Survival Strategies In Business

Survival strategy in strategic management

Business survival guide for trading through harsh economic environment

Survival Strategies in Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Thriving in Harsh Economic Environments

In today’s volatile business landscape, navigating through challenging economic conditions can be a daunting task. However, with effective survival strategies in place, businesses can not only weather the storm but also emerge stronger. This article will provide valuable insights and practical tips on how to keep your business afloat during harsh economic environments, employing key survival strategies in strategic management.

  1. Assess and Adapt: The Foundation of Survival Strategies
    Surviving in a harsh economic environment begins with a thorough assessment of your business. Evaluate your current position, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis), and develop strategies to leverage your strengths and address weaknesses. Adaptability is key, as businesses must be prepared to pivot and adjust their operations to align with changing market demands.
  2. Streamline Operations and Reduce Costs
    During challenging times, it is crucial to optimize your operations and identify areas for cost reduction. Analyze your business processes, eliminate inefficiencies, renegotiate contracts with suppliers, and explore opportunities for outsourcing non-core activities. Cutting unnecessary costs while maintaining quality and efficiency can help businesses survive and remain competitive.
  3. Diversify Your Revenue Streams
    Overreliance on a single product, service, or market can expose businesses to significant risks. To enhance survival prospects, consider diversifying your revenue streams. Explore new markets, develop complementary products or services, or establish strategic partnerships that can open up additional income sources. This diversification can provide stability and cushion against economic downturns.
  4. Maintain Strong Relationships with Customers
    Nurturing and retaining existing customers is vital during tough economic times. Focus on providing exceptional customer service, personalised experiences, and innovative solutions that meet their evolving needs. Develop loyalty programs, offer incentives, and engage in proactive communication to strengthen customer relationships. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and support your business, even in challenging times.
  5. Embrace Digital Transformation
    In the digital age, businesses that fail to adapt to the digital landscape risk falling behind. Invest in technology and embrace digital transformation to improve operational efficiency, reach a wider audience, and capitalise on emerging opportunities. Leverage digital marketing, social media, and e-commerce platforms to expand your online presence and connect with customers in cost-effective ways.
  6. Continuously Monitor and Anticipate Market Trends
    Survival strategies require businesses to stay ahead of the curve by monitoring and anticipating market trends. Regularly analyse industry reports, conduct market research, and keep a close eye on your competitors. This proactive approach allows you to identify emerging opportunities, anticipate challenges, and make informed strategic decisions to keep your business agile and resilient.
  7. Build a Resilient Workforce
    Employees are the backbone of any organisation, and their resilience is crucial during tough times. Foster a culture of open communication, transparency, and collaboration within your workforce. Provide training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and adaptability. Engage in effective change management practices to ensure a smooth transition during challenging periods. A resilient workforce can contribute significantly to the survival and growth of your business.
  8. Seek Financial Support and Plan for Contingencies
    When economic conditions worsen, seeking financial support can be essential for business survival. Explore funding options, such as loans, grants, or government programs designed to assist businesses during economic downturns. Develop a contingency plan that includes financial forecasts, cash flow management strategies, and risk mitigation measures. Being prepared for unexpected challenges can minimise their impact on your business operations.
  9. Collaborate and Leverage Networks
    In difficult times, collaboration and strategic alliances can be powerful survival strategies. Identify opportunities to collaborate with other businesses or industry associations to share resources, pool knowledge, and jointly tackle challenges. Collaborative efforts can lead to cost savings, knowledge exchange, and access to new markets or customer segments. Leverage your professional networks, attend industry events, and actively participate in business communities to stay connected and explore potential partnerships.
  1. Communicate Transparently with Stakeholders
    During harsh economic environments, maintaining open and transparent communication with stakeholders is crucial. Keep employees, investors, suppliers, and customers informed about your business’s situation, challenges, and strategies. Clear communication fosters trust, builds loyalty, and encourages support from key stakeholders. It also allows for collaborative problem-solving and enables stakeholders to align their expectations with the reality of the economic climate.
  2. Embrace Innovation and Agility
    Innovation and agility are key survival traits for businesses operating in challenging economic environments. Encourage a culture of innovation within your organisation, where employees are empowered to generate and implement new ideas. Adapt quickly to changing circumstances, seize emerging opportunities, and be willing to modify your business model or offerings to meet evolving market demands. Embracing innovation and agility can help you stay ahead of the competition and thrive, even in tough times.

Surviving and thriving in harsh economic environments require a combination of strategic planning, adaptability, and resilience. By implementing the survival strategies in strategic management outlined in this article, businesses can weather economic downturns, keep their businesses afloat, and position themselves for long-term success. Assessing and adapting, streamlining operations, diversifying revenue streams, maintaining strong customer relationships, embracing digital transformation, monitoring market trends, building a resilient workforce, seeking financial support, collaborating with others, and communicating transparently are key elements to guide businesses through challenging times. By employing these strategies, you can fortify your business’s survival and emerge stronger in the face of adversity.

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Survival Strategies In Business

Survival Strategies In Business

Monitoring Business Outcomes

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How to boost your business performance

Monitoring business outcomes involves tracking and analysing key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the success and progress of a business. Here are some steps to help you effectively monitor business outcomes:

  1. Define your business goals: Clearly articulate your business objectives and what you aim to achieve. Establish specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, increasing revenue by 10% in the next quarter.
  2. Identify relevant KPIs: Determine the key metrics that align with your goals. KPIs may vary depending on the nature of your business, but common examples include sales revenue, customer acquisition rate, customer satisfaction score, conversion rate, website traffic, and average order value.
  3. Establish data tracking systems: Implement tools and systems to collect relevant data. This may involve using analytics software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, financial reporting tools, or any other platforms that provide insights into your KPIs. Ensure data integrity and accuracy by properly integrating and validating your data sources.
  4. Set benchmarks and targets: Establish benchmarks and targets for each KPI based on historical data, industry standards, or desired performance levels. These benchmarks will serve as reference points to evaluate your business outcomes.
  5. Regularly collect and analyse data: Consistently gather data on your chosen KPIs. This can be done through automated reporting, data exports, or real-time analytics dashboards. Analyse the data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement. Use visualisations and reports to better understand your business performance.
  6. Take corrective actions: If your business outcomes are not meeting the desired targets, identify the root causes and develop corrective actions. This could involve adjusting marketing strategies, improving operational efficiency, enhancing customer service, or other relevant measures. Regularly review and update your action plans based on the insights gained from data analysis.
  7. Communicate and track progress: Share the outcomes and progress with key stakeholders, such as management, employees, and investors. Transparently communicate the results, highlighting successes and areas that need improvement. Regularly review and discuss the business outcomes in meetings or reports.
  8. Adapt and iterate: Business environments are dynamic, so it’s important to adapt your monitoring approach as needed. Regularly reassess your KPIs, refine your data collection methods, and adjust targets as your business evolves.

By following these steps, you can effectively monitor your business outcomes and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and success.

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Monitoring Business Outcomes

Understand Risk Management And How It Can Improve Your Business Performance

What is risk management in business?

How do you understand risk and it’s impact on your business objectives?

Adopt best practice corporate risk management practices to understand your business threats and opportunities better.

  • Effective risk management will protect your business more cost-effectively and help you implement ways to grow your business faster with less uncertainty.
  • Access risk insights from industry leaders near you and globally.
  • Discover how to optimise your use of your money and time. Boost your business performance.

Put risk management theory into practice to build stronger business resilience and develop your business faster. Adopt a better risk management process easily and consistently. Discover essential risk management tools and techniques to help you make better business decisions more often.


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What are the strategies companies can use to beat the competition

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Understand Risk Management And How It Can Improve Your Business Performance

What are the things you need to avoid in order for your business to grow and be successful?

Make sure you focus your business resources on the key threats and opportunities facing your business

How do you make sure your business does not fail?

Avoid mistakes your team know are too risky. Pick up business tips help and support to protect and grow your business. What do you need to make sure doesnā€™t happen in your business in next 5 years if you are to look back and assess your business plan to have been a success? What do you not want your business to look like in five years time? How are you going to ensure you are successful? Collaborate with other business leaders on a better business risk management strategy. Adopt a more creative innovative approach to business risk taking.

  • Find and solve business problems more cost-effectively.
  • Manage your business risks better.
  • Learn how to sell more online to grow your business faster.

Analyse key business risks currently impacting on your business and risks on the horizon. Understand the benefits of balanced business risk management strategy. Focus your available resources on what really matters for your business.

What are the things you need to avoid in order for your business to grow and be successful?

Importance of decision making in business

Keys to better decision making with BusinessRiskTV

How can we make faster and better business decisions?

Use our business risk management tools and techniques to inform your business decision making.

How to improve decision-making in business

  1. Access unbiased independent business risk information in your business risk management process.
  2. Identify assess and understand your best business opportunities and threats to your business assets.
  3. Prioritise your limited resources of time and money to focus your business energy on those issues most likely to bring you success in business.
  4. Waste less time on trivial, low-risk or unimportant things related to your business objectives.
  5. Gain risk insight knowledge and business intelligence to improve your business decision-making.
  6. Make better decisions and act on what do you have decided upon quickly.

Make sure that decision-makers are accountable for their risk analysis, decisions and actions. overcome your false risk perceptions with better risk analysis and learn to stop analysis paralysis holding your business back.

Importance of decision making in business

How can leaders improve decision-making

How to improve decision-making in an organisation with BusinessRiskTV

How to improve decision-making in business

Successful business leaders:

  • Identify the internal and external risk factors driving the key risks impacting negatively and positively on your business objectives.
  • Evaluate options with best perception of risks and establish prioritisation of limited business resources where best outcomes can be anticipated.
  • Navigate risks and uncertainty proactively.

Formalise your decision-making process so you can monitor your good and bad decisions to learn lessons you can act upon to improve your business performance through better business decisions.

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Your strategic operational and project decisions will create or destroy your future success in business

Cost effective decision-making in dynamic business environment requires business leaders to understand key business risks. Rethink what will be critical to your success in business.

The fast-paced complex nature of the business world means business leaders must have confidence in their decision-making processes and practices to ensure they make the best decision possible at the right time. Often the right decision is required sooner than later.

Decision-making can be worked on to improve your risk management skills. You need to know how your leadership decisions will impact on your business, preferably before you implement your decision.

BusinessRiskTV can help know more before you act.

How can leaders improve decision-making

Embracing uncertainty in business

Overcoming the difficulties of managing uncertainty with BusinessRiskTV

How can a business grow in uncertain times

Can you shape your business destiny:

  • Is your business prepared for any change in business climate?
  • Do you have a business plan recognising opportunities to grow through any crisis of fortune?
  • What is your strategy for growing through uncertain times?

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Work on the best strategy for your business in these highly uncertain times

Get help to grow in a business environment which is hard to predict, but through which you need to navigate.

Decision making under uncertainty

Procrastination or failing to take risks can be as damaging as taking calculated risks to achieve business objectives. The uncertainty in business environment is not going to go away. Waiting for the right time may mean you wait forever and it still works out badly for your business.

A recession, even a depression, can be a good tome to beat your competition through business growth

A global recession is coming. It may even turn into years of depression. You may need to rethink your business during the uncertainty that comes during the bad months, perhaps years, ahead.

Work with us to learn how to succeed in uncertain times

We connect with business leaders to manage the risks during heightened uncertainty. The threats to your business have rarely been greater. However, the riskiest business environments create the best tomes for faster business growth.

Embracing Risk in Business: Overcoming Failure and Breaking the Status Quo Trap

If you want success in business you have to take risks and know that if you made bad decisions Plan B, C or D will enable you to recover and still move forward.

In the dynamic world of business, success often hinges on the ability to take risks and make informed decisions. Entrepreneurs and business leaders know that to achieve significant growth, they must step out of their comfort zones and embrace uncertainty. This article explores the importance of risk-taking in business and how it can lead to success. Additionally, we will discuss the strategies to overcome failure, the perils of the status quo trap in decision-making, and the impact of risk on the decision-making process.

  1. Why is risk important in business?
    1.1. Driving Innovation and Growth
    1.2. Seizing Opportunities in a Competitive Market
    1.3. Navigating Uncertainty and Adapting to Change
    1.4. Attracting Investors and Stakeholders
    1.5. Learning and Personal Growth
  2. How do you overcome business failure?
    2.1. Accepting Failure as a Learning Opportunity
    2.2. Analysing and Understanding the Root Causes of Failure
    2.3. Reevaluating and Adjusting Strategies
    2.4. Cultivating Resilience and Perseverance
    2.5. Seeking Mentorship and Learning from Others’ Experiences
    2.6. Leveraging Failure for Future Success
  3. The Status Quo Trap in Decision-Making
    3.1. Defining the Status Quo Trap
    3.2. Recognizing the Dangers of Complacency
    3.3. Assessing the Cost of Inaction
    3.4. Overcoming the Status Quo Trap
    3.5. Encouraging a Culture of Innovation and Change
  4. How Does Risk Affect Decision-Making?
    4.1. Rational vs. Irrational Decision-Making
    4.2. Understanding Risk Appetite and Tolerance
    4.3. Weighing Potential Gains and Losses
    4.4. Mitigating Risks through Analysis and Planning
    4.5. Balancing Risk and Reward
    4.6. Incorporating Risk Management Strategies

To achieve success in business, it is imperative to recognise the significance of risk-taking and the role it plays in driving growth, innovation, and adaptability. Overcoming failure requires resilience, a willingness to learn from mistakes, and a commitment to constantly improve. Moreover, breaking free from the status quo trap empowers decision-makers to challenge conventional thinking and embrace change. By understanding the interplay between risk and decision-making, entrepreneurs can make informed choices that lead to positive outcomes and propel their businesses forward.

Remember, success in business isn’t about avoiding risks altogether but rather about managing and mitigating them effectively. Embrace the unknown, learn from failures, and dare to challenge the status quo ā€” for it is through these actions that true success can be achieved.

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Embracing uncertainty in business

Sustaining Business Performance

What makes a business sustainable and profitable

Figure out how to sustain your business in any economic climate. Our corporate risk management services can help guide you through the best and worst of the economic cycles. Protect your business and pivot to expand when risk events occur. Is it time to use creativity and innovative business development ideas to protect and grow your business. Drive your business growth faster, or at least ensure you survive what the world throws at your business.

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Engage the right people at the right times from our Business Intelligence sources, Knowledge Marketplace and Business Experts Hub. Business leaders need to take action to survive and prosper as the rapidly changing world can kill those businesses unwilling to change.

What makes a business sustainable and profitable

Sustaining growth in business during global recession

Sustaining Business Performance

Risk Diversification Is A Protection Against Ignorance Of Your Key Business Risks

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What is risk diversification? Diversification is for idiots explored. What are the dangers of over diversification in business? Concentration of effort on key risks builds better business protection and can grow a business faster with less uncertainty. Diversification is not good or bad – horses for courses! There are benefits of diversification, but not at expense of liquifying your business success.

If you do not know how to manage business risks you need to diversify your risk management strategy more to protect your business from your incompetence.

Of course you should hedge your bets in business decision making if you do not know what you are doing! Do you know your key business threats and opportunityā€™s ? Are you sure you know? If so go ahead full steam. If you do not know then maybe you should understand your business risks better before managing your business risks to maximise your business performance?

Benefits Of Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Benefits Of Enterprise Risk Management ERM

If you know how to analysis your business risks and truly value your business assets, then maybe you should invest most of your time and money in what you know rather than uncertainty! If you want your business to perform averagely maybe you should spread your risk decisions, or alternatively, if you want maximum performance from your existing resources you should focus on whatā€™s best for your business? Spread your business investment wider if you feel more comfortable with that but do that knowing you do not truly understand your key business risks.

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Risk Diversification Is A Protection Against Ignorance

This Will Fundamentally Change The Way You Look At Risk

Stop looking to reduce risk and instead make your business plans under a risk-based approach to business decision making with BusinessRiskTV

How can business leaders change business performance with a more risk based approach to business management?

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Look at risk as a positive for your business. Manage the threats better. Seize new business development opportunities quicker and enhance the benefits arising from risk taking.

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Guidance On Enterprise Risk Management On BusinessRiskTV

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ERM Framework Implementation

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is the process of identifying, assessing, prioritising, and managing risks that could affect an organisationā€™s ability to achieve its objectives. In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations face numerous risks, such as financial, operational, strategic, regulatory, reputational, and cybersecurity. The failure to manage these risks could lead to severe consequences, such as financial loss, legal liability, damage to reputation, and even business failure.

Therefore, it’s critical for organizations to implement a robust ERM framework to identify and mitigate risks that could potentially harm the organization. In this article, we will provide guidance on how organisations can implement an effective ERM framework to manage risks.

Establishing an ERM framework
The first step in implementing ERM is to establish a framework that outlines the organisationā€™s risk management policies, procedures, and practices. The framework should define the roles and responsibilities of the risk management team, establish risk assessment methodologies, and identify the key risk indicators (KRIs) that will be used to monitor risks.

The ERM framework should also identify the organisationā€™s risk appetite, which refers to the level of risk that the organisation is willing to accept in pursuit of its objectives. The risk appetite should be clearly defined and communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, and regulators.

The ERM framework should be aligned with the organisationā€™s strategic objectives, and the risk management team should work closely with the senior management team to ensure that risk management is integrated into the organisationā€™s decision-making process.

Conducting a risk assessment
The next step in implementing ERM is to conduct a risk assessment, which involves identifying, analysing, and evaluating risks that could potentially harm the organisation. The risk assessment should be based on a systematic and comprehensive approach that considers all the potential risks that the organisation faces.

The risk assessment should consider both internal and external factors that could affect the organisationā€™s ability to achieve its objectives. Internal factors include the organisationā€™s culture, structure, processes, and people, while external factors include economic, political, technological, and regulatory factors.

The risk assessment should also consider the likelihood and impact of each risk and prioritise them based on their significance. The risk assessment should be updated periodically to ensure that new risks are identified and managed.

Developing a risk management plan
Once the risks have been identified and prioritised, the next step is to develop a risk management plan that outlines the actions that will be taken to manage each risk. The risk management plan should consider the risk appetite of the organisation and the resources that are available to manage the risks.

The risk management plan should include specific measures to mitigate each risk, such as risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, and risk acceptance. Risk avoidance involves eliminating the risk altogether, while risk reduction involves implementing measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk. Risk transfer involves transferring the risk to another party, such as an insurance company, while risk acceptance involves accepting the risk and managing it within the organisationā€™s risk appetite.

The risk management plan should also identify the stakeholders who will be responsible for managing each risk and the KRIs that will be used to monitor the risks. The risk management plan should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains effective and relevant.

Implementing risk management controls
The next step in implementing ERM is to implement risk management controls to manage the risks. Risk management controls are the policies, procedures, and practices that are implemented to manage the risks identified in the risk assessment.

Risk management controls should be designed to ensure that the organisation operates within its risk appetite and that the risks are managed effectively. Risk management controls should be integrated into the organisationā€™s processes and systems to ensure that they are followed consistently.

Monitoring and reporting on risks
The final step in implementing ERM is to monitor and report on risks. Monitoring involves tracking the effectiveness of the risk management controls and the KRIs that were identified in the risk management plan. The monitoring process should be designed to detect any changes in the risk environment and to ensure that the risk management controls remain effective.

Reporting involves communicating the results of the risk management process to stakeholders, such as the board of directors, senior management, investors, customers, and regulators. The reporting should provide an accurate and comprehensive view of the organisationā€™s risk exposure and the effectiveness of the risk management controls.

Reporting should also include any significant changes in the risk environment and any emerging risks that could potentially impact the organisation. Reporting should be timely, accurate, and relevant to ensure that stakeholders have the information they need to make informed decisions.

ERM is a critical process that organisations must implement to manage the risks they face. ERM involves identifying, assessing, prioritising, and managing risks that could potentially harm the organisation.

To implement an effective ERM framework, organizations must establish a framework that outlines the risk management policies, procedures, and practices. They must conduct a comprehensive risk assessment that considers all the potential risks that the organisation faces and prioritise them based on their significance.

They must develop a risk management plan that outlines the actions that will be taken to manage each risk and implement risk management controls to manage the risks. Finally, they must monitor and report on risks to ensure that the risk management process remains effective and relevant.

By implementing an effective ERM framework, organisations can mitigate the risks they face and achieve their objectives in a safe and sustainable manner. The ERM framework should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the changing risk environment.

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This Will Fundamentally Change The Way You Look At Risk

Managing business risk with more confidence to perform better

Increase your confidence in your risk management capability with

Build your business risk management capability and confidence. Boost your business performance. Understand your business risk profile to inform your business decision making process.

Risk Management Confidence

Not only can you improve your risk management capability but you can increase confidence in your risk management system.

Are you asking the right questions about the key threats to you business? Do you consistently look out for and review business opportunities for growth? If you do not have a risk management system in place your business decision making may be working but is it working well?

What is your appetite for risk? Is this reflected across the whole organisation. Your risk management culture should reflect the attitude to risk of its business leaders for a consistent approach that is less confusing or contradictory further down the organisation. If you are not all singing from same hymn sheet you are losing productivity. In addition you maybe taking too much risk or not enough risk to achieve your business objectives.

Everybody should be clear about their role in your risk management framework and risk assessment process. Lack of clarity produces gaps through which failure in your risk management system can squeeze!

Everyone should be rewarded based on achievement of risk management plan. If your risk management plan has been correctly drafted and embedded it will bring business success. Your risk management plan should be to achieve business objectives set with enterprise risk management methodology. A holistic approach to business decision will produce greater resilience and longer term sustainable success.

Understand that your risk assessment process has weaknesses. Peoples perceptions of risk can skew risk management actions inappropriately. This can result in the failure of your risk management system and business.

Enterprise risk management ERM creates a clear picture of where you are now and plans to get you to where you want to be. However everyone needs to engage in the process for it to work optimally. It is to be present in strategic operational and project risk management.

Build more confidence in your ability to implement a better risk management system

Risk management can help profitability enhance all stakeholder confidence and protect your brand and reputation. Create the environment for more effective business outcomes and greater profitability.

If you improve your confidence in your risk management system you can actually take more risks to achieve more in business.


Increase your risk knowledge and business intelligence. Change your perspective of risks and risk management. Redefine what is acceptable risks without breaching your risk tolerance. If you are not confident in your risk management capability it is hard for the business and business leaders to perform well.

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Managing business risk with more confidence to perform better with BusinessRiskTV

Turning business adversity into success

Building a stronger more resilient business with

Adversity is the mother of invention. Adversity and success have a close working relationship. However it does not have to be your business that suffers the business adversity. A strong business has a developed and tested business continuity plan BCP. The BCP will not only help you to maintain your business to survive adversity but it will help you identify ways to bring forward business improvements or seize new business opportunities.

Covid19 Business Resilience

Thinking More Creatively With BusinessRiskTV
Thinking More Creatively With BusinessRiskTV

Enter code #AdversityandSuccess

Why is adversity important?

Necessity is the mother of invention. If you have to find a new solution for your business you will find it. Human beings are very clever. Much more intelligent than we realise. However adversity can unveil otherwise hidden abilities to do things better than before adversity hit.

Entrepreneurs and business leaders who overcome adversity

Top entrepreneurs and business leaders quickly identify and exploit opportunities from adversity. The adversity suffered maybe that of your competitors rather than your own business.

Sometimes benefiting from adversity comes from increased demand. Private jet hire cannot cope with current demand due to the coronavirus or Covid19. Thousands of people have died and many tens of thousands have been infected most in China. Commercial airlines like British Airways stopped flying into or out of China due to coronavirus outbreak. Many cannot or do not want to book a flight out of China. Many do not want to fly anywhere with other people they do not know. The result for private jet hire companies is more demand than they can supply. This will boost private jet hire revenue and profit.

The opportunity to grow from adversity is mainly about the change of demand potentially with a reduction in supply. Sometimes profiting from adversity just comes from a reduction in supply. The collapse of a business in your industry may mean you then have the opportunity to sell more and sell more profitably. Thomas Cook holiday and travel business collapsed in September 2019. Many people lost their jobs but many were subsequently taken on by Hays Travel who massively expanded their business within just a few months. TUI travel business had its best month in January 2020. Other holiday and travel related businesses have massively grown on the back of the collapse of Thomas Cook.

The key is to protect your business with a business continuity plan and to be dynamic enough to be prepared to capitalise on potential shifts for demand for your type of business. This includes being very clear on where you want your business to be in x years time and how you could get there. If you know where you are going you can perhaps more easily bring forward your business development plans in the event of a significant risk event not affecting your business directly.

How to overcome adversity with BusinessRiskTV

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Identify potential risk events that could be damaging and develop strategies to mitigate them

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How To Manage Risk In Business

Taking The Leap To Greater Business Success

Take The Leap Into Your Future Business Success With More Confidence

Analyse the risk so you can decide on its importance in relation to your business objectives.

Prioritise your available business resources to tackle the key business risks for the best return on your risk management time and money.

Assign responsibility for each key risk to your senior management team members. If no one is going to be held account for failure to manage key risks then there will be insufficient consideration of the risk.

Monitor and review your key business risks and effectiveness of associated risk management measures. If the net risk rises then you may need to make changes to you risk management plan. If the net risk reduces you may assign less management time to controlling it but still allocate responsibility for controlling the risk to a key senior management team member.

Risk Identification

Identify potential problems that could cause your business trouble. The business risk can be an event or it can be a condition like changing business environment.

Analysing Your Business Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT

Identify and assess your enterprise risks better

Risk Mitigation

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Design a risk mitigation plan eliminate or minimise the impact of the risk on your business objectives. After evaluating the risk pick a risk mitigation strategy that avoids reduces or transfers the risk. Alternatively accept the risk as part and parcel of achieving business objectives.

Select and commit business resources required for specific risk mitigation strategies.


Seek out guidance on how to identify the risks your business may face. Understand how to respond to risk events. Put new risk management systems in place to deal with the risks cost effectively.

Learn how to develop a risk management plan to protect your business. Find ways to minimise business risks with a new risk management strategy and approach for managing.

Reduce not only the likelihood of an event occurring but also the potential impact. Make sure you also consider the opportunities to grow your business when determining how best to manage risks.

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Global Strategic Risks BusinessRiskTV

Global Strategic Risks: What Businesses Need to Know

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, businesses are not just affected by risks within their own industry or country, but also by global strategic risks that can have far-reaching consequences. These risks can arise from geopolitical, economic, technological, environmental, and societal factors, and can impact businesses in a multitude of ways, from supply chain disruptions to reputational damage.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most significant global strategic risks facing businesses today, and discuss how businesses can prepare themselves to mitigate these risks and remain resilient in the face of uncertainty.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical risks refer to risks that arise from political factors and can have an impact on businesses operating in a particular region or globally. These risks can arise from changes in government policies, political instability, geopolitical tensions, and trade disputes, among other factors.

One of the most significant geopolitical risks currently facing businesses is the rise of economic nationalism and protectionism. In recent years, we have seen a trend towards governments implementing policies to protect domestic industries and workers, which can lead to increased tariffs, trade barriers, and restrictions on foreign investment. These policies can have a significant impact on businesses that rely on international trade and investment, particularly those in the manufacturing and services sectors.

Another geopolitical risk is the increasing geopolitical tensions between major powers such as the US, China, and Russia. These tensions can lead to increased military spending, arms races, and regional conflicts, which can disrupt global supply chains and cause economic uncertainty.

Businesses need to be aware of geopolitical risks and prepare themselves to mitigate their impact. This can involve diversifying supply chains, developing contingency plans, and monitoring political developments in the regions in which they operate.

Economic Risks

Economic risks refer to risks that arise from changes in the global economy and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from changes in consumer demand to fluctuations in commodity prices. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in interest rates, inflation, and exchange rates.

One of the most significant economic risks currently facing businesses is the threat of a global economic recession. While the global economy has experienced a period of sustained growth in recent years, there are concerns that this growth may be slowing, and that a recession could be on the horizon. A global recession could have significant impacts on businesses, particularly those in the retail and hospitality sectors.

Another economic risk is the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace. While these technologies have the potential to increase efficiency and productivity, they can also lead to job losses and a shift in the nature of work. Businesses need to be aware of these trends and prepare themselves to adapt to changing economic conditions.

To mitigate economic risks, businesses can take a range of actions, including diversifying their revenue streams, investing in innovation and technology, and maintaining a strong financial position.

Technological Risks

Technological risks refer to risks that arise from changes in technology and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from cyber threats to disruptions caused by new technologies. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in consumer behaviour, advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, and the increasing use of data analytics.

One of the most significant technological risks currently facing businesses is the threat of cyber attacks. Cyber attacks can have a significant impact on businesses, from the theft of sensitive data to disruptions in business operations. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by cyber attacks and take steps to protect themselves, such as implementing robust cybersecurity measures and regularly reviewing their security protocols.

Another technological risk is the increasing use of automation and robotics in the workplace. While these technologies can increase efficiency and productivity, they can also lead to job losses and a shift in the nature of work. Businesses need to be aware of these trends and prepare themselves to adapt to changing technological conditions.

To mitigate technological risks, businesses can invest in cybersecurity measures, regularly review their technology infrastructure, and adopt a culture of innovation and adaptation.

Environmental Risks

Environmental risks refer to risks that arise from changes in the natural environment and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from supply chain disruptions to regulatory changes. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including climate change, natural disasters, and resource depletion.

One of the most significant environmental risks currently facing businesses is the impact of climate change. Climate change can lead to increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, as well as changes in weather patterns that can disrupt supply chains and business operations. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by climate change and take steps to reduce their environmental footprint, such as investing in renewable energy and reducing waste.

Another environmental risk is the depletion of natural resources, such as water and minerals. Businesses that rely on these resources need to be aware of the risks posed by resource depletion and take steps to diversify their supply chains and reduce their reliance on finite resources.

To mitigate environmental risks, businesses can invest in sustainable practices, reduce waste, and adopt a culture of environmental responsibility.

Societal Risks

Societal risks refer to risks that arise from changes in society and can impact businesses in a variety of ways, from changes in consumer behavior to reputational damage. These risks can arise from a variety of factors, including changes in demographics, shifts in cultural values, and changes in consumer preferences.

One of the most significant societal risks currently facing businesses is the rise of social media and online activism. Social media can amplify negative feedback and criticisms of businesses, leading to reputational damage and decreased consumer trust. Businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by social media and take steps to manage their online reputation and respond to criticisms in a timely and effective manner.

Another societal risk is the increasing focus on social and environmental responsibility. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on society and the environment, and are demanding that businesses act responsibly. Businesses that fail to meet these expectations risk losing consumer trust and damaging their reputation.

To mitigate societal risks, businesses can invest in social and environmental responsibility practices, regularly monitor their online reputation, and respond to criticisms in a transparent and accountable manner.

Businesses today face a range of global strategic risks that can have far-reaching consequences. These risks can arise from geopolitical, economic, technological, environmental, and societal factors, and can impact businesses in a variety of ways. To remain resilient in the face of uncertainty, businesses need to be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate their impact. This can involve diversifying supply chains, investing in innovation and technology, reducing environmental impact, and adopting a culture of social and environmental responsibility. By taking a proactive approach to risk management, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly uncertain world.

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The more confident you become in your business risks the faster you will make decisions

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This will help you to aggressively move toward increased business success. Increasing your risk knowledge does not mean you know everything. It does mean you can trust your ability to figure out the gaps in your business management system.

Increasing business confidence boosts the clarity of vision for your business. It increases your ability to set and achieve business goals.


Before you can take more risks to achieve more you need to be aware of your risk management capability now. Make more intelligent and informed business decisions with enterprise risk management methodology. Engage your whole business more in achieving your business objectives.

Taking more controlled risks can help your business grow and become more successful faster.


Tips to make better business decisions faster

Recommendations to fix your business decision making process include:

  • Engage all levels and all areas of your business in decisions
  • Use a consistent decision making method across strategic operational and project risks
  • Train your employees in enterprise risk management methodology and embed it into your business decision making process
  • Use enterprise risk management to set your business goals
  • Focus all business decision making on achieving your business objectives.
  • Understand the risk management culture you currently have and what risk management culture you want
  • Understand the context of the environment your business has to operate within
  • Understand the concepts and problems associated with Risk Perception and ensure your risk assessment process accommodates real risks after changing risk perceptions

Developing your risk knowledge requires the building of your business intelligence so you are aware of the internal and external risk factors impacting on your business objectives.

As you become more confident in your judgement managing business threats and opportunities will become easier and quicker. Use enterprise risk management tools and techniques to boost your business performance. Increase your confidence to take more controlled risks to be more successful in business.Identify the risks to benefit your business and take them more confidently. Get your employees to buy into your business objectives and engage fully with your business plans.

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Ways mindfulness can improve your work performance

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Your business performance may come down to your attitude to risk. However focusing your resources on managing risks better could allow you to embrace business risks more build resilience and achieve better results.

Mindfulness can help you shift your response to business risks.

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Rebalance your risk management process to take more holistic business risk management decisions. Optimise your business performance.

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Enhance strategic operational and project decision making with enterprise risk management ERM


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