contribute to BusinessRiskTV. Active members around the world contribute articles and videos to help grow their business faster with less uncertainty to help inform readers industry business risk management decision making.

  • Boost your sales more profitably
  • Increase your network of business contacts
  • Protect your business uncertainty negatively impacting on your business

If you want an innovative flexible way to grow your business faster and build business resilience join and contribute to industry risk management forum today.

Members of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club collaborate to reduce corporate threats and increase business growth opportunities through

  1. business networking with key business decision makers locally and globally
  2. improved risk assessment via better business intelligence
  3. reduced cost of risk control via deals discounts and special offers

Build a more successful and sustainable business more easily with BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum.

Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

Join the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum and receive FREE business risk alerts bulletins and latest business risk news to stay ahead of your competition.

The Forum is free to join. Then you choose whether you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV to promote your own business and inform online readers. You pay an annual membership fee to regularly contribute to BusinessRiskTV and promote your business interests cost effectively. RiskWatch

Key benefits of BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum and reasons to join and contribute today

  1. Free to join. There is no cost to join the forum. Once you join you also have the option of contributing to BusinessRiskTV to better market promote and advertise your business. In addition you will have increased access to discussions workshops and executive training to better protect your business. You are in control of what to do next after you join the club for free.
  2. Free business intelligence to inform your decision making to build your business resilience. Forum members receive free news alerts and bulletins. Our risk watch service scans the horizon for emerging risks and analyses business risk trends. You can attend online discussions workshops and executive training sessions.
  3. Safe and secure. All payments are made through Paypal an independent third party online payment service which stops us receiving full details of your banking or payment details so you are protected by Paypals security systems.
  4. Build your online profile and connections to grow your business faster. BusinessRiskTV has an impressive online profile to connect you with local and global business risk management experts and new sales for your business.
Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement


BusinessRiskTV has already built up an impressive bank of like minded business leaders and business risk management consultants for club members to tap into for business tips advice and support.

The BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum is carefully expanding its reach to help business leaders to better protect and grow their own businesses and careers.

BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum is NOT just a talking shop. It is a business growth hub to practically accelerate members revenue streams. It is business accelerator where everyone has the same interest in seeing the businesses build resilience regardless of economic environment.

Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

You are in control of your relationship with us

In addition to controlling your own business risks better you are in total control of how you use BusinessRiskTV and how much you want to contribute to it to increase your own business growth.

You are always in control of your subscription to BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum. You can choose to remain on the free membership and still receive free business intelligence and risk knowledge. Or you can regularly contribute to the content and thus increase your own business profile and business growth.

We are in it for the long term and look forward to working with members for sustainable mutual benefit. If you want to stop your membership you can at any time. We are looking forward to you working with us to help your business grow faster.

Examples of business intelligence and business growth features on BusinessRiskTV


Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • Is BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum free to join and how does BusinessRiskTV make money? It is free to join now to receive free alerts bulletins and business risk news. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV by becoming a Member you pay an annual fee. BusinessRiskTV also accepts donations to support free independent business risk management news broadcasting and business risk management research. In addition businesses pay us one off fees to promote market and advertise their business products and services.
  • Am I tied into the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum? It is free to join the forum. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV there is a membership fee. You are free to leave the club at anytime. You will not be entitled to a refund of the annual membership fee but will not be tied to renew your membership.
  • How long does membership last? 12 months renewable annually.
  • I do not know anything about online business marketing and development? That is one of the great strengths about being in the Industry Risk Management Forum. You simply join now and then we will email you to find out what you need to do to grow your business faster. We will then go away and start your marketing and promotion campaign. We will design post and update your contributions to promote your business. Our team of enterprise risk experts and business risk advisers help protect and grow your business faster.
  • How fast will my business grow? It is impossible to say. It depends on how well we can work together to get the most from your existing business development tools and initiatives. The potential is there for massive gains but the value of your membership fee could be worthless if we fail to work well together. That is why our members should always diversify our marketing options to maximise the likelihood of increasing sales. We will guide you on the diversification options based on our discussions on what you offer and when. You are not putting all your business development eggs in one basket but the affordable membership fee expands the likelihood of your business growing faster.
  • How often can my business contribute to BusinessRiskTV? Contribution levels is based on hours it takes to produce and publish each contribution. You will be buying 56 hours of work to produce and publish your contributions each year.
  • Does my business need to contribute regularly to BusinessRiskTV? No. The more you contribute the more you promote your own business interests and increase the chances of faster business growth.
  • My business marketplace is not in UK so can I still join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV? YES! The Club is open to any business selling legal and morally acceptable products and services. Legal is legal but morally acceptable comes down to our own opinion as to what is morally acceptable. Areas include Europe USA Canada Latin America Australia and Asia Pacific.
  • Is paying my membership fee safe? Yes. Your membership fee will be paid via Paypal a global independent payment provider who have their own safe and secure payment systems. We will never see your full payment details as these are retained by Paypal who will transfer your membership fee to our Paypal account.
  • What is the annual membership fee? This will vary depending on how many members we have. As the number of members increase so will the annual membership fee so get in quick to keep your membership fee low!
Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

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Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum

Types Of Business Risk

All types of business risks under review with

What types of business risk impact on your business objectives? Understand business risks and solutions. How can you manage all types of business risk better? Network with top risk management experts locally and globally to discover new ways to manage all type of business risk.

Latest news commentary and review of all types of key business risks

Need to align your corporate enterprise risk management strategy with your risk culture including appetite for risk and risk tolerance to achieve business objectives with less uncertainty.

See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV
See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

Integrate your enterprise risk management strategy into your business objective setting process and your risk review process.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV Risk Reviews today for free

BusinessRiskTV Business Key Risks

BusinessRiskTV Key Business Risk Review will help you identify and control key business risks impacting on your business. We cover the main types of business risk.

  • It will help you to develop the best strategy for your business. Inform your own business decision making process to improve your business plan for greater success.
  • Tackle regulatory compliance with more confidence and less cost
  • Improve the effectiveness of your operation
  • Reduce cost of financial risk
  • Build and protect your reputation and branding

Know the key business risks impacting on your business objectives and understand how to manage the risks better.

Not all risks need to be managed. Some should just be identified assessed and accepted to achieve your business objectives. You need to consider the kinds of events that could pose a risk to your business and take steps to mitigate them. You also need to identify and assess new business opportunities so you deploy business assets for best return.

Examples of business risks under review

  • Strategic Risk. A competitor parking their business offering on your turf
  • Regulatory Compliance Risk. Changing health safety or environmental legislation or a new court case setting a new precedent.
  • Financial Risk, Changing interest rates creating new business opportunities or threats
  • Operational Risk. Fire taking out key production line plant or equipment.

Manage such risks better to reduce of lower than anticipated profits or increase the chance of higher profit and business growth.

Identify which business risks threatening your business or creating new business opportunities to achieve greater success


BusinessRiskTV is exploring key business issues in UK and globally. We aim to help you to understand and manage business risks effectively so you are better placed to grow your business with more confidence. Prepare your business to withstand known and unexpected business risks.

Business is about taking risks. However taking more informed risks will help you achieve what you want for your business with more confidence.


There are many uncertainties facing your business. Recognise the key business risks potentially impacting on your business then focus your time and money on those risks for better outcomes.

Save MoneyRisk Magazine
Discover new ways to protect and grow your business better with BusinessRiskTV

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Types Of Business Risk

Business Risk Management Club

Help to protect and grow your business

Discover the simple and affordable way to manage your business risks better

Manage business risks better by country by industry and by specific types of business risks. Join our business risk management club for free.

Introducing the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club

BusinessRiskTV business risk management active members club enables members to contribute to BusinessRiskTV for free. Active members around the world contribute articles and videos to help grow their business faster with less uncertainty to help inform readers business risk management decision making.

  • Boost your sales more profitably
  • Increase your network of business contacts
  • Protect your business uncertainty negatively impacting on your business

If you want an innovative flexible way to grow your business faster and build business resilience join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV Club today.

Members of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club collaborate to reduce corporate threats and increase business growth opportunities through

  1. business networking with key business decision makers locally and globally
  2. improved risk assessment via better business intelligence
  3. reduced cost of risk control via deals discounts and special offers

Build a more successful and sustainable business more easily with BusinessRiskTV.

Join Buisness Risk Management Club Free

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club Today For Free enter code #RiskClub

Join the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club and receive FREE business risk alerts bulletins and latest business risk news to stay ahead of your competition.

The Club is free to join. Then you choose whether you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV to promote your own business and inform online readers. You pay an annual membership fee to regularly contribute to BusinessRiskTV and promote your business interests cost effectively.

Key benefits of BusinessRiskTV Risk Club and reasons to join and contribute today

  1. Free to join. There is no cost to join the club. Once you join you also have the option of contributing to BusinessRiskTV to better market promote and advertise your business. In addition you will have increased access to discussions workshops and executive training to better protect your business. You are in control of what to do next after you join the club for free.
  2. Free business intelligence to inform your decision making to build your business resilience. Club members receive free news alerts and bulletins. Our risk watch service scans the horizon for emerging risks and analyses business risk trends. You can attend online discussions workshops and executive training sessions.
  3. Safe and secure. All payments are made through Paypal an independent third party online payment service which stops us receiving full details of your banking or payment details so you are protected by Paypals security systems.
  4. Build your online profile and connections to grow your business faster. BusinessRiskTV has an impressive online profile to connect you with local and global business risk management experts and new sales for your business.
Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Fast Growing Local and Global Business Risk Management Connections

BusinessRiskTV has already built up an impressive bank of like minded business leaders and business risk management consultants for club meMbers to tap into for business tips advice and support.

The BusinessRiskTV Club is carefully expanding its reach to help business leaders to better protect and grow their own businesses and careers.

BusinessRiskTV Club is NOT just a talking shop. It is a business growth hub to practically accelerate members revenue streams. It is business accelerator where everyone has the same interest in seeing the businesses build resilience regardless of economic environment.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Founder of BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Club

Read Keith Lewis Testimonials as to the quality of his work. This gives some background as to the quality of the business risk management business intelligence being gathered and distributed.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

You are in control of your relationship with us

In addition to controlling your own business risks better you are in total control of how you use BusinessRiskTV and how much you want to contribute to it to increase your own business growth.

You are always in control of your subscription to BusinessRiskTV club. You can choose to remain on the free membership and still receive free business intelligence and risk knowledge. Or you can regularly contribute to the content and thus increase your own business profile and business growth.

We are in it for the long term and look forward to working with members for sustainable mutual benefit. If you want to stop your membership you can at any time. We are looking forward to you working with us to help your business grow faster.

Hands Free Business Growth and Development Of Your Business

One of the great strengths of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club is that members do not need to know how to market their business online. You can simply email us the message you want to promote and we can connect you with more new potential customers or other business leaders.

You can read business risk management articles or watch videos for free including business risk management expert opinions and analysis to inform your own business decision making process.

After you join the club you can just use it as a simple way to be kept up to date on emerging and developing corporate risks impacting on your business objectives.

Sit back and receive email alerts to important business risk intelligence to develop your risk management knowledge. Alter your business risk management plan accordingly based on expert risk analysis. Alerts bulletins and news have the potential to build your business resilience and business growth.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Boost Your Business Growth

BusinessRiskTV Club could be very profitable for your business if you contribute to the content and connect to your business. There are no guarantees of returns but membership of the club expands your options for greater business success and business resilience. There will be failures. That is the nature of business marketing and development. However you will get access to innovative flexible ways to grow and protect your business better. We will minimise the cost of uncertainty impacting on your business objectives over time. At the same time we will increase the chances of become a market leader in your industry and country.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • Is BusinessRiskTV Club free to join and how does BusinessRiskTV make money? It is free to join now to receive free alerts bulletins and business risk news. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV by becoming a Member you pay an annual fee. BusinessRiskTV also accepts donations to support free independent business risk management news broadcasting and business risk management research. In addition businesses pay us one off fees to promote market and advertise their business products and services.
  • Am I tied into the BusinessRiskTV Club? It is free to join club. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV there is a membership fee. You are free to leave the club at anytime. You will not be entitled to a refund of the annual membership fee but will not be tied to renew your membership.
  • How long does membership last? 12 months renewable annually.
  • I do not know anything about online business marketing and development? That is one of the great strengths about being in the Business Risk Management Club. You simply join now and then we will email you to find out what you need to do to grow your business faster. We will then go away and start your marketing and promotion campaign. We will design post and update your contributions to promote your business. Our team of enterprise risk experts and business risk advisers to help protect and grow your business faster.
  • How fast will my business grow? It is impossible to say. It depends on how well we can work together to get the most from your existing business development tools and initiatives. The potential is there for massive gains but the value of your membership fee could be worthless if we fail to work well together. That is why our members should always diversify our marketing options to maximise the likelihood of increasing sales. We will guide you on the diversification options based on our discussions on what you offer and when. You are not putting all your business development eggs in one basket but the affordable membership fee expands the likelihood of your business growing faster.
  • How often can my business contribute to BusinessRiskTV? Contribution levels is based on hours it takes to produce and publish each contribution. You will be buying 56 hours of work to produce and publish your contributions each year.
  • Does my business need to contribute regularly to BusinessRiskTV? No. The more you contribute the more you promote your own business interests and increase the chances of faster business growth.
  • My business marketplace is not in UK so can I still join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV? YES! The Club is open to any business selling legal and morally acceptable products and services. Legal is legal but morally acceptable comes down to our own opinion as to what is morally acceptable. Areas include Europe USA Canada Latin America Australia and Asia Pacific.
  • Is paying my membership fee safe? Yes. Your membership fee will be paid via Paypal a global independent payment provider who have their own safe and secure payment systems. We will never see your full payment details as these are retained by Paypal who will transfer your membership fee to our Paypal account.
  • What is the annual membership fee? This will vary depending on how many members we have. As the number of members increase so will the annual membership fee so get in quick to keep your membership fee low!
Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Country Risk News

Managing the business risks in your target country

Country risk analysis and assessment

Business leaders with specific country risks in mind share business management risk insight and experiences. Ask for guidance and build valuable connections.

You can find your country risks by using this website search facility. You can also create your own networking group business club or web page to market promote and advertise your business.

Quickly and easily subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free today

Once you subscribe to BusinessRiskTV you are able to connect with like minded leaders in business innovation and management. Join members online live discussions webinars and workshops. Find answers to your business questions for free

  • Find your country on BusinessRiskTV via website search function
  • Start a conversation about your country risks
  • Contribute to your country risk problem solving
  • Communicate with your country business leaders

Subscribe for your country risk workshops leader discussions and online executive training.

Country Risk News
Subscribe to Country Risk Analysis and Assessment for free enter code #CountryRisk

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BusinessRiskTV Country Risk News

SME Conference

Online interactive small business risks management workshops. Solve SME business problems quicker. Save money and time with BusinessRiskTV online group meetings from anywhere with wifi connection.

SME Business News UK Small Business Magazine Entrepreneur Magazines UK
BusinessRiskTV Online SME Conference

Subscribe to SME Conference free alerts and bulletins on upcoming online workshop events

Enter code #SMEconference

Speak to SME business growth experts and risk management experts online

SME online business conference to protect SMEs better and grow business faster with less uncertainty.


Develop flexible risk knowledge and business intelligence to sharpen your business management skills for free.

Get access to our free small medium sized business management magazine for UK business owners and business leaders. Read articles on what matters for SME leaders in UK today.

Livestream SME business management videos or watch on demand. Pick up SME business management tips advice and business intelligence focusing on all the things that matter for SME owners and managers.

Small Business Conference Magazine
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Risk AcademyOnline Marketplaces
Online ExhibitionsEnterprise Risk Magazine

BusinessRiskTV SME Conference Online

UK Entrepreneur Centre

Pick up business risk management tips and advice

Small medium sized businesses in UK growing faster with less uncertainty

SME business thinktank on business growth and development. Entrepreneurs and business leaders developing new income more profitably. Focus on reducing costs increasing productivity and maximising profit for small to medium sized businesses in the UK.

SME Business Club and Thinktank
SME Business Leaders enter code #360Business

Join our interactive business think tank to network with business leaders to grow your business faster.

Business Enterprise Risk Management Experts
Join our interactive business risk management think tank online discussions news debate and workshops for business growth and protection

Free Up Time For Business

How do you free up your time to focus on what really matters for a successful business

Time is a precious commodity in the business world. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get bogged down with tasks and responsibilities that keep you from focusing on what’s most important for your business’s success. Here are some tips on how to free up your time to focus on what truly matters:

  1. Delegate tasks: One of the biggest time-wasters for entrepreneurs is trying to do everything themselves. Delegate tasks to trusted employees or contractors to lighten your load and give you more time to focus on your strengths.
  2. Automate routine tasks: Automation tools can save you a significant amount of time by streamlining repetitive tasks. From email marketing to invoicing, there’s a tool available to help you save time.
  3. Prioritise tasks: Make a to-do list each day and prioritize tasks based on their importance. Focus on the most critical tasks first, and don’t waste time on tasks that can wait.
  4. Manage your email: Email can quickly consume a lot of your time if you’re not careful. Set aside specific times each day to check your email, and avoid checking it constantly. Use filters and folders to keep your inbox organised.
  5. Avoid multitasking: Multitasking may seem like an effective way to get more done, but it can actually slow you down and reduce your productivity. Focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention.
  6. Set boundaries: Set boundaries for when you will and won’t be available for work. This can include not checking email after hours, not answering calls on weekends, or setting aside time for a lunch break.
  7. Take care of yourself: Finally, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and make time for leisure activities. A well-rested and healthy mind is more productive and better equipped to tackle the important tasks at hand.

By following these tips, you can free up your time and focus on what really matters for a successful business. Remember, time is your most valuable resource, so prioritise it and use it wisely.

BusinessRiskTV UK Entrepreneur Centre

Business Intelligence Tools and Techniques To Protect and Grow

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Business intelligence techniques. Business protect tools.

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Best Enterprise Risk Management Practices
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Analyse emerging risks and developing existing risks

Our business intelligence solutions cover:

  • Develop your knowledge of your target country corporate risks
  • Cover risks across many sectors of business
  • Understand specific business risks better

Gather organise and analyse corporate risk information. Inform your business decision making. Make better decisions.

Assess the pros and cons of your current business strategy

Measure the upside and downside risk of your business strategy. Use a holistic risk based approach to reduce uncertainty. Develop business intelligence techniques for better decision making.

BusinessRiskTV Business Intelligence Tools and Techniques