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Retailers in UK often talk about the threats to their business model and profitability
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Developing best risk management plan for your business with
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Manage your business risks better with BusinessRiskTV
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Connecting Business Leaders To Manage Business Risks Better
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How to reduce losses in business with
Loss prevention and loss reduction tips advice and support
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Loss prevention tips and training from
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Method of successful resource allocation
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What are you doing to identify what really matters to your business success?
Where will need to change things in your organisation to achieve greater success?
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Doing the right thing more often with BusinessRiskTV
Understand country and industry regulations and standards
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Enterprise risk management analysis with BusinessRiskTV
How to identify and analyse enterprise opportunities and threats
Improve your identification and analysis of business opportunities and threats. Subject your business processes to better risk identification and analysis to boost your business performance.
Unlock the secrets of successful business risk management: Sign up for our ongoing risk management workshops today!
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Use your business strengths to mitigate the threats your business faces. Reduce your weaknesses to control the threats to your business objectives. Seize new business opportunities to build your business resilience.
Subscribe for free to BusinessRiskTV to follow updates and highlights of articles and workshops on risk identification and analysis
Use enterprise risk identification and analysis to help you grow your business with less uncertainty.
Enhance what you are doing well for greater returns on your investment of time and money.
Identify new opportunities for your business that you are currently missing or failing to capitalise upon.
Control the risks holding your business development back.
Recognise that you do have opportunities to improve your business and what you need to do to make them work well regardless of the business or economic environment.
Create a business risk management plan after identifying key threats and opportunities for your business: PESTLE example
A business risk management plan for a business leader in the UK could include the following:
Political risks:
Monitor changes in government policies and regulations that may affect the business
Assess the potential impact of political instability on the company’s operations and supply chain
Develop contingency plans for disruptions caused by political events
Economic risks:
Monitor economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates
Assess the potential impact of economic downturns on the company’s revenue and profitability
Develop strategies to mitigate the effects of economic fluctuations on the business
Social risks:
Monitor changes in consumer behavior and preferences
Assess the potential impact of social trends on the company’s products and services
Develop strategies to adapt to changes in consumer demand
Technological risks:
Monitor advances in technology that may disrupt the company’s business model
Assess the potential impact of technological innovations on the company’s competitiveness
Invest in research and development to stay ahead of technological changes
Legal risks:
Monitor changes in laws and regulations that may affect the business
Assess the potential impact of legal changes on the company’s operations and compliance costs
Develop strategies to mitigate legal risks, such as insurance or implementing compliance programs
Environmental risks:
Monitor changes in environmental regulations and standards
Assess the potential impact of environmental factors on the company’s operations and supply chain
Develop strategies to mitigate environmental risks, such as implementing sustainable practices or investing in renewable energy.
Note: PESTLE Analysis is a framework for assessing the external factors that may affect a business. It is a useful tool for identifying potential risks and opportunities for a business.
Risk Type
Key Considerations
Potential Impact
Mitigation Strategies
Political risks
Changes in government policies and regulations
Disruptions to operations and supply chain
Monitor political developments, develop contingency plans
Economic risks
Economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates
Reduced revenue and profitability
Monitor economic indicators, develop strategies to mitigate effects of economic fluctuations
Social risks
Changes in consumer behavior and preferences
Reduced demand for products and services
Monitor social trends, develop strategies to adapt to changes in consumer demand
Technological risks
Advances in technology that may disrupt business model
Loss of competitiveness
Monitor technological developments, invest in R&D to stay ahead of changes
Legal risks
Changes in laws and regulations
Increased compliance costs and legal liabilities
Monitor legal developments, implement compliance programs and insurance
Environmental risks
Changes in environmental regulations and standards
Negative impact on operations and supply chain
Monitor environmental developments, implement sustainable practices and invest in renewable energy.
How to manage risk better in business with BusinessRiskTV
Learn how to overcome risk in business to still achieve business objectives
Explore common business risks. Identifying and managing business risks better with BusinessRiskTV.
Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free alerts and bulletins on how to increase enterprise risk awareness
Identify and treat risks to your business better
For risk management to work best it needs to be holistic and integrated into normal business decision making. Increase senior managers and executives awareness of enterprise risks impacting on enterprise objectives to boost performance.
Explore your organisations opportunities for innovation and development
Capture competitive advantages you have in your marketplace
Increase sales more profitably
Treat your enterprise risks better. Avoid reduce transfer or accept risks more holistically more cost effectively.
Improve your risk assessment process to manage risks to you enterprise
Enterprise risk management should not be a functional affair. It should help inspire and engage all levels of the organisation in managing business risks holistically.
Check out our upcoming online workshops on risk awareness including risk identification assessment and treatment.
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Proactive management consulting
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Aligning your management of risk with your business objectives
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Develop a better risk management plan to boost business performance
Sometimes working really hard is not enough. Think smarter with BusinessRiskTV.
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The risk of enterprise failure increases with inadequate governance risk and compliance processes
There are many examples of the biggest firms in the world collapsing due to bad risk management practices. Good corporate governance risk and compliance systems build business resilience and can improve business performance.
Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for latest news headlines opinions risk analysis and reviews of success and failure in business
There are several techniques that can be useful for managing business rules in an organisation. Here are some recommendations:
Documenting business rules: One of the most important techniques for managing business rules is to document them in a clear and concise manner. This can include using a variety of formats such as decision tables, flowcharts, and natural language descriptions.
Centralising business rules: To avoid inconsistencies and duplication of effort, it is advisable to centralise the management of business rules. This can be done using a dedicated software tool or a repository that stores the rules and makes them accessible to relevant stakeholders.
Version control: It is crucial to keep track of changes to business rules over time, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Version control techniques such as branching and merging can help in managing changes to business rules.
Testing and validation: Business rules should be tested and validated thoroughly to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. This can be done using a variety of techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
Auditing and monitoring: Regular auditing and monitoring of business rules can help to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can be done using automated tools or through manual reviews.
Governance and ownership: Establishing clear governance and ownership of business rules is essential to ensure that they are being managed effectively. This can include assigning ownership to specific individuals or teams and establishing processes for reviewing and approving changes to business rules.
By following these techniques, organisations can effectively manage their business rules and ensure that they are aligned with their business objectives and regulatory requirements.
Inform your business risk management decision making with BusinessRiskTV resources
Get help to control the risks you can control
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Identify the critical risks impacting on your business objectives
To make business decisions quickly you need to aim for holistic benefits rather than perfect outcomes
Create a solid risk based decision making process you can rely on
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Maximising Your Business Growth: Insider Strategies and Tactics from Industry Leaders
Maximising your business growth tips: sharing insider strategies and tactics from industry leaders to help you take your business to the next level.
Identify your target market.
Before you can start growing your business, you need to know who your target market is. This will help you tailor your products or services to meet the needs and wants of your ideal customer. To identify your target market, consider factors such as demographics, location, and interests.
Set clear goals and objectives.
In order to grow your business, you need to have a clear direction and plan in place. This means setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives. Having clear goals and objectives will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards growing your business.
Invest in marketing and advertising.
Marketing and advertising are crucial to getting the word out about your business and attracting new customers. Consider investing in both traditional and digital marketing efforts, such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing.
Focus on customer satisfaction.
Happy customers are key to driving business growth. Make sure to prioritise customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products or services, responding to customer inquiries and complaints, and continuously seeking ways to improve the customer experience.
Diversify your revenue streams.
Diversifying your revenue streams can help protect your business from economic downturns and provide multiple sources of income. Consider offering new products or services, partnering with other businesses, or exploring alternative revenue streams such as licensing or franchising.
By following these insider strategies and tactics, you can take your business to new heights of growth and success. Remember to always keep your target market in mind, set clear goals and objectives, invest in marketing and advertising, focus on customer satisfaction, and diversify your revenue streams.Â
How to grow your business
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Overall, growing a business can be a challenging process, but with the help of, businesses can overcome these challenges and achieve their growth objectives.
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