What are the failures of Globalisation?

What are the negative effects of Globalisation on economic growth?

Globalisation: The Failure and the Alternatives

Globalisation has been a major force in the world economy for the past few decades. It has led to increased trade and investment, and has helped to spread technology and ideas around the world. However, globalisation has also had some negative effects, and there are growing concerns about its future.

The Failures of Globalisation

One of the main failures of globalisation is that it has not led to a more equitable distribution of wealth. In fact, the gap between rich and poor has widened in many countries as a result of globalisation. This is because globalisation has benefited the wealthy countries and the wealthy individuals in those countries more than it has benefited the poor countries and the poor individuals in those countries.

Another failure of globalisation is that it has led to a loss of jobs in some countries. This is because companies have been able to move their operations to countries with lower wages, which has led to job losses in the high-wage countries.

Globalisation has also been blamed for environmental problems. This is because companies have been able to move their operations to countries with weaker environmental regulations, which has led to increased pollution and other environmental damage.

The Negative Effects of Globalisation on Economic Growth

Globalisation has also had some negative effects on economic growth. One of the main problems is that globalisation has led to increased competition, which has made it harder for businesses to succeed. This has led to some businesses going out of business, and has also led to lower wages for some workers.

Another problem with globalisation is that it has led to increased volatility in the global economy. This is because the global economy is now more interconnected than ever before, which means that shocks in one part of the world can quickly spread to other parts of the world. This has led to some financial crises, and has also made it harder for countries to manage their economies.

Three Negative Effects of Globalisation

There are three main negative effects of globalisation that are worth highlighting:

  • The loss of jobs. As businesses have become more globalised, they have been able to move their operations to countries with lower wages. This has led to job losses in high-wage countries, such as the United States and Europe.
  • The widening gap between rich and poor. Globalisation has benefited the wealthy countries and the wealthy individuals in those countries more than it has benefited the poor countries and the poor individuals in those countries. This has led to a widening gap between rich and poor, both within countries and between countries.
  • The environmental impact. Globalisation has led to an increase in pollution and other environmental problems. This is because companies have been able to move their operations to countries with weaker environmental regulations.

The Alternative to Globalisation

There is no single alternative to globalisation. However, there are a number of things that countries can do to mitigate the negative effects of globalisation and to promote more equitable growth. These include:

  • Protecting jobs. Governments can provide support to businesses that are threatened by globalisation, such as by providing subsidies or tax breaks. They can also invest in education and training to help workers who lose their jobs find new ones.
  • Reducing inequality. Governments can redistribute income through taxes and social programs. They can also invest in infrastructure and education to help create more opportunities for everyone.
  • Protecting the environment. Governments can strengthen environmental regulations and enforce them more strictly. They can also invest in renewable energy and other sustainable technologies.

Globalisation is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. It is important to be aware of the negative effects of globalisation so that we can take steps to mitigate them. However, it is also important to remember that globalisation has also had many positive effects, such as increased trade and investment, and the spread of technology and ideas. The challenge is to find ways to maximise the positive effects of globalisation while minimising the negative effects.

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What are the failures of Globalisation?

World Business Reports

Business Risk Management News Analysis and Review

World Business Report: Business Risk Management in the Face of Uncertainty

Keep up to date with risk news you need to know today.


What is risk management?

Business risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact a business. It is an essential part of any business, as it can help to protect against financial losses, reputational damage, and other negative consequences.

There are a number of different risk management frameworks that can be used, but they all share some common elements. These elements typically include:

  • Risk identification:Ā The first step in risk management is to identify the potential risks that a business faces. This can be done by conducting a risk assessment, which involves brainstorming all of the possible risks that could occur and then assessing the likelihood and impact of each risk.
  • Risk assessment:Ā Once the risks have been identified, they need to be assessed. This involves estimating the likelihood that each risk will occur and the impact that it would have if it did occur.
  • Risk mitigation:Ā Once the risks have been assessed, they need to be mitigated. This can be done by implementing a number of different strategies, such as:
    • Transferring the risk to another party, such as through insurance
    • Avoiding the risk altogether, by changing the business’s operations or products
    • Reducing the risk, by implementing controls or procedures
  • Risk monitoring:Ā The final step in risk management is to monitor the risks on an ongoing basis. This involves reviewing the risk assessment and mitigation strategies on a regular basis to ensure that they are still effective.

Risk analysis is a process that businesses use to understand the risks that they face and to develop strategies to mitigate those risks. Risk analysis can be used to assess a wide range of risks, including financial risks, operational risks, and strategic risks.

There are a number of different methods that can be used for risk analysis, but some of the most common methods include:

  • SWOT analysis:Ā SWOT analysis is a framework that businesses use to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis can be used to identify the risks that a business faces and to develop strategies to mitigate those risks.
  • Risk assessment:Ā Risk assessment is a more detailed process that businesses use to estimate the likelihood and impact of different risks. Risk assessment can be used to identify the risks that have the biggest potential impact on a business and to develop strategies to mitigate those risks.
  • Scenario analysis:Ā Scenario analysis is a process that businesses use to simulate different possible outcomes. Scenario analysis can be used to assess the risks that a business faces in different economic and market conditions.


Business risk news is a type of news that reports on the risks that businesses face. Business risk news can be found in a variety of sources, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and blogs.

Business risk news is important for businesses because it can help them to stay informed about the risks that they face. This information can then be used to develop strategies to mitigate those risks.

Here are some examples of recent business risk news stories:

  • The global economy is slowing down, which could lead to a recession.
  • The war in Ukraine is causing supply chain disruptions and rising prices.
  • Cyberattacks are on the rise, and they are becoming more sophisticated.
  • Climate change is posing a growing threat to businesses.

Business risk management is an essential part of any business. By identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, businesses can protect themselves from financial losses, reputational damage, and other negative consequences. Risk analysis is a valuable tool that businesses can use to understand the risks that they face and to develop strategies to mitigate those risks. Business risk news can help businesses to stay informed about the risks that they face.


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World Business Reports

Measuring Team Innovation

10 Steps To Innovating Your Business To Remain Resilient and Thrive Through Recession

Measuring Innovation in Your Team: A Comprehensive Guide

Innovation has become a key driver of success in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape. As a team leader or manager, it is essential to measure and evaluate the level of innovation within your team. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively measure innovation and foster a culture of creativity and continuous improvement within your team.

  1. Establish Clear Objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Defining clear objectives is crucial to measuring innovation. Identify the specific goals you want to achieve through innovation and break them down into measurable KPIs. These KPIs could include the number of new ideas generated, the successful implementation of innovative solutions, or the impact of innovation on business outcomes.
  2. Foster an Innovation-Friendly Environment Creating a culture that encourages and supports innovation is essential. Provide your team with the necessary resources, such as time, tools, and training, to explore new ideas and experiment. Encourage risk-taking and embrace failure as a valuable learning opportunity. Foster collaboration and open communication to stimulate the exchange of ideas.
  3. Encourage Idea Generation and Brainstorming Actively promote idea generation sessions and brainstorming activities within your team. Encourage team members to share their thoughts, insights, and suggestions freely. Implement techniques such as mind mapping, design thinking, or hackathons to stimulate creativity and problem-solving.
  4. Measure Idea Conversion Rate Tracking the conversion rate of ideas generated into implemented innovations provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your team’s innovation process. Monitor the progression of ideas through various stages, from concept development to implementation. Analyze the reasons behind successful conversions and learn from those that did not materialise.
  5. Assess the Quality and Impact of Innovations Evaluate the quality and impact of implemented innovations to measure the effectiveness of your team’s efforts. Consider factors such as customer satisfaction, revenue growth, cost savings, or process improvements. Use surveys, interviews, or data analysis to gather feedback from stakeholders and assess the impact of innovations on the organization.
  6. Embrace Continuous Learning and Improvement Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and improvement within your team. Provide opportunities for training and professional development to enhance individual and collective innovation skills. Regularly review and reflect on the innovation process, seeking areas for improvement and implementing necessary changes.
  7. Foster Collaboration and Cross-Functional Teams Collaboration is a key driver of innovation. Encourage cross-functional teams that bring together diverse perspectives, skills, and expertise. Facilitate knowledge sharing and create platforms for team members to collaborate on innovative projects. Measure the level of cross-functional collaboration and the resulting synergies.
  8. Utilise Technology and Digital Tools Leverage technology and digital tools to streamline the innovation process and capture relevant data. Use innovation management software or project management tools to track ideas, monitor progress, and analyse results. Analyze the data collected to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.
  9. Recognise and Reward Innovation Recognise and reward team members who contribute to the innovation process. Celebrate achievements and acknowledge innovative ideas, successful implementations, or creative problem-solving. Create a reward system that reinforces a culture of innovation and motivates individuals to continue their innovative efforts.
  10. Seek External Benchmarks and Feedback Look beyond your team and seek external benchmarks and feedback. Engage with industry experts, attend conferences, or participate in innovation-related networks. Benchmark your team’s innovation efforts against industry standards and best practices. Gather feedback from customers, partners, or other stakeholders to gain external perspectives on the impact and value of your team’s innovations.Measuring innovation in your team is essential for fostering a culture of creativity, continuous improvement, and ultimately driving success. By establishing clear objectives and KPIs, creating an innovation-friendly environment, encouraging idea generation, and assessing the quality and impact of innovations, you can effectively measure and evaluate your team’s innovative capabilities. Embrace collaboration, utilize technology, recognise and reward innovation, and seek external benchmarks and feedback to further enhance your team’s innovation initiatives. Remember, innovation is a journey, and by continuously measuring, learning, and improving, your team can stay at the forefront of change and drive long-term success.

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Measuring Team Innovation

What will the business world be like in 2023

What are the things business leaders need to know in 2023?

Pro Risk Managers exploring world of business risks and risk management solutions to survive 2023 and boost own business performance through and out of recession

Discover what you should really be worrying about in your business if you want to be really successful in business.

Explore new better ways of doing things in your business

Discover better ways to manage your business. Find out what you don’t yet know about your key business risks that threaten your business success in future or are obscuring new business opportunities for your business.

Get to know about what really matters for your increased business success, or even survival

Find out what you do not know about your business performance key risk indicators and key control indicators. Overcome poor business performance.

Reflect on past experiences of good and bad business risk management. Accept responsibility corporately and individually for business risk management performance.

360 feedback is critical to learning from your business mistakes and identifying business improvement actions. Involve key people inside and outside of your business to engage your whole workforce in the development of a new business risk management strategy to improve your business success in future. Work better together to take in-house the responsibility of improving your business. We can help mentor your new business risk management strategy, but ultimately success or failure is in your hands.

Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of other business leaders

We learn from our mistakes. We learn more from failure than from our successes. They don’t always have to be our own mistakes. Sure, learn from your own mistakes but also learn from other business leader mistakes. To boost your business success also learn from the successes, skills and experiences of other business leaders.

  • How are decisions made in your business?
  • Do you involve everyone in the decision-making process to ensure you use every last drop of good and bad experiences to improve your business?
  • How do you leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of your business survival and prosperity?

Develop real life business knowledge and business intelligence to improve your business performance. Solve your real life problems in your business now with business solutions that will work better for your business.

  • You can do it!
  • You can afford it!
  • You can’t afford not to!

Discover why you can afford the changes you need to make to your business. Identify how you can afford business changes. Understand better why you need to change to improve your business.

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What should you be worried about as business leader in 2023?

The things business leaders should be worried about if you want to really be successful in business

Here are some things business leaders should have in mind when deciding where to deploy finite money time and energy:

  1. Market trends and competition: Keeping an eye on market trends and understanding the competitive landscape can help business leaders make informed decisions about the direction of their company.
  2. Customer needs and satisfaction: Understanding and meeting the needs of customers is critical for any business. This can involve gathering feedback, analysing customer data, and continuously improving products and services to meet changing customer needs.
  3. Financial performance and sustainability: Business leaders should be mindful of the financial health of their company and strive to achieve profitability and financial stability. This may involve setting financial goals, monitoring financial metrics, and making strategic financial decisions.
  4. Employee satisfaction and retention: Happy and engaged employees can drive business success, so it is important for business leaders to prioritise employee well-being and create a positive work culture. This can involve offering competitive benefits, promoting professional development, and fostering a positive engaging work environment.
  5. Legal and regulatory compliance: Businesses must operate within the bounds of the law and adhere to any relevant regulations. This can involve ensuring that business practices and processes are compliant with laws and regulations, and staying up to date on any changes to legal or regulatory requirements.
  6. Innovation and growth: Business leaders should be proactive in seeking out opportunities for growth and innovation. This can involve developing new products or services, entering new markets, and finding ways to differentiate the business from competitors.

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What will be business world be like in 2023

What is innovation strategy for your business in UK

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Businesses must be able to benefit from change. We explore the importance of adapting to change in a business. What are the benefits of change in the workplace. Changes in business can be necessary due to external and internal business risk factors. Not all change has to be major. Small incremental changes, combined, can be more effective and beneficial to your business than giant leaps. Constant major changes can also be counterproductive.

  • What are the negative effects of change in business?
  • What are the positive effects of change in business?
  • Learn how to embrace change and innovation in your company.

Todayā€™s organisation’s must embrace change to survive and prosper. Ensure your business has a culture of looking at change as an opportunity to improve not something to fear or resist. Explain the importance of accepting change positively to your employees and customers.

  • Employees will develop new skills which will make them more valuable to you but also more valuable in the marketplace.
  • Employees will have new opportunities to be more creative in alignment with new business objectives so both can navigate choppy market conditions.
  • Employees will become more engaged with and committed to your business as their ideas will help grow the business and their role within the business.

Sell the benefits of a constantly changing business to your employees so they can help you not run away from your business.

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Why should businesses embrace change?

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We look at why change is important. Explain the importance of accepting change positively. Not forgetting both the negative and positive effects of change in the workplace. Control the negative effects of change while enhancing the positive effects of change.

Embracing change means embracing failure. Not all changes will be successful. However if employees feel that their ideas and failure of ideas will be accepted without recrimination and even rewarded, you will find the gems in the rough that will boost your business development.

You need and plan and a process to filter the ideas. Your plan needs to engage all levels of your organisation not just the management team.

Embracing change will help your business find and develop new ideas and opportunities to grow faster. Change in business is inevitable so why not embrace it positively at all times to get the best out of it and mitigate anything bad about change. Embracing change is essential for the future success and growth of your business so adopting a culture and a habit of embracing change will supercharge your growth. Change will no longer threaten your survival in business.

What are the benefits to customers when a business changes?

Adapt your business and embrace change to benefit old and new customers. A culture of embracing change and a process for managing risks of change will lead to more satisfied customers as well as more engaged workforce.

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Much innovation is born out of necessity – for example during times of war. The COVID period maybe our time of war. It as certainly led to the worst economic period for several hundred years including from two world wars. What we can learn from Abandoned Engineering on Yesterday Channel is that our forefathers have invested incredible amounts of money and energy in ideas that failed for various different reasons. If you want your business to be resilience regardless of the economic environment you need to adopt the right risk management strategy to give your business the best chance of surviving in all economic weather. We may think we have been unlucky. However, all previous generations have had their challenges. Our challenge is to be innovative, creative and resilient no matter what is thrown at us.

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How can a business embrace change

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Will you suffer catastrophic loss to disruptive innovation or become a business disruptor yourself

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The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us. For some it will be a plague but for others it’ll will be a feast.

Every day you can find multiple great ideas that could potentially disruptive the current way of doing things. My favourites at the moment are flying modes of transport that could easily replace vehicles that have to travel on roads and flying machines that briefly go to space to get to their destination quicker. They may seem like far off technological developments, but the technology works now.   Its flight rules and regulations that will hold them back to protect carmakers and airplane makers not technology risks.

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If you don’t have time to be innovators you may need to find time to protect against business market disruptors

Fatal existential business decisions are easy to see in hindsight. Foresight consultants can help you take steps to protect yourself from your own poor business decisions.

Anyone can take a wrong turn. If you’re lucky the decision may not be malignant. You might survive to fight another day. On the other hand.

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Your brand maybe vulnerable to others who have been thinking differently, or from changes to the marketplace. It may fail cause your performance ain’t good enough, or because your competitors change the rules of the game.

How you fail may not matter too much after you’ve failed. It will be too late to consider what you are doing wrong. Kodak didn’t want to change when they had to change to survive. They were making too much money from photographs to change to embrace digital photography. Market changes can kill the best businesses.

The best form of defence is often attack

Being more innovative or creative can be frightening. Picking the wrong horse in a paddock of new opportunities can be very costly. Innovation can also be exciting and highly rewarding.

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Learn New Risk Management Techniques In Business

Common business risks facing your business could be managed better. Learn new ways  to manage risk more productively with more certainty.

Running a business can be very satisfying but it can also be dangerous for the health of your finances! Potential risks will present ways to threaten business survival or reduce profitability. Other risks may present opportunities to grow faster. Both types of risk need to be managed to maximise your success both personally and corporately.

The business environment sets the scene for successful businesses it does not dictate your success or failure

Anyone can cross their fingers and hope for success but clever business leaders don’t leave their success to luck!

If you don't drive your business forward your set for failure
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Not everything is going to go well no matter how hard you plan things. Life often gets in the way of the best business plans! In the real world you have to take calculated risks to achieve more than the next business leader who is risk averse.

How do you get the enterprise risk balance right though?

There are many ways to get the right enterprise risk management ERM balance right. First of all you need to know where you are now and how much of an appetite for risk your key decision makers have.

Once risk appetite and risk tolerance are clear then the culture of risk management can be tailored to strike the right risk management balance for your organisation.

How to identify manage and control the effect of risk on your business objectives

Some risk has to be accepted. How much? What is not acceptable has to be managed. How will risk is managed will dictate how sustainable your business will be in future as well as how successful it will be.

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BusinessRiskTV How to manage business risk better and grow business faster with more certainty