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Our business experts and business leaders on our experts hub have the answers to your questions. Avoid the pain of making your own mistakes in business. Instead learn the lessons from other peoples mistakes and experiences in business.

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You can’t be expected to know everything you need to know in business. Knowing what you don’t know is the first key step in finding the best best solutions for your business problems.

How to find the answers to your key business risk management questions

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Choice paralysis is a consequence of too many choices. Every business leader gets the rewards or penalties they have earned from the choices they make in their business.

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Paralysis can be a consequence of having too many choices


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Taking No Risk Is The Biggest Risk To Your Business

Are you looking to boost your business performance

If your business risk management strategy is to not take risks it is likely that your business will die quickly or slowly, but fail it will

The consequences of not taking risks in business is that your risk control costs will make your business uncompetitive in your marketplace, or you will miss business opportunities to grow faster. The risk of doing nothing is an inevitable death of your business. Intelligently taking more risk can mitigate the risks not working out and boost the return on your investment of time and money in your business. Take a business risk with more confidence with BusinessRiskTV.

Guide to being more successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur
Supporting Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

The biggest risk is taking no risk at all

Business leaders have to take risks to survive and prosper in their chosen marketplace. This does not mean business leaders should be reckless. It just means they need to be mindful of the key business risks that do impact on the objectives of the business.

Failing to plan does mean you are planning to fail. However even the best laid business plan can fail when exposed to the vagaries of the business marketplace. Your business risk management plan needs to be flexible and it needs regular reviewing to ensure it is working efficiently.

Business Coaching Services
Business Coaching Services

The best risks to take are the ones you can direct into your favour. Luck will always play its part in risk taking, but you can take risk with confidence if you have the right risk management process embedded in your business decision-making.

Why taking no risk is the biggest risk

The world of business is changing at an ever faster rate. Children born today will do jobs that have not even been invented yet.

It is often said that me learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. Not taking risks may mean you make fewer mistakes, but you may also miss the opportunities to grow faster from ways you could not have envisaged prior to taking a risk. Taking a known risk, even if you don’t know all the possible outcomes, can teach you something that can drive your business forward faster. Without business risk there is no innovation in business. Being good at taking risks means you can optimise your business performance.

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Taking No Risk Is The Biggest Risk To Your Business

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  • Overcome key threats to your business plans more easily and more cost effectively.

Understand your key business risks. Improve your business performance. Sleep more easily knowing you have reduced uncertainty impacting on your business.

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Managing unpredictable risk events better

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Improve your risk management strategies to deal with risk events with BusinessRiskTV

  • What is the most efficient way to manage your potential risk events?
  • Why is it important that your risk management strategy is dynamic?
  • Why is your risk management strategy important for your business performance?

If you get your business risk management strategies right you will build in business resilience for any business risk events. If you get your business risk management strategies wrong your business performance may falter at best or your business may suffer fatal catastrophic collapse at worst.

Business risk management strategies for dealing with unpredictable risk events

Is a risk management strategy possible for all your key risk events? Can you predict what will happen to your business in future and therefore prepare your business for all key risk events?

Strategy to compete with competitors

Discover How To Beat The Competition In Sales

If you identify all the key threats and opportunities for your business plans you can make the most efficient use of your limited resources to prepare for all risk management actions.

Having a dynamic risk management strategy will meet your future risk management needs

Business Risk Profiling

Business Risk Profile Assessment

Dealing with unpredictable future requires dynamic risk assessment process. Your key risk assessments are ongoing not a one-off exercise.

Discover better risk management tools to manage your business resilience better with BusinessRiskTV

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Inform your business business decision making in an unpredictable business environment with business risk management news opinions and reviews. Learn from business risk management experts and industry leaders during online business risk management workshops. Network with leaders in business to grow and protect your business better. Find a business mentor or partner to support your business growth in uncertain times. Create a dynamic business strategy to seize new business opportunities before your competitors. Ensure your risk management process is able to manage key threats and opportunities optimally.

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Managing unpredictable risk events better with BusinessRiskTV

How To Overcome Threats In Business

Manage your business risks better with BusinessRiskTV

Focusing your limited business resources on key business threats maximises your business resilience and minimises risk of business interruption or even catastrophic failure. Fulfill your business targets more easily with better business risk management. Stop wasting time and money on unnecessary business losses. Maximise your profit.

Learn how to cope better with threats to your business plan with BusinessRiskTV

Identify assess and manage the biggest threats to your business.

  • Can we eliminate threats? Unlikely that most key threats of being in business can be eliminated. However most can be mitigated or minimised. With limited time and money for risk management, we need to focus our resources on threats that will bring greatest return.
  • How do you change threats to opportunities? During the business risk management process you will realise that not only can you reduce threat from bad risk events but you will identify new ways of doing things that will enable you to seize new business growth opportunities.
  • What are the threats of a business? The key threats to manage are the ones that could impact on your business objectives. Within the same industry, one business can have different key threats that need to be managed differently from a competitor in same business. Your business risk management plan needs to be bespoke to your business.

How do you deal with opportunities and threats? Your business risk management strategy should encompass both threats and opportunities not just threats to maximise benefit of time and money invested in enterprise risk management methodology.

How to manage threats to your business

We provide a range of risk management services to help inform your business decision making process. From providing business risk management news opinions and risk reviews to business risk management mentoring and training to enterprise risk management audits.

External Threats and Internal Threats To A Business

Some threats come from outside your business. Other business threats come from within. Knowing what you can and cannot control is part of developing the best business risk management strategy for your business. You need to look outwards to the horizon to fully assess external business risk drivers. You need to look deep inside your own business to appropriately and adequately assess the real risks within your business.

What are the major opportunities and threats in your business you can expect to experience

Our business risk management services can be focused on just your industry or your country.

Which of the company’s strengths can be used to take advantage of the identified opportunities

Make sure you make full use of your business strengths to fully exploit your opportunities for faster business growth.

Find out how to identify assess and manage business risks better with BusinessRiskTV

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How to overcome threats in business

Business Risks And Opportunities

What are risks and opportunities in business

Managing opportunities and risks better with BusinessRiskTV. Business opportunities come with business risks. External and internal risk drivers will impact on business objectives negatively and positively. Controlling business risks and opportunities can secure greater business success and build stronger business resilience. Identify assess and control business risks better with articles and videos on BusinessRiskTV. Monitor business risks to your business objectives to protect and grow your business faster.

What are the risk and opportunities in business

Managing business risks is a critical business issue all business leaders face. However not all business leaders face the same business risks. Similar businesses can have the same business risks but may have different resources deployed in business risk management. Opportunities for business leaders to grow their business fast are always available to you if you look and take the best course of action. Understand the top business risks facing your business with help tips and support from BusinessRiskTV

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Business Risks And Opportunities

Business Survival Tips Advice and Support With BusinessRiskTV

How do you ensure your survival in business

How do you survive and prosper in business?

Discover new ways to implement your business ideas and innovations. Identify and manage better the key problems facing your business.

Business Survival Strategies and Tactics

Connect with key business leaders and business management experts to find the secrets to solving your business problems. Find out how to help your business survive current and future business risks. Be more confident about your ability to survive any risk event.

How do you ensure business survival

Improve your business risk management plan with help from BusinessRiskTV risk management experts.

Protect your business assets better. Use your available business resources more efficiently to make your money go further.

Top Business Survival Tips

Secrets of success in business
What are secrets in business?

Develop your business risk management knowledge and skills to more easily achieve your business objectives with BusinessRiskTV.

  • Prevent your business succumbing to known and unknown business threats.
  • Review your business costs to develop more business resilience.
  • Develop contingency plan to continue regardless of risk events.

Standing still May threaten your business survival. You therefore need to identify cost effective ways to grow your business faster.

Survival Strategies In Marketing

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Business Survival Tips Advice and Support With BusinessRiskTV

The greatest risk is not taking one

You do not need to leap into the dark

Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

Supporting More Informed Decision-Making

Do not manage your business from the stand point of fear of business risks. Overcoming fear in business starts with improving your ability to inform your decision-making. With less risk information you have more uncertainty. Increased uncertainty increases negative impact on your business objectives.

Success normally comes from taking controlled risks not hunkering down, crossing fingers or hoping it will work out for you

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Even if you do not seek business risks, they will find you! Risk taking is part and parcel of the job description of business leaders. Most business leaders seek greater rewards from their business. Greater rewards normally come from taking on more risk. Taking on more risk does not automatically mean you need to take on a higher level of risk. If you control the risks you take on the net level of risk can remain the same, but the rewards can be greater.

See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

Learn how to improve your business decision-making capability to boost your business performance

Increase the chance of success in business by improving the quality quantity and speed of your decisions. Improve your decisions by improving the risk information at your disposal and the risk management tools and techniques you use to help you make decisions.

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Risk Management Corporate Governance and Regulatory Compliance GRC Insight

Importance Of Risk Taking In Entrepreneurship

Importance Of Risk Taking In Business

Risk Management Online

How To Take Over The World
Business Management Experts

Grow Faster With Less Uncertainty With Risk Management Online News Opinions Reviews and Risk Analysis

How to make better more informed business decisions with BusinessRiskTV

The greatest risk is not taking one

Risk Management Decision Making

Manage your business risks more proactively

Inform your options in business decision-making. Explore your perception of real risks to your business. Concentrate your resources on best business opportunities.

  • Identify the sources of threats to your business objectives
  • Use tools and processes to assess the risks to your business
  • Manage strategic operational and project risks better

Define what the significant risks to your business objectives are. Risk management can help you take sound business decisions to build your business resilience to grow your business faster with less uncertainty. Manage the risks that could present a barrier to your business survival or continued business growth. Evaluate the adequacy of your business risk management plan and risk management process.

Supporting More Informed Decision-Making

Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

Minimise the key threats better and seize best business opportunities more easily with greater returns.

Benefits of proactive risk management

Celebrate Your Online Business Growth With Pro Risk Manager

Strategic Decision Making For Business

How to make better strategic decisions for your business if you are business leader

Maximise Your Business Success: Proven Strategies for Better Strategic Decision-Making for Business Leader

Making better strategic decisions for your business can be challenging, but it is essential for its success. Business leaders play a crucial role in creating and executing strategies that drive growth, competitiveness, and profitability. Here are a few tips to help you make better strategic decisions for your business:

  1. Start with a clear vision: Having a clear vision of where your business is headed is critical. It helps you set your priorities and make decisions that align with your goals. Make sure your vision is realistic, achievable, and inspiring.
  2. Gather data and insights: Gather data on your market, customers, competitors, and your own performance to inform your decision-making. Use tools like market research, customer surveys, and data analytics to get insights into the trends and patterns affecting your business.
  3. Consider multiple options: Don’t limit yourself to a single strategy. Instead, consider multiple options and weigh their pros and cons. Encourage your team to bring new ideas to the table and consider them seriously.
  4. Seek feedback from key stakeholders: Before finalizing a decision, seek feedback from key stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, and suppliers. Their input can help you make informed decisions that take into account the perspectives of those who are affected by them.
  5. Create contingency plans: Anticipate potential risks and prepare contingency plans to minimize their impact. This helps you mitigate risks and be prepared for any eventualities that may arise.
  6. Stay flexible: The business environment is constantly changing, so be prepared to adjust your strategy if necessary. Stay open-minded, monitor the situation closely, and be ready to pivot when circumstances require it.
  7. Communicate effectively: Effective communication is critical to the success of any strategy. Ensure that everyone understands the strategy and their role in executing it. Regularly communicate progress, changes, and updates to keep everyone informed and engaged.

In conclusion, making better strategic decisions for your business requires a combination of vision, data, collaboration, contingency planning, flexibility, and effective communication. As a business leader, it’s up to you to set the tone and lead by example in making informed, strategic decisions that drive your business forward.

Business Risk Academy
Maximise Your Business Success: Proven Strategies for Better Strategic Decision-Making for Business Leader

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Explore new ways to grow your business online with BusinessRiskTV. Grow your business online today. Learn how to expand business with our help and support.

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Benefits of proactive risk management

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Our Pro Risk Manager service will protect your business better and provide practical tools and techniques to increase your online sales to maximise your profit.

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If people searching for your type of products or services do not find you they will go to your competitors

Improving business performance

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There are many ways to improve your business performance. Are you suffering interruptions to your normal business trading ability? Could you be missing opportunities to increase your online sales? Are you really making your existing assets and resources work productively and efficiently?

Online Exhibition Platform

Online Exhibition Platform
Online Exhibition Platform With BusinessRiskTV

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Look at your business risks through the eyes of other business risk management experts

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Enterprise Risk Management Explained

Enterprise Risk Management Best Practices Explored Online With

Ways To Improve Business Performance with BusinessRiskTV

LiveStream Shopping Platform

Use our livestream selling platform to grow your business faster more profitably

LiveStream Shopping Will Grow Your Business With Help From BusinessRiskTV

Our Live Stream Shopping Platform will boost your profit. Increase your reach to new customers to expand your online sales. Adopt good eCommerce solutions to improve your cash flow and strengthen your business resilience. Tap into rising demand for an online shopping experience with live video shopping. Our live video selling opportunities will increase your online sales conversions. Our LiveStream shopping experience incorporates live video content, interactive communication with potential new buyers and the ability for new customers to seamlessly buy or save featured products or services directly from you online.

Livestream Shopping enables your new audience explore your offering. Potential new customers will interact through their comments, likes and eCommerce opportunities to sell more online.

Offer LiveStream Shopping to your online audience with BusinessRiskTV

Sell your products or services direct to new buyers who discover your brand online with our help. Sell more locally nationally and even globally. Our live-shopping platform will increase your online sales and your profit.

  • Solve new potential customer problems before they move on.
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The heightened level of engagement with potential new customers gives you more time to showcase why new customers should buy from you and buy today!

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Deploy our LiveStream Shopping Service to maxise your profit when you want to. Give more people the opportunity to grab and bargain whilst you boost your profit.

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Our flexible cost-effective Live Shopping Service will more rapidly flex your online sales. Start selling more products or services online with our new live selling service. Live streaming combine with E-commerce will secure boost your online sales. Our interactive live-streaming ecommerce platform brings potential new customers to your business more quickly more profitably.

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Make Products Shoppable With Livestream

To make your products or services more shoppable through live streaming in the UK, you can follow these tips:

  1. Showcase the products: Make sure to highlight the key features and benefits of your products during the live stream. Demonstrate how the products can be used and what makes them unique.
  2. Interact with your audience: Encourage your audience to ask questions and engage with them in real-time. This not only helps build trust but also provides valuable insights into what your audience is looking for.
  3. Offer special promotions: Consider offering exclusive deals or discounts to viewers who make a purchase during the live stream. This can create a sense of urgency and drive sales.
  4. Make the process seamless: Ensure that your e-commerce platform is integrated with your live stream so that viewers can easily make a purchase. Make the checkout process smooth and secure to minimise any friction.
  5. Partner with influencers: Consider partnering with influencers or social media personalities who have a large following in the UK. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
  6. Utilise social media: Promote your live stream on your social media channels and engage with your followers. This can help drive traffic to your live stream and increase the chances of making a sale.
  7. Provide excellent customer service: Make sure to provide excellent customer service during and after the live stream. Respond promptly to any questions or concerns and follow up with customers to ensure they are satisfied with their purchase.

LiveStream Shopping Platform

7 Amazing Facts About Dominic Cummings and Continuity Planning

The UKs business continuity plan BCP for pandemic drafted over more than a decade under several governments was effectively written on the back of a fag packet!

The UK needs to prepare better for major risks to business economy and society. The UK and the world is now dealing with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However it is clear from Dominic Cummings evidence before today’s joint parliamentary committee that the UK was not prepared for any pandemic despite pandemic risks being an acknowledged major threat to UK people businesses and society as a whole. What is your business doing to prepare for key significant threats to the survival of your business? How will you respond for known and unknown business risks? Who will manage your business sustainability through all business rough seas. Where will your existential threats come from? When will your business survival be challenged?

Business Resilience and Business Continuity Management

Some revelations from Dominic Cummings related to preparation of threats to continuity of life and business in UK include:

  1. People are ill prepared and potentially incompetent when responding to major risk events – senior people within the UK Civil Service and within political leadership are often promoted beyond their capability to react appropriately to mitigate impact of risk events.
  2. Written business or service continuity plans are poorly drafted and useless upon the occurrence of major risk events – the UK Civil Service and UK politicians across the political spectrum whilst in government failed to write suitable usable and effective plans to mitigate the impact of major risk events on UK businesses economy and society as a whole.
  3. Some people on your team will react poorly to the demands placed upon them from major risk events – just as in normal operating circumstances, during a disaster event and the recovery therefrom, people will perform poorly without the guidance support and direction from well written business continuity plan.
  4. Competing demands unrelated the major risk event will impede business recovery – the rest of the world will not stop spinning just because your business has been majorly interrupted due to a risk event. Your business continuity plan needs to accommodate continuation of normal business risks as well as recovery from major risk events.
  5. Delaying business decision making during a recovery of major risk event can increase the damage experienced by the business – procrastination due to fear you make wrong decisions can in itself cause further business damage.
  6. Group Think can cause increased damage following major risk event – just because everyone is pulling together to recover from major risk event does not mean you are doing the best thing for your business. Decisions made using bad thinking can exasperate the damage to a business trying to recover from major incident.
  7. Leaders can only make good decisions based on good risk analysis and data – just because you are receiving data on the impact of risk event does not mean the best solutions will be chosen during the mania of major risk event.

It is clear that any government would have struggled to manage the risks from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Tory government struggled in England and made mistakes as did the SNP led government in Scotland and the Labour led government in Wales as well as the DUP led government in Northern Ireland. However, relying on the wit and off-the-cuff reactions of leaders in the event of major incidents leads to worse outcomes and longer interruption.

Dominic Cummings may have his own motives for his written and verbal words on the Covid19 pandemic. However, what is 100 percent certain is the inability of leaders to make good decisions without a proper practiced and revised business continuity plan.

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7 Amazing Facts About Dominic Cummings and Continuity Planning

Everything You Need To Know About Strong UK Economic Growth

How does economic growth affect businesses in UK positively and negatively

Recent UK economic growth forecast 2021 from Bank Of England is supersonic fast 7.25 percent. Why is economic growth important? Fundamentally, UK economic growth raises the standard of living for everyone working and living in the UK. Focusing on managing the risks of growth or lack of is why we are here. Read business risk management articles on UK economic growth barriers, opportunities and catalysts. By helping you understand the threats and freedom to expand your business you can grow your business faster with less uncertainty.

If you are a business leader or owner in UK or wanting to sell into the UK, find out what you should be worrying about and what you should be taking advantage of now. Now is the time to improve your management of business risks.

  • Are you interested in UK business risks?
  • Do you need more information on mitigating threats and seizing new business opportunities?
  • Do you want to grow your business with more confidence?

Get help to grow your business faster with less uncertainty impacting on your business objectives.

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Everything You Need To Know About Strong UK Economic Growth

The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Lloyds Bank

Do not tar Lloyds bank with the same toxic brush of the UK banking industry

People think Lloyds bank is a big bad bank that was part of the financial crisis of 2008. Lloyds bank was in fact one of the hero’s of the financial crisis. Lloyds bank saved the Halifax brand including the Bank Of Scotland whose executives were the real baddies along with the Royal Bank of Scotland now Natwest. By saving the Halifax plc group of bank brands it helped stop the implosion of the UK economy.

If Lloyds bank had not stepped in when it did, Halifax plc group of bank brands would have collapsed and a major domino would have irreparably damaged the UK economy. If we thought it was bad economically with austerity and job losses in UK, without Lloyd’s intervention to takeover Halifax plc it would have been catastrophic. Anarchy on the streets would have resulted and the UK would have entered a period of lifespan that would have been worse than World War 2. We came back economically after Word War 2. If Lloyd’s bank had not stepped in the UK would be more like Venezuela now.

From the financial crisis Lloyds Bank has tried hard to make matters worse including but not limited to PPI scandal where more than £20 billion pounds worth of shareholder value was destroyed. Incompetent greedy executives poorly directed employees to make repeated missteps post financial crisis 2008 to make matters worse. Added to this Lloyds bank has had to manage the risks from external sources including Brexit and Covid-19 pandemic.

However Lloyds bank is now very far from the perceived bad bank it had become. Prior to the 2008 financial crisis Lloyds bank was a boring bank. Investors loved the fact it was a traditional boring bank. It’s share price was £6 plus and it paid out relatively gigantic dividends every year to support pension funds, pensioners and other investors. Lloyds bank had no choice but to take over basket case Halifax plc. If Lloyds bank did not takeover Halifax plc basket of bank brands it is likely that Lloyd’s bank would have collapsed due to the domino effect. As Halifax plc and Royal Bank of Scotland folded they would have swamped the position of Lloyds bank as the UK economy went into a nosedive it is unlikely to have recovered from for many decades, if ever.

The only positive for Lloyds bank’s takeover of Halifax plc bank brands is that in all other circumstances Lloyds bank would never have been allowed to takeover Halifax plc by the UK competition authorities. Lloyds would have become too powerful in the marketplace. As it is, the only real risk to Lloyds bank is that it could be broken up as it is too dominant in for example the mortgage market.

  • Lloyds is the biggest player in the UK mortgage market. In a marketplace where the UK housing market is booming a share price of less than £0.45 is a joke!
  • Lloyds bank has come through the PPI scandal. Having destroyed shareholder value in the past, the laws have been changed to largely cap any future payouts under the PPI heading.
  • Brexit has now happened. Whether this is good or bad for the UK economy depends on which half of the UK adult population stand on Brexit. What is perhaps clear is that if it is going to impact negatively on the UK business community it is not going to be catastrophic. It may even been hugely beneficial to UK businesses. Lloyds bank will not be significantly impacted negatively by Brexit and may be impacted on the positive side.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over. However the UK vaccination programme and its likely adaptation to combat virus variations means the UK economy is now through the worst. The only question is how good will the future be? Lloyds bank can easily navigate the future risks if, as it has done, navigated the worst of the pandemic in the UK.
  • Another enterprise risk management article looks at the UK economy as a whole in the spring of 2021. Essentially most things point to exceptional UK economic growth through 2021 and 2022. Lloyds bank is perhaps uniquely placed to take advantage of any such economic growth. Its strategy is based on making money from UK consumer and UK business confidence and growth, both of which are at record all time highs.
  • If interest rates rise it will give all banks more opportunities to be profitable. With UK interest rate at record low of 0.1 percent banks will win from interest rate rises. Interest rates are not going to go negative.
  • Unemployment in UK is a key threat to UK banks. However many predict the UK unemployment is not going to be any way near as bad as was feared due to pandemic. Indeed if the vaccination roll out continues as hoped, unemployment rates are likely to be slightly above pre-pandemic levels. Certainly not at levels that would threaten Lloyds bank profit.
  • Lloyds bank has comparatively high profit margin compared to many UK banks so is more protected from downside risks.
  • UK consumers have paid off debt and saved more during the pandemic. When their spending power is fully unleashed on the UK economy post June 2021 the UK is going to see an economic growth not experienced since post World War 2 period. Lloyds bank is ideally placed via mortgage and non-mortgage lending to take advantage of this revitalisation of UK economy.

Lloyds bank was never the bad bank. It had to takeover the greedy and incompetent at Halifax plc. During that process it has had to manage internal and external risk drivers. It is likely that Lloyds bank’s worst days are behind it. Lloyds bank would have to work really hard to screw up its current opportunities for exponential growth.

The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Lloyds Bank

Why Tesla Business Is Flirting With Disaster

Understanding holistic risk management including reputation, technology and insurance in managing business risks

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in January 2021 that he anticipates huge profits from Tesla Full Self-Driving Software which he thinks is more reliable than human beings driving. Two men have died after a 2019 Tesla Model S, which is believed to be operating without anyone in driver’s seat, crashed on 17th April 2021 killing both occupants. One was believed to have been in passenger seat in front, and the other in one of rear car seats. “There was no one in the driver’s seat, ” Sgt Umanzor of the Harris County Constable Precinct 4 said.

USA auto safety agency reported in March 2021 it was investigating 27 accidents involving Tesla vehicles. Tesla self driving technology is a unique selling point that is critical to the success or failure of Tesla business model.

Information Technology Risk Management Framework
Understand The Benefits Of Technology Risk Management

Technology Risk Management Forum

Technological risks in business

Seize the new business opportunities. Mitigate the technology risks potentially threatening your business.

Around BusinessRiskTV

  • Risk Profile v Risk Appetite – Risk tolerance vs risk appetite is important to understand. If you do not know what your risk profile is you cannot manage your business risks better. Could you increase your appetite for risk to achieve more business success? What is your risk tolerance?
  • How To Grow Business Faster Business Tips – Grow business faster with BusinessRiskTV. Use practical business growth tips. Thing how do I grow my business fast? Need how to grow business tips. Use latest business tips and marketing tools. Our business growth experts work with our Online Selling Partners providing tips for business growth. Learn how to grow your business fast with BusinessRiskTV. Pick up tips on how to grow business faster. Connect with our business growth experts and partners. Save money and time to become more profitable and other latest business tips from BusinessRiskTV.
  • iso 31010 Risk Management and Risk Assessment Techniques Guidance – Do you know where to focus our resources to protect and grow your business? iso 31010 risk assessment tools and techniques can help you identify assess and control critical risks to your business. Understand your business risks better with iso 31010 risk assessment awareness. Mitigating Threats Maximising Returns From Business Opportunities
  • Understanding and Managing Risk Better – A better way to manage business enterprise risk. Risk management courses distance learning. Develop better business risk management plan. Discover best enterprise risk management online training courses for your needs. Risk management courses UK and overseas. Join like minded senior managers executives and risk management practitioners. Learn how to manage business enterprise risk management risks better. Save money and time with BusinessRiskTV. Search for tips on developing your improved business risk management plan.

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Why Tesla Business Is Flirting With Disaster

This Will Fundamentally Change The Way You Look At Risk

Stop looking to reduce risk and instead make your business plans under a risk-based approach to business decision making with BusinessRiskTV

How can business leaders change business performance with a more risk based approach to business management?

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Do you want us to help your business grow faster

Look at risk as a positive for your business. Manage the threats better. Seize new business development opportunities quicker and enhance the benefits arising from risk taking.

Around BusinessRiskTV

  • Risk Profile v Risk Appetite – Risk tolerance vs risk appetite is important to understand. If you do not know what your risk profile is you cannot manage your business risks better. Could you increase your appetite for risk to achieve more business success? What is your risk tolerance?
  • How To Grow Business Faster Business Tips – Grow business faster with BusinessRiskTV. Use practical business growth tips. Thing how do I grow my business fast? Need how to grow business tips. Use latest business tips and marketing tools. Our business growth experts work with our Online Selling Partners providing tips for business growth. Learn how to grow your business fast with BusinessRiskTV. Pick up tips on how to grow business faster. Connect with our business growth experts and partners. Save money and time to become more profitable and other latest business tips from BusinessRiskTV.
  • iso 31010 Risk Management and Risk Assessment Techniques Guidance – Do you know where to focus our resources to protect and grow your business? iso 31010 risk assessment tools and techniques can help you identify assess and control critical risks to your business. Understand your business risks better with iso 31010 risk assessment awareness. Mitigating Threats Maximising Returns From Business Opportunities
  • Understanding and Managing Risk Better – A better way to manage business enterprise risk. Risk management courses distance learning. Develop better business risk management plan. Discover best enterprise risk management online training courses for your needs. Risk management courses UK and overseas. Join like minded senior managers executives and risk management practitioners. Learn how to manage business enterprise risk management risks better. Save money and time with BusinessRiskTV. Search for tips on developing your improved business risk management plan.

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Guidance On Enterprise Risk Management On BusinessRiskTV

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ERM Framework Implementation

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is the process of identifying, assessing, prioritising, and managing risks that could affect an organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives. In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations face numerous risks, such as financial, operational, strategic, regulatory, reputational, and cybersecurity. The failure to manage these risks could lead to severe consequences, such as financial loss, legal liability, damage to reputation, and even business failure.

Therefore, it’s critical for organizations to implement a robust ERM framework to identify and mitigate risks that could potentially harm the organization. In this article, we will provide guidance on how organisations can implement an effective ERM framework to manage risks.

Establishing an ERM framework
The first step in implementing ERM is to establish a framework that outlines the organisation’s risk management policies, procedures, and practices. The framework should define the roles and responsibilities of the risk management team, establish risk assessment methodologies, and identify the key risk indicators (KRIs) that will be used to monitor risks.

The ERM framework should also identify the organisation’s risk appetite, which refers to the level of risk that the organisation is willing to accept in pursuit of its objectives. The risk appetite should be clearly defined and communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, and regulators.

The ERM framework should be aligned with the organisation’s strategic objectives, and the risk management team should work closely with the senior management team to ensure that risk management is integrated into the organisation’s decision-making process.

Conducting a risk assessment
The next step in implementing ERM is to conduct a risk assessment, which involves identifying, analysing, and evaluating risks that could potentially harm the organisation. The risk assessment should be based on a systematic and comprehensive approach that considers all the potential risks that the organisation faces.

The risk assessment should consider both internal and external factors that could affect the organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives. Internal factors include the organisation’s culture, structure, processes, and people, while external factors include economic, political, technological, and regulatory factors.

The risk assessment should also consider the likelihood and impact of each risk and prioritise them based on their significance. The risk assessment should be updated periodically to ensure that new risks are identified and managed.

Developing a risk management plan
Once the risks have been identified and prioritised, the next step is to develop a risk management plan that outlines the actions that will be taken to manage each risk. The risk management plan should consider the risk appetite of the organisation and the resources that are available to manage the risks.

The risk management plan should include specific measures to mitigate each risk, such as risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, and risk acceptance. Risk avoidance involves eliminating the risk altogether, while risk reduction involves implementing measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk. Risk transfer involves transferring the risk to another party, such as an insurance company, while risk acceptance involves accepting the risk and managing it within the organisation’s risk appetite.

The risk management plan should also identify the stakeholders who will be responsible for managing each risk and the KRIs that will be used to monitor the risks. The risk management plan should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains effective and relevant.

Implementing risk management controls
The next step in implementing ERM is to implement risk management controls to manage the risks. Risk management controls are the policies, procedures, and practices that are implemented to manage the risks identified in the risk assessment.

Risk management controls should be designed to ensure that the organisation operates within its risk appetite and that the risks are managed effectively. Risk management controls should be integrated into the organisation’s processes and systems to ensure that they are followed consistently.

Monitoring and reporting on risks
The final step in implementing ERM is to monitor and report on risks. Monitoring involves tracking the effectiveness of the risk management controls and the KRIs that were identified in the risk management plan. The monitoring process should be designed to detect any changes in the risk environment and to ensure that the risk management controls remain effective.

Reporting involves communicating the results of the risk management process to stakeholders, such as the board of directors, senior management, investors, customers, and regulators. The reporting should provide an accurate and comprehensive view of the organisation’s risk exposure and the effectiveness of the risk management controls.

Reporting should also include any significant changes in the risk environment and any emerging risks that could potentially impact the organisation. Reporting should be timely, accurate, and relevant to ensure that stakeholders have the information they need to make informed decisions.

ERM is a critical process that organisations must implement to manage the risks they face. ERM involves identifying, assessing, prioritising, and managing risks that could potentially harm the organisation.

To implement an effective ERM framework, organizations must establish a framework that outlines the risk management policies, procedures, and practices. They must conduct a comprehensive risk assessment that considers all the potential risks that the organisation faces and prioritise them based on their significance.

They must develop a risk management plan that outlines the actions that will be taken to manage each risk and implement risk management controls to manage the risks. Finally, they must monitor and report on risks to ensure that the risk management process remains effective and relevant.

By implementing an effective ERM framework, organisations can mitigate the risks they face and achieve their objectives in a safe and sustainable manner. The ERM framework should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the changing risk environment.

Biggest threat to business

What Will Threaten Your Business This Year

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This Will Fundamentally Change The Way You Look At Risk

The 13 Worst Mistakes Faster Business Growth Online In UK Rookies Make – And How To Avoid Them

Expand your business online with help from BusinessRiskTV

Starting or growing an online business in UK. Create an online business as a side hustle or for your established UK business. Are you interested in growing your business faster? Do you use the internet to attract new customers? Do you want to sell more online?

Do you want us to help your business grow faster online?

Explore great opportunities to get your business name in front of our readers and followers. Put your brand in front of interested potential new customers sustainably and more cost-effectively.

Faster Business Growth Online Mistake 1

Assuming Your Website Alone Will Increase Online Sales

Get help to drive potential new customers to your website

Faster Business Growth Mistake 2

Failing To Use Best Hooks To Attract New Customers

Find out how to attract new interest in your business

Faster Business Growth Mistake 3

Thinking Size Matters In The Long Term!

The size of your online sales generated can be influenced by unlimited online advertising but not many have unlimited spending capability. Innovative risk taking online promotions can make up for limited online advertising budget.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 4

Limiting Your Ambition

Unrealistic goals are unlikely to be achieved but unlimited ambition costs nothing. Shooting for the stars may mean you end up landing on the moon.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 5

Thinking Your Own Social Media Accounts Will Be Sufficient To Drive New Interest In Your Business In Sufficient Quantities

Collaborate with others to boost interest in your business.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 6

Thinking A Fancy Website Equates To More Interest In Your Business

How fancy a website is Google? Your website needs to attract new business not awards.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 7

Immediately Pumping Money Into Paid Per Click Platforms

Work with firm who understands your business and can deliver what you need.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 8

Being Too Vague About Your Business Offering

Focus on your target new business development marketplace

Faster Business Growth Mistake 9

Failing To Showcase Your Business In Best Places Online

Put your business in the best online shop window.

Faster Business Growth Mistake 10

Thinking A One Time Push Online For New Business Development Is Good To Be Good Enough To Grow Your Business

Repeatedly refresh your online business development strategy

Faster Business Growth Mistake 11

Believing You Have All The Answers To Online Business Development

Your competitors will react to your online business development success

Faster Business Growth Mistake 12

Thinking Spending A Fortune On Graphics and Videos Will Increase Interest In Your Business More Than A Great Idea

Focus your business on areas giving opportunity of best return

Faster Business Growth Mistake 13


Procrastination is the killer of online business success. Strike when the iron is hot!

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Related Risk Management Topics

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The 13 Worst Mistakes Faster Business Growth Online In UK Rookies Make – And How To Avoid Them

Boohoo ASOS and other online retailers demonstrate need to compete online

Beat your online rivals with help from BusinessRiskTV

If you are not competing more online your business may fail or at least miss out. Work with BusinessRiskTV to compete better online. Sell more online and maximise your profit. Grab more sales from your online rivals. Get ahead of the acceleration in the shift to online shopping. Competition online is strong. Add to your armory to protect and grow your business faster.

Top UK Retailers UK Perform Well During Coronavirus Pandemic
ASOS Profit Jumps During Coronavirus Pandemic

We make it easier for smaller internet retailers to compete online

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Boohoo ASOS and other online retailers demonstrate need to compete online

How To Overcome Leadership Challenges

Leadership problems and solutions with BusinessRiskTV Help Tips and Support

Business leaders need to challenge their thinking. Proactively managing key business risks can boost your business performance. Good business leaders can often make good decisions under pressure from risk events. However they can also make decisions that exacerbate risk events.

Leadership Problems and Solutions with BusinessRiskTV

Manage Risk Better
Improve your risk knowledge to solve business problems today and in future

What is the biggest challenge facing business today?

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty
Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

Overcoming rapidly varying business risk hazards whilst growing a business

Risk factors external to the business are perhaps more difficult to control. Internal risk drivers however can be just as fatal to a business. Manage the biggest leadership challenges better.

Top Thought Leaders and Risk Management Experts

Our thought leader partners and risk management experts offer you free business tips advice and support. Reduce the biggest business business challenges to more easily manageable proportions.

Inform your strategic thinking and improve operational and project risks with BusinessRiskTV

Enterprise Risk Management Explained
Enterprise Risk Management Best Practices Explored Online With

Improve your key business decision making process to reduce negative outcomes and increase return on investment in business development.

Leadership challenges are inevitable. No business is immune to problems. We cannot guarantee bad thinks will not happen to your business. We can guarantee you will be better prepared to overcome business challenges.

Avoid being overwhelmed by risk events. Feel better about the way you manage your business risks. Get a quiet nights sleep knowing you are working on the key risks with the finite business resources available to you.

Challenging long-held beliefs or perceptions of threats and opportunities could reveal a better risk management strategy for your business. You may even find new business success in previously uncharted business development territory.

Learn how to identify and manage the key threats to your business objectives. Change your business decision making process to explore enterprise-wide business risks to more efficiently direct your business assets to what matters for your business success.

False Perceptions Of Risk Is Dangerous Way To Manage Your Business

Misconception Of Actual Real Risks Can Destroy A Good Business
Misconception Of Actual Real Risks Can Destroy A Good Business

Invest your efforts in what really matters not what you perceive is best use of your money and time. Basing your business decisions on false or incorrect assumptions about your key business risks is dangerous. At best you may miss new business opportunities for growth. At worst it could bring an end to your existence in business. 

Adjust Your Leadership To Change Your Business For The Better

Work with us to gain confidence in changes to your business strategy. Changing the status quo can feel challenging. Challenging the status quo is less daunting if you engage more of your workforce in the decision process. We can assist to facilitate an exploration of what you could be doing better before you make the decision to change.

Engaging your employees to challenge possible changes encourages greater buy-in to eventual changes you choose to make. Involving employees in the implementation of the changes brings quicker rewards and more sustainable willingness to make changes work well. Making decisions in isolation at board or senior level may result in good decisions or bad decisions. However, they are unlikely to lead to the best way forward for your business or result in the best use of your resources.

We can even engage top thought leaders from around the world and other risk management experts to help no matter your industry or preferred country of operation.

How To Overcome Leadership Challenges

Which door will you pick to enter a new era of business post-pandemic?

BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Toolbox Talks

Even if we wanted to return to pre-pandemic days, this will not be for months, perhaps years. However, we should not aspire to return to pre-pandemic days with the dawning of a new era of business innovation, creativity and aspiration to change to something better.

Pandemic Business Recovery with BusinessRiskTV
Which door will you pick to enter a new era of business post-pandemic?

The pandemic has been tough on businesses. Fight back in 2021! Take a balanced risk management approach to recovery.

The Zoom meeting link will be published on LinkedIn around 24 hours before the online meeting on the 15th December 2020 at 5:00 – 5.30pm GMT. Don’t miss out on our virtual Risk Management Toolbox Talk hosted by Keith Lewis,

Northern Powerhouse Risk Management Online Seminars

Local online management experts are only a click away

Business Management Experts
Grow Faster With Less Uncertainty
Cost ReductionsRisk Magazine
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#BusinessRiskTV #PandemicToolbox #ToolboxTalks

Which door will you pick to enter a new era of business post-pandemic?

Poor Risk Management Case Study

Exploring consequences of poor risk management with BusinessRiskTV

There are often good reasons for poor risk management. That does make poor risk management acceptable. Causes of poor risk management are varied. They include poor risk management culture, an inadequate enterprise risk management framework with accepted risk owners and risk supervisors as well as lack of effective enterprise-wide risk assessment process.

We believe there are business experts out there who want to improve the quality of enterprise risk management. Our introductory risk management toolbox talks are designed to open up your mind to more innovative ways to doing more business with less uncertainty. If you like our approach, you will have the opportunity to become a member of BusinessRiskTV for 12 months to protect your business better and grow your business faster.

Misconception Of Actual Real Risks Can Destroy A Good Business
Misconception Of Actual Real Risks Can Destroy A Good Business

Failure To Manage Enterprise Risks Vs Failure Of Risk Managers Risk Management Toolbox Talk

Northern Powerhouse Risk Management Online Seminars

In this context we do not just mean people with Risk Manager in their job title. We mean people who should take ownership of specific key enterprise risks as well as the people charged with monitoring or supervising risks including making sure risk management is embedded within the day to day activities of the business or enterprise.

Do you know if your business is making good or bad enterprise risk management decisions? Pandemic risk management is a good example of good and bad risk management – under pressure we make good and bad decisions. Every day pre-pandemic managers of business risk are under pressure. Post-pandemic managers of risk will remain under pressure.

This enterprise risk management toolbox talk focuses on understanding business risks better and how to make better business decisions to build business resilience and boost business performance. Because your time is so valuable we will complete our introduction to better enterprise risk management in no more than 30 minutes.

Title: Failure To Manage Enterprise Risks Vs Failure Of Risk Managers
Date: Wednesday, 6th January, 2021
Time: 5:00-5:30 p.m. GMT
Speaker: Keith Lewis, BusinessRiskTV

In this enterprise risk management toolbox talk we will cover:

  • Taking personal ownership of enterprise risks.
  • Understanding the true level of risk facing your business.
  • Identifying risk management action to protect your business better and grow it faster.

Save the date for introduction to how to improve your management of business risks to boost your business resilience and performance.

Northern Powerhouse Risk Management Online Seminars

Participants at introductory online risk management toolbox talk can also put themselves forward as business risk experts at future more advanced online workshop events to share your expert business knowledge and promote their business interests. Are you a risk management expert in your country, industry or specific risk topic? Get in touch with us if this is you.

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BusinessRiskTV Pro Risk Manager members are untitled to 50 percent discount off normal advertising and marketing services. CLICK HERE or email entering code #Marketing.
Cost ReductionsRisk Magazine
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Poor Risk Management Case Study

Uncertainty of international trade expanding or contracting impacting on your business objectives

Sign up for our introduction to international trade risk analysis assessment and management with help of BusinessRiskTV and its risk expert network

Risk Management Toolbox Talk Exploring Barriers To And Opportunities From International Trade

What could cause the opening or closing international trade marketplace? The closing or opening of international trade to your business is perhaps at a recent high level of uncertainty. What elements of international trade threaten your business? What events could open up new opportunities to your business? How do you manage the risks better? Mitigate the threats impacting on your business success. Enhance the beneficial outcomes for your business of international trade.

Northern Powerhouse Risk Management Online Seminars

Online workshop is an introduction to BusinessRiskTV online risk management service to help business leaders make key business decisions to manage threats and opportunities better.

The opening or closing of international marketplace to all who wish to participate is a moving feast. Changes in threats and opportunities can arise based on sudden economic, geopolitical and technology risks in particular.

Managing risks from international trade may be limited to mitigating threats, or harnessing and enhancing the benefits from international trade. It may be impossible to influence whether risk events occur or not. However, exploring the threats and opportunities may be critical to your business success.

Being the first mover may be just as important. The first businesses to act tend to carry the greatest risks and rewards. If you are to act first you may need help from risk experts to improve your business intelligence and international trade risk knowledge.

Benefits include:

  • Limiting losses
  • Maximising sales profit
  • Grow faster with less uncertainty

Opening the enterprise risk management process of identifying analysing and assessing to international trade risks. Working on overcoming international trade barriers. Exploring a risk profile of a company and international trade risks. Developing an enterprise risk management implementation road map to stronger business resilience and expansion. Starting to understand how to overcome trade barriers including supply chain risk management. Identifying solutions to international trade problems. Opening the door to further risk workshops with an introduction to international trade risk awareness training and enterprise-wide risk management solutions.

Pay below via Paypal to secure your place on our online risk management workshop.

Who should attend?

Business leaders, business owners, executives and senior managers as well as risk professionals.

How to attend online risk management toolbox talk on


Uncertainty of international trade expanding or contracting
Date:Friday 15th January 2021
Time:5:00 pm – 5:30 pm (GMT)
Speaker:Keith Lewis
Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

In this this essential risk management toolbox talk we will cover the key international trade risks potentially impacting on your business including:

  • Geopolitical Risks
  • Global Economy Risks
  • Technology Risks

Save the date for an insight into international trade risk management

Northern Powerhouse Risk Management Online Seminars

Pay fee online via secure third party payment service Paypal who do not inform us of your full account details. We will email you the Zoom video conferencing joining instructions no later than 24 hours before the workshop begins.

As a special offer you will be able to redeem your non-member payment of £20 against your first year’s subscription fee for BusinessRiskTV Pro Risk Manager for 12 months. Membership of BusinessRiskTV opens up Pro Risk Manager service benefits include huge discounts off products and services such as further training, online business coaching and advertising costs. BusinessRiskTV membership provides opportunity to continue corporate risk analysis, assessment and management business intelligence as well as option to collaborate with global risk management experts to improve your ability to manage your business better.

Post introductory online risk management toolbox talk on 15th January 2021, members and non-members of BusinessRiskTV will also be given opportunity to collaborate in future online advanced workshop sessions. These sessions will further explore how business leaders around the world can collaborate specifically on overcoming barriers to international trade, both theory and practice. These advanced workshops sessions will aim to increase international trade by participants. Workshop participants will share expert knowledge and practical business development tools. The introductory online fee will be used to reduce the cost of more advanced sessions by participants.

Participants at introductory online risk management toolbox talk can also put themselves forward as international trade risk experts at future more advanced online workshop events to share your expert knowledge and promote their business interests. Get in touch with us if this is you.

Barriers To International Trade
Better manage the risks of selling internationally

Want to promote and market your business?

How To Advertise Internationally
Sell Internationally Online With BusinessRiskTV
Cheap ways to promote your business
Find out how to promote your business locally and globally click here or email entering code #Marketing

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Contact us to find out more about sponsoring this event to put your business in front of potential new customers.

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Enterprise Risk Management Expert Panels Online
Business Coaching Services
Business Coaching Services
International trade support for businesses that trade internationally
International Trade Hub
Supply Chain Risk Management UK
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Risk Management
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Reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions
How to reduce supply chain risk with BusinessRiskTV
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Uncertainty of international trade expanding or contracting impacting on your business objectives

The Joy, Comfort and Stress-Reducing Power Of Enterprise Risk Management Webinars

BusinessRiskTV Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Training Workshops and Discussions

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Reduce uncertainty impacting on your business objectives. BusinessRiskTV enterprise risk management webinars help inform your business decision making. Understand fundamentals of risk based management. Learn new enterprise risk management strategies to boost resilience and growth. Be coached online with best enterprise risk management practices. BusinessRiskTV webinars tackle latest country and industry enterprise risks. What should should know today? How do you manage your business risks better.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Webinar Series

Find out more about global risks to your business. Be aware of local risks. What is happening in your industry you should know about before your next big decision.

  • Get horizon scanning risk insight.
  • Develop your risk knowledge.
  • Build your business intelligence.

Global and local risk experts talking online about risk matters that could impact on your business objectives.

What are some strategies you can adopt to help you navigate uncertainty in the business world

Explore the trends and challenges in your business marketplace. Develop and execute new enterprise risk management strategies to survive and prosper no matter what the business environment is.

  • An insightful business risk webinar may help you avoid mistakes others have already made.
  • Discover new ways to grow your business faster.
  • Access risk management guidance to overcome challenges to your business progress.

Know when free and paid webinars are coming up so you can join the ones that matter to your business. BusinessRiskTV members receive a discount on paid webinars.

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Breaking News and Risk Executive Grapevine

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Business Coaching Services

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The Joy, Comfort and Stress-Reducing Power Of Enterprise Risk Management Webinars

Risk Profile Of A Company

BusinessRiskTV Online Business Coach Service

Understand your enterprise risk profile to make better decisions. Develop new risk management strategies to help you navigate uncertainty easier and cheaper. Understand the relationship between business risk management and insurance. Create an enterprise risk management road map to boost business resilience and improve performance. Improve your enterprise risk analysis. Sign up with business risk assessment coach to find our where you are now and work towards where you want to get to.

Biggest threat to business
What Will Threaten Your Business This Year

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Online Business Coach and Enterprise Risk Management Mentor

Business Opportunities and Threats
Business Threats and Opportunities Live

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How To Create A Risk Profile With Help From BusinessRiskTV

Better Risk Management with BusinessRiskTV
Improve Risk Management with BusinessRiskTV Toolbox Talk
Better Risk Management with BusinessRiskTV
Better Risk Management with BusinessRiskTV
Strategies for preventing the spread of infectious diseases
Infectious disease limiting or stopping business activity
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Unlock your business potential with’s eBusiness Mentor Service! Our tailored online small business coaching packages provide affordable, one-on-one mentorship designed specifically for entrepreneurs. Benefit from practical tools and techniques to accelerate your growth and navigate challenges effectively. Whether you’re starting a new venture or looking to expand your established business, our flexible coaching blocks allow you to choose the support you need. Gain insights from experienced business coaches and transform your approach to risk management and decision-making. Invest in your success today – sign up for our coaching packages and join a community of thriving small business leaders at!

A flexible small business coaching package is affordable and delivered online

Business coaches for entrepreneurs. Use our eBusiness Mentor Service. Online small business coaching packages are tailored to your business priorities. Start or grow your small business with help from small business coach. ebusiness coaching mentoring provides practical tools and techniques to grow your business faster. A one to one business mentor will work with you to help you achieve greater success quicker. Get more out of your investment of time and money in your business. Every small business coaching package is arranged in blocks. You can buy more support if it works for your business.

Discover the best small business coaching package for your business.

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Guide On Saving A Struggling Small Business With BusinessRiskTV

Struggling Small Business Guide

A Guide to Saving a Struggling Small Business in the UK

Small businesses play a crucial role in the UK economy, contributing to job creation, innovation, and local communities. However, even the most resilient businesses can face challenging times. Economic downturns, unforeseen circumstances, or poor management can lead to a struggling business. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to take proactive steps to turn the tide and revitalise your small business. In this guide, we will explore strategies to save a struggling small business in the UK and set it on a path towards success.

Assess the Current Situation: To save a struggling small business, the first step is to conduct a thorough assessment of its current situation. Start by analysing your financial records, including cash flow statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets. Identify areas where costs can be reduced or revenue can be increased. Look for patterns or trends that indicate underlying issues. Additionally, assess your business’s market position, competition, and customer feedback to gain insights into areas that require improvement.

Develop a Turnaround Plan: Once you have a clear understanding of your small business’s challenges, it’s time to develop a comprehensive turnaround plan. This plan should outline specific objectives, strategies, and tactics to address the identified issues. Consider the following key elements:

a) Financial Restructuring: Explore options for debt consolidation, renegotiating contracts, or seeking additional financing. Develop a realistic budget and cash flow forecast to ensure financial stability.

b) Operational Efficiency: Streamline operations by identifying inefficiencies, eliminating redundant processes, and optimising resource allocation. Look for ways to reduce overhead costs without compromising quality.

c) Marketing and Sales: Evaluate your marketing and sales strategies. Identify target markets, refine your value proposition, and leverage cost-effective marketing channels. Enhance customer engagement and explore new avenues for revenue generation.

d) Customer Experience: Focus on improving customer satisfaction by delivering exceptional products or services. Encourage feedback, implement suggestions, and address any issues promptly. Cultivate customer loyalty and retention through personalised experiences.

Seek Professional Advice: In challenging times, seeking professional advice can provide valuable insights and guidance. Consider engaging the services of a business consultant, accountant, or financial advisor experienced in turnaround strategies. They can help you analyse your business, identify blind spots, and offer tailored solutions. Additionally, they may provide recommendations on accessing government support schemes or grants designed to assist struggling businesses.

Embrace Innovation and Adaptation: In a rapidly changing business landscape, embracing innovation and adaptability is crucial. Identify opportunities to diversify your offerings or enter new markets. Stay up to date with industry trends and technological advancements that can enhance your competitive edge. Explore digital transformation initiatives, such as e-commerce integration, online marketing, or process automation. By continuously evolving, you can keep your business relevant and resilient.

Engage and Motivate Employees: Your employees are vital assets in turning around a struggling small business. Engage them in the turnaround process by fostering open communication, transparency, and a shared sense of purpose. Encourage their creativity and input, as they may offer valuable suggestions for improvement. Recognise and reward their efforts to boost morale and motivation during challenging times. Provide training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and adapt to changing business needs.

Monitor Progress and Adjust: Implement key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the progress of your turnaround plan. Regularly review financial and operational metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies. Stay agile and be prepared to adjust your plan based on emerging trends or unforeseen circumstances. Learn from both successes and failures, and continuously refine your approach to ensure sustainable growth.

Saving a struggling small business in the UK requires a proactive and strategic approach. By assessing the current situation, developing a comprehensive turnaround plan, seeking professional advice, embracing innovation, engaging employees, and monitoring progress, you can increase the chances of revitalizing your business and setting it on a path towards success.

Remember that turning around a struggling business takes time, effort, and resilience. It requires a willingness to adapt to changing market conditions, make tough decisions, and implement necessary changes. Be open to feedback, stay focused on your objectives, and remain flexible in your approach.

Furthermore, don’t hesitate to leverage available resources and support networks. The UK government provides various initiatives, grants, and support schemes for struggling businesses. Stay informed about these opportunities and explore how they can assist you in your turnaround efforts.

Lastly, remember that you are not alone. Seek support from fellow entrepreneurs, industry associations, or business networks. Sharing experiences and learning from others who have successfully navigated similar challenges can provide valuable insights and inspiration.

While saving a struggling small business is undoubtedly challenging, it is not impossible. With determination, strategic planning, and a willingness to adapt, you can overcome obstacles and breathe new life into your business. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and seeking the necessary support, you can set your small business on a path towards long-term viability and success.

Remember, every setback is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Stay committed, stay focused, and never lose sight of your vision for your small business.

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Small Business Coaching Packages

Empowering Small Businesses Through Tailored Coaching Packages

Starting and growing a small business can be both an exhilarating and challenging journey. With numerous responsibilities and ever-evolving market dynamics, entrepreneurs often find themselves navigating a landscape filled with uncertainty. This is where steps in, offering flexible and affordable online small business coaching packages designed to meet the unique needs of each entrepreneur.

The Need for Small Business Coaching

Understanding the Challenges

Small businesses face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their growth and success. From managing finances and marketing to navigating regulatory requirements and competitive pressures, entrepreneurs must juggle multiple tasks. Often, they may lack the necessary experience or resources to tackle these challenges effectively. This is where a business coach can make a significant difference.

The Value of Coaching

A business coach serves as a mentor, guide, and strategist, helping small business owners develop the skills and knowledge necessary to overcome obstacles. With tailored coaching, entrepreneurs can gain fresh perspectives, practical tools, and actionable strategies to enhance their business performance.

Introducing Our eBusiness Mentor Service

At, we offer an innovative eBusiness Mentor Service that provides personalised coaching for small business leaders. Our online coaching packages are designed to be flexible, affordable, and easily accessible, ensuring that entrepreneurs can receive the support they need, no matter where they are located.

Key Features of Our Coaching Packages

1. Tailored Approach: Each coaching package is customised to align with your specific business priorities and goals. This ensures that you receive the most relevant and impactful guidance.

2. One-on-One Mentorship: You will work directly with an experienced business mentor who will focus on your unique challenges, providing insights and strategies that drive success.

3. Practical Tools and Techniques: Our coaching packages equip you with actionable tools and techniques to implement immediately, allowing you to grow your business faster.

4. Flexible Blocks of Sessions: Our coaching is arranged in blocks, giving you the flexibility to purchase additional support as needed. This allows you to scale your coaching experience according to your business’s evolving requirements.

5. Affordable Investment: We understand the financial constraints small businesses often face. Our coaching packages are designed to be budget-friendly, ensuring you can invest in your growth without breaking the bank.

How Our Coaching Packages Work

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with an initial consultation where we assess your current business landscape. During this session, we identify your primary challenges and establish a clear set of goals. This foundational step allows us to customise your coaching experience effectively.

Structured Coaching Sessions

Our coaching packages typically consist of a series of structured sessions. Here’s how it works:

1. Identifying Goals: In the early sessions, we work together to define your business objectives and outline a roadmap to achieve them.

2. Strategic Planning: We delve into strategic planning, analysing your business model, target market, and competitive landscape. This helps in creating a solid plan for growth.

3. Practical Implementation: As we progress, we focus on implementing strategies and tools that facilitate growth. This includes marketing techniques, financial management strategies, and operational improvements.

4. Ongoing Support: You will have access to ongoing support through additional sessions, allowing for continuous improvement and adjustment of strategies as your business evolves.

Flexible Coaching Blocks

Our coaching packages are arranged in flexible blocks, allowing you to choose the number of sessions that best fits your needs. If you find that you require more support, you can easily purchase additional blocks to continue your mentoring journey.

Benefits of Our Small Business Coaching Packages

Accelerated Growth

By leveraging the expertise of a business coach, small business owners can accelerate their growth trajectory. Coaches provide the insights and strategies needed to make informed decisions quickly, enabling businesses to capitalise on opportunities faster.

Enhanced Accountability

Having a business mentor fosters a sense of accountability. Regular check-ins and goal-setting sessions encourage entrepreneurs to stay focused on their objectives, making it easier to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Improved Decision-Making

Coaching provides small business leaders with access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. This guidance enhances decision-making capabilities, allowing entrepreneurs to navigate challenges more effectively.

Networking Opportunities

Through our coaching programme, entrepreneurs gain access to a network of like-minded individuals. This community can offer additional support, resources, and opportunities for collaboration, further enriching the coaching experience.

Who Can Benefit from Our Coaching Packages?

New Entrepreneurs

For those just starting their entrepreneurial journey, our coaching packages offer essential guidance. New business owners can benefit from mentorship that helps them navigate the early stages of business development, laying a strong foundation for future growth.

Established Small Business Owners

For established businesses, our coaching can help refine existing strategies and explore new growth opportunities. Coaches can provide insights into market trends, operational efficiencies, and innovative approaches to expand your business.

Non-profit Organisations

Our coaching services are not limited to for-profit businesses. Non-profit organisations can also benefit from our tailored coaching, helping them improve their operations, fundraising strategies, and community impact.

Success Stories from Our Clients

To illustrate the impact of our coaching services, let’s explore some success stories from clients who have experienced transformative growth through our eBusiness Mentor Service.

Case Study: Tech Startup Growth

Client: Jane D., Founder of a Tech Startup

Challenge: Jane launched her tech startup but struggled with market positioning and attracting customers.

Coaching Impact: Through tailored sessions, Jane identified her target audience and refined her marketing strategy. She implemented actionable steps provided by her coach, resulting in a 150% increase in customer acquisition within six months.

Case Study: Non-profit Expansion

Client: Mark T., Director of a Non-profit Organisation

Challenge: Mark’s organisation faced challenges in fundraising and community engagement.

Coaching Impact: With guidance from his business mentor, Mark developed a comprehensive fundraising strategy and enhanced community outreach efforts. Within a year, the organisation doubled its funding and increased volunteer participation by 40%.

Case Study: Retail Business Revamp

Client: Linda K., Owner of a Local Retail Store

Challenge: Linda faced declining sales and increased competition from online retailers.

Coaching Impact: Through targeted coaching sessions, Linda revamped her business model, incorporated e-commerce, and improved customer service. As a result, her store saw a 30% increase in sales over the following year.

Getting Started with

How to Sign Up

Joining our eBusiness Mentor Service is simple. Explore our coaching packages with one of our consultants. You can choose the option that best fits your needs and schedule your initial consultation. Our team will guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless experience.

Choosing Your Coach

We understand that the right coaching relationship is critical to your success. At, we take the time to match you with a mentor whose expertise aligns with your business goals. This personalised approach ensures that you receive the most relevant guidance.

Flexible Scheduling Options

Our online platform allows for flexible scheduling, making it easy to fit coaching sessions into your busy calendar. Whether you prefer morning or evening sessions, we strive to accommodate your needs.


Starting and growing a small business is an exciting journey filled with challenges and opportunities. With the right support, entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of business management and achieve greater success. offers flexible, affordable online small business coaching packages that empower you to take control of your business’s future. Our eBusiness Mentor Service provides tailored guidance, practical tools, and one-on-one mentorship to help you grow your business faster and more efficiently.

If you’re ready to invest in your business’s success, explore our coaching packages today and discover how can help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Join our community of empowered small business leaders and start your journey towards success!

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Challenges Of Doing Business In Asia

There are many challenges of doing business in Asia, including:

  • Different languages and cultures: Asia is a vast and diverse continent with many different languages and cultures. This can make it difficult to understand the local market and to communicate effectively with local partners and customers.
  • Different business practices: Asia also has different business practices, which can be difficult to adapt to. For example, in some countries, it is important to build relationships with key decision-makers before doing business.
  • Different regulations: Asia also has different regulations, which can make it difficult to comply with local laws and regulations. For example, in some countries, there are restrictions on foreign investment.
  • Competition from local businesses: Asia is a very competitive market, with many local businesses competing with foreign companies. This can make it difficult to establish a successful business in Asia.

There are a number of ways to overcome these challenges, including:

  • Hire local staff: One way to overcome the challenge of different languages and cultures is to hire local staff. This will help you to understand the local market and to communicate effectively with local partners and customers.
  • Learn about local business practices: Another way to overcome the challenge of different business practices is to learn about local business practices. This will help you to adapt to the local market and to do business effectively in Asia.
  • Get legal advice: It is important to get legal advice before doing business in Asia. This will help you to understand the local regulations and to comply with local laws and regulations.
  • Partner with a local business: Partnering with a local business is a good way to overcome the challenge of competition from local businesses. This will help you to establish a successful business in Asia.

There are also a number of latest solutions that can help you to overcome the challenges of doing business in Asia, including:

  • Cloud-based solutions: Cloud-based solutions can help you to overcome the challenge of different languages and cultures. This is because cloud-based solutions can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  • Social media: Social media can help you to overcome the challenge of different business practices. This is because social media can help you to build relationships with key decision-makers and to communicate effectively with local partners and customers.
  • Mobile apps: Mobile apps can help you to overcome the challenge of different regulations. This is because mobile apps can help you to comply with local laws and regulations.
  • Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence can help you to overcome the challenge of competition from local businesses. This is because artificial intelligence can help you to identify new opportunities and to develop new products and services.
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How to Identify and Capitalise on Business Opportunities

In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses need to be constantly on the lookout for new opportunities. By identifying and capitalising on these opportunities, businesses can grow and expand their reach.

What is a Business Opportunity?

A business opportunity is a situation where there is a need for a product or service that is not currently being met. This need can be created by a change in the marketplace, a new technology, or simply a gap in the current offerings.

How to Identify Business Opportunities

There are a number of ways to identify business opportunities. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Observing trends. Pay attention to the changes that are happening in the marketplace. What are people buying? What are their needs and wants? What new technologies are emerging? By staying up-to-date on trends, you can identify potential opportunities that others may have missed.
  • Solving problems. Think about the problems that people are facing in your industry. Are there any ways to solve these problems in a better way? Could you develop a new product or service that addresses these needs?
  • Finding gaps in the market. Look for areas where there is a lack of competition. Are there any products or services that are not currently being offered? If so, there may be an opportunity to fill this gap.
  • Talking to customers. One of the best ways to identify business opportunities is to talk to your customers. What are their pain points? What do they wish they could have? By listening to your customers, you can get a better understanding of their needs and identify potential opportunities.

What Does it Mean to Capitalise on Opportunities?

Once you have identified a business opportunity, you need to be able to capitalise on it. This means taking the necessary steps to turn the opportunity into a successful business.

There are a number of things you can do to capitalise on a business opportunity, including:

  • Developing a business plan. A business plan will help you to define your business goals, identify your target market, and develop a strategy for achieving success.
  • Building a team. You will need a team of talented and dedicated individuals to help you bring your business to life.
  • Raising capital. Most businesses need some form of financial backing to get started. There are a number of ways to raise capital, including loans, grants, and crowdfunding.
  • Marketing your business. You need to let people know about your business and what you have to offer. This involves developing a marketing plan and executing it effectively.

The 4 Forces in Identifying Business Ideas and Opportunities

There are four main forces that can help you to identify business ideas and opportunities:

  • Technology: New technologies can create new opportunities for businesses. For example, the rise of the internet has created a whole new market for online businesses.
  • Demographic trends: Changes in the demographics of a population can also create new opportunities. For example, the ageing population in many developed countries has created a growing market for products and services that cater to seniors.
  • Economic trends: Changes in the economy can also create new opportunities. For example, a recession can lead to opportunities for businesses that offer cost-saving solutions.
  • Social trends: Changes in social trends can also create new opportunities. For example, the growing trend of environmental awareness has created opportunities for businesses that offer sustainable products and services.

Identifying and capitalising on business opportunities is essential for the success of any business. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of finding and exploiting the next big opportunity.

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New Business Ideas

  1. Virtual Event Planning: With the increasing number of people attending virtual events, starting a virtual event planning business could be a profitable venture. You can specialize in planning corporate meetings, webinars, conferences, or even virtual weddings.
  2. Online Coaching: Online coaching has become increasingly popular over the years. You can start an online coaching business that offers coaching in areas such as personal development, business, health, or fitness.
  3. E-commerce store: With the rise of e-commerce, starting an online store is a great business idea. You can sell products in a specific niche, such as fashion, beauty, or home goods.
  4. Social Media Marketing: As more businesses focus on social media marketing, there is a growing need for social media experts. You can start a social media marketing agency that helps businesses improve their social media presence.
  5. Content Creation: With the rise of digital marketing, there is a growing demand for high-quality content. You can start a content creation business that offers services such as copywriting, video production, or graphic design.
  6. Online Tutoring: Online tutoring is becoming more popular as students seek flexible learning options. You can start an online tutoring business that offers services in a specific subject or a range of subjects.
  7. Health and Wellness Services: There is an increasing demand for health and wellness services such as yoga, meditation, and massage. You can start a health and wellness business that offers these services.
  8. Mobile App Development: As the number of smartphone users continues to grow, mobile app development is a lucrative business idea. You can start a mobile app development business that creates apps for businesses or individuals.
  9. Home Cleaning Services: With people’s busy schedules, there is a growing demand for home cleaning services. You can start a home cleaning business that offers services such as regular cleaning, deep cleaning, and move-in/out cleaning.
  10. Pet Care Services: As more people become pet owners, there is a growing demand for pet care services. You can start a pet care business that offers services such as dog walking, pet sitting, or grooming.

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When will coronavirus be over

Making the most from the opportunities posed by the coronaviRus pandemic with BusinessRiskTV

Hopefully not all the effects of the coronavirus pandemic will ever be over. The pandemic has given the world a stop clock to look at life in business in other ways. Hopefully a vaccine will be developed to stop people dying but we have been given a once in a century opportunity to change for the better.

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We may actually need more than one vaccine

Covid19 should really morph into something less or more deadly to survive and prosper so wherever we are we are a long way from returning to normal.

Instead of returning to normal and life in business being forever harder it could be easier and better.


It is looking more likely that our leaders want to get back to business as usual not Business 2.1. This is understandable in terms of the complexity of getting over the worst of the pandemic. However all disasters present opportunities to change to transform into a better version of life in business.

For example around 40 percent of people in UK are still working from home compared to prepandemic rate of around 12 percent. One effect of this is to increase cost of working in short term but could it mean reduced costs of working in long term. Was it really necessary for so many people to commute to an office to work?

If the new normal postpandemic was 20 percent working from home it would mean the rest would commute every day as if it was the school holidays. Imagine how much easier that would be for all workers speed of distribution and the environment.

However that would destroy the value of many office blocks and some investments. Many of the UKs biggest property funds are frozen stopping investors withdrawing funds through fear the funds would collapse. How do you value assets post pandemic if people totally change their way of working.

How will retail recover? Will the High Street ever recover? Most retail experts feel that the world of retail may have changed forever. The virus may have turbo charged what was changing anyway but retailers and property valuations have now changed dramatically if society has changed irreversibly.

Our pension funds are no longer based on assets that are the same value. Will the value recover? It will but it will recover by basing investments in underlying assets fit for the purpose of the future not the past.

We may create a vaccine or vaccines for Covid19 and any morphed versions thereof. However if we are determined the impact of the virus will never be over. In a good way!

Could business leaders:

  1. Continue to offer takeaway services or do deliveries from their restaurants?
  2. Manufacture different products in addition to their core business products?
  3. Maintain and hold on to local suppliers instead of using overseas suppliers in diversification of supply chain lines?
  4. Explore online sales development to be more profitable?
  5. Hold on to cost cutting measures to grow profit?

So much good and bad will flow from the pandemic. It is important not to miss out on the good as well has mitigate the bad. What opportunities and threats are in front of you will depend on your industry and perhaps location.

Now is the time to take the best strategic risk management decisions to come out of the coronavirus pandemic stronger than when you went into it

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Business Risk News : if your objective is freedom and success you will need objectivity, clarity and independence of thought from your news source to discover freedom and success in business. The wider news media is useless to you as it has its own agenda. If your recognise that this is the real truth and understand why that impacts on your ability to make your business a success then you will want to come back to BusinessRiskTV Risk News more often for help to inform your better decision making process to achieve success in business with less uncertainty. Don’t let yourself be brainwashed by the agenda of others not aligned to your business objectives.

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Read branding and business development articles trending on BusinessRiskTV

How do you build a business brand and 10 10 tips to start today

Building a strong business brand is a crucial step towards establishing your company’s reputation and attracting customers. Here are 10 tips to help you get started:

  1. Define your brand: Define what your brand stands for, what it offers, and what makes it unique. Identify your target audience and understand their needs and preferences.
  2. Develop a brand strategy: Develop a comprehensive brand strategy that outlines your goals, values, and messaging. Consider how you want to communicate your brand to your target audience, and develop a plan to achieve your objectives.
  3. Create a strong visual identity: Your brand’s visual identity includes your logo, colors, fonts, and other design elements that represent your brand. Ensure that your visual identity is consistent across all channels, including your website, social media, and other marketing materials.
  4. Establish your brand voice: Develop a tone of voice that reflects your brand’s personality, values, and messaging. Use this voice consistently in all your communication channels to establish a strong brand identity.
  5. Build a website: Your website is your brand’s digital home, and it should reflect your brand’s identity and values. Make sure that your website is user-friendly, mobile responsive, and optimized for search engines.
  6. Leverage social media: Social media is an excellent tool for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience. Choose the platforms that are most relevant to your target audience, and create content that aligns with your brand’s messaging and values.
  7. Create valuable content: Develop content that provides value to your target audience, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics. This content should align with your brand’s messaging and provide insights or solutions to your audience’s pain points.
  8. Establish brand partnerships: Partner with other brands or organizations that share your values and can help you reach a wider audience. Collaborate on content, events, or promotions that align with your brand’s messaging.
  9. Monitor your brand’s reputation: Monitor your brand’s online reputation to ensure that your messaging is resonating with your audience. Respond to feedback and address negative comments promptly and professionally.
  10. Measure your brand’s success: Track your brand’s performance using metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and customer feedback. Use this data to refine your branding strategy and messaging.

Building a strong brand takes time and effort, but it’s an essential step towards establishing your company’s reputation and attracting customers. By following these tips, you can start building a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets your business apart from the competition.

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How to develop a brand With BusinessRiskTV

Brand Building Tips

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Aspiration to live better wherever you live in the world can be fulfilled by solving all our problems together at once not by a piecemeal approach. Good words do not put food on the table or a roof over your head. Sodding your neighbour does not protect you from destroying everything you have built around you.

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Online sales and distance selling to expand through coronavirus pandemic

Now that we have been forced to take time to think about everything differently what will you do differently to ride the 4th industrial revolution wave ahead of your competitors?

Signs in the UK that there is demand for even more online. From food to online services to fashion people still want to shop but online from a distance. Major retailers are ramping up their online shopping and delivery services. Many are employing thousands of more staff to cope with demand.

Is your business making the most from online sales and delivery during coronavirus pandemic?


The coronavirus will hopefully pass. It could morph into something worse or less bad. Even if it does not burn itself out the human race will take months to find a vaccine in sufficient quantities to control its spread. Even when the G20 countries have it relatively under control they will be repeatedly be reinfected from each other and less well developed countries as people start to travel again.

Make no mistake one way or another the coronavirus will have long lasting effects on businesses and the global economy. This will totally change how we do business forever. Sure people will return to shopping in High Street shops but the proportion of retail shopping completed online will jump.

Furthermore consumers and business leaders will access more of their services online. More communication than ever will be arranged online. There will be less desire to travel for face to face meetings. Business leaders will become more used to online meetings and realise its better than wasting time travelling. More training will be arranged online. There will be many benefits including protecting environment saving money and saving the most valuable thing time.

Such enforced changes in business practices will usher in the 4th industrial revolution even faster

The 4th industrial revolution was accelerating before the coronavirus. COVID19 will turbo charge it.

  • Jobs will become obsolete even quicker
  • Opportunities to innovate will come faster
  • Technology will advance more rapidly
  • Minds will be more open to change
  • Consumers workers and business leaders will be hungry for something better than what we put up with precoronavirus
  • There will be a bigger demand for faster internet speeds including 5G and increased supply

Now that we have been forced to take time to think about everything differently what will you do differently to ride the 4th industrial revolution wave ahead of your competitors?

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Online sales and distance selling to expand through coronavirus pandemic BusinessRiskTV