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Poor mental health is costing British businesses billions

Cost of mental health to UK business

Ill mental health is costing your business money and lost opportunities

Analysis is consistent. Mental illness and failure to manage it is costing UK business and economy billions of pounds. The cost of ignoring mental health issues in the workplace in the UK far exceeds accidents in the workplace yet businesses in UK fail to manage mental wellbeing well. The estimated cost of not managing mental health ranges from 46 billion to more than 100 billion depending on which report you look at.

Poor employee mental health is costing UK companies up to £45 billion a year and the costs continue to rise each year

Deloitte Report 2020

How much does poor mental health cost your business? How can your business take action to help your employees and build business resilience. Stress depression and anxiety has in past been a hidden or ignored business risk. Increasingly it is recognised that tackling mental health issues better can improve the performance of businesses.

There are estimates that nearly 100 million workdays are lost in the UK each year due to symptoms of mental illness.


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What could probably go wrong for your business in next decade

Problems we will face in future assessed with

Working on productivity and profitability for stronger decade ahead. Control the destiny of your business. Change the way you manage business risks to boost business performance and build business resilience.

Help your business grow faster instead of fearing survival

What business risks will your business face over the coming 10 years. How will the 4th industrial revolution impact on your business. How well prepared are you? What things will change in the future.

4th Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review
Fourth Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review

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Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

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Sharing of business intelligence to give you an edge

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What is business intelligence and how could it benefit your business?

Optimise your business performance with existing business resources.


Get an edge over competitors selling your business products or services. Pick the risk analysis tools you prefer to provide better business analysis and market intelligence.

The purpose of business intelligence is to support better business decision making to protect you better and grow your business faster


Include business intelligence as part of your business risk management process so that your business decisions are better informed.

Understand how your business operates and how you can run it better. Develop risk management insight. Developing better business intelligence will help you more holistically bring all parts of your business together. Make better use of your existing business resources. Become more productive.

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Share your business intelligence to receive business intelligence. Reciprocal collaborative online forums to improve business performance.

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Access deep risk insight to develop your business risk management knowledge more easily. Build a more successful business quicker.

More developed business intelligence will give you a competitive edge in a highly competitive marketplace in your country or industry. Making quicker decisions may be essential to win new business or reduce business losses. Make your business decisions knowing those decisions are based on clearer risk insight and knowledge to have more confidence in the outcomes of your business decisions.

Working together and sharing risk information can save you money and time at the same time as providing practical insight into what may work well for your business.


Having a better view of your present circumstances in business can provide you with the chance to make better choices to improve your future in business.

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How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV
How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

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Top risks in world economy the threats and the opportunities

Global economic issues and trends with

What are the biggest risks to the global economy?

Although unpredictable lets try and predict the future! What is exciting is that clearly there are many threats particularly from the environment and trade wars. There are also massive opportunities for business leaders who are in control of their own business risks.

What are the biggest threats and opportunities to the world in the new decade?


Some of the biggest global risks business leaders have little control over. Warfare and mass destruction global inequality between countries and unequal economic development creating mass economic migration global trade wars global pandemics political shift towards popularity driven left or right wing positions and systemic collapse of the financial markets. Contingency planning is the best that business leaders can do to manage most of such global catastrophic risks.

However there are risks business leaders do have the potential to have control over but do not always control such global occurring risks. Global risks falling into this category include deteriorating natural environment and global warming as well as cyber attacks.

Many of the risk management solutions for one global risk can manage the threat and opportunity from another risk without extra investment of time or money.


BusinessRiskTV is scanning for threats and opportunities to the global economy in the new decade. If you look for it you can still see an abundance of wealth and opportunity globally and locally.

Global Recession?

Putting warfare and mass destruction risk to one side the most likely cause of a global recession is the continuing or deterioration of global trade wars.

The climate threat has come off age! The solutions are already known. However the will is less obvious. The financial services industry particularly banks will probably be the biggest influencers in driving environmental protection. Many banks and investors are refusing to finance coal businesses and are threatening divestment and lack of funding for other fossil fuel businesses. Even the governor of the Bank of England has told pension fund managers to sort out investment in fossil fuel based businesses.

The flip side of this is the opportunity to make money from environmental protection. Existing and developing environmental protection technologies are a real business opportunity. Even if your business does not sell environmental protection products or services your brand needs protecting via the adoption of good environmental protection policy.

The world is drowning in debt and fake money. Government corporate and personal debt. How future generations will cope with the weight of debt when many in the developed world are also going to suffer the effects of demographic time bomb detonation. Quite frightening! However one way to cope with future and present global risks is for governments to invest money in infrastructure particularly 5G communication and utilities. Many of the innovation and inventions are going to rely on power and the internet.Necessity is the mother of invention but with power and faster communication we will be trapped in the past with only a vision of how much better our future could be globally.

Keep up to date with economic issues in the world that could impact on your business objectives

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Global Risks Management with BusinessRiskTV

The global landscape is changing rapidly, with new risks emerging every day. From geopolitical tensions to cybersecurity threats, businesses around the world are facing a complex and constantly evolving set of risks that they must manage in order to survive and thrive. In this article, we will explore some of the most pressing global risks that businesses need to be aware of and offer some strategies for managing them effectively.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical risks are those that arise from political tensions between countries or regions. These risks can take many forms, including trade wars, sanctions, and military conflicts. One recent example of a geopolitical risk is the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which has had significant implications for businesses around the world.

To manage geopolitical risks, businesses need to stay informed about political developments in the regions where they operate. They should also be proactive in diversifying their supply chains and hedging against currency fluctuations. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with local organisations or governments to gain a better understanding of the political environment and mitigate potential risks.

Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity risks are those that arise from the increasing use of technology and the internet. As businesses become more reliant on digital systems and data, they also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks. These attacks can take many forms, including ransomware, phishing, and malware.

To manage cybersecurity risks, businesses need to invest in robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and regular system updates. They should also educate their employees about best practices for online security, such as avoiding suspicious emails and using strong passwords. In addition, businesses can consider purchasing cyber insurance to mitigate the financial impact of a cyber attack.

Climate Change Risks

Climate change risks are those that arise from the impact of climate change on the environment and society. These risks can take many forms, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, and food and water scarcity. The impact of climate change is already being felt around the world, and businesses need to be prepared for the potential consequences.

To manage climate change risks, businesses can take a number of steps. They can invest in renewable energy sources and other sustainable technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. They can also develop contingency plans for extreme weather events and other climate-related risks. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with governments and NGOs to address climate change at a systemic level.

Supply Chain Risks

Supply chain risks are those that arise from disruptions to the flow of goods and services. These disruptions can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, political unrest, and pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, has had a significant impact on global supply chains, causing shortages of critical goods and disrupting manufacturing and distribution networks.

To manage supply chain risks, businesses need to develop contingency plans for disruptions, such as alternative suppliers and backup inventory. They should also be proactive in identifying potential risks in their supply chains and implementing measures to mitigate them. In addition, businesses can consider investing in technologies, such as blockchain and IoT, to improve supply chain visibility and resilience.

Financial Risks

Financial risks are those that arise from changes in the financial markets or economic conditions. These risks can take many forms, including fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices. They can also be caused by systemic risks, such as a global recession or financial crisis.

To manage financial risks, businesses need to be proactive in monitoring financial markets and economic conditions. They should also develop contingency plans for potential disruptions, such as currency hedging strategies and diversified investment portfolios. In addition, businesses can consider partnering with financial institutions and other experts to gain a deeper understanding of financial risks and opportunities.

Managing global risks is a complex and ongoing process for businesses around the world. By staying informed about emerging risks and implementing proactive measures to mitigate them, businesses can reduce their exposure to potential losses and position themselves for long-term success.

It’s important to recognise that global risks are interconnected, meaning that a disruption in one area can have ripple effects across multiple industries and regions. For this reason, businesses need to take a holistic approach to risk management, considering the potential impact of each risk on their operations and stakeholders.

In addition to the strategies outlined above, businesses can also consider partnering with risk management experts and other organisations to stay informed about emerging risks and best practices for risk management. By taking a collaborative approach to risk management, businesses can better anticipate and manage global risks, while also positioning themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing landscape.

Overall, businesses that are able to effectively manage global risks will be better positioned to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By staying informed, developing contingency plans, and investing in resilience, businesses can reduce their exposure to potential losses and position themselves for long-term success.

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The more confident you become in your business risks the faster you will make decisions

Be confident in your business decisions with

This will help you to aggressively move toward increased business success. Increasing your risk knowledge does not mean you know everything. It does mean you can trust your ability to figure out the gaps in your business management system.

Increasing business confidence boosts the clarity of vision for your business. It increases your ability to set and achieve business goals.


Before you can take more risks to achieve more you need to be aware of your risk management capability now. Make more intelligent and informed business decisions with enterprise risk management methodology. Engage your whole business more in achieving your business objectives.

Taking more controlled risks can help your business grow and become more successful faster.


Tips to make better business decisions faster

Recommendations to fix your business decision making process include:

  • Engage all levels and all areas of your business in decisions
  • Use a consistent decision making method across strategic operational and project risks
  • Train your employees in enterprise risk management methodology and embed it into your business decision making process
  • Use enterprise risk management to set your business goals
  • Focus all business decision making on achieving your business objectives.
  • Understand the risk management culture you currently have and what risk management culture you want
  • Understand the context of the environment your business has to operate within
  • Understand the concepts and problems associated with Risk Perception and ensure your risk assessment process accommodates real risks after changing risk perceptions

Developing your risk knowledge requires the building of your business intelligence so you are aware of the internal and external risk factors impacting on your business objectives.

As you become more confident in your judgement managing business threats and opportunities will become easier and quicker. Use enterprise risk management tools and techniques to boost your business performance. Increase your confidence to take more controlled risks to be more successful in business.Identify the risks to benefit your business and take them more confidently. Get your employees to buy into your business objectives and engage fully with your business plans.

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BusinessRiskTV The more confident you become in your business risks the faster you will make decisions

Shared Problems Shared Solutions Collaborative Meetings

Cross business and industry collaboration with

Business leaders collaborating on solving business problems together faster and cheaper

BusinessRiskTV Collaborative Business Solutions. Do you want to create more time for your business to grow faster with less uncertainty? Faced with a small budget for business protection and growth would you choose an online group session with other business leaders to save time and money? It is an idea some business leaders are investigating

Group online sessions solve common business problems faster and gives business leaders chance to collaborate with other business leaders with same attitude to business development and protection.


Demand on business leaders time outweighs time available to manage all business risks cost effectively. In recent years the speed of change in the business environment has accelerated putting increased pressures on business leaders wearing many business responsibility hats.

In addition many businesses have complex business systems and business needs which can make finding the best business solutions more difficult to identify.

The traditional one to one business consultation can be prohibitively expensive and the business problem can seem unique when in fact it affects many businesses.

With limited risk management funding or possibility of employing inhouse risk management expert specialists business leaders may need to find innovative ways to find best business solutions quickly within available budget.

Enter code #CollaborativeBusinessSolutions

Virtual Workshops Online
Effective Virtual Workshops

Many businesses have the same need for commercial insurance cover and other solutions to protect the business that do not involve insurance. Most if not all business want to increase their opportunities to sell more and increase profitability. Business leaders may seek advice from risk management experts independently to advise on managing such business risks.

Instead of seeing a risk management consultant or business adviser on your own you could get together with a group of other business leaders needing to discuss the same business problems.

If a group of up to 10 business leaders came together with the same business problems could they share experiences to solve risk management problems faster and potentially cheaper?


BusinessRiskTV risk management network partners facilitate online business leader meetings. The risk management facilitator gathers together business leaders with the same or similar business problems problems before the online meetings. The risk management facilitator also compiles a list of questions the participating business leaders want to ask the group that will include attending and participating risk management experts.

The collaborative group of business leaders and risk management experts will know the business problems to be focused on and details of the businesses involved in the online discussion ahead of the online meeting. This will enable attendees to be aware of the potential value of the meeting to them and prepare for the meeting. The participants in the online problem solving meeting must not only prepare to solve their business problems but must be prepared to help share solutions to help other attendees problems.

Sharing problems and helping solve others problems is the purpose of the meeting.


The problem solving group may well discuss sensitive issues. This does not need to constrain those attending. Trust quickly develops as participants quickly realise they are not alone with their business problem and that they are talking to people who have already solved their problem. You create a bond with your fellow business leaders. The more you open up the more you get out of the meeting for your business. The sharing of experiences with other business leaders can be empowering.

The aim of the collaborative online meetings is to quickly find solutions to business problems to save time and money for the participants. Participants access more practical problem solving information that has worked already. The meetings help business leaders to more cost effectively use their own time and resources in solving their business problems and the business problems of others. As they are common problems experienced by all those attending then common solutions that actually work well will come to light without the need for discussion duplication.

You may prefer a one to one meeting with a business risk management consultant if you have the budget. However why reinvent the wheel. Other business leaders have solved your business problem already. Tap into their experience to solve your business problems quicker and potentially cheaper.

Collaborative business problem solving online meetings are for business leaders who already know what their business problems are. They just want to know the solutions quickly so they can go off and implement them for themselves and their business.


It is unlikely that people will attending the meeting will diagnose the problem that is holding your business back. That is not the purpose of the online meetings. You identify what your business risks are and come to the meeting to find risk management solutions or ideas that have worked and could work for your business.

There are measures in place to ensure the confidentiality of information shared within the group and you can see one of our risk management experts from our risk management network on an online one to one appointment who will have seen your business problem before. However collaborative group sessions can quickly overcome barriers to your business growth and a valuable peer support network.

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Risk insight for business leaders

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Risk insight for risk leaders and business executives. Scan horizon to keep ahead of risk events. Develop your business risk management culture. Hear about risk matters through our risk executive grapevine.

Dedicated to providing best risk management knowledge business intelligence and career development opportunities:

  • Developing risk management jobs board to help risk executives develop their career.
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  • Read risk management articles in our online free risk management magazine.
  • Find out about fresh and innovative good risk management practices first.
  • Learn from others bad risk management practices so you do not make same mistakes.
  • Review the outcomes of risk in business.

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This new decade offers massive opportunities and threats to businesses. Making the right decisions at the right time is not going to be easy. However we offer support guidance and training to build your business resilience and growth.


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BusinessRiskTV Executive Grapevine

Executive Grapevine on Navigating the Risks and Challenges of Business Leadership

As an executive, navigating the risks and challenges of business leadership can be a daunting task. Whether you’re leading a small startup or a multinational corporation, there are countless factors that can impact the success of your organisation. However, by staying informed and proactive, you can mitigate risks and overcome challenges to drive your business forward. This is where Executive Grapevine on can be a valuable resource for business leaders.

Executive Grapevine is a platform that offers business leaders the latest insights and advice on risk management, leadership, and innovation. It provides a forum for executives to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. On, Executive Grapevine provides a wealth of resources for business leaders, including articles, webinars, podcasts, and more.

One of the key areas that Executive Grapevine covers is risk management. Risk management is an essential aspect of business leadership, as it involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can impact the success of your organization. From cyber threats to supply chain disruptions, there are a variety of risks that can pose a threat to your business. By staying informed about the latest risks and trends, you can take proactive steps to mitigate these risks and protect your organisation.

In addition to risk management, Executive Grapevine also covers leadership and innovation. Effective leadership is crucial to the success of any organisation, and Executive Grapevine provides insights and best practices for leading teams and driving growth. Innovation is also a key aspect of business leadership, as it involves finding new and creative ways to solve problems and drive growth. Executive Grapevine offers insights and strategies for fostering a culture of innovation within your organisation.

One of the benefits of Executive Grapevine is that it provides a forum for business leaders to connect and share their experiences. By learning from other executives, you can gain valuable insights and perspectives that can help you navigate the challenges of business leadership. Executive Grapevine also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration, which can be valuable for building relationships and partnerships that can drive growth.

Another benefit of Executive Grapevine is that it provides a range of resources for business leaders, including articles, webinars, podcasts, and more. These resources are designed to provide actionable insights and advice that you can apply to your own organisation. Whether you’re looking to improve your risk management strategies or foster a culture of innovation, Executive Grapevine offers resources that can help you achieve your goals.

In addition to the resources provided by Executive Grapevine, also offers a range of other tools and resources for business leaders. These include risk management software, business continuity planning tools, and more. By leveraging these tools and resources, you can streamline your risk management processes and improve the resilience of your organisation.

Overall, Executive Grapevine on is a valuable resource for business leaders who are looking to navigate the risks and challenges of business leadership. By staying informed and proactive, you can mitigate risks and overcome challenges to drive your business forward. Whether you’re leading a small startup or a multinational corporation, Executive Grapevine offers insights and strategies that can help you achieve your goals.

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, effective risk management, leadership, and innovation are essential to the success of any organisation. By leveraging the resources and insights provided by Executive Grapevine on, business leaders can stay ahead of the curve and position their organisations for success.

Whether you’re looking to improve your risk management strategies, foster a culture of innovation, or connect with other business leaders, Executive Grapevine on offers a wealth of resources and opportunities. By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate the risks and challenges of business leadership and drive your organisation forward.

Make better business decisions with more holistic business risk management information.

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Implementing wellbeing and mindfulness into business strategy

How to implement mindfulness in the workplace in a strategy to grow your business more sustainably with

Mindfulness works at work. Workplace wellbeing initiatives can be productively embedded in every business to support business objectives. A mindfulness and wellbeing strategy can deliver real financial benefits to the business.

Tips on how to implement mindfulness at your workplace

Engage all employees in the enterprise risk management process. By being part of the solution employees can see how their input protects the business better and grows it faster. A healthy looked after workforce is a more committed workforce working towards business goals.

Bringing mindfulness training into your wellness and and wellbeing programme will help solve or improve health issues such as high stress levels or high rates of mental health related absence. Many more days are lost at work due to poor health than accidents. Stress in the workplace is one of the biggest contributors to poor mental health.

Investment in mindfulness and wellbeing can benefit both the company and employees


Ground your business in the present to be more successful in future.

Mindfulness Exercises and Practices

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Entrepreneurs Forum and Online Conference Workshops

Global entrepreneurship forum news opinions and reviews on

Do you want to or have you founded a business? Want help to build and develop your business? Reduce uncertainty impacting on your success as an entrepreneur. Need an eBusiness mentor to help your business grow faster online?

The next decade is going to be the best decade for entrepreneurs if a couple of pieces of the jigsaw fall into place


There has been no lack of imagination or invention from people around the world. There has been a lack of entrepreneurship. The big boys have sucked up too much of the investment. People have played it very safe since the financial crisis in 2008. However we feel that the entrepreneurial environment is about to explode in a positive way.

If trade wars around the world particularly between USA China can be resolved then everyone will benefit. It will unblock pent up investment.

Money is actually sloshing about but in safe havens awaiting the right environment to be unleashed. In addition it is historically incredibly cheap to borrow lots more money.

Why is money not being used more productively? Fear! People were burned during the 2008 financial crisis that we are just hauling ourselves out of. If governments around the world invest on infrastructure the future is bright. If trade wars are resolved the future will be even brighter!

The people who act first tend to be the people who reap the rewards of taking risks. If you have a good business idea now is the time to act before someone else does.

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We are creating an entrepreneurial online environment to help entrepreneurs with decision making. Engage in our entrepreneurs forum conference and workshops to:

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Listen in and contribute to entrepreneurs workshops and webinars. Sit in at online roundtable discussions. Ask for answers to your business problems. Our risk management experts and your peers may well have already solved your business problem so it is easier for you to do the same quicker and cheaper.

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Tap into the right entrepreneurship forum for your business. Regardless of your country or industry you can find an entrepreneurs forum to help you build a stronger more resilient more successful business.

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Work a side hustle with your full time or part time job

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A side hustle is a job you can work on top of your full time or part time job


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Global Risk Management Solutions on

Businesses operate in a constantly changing world, where the risks faced can be unpredictable, complex, and varied. The potential impact of risks can range from reputational damage to financial loss, and in some cases, threaten the very existence of the business. To ensure sustainable growth and profitability, businesses need to have robust risk management strategies in place that are aligned with their overall objectives and risk appetite. This is where global risk management solutions come into play, providing businesses with the tools, insights, and expertise to manage risks effectively and proactively. is an online platform that provides a range of risk management solutions and services to businesses worldwide. With a network of risk management experts and thought leaders, offers a range of resources, including articles, videos, webinars, and tools, to help businesses understand, manage, and mitigate risks effectively. This article will explore some of the key global risk management solutions available on and how they can help businesses navigate the complex and ever-changing risk landscape.

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a holistic approach to risk management that involves identifying, assessing, and managing risks across the entire organisation. ERM aims to create a risk-aware culture within the organisation, where risks are considered in all decision-making processes and integrated into the overall strategic planning process. offers a range of resources on ERM, including articles, videos, and webinars, that can help businesses develop and implement an effective ERM strategy.

One of the key benefits of ERM is that it provides a comprehensive view of the risks faced by the organisation, allowing businesses to prioritise and allocate resources effectively. By identifying and assessing risks across all areas of the business, including operations, finance, and reputation, businesses can develop a more holistic understanding of their risk profile and take a more proactive approach to risk management.

Business Continuity Management

Business continuity management (BCM) is the process of identifying and managing risks that could disrupt normal business operations. BCM aims to ensure that businesses can continue to operate in the event of a disruption, whether caused by a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or other unexpected event. offers a range of resources on BCM, including articles, videos, and webinars, that can help businesses develop and implement an effective BCM strategy.

One of the key benefits of BCM is that it can help businesses minimise the impact of a disruption on their operations and reputation. By developing a comprehensive business continuity plan, businesses can identify the critical functions and processes that must be maintained in the event of a disruption, as well as the steps needed to recover and resume normal operations. This can help businesses minimise the financial and reputational impact of a disruption, and ensure that they can continue to meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders.

Cyber Risk Management

Cyber risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing risks related to information security and technology. With the increasing reliance on technology in business operations, cyber risks have become a major concern for businesses worldwide. Cyber risks can include data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other forms of cybercrime that can result in financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. offers a range of resources on cyber risk management, including articles, videos, and webinars, that can help businesses develop and implement an effective cyber risk management strategy.

One of the key benefits of cyber risk management is that it can help businesses protect their sensitive information and systems from cyber threats. By identifying and assessing cyber risks, businesses can implement appropriate security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and employee training programs, to mitigate the risks. This can help businesses reduce the likelihood and impact of a cyber-attack, and ensure that their operations and reputation are protected.

Compliance and Regulatory Risk Management

Compliance and regulatory risk management involves identifying and managing risks related to compliance with laws, regulations, and industry standards. Compliance risks can arise from a variety of sources, including changes in legislation, non-compliance with industry standards, and breaches of contractual obligations. offers a range of resources on compliance and regulatory risk management, including articles, videos, and webinars, that can help businesses develop and implement an effective compliance and regulatory risk management strategy.

One of the key benefits of compliance and regulatory risk management is that it can help businesses avoid legal liabilities and reputational damage. By ensuring that they comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to ethical and responsible business practices. This can help businesses build trust with their customers and stakeholders, and enhance their reputation in the market.

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain risk management involves identifying and managing risks related to the supply chain, including risks related to suppliers, logistics, and transportation. Supply chain risks can include disruptions caused by natural disasters, political instability, and changes in regulations. offers a range of resources on supply chain risk management, including articles, videos, and webinars, that can help businesses develop and implement an effective supply chain risk management strategy.

One of the key benefits of supply chain risk management is that it can help businesses minimise the impact of supply chain disruptions on their operations and reputation. By identifying and assessing supply chain risks, businesses can implement appropriate risk mitigation strategies, such as diversifying their supplier base, implementing contingency plans, and enhancing supply chain visibility. This can help businesses reduce the likelihood and impact of supply chain disruptions, and ensure that they can continue to meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders.

In today’s complex and dynamic business environment, managing risks effectively is essential for sustainable growth and profitability. offers a range of global risk management solutions that can help businesses identify, assess, and manage risks across all areas of their operations. From enterprise risk management to supply chain risk management, provides businesses with the tools, insights, and expertise they need to navigate the complex and ever-changing risk landscape.

By leveraging the resources available on, businesses can develop and implement effective risk management strategies that are aligned with their overall objectives and risk appetite. This can help businesses protect their operations and reputation, avoid legal liabilities, and enhance their competitiveness in the market. In short, global risk management solutions available on can help businesses navigate the complex and ever-changing risk landscape and achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

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Financial success always beats other stakeholder interests?

Incorporating all stakeholders interests in business decision making with

Do you want financial success in terms on capital value increase and dividend increases? Are you prepared to sacrifice the interests of other stakeholders to achieve this? Is long term business sustainability less important than short term financial success?

You can be very financially successful and still fail. When financial success is pursued at the expense of other stakeholders interest you have a recipe for catastrophic failure eventually.

ESG Articles

Responsible Investing with Environmental Social Governance ESG Risk Analysis

Shareholders and customers are stakeholders in the business performance not just senior management team. Pushing for bonuses at the expense of other stakeholders interests has always resulted in catastrophic losses.

Pick a more balanced risk management strategy for the benefit of all stakeholders

The financial crisis in 2008 is the most recent near systemic collapse due to poor senior management team business decisions. The senior management teams were very good at creating extra value for themselves which will have long term benefits but their customers and shareholders in the financial crisis of 2008 have lost big time and many have yet to recover lost business value.

The sad fact is that shareholders or rather their representatives pension and investment fund managers have accepted and fuelled the poor decision making of senior management teams by being part of the problem. They have misrepresented big business owners long terms interests by allow senior management teams to get away with bad business decision making that only interests the senior management teams not shareholders or customers.

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Find ways to grow faster and protect your business better

Senior management teams are not taking enterprise risk management methodology onboard. Too often they pay lip service to the principles and practices of enterprise risk management.

  • Poor risk management cultures continue to dominate
  • Poor compliance standards are being accepted and even encouraged
  • Systemically poor risk management practices flourish on basis of a level playing field. They are doing it to make money so so should we

Enterprise risk management practices and processes need to be improved to prevent future catastrophic systemic collapses in business.

Adopt enterprise risk management methodology to improve your business performance

Guide to better business protection with BusinessRiskTV

Guide to better business protection with BusinessRiskTV

Governments and self regulating bodies need to drive business improvements with carrots and sticks. Personal accountability at board level is necessary before good enterprise risk management practices will be embedded. If business leaders cannot see the wood from the trees than they need to be forced to open their eyes.

Short term greed is prevalent within our corporate structures. If our oversight by governments and professional bodies do not pull their their fingers out then economic and social catastrophes lie ahead in the next decade.

There is more to business than short term profit maximisation. However too many business leaders do not hold to this view. Their greed will take us closer to the cliff edge if they are not forcefully stopped.

Plan for long term business resilience

Do our business leaders and politicians really understand corporate risks and how this will impact on society?

Do they care? Too often the answer must be no. So they must be made to care by other people in our capitalist society. Capitalism is the best system on which to base our future but it should not be left to greedy people to rape the good that comes from capitalism.

Political Risks Forum

Profit maximising corporations are not the flagships of capitalism. There is more to business life than profit. Reconciling business priorities is not easy. It is made easier with enterprise risk management principles and practices. Develop a more successful stakeholder management strategy for your business with BusinessRiskTV.

Creating business value is not just about creating more profit but we can make you more profitable too


Use better stakeholder management to drive future success and growth for the long term.

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Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

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Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses


Unleashing the Power of Global Networking: Advantages for Businesses


In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly recognising the significance of global networking. Building connections and fostering relationships across borders has become a crucial strategy for organisations seeking growth, innovation, and a competitive edge. In this article, we will delve into the numerous advantages that global networking offers to businesses of all sizes and industries. By leveraging the power of connectivity, businesses can unlock new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and expand their reach on a global scale. Read on to discover how global networking can propel your business to new heights.


Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
Global networking opens the doors to collaboration with individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise. By connecting with professionals worldwide, businesses can tap into a vast pool of knowledge, insights, and perspectives. This exposure to different ideas and approaches fosters innovation and creativity within organisations.


Moreover, global networking provides opportunities to participate in conferences, seminars, and industry events, where experts and thought leaders share their expertise. These interactions enable businesses to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices, enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.


Access to New Markets and Business Opportunities:
One of the most significant advantages of global networking is the ability to access new markets and expand business opportunities beyond borders. By establishing connections with international partners, businesses can gain valuable insights into local markets, consumer preferences, and cultural nuances. This knowledge allows organisations to tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs of diverse markets, increasing their chances of success.


Furthermore, global networking provides a platform for businesses to showcase their offerings to a wider audience. Through cross-border collaborations, joint ventures, or strategic partnerships, companies can enter new markets with reduced risks and enhanced market knowledge. This enables them to tap into untapped customer segments, diversify their revenue streams, and drive sustainable growth.


Building a Stronger Brand and Reputation:
Global networking offers businesses the opportunity to build a stronger brand and reputation on a global scale. By connecting with influential individuals and organisations, companies can enhance their visibility and credibility within their industry and beyond. Positive endorsements and collaborations with reputable international partners can significantly impact a business’s brand image and attract new customers.


Additionally, active participation in global networking events, industry forums, and online communities allows businesses to showcase their expertise, thought leadership, and unique value propositions. This exposure positions them as industry leaders and trusted authorities in their respective domains, further strengthening their brand reputation.


Recruitment of Global Talent:
Global networking provides businesses with access to a vast talent pool from around the world. By establishing connections with professionals and organisations internationally, companies can tap into a diverse range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. This enables them to recruit top talent from different cultural and educational backgrounds, bringing fresh ideas and innovative approaches to their teams.


Moreover, global networking facilitates the identification of potential partners, suppliers, and collaborators who can contribute to a business’s growth and success. By connecting with like-minded professionals, businesses can build strategic relationships that foster innovation, create synergies, and drive mutual growth.


Global networking has emerged as a vital tool for businesses seeking growth, innovation, and success in the global marketplace. By leveraging the advantages of global networking, businesses can enhance collaboration, access new markets, build a stronger brand, and recruit top talent from around the world. Embracing a global mindset and actively participating in networking activities can open doors to unprecedented opportunities and pave the way for long-term success.


In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses cannot afford to operate in isolation. Establishing and nurturing global connections allows organisations to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the rapidly changing global business landscape. Whether it’s through attending international conferences, leveraging online platforms, or forging partnerships with organisations worldwide, businesses can harness the power of global networking to propel their growth.


The advantages of global networking for businesses are undeniable. From enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing to accessing new markets and business opportunities, building a stronger brand and reputation, and recruiting global talent, the benefits are vast. Embracing a global networking mindset is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s hyperconnected world.


To make the most of global networking, businesses should actively seek opportunities to connect with professionals, industry experts, and potential partners on a global scale. They can explore online networking platforms, join industry-specific communities, participate in international events and conferences, and establish strategic partnerships with organisations in different countries.


However, it’s essential to approach global networking with a genuine intent to build meaningful relationships and provide value to others. Networking is not just about self-promotion; it’s about establishing mutually beneficial connections and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.


By capitalising on the advantages of global networking, businesses can expand their horizons, tap into new markets, stay abreast of industry trends, and unlock innovation. In this fast-paced and interconnected world, building a strong global network is a powerful asset that can set businesses apart from the competition and pave the way for sustained success.


So, don’t wait any longer. Start exploring the world of global networking and unlock the limitless opportunities it offers to take your business to new heights of success in the global marketplace. Embrace the power of connectivity, foster collaborations, and position your business as a global player in your industry. The possibilities are endless when you dare to connect, engage, and grow on a global scale.

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You will find related risk management articles and videos to develop your risk knowledge and business intelligence to improve your business decision making process

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Risk events analysis is useful but not always productive

Risk identification and assessment with

You cannot change what happened but you can learn from it. However dwelling on past mistakes is not productive.

  • Mitigate negative impact of risk event and secure any benefits from risk event. Good can often come out of bad.
  • Learn lessons from risk events and move on quickly
  • Do not dwell on risk event impact as constantly punishing people from mistakes of past can be very demoralising and negatively impact on future business performance.

After the risk event make sure your risk management plan for future seeks to ensure it does not happen again but do not over do the risk controls. Reflecting on the lessons from the risk event facts is important but do not let emotions and pain of risk event change the risk perception of future likelihood of recurrence especially after some additional risk controls adopted maintained and reviewed.

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BusinessRiskTV Risk events analysis is useful but not always productive

Taking more calculated risks

Why calculated risk taking is important with

How can a business take more risks to perform better?

Taking more calculated risks in the next decade. Do not fear taking more calculated risks. Business leaders are often afraid to take risks.

What Is key to busness growth
Unlock faster business growth with

Taking more risks to achieve more success comes down to risk knowledge and business intelligence. A lack of risk knowledge leads to increased fear. This can result in missed opportunities to grow faster.

  • What are the potential costs of taking more risks?
  • What are the potential benefits of taking more risks?
  • How will taking more risks benefit your business?
  • What are the alternatives?
  • How much better would your business perform if the best case scenario came true?
  • What are the worst outcomes that could happen if you took extra risks and how could you reduce the risk?
  • How bad would it be if the worst case scenario risk event materialised?
  • What would your business look like in 5 years if your risk decisions were taken?

Assessing the risks incorporating both upside and downside risks will enable you to make more balanced business decisions to improve performance.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Negativity bias means in part we focus more on stopping bad things from happening than creating the environment for great good things to happen. For example, we focus on stopping climate damage instead of investing money in better natural environment. We spend more money to risk control instead of seizing new business opportunities which create risk but also create more rewards for risk takers.

Welcome the threats in the 2020s as they bring opportunities

Embrace the opportunities in the new decade but be risk aware about the threats that come with the opportunities to grow. Work together with our network of business leaders and risk management experts to finish the 2020s better than you started.

Supporting More Informed Decision-Making
Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

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How to find new customers and increase sales
Targeted Marketing Investment To Hit The Potential Buyers You Need To Grow Your Business Faster

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BusinessRiskTV Taking more calculated risks

What to do differently to increase revenue or reduce costs?

Ways to improve income and reduce costs with

Ways to improve income and reduce costs. Learn how to reduce cost and increase profit. Develop new cost cutting strategy. Cost savings vs revenue generation. How to reduce cost of production. Use new cost reduction methods. Discover how to reduce cost and increase profit. Learn how to increase revenue. Adopt cost cutting measures in your business.

Are your sales up but profits are down?


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How to reduce costs in the workplace?

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Unique Ways To Increase Sales

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Business Leadership Articles
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BusinessRiskTV What to do differently to increase revenue or reduce costs?

Future planning for business success with BusinessRiskTV

Designing new business growth strategies with

Future Plan For Business

What is your future plan for business success? Business future plan regardless of economic environment is essential. Planning for business success is not a one off job. Pick up business future planning tips from BusinessRiskTV. New decade new business opportunities to increase success. What future do you see for your business? Looking to the horizon do you just see problems or opportunities too?

There are only two things you need to do as a business leader. The first is to grow your business. The second is to protect your business. We can help with both.


Successful business leaders review their business plan regularly. Fund your future business growth via extra revenue generation with BusinessRiskTV. Connect with our risk management partners to solve any business problem. Engage with potential new customers more cost effectively and profitably.

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See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV
See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

What are your strategies for business growth over the new decade?

How can your business grow in future? How do you develop a business development plan? What is future plan? Work with BusinessRiskTV to achieve more for less over the next decade. Complete and submit the form below and enter code #BusinessGrowthPlan.

Future plan for business with BusinessRiskTV. Discover innovative ways to grow your business faster with less uncertainty. Create a holistic risk management business plan for achieving your business goals. If you have the vision for your future success and enterprise risk management plan can make it happen.

At the end of the decade it is worth reviewing how well you have done over the past decade and how to deliver future business growth for increased business success. Use enterprise risk management for strategic operational and project planning for better performance and increased success.

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Put your products or services in front of new people already interested in your type of business offering before your competitors grab your potential sales.

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Link into your existing online sales process direct from BusinessRiskTV or use our eCommerce solutions to increase your sales cash flow and profit.

Increase the sources of your revenue streams more sustainably. Grow your business faster with BusinessRiskTV.

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Future planning for business success with BusinessRiskTV

Business Success Planning

Future planning is essential for any business to achieve success. Here are some steps that businesses can take to plan for success in the future:

Define your long-term vision: Create a clear and compelling vision for your business that outlines what you want to achieve in the long-term. This vision should be aligned with your values and should inspire your team to work towards a common goal.

Set specific goals: Once you have a clear vision, break it down into specific goals that you want to achieve in the short and long term. Make sure these goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Conduct a SWOT analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) to identify areas where your business is strong, areas that need improvement, potential opportunities, and potential threats.

Develop strategies: Based on your SWOT analysis, develop strategies to address your weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities. Make sure your strategies align with your vision and goals.

Allocate resources: Allocate resources (financial, human, and technological) to implement your strategies. Make sure you have the necessary resources to achieve your goals.

Monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress towards your goals and adjust your strategies if needed. Use metrics to track your progress and make data-driven decisions.

Stay flexible: Business environments are constantly changing, so it’s important to stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your plans as needed.

By following these steps, businesses can plan for success in the future and achieve their long-term goals.

In addition to these steps, it’s also important for businesses to stay up-to-date with industry trends, stay informed about the latest technology, and be aware of changes in customer behavior. By staying informed, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions.

Another key factor in planning for future success is to have a strong team. Hire talented individuals who are aligned with your vision and values, and provide them with the resources and support they need to achieve their goals. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and open communication, and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Finally, remember that planning for future success is an ongoing process. It requires constant monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment to stay on track and achieve your goals. Be prepared to make changes as needed, and stay focused on your long-term vision while adapting to changing market conditions.

Planning for future success is essential for any business to thrive. By defining a clear vision, setting specific goals, conducting a SWOT analysis, developing strategies, allocating resources, monitoring progress, staying flexible, and building a strong team, businesses can plan for success in the future and achieve their long-term goals.

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty
Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty
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Future planning for business success with BusinessRiskTV

Should strong business leaders take personal responsibility

Leadership taking responsibility

In an increasingly litigious and unforgiving society should business leaders take personal responsibility for business mistakes? In previous decades business leaders and politicians were often seen falling on their sword following risk events whether they were personally responsible or not.

However either through fear of legal action or fear of being lynched online or offline leaders now rarely fess up to being to blame. There have been some exceptions but over recent decades leaders have toughed it out or doubled up on their mistakes.

It was on my watch so I am responsible


Is the fear of blame or blame culture led us to the position that we are failing to learn from mistakes?

Regardless of the cause there is a definite change in the honour or moral standing of our leaders. Leaders who make mistakes have to be brought screaming and shouting to be held to account when mistakes happen. More often than not they are then retired early literally or metaphorically to avoid personal accountability.

Many people respect people who make mistakes more if they take responsibility for mistakes. To err is human after all even when it is a computer fault!

Would it not be better if our leaders accept responsibility for mistakes and then created a written plan to avoid making the same mistakes again in future

Does a business organisation or political party not lose the opportunity to truly learn from mistakes made if the leaders are immediately jettisoned following mistakes. Leaders voluntarily stepping down following mistakes or failures are actually taking the easy way out for themselves not necessarily the business.

Why do our leaders not clear up their own mess more often?


Our next online enterprise risk management conference event is exploring the need for greater accountability in business and in society in general.

Corporate Business Enterprise Risk Management Training Conference for Leaders
Register to find out more about our online risk management leaders conference

BusinessRiskTV Leadership Conference online events seek to engage top business leaders around the world in enterprise risk management topics. The result of the online discussions and interactions are not published. Instead the participants who have contributed reap the benefits for their own organisations. Their takeaways can be embedded to improve their own organisation risk management performance.

If you want to be kept up to date with future BusinessRiskTV Leadership Conference online events please subscribe for free below

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Should strong business leaders take personal responsibility

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BusinessRiskTV Should strong business leaders take personal responsibility

Best ways to make business connections with BusinessRiskTV

How to network with

Businesspeople and entrepreneurs networking for mutual business growth and protection. Develop new business relationships to identify create and seize new business development opportunities. Read reviews and watch videostream on the most cost effective business solution providers.

  • Share risk information knowledge and business intelligence.
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Tap into our business risk management resource to protect and grow your business in UK and overseas.

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Building your business connections will best prepare your business for the uncertainties ahead. Your skills and business resources could be useful to other business leaders locally and globally.

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Listen to peoples needs and business concerns to find opportunities to help them.

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“Make sure your business is properly resourced to take on the business environment challenges”


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Job Vacancy Poster Service With BusinessRiskTV

Jobs and Careers Development Skills Gap Filling

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Job Advertise Options include but not limited to:

  1. Advertise a job vacancy on a specific page that interests people you want to employ
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  3. Create your own advertorial to promote your business interests on subjects that interest people you want to apply for jobs and direct their application to your own recruitment process.
  4. Create your own website page on BusinessRiskTV listing multiple job postings that link to your own online recruitment process.
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Skill gap in the workplace UK
UK Business and Economy News and Risk Analysis Report August 2020

UK Business and Economy News and Risk Analysis Report August 2020

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Risk management leaders magazine for risk management news opinions reviews

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Managing business risks better with BusinessRiskTV
Managing business risks better with BusinessRiskTV

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Emerging trends in business management

Global and local business management trends with

Emerging trends in business management debated risk analysed and risk controls reviewed. What emerging trends in business management must you know about today? Consumers and business decision makers have easy access to business intelligence so business leaders need to use business intelligence more in risk management strategy setting to grow faster. Due to the rapidly changing business environment and increased nationalism it may be better to have shorter supply chains. Alternatively restructure your supply chains to embrace new cost saving opportunities in supply.

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Emerging Trends in Business Management

Exploring The Future Of Work Trends and Analysing The Risks To Your Business Your Career and Society
Future Of Work Trends

Identify and understand emerging risks better to inform your decision making quicker. Keep up to date with global and local trends in your industry and country. Tap into our risk management experts networks to solve business problems faster and cheaper.

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Grow Your Business With Us
Grow Your Business With Us
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Building effective business relationships with

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Innovative Growth Forum

How to improve relationship with new business partners

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Cost effective ways to market your business online with BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Building business relationships and increasing business value

Fundamentally change your approach to business management

Successful business transformation with

The UK will enjoy massive investment over the next 5 years if the politicians are not liars! The UK can now after nearly 4 years of paralysis boost its economic growth. UK business leaders must be more innovative to seize the opportunities coming their way.

  • Ensure your risk audit plan encompasses the key risks to your business now and in future
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Transform your risk management capability. Create more business value from risk management maturity assessment results. Achieve improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. Manage strategic operational and project change better. Fundamentally change your approach to stretch your organisation to achieve more.

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UK economic regeneration and business growth

UK business growth and development with

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV to connect and engage with like minded business leaders who wish to find new innovative ways to grow faster more profitably

The UK economy performed relatively well compared to most of Europe. The UK economy has been a job creation machine with record low unemployment levels over recent months. However UK productivity has been poor. UK business leaders need to find new innovative ways to do more business in the UK.

Innovative Business Ideas
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Reinvigorate local town and regional economies is the key for UK plc economic growth as a whole. BusinessRiskTV supports business start ups and SMEs seeking to grow faster with less uncertainty.

Whilst the London economy is the biggest net contributor to UK government receipts and UK economy as a whole the UK economy can grow faster if all parts of the economy receive equal investment. Recent years has shown that London has received a disproportionate level of investment per head of population. If the distribution of investment was more equitable per head of population then the UK pie as a whole will grow faster.

BusinessRiskTV promotes economic growth and regeneration across the UK. We will review efforts to stimulate economic development in the UK. In addition we can help your business with its business development and growth strategy.

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Effective Digital Marketing Strategy
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Startup Success Factors

10 Key Success Factors for Startups: Unlocking the Path to Growth and Prosperity

Startups are the lifeblood of innovation, driving economic growth and fostering entrepreneurial spirit. However, the journey to success is fraught with challenges and risks that can deter even the most promising ventures. To navigate this treacherous landscape, startups must possess a keen understanding of the key success factors that can make or break their endeavors. In this article, we will explore ten essential factors that contribute to startup success, while also highlighting the role that can play in supporting startups on their path to prosperity.

  1. Clear Vision and Value Proposition:

A compelling vision, coupled with a well-defined value proposition, serves as the foundation for any successful startup. Entrepreneurs must have a clear understanding of their mission and purpose, enabling them to articulate their unique offering to customers, investors, and employees. can provide guidance on refining value propositions and leveraging market insights to enhance a startup’s competitive edge.

  1. Market Analysis and Validation:

Thorough market analysis is essential to identify target customers, assess competition, and evaluate market potential. Startups must validate their assumptions through market research, customer feedback, and pilot testing. offers valuable resources and industry knowledge that can assist startups in conducting market research, identifying market gaps, and aligning their product or service offerings with market demand.

  1. Effective Leadership and Team Building:

Building a talented and dedicated team is crucial for a startup’s success. Entrepreneurs must possess strong leadership skills, the ability to inspire and motivate, and a willingness to delegate responsibilities. provides insights on effective leadership practices, team-building strategies, and talent acquisition to help startups build high-performing teams.

  1. Scalable Business Model:

A scalable business model is vital for startups aiming to achieve rapid growth. The model should allow for expansion without significant increases in costs. can assist startups in developing scalable business models by providing access to industry benchmarks, expert advice, and case studies of successful scaling strategies.

  1. Financial Planning and Resource Management:

Startups must effectively manage their financial resources and develop a robust financial plan to ensure sustainability. offers guidance on financial planning, fundraising strategies, and cost optimisation to help startups navigate the complexities of financial management.

  1. Agility and Adaptability:

Startups must be agile and adaptable to respond to changing market dynamics, customer needs, and technological advancements. They should embrace a culture of experimentation and be willing to pivot when necessary. promotes agile methodologies, innovation practices, and disruptive thinking, enabling startups to adapt quickly to the evolving business landscape.

  1. Customer-Centric Approach:

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Startups face numerous challenges on their path to success, but by understanding and implementing these ten key success factors, entrepreneurs can significantly enhance their chances of growth and prosperity. serves as a valuable resource for startups, offering support, expertise, and guidance across various domains. Leveraging the resources and insights provided by, startups can navigate the uncertainties and mitigate risks, ultimately accelerating their journey towards achieving their goals.

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Now is the time for UK to invest in its future

Why now could be the perfect time to invest in the UK with

Both the public sector and the private sector in the UK need to invest in its future. All of the UKs political partys promised massive investment in the UK. If the Conservative Party misses this opportunity to boost UK economic growth then it will not be forgiven for decades.

Business Leader Discussion Forum UK

The UK General Election result means that the UK

The UK has a skills gap crisis. Not enough people have the skills needed to grow the UK economy needs. The UK government and private sector needs to massively invest in retraining its workforce.

Now is the perfect time to invest in the UK. We are entering the 4th industrial revolution. The UK political uncertainty has been removed or at least greatly reduced. Not everyone will agree with the political direction but at least we now know the UK has political direction. UK plc needs to decide how it is going to prepare itself for the future.

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The word on the street on business risk management

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is right now

Overcoming procrastination with

Procrastination is one of the biggest risks business leaders face. Putting business decisions off until tomorrow is delaying success and future growth. The best time to act to improve your business performance is now.

Manage out the uncertainty of your business decision making process to make better decisions quicker to improve business performance faster


If you do not make the decision presented to you at least you can say it was not your fault it went tits up! Right? Maybe but your procrastination may be impeding your business performance.

With procrastination you are not managing business risks. You are just delaying the management of risks. Face up to your business risks today!

Many business leaders procrastinate on business risks because they think that risk events will not affect their business or that they have commercial insurance so are adequately protected from business risks. Simply effectively burying head in sand will not change a thing about your business risks. Commercial insurance may provide some money when you really need it however most business risks are uninsured or uninsurable even when you have an insurance policy!

Why procrastination is bad for your business

If you are leading your business and you are a procrastinator you may well miss business growth opportunities. Worse you maybe threatening the survival of your business should a risk event occur and you buried your head in the sand leaving your business unable to cope with the consequences of the risk event materialisation.

A big drain on your business success could be having business planning meetings without actually making changes to the business. Decide what is best and act with more confidence with enterprise risk management ERM!


Too often business leaders take comfort in talking about changes to the business but do not like the responsibility or accountability arising from actual actions to change the business. It is easy to talk a good game!

Stop avoiding the tough decisions in business

Initiate the changes necessary to improve your business performance. Accomplish more with your existing business resources and stop making excuses or blaming others! Take action and stop procrastinating. Take the right risks for your business success in future.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Deferring business decisions frustrates most people in your business. Confident business leaders assess the risks and become action takers proactively putting in place cost effective risk management controls.

Get ahead of your competition before the opportunity for business growth disappears for your business


You may think your procrastination is not damaging your business. Chances are it is in one way or another.

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BusinessRiskTV The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is right now

Women hold up half the sky

How does gender affect risk taking in business

Men and women are equal. Perhaps more importantly men and women can bring a different risk management perspective to the table. Without one makes the business more vulnerable.

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Support for women in business

Men and women within the business need to be treated equally fairly to ensure the business machine works most effectively.

There can be gender differences in risk taking so an effective holistic risk management strategy requires balanced workforce making decisions on strategy operations and projects. Indeed a balanced risk management strategy requires ethnic equality as well as gender equality.

It is not about male employees v female employees

Men and women see threats and opportunities in different ways. How they respond to business risks is therefore different. Your business enterprise risk management strategy needs to recognise risk perception gender differences. The differences present the opportunity for a competitive advantage if the competition have not acknowledged and addressed this aspect of business culture. Your risk assessment process should take account of gender issues.

It is about creating a balanced all inclusive holistic enterprise risk management strategy for faster business growth with less uncertainty


Make sure gaps in risk protection are filled. Make sure opportunities for business growth are not missed. For both of these important elements it is important that women are present at executive and senior manager level. For example drafting in a women from a lower level will not counter gender risk taking issues.

The risk management strategy needs to be written up on basis of equality in the boardroom not by having equality within a risk assessment workshop.


Women need to be fully embedded in all aspects of the business decision making process to benefit from their risk knowledge and experience. Include their business risk perspective and experiences. Women are not better leaders than men or vice versa.

By leaving out women or ethnic minorities at senior management and executive level you may not get the big picture on risk management. Inequality in the boardroom can mean your business only achieves half its potential with the same assets. Indeed some of these assets women may decided to move to a more meritocracy driven business that values gender parity.

There is a growing skills gap in the UK and your business can not afford to miss the benefits of offering an equal opportunity career development environment.

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You must enter the tigers den to catch his cubs

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Business success normally only comes for those who take a few risks. However taking more risks does not automatically exposing your business to unacceptable risks necessary to beat the competition.

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Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

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A blind horse always frightens itself

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Do not press the panic button
Do not press the panic button

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BusinessRiskTV A blind horse always frightens itself

Different locks must be opened with different keys

Enterprise risk management tools and techniques with

Different business problems require a different set of skills or experience to overcome. A business problem in your industry or country facing your business may require a different solution from the solution used by your competitors. Indeed a different business solution that fits your business problem may actual reap faster growth or better business protection.

One size does not always fit all


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