UK Manufacturing Review and Outlook 2024

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Navigating the Storm: A UK Manufacturing Expert’s Outlook for 2024

The past year and a half have painted a somber picture for UK manufacturing. Whispers of contraction morphed into a sustained roar, with the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) languishing below the 50-point threshold – a signal of decline – for 17 consecutive months. Employment followed suit, mirroring the production slump with 15 months of contraction. 2024 beckons, yet the question on every manufacturer’s mind remains: are we weathering a storm, or has the tide changed direction entirely?

As a UK manufacturing expert, I’d caution against hasty pronouncements. The landscape is complex, rife with both headwinds and tailwinds. Recognising their interplay is crucial to navigating the coming year.

Headwinds: The Persisting Perils

The storm clouds linger, casting long shadows on the path ahead. Inflation, though showing signs of moderating, remains a potent adversary. The cost-of-living crisis continues to squeeze consumer spending, dampening demand for manufactured goods. The war in Ukraine has disrupted global supply chains, making critical materials harder and more expensive to procure. Brexit’s aftershocks continue to reverberate, with complex trading arrangements and customs checks snarling export pathways.

Furthermore, geopolitical tensions and the looming potential for a global recession threaten to further dampen global appetite for British-made goods. The Bank of England’s ongoing quest to curb inflation through interest rate hikes could also stifle investment and growth. These are formidable foes, each capable of causing turbulence in the year ahead.

Tailwinds: Glimmering Rays of Hope

Yet, amidst the gloom, flickers of optimism dance. The PMI, while still in contractionary territory, has shown signs of a modest uptick in recent months. This, paired with easing supply chain pressures and a potential softening of energy prices, offers a glimmer of hope for output stabilisation. Of course Black Swan events could darken the horizon even more!

The UK government’s renewed focus on manufacturing, as evidenced by policies like the Levelling Up agenda and increased R&D funding, could provide much-needed impetus. Public investments in infrastructure and green technologies also present lucrative opportunities for savvy manufacturers. Moreover, the UK’s inherent strengths – its skilled workforce, innovative spirit, and strategic location – remain undimmed. These are the life rafts that can keep UK manufacturing afloat during choppy waters.

Charting the Course: Strategies for Survival and Success

The coming year demands more than simply weathering the storm. It calls for strategic agility, adaptability, and a laser-sharp focus on resilience. Here are some key strategies that UK manufacturers can adopt to navigate the uncertainties of 2024:

  • Embracing Innovation: Technological advancements in automation, artificial intelligence, and additive manufacturing offer significant opportunities for productivity gains and cost reduction. Investing in these technologies can make UK manufacturers more competitive in the global arena.
  • Reskilling and Upskilling: The industry desperately needs a skilled workforce equipped for the challenges of the future. Embracing apprenticeship programmes, reskilling initiatives, and partnerships with educational institutions can ensure a talent pool capable of driving future growth.
  • Supply Chain Reimagination: Building robust and diversified supply chains, exploring nearshoring and onshoring opportunities, and embracing digital supply chain management solutions can mitigate disruption risks and enhance operational efficiency.
  • Embracing Sustainability: Integrating sustainability into every aspect of production, from design to materials sourcing and waste management, can not only mitigate environmental impact but also tap into the growing demand for green products.
  • Collaboration and Consolidation: Joining forces with fellow manufacturers through strategic partnerships and alliances can foster knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and market access, thereby bolstering collective resilience.

A Year of Reckoning and Reimagining

2024 will be a year of reckoning for UK manufacturing. The industry must confront its vulnerabilities, capitalise on its strengths, and adapt to the ever-changing global landscape. It’s a time for bold decisions, not timid steps. This crisis presents an opportunity to reimagine British manufacturing, leveraging innovation, sustainability, and strategic partnerships to build a more resilient and competitive future.

The road ahead will be challenging, but by embracing flexibility, harnessing technology, and fostering collaboration, UK manufacturers can transform the winds of uncertainty into the sails of progress. Remember, even the roughest seas eventually give way to calmer waters. Let’s navigate this storm together, not as passengers clinging to hope, but as captains with a clear vision for a brighter manufacturing future.

Further Insights: A Statistical Panorama

The Manufacturing PMI: Throughout 2023, the Manufacturing PMI hovered around 45-47, a clear signal of ongoing contraction. However, November 2023 saw a slight uptick to 46.7, potentially marking a turning point.

Employment Decline: Manufacturing employment fell by 0.7% in October 2023, representing the 15th consecutive month of contraction. However, the rate of decline has slowed in recent months, potentially indicating a stabilising trend.

Export Challenges:
Brexit’s impact on exports remains a concern. Trade barriers and cumbersome documentation processes continue to impede access to key European markets. Manufacturers must seek alternative markets, negotiate favourable trade agreements, and adopt digital customs solutions to mitigate these challenges.

Green Shoots of Hope: Despite the headwinds, several pockets of optimism offer promising prospects. The aerospace, defense, and life sciences sectors have shown resilience and continue to attract investment. The burgeoning green economy also presents significant opportunities for manufacturers with expertise in renewable energy technologies and sustainable materials.

A Call to Action: The government, industry bodies, and individual manufacturers must come together to create a supportive ecosystem. This includes advocating for fair trade deals, promoting skills development, providing access to finance, and investing in research and development. Only through collective action can we create a thriving UK manufacturing sector that can weather any storm.

Conclusion: Beyond the Horizon

The storm clouds may loom large, but the horizon beyond them shimmers with the promise of a brighter future. 2024 will be a year of reckoning and reimagining for UK manufacturing. By embracing innovation, agility, and collaboration, we can navigate the choppy waters and emerge stronger on the other side. This is not just an economic imperative; it’s a national one. A robust and dynamic manufacturing sector forms the backbone of a healthy economy, providing jobs, generating exports, and fueling innovation. As we navigate this critical juncture, let us remember that the spirit of British ingenuity still burns bright. Let us harness that spirit, channel it into strategic action, and together, ensure that UK manufacturing once again becomes a global force to be reckoned with.

5 Practical Steps for UK Manufacturers to Thrive in 2024’s Stormy Seas:

1. Embrace Automation and AI:

  • Invest in robotics and automation solutions: Streamline production processes, reduce labor costs, and enhance consistency. Consider collaborative robots (cobots) for tasks alongside human workers.
  • Implement AI-powered predictive maintenance: Minimise downtime and improve equipment efficiency by anticipating potential failures before they occur.
  • Utilise AI for demand forecasting and inventory management: Optimise stock levels based on real-time data, preventing shortages and minimising waste.

2. Forge Strategic Partnerships:

  • Collaborate with fellow manufacturers: Pool resources, share expertise, and co-develop innovative products. Explore opportunities for joint marketing and procurement.
  • Partner with universities and research institutions: Access cutting-edge technologies and talent, and participate in collaborative R&D projects.
  • Build robust supplier networks: Diversify your supply chain, establish close relationships with local suppliers, and leverage digital supply chain platforms for greater transparency and efficiency.

3. Go Green and Reap the Rewards:

  • Integrate sustainability into every aspect of operations: Reduce energy consumption, minimise waste, and utilise environmentally friendly materials. Explore renewable energy sources and optimise production processes for efficiency.
  • Develop and market sustainable products: Cater to the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions. Consider circular economy principles and develop products designed for easy repair, reuse, and recycling.
  • Obtain sustainability certifications: Enhance brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

4. Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce:

  • Invest in training programs: Equip your employees with the skills needed to operate and maintain advanced technologies. Develop talent pipelines for future needs.
  • Embrace apprenticeships and work-based learning: Foster a skilled future generation of manufacturers.
  • Promote lifelong learning: Encourage employees to continuously update their skills and knowledge through ongoing training and development opportunities.

5. Leverage Digitalisation and Data Analytics:

  • Implement cloud-based ERP systems: Improve operational efficiency, streamline communication, and enhance data visibility across the organisation.
  • Embrace data analytics: Gain valuable insights from production data,customer feedback, and market trends. Optimise decision-making and identify new opportunities for growth.
  • Invest in cybersecurity: Protect your digital infrastructure and sensitive data from cyberattacks.

These are just a few practical steps that UK manufacturers can take to navigate the uncertainties of 2024. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, prioritising sustainability, investing in their workforce, and leveraging digital tools, they can not only survive the storm but emerge stronger and more competitive on the other side. Remember, flexibility, adaptability, and a proactive approach will be key to weathering the challenging year ahead.

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The UK economy performed relatively well compared to most of Europe. The UK economy has been a job creation machine with record low unemployment levels over recent months. However UK productivity has been poor. UK business leaders need to find new innovative ways to do more business in the UK.

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Whilst the London economy is the biggest net contributor to UK government receipts and UK economy as a whole the UK economy can grow faster if all parts of the economy receive equal investment. Recent years has shown that London has received a disproportionate level of investment per head of population. If the distribution of investment was more equitable per head of population then the UK pie as a whole will grow faster.

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Startups are the lifeblood of innovation, driving economic growth and fostering entrepreneurial spirit. However, the journey to success is fraught with challenges and risks that can deter even the most promising ventures. To navigate this treacherous landscape, startups must possess a keen understanding of the key success factors that can make or break their endeavors. In this article, we will explore ten essential factors that contribute to startup success, while also highlighting the role that can play in supporting startups on their path to prosperity.

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Collaborating with strategic partners and building strong networks can provide startups with access to resources, expertise, and new market opportunities. facilitates networking and partnership building by connecting startups with potential investors, mentors, and industry experts, thereby expanding their reach and fostering growth.

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Creating brand awareness and implementing effective marketing strategies is crucial for startups to attract customers and stand out in a crowded marketplace. offers guidance on marketing techniques, digital strategies, and branding initiatives, helping startups establish a strong brand presence and gain a competitive edge.

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Now is the time for UK to invest in its future

Why now could be the perfect time to invest in the UK with

Both the public sector and the private sector in the UK need to invest in its future. All of the UKs political partys promised massive investment in the UK. If the Conservative Party misses this opportunity to boost UK economic growth then it will not be forgiven for decades.

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The UK General Election result means that the UK

The UK has a skills gap crisis. Not enough people have the skills needed to grow the UK economy needs. The UK government and private sector needs to massively invest in retraining its workforce.

Now is the perfect time to invest in the UK. We are entering the 4th industrial revolution. The UK political uncertainty has been removed or at least greatly reduced. Not everyone will agree with the political direction but at least we now know the UK has political direction. UK plc needs to decide how it is going to prepare itself for the future.

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Your Business Forecast To Grow Faster Than The CBI Thinks

UK business forecasts and reports from

CBI does not speak for all UK business leaders.

Confederation of British Industry CBI Is Politically Motivated and Industry Biased Reports

Absolutely no one can state with absolute certainty what the impact of Brexit will be on UK economy. Most of the articles on the impact of Brexit are politically biased Leave or Remain as there is still a fight for the result of the real Brexit vote.

Many reports including the ones from the CBI are also industry biased. The industry most likely though not guaranteed to suffer if and when the UK leaves the European Union EU will be the financial services industry. This particular industry could actually also be the main industry benefactor from Brexit too but a lot will depend on the end deal with the EU.

Most business leaders in the UK can not control Brexit but they can control the impact of Brexit on their own business

Do not let the CBI the media or your mother dictate how you react to Brexit should it eventually happen. Deal with what you know for certain. The value of the UK pound has fallen against a basket of foreign currencies because the financial markets do not like uncertainty and it is highly uncertain if there will be a Brexit, and if it happens what kind of Brexit it will be. The UK certainly has a massive opportunity right now, never mind March 2019 or later to sell more overseas.

UK business leaders need to lay the foundations for a better future whether Brexit happens or not

Seize the day! The devaluation of the UK pound will remain as it is or devalue further over the next few years unless Brexit is stopped. This devaluation negates most of the trade tariffs that could be imposed by EU or are imposed by other non EU countries already.

Don’t wait for tariff free agreements from wherever they might come. Tariff free agreements could become the cherry on top of the cake for UK international traders. Tariff free agreements could also boost the value of the pound and there will be no net benefit from the signing of tariff free agreement in terms of the cost of your products or services to overseas buyers from your business in UK.

UK business leaders will look back on this period of UK economic history and think they missed a massive business opportunity to sell more overseas

This is the time to sell more overseas not when free trade agreements have been signed if they ever get signed.

Economic uncertainty has brought a massive opportunity as well as threat to UK businesses. Many UK business manufacturers have already exploited this perceived UK economy weakness to export more. If you want to concentrate your focus on the UK domestic market alone, then we wish you well.

If you want to explore ways to sell more and export more from the UK then click here – and enter code UK EXPORTER when you complete form. Alternatively, complete the form below and enter same code.

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Productivity In The UK Workplace

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How To Improve Productivity In The Workplace In UK

For the UK to sustainably increase wages meet the needs of an aging population and develop business growth it needs to increase productivity by 25 percent just to match the productivity of German workers in recent times.

German workers have the same output in 4 days that it takes UK workers 5 days to produce, according to the UK Chancellor Philip Hammond in is Autumn Statement on the UK performance to date.

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Improving Productivity In The Workplace

Increasing output for every hour of input

To improve productivity, the UK needs to produce more from every effort put into a business or enterprise. The UK government needs to play its part including boosting internet broadband availability and speeds, improving road rail and air transportation, as well as increase spending on other infrastructure improvements. However every business needs to work out what it needs to do to get more output from the same resources.

Poor sales growth domestically and internationally, reliance on cheap particularly foreign workers(most of UKs new jobs created over recent year have been foreign workers), and a lack of investment in training of employees is a big part of the UK Plcs poor productivity. Another significant part is the lack of engagement of existing assets the existing workforce. Business enterprise leaders have not involved the whole workforce in business decision-making. Every business has talented workers who know how to solve business problems and improve productivity but business leaders have not taken a holistic approach to productivity improvement. Where a business has poor productivity it is because not everyone is on the some bus to achieve a common destination. The solution is to engage the workforce more in business decision making process.

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How do you improve your business productivity

The public sector also needs to do more with less, in an age of austerity. The UK needs to somehow get more out of every available resource invested in public services.

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The time for looking for cost savings has passed. It is now time to look for ways to increase value produced by your business.

  • Is your business a Zombie business. Not alive just existing?
  • Is your business a dead-fish that you are blaming on being in a stagnant pool, when there is plenty of life in your area of expertise but you just can’t find business growth?
  • Do you need practical steps you can take today or tomorrow that will increase your business opportunities?
  • How can you improve the workplace culture without increasing wages immediately?
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