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The regulation of investment funds insurance companies and banks in Europe is fragmented in terms of consumer protection. This may expose the individual consumer of financial products and services to unnecessary risks. Trying to change this is near impossible for practical and political time reasons. It would take too long to change this and there is not the political timetable to make it happen ever. However it means that the financial services industry needs to accept duplication of reporting and higher than needed regulatory and risk management compliance costs.

The way to protect consumers of financial products is to adopt enterprise risk management principles and practices in the management of investment fund insurance company and banking risks.


The financial services industry should maintain its focus on whether high quality financial services best practices are being provided for the benefit of the consumer the financial services business and the financial services business leaders.

Amber Rudds proposal to jail people for up to 7 years who wilfully or recklessly manage or handle pension funds in UK may be another indicator of a desire to tackle the financial services industry’s inability to properly protect the end benefactor of investment related products.


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Strategic risk decision making in financial services industry is not complicated but it is complex. Reduce the complexity to what matters to your business in the financial services sector.

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Failing to be innovative and creative in the financial services sector may place your business at a competitive disadvantage. However innovation and creativity brings added risk. Is that added risk with it? Enterprise risk management ERM approach will help you decide.

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Regulatory compliance increased investor engagement and expectations and increasingly volatile geopolitical risks makes investing for the future and management of investment risks harder


The future of financial services industry risk management is also changing with artificial intelligence divergent regulatory controls and splintering risk culture ambitions driving changes in practice.

Keep up to date with best risk management tools and techniques to improve your business decision making. The financial financial crisis is beginning. We just do not know where it started and what we are doing wrong. However being prepared for the next financial crisis should be part of a holistic enterprise risk management approach.

Chances are that fintech will play a role in the next financial crisis. Technology risks are a key risk factor for business growth and disaster for financial services companies in particular.

Lack of need to control risks will also play a role in the next financial crisis. The financial services industry has found it near impossible to manage its own risks without regulatory control. Dissipation in regulatory control will precipitate the financial services industry lunging over the cliff.

The fact that the financial services sector has still not recovered from the last financial crisis is another reason that another financial crisis will occur. Italian Chinese and Indian banks are in particular bursting at the seems with near unmanageable debt levels. Add to that boiling frothing pot of junk political instability in Europe Asia and Americas then you have a perfect storm waiting to be unleashed.

Should we withdraw from business or investing? Of course not. It has always been thus. It has always been about the survival of the fittest. However what has changed is that there is increased realisation that the fittest are those businesses and investors who invest in socially responsible investing. Environmental social and governance risk factors are at play. The strongest are the ones who embrace this philosophy.

A holistic enterprise risk management approach to business management and investing is the future. If you are waiting to look back and acknowledge that with hindsight you will be one who suffers most from the next financial crisis. You may not survive the long term. If you are not looking to the long term then good luck to you. You might get lucky. If you are looking for long term sustainability get on the holistic enterprise risk management boat today. Create long term value through enterprise risk management today not tomorrow.

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Globally Empty Office Buildings and Commercial Property Creating Debt Collapse, Systemic Threat to Banking System Worldwide

The COVID-19 pandemic and central banks response – overprinting of money out of thin air – has had a devastating impact on the global economy, and nowhere has this been more evident than in the commercial real estate sector. As businesses have been forced to close or operate remotely, millions of square feet of office space have been vacated, leaving office buildings empty around the world.

This has led to a sharp decline in property values, and many commercial real estate owners are now facing significant financial losses. In some cases, these losses have become so severe that they have forced property owners to default on their loans, which could have a ripple effect throughout the global banking system.

Who Has the Most Exposure to Commercial Real Estate?

The financial institutions that have the most exposure to commercial real estate are those that specialise in lending to businesses and developers. These institutions include commercial banks, investment banks, regional banks in USA and insurance companies.

According to a recent report by the International Monetary Fund, commercial banks worldwide have about $20 trillion in outstanding loans to commercial real estate borrowers. This represents about 10% of all bank lending globally.

Investment banks and insurance companies also have significant exposure to commercial real estate. Investment banks, for example, often underwrite and market commercial real estate bonds, which are a type of debt security that is backed by the income generated from rental properties. Insurance companies, on the other hand, often invest in commercial real estate through real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are companies that own and operate income-producing properties.

Are Banks in Danger?

The sharp decline in commercial real estate values has raised concerns that banks could be in danger of suffering significant losses on their loans to commercial real estate borrowers. In some cases, these losses could be so severe that they could force banks to default on their own debts, which could lead to a systemic financial crisis.

However, it is important to note that banks have a variety of tools at their disposal to manage their exposure to commercial real estate risk. For example, banks can sell off their commercial real estate loans to other investors, or they can take steps to restructure the terms of these loans. At the same time if the sea level is going down for all banks in real estate debt crisis will there be enough saviours?

In addition, the government can also play a role in helping to stabilise the commercial real estate market. For example, the government can provide financial assistance to banks that are struggling with commercial real estate losses, or it can provide tax breaks to businesses that are considering moving back into office space. At the same time this is inflationary and may result in even higher interest rates – problem delayed but worsened thereby extending and increasing length of recession creating depression.

How Many Office Buildings Are Empty in the US?

According to a recent survey by the commercial real estate firm CBRE, about 15% of office space in the United States is currently vacant. This represents about 250 million square feet of empty office space.

The vacancy rate is highest in major cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. In these cities, the vacancy rate is often above 20%.

The vacancy rate is also high in some smaller cities and towns. For example, the vacancy rate in the city of Detroit is currently over 30%.

These, official, vacancy rates seem lower than real levels other agencies produce and anecdotally.

Why Are the Banks in Trouble?

The banks are in trouble because they have lent too much money to commercial real estate borrowers. When these borrowers default on their loans, the banks are left holding the bag.

The banks are also in trouble because the value of their commercial real estate assets has declined. This decline in value has made it more difficult for the banks to sell these assets, and it has also reduced the amount of collateral that they have available to secure their loans.

The banks are also facing increased competition from non-bank lenders, such as private equity firms and hedge funds. These non-bank lenders are often willing to lend money to commercial real estate borrowers at lower interest rates than the banks.


The global pandemic has had a devastating impact on the commercial real estate sector, and this has led to significant financial losses for banks and other financial institutions. The situation is likely to get worse before it gets better, as more and more businesses continue to operate remotely. If it gets worse it will be a very long time – decades – before it gets better!

The government will need to play a role in helping to stabilise the commercial real estate market, and banks will need to take steps to manage their exposure to commercial real estate risk. If these steps are not taken, the global banking system could be in danger of a systemic crisis.

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Managing Risk in Financial Services

Managing Risk in the Ever-Evolving Financial Services Industry

The financial services industry is a complex and dynamic sector that plays a vital role in the global economy. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including banking, insurance, investment management, and more. However, with the constant changes and uncertainties in the business landscape, managing risk has become a critical aspect of the financial services industry. In this article, we will explore the challenges and best practices of managing risk in the ever-evolving financial services industry.

The Changing Landscape of the Financial Services Industry

The financial services industry has gone through significant changes over the years, driven by various factors such as technological advancements, regulatory reforms, economic fluctuations, and changing customer preferences. These changes have brought new opportunities and challenges for businesses operating in this industry.

One of the significant changes in the financial services industry is the increasing reliance on technology. The digital revolution has transformed the way financial services are delivered and consumed. Fintech companies have emerged, leveraging technology to disrupt traditional financial services providers. This has resulted in increased competition and the need for traditional financial institutions to adapt and innovate to stay relevant.

Another change in the financial services industry is the evolving regulatory landscape. Governments and regulatory bodies around the world have implemented stringent regulations to safeguard consumers and ensure financial stability. These regulations, such as the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States and the MiFID II directive in the European Union, have increased compliance requirements for financial services firms. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties and reputational damage, making effective risk management essential.

Economic fluctuations also impact the financial services industry. Economic downturns can lead to increased credit risk, market volatility, and liquidity challenges, while economic upturns can present growth opportunities. As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, events in one part of the world can have ripple effects on financial markets globally, making risk management more complex and critical.

Lastly, changing customer preferences and behaviors have also impacted the financial services industry. Customers now demand personalized and convenient financial services, with a focus on transparency and trust. This has led to a shift in business models, with a greater emphasis on customer-centricity and digital engagement. Firms need to understand customer preferences and manage reputational risk to maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Challenges in Risk Management in the Financial Services Industry

The evolving landscape of the financial services industry has brought about several challenges in managing risk effectively. Some of the significant challenges include:

Increasing Complexity: The financial services industry is highly complex, with numerous products, services, and processes. Risk managers need to understand the intricacies of various financial instruments, business models, and regulatory requirements to identify and manage risks effectively.

Changing Regulations: The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, with new regulations being introduced and existing ones amended. Financial services firms need to stay abreast of these changes and ensure compliance, which requires significant resources and expertise.

Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing reliance on technology has also exposed the financial services industry to cybersecurity risks. Cyber threats, such as data breaches and ransomware attacks, can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and regulatory penalties.

Geopolitical Risks: Geopolitical events, such as trade disputes, political instability, and sanctions, can have significant impacts on the financial services industry. These events can affect global markets, currencies, and investment portfolios, leading to increased volatility and risk exposure.

Reputation Risk: Reputation is crucial in the financial services industry, and any damage to reputation can have severe consequences. Negative public perception, loss of customer trust, and regulatory scrutiny can all result in significant financial and operational impacts.

Operational Risks: The complex and interconnected nature of the financial services industry also presents operational risks. Operational failures, such as system outages, processing errors, and human errors, can disrupt business operations, cause financial losses, and harm reputation.

Risk of Financial Crime: Financial services firms are also exposed to risks related to financial crime, including money laundering, fraud, and corruption. These risks can arise from internal or external sources and can result in regulatory penalties, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.

Risk from Emerging Technologies: The rapid pace of technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cryptocurrency, presents both opportunities and risks for the financial services industry. Firms need to understand the risks associated with emerging technologies and implement effective risk management strategies to mitigate them.

Best Practices for Managing Risk in the Financial Services Industry

Given the challenges and complexities of managing risk in the financial services industry, it is essential for firms to adopt best practices to effectively mitigate risks. Here are some key best practices for managing risk in the financial services industry:

Develop a Robust Risk Management Framework: Financial services firms should establish a comprehensive risk management framework that includes risk identification, assessment, mitigation, monitoring, and reporting. This framework should be integrated into the firm’s overall strategy, operations, and decision-making processes.

Embrace a Risk Culture: Establishing a strong risk culture is critical for effective risk management. It involves fostering a culture where risk awareness and accountability are embedded in the organisation’s values, behaviours, and practices. This includes promoting open communication, risk transparency, and learning from mistakes.

Stay Abreast of Regulatory Changes: The financial services industry is heavily regulated, and firms need to stay updated with the latest regulatory changes that impact their operations. This includes understanding the implications of regulatory changes, ensuring compliance, and engaging with regulators proactively.

Enhance Cybersecurity Measures: Given the increasing cybersecurity risks, financial services firms should implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their systems, data, and customer information. This includes regular cybersecurity assessments, employee training, and incident response plans.

Diversify Risk Management Strategies: Financial services firms should adopt a diversified approach to risk management. This includes diversifying investments, customers, and markets to reduce concentration risk. It also involves using risk transfer mechanisms such as insurance and derivatives to mitigate risks.

Conduct Comprehensive Due Diligence: Financial services firms should conduct comprehensive due diligence before entering into any business relationships, such as partnerships, acquisitions, or investments. This includes assessing the financial stability, reputation, and compliance of potential business partners to mitigate counterparty risk.

Implement Robust Compliance Programs: Compliance is a critical aspect of risk management in the financial services industry. Firms should establish robust compliance programs that include policies, procedures, and controls to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies.

Invest in Technology and Data Analytics: Technology and data analytics can play a significant role in enhancing risk management in the financial services industry. Firms should invest in advanced technologies, such as risk management software, data analytics tools, and machine learning algorithms, to identify, assess, and monitor risks effectively.

Continuously Monitor and Update Risk Management Strategies: Risk management is an ongoing process, and firms should continuously monitor and update their risk management strategies to adapt to changing business and market conditions. This includes conducting regular risk assessments, evaluating the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures, and making necessary adjustments as needed.

As the financial services industry continues to evolve, managing risk has become more critical than ever. Firms operating in this industry face various challenges, including increasing complexity, changing regulations, cybersecurity risks, geopolitical risks, reputation risk, operational risks, risk from emerging technologies, and risk from financial crime. However, by adopting best practices such as developing a robust risk management framework, embracing a risk culture, staying abreast of regulatory changes, enhancing cybersecurity measures, diversifying risk management strategies, conducting comprehensive due diligence, implementing robust compliance programs, investing in technology and data analytics, and continuously monitoring and updating risk management strategies, financial services firms can effectively mitigate risks and safeguard their operations, reputation, and financial stability.

It is crucial for financial services firms to recognize that risk management is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires constant attention and adaptation. By proactively identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, firms can reduce the likelihood and impact of potential risk events and ensure their long-term sustainability.

In addition, fostering a strong risk culture within the organisation is essential for effective risk management. This involves creating an environment where risk awareness and accountability are valued, and employees at all levels are encouraged to report risks and concerns without fear of reprisal. A robust risk culture promotes open communication, transparency, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Furthermore, leveraging technology and data analytics can greatly enhance risk management efforts in the financial services industry. Advanced technologies, such as risk management software, data analytics tools, and machine learning algorithms, can enable firms to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in vast amounts of data, allowing for more informed risk assessments and timely risk mitigation actions.

Lastly, financial services firms should stay updated with the latest regulatory changes and engage with regulators proactively. Regulatory requirements are constantly evolving, and firms need to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations to avoid penalties, legal liabilities, and reputational damage. Regular communication and collaboration with regulators can help firms understand the implications of regulatory changes and proactively address any potential compliance gaps.

In conclusion, managing risk is a critical aspect of operating in the financial services industry. With the increasing complexity and evolving landscape of this industry, firms need to adopt a proactive and comprehensive approach to risk management. By developing a robust risk management framework, fostering a strong risk culture, staying updated with regulatory changes, enhancing cybersecurity measures, diversifying risk management strategies, conducting comprehensive due diligence, implementing robust compliance programs, investing in technology and data analytics, and continuously monitoring and updating risk management strategies, financial services firms can effectively mitigate risks and ensure their long-term success. It is imperative for financial services firms to prioritise risk management and make it an integral part of their strategic planning and decision-making processes. By doing so, they can safeguard their operations, protect their reputation, and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders in the ever-changing landscape of the financial services industry.

BusinessRiskTV Strategic Risk In Financial Services

Understanding risk tolerance and delivering risk appetite BusinessRiskTV Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Learn how to calculate risk tolerance and risk appetite with BusinessRiskTV

Managing your risk appetite and risk tolerance better

What level and nature of risk are you able and prepared to take to achieve your business objectives. Define the appetite for each type of risk to deliver your strategic objectives.

Determine achievable strategic business objectives deliver them operationally and complete better project outcomes

Set the priorities right for your business risk management culture. Develop and deliver your risk appetite.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance. CLICK HERE or email for more information

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Implementation and operation of risk management and conduct risk frameworks BusinessRiskTV

Tips advice and support for better decision making in financial services industry. Improve conduct risk. Change the way your business relates to your customers. Upgrade your risk management and conduct risk governance framework to ensure everyone knows who does what and when. This should embrace accountability for the consequences of not managing conduct risks in accordance with clear risk management principles risk appetite of the business.

Develop new financial conduct risk compliant products to boost business performance and sustainable business growth


The whole business needs to report on conduct risk performance. The risk function should help monitor conduct risks within the risk management plan but everyone in the business should be accountable for good customer outcomes. Internal Audit should check the documentation for conduct risk management challenging the whole business and the risk function to improve conduct risk effectively.

The Board executives and senior managers need to develop and embed the right risk management culture for the business risk tolerance and risk appetite. However all staff should be held to account by ensuring that all remuneration and incentives are linked to good risk management practices.

If people are to be held to account the business the board and senior managers must provide the tools to ensure that all staff are capable of delivering conduct risk management principles and practices. This includes training staff developing good risk management systems and early risk warning indicators to enable rapid corrective action to prevent severe impact on business objectives and major personal failure.

What is your financial services business appetite for risk?


Cut through the management information overload to focus on the conduct risks that matter to your business success and key customer outcomes. Do not procrastinate. Act to remedy deteriorating conduct risks and monitor the effectiveness of your risk management action plan.

  • Identify the best Key Risk Indicators KRIs and Key Control Indicators KCI for your financial services buisness.
  • Change your technological solutions to deliver better conduct risk management
  • Improve organisational behaviour and your risk culture to boost business performance more sustainably

Senior managers and executives will increasingly become accountable for conduct risk in UK. Protect yourself better and find new ways to comply with regulatory obligations whilst increasing your business growth.

Embed a positive risk management culture. Assess from clients point of view whether good customer outcomes are achieved consistently. Analyse trends to identify areas which may need further more in depth investigation and conduct risk assessment. The conduct risk assessment should not just focus on known risks but encompass emerging risks from external and internal risk factors.

Improve customer outcomes from financial services and products. Embed conduct risk in your holistic risk management framework.


Take steps to make it more likely that your financial products and services meet your customers needs. Deliver better outcomes for your customers with better conduct risk management framework principles and risk assessment process.

What is your risk management capability? How does it address conduct risk. All financial services industry businesses need to develop the right skillset. Organisations need to gather the right management information at the right time and disseminate risk controls have appropriate risk assessment. Does your risk management information system RMIS help you make the right decisions at the right time?

Mitigate the disadvantages of conduct risk and maximise the opportunities from conduct risk management with


Are you personally accountable? Do you want more comfort that you are doing the right things at the right time? Improve you overview of regulatory compliance and supervisory expectations of conduct risk management.

Effectively empower your colleagues to manage conduct risk better. Treat your customers fairly and protect them and your business from poor conduct risk management.

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The Financial Conduct Authority FCA in UK expects your financial services business to embed conduct risk management into your enterprise risk management framework. You need to use risk based management information to make better conduct risk management decisions.

Upgrade your governance risk and compliance GRC in a more holistic integrated way to achieve more with less uncertainty in UK.

Review your risk management framework principles and risk assessment process to boost business performance. Do not just comply with regulations. Prosper with more certainty.

Understand emerging conduct risks. Manage known existing risks better. Allocate existing resources for better return in conduct risk management. Improve customer outcomes. Know what customers want and need. Gain a competitive advantage within financial services industry.

Treat customers fairly do not just look at process improvement. Be reasonable as a minimum and look to build upon existing conduct risk management. Make sure when you develop financial products and services you meet the objectives and interests of your target market.

Does your risk appetite statement cover conducts risks? Proactively identify conduct risks. Tackle possible unfair customer outcomes before they occur. React more positively when adverse customer outcomes arise.

Develop the best strategic risk management plan for your business to

  • Improve a weak compliance system
  • Improve poor risk management culture
  • Build a more sustainable business model
  • Provide better financial advice
  • Avoid mis selling scandals
  • Protect customers interests

Create the conduct risk management plan that works for your business. Understand conduct risk better. Know what you can get out of conduct risk management.

Drive your business forward more confidently without impinging on good customer outcomes.

  • Identify key conduct risks
  • Take meaningful action to manage risks better
  • Audit and report against your business conduct risk appetite
  • Produce evidence of good customer outcomes as well as negative outcomes
  • Make first line business units responsible for conduct risk management supported by good risk management guidance and oversight
  • Make your management information systems and technology support business objectives

CLICK HERE to receive bulletins on conduct risk management

Do you own or manage a financial services business?

Yes you can get your wrists slapped with non compliance fines and destruction of your brand reputation but you could be missing the opportunity to win new market share in the financial services industry.

  • Overcome weaknesses
  • Build on existing strengths
  • Seize new business development opportunities
  • Mitigate the threats to your business objectives

Develop open transparent communication across the organisation on conduct risk management. Stop paying lip service to the principles of good conduct risk management. Keep conduct risk management simple. Measure and report on conduct risk in accordance with the level of risk to corporate objectives. Involve the whole organisation in the management of conduct risks.

Manage Business Risks Better

Improve your governance risk culture and risk management capability

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Connect Airways Flybe BusinessRiskTV Business Collaboration Ideas

Could the consortium made up of the likes of Virgin Atlantic and Stobart Group become the example of better business collaboration? If it does not then they have missed a trick to disrupt the aviation and transportation industries.

What an excellent business opportunity to drive business to the business units that make up the whole?

  • Virgin Atlantic long haul specialists
  • Short haul aviation business which has fallen on hard times due to short term financial issues but should not be terminal
  • Energy aviation and rail business

They could all collaborate to drive new business to each other to create faster more profitable business growth

Flybe is being bought by a consortium including Virgin Atlantic and Stobart Group. Inadequate business development at the old Flybe a weaker pound and higher fuel costs all led to the near extinction of Flybe. Flybe shareholders will receive 1p a share and the new consortium saving Flybe from extinction will invest 100 million pounds in the new project. It will operate under the Virgin Atlantic brand.

The consortium saving Flybe is called Connect Airways. Flybe describes itself as Europes largest regional airline.


Collaborative working is the future for sustainable business growth

Just three examples where collaborative business working could produce so much more with little increased risk assets or investment. In other words some traditional business leaders lack of creativity and innovative thinking is restricting the profitability of their business.

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Embrace the unexpected and make the best of it with BusinessRiskTV

Embracing business risks to achieve more in business with

Being in business can be tough

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Stop looking for things and people to blame for your poor business performance. Research the risks impacting upon your business objectives. Lessen uncertainty. Create positive change in your business.

Learn how to allow and plan for the unexpected. Embrace all risks in business

Proactive Risk Based Approach To Business Management

Proactively develop your own risk awareness impacting on your business objectives. Embrace the changing business environment and internal risk factors. Get really good at manage enterprise risks to set clearer path to success.

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Strong businesses adopt a proactive risk management approach with clear risk management strategy for success. Develop a more stable business with better relationships with all business stakeholders. Be prepared to take on best business opportunities.

What do you want your business to achieve and what are you doing to make sure you are successful?

What risks are you controlling? What enterprise risks should you not control? Manage the risks you can realistically influence the likelihood of and impact on business objectives should the risk materialise.

Strong businesses assess the risks then implement a well thought out risk management plan. Take some time to analyse different options and identifiable consequences on your business objectives but do not procrastinate. Take risk based business intelligent decisions quicker with more confidence.

Dream Bigger And Implement A New Reality For Your Business

Do not bury your head in the sand or fail to take calculated risks to improve your business performance. Be better prepared to aim higher with stronger business resilience to overcome obstacles. Focus your limited resources on more achievable business goals. Take risks with more confidence. We are not advocating recklessness. Be responsible and consciously embrace the unexpected.

Set your course to greater success with help from us and our collaborative business partners

Just because your industry or business sector or country is under the cosh does not mean your business needs to suffer too.

  1. Grow faster despite the adversity you face in business.
  2. Rise to the challenge.
  3. Overcome obstacles in the way of your business.
  4. Turn business threats into opportunities or mitigate the threats to your business.
  5. Seize new business development options.

Create a more proactive flexible reactive strategy to adjust your business to navigate all possibilities. Think and plan bigger!

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Reduce the impact of the business environment on your business objectives. Take control of the things you can control. Focus your business assets on positive risk management. Invest in business improvement. Learn from other business leaders mistakes. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and apply best business practices to your business developed by others.

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Do you own or manage a business?

Review your past but more importantly plan for a better future for your business. Even if your past business performance has been great could you do better?

Collaborate to achieve more together

Whilst we work in a highly competitive marketplace we do not need to fight with everybody for new business! Strengthen your relationship with like minded business leaders around the world to grow your business faster.

Have the courage to reach out to others who could help you whilst you help them

Become more confident in your future. Focus your resources on what really matters for your business success.

  • Accept that others need to make a profit too.
  • Celebrate and promote each others business offerings
  • Help others to detect analysis and manage enterprise risks better

Do not just live in our own business bubble. Find the people who complement your business or even fill holes in your business structure. Build healthy business relationships with help from BusinessRiskTV. Care for your new business partners and seek help in return to become more successful. Find time for others you can help to receive help.

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BusinessRiskTV Embrace The Unexpected

Suggestions To Improve Risk Culture In Banking BusinessRiskTV FCA Risk Culture Review

2008 should have been the watershed moment for the financial services sector and banking in particular to implement systemic changes to incorporate enterprise risk management principles and practices.

Financial services companies have continued to bring to market products that have led to claims for compensation. Nonsense of putting the customer first is often uttered in the financial services sector.

The reality is that the financial services sector risk management culture is still systemically broken and it is likely to lead to the next financial crisis. A financial crisis comes along roughly every 10 years. As we look towards 2019 the next financial crisis is overdue.

How will the next financial crisis manifest itself? Not known. Will it happen? Almost certainly. Most countries have not fully recovered from the last financial crisis. Their economies are still very weak. Even the strong are comparatively weak. This means we may never recover from the next financial crisis and so should do more to make sure the next financial crisis is avoided or mitigated.

Most likely cause of the next financial crisis is the compounding and aggregation of financial risk.


The last financial crisis grew and exploded from the productionisation of simple debt prototype ideas thought up by people who thought they were masters of the world. Despite the new false perception that after ten years we have now paid our dues we are in fact drowning in more unpaid debt than ever.

Unpaid debt will continue to be wrapped up in shiny new marketing material designed to protect the buyers from the toxicity of the core material. Piled high and sold cheap these debt instruments will be combined and recombined. The new for old debt products will build the tower that will be the start of the beginning of the end for many a business in the next financial crisis.

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Tsunami Of Change In Retail Sector BusinessRiskTV Retail Risk Management News

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Retailers in UK often talk about the threats to their business model and profitability

Maybe this year it is particularly justified. Certainly the amount of retail business failures is significant and the job losses have been truly shocking. Businesses that have been successful for decades or at least around have finally closed their doors or are in the process of closing the doors to their shops.

Manage troubles in the retail industry better and seize new business development opportunities with BusinessRiskTV. Combat the causes of the tsunami of retail store closures regardless of the macro changes your business has to cope with.

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A meaningful and effective risk management process will provide all stakeholders with a better understanding of key significant enterprise risks their impact on business objectives and what needs to be done to manage the risks better.

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  • Where will need to change things in your organisation to achieve greater success?
  • Who needs to perform to support your business objectives and what are you doing to help them perform?
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SWOT Analysis How To Identify Opportunities Threats To Business
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Create a business risk management plan after identifying key threats and opportunities for your business: PESTLE example

A business risk management plan for a business leader in the UK could include the following:

  1. Political risks:
  • Monitor changes in government policies and regulations that may affect the business
  • Assess the potential impact of political instability on the company’s operations and supply chain
  • Develop contingency plans for disruptions caused by political events
  1. Economic risks:
  • Monitor economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates
  • Assess the potential impact of economic downturns on the company’s revenue and profitability
  • Develop strategies to mitigate the effects of economic fluctuations on the business
  1. Social risks:
  • Monitor changes in consumer behavior and preferences
  • Assess the potential impact of social trends on the company’s products and services
  • Develop strategies to adapt to changes in consumer demand
  1. Technological risks:
  • Monitor advances in technology that may disrupt the company’s business model
  • Assess the potential impact of technological innovations on the company’s competitiveness
  • Invest in research and development to stay ahead of technological changes
  1. Legal risks:
  • Monitor changes in laws and regulations that may affect the business
  • Assess the potential impact of legal changes on the company’s operations and compliance costs
  • Develop strategies to mitigate legal risks, such as insurance or implementing compliance programs
  1. Environmental risks:
  • Monitor changes in environmental regulations and standards
  • Assess the potential impact of environmental factors on the company’s operations and supply chain
  • Develop strategies to mitigate environmental risks, such as implementing sustainable practices or investing in renewable energy.

Note: PESTLE Analysis is a framework for assessing the external factors that may affect a business. It is a useful tool for identifying potential risks and opportunities for a business.


Risk Type Key Considerations Potential Impact Mitigation Strategies
Political risks Changes in government policies and regulations Disruptions to operations and supply chain Monitor political developments, develop contingency plans
Economic risks Economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates Reduced revenue and profitability Monitor economic indicators, develop strategies to mitigate effects of economic fluctuations
Social risks Changes in consumer behavior and preferences Reduced demand for products and services Monitor social trends, develop strategies to adapt to changes in consumer demand
Technological risks Advances in technology that may disrupt business model Loss of competitiveness Monitor technological developments, invest in R&D to stay ahead of changes
Legal risks Changes in laws and regulations Increased compliance costs and legal liabilities Monitor legal developments, implement compliance programs and insurance
Environmental risks Changes in environmental regulations and standards Negative impact on operations and supply chain Monitor environmental developments, implement sustainable practices and invest in renewable energy.

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Failure Of Governance

Poor corporate governance endangers the existence and success of businesses

Learn how to improve the way you do things in business

Looking at the costs of failure of governance. Good governance can be expensive but not compare to the cost of governance failure.


The risk of enterprise failure increases with inadequate governance risk and compliance processes

There are many examples of the biggest firms in the world collapsing due to bad risk management practices. Good corporate governance risk and compliance systems build business resilience and can improve business performance.

Corporate Governance Failure
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Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for latest news headlines opinions risk analysis and reviews of success and failure in business


Managing Business Rules

There are several techniques that can be useful for managing business rules in an organisation. Here are some recommendations:

Documenting business rules: One of the most important techniques for managing business rules is to document them in a clear and concise manner. This can include using a variety of formats such as decision tables, flowcharts, and natural language descriptions.

Centralising business rules: To avoid inconsistencies and duplication of effort, it is advisable to centralise the management of business rules. This can be done using a dedicated software tool or a repository that stores the rules and makes them accessible to relevant stakeholders.

Version control: It is crucial to keep track of changes to business rules over time, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Version control techniques such as branching and merging can help in managing changes to business rules.

Testing and validation: Business rules should be tested and validated thoroughly to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. This can be done using a variety of techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

Auditing and monitoring: Regular auditing and monitoring of business rules can help to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can be done using automated tools or through manual reviews.

Governance and ownership: Establishing clear governance and ownership of business rules is essential to ensure that they are being managed effectively. This can include assigning ownership to specific individuals or teams and establishing processes for reviewing and approving changes to business rules.

By following these techniques, organisations can effectively manage their business rules and ensure that they are aligned with their business objectives and regulatory requirements.

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Maximising Your Business Growth: Insider Strategies and Tactics from Industry Leaders

Maximising your business growth tips: sharing insider strategies and tactics from industry leaders to help you take your business to the next level.

  1. Identify your target market.

Before you can start growing your business, you need to know who your target market is. This will help you tailor your products or services to meet the needs and wants of your ideal customer. To identify your target market, consider factors such as demographics, location, and interests.

  1. Set clear goals and objectives.

In order to grow your business, you need to have a clear direction and plan in place. This means setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives. Having clear goals and objectives will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards growing your business.

  1. Invest in marketing and advertising.

Marketing and advertising are crucial to getting the word out about your business and attracting new customers. Consider investing in both traditional and digital marketing efforts, such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing.

  1. Focus on customer satisfaction.

Happy customers are key to driving business growth. Make sure to prioritise customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products or services, responding to customer inquiries and complaints, and continuously seeking ways to improve the customer experience.

  1. Diversify your revenue streams.

Diversifying your revenue streams can help protect your business from economic downturns and provide multiple sources of income. Consider offering new products or services, partnering with other businesses, or exploring alternative revenue streams such as licensing or franchising.

By following these insider strategies and tactics, you can take your business to new heights of growth and success. Remember to always keep your target market in mind, set clear goals and objectives, invest in marketing and advertising, focus on customer satisfaction, and diversify your revenue streams. 

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