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I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to BusinessRiskTV.com, a leading platform dedicated to helping business leaders like yourself effectively manage and mitigate risks to maximise business success.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the importance of proactive risk management cannot be overstated. As a seasoned business leader, you are well aware of the various risks and uncertainties that can impact your organisation’s growth, profitability, and reputation. However, identifying the right strategies and tools to address these risks can be a daunting task, leading to potentially detrimental consequences for your business.

The Problem: One of the key challenges faced by business leaders today is the lack of comprehensive and easily accessible risk management solutions. Traditional approaches often involve fragmented resources, outdated information, and a reactive mindset, resulting in missed opportunities, increased costs, and damaged stakeholder confidence. This hinders your ability to respond effectively to emerging risks, adapt to market dynamics, and achieve sustainable growth.

The Impact: The consequences of inadequate risk management can be severe and far-reaching. It can lead to financial losses, regulatory non-compliance, reputational damage, operational disruptions, and even legal repercussions. Moreover, it erodes investor trust, limits your strategic decision-making capabilities, and constrains your ability to capitalise on emerging opportunities. In today’s fiercely competitive business environment, a lack of robust risk management strategies can significantly hinder your organisation’s potential for success.

Our Solution: BusinessRiskTV.com is specifically designed to address these challenges head-on. Our comprehensive platform brings together cutting-edge risk management tools, expert insights, and a global community of like-minded professionals, all focused on enabling you to navigate uncertainties with confidence and unlock your business’s full potential.

Here’s why BusinessRiskTV.com stands out as the ultimate solution for effective business risk management:

  1. All-in-One Resource: Our platform provides a centralised hub for all your risk management needs, offering a wide range of resources, including industry-leading articles, expert opinions, risk assessment frameworks, best practice guides, and interactive tools. Accessible anytime, anywhere, this wealth of information equips you with the knowledge and tools required to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate risks.
  2. Expert Network: Connect and collaborate with a global network of risk management professionals, industry leaders, and subject matter experts. Share experiences, gain valuable insights, and stay ahead of emerging risks through meaningful discussions, forums, and live events. Our community-driven approach fosters a culture of knowledge exchange, innovation, and continuous improvement.
  3. Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique, facing its own set of risks and challenges. That’s why BusinessRiskTV.com offers customised solutions tailored to your specific industry, size, and objectives. Our team of seasoned risk management professionals can work closely with you to develop bespoke strategies, frameworks, and action plans that align with your business goals and drive sustainable growth.
  4. Future-Focused: At BusinessRiskTV.com, we believe that effective risk management goes beyond mere compliance. We emphasise the importance of strategic risk-taking, enabling you to identify and capitalise on emerging opportunities in a controlled manner. Our forward-thinking approach empowers you to transform risks into competitive advantages, creating a culture of innovation and resilience.

Don’t let the complexities of risk management hold your business back any longer. Embrace the power of BusinessRiskTV.com and join a growing community of successful business leaders who have harnessed the benefits of effective risk management.

To learn more about how BusinessRiskTV.com can revolutionise your risk management practices and drive sustainable business success, please visit sign up to our free newsletter or follow us via your favourite social media account. Alternatively, I would be delighted to schedule a call or online meeting at your convenience to discuss your specific needs and explore how our platform can add value to your organisation.

Remember, effective risk management is not just about avoiding pitfalls—it’s about seizing opportunities, building resilience, and positioning your business for long-term success. With BusinessRiskTV.com by your side, you can confidently navigate the ever-changing business landscape and unlock your true potential.

I look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss how BusinessRiskTV.com can empower your organisation to thrive in today’s challenging business environment. Together, let’s turn risks into opportunities and drive sustainable growth.

Thank you for your time, and I eagerly await the chance to assist you in achieving your business goals.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis Founder and Owner BusinessRiskTV.com

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Risk Management Products and Services Marketing Revolutionised

10 Faster Business Growth Tips

What can you do for economic uncertainty?

Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth During Economic Uncertainty

In today’s rapidly changing and uncertain economic landscape, growing a business can present unique challenges. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it’s possible to navigate through uncertain times and even achieve accelerated growth. This article explores effective approaches to growing a business faster during an uncertain economic climate.

  1. Embrace Business Development Service: During times of economic uncertainty, it becomes crucial to seek expert guidance and support. Business development services can provide valuable insights and assistance in identifying new opportunities, optimising operations, and implementing growth-oriented strategies. BusinessRiskTV offer comprehensive business development services that encompass market research, strategic planning, and marketing support. Leveraging such services can give your business a competitive edge and help accelerate growth.
  2. Prioritise Effective Risk Management: Uncertain economic climates often come with increased risks. To navigate these risks successfully, businesses must prioritise effective risk management practices. This involves identifying and assessing potential risks, implementing mitigation strategies, and regularly monitoring and adjusting risk management processes. Enterprise Risk Management Magazine provides valuable resources and articles on risk management best practices, which can help businesses stay proactive and resilient in the face of uncertainty.
  3. Foster Adaptability and Agility: Flexibility and adaptability are key attributes for businesses aiming to grow during uncertain economic times. Being able to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions, consumer demands, and industry trends can provide a competitive advantage. Cultivate a culture of agility within your organisation, empowering employees to embrace change and explore innovative solutions. This adaptability will allow your business to seize new opportunities and swiftly respond to challenges.
  4. Diversify Revenue Streams: During economic uncertainty, businesses heavily reliant on a single revenue stream can be more vulnerable to downturns. Diversifying revenue streams can help mitigate risks and ensure more stable growth. Explore new markets, develop complementary products or services, and seek strategic partnerships that can expand your customer base and revenue sources. The Risk Management Think Tank offers valuable insights on diversification strategies and can provide guidance on identifying new revenue streams for your business.
  5. Optimise Cost Efficiency: During uncertain economic times, optimising cost efficiency becomes imperative. Review your business operations to identify areas where costs can be reduced without compromising quality or customer satisfaction. Streamline processes, negotiate better deals with suppliers, and leverage technology to automate repetitive tasks. By maximising cost efficiency, you can free up resources to invest in growth initiatives and fuel business expansion.
  6. Focus on Customer Retention and Satisfaction: Maintaining strong customer relationships is crucial during times of economic uncertainty. Existing customers can provide a stable revenue base and act as brand advocates. Prioritise customer satisfaction by delivering exceptional products or services, providing personalised experiences, and actively seeking feedback. Implement customer loyalty programs and develop targeted marketing campaigns to nurture customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.
  7. Leverage Digital Marketing Channels: Digital marketing has become indispensable for businesses in today’s digital age, and its importance is further amplified during economic uncertainty. Utilise various digital marketing channels, such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing, to reach and engage with your target audience. Effectively leveraging these channels can help generate leads, increase brand visibility, and drive sales growth. The Business Risk Management Club offers membership resources and networking opportunities to stay updated on the latest digital marketing trends and strategies.
  8. Foster Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with strategic partners can be mutually beneficial and foster business growth, especially during uncertain economic climates. Look for opportunities to form strategic partnerships with businesses that complement your offerings or target similar customer segments. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, you can tap into new markets, share costs, and access additional distribution channels. Strategic partnerships can provide a platform for accelerated growth and help mitigate the impact of economic uncertainty.
  9. Stay Informed and Adapt to Market Trends: To grow your business faster in uncertain economic climates, it’s essential to stay informed about market trends, consumer behaviour, and industry developments. Monitor industry publications, attend conferences, and engage with thought leaders in your field. By staying ahead of the curve, you can identify emerging opportunities, anticipate changes in consumer demands, and adjust your strategies accordingly. This proactive approach will enable your business to pivot swiftly and position itself for rapid growth.
  10. Seek Financing Options: Access to capital is crucial for business growth, especially during uncertain economic times. Explore various financing options to fuel your expansion plans. This may include traditional bank loans, venture capital investments, crowdfunding, or government grants. Conduct thorough research, prepare a compelling business plan, and consider consulting with financial experts to identify the most suitable financing avenues for your business. Having the necessary financial resources will provide the foundation for accelerated growth, even in challenging economic conditions.

While economic uncertainty can pose challenges, it also presents opportunities for businesses to thrive and grow. By adopting a proactive and strategic approach, prioritising risk management, fostering adaptability, diversifying revenue streams, optimising cost efficiency, and nurturing customer relationships, you can position your business for accelerated growth even during uncertain times. Leverage the power of digital marketing, seek strategic partnerships, stay informed about market trends, and explore financing options to fuel your expansion plans. Remember, with the right strategies and mindset, you can not only survive but thrive in an uncertain economic climate.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging the resources and insights provided by BusinessRiskTV’s Business Development Service, Enterprise Risk Management Magazine, the Risk Management Think Tank, and the Business Risk Management Club, you can equip your business with the tools it needs to navigate uncertainty and drive accelerated growth.

More business risk management articles videos and reviews

10 Faster Business Growth Tips

How can a business survive during a recession

What should a business do during a recession?

What should a business do during a recession

Many very large businesses have already announced profit warnings. others have stopped recruiting. Central banks are stopping the release of cheap money into the economy. we have said for sometime now, that a global recession is coming to your business. have you prepared your business? What are you waiting for?

Rising unemployment is a common painful fact of a recession. With the current shortage of skills and high employment levels, many are burying their head in the sand about the economic factors which will bring about a global recession within the next 12 to 18 months. Too busy with other problems to think that far ahead, I hear you say? an understandable retort when business resources are limited. however, if you only invest your time and money in fighting current fires, you will always be reactive fighting current fires. taking some time to be more proactive, will enable you to breathe more easily and fight fewer fires.

How can your business prepare for and weather the coming global recession storm:

  • Simply battening down the hatches may not be the way to survive. Waiting for the storm to blow over may result in your business being blown away!
  • Stopping your investment in the right places of your business would be a mistake. knowing which parts of your business are the right parts is the tricky question.
  • Now, before the storm, maybe the time to review your business strategy and come up with an alternative risk management strategy to survive the change in business environment.

Will your business survive and thrive during a recession, perhaps a longer depression?

How can a business grow during a recession

Do you think keeping what you’ve got is the only business strategy to survive a long recession? Could you grow your way out of a recession:

  • Cutting your customer base yourself may be one way to shore-up your business resilience. Most of a business profit comes from a small percentage of its customer base. If your customers just bring turnover not profit they may sink your business not save it!
  • Boosting your productivity maybe an easier win then you think. Working smarter with your existing resources and assets will help your business sweat out more money.
  • Reaching out to more customers and markets maybe a better way to survive. Some of your competitors may have too much fat on their prices. Others may be great businesses but too much debt holes their business development strategy and they may go under. Other businesses will have opportunities from the survival of the fittest not necessarily the biggest or best.

Some businesses and business owners will get rich during the coming global recession. Your business will be affected by the recession, but it doesn’t need to be all bad or fatal.

Business strategy during recession

Managing debt down will be a crucial part of survival. That does not mean stopping spending. It means taking care to spend your money on the right things during a recession.

You need to look again at your decision-making. What are your priorities in a recession, compared to normal business environment?

Laying off workers may be a lazy business strategy. it is an easy obvious way to cut costs but it may mean that you are cutting your own business throat.

What is your business really good at? How can you do more of it? controlling cash flow and unnecessary spending is important, but that does not mean cutting investment in your business future.

Just because a business is big does not mean it will survive, nor does it mean that small businesses will suffer the most during a recession. Some of the biggest businesses that look amazing may have underlying issues that will sink them. small businesses who react quickly may be able to pick up the pieces.

How does the economy affect businesses

The more resilient a business is, the more likely it will be to survive the multitude of risks facing businesses in the current business climate. As a business leader you may not have control over all risk events which occur in the global economy, but you can be prepared for every eventuality.

Recessions affect different businesses differently. Do you understand what could sink your business? Are your risk control measures working? Have you put in place appropriate risk control measures for impending imminent future risks that may develop. is your business prepared?

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More information from previous archived articles and Videos:

What should businesses do in a recession

How to overcome an economic crisis after COVID-19

Products in demand during a recession

Businesses affected during a recession

When will the economic downturn happen

How to overcome economic problems thrown up by a recession

Causes and effects of a recession in the UK

Effects of a recession on families and businesses in the UK

How does our country get out of a recession

How can a business survive during a recession

How can leaders improve decision-making

How to improve decision-making in an organisation with BusinessRiskTV

How to improve decision-making in business

Successful business leaders:

  • Identify the internal and external risk factors driving the key risks impacting negatively and positively on your business objectives.
  • Evaluate options with best perception of risks and establish prioritisation of limited business resources where best outcomes can be anticipated.
  • Navigate risks and uncertainty proactively.

Formalise your decision-making process so you can monitor your good and bad decisions to learn lessons you can act upon to improve your business performance through better business decisions.

Guide your business through the coming uncertainties of your business environment

Create a better more certain future today with help from free subscription to BusinessRiskTV.

Your strategic operational and project decisions will create or destroy your future success in business

Cost effective decision-making in dynamic business environment requires business leaders to understand key business risks. Rethink what will be critical to your success in business.

The fast-paced complex nature of the business world means business leaders must have confidence in their decision-making processes and practices to ensure they make the best decision possible at the right time. Often the right decision is required sooner than later.

Decision-making can be worked on to improve your risk management skills. You need to know how your leadership decisions will impact on your business, preferably before you implement your decision.

BusinessRiskTV can help know more before you act.

How can leaders improve decision-making

Problem Of Scarcity

Working together we can overcome the worst

There is a finite amount of stuff available that people and businesses want. It is difficult to manage the risks of accessing, sharing and using limited resources. The problem of scarcity and choice lies at the heart of our immediate and at least medium term business risks and lifestyle quality. Scarcity requires choice from buyers and sellers.

How can we work together to overcome the problems of scarcity

How can we work together to overcome the problems of scarcity

Basic Economic Problem Solution

Working together to grow faster and shelter from bad risk events is the only way to survive and prosper in an increasingly dangerous world.

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Problem Of Scarcity

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In the midst of economic chaos there will be both opportunities and threats for your business

Working to help you succeed in any business environment

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The pandemic, the war, the energy crisis, the food crisis and the health crisis will create economic chaos over the next couple of years. That does not mean you might as well shut up shop and go home! When chaos causes other business leaders to fold you need to become even more creative, flexible and dynamic. To prepare for the ensuing economic disaster you need to build on your hard work managing effects of pandemic to cover more issues including continuing supply problems, rising costs and bad debt. You may have thought that now a couple of years after the pandemic started you could start to breath more easily. Unfortunately the economic effects of the pandemic were smoothed out with unprecedented monetary support from global governments. However their magic money tree has died! You are on your own now. Now we will see who really are the good business leaders.

Business Leadership Articles
Business Leadership Articles

More: You do not have to work it out on your own. Our business experts hub is available to you. Tens of thousands of business risk managers locally and globally are in your pocket, on your phone, to help you navigate your way through this economic storm.

We do not yet know and will never know with certainty, what key risks we will have to deal with in business. This is why we are horizon scanning for you. Our risk management experts are analysing and assessing new risks. We are researching and developing new risk management solutions. Subscribe for free to BusinessRiskTV to keep up to date with potential new threats and opportunities for your business.

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Risk Assessment Questions and Answers

Enterprise Risk Management Magazine: Read risk management articles and watch videos to discover how other business leaders are managing business risks.

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Knowledge Marketplace: Use our Knowledge Marketplace to increase your country risk or industry risk knowledge.

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How to manage risk in business better with BusinessRiskTV
How to manage risk in business better with BusinessRiskTV

Know Your Risk Profile To Know Your Business Better: Our Risk Profiling Workshops will help you understand your business threats and opportunities better.

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The BusinessRiskTV Marketplace

The Marketplace: Our marketplace will help you buy sell to achieve your business objectives more easily.

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In the midst of economic chaos there will be both opportunities and threats for your business

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Discover how to solve business problems with BusinessRiskTV

Get the best people to help you fix your business problems. Our risk experts hub can help you parachute in help at the right time more affordably for the correct amount of time. Sharpen your competitive edge to help your business succeed. Track the latest risk management information to inform your business decision-making process. Ensure you are not wasting money on poor business options and maximise the return on your available cash.

How can you solve the business problems holding your business back

  • Identify and clearly define the threats and opportunities impacting on your business objectives. When you understand the issues that could impact on your business you can focus your money and time on the things that matter to your business success or failure.
  • Pursue the opportunities most likely to help you achieve your business objectives.
  • Adopt a risk management process which will help you make better business decisions by reducing uncertainty.
  • Evaluate the solutions to your most important business issues to maximise the return on your investment of time Nd money.
  • Prioritise your risk management actions to maximise your business protection and seize new business opportunities quicker.

What are common business problems

  • Uncertainty is not managed cost effectively. Either too much or too little risk is taken in pursuit of business success.
  • Poor financial management can lead to wasted money reducing chance of success or increasing risk of failure.
  • Failure to monitor business progress or lack of progress. Know your key performance indicators and monitor them regularly to enable you to take early corrective action. Even the best business plans fail a little when put into practice.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of your business. Failure to comply can impact on you personally.
  • Failing to call upon the best people to help you achieve your business objectives could mean your amazing business ideas fail, not because you were mistaken, but due to failure to implement your business plans in best way.
  • Failing to gather risk information to help you make best business decisions at the right time.
  • Failing to use best tools plant and equipment may mean you just can’t compete with your competitors cost effectively to survive in business.

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It’s okay is you don’t have all the answers

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Use risk management experts to help you make right choices

You can’t be expected to know everything you need to know in business. Knowing what you don’t know is the first key step in finding the best best solutions for your business problems.

How to find the answers to your key business risk management questions

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Paralysis can be a consequence of having too many choices


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You don’t need to know all the answers you just need to know where to get all the answers

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If you get your business risk management strategies right you will build in business resilience for any business risk events. If you get your business risk management strategies wrong your business performance may falter at best or your business may suffer fatal catastrophic collapse at worst.

Business risk management strategies for dealing with unpredictable risk events

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Business Risk Profiling

Business Risk Profile Assessment

Dealing with unpredictable future requires dynamic risk assessment process. Your key risk assessments are ongoing not a one-off exercise.

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Managing unpredictable risk events better with BusinessRiskTV

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Boohoo ASOS and other online retailers demonstrate need to compete online

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Unexpected disasters can be an opportunity to grow fast

Turn tragedy into triumph with BusinessRiskTV.com

Making the most of unexpected disasters. Make the most of disasters. No one asks for a disaster to hit their business but when one comes along look for the opportunities that come with it. If you do this as part of business continuity planning you can come out of the disaster quicker stronger and more resilient.

how to reduce uncertainty in business
How to reduce uncertainty in business with BusinessRiskTV

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16th March 2020 Inspiration Healthcare Group Secures Massive Order To Supply Ventilators To NHS

Inspiration Healthcare secures its biggest ever order due to coronavirus pandemic and the coming lack of ventilators to treat the number of people expected to need such specialist equipment.

A disaster can be an opportunity to grow if you change your mindset.


Many businesses are not going to survive the coronavirus pandemic

One disaster in focus is the coronavirus pandemic. Many people do not realise how bad this is going to get. Countries like the UK and USA have yet to experience the full force of the COVID19 pandemic in terms of deaths. Our leaders are being very coy about the expected deaths and economic consequences. Both are going to be catastrophic. Families and economies are going to be decimated.

Guidelines For Covid-19 UK
Guidelines For Covid-19 and Risk Management Controls Updates

However the current pandemic is just one example of how businesses must be prepared to work from major risk events. To come out the other side of a significant risk event takes prior planning luck and hard work. You can control two out of the three and hope that this makes your own luck!

To come out the other side of major risk event stronger includes being ready to seize new business opportunities as well as mitigate downside risk impact.

You may be able to bring forward future planning as result of risk event. If you have a major fire then do not just build what you had before. Bring forward better ways of working that you may have planned for 5 years time prior to risk event.

Take the coronavirus. Your business may discover that out of the bad there are better ways of working you did not have time to evaluate. Having been forced to introduce the new ways of working due to virus you may find you need to make permanent changes.

  • Ways of working introduced to try to survive coronavirus may be ways of working that are more cost effective in non crisis operations. Working from home is not a panacea but it does create many environmental social and economic benefits to workers and businesses.
  • Competitors how are not resilient as your business may not survive crisis. This may allow you to change pricing or provide opportunity to introduce new marketing campaign to mop up their customers.
  • You products or services may simply be more in demand after the crisis than before it. Attitudes of business buyers and consumers will change during and after the crisis. Your business maybe well positioned to take advantage of change of attitude to sell more and grow your business faster. Retailers with online presence are struggling to keep up with orders which may mean those without online ordering and deliver service are going to miss out now and will when coronavirus is more under control.

There is nothing morally bad about making the most of a bad situation. If you survive a crisis you have the right to explore a new way of working that will benefit both your business consumers and society.

Many great inventions or innovations have been introduced and transformed life and business due to mistakes. Some new drugs and products were discovered when the inventor or developer was trying to achieve something totally different from what transpired as brilliance.

Necessity is the mother of invention


When forced into an existential situation it is human nature to fight to survive. There will always be risk events that threaten survival in business. Sometimes they risk event may be located on one business. On rare occasions a risk event threats whole business systems of working.

Around every 10 years business leaders should expect a financial crisis that threatens business survival. It is almost impossible to know how the financial crisis will arise. The cause of the risk event that creates the crisis is less important than the resilience to overcome the impact on your business.

Th last financial crisis was 2008. May countries in Europe have still not recovered from the 200 financial crisis never mind businesses. In some ways the financial crisis from the coronavirus is overdue. It is a couple of years late!

The point is that if you are in business for the long haul then you need to be prepared for at least one financial crisis every 10 years. In between you need to be ready for your own individual crisis’s that pop up just for your business.

Learning opportunities from a crisis

Major risk events are perhaps alarmingly more frequent than one expects. Rather than being overly alarmed maybe the best thing to do is learn from risk events. Take the good from the bad to improve future business performance.

Do not press the panic button
Do not press the panic button

We can also learn from other businesses who make mistakes on our behalf! If they suffer find out what they did wrong learn from their mistakes and make sure your business does not suffer the same consequences.

More than that find out what lessons other business leaders have learned from their past mistakes or negative risk events

Sharing bad experiences allows the herd to be better protected! Sharing successes helps the herd to join in on the success for faster growth and speedier progress.

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Risk events from any type of risk on its own or in combination can be fatal to an business strategy. Corporate risk management experts can be embedded in your decision making to support and advise on developing a new risk management strategy for greater certainty and success in business.

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Being successful in business is about managing risks cost effectively not risk avoidance

Take controlled risks to achieve more for your business. Effective risk assessment and risk management will give you more confidence you are making the best decisions bearing in mind external and internal business risk factors.

Create more corporate value. Build stronger business resilience regardless of business environment to beat your competition with better corporate risk management.

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Corporate Risk Management In The Spotlight

Corporate Risk Management In The Spotlight

10 Fundamentals Of Corporate Risk Management Guide

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organisations face numerous challenges and uncertainties that can impact their success. To navigate these complex waters, companies need to develop robust risk management strategies. Effective risk management enables businesses to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks, protecting their assets, reputation, and bottom line. In this comprehensive guide, BusinessRiskTV provides invaluable insights into corporate risk management, highlighting key principles, methodologies, and best practices to help organisations stay resilient and thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Understanding Risk Management
To effectively manage risks, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what risk management entails. Risk management is a proactive process that involves identifying, assessing, prioritising, and mitigating potential threats and opportunities that can impact an organisation’s objectives. By embracing risk management, businesses can make informed decisions, optimise opportunities, and protect themselves from potential harm.

The Importance of Risk Culture
Risk management is not solely the responsibility of a dedicated department but should be embedded within an organisation’s culture. Establishing a risk-aware culture ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of everyday operations. By fostering a culture that encourages open communication, accountability, and continuous learning, companies can create an environment where risks are identified, discussed, and managed effectively at all levels.

The Risk Management Process
A structured risk management process is crucial for systematic and effective risk mitigation. This section outlines the key steps involved in the risk management process:

a. Risk Identification: Identify potential risks that could impact the organisation’s objectives. This involves analysing internal and external factors, conducting risk assessments, and seeking input from various stakeholders.

b. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of identified risks. This step involves quantifying risks, considering their interdependencies, and prioritising them based on their significance.

c. Risk Mitigation: Develop strategies and action plans to manage and mitigate identified risks. This may involve implementing preventive measures, transferring risks through insurance, or creating contingency plans to minimise the potential impact.

d. Risk Monitoring and Review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of risk management strategies. Regular evaluations help identify emerging risks, reassess existing risks, and ensure the implemented measures remain relevant.

Types of Risks in Corporate Environments
Businesses face a wide range of risks across different aspects of their operations. Understanding these risks is essential for effective risk management. Here are some key types of risks commonly encountered in corporate environments:

a. Strategic Risks: Risks associated with the organisation’s strategic decisions, such as market volatility, changing consumer preferences, or technological disruptions.

b. Operational Risks: Risks arising from internal processes, systems, or human errors, including supply chain disruptions, equipment failures, or cybersecurity breaches.

c. Financial Risks: Risks related to financial management, including market fluctuations, liquidity issues, credit risks, or non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

d. Compliance Risks: Risks associated with non-compliance with laws, regulations, or industry standards, potentially leading to legal consequences, reputational damage, or financial penalties.

e. Reputational Risks: Risks that can harm an organization’s reputation, such as negative publicity, customer dissatisfaction, or unethical behaviour.

f. Environmental and Social Risks: Risks associated with environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and stakeholder expectations. These risks can include climate change impacts, community relations, or labour issues.

Risk Assessment Techniques
To effectively manage risks, organisations employ various techniques to assess and prioritise potential threats. Some commonly used risk assessment techniques include:

a. Qualitative Risk Assessment: Involves evaluating risks based on subjective criteria, such as likelihood and impact, using qualitative scales or matrices. This method provides a qualitative understanding of risks but does not involve precise numerical calculations.

b. Quantitative Risk Assessment: Utilises quantitative data and statistical analysis to assess risks. This involves assigning numerical values to likelihood and impact, calculating risk scores, and prioritising risks based on their quantitative measures. Techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis can be employed for more accurate assessments.

c. Scenario Analysis: Involves developing hypothetical scenarios to evaluate risks and their potential impacts. By exploring different scenarios, organisations can assess the likelihood and consequences of specific events or situations and develop appropriate risk response strategies.

d. SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis helps identify risks arising from internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats), allowing companies to develop targeted risk mitigation strategies.

e. Delphi Technique: A structured method that involves obtaining input from multiple experts or stakeholders anonymously. The experts provide their opinions on potential risks, and the responses are collated and analysed to identify areas of consensus and disagreement. This technique helps capture diverse perspectives and improve risk assessments.

Risk Mitigation Strategies
Once risks are identified and assessed, organisations need to develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies. Here are some common strategies employed in corporate risk management:

a. Risk Avoidance: Involves eliminating activities or situations that pose significant risks. This strategy may include discontinuing certain products or services, exiting high-risk markets, or terminating partnerships with unreliable entities.

b. Risk Reduction: Focuses on minimizing the likelihood or impact of risks. This can be achieved through implementing control measures, improving operational processes, enhancing security systems, or implementing redundancy plans.

c. Risk Transfer: Involves transferring the financial burden of risks to external parties. This can be done through insurance policies, contracts, or outsourcing certain activities to specialised service providers who assume responsibility for specific risks.

d. Risk Acceptance: Sometimes, organizations may choose to accept certain risks if the cost of mitigation outweighs the potential impact. However, even in such cases, organisations need to closely monitor and manage accepted risks to minimise adverse outcomes.

e. Risk Diversification: Spreading risks across different markets, products, or business lines can help reduce the concentration of risks. Diversification provides a buffer against the impact of specific risks and ensures that the organisation is not overly exposed to a single threat.

f. Crisis Management Planning: Developing robust crisis management plans enables organizations to respond effectively to unforeseen events. This involves outlining clear roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, and conducting regular drills to test the plan’s efficacy.

The Role of Technology in Risk Management
Technology plays a vital role in modern risk management practices. Innovative tools and technologies enable organisations to enhance their risk management processes in several ways:

a. Data Analytics: Advanced data analytics techniques allow organisations to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data. By analyzing historical and real-time data, organizations can identify patterns, detect emerging risks, and make informed decisions.

b. Risk Monitoring and Early Warning Systems: Real-time monitoring systems powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning can identify potential risks and alert organizations to take timely action. These systems provide early warnings, enabling proactive risk management.

c. Cybersecurity Measures: With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, robust cybersecurity measures are critical for protecting sensitive data and systems. Implementing firewalls, encryption techniques, and intrusion detection systems helps mitigate cybersecurity risks.

d. Automation and Robotics: Automation technologies streamline risk management processes, reducing human errors and improving efficiency. Robotic process automation (RPA) can handle repetitive tasks, data entry, and report generation, freeing up valuable human resources for more strategic risk management activities.

e. Cloud Computing: Cloud-based solutions provide organisations with secure storage, easy access to data, and enhanced collaboration capabilities. Cloud computing enables real-time data sharing, facilitates remote work, and improves business continuity in the event of a crisis.

f. Predictive Analytics: Predictive modeling techniques leverage historical data and algorithms to forecast future risks and trends. By analysing past patterns and behaviours, organisations can proactively identify potential risks and take preventive measures.

Integrated Risk Management
Integrated risk management (IRM) is an approach that combines all aspects of risk management into a unified framework. IRM breaks down silos and fosters collaboration among different risk management functions within an organization. By integrating various risk disciplines, such as operational risk, financial risk, and compliance risk, organisations can gain a comprehensive view of risks and their interdependencies.

IRM promotes a holistic understanding of risks, enabling organisations to make well-informed decisions that consider the broader impact on multiple areas of the business. It encourages a shared language and consistent methodologies for risk assessment, allowing for more effective communication and coordination.

Furthermore, IRM encourages the alignment of risk management with strategic objectives. By integrating risk considerations into strategic planning processes, organisations can identify and address risks that could hinder the achievement of their goals. This proactive approach ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of decision-making at all levels of the organisation.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation
Risk management is not a one-time exercise but an ongoing process. As the business landscape evolves, new risks emerge, and existing risks change in nature. Therefore, organisations must continuously review and adapt their risk management strategies to remain effective.

Regular risk assessments and monitoring mechanisms help identify emerging risks and allow for timely adjustments to risk mitigation strategies. Additionally, organisations should foster a culture of learning and improvement, encouraging employees to report near-misses, share lessons learned, and propose enhancements to existing risk management practices.

In today’s volatile business environment, effective corporate risk management is essential for organisations to survive and thrive. By understanding the principles, methodologies, and best practices outlined in this BusinessRiskTV Guide, businesses can develop robust risk management strategies that protect their assets, reputation, and bottom line.

Remember, risk management is a proactive and integrated process that requires a risk-aware culture, structured methodologies, and the effective use of technology. By identifying and assessing risks, developing appropriate mitigation strategies, and continuously monitoring and adapting, organizations can navigate uncertainties with confidence and seize opportunities for growth.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and make risk management a priority to ensure the long-term success of your organisation in an ever-changing business landscape.

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Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses

Unleashing the Power of Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses

In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly recognising the significance of global networking. Building connections and fostering relationships across borders has become a crucial strategy for organisations seeking growth, innovation, and a competitive edge. In this article, we will delve into the numerous advantages that global networking offers to businesses of all sizes and industries. By leveraging the power of connectivity, businesses can unlock new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and expand their reach on a global scale. Read on to discover how global networking can propel your business to new heights.

Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
Global networking opens the doors to collaboration with individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise. By connecting with professionals worldwide, businesses can tap into a vast pool of knowledge, insights, and perspectives. This exposure to different ideas and approaches fosters innovation and creativity within organisations.

Moreover, global networking provides opportunities to participate in conferences, seminars, and industry events, where experts and thought leaders share their expertise. These interactions enable businesses to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices, enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.

Access to New Markets and Business Opportunities:
One of the most significant advantages of global networking is the ability to access new markets and expand business opportunities beyond borders. By establishing connections with international partners, businesses can gain valuable insights into local markets, consumer preferences, and cultural nuances. This knowledge allows organisations to tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs of diverse markets, increasing their chances of success.

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Building a Stronger Brand and Reputation:
Global networking offers businesses the opportunity to build a stronger brand and reputation on a global scale. By connecting with influential individuals and organisations, companies can enhance their visibility and credibility within their industry and beyond. Positive endorsements and collaborations with reputable international partners can significantly impact a business’s brand image and attract new customers.

Additionally, active participation in global networking events, industry forums, and online communities allows businesses to showcase their expertise, thought leadership, and unique value propositions. This exposure positions them as industry leaders and trusted authorities in their respective domains, further strengthening their brand reputation.

Recruitment of Global Talent:
Global networking provides businesses with access to a vast talent pool from around the world. By establishing connections with professionals and organisations internationally, companies can tap into a diverse range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. This enables them to recruit top talent from different cultural and educational backgrounds, bringing fresh ideas and innovative approaches to their teams.

Moreover, global networking facilitates the identification of potential partners, suppliers, and collaborators who can contribute to a business’s growth and success. By connecting with like-minded professionals, businesses can build strategic relationships that foster innovation, create synergies, and drive mutual growth.

Global networking has emerged as a vital tool for businesses seeking growth, innovation, and success in the global marketplace. By leveraging the advantages of global networking, businesses can enhance collaboration, access new markets, build a stronger brand, and recruit top talent from around the world. Embracing a global mindset and actively participating in networking activities can open doors to unprecedented opportunities and pave the way for long-term success.

In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses cannot afford to operate in isolation. Establishing and nurturing global connections allows organisations to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the rapidly changing global business landscape. Whether it’s through attending international conferences, leveraging online platforms, or forging partnerships with organisations worldwide, businesses can harness the power of global networking to propel their growth.

The advantages of global networking for businesses are undeniable. From enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing to accessing new markets and business opportunities, building a stronger brand and reputation, and recruiting global talent, the benefits are vast. Embracing a global networking mindset is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s hyperconnected world.

To make the most of global networking, businesses should actively seek opportunities to connect with professionals, industry experts, and potential partners on a global scale. They can explore online networking platforms, join industry-specific communities, participate in international events and conferences, and establish strategic partnerships with organisations in different countries.

However, it’s essential to approach global networking with a genuine intent to build meaningful relationships and provide value to others. Networking is not just about self-promotion; it’s about establishing mutually beneficial connections and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.

By capitalising on the advantages of global networking, businesses can expand their horizons, tap into new markets, stay abreast of industry trends, and unlock innovation. In this fast-paced and interconnected world, building a strong global network is a powerful asset that can set businesses apart from the competition and pave the way for sustained success.

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How to save retail businesses on the UK High Street

How to save the British High Street

Death of the High Street in UK has been predicted for some years. 2019 has been bad year for UK High Street with 85000 plus job losses and many retail business collapses. However saving the British High Street may not be just about tackling unfair taxation of retail on the High Street. What the High Street in UK offers consumers needs to change as what they want has changed.

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We are helping retailers and other businesses to become more successful businesses on the UK High Street. Boost your retail sales on the High Street and online with our help. Diversify your income streams. Save your shop.

The UK High Street is not dead. It just needs to change what it offers and when. It also needs to increase its innovation with the use of the internet.


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Can the UK High Street be saved? Yes it can!

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1st November 2019 High Street Retailers Business Rates Should Be Halved and VAT Increased To 22 Percent

Business rates should be halved and VAT increased to 22% in a bid to save the High Street.

Former Sainsburys CEO Justin King

He was talking on BBC Today programme. Adjusting the taxation will help High Street retailers in his opinion.

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Good Business Decisions

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In the world of business, making the right decisions can be the difference between success and failure. Business owners must be able to weigh the potential risks and rewards of each decision before taking action. But with so many variables to consider, making good business decisions can be a daunting task. Fortunately, BusinessRiskTV.com is here to help. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of good business decisions and how BusinessRiskTV.com can help you make them.

Why Good Business Decisions are Important

Making good business decisions is essential for the long-term success of any company. Here are a few reasons why:

Maximising profits: Good business decisions can help you maximise your profits by identifying opportunities to cut costs, increase revenue, and improve efficiency.

Mitigating risks: Every business decision involves some level of risk. Making good decisions can help you identify and mitigate potential risks, reducing the likelihood of financial losses.

Building trust: Making good decisions can help build trust with customers, employees, and investors. By demonstrating your ability to make sound decisions, you can inspire confidence in your stakeholders and build a positive reputation for your company.

Improving innovation: Good business decisions can lead to innovative ideas and solutions, helping your company stay ahead of the competition.

How BusinessRiskTV.com can Help

BusinessRiskTV.com is an online platform designed to help businesses manage risks and make informed decisions. Here are some of the ways BusinessRiskTV.com can help you make good business decisions:

Risk Management Tools: BusinessRiskTV.com provides a wide range of risk management tools to help you identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks. These tools can help you make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Expert Advice: BusinessRiskTV.com provides access to a network of experts in various industries. These experts can offer valuable insights and advice on how to make informed business decisions.

Industry Insights: BusinessRiskTV.com provides access to a wealth of industry insights and data. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry, you can make informed decisions that give you a competitive edge.

Training and Education: BusinessRiskTV.com provides training and education resources to help you and your team improve your decision-making skills. By developing your ability to make informed decisions, you can improve the overall performance of your company.

Examples of Good Business Decisions

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of good business decisions:

Apple’s Decision to Focus on Design: In the early 2000s, Apple made the decision to focus on design, creating products that were both aesthetically pleasing and functional. This decision helped Apple differentiate itself from competitors and build a loyal customer base.

Netflix’s Decision to Move into Original Content: In 2013, Netflix made the decision to move into original content, producing shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. This decision helped Netflix reduce its reliance on licensed content and establish itself as a major player in the entertainment industry.

Amazon’s Decision to Invest in Technology: Amazon has consistently invested in technology, from its early days as an online bookseller to its current position as a leading e-commerce and cloud computing company. This decision has helped Amazon stay ahead of the competition and maintain its position as a market leader.

Coca-Cola’s Decision to Expand into New Markets: Coca-Cola has a long history of expanding into new markets, from its early days in the United States to its current position as a global brand. This decision has helped Coca-Cola maintain its position as one of the world’s most recognisable brands.

Ford’s Decision to Introduce the Model T: In 1908, Ford made the decision to introduce the Model T, a car that was affordable and easy to produce. This decision revolutionised the automobile industry, making cars accessible to the average person and transforming transportation as we know it.

These examples demonstrate the importance of making good business decisions and the impact they can have on a company’s success.

Making good business decisions is essential for the long-term success of any company. By identifying and mitigating potential risks, maximising profits, building trust, and improving innovation, good business decisions can help companies stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals.

BusinessRiskTV.com is an online platform designed to help businesses manage risks and make informed decisions. By providing access to risk management tools, expert advice, industry insights, and training and education resources, BusinessRiskTV.com can help companies make informed decisions that drive their success.

So if you want to make good business decisions, turn to BusinessRiskTV.com. With its wealth of resources and expert guidance, you can make informed decisions that help your company achieve its goals and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

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BusinessRiskTV Guide To Business Protection

Running a successful business requires more than just a great product or service. It involves understanding and managing the risks that can impact your organisation. From financial risks to cybersecurity threats, there are various factors that can jeopardise the stability and growth of your business. In this BusinessRiskTV Guide to Business Protection, we will explore the key areas you need to consider to protect your business from potential risks.

Risk Assessment
The first step in protecting your business is to conduct a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying and evaluating the potential risks that your business may face. It is essential to assess both internal and external factors that could impact your operations. Internal risks may include financial instability, employee turnover, or operational inefficiencies. External risks can range from economic downturns to changes in regulations or new competitors entering the market. By conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, you can prioritise your efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Financial Risk Management
Financial risks can have a significant impact on your business’s sustainability. It is crucial to develop a robust financial risk management strategy to protect your company’s assets and ensure its long-term viability. This includes identifying potential risks such as cash flow issues, debt management, currency fluctuations, and interest rate changes. Implementing financial controls, diversifying revenue streams, and creating a contingency fund are some of the strategies you can adopt to mitigate financial risks.

Insurance Coverage
Insurance plays a crucial role in protecting your business from unexpected events. It is essential to assess your insurance needs and ensure that you have adequate coverage. Different types of insurance policies are available to address specific risks, such as property insurance, liability insurance, business interruption insurance, and cyber insurance. Carefully review the terms and conditions of each policy to ensure that it aligns with your business’s unique requirements. Regularly reassess your coverage to account for any changes in your operations or business environment.

Cybersecurity Measures
In today’s digital age, businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Protecting your business’s sensitive information and customer data is of utmost importance. Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, encryption, secure passwords, and regular data backups. Educate your employees about the best practices for data security and create a culture of awareness within your organization. Conduct regular security audits and stay updated with the latest cybersecurity trends to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

Legal Compliance
Compliance with laws and regulations is critical to protecting your business from legal risks. Failure to comply with relevant regulations can result in hefty fines, legal battles, and damage to your reputation. Stay informed about the laws and regulations that govern your industry and ensure that your business adheres to them. This may include data protection laws, labor regulations, environmental regulations, and consumer protection laws. Establish robust compliance processes, including regular audits and training programs, to minimise legal risks.

Business Continuity Planning
Developing a comprehensive business continuity plan is essential to ensure that your business can withstand unexpected disruptions. Identify the critical functions of your business and create contingency plans to mitigate risks. This may involve developing alternate supply chains, establishing remote work capabilities, or creating backup systems for crucial operations. Regularly test and update your business continuity plan to account for any changes in your operations or potential risks.

Reputation Management
Protecting your business’s reputation is crucial for long-term success. A damaged reputation can result in loss of customers, decreased revenue, and difficulty attracting top talent. Implement strategies to build and maintain a positive brand image. This includes delivering excellent customer service, being transparent and ethical in your business practices, and actively managing your online presence. Monitor social media platforms, respond promptly to customer feedback, and address any negative publicity proactively.

Strategic Partnerships
Collaborating with strategic partners can help mitigate risks and enhance your business’s protection. Strategic partnerships can provide access to additional resources, expertise, and networks that can help you navigate risks more effectively. Look for partners who complement your business and share similar values. Collaborate on joint projects, share best practices, and leverage each other’s strengths to enhance your risk management capabilities. Building strong relationships with suppliers, distributors, and other key stakeholders can also contribute to the overall protection of your business.

Employee Training and Engagement
Your employees are an integral part of your business’s protection. Investing in employee training and engagement can help mitigate risks and enhance your overall business resilience. Provide regular training sessions on topics such as risk awareness, cybersecurity, compliance, and crisis management. Foster a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable reporting potential risks or suggesting improvements. Engaged employees are more likely to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing risks, contributing to a safer and more secure business environment.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation
Business protection is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. Regularly review your risk management strategies and update them as necessary. Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in your industry to anticipate potential risks. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and implement a robust reporting system to track the effectiveness of your risk management efforts. Conduct periodic audits and risk assessments to identify any emerging risks or areas for improvement.

Protecting your business from potential risks is essential for its long-term success and sustainability. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, implementing financial risk management strategies, securing adequate insurance coverage, strengthening cybersecurity measures, ensuring legal compliance, developing a business continuity plan, managing your reputation, leveraging strategic partnerships, investing in employee training and engagement, and continuously monitoring and evaluating your risk management efforts, you can enhance your business protection. Remember, business protection is an ongoing process that requires adaptability and a proactive approach to address the ever-evolving risks in today’s business landscape. By prioritising risk management and taking proactive measures, you can safeguard your business and position it for long-term growth and success.

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No Such Thing As Bad Economic Environment Just Bad Business Planning

What can a business do to survive an economic crisis

Many business leaders claim external risk factors are the cause of poor business performance. They then claim full credit when the business has performed well!

Brexit uncertainty has been the perfect cover for poorly performing business leaders. No doubt their expert hand on the tiller will be responsible for improved performance after Brexit uncertainty has been removed one way or another.

The best example of excusers are retail business leaders. Worst of all is the British Retail Consortium BRC that frequently and consistently over the last 3 years have winged how difficult their members are finding the marketplace. The cause? All down to Brexit uncertainty as if it has just been sprung on retail business leaders!

The actual cause of losses shop closures and job losses has been that some retail businesses have incredibly bad business leaders who have lacked innovation and creativity. Some retail business leaders have stuck by what has worked for them in the past when in fact they needed to take action to prepare their business for a global economic slowdown and Brexit uncertainty.

Not all retail business leaders fall into this incompetent business leader camp. Many inspired and creative retail business leaders have prepared their business to changing economic environment and have or are starting to reap the rewards of being excellent business leaders.

If your CLICK here you will find some more business retail business leaders who know their onions. One company I have not heard being proclaimed as master of the High Street is Iceland. Take a walk along their food retail isle and you will soon discover that the Iceland management team have polished a turd and created a wonderful new retail business experience. Quality food is presented in great shops and offer fantastic value for money. Move over Lidl and Aldi as iceland are beating you at your own game.

What does ASDA and Sainsburys try to do? They go for a stock market solution. After trying to merge to destroy shareholder value and boost senior management team personal earnings before they retire then resort to price cuts. How innovative!

Best Retail Business Leaders To Watch – Iceland Management Team

My tip for the future is not because I am rewarded by Iceland. It is because I buy their products every week and so should you if you like quality food and great prices provided by impressive food retailers.

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What strategies can a company use in an economic downturn?

There is no doubt that the global economy is slowing in activity. No business leader can change the economic environment. Business leaders can however change how they manage the risks coming out of an economic slowdown.

Check in with BusinessRiskTV to find out what your peers are doing and what risk management experts recommend you do.

Bad situations can often be the spark and drive for better business management. Starting and growing a business in a bad economic climate can be the best situation to be in. Be prepared and do not listen to the naysayers in life and business!

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Identify the next steps for a better future regardless of the economic environment. Update your business plan and risk management strategy.

A bad economy could be the best thing for your business. Fewer competitors and more business opportunities for growth. Do not procrastinate. the perfect moment to make changes or start a business will never come until it is too late to take advantage of the opportunity. There is no such thing as a no risk business. Manage the risks to maximise performance with available business resources.

Great businesses can start and grow in any economy

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No Such Thing As Bad Economic Environment Just Bad Business Plan

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