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The Damaging Consequences of Overprinting Money

Overprinting money is the act of a government or central bank creating new currency units without a corresponding increase in the supply of goods and services. This can lead to a number of negative consequences for the global economy and businesses, including:

  • Inflation: Inflation is a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. When there is too much money in circulation, it can lead to inflation as people are able to afford to pay more for goods and services. This can make it difficult for businesses to operate as their costs increase, and it can also lead to a decrease in the value of savings.
  • Decreased value of currency: When there is too much money in circulation, the value of the currency can decrease. This is because the currency becomes less scarce, and people are less willing to hold onto it. This can make it difficult for businesses to trade internationally, and it can also lead to a decrease in investment.
  • Increased interest rates: In order to combat inflation, central banks may raise interest rates. This can make it more expensive for businesses to borrow money, which can lead to a decrease in investment and economic growth.
  • Instability in financial markets: Overprinting money can lead to instability in financial markets. This is because it can lead to an increase in speculation and volatility in asset prices. This can make it difficult for businesses to raise capital and operate effectively.
  • Reduced trust in government: When governments resort to overprinting money to finance their spending, it can lead to a loss of trust in the government. This can make it more difficult for governments to raise taxes and borrow money in the future.

The negative consequences of overprinting money are not limited to the global economy. Businesses can also suffer a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Increased costs: When inflation rises, businesses may have to increase their prices in order to cover their costs. This can lead to a decrease in demand for their products or services.
  • Decreased profits: If inflation outpaces revenue growth, businesses may see their profits decrease. This can make it difficult for businesses to invest and grow.
  • Increased risk: When the value of the currency is unstable, businesses face increased risk. This is because they may not be able to predict how much their costs or revenues will increase in the future. This can make it difficult for businesses to make long-term plans.
  • Loss of market share: If businesses are unable to keep up with inflation, they may lose market share to competitors who are able to pass on higher costs to consumers.

The negative consequences of overprinting money can be severe and far-reaching. It is important for governments and businesses to be aware of these risks and to take steps to mitigate them.

What are the negative effects of reducing money supply?

Increasing credit crunch risk due to lack of money supply or unaffordable borrowing costs

Reducing the money supply can also have negative consequences for the economy. This is because it can lead to a decrease in economic growth, an increase in unemployment, and a decrease in asset prices.

When the money supply is reduced, it becomes more expensive for businesses to borrow money. This can lead to a decrease in investment and economic growth. It can also lead to an increase in unemployment, as businesses are less likely to hire new workers when it is more expensive to borrow money.

In addition, a decrease in the money supply can lead to a decrease in asset prices eg house prices, stock market shares, etc. This is because when there is less money in circulation, people are less likely to bid up the prices of assets. This can lead to losses for investors who own assets, such as stocks and property.

What are the disadvantages of excess money in circulation in an economy?

The disadvantages of excess money in circulation in an economy include:

  • Inflation: As mentioned earlier, inflation is a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. When there is too much money in circulation, it can lead to inflation as people are able to afford to pay more for goods and services. This can make it difficult for businesses to operate as their costs increase, and it can also lead to a decrease in the value of savings.
  • Decreased value of currency: When there is too much money in circulation, the value of the currency can decrease. This is because the currency becomes less scarce, and people are less willing to hold onto it. This can make it difficult for businesses to trade internationally, and it can also lead to a decrease in investment.
  • Increased interest rates: In order to combat inflation, central banks may raise interest rates. This can make it more expensive for businesses to borrow money, which can lead to a decrease in investment and economic growth.
  • Instability in financial markets: Excess money in circulation can lead to instability in financial markets. This is because it can lead
What are the negative effects of reducing money supply? What are the disadvantages of excess money in circulation in an economy? What is the effect of too much money in the economy? What are the effects of hyperinflation?
The Damaging Consequences Of Overprinting Money In The UK

Understanding Economic Indicators For Effective Risk Management

Economic indicators are statistics that provide information about a country’s economic performance and outlook. They are used by businesses, investors, and policymakers to make informed decisions about the economy.

Gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important economic indicators. It measures the value of goods and services produced within a country’s borders. A growing GDP is generally seen as a sign of a strong economy, while a decline in GDP can indicate a recession.

Another important economic indicator is the unemployment rate, which measures the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment. A low unemployment rate is usually seen as a sign of a strong economy, while a high unemployment rate can indicate weakness.

Inflation is another important economic indicator. It measures the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. High inflation can indicate that an economy is overheating, while low inflation can indicate weakness.

Interest rates are also an important economic indicator. Central banks use interest rates to control inflation and stabilise the economy. Higher interest rates can slow down economic growth by making borrowing more expensive, while lower interest rates can stimulate growth by making borrowing cheaper.

Economic indicators can also be divided into leading, lagging, and coincident indicators. Leading indicators tend to change before the economy as a whole changes, and can provide early warning signs of an impending recession or recovery. Lagging indicators, on the other hand, tend to change after the economy as a whole changes, and can confirm the onset of a recession or recovery. Coincident indicators tend to change with the economy as a whole and tend to reflect the current state of the economy.

Effective risk management involves staying informed about economic indicators, understanding their significance, and using them to make informed decisions. By monitoring economic indicators, businesses and investors can anticipate changes in the economy and adjust their strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, Economic indicators are important tools for understanding the current state and future prospects of an economy. By monitoring key indicators such as GDP, unemployment, inflation, and interest rates, businesses and investors can make informed decisions and effectively manage risk.
  1. Understanding Economic Indicators for Effective Risk Management
  2. Assessing the Impact of Economic Downturns on Your Business
  3. Mitigating the Effects of Economic Fluctuations on Revenue and Profitability
  4. Staying Ahead of the Game: Monitoring GDP Growth, Inflation, and Interest Rates
  5. Implementing Strategies for Economic Risk Management in Your Business

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  1. Delegate tasks: One of the biggest time-wasters for entrepreneurs is trying to do everything themselves. Delegate tasks to trusted employees or contractors to lighten your load and give you more time to focus on your strengths.
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  7. Take care of yourself: Finally, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and make time for leisure activities. A well-rested and healthy mind is more productive and better equipped to tackle the important tasks at hand.

By following these tips, you can free up your time and focus on what really matters for a successful business. Remember, time is your most valuable resource, so prioritise it and use it wisely.

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UK Economy Weak Start To 2018 Due To Weather Not Economic Climate

Latest Economic News For UK

UK economic growth 2018 started more slowly than end of 2017. The UK economy news is normally weaker at the beginning of the calendar year. Most of the UKs economic growth comes as the calendar year progresses.

UK economy news
Latest economic news for UK and global economy

Governor of the Bank of England Mr Carney

Mr Mark Carney the head of the Bank of England says poor UK economic activity at the beginning of the calendar year 2018 was due to the weather and not UK economic climate.

In addition Mr Carney reports that all slack in the UK economy has been taken up and this is likely to push up UK prices and UK inflation.

With very high levels of employment low levels of unemployment and a million plus job vacancies unfilled it is more likely that wages will increase faster. UK employers will need to pay more to attract candidates and to keep existing staff.

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Mr Carney paints a rosier future for the UK economy in 2018 with downside risks including global international trade war. UK interest rates more likely to rise later this year and this should boost value of the UK pound.

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Financial Services Jobs At Risk Of Automation

The Bigger Risk To Financial Services Jobs Is Automation Or Robots Not Brexit

Ignore the threat to financial services industry jobs of Brexit. You should be much more worried about the threat of robots. Job automation is the biggest finance sector threat and opportunity.

Financial Services Industry Risks
Financial services industry news headlines risk analysis and financial reports

Job Automation Risk To Your Financial Sector Job

No doubt. Financial services industry is very important to the UK economy. If financial services jobs were lost other sectors would be affected. Fewer services jobs needed to service those in financial services jobs!

Many jobs in financial services are high paid jobs. Top British bankers are paid much more than elsewhere. Resistance to moving to Germany is as much about personal reasons. The UK economy may or may not suffer after Brexit. Bankers will suffer.

However people in financial services are facing automation existential threat. Never mind moving to Germany your job is going full stop!

FinTech company jobs will be prevalent. Bankers less so. Most financial services jobs can be done faster cheaper better. Robots will be

  • less emotional
  • more reliable and
  • after a few years significantly cheaper

How long do you think the C Suite will keep your job. If job automation is better for bonuses your job is toast!

Existing financial services jobs are like UK miners jobs. The buildings will remain but the people in them will be different. Cyber security and fintech risk managers will be plentiful.

  • Banks insurers and funds will need cyber experts. They will stop external and internal threats to money.
  • Fintech risk managers will direct risk appetite and risk tolerance
  • C suite virtual bankers insurers fund managers will be wealthier
  • Wealthier investors but more at risk of systemic industry collapse
  • Software developers will frequent the bars and restaurants. Existing financial services people will be there waiting on tables!

Most existing financial services jobs will be lost to job automation. Do not doubt this for a second!

However it is not all doom and gloom. The key to survive is to move into the new financial services sector jobs. Some new financial services jobs do not exist right now! You must change your skills set to take advantage and survive.

Its not just the top bankers that need worry. Indeed they are the ones most likely to easily morph. Financial services jobs most at risk

  • Mortgage advice
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How to overcome trade barriers in international trade

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Marketing is one of the most critical aspects of running a business. It is essential for any company, regardless of size or industry, to have a strong marketing strategy in place to attract and retain customers. With the rise of the internet and social media, digital marketing has become increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in the modern marketplace. In this article, we will explore the concept of Get Visible Marketing and how it can help businesses thrive in today’s digital age.

What is Get Visible Marketing?

Get Visible Marketing is a term used to describe a marketing strategy that focuses on increasing a company’s visibility online. The goal of this strategy is to make it easier for potential customers to find a business when searching online for products or services that the company offers. This type of marketing is essential because it helps businesses stand out from the competition and reach new customers who may not have otherwise known about their business.

One of the key components of Get Visible Marketing is search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone searches for a keyword related to a business’s products or services, the goal of SEO is to make sure that the company’s website appears at the top of the search results. This is important because most people don’t look beyond the first page of search results, so if a company’s website doesn’t rank well, they may be missing out on potential customers.

Another important aspect of Get Visible Marketing is content marketing. Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience. The content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, social media posts, infographics, and more. The goal of content marketing is to provide value to potential customers, establish a business as a thought leader in their industry, and ultimately drive sales.

Social media marketing is also an essential component of Get Visible Marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide businesses with an opportunity to connect with potential customers and promote their products or services. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with followers, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic.

Why is Get Visible Marketing important for businesses?

Get Visible Marketing is crucial for businesses because it helps them stand out in a crowded marketplace. With so many businesses competing for the attention of consumers, it can be challenging to get noticed. By focusing on increasing visibility online, businesses can reach more potential customers and increase their chances of success.

Another reason why Get Visible Marketing is important is that it is cost-effective. Traditional advertising methods like TV and radio ads can be expensive, and the ROI is often difficult to measure. Get Visible Marketing, on the other hand, is relatively inexpensive, and the results can be easily tracked and analysed.

Additionally, Get Visible Marketing is essential because it allows businesses to connect with customers on a more personal level. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers on social media, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with potential customers. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales in the long run.

How can businesses implement Get Visible Marketing?

Implementing a Get Visible Marketing strategy requires a well-thought-out plan and consistent effort. Here are some steps that businesses can take to get started:

Define your target audience: The first step in implementing a Get Visible Marketing strategy is to define your target audience. Who are the people that are most likely to buy your products or services? What are their interests, pain points, and needs? By understanding your target audience, you can create content that is relevant and engaging to them.

Conduct keyword research: Keyword research is essential for SEO. By researching the keywords that your target audience is searching for, you can optimise your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you identify the keywords that are most relevant to your business.

Create valuable content: Content marketing is a critical component of Get Visible Marketing. By creating valuable content that educates, entertains, or solves a problem for your target audience, you can attract potential customers to your website. Make sure your content is well-written, engaging, and optimised for SEO.

Optimise your website: SEO is crucial for Get Visible Marketing. Make sure your website is optimized for the keywords that your target audience is searching for. This includes optimising your website’s meta tags, URLs, and content. You should also ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using mobile devices to search the internet.

Engage with your audience on social media: Social media is an essential component of Get Visible Marketing. Create social media accounts for your business on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and post regularly to engage with your followers. Use social media to promote your content, share news about your business, and connect with potential customers.

Track and analyse your results: Finally, it’s essential to track and analyse your results. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic and track your social media engagement. This will help you identify what’s working and what’s not, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Get Visible Marketing is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to increase their visibility online. By focusing on SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and other tactics, businesses can attract more potential customers and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. However, implementing a successful Get Visible Marketing strategy requires a well-thought-out plan and consistent effort. By defining your target audience, conducting keyword research, creating valuable content, optimising your website, engaging with your audience on social media, and tracking your results, you can increase your chances of success in today’s digital age.

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Reduce Time and Cost To Market Your Products or Services

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Marketing and Promotion

Finally, effective marketing and promotion is essential for growing your business quickly. offers a range of marketing and promotion resources, including advertising opportunities, content marketing tools, and social media promotion tools.

The platform’s advertising opportunities include banner ads, sponsored content, and email marketing campaigns. These can help you reach a wider audience and promote your products and services to potential customers.

The content marketing tools offered by include access to a range of industry-specific blogs, as well as content creation and distribution tools. These can help you create and promote content that resonates with your target audience, and can help you establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Finally, offers a range of social media promotion tools, including social media management software and analytics tools. These can help you track the performance of your social media campaigns, and can help you identify opportunities to improve your social media marketing strategy. is an excellent resource for businesses looking to grow quickly. The platform offers a range of tools, resources, and networking opportunities designed to help businesses manage risk, navigate complex regulatory requirements, collaborate effectively, and market and promote their products and services to a wider audience.

By taking advantage of these resources, businesses can not only grow quickly but can also do so while managing risk effectively. The platform provides access to a wealth of information and resources, as well as opportunities to connect with other business owners and industry experts.

In a world where competition is fierce, having access to the right resources can make all the difference. With, businesses can gain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of the curve and effectively managing risk, while also building valuable relationships and promoting their products and services to a wider audience.

Overall, is a valuable resource for any business looking to grow quickly and effectively. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to take your business to the next level, this platform can provide the tools and resources you need to succeed in today’s fast-paced business environment.

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BusinessRiskTV Helping Small Businesses Grow Faster

Thinking Differently

Making Business Better By Thinking Differently

What has worked in the past will probably work quite well in future, but we are thinking differently to find ways that will work better for business.   Thinking differently about business threats and opportunities to build resilience and greater success.

How To Think Differently About Business Threats and Opportunities
Collaborate To Achieve More For Your Business enter code #ThinkingDifferently

Exploring business innovation and new ways of doing things that are better for all business stakeholders.

  • Helping to inspire business leaders to achieve more with existing resources.
  • Collaborating with realistic pragmatic people.
  • Guiding like-minded individuals around the world.

Bringing entrepreneurs and business leaders together to work on future today.

Are you happy with the way your business is performing?   Could you squeeze more out of your existing business assets to achieve more?   Great change can come from thinking differently together.   Take the first step to changing your business for the better by contacting us now below and enter code #ThinkingDifferently

BusinessRiskTV Thinking Differently In Business

What is your business doing to protect and grow in a few years time not just a few months time

Successful Businesses Create Their Own Future will help you grow locally and globally.   Invest a little of your time now in your future business growth.   Use our tools to make your business gorw faster.   Now is the right time to consider your future with a local and global business expansion strategy.

Subscribe below and enter code #ProtectandGrowYourFutureToday How To Expand Your Business Internationally and Locally

Digital Guru Magazine

Read the latest digital guru tips to boost your online presence and increase your online sales with BusinessRiskTV

Tap into BusinessRiskTV digital guru services tips and advice. Promote market and advertise your business more cost effectively online. Use our eCommerce solutions to grow your online sales quicker. Use our risk management guru service to protect and grow your business with less uncertainty.

Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Reach influencers key decision makers and the business leaders who will buy from your business

Enter code #DigitalGuru

Make BusinessRiskTV Your Digital Guru

We will become your secret weapon in the battle to win new business more profitably. Our digital guru services include writing copy in the right place for your business to attract new customers. Digital gurus will back up the copy with suitable photos images and video content. Get help to find new customers. Make people find your great products or services you offer. Help them understand why they should buy from you today.

Our digital gurus service will promote your business. We will use our websites and social media to reach as many consumers and business leaders as possible. Do it more cheaply so your marketing budget will go further. Grow you profit faster.

Inexpensive Marketing Ideas For Small Business Digital Gurus

Small Business Online Digital Guru enter code #DigitalGuru

Digital marketing promotion and advertising tips advice and support. Use social media and online marketing in clever and interesting ways. Creatively and innovatively grow your business. Increase your profit sustainably.

Feature Are You Using Your Social Media To Best Effect On Your Business

Social media is relatively easy to setup. It is even easy to use. Why then do many many businesses not use their on social media accounts?

Social Media Consultancy Services

Subscribe to Social Media Marketing Consulting Services enter code #SocialMediaMarketing

If you use your own social media accounts better it can boost your business brand increase sales and cost effectively grow your business faster.

Risk Management Guru

Better protect and grow your business with less uncertainty.

Risk Management Training Courses

Develop your knowledge and understanding of key business risks with BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Experts

Cost ReductionsRisk Magazine

Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Digital Guru Magazine

How to make your business stand out from the crowd

Thinking More Creatively With BusinessRiskTV

Do not be constrained by how you have always done things. Do not set limits on your business success.

What makes you business stand out?

We’ll show your target market what makes your company different from your competitors. What makes your business different? How does your business stand out?

What makes your business stand out
Show others you are different enter code #StandOutNow

What makes your business stand out?

Our showcasing of your products or services will demonstrate why your competitors customers should buy from you. Pull in new customers to your business more profitably. Land more notice of what your business has to offer.

Do this differently

Formula 1 teams with smaller budgets have to fight for every last point by thinking and acting differently from their bigger competitors. You need to grab the attention of new customers in a different way from competitors unless you have unlimited advertising and marketing budget.

It is a challenge to capture more bang for your buck. BusinessRiskTV can help you attain more from every pound you spend.

What makes your business unique?

If your business is unique then great, but for many businesses this simply isn’t true. However if potential buyers don’t know what you’re offering then they will buy from your competitors instead. You’ve lost the sales not because your inferior but because you weren’t even in the running.

The most successful businesses are not necessarily the ones offering the best product or service, never mind a unique service. However there are innovative ways to make your business stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive advantage.

We can direct new customers towards your business products or services more profitably more sustainably for longer business growth with less uncertainty.

Make your business stand out more cost effectively

Use our creative innovative ways to do more business more profitably. Complete the form below and enter code #StandOutNow.

Be different but more successful with it


Use social media and online marketing in clever and interesting ways to creatively and innovatively grow your business more profitably more sustainably.

BusinessRiskTV What Makes Your Business Unique

Insurance Collaboration

Making insurance easier and cheaper to buy and sell with

Finding and marketing insurance online.

Call for insurance collaboration

Looking for a way to disrupt the commercial business insurance marketplace? Could Amazon Apple or Google sell commercial insurance policies cheaper and better? You are damn right they could. All three have pots of cash they could invest in selling business insurance more cost effectively. Will it happen perhaps not.

Once banks sort themselves out a while away I give you that they could become dominant virtual insurance companies in the commercial insurance marketplace. What about

  • Walmart or other supermarkets selling commercial insurance
  • Oil producers  might start deploying their money in other less risky ways to make a profit
  • State funds like Dubai or Norway built on oil could see insurance as an opportunity. An opportunity to totally disrupt the insurance marketplace

Apple and Google will take over the automotive marketplace in the future if Tesla are not too busy trying to get to Mars. Maybe too busy to attack the commercial business insurance marketplace but their innovative approach is a very good example of how traditional thinking in business could result in an obsolete company. BMW Ford et al none of them are immune and neither are insurance companies or insurance brokers.

Maybe your clients will buy their commercial insurance whilst on a flight across the channel on a business trip to USA. The insurer? Norway State fund is more stable than any insurance company. It might even take over a smaller insurance provider and use it as a base to disrupt the insurance marketplace.

Is the traditional insurance marketplace too big to be attacked?  Well AIG were not too big to fail. Smaller players in the insurance marketplace are not too big to suffer failure from different cause disruptive innovation.

Traditional ways of selling and distributing insurance cover to businesses are working

However could they also be done differently? We believe so and are seeking insurance provider partners to work with us on designing innovative ways to market and sell commercial insurance online locally and globally.

Integrating commercial insurance in holistic risk management could head off insurance marketplace disruptors from wherever they emerge.

However traditional ways of using insurance cover to help give business leaders a quiet nights sleep may be too conservative to survive.

Business Management Experts
Grow Faster With Less Uncertainty

Our point of contact to discuss more profitable ways to delivering insurance protection is Keith Lewis.

Do you want to grow your insurance business faster, more profitably and more sustainably?


#BusinessRiskTV #Insurance #FinTech #InsuranceSolutions


Will you suffer catastrophic loss to disruptive innovation or become a business disruptor yourself

Understand your future business threats and opportunities better with BusinessRiskTV

Protect yourself and benefit from innovation driven business growth

The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us. For some it will be a plague but for others it’ll will be a feast.

Every day you can find multiple great ideas that could potentially disruptive the current way of doing things. My favourites at the moment are flying modes of transport that could easily replace vehicles that have to travel on roads and flying machines that briefly go to space to get to their destination quicker. They may seem like far off technological developments, but the technology works now.   Its flight rules and regulations that will hold them back to protect carmakers and airplane makers not technology risks.

Everyday new innovative ideas and products flood onto the market. For most it will be like Tomorrows World. The innovative ideas will not be sustainable. We want to work with people who want to take over the world in a good way!

Pull in our resources to make innovation-driven business growth more likely to succeed and maximise the return of your investment of time and money.

Innovative Growth Forum - Business Disruptors Tips Advice Support

Subscribe to and enter code #BusinessDisruptors

If you don’t have time to be innovators you may need to find time to protect against business market disruptors

Fatal existential business decisions are easy to see in hindsight. Foresight consultants can help you take steps to protect yourself from your own poor business decisions.

Anyone can take a wrong turn. If you’re lucky the decision may not be malignant. You might survive to fight another day. On the other hand.

Professional Risk Management Services

Pro Risk Manager Service

Your brand maybe vulnerable to others who have been thinking differently, or from changes to the marketplace. It may fail cause your performance ain’t good enough, or because your competitors change the rules of the game.

How you fail may not matter too much after you’ve failed. It will be too late to consider what you are doing wrong. Kodak didn’t want to change when they had to change to survive. They were making too much money from photographs to change to embrace digital photography. Market changes can kill the best businesses.

The best form of defence is often attack

Being more innovative or creative can be frightening. Picking the wrong horse in a paddock of new opportunities can be very costly. Innovation can also be exciting and highly rewarding.

How To Increase Sales More Sustainably In Business

We aim to make innovation for you more exciting and rewarding as well as reducing the uncertainties that accompany innovation and creativity. Disruptive innovators can draw on our tips advice and support to become more successful with more certainty.


Do you understand weaknesses and strengths of your business strategy

Looking at strengths and weaknesses of an organisation with

Could you be wasting your business resources? Could you achieve more with the business assets you already have? Find out how to protect and grow your business faster with less uncertainty.

Will your strategy for business success fail or fail to achieve more?

Analysing your business strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats will help you understand your business better and the marketplace within which you need to succeed. By identifying where you are now within the market will facilitate any assessment of the best strategies for future business success.

  1. Decide how best to allocate your limited resources to get the best return of your invest of money and time
  2. Assess which weaknesses and threats to mitigate and which to accept
  3. Assess which strengths you need to capitalise upon
  4. Assess which new business opportunities will bring greatest reward from the same cost of capital and management time.
  5. Set a new strategy for business success with more confidence

Not only must you protect your business but you must explore the opportunity cost of not doing something that could bring greater rewards with the same cost.

By getting the most from your money and time you can maximise the profitability of your business.

For more information tips advice and support subscribe to for free alerts to business news, risk analysis and business reviews

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Analysing Your Business Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT
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Cheap ways to promote your business
Find out how to promote your business locally and globally CLICK HERE or email and enter code #Marketing

Put your products or services in front of new buyers more innovatively and sustainably

Link into your existing sales process direct from BusinessRiskTV more profitably. Increase your income streams. Grow your business faster with BusinessRiskTV.

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Business Risk Management Professionals Magazine ERM
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BusinessRiskTV Analysing Your Business Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats SWOT Risk Analysis

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capabilities

Improving enterprise risk management to boost business performance with BusinessRiskTV

How do you develop and improve your enterprise risk management model

How mature is your enterprise risk management system? Could improving your enterprise risk management framework and risk assessment process improve your enterprise performance?

Enter code #EnterpriseRiskManagementGuidance

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capability Reviews

Your enterprise risk management framework is critical to embed cost effective enterprise risk management principles practices and procedures to protect your business better and grow it faster. Apply an improved ERM framework to aid improved strategic operational and project risk outcomes to support improved business performance and sustainability with less uncertainty.

Build a more holistic integrated risk based decision making process


Achieve more with existing business assets.

Could you boost your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities?

Business leaders face new challenges to their business survival and prosperity on a daily basis. Our service will help you to build your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities for free.

Grow your risk knowledge and risk intelligence enterprise wide with the help of BusinessRiskTV. We can help you complete a business health check of your ERM capability and provide tips help and support you to grow your understanding of ERM in a practical way that brings improved productivity and business performance.

Preserve and grow the value of your business with help of BusinessRiskTV. Enhance your enterprise wide risk awareness to improve your business decision making process.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Training

Dynamically respond to internal and external risks for better risk management outcomes for benefit of all stakeholders in the business.

We will help you to put the enterprise risk management ERM theory into practice to help you achieve strategic operational and project objectives with more certainty.

Our ERM capabilities oversight will enable your business to adopt a more practical more cost effective approach to risk mitigation, and seizing more new business opoortunities.

Take the ERM capabilities business healthcheck to find out your enterprise risk management framework maturity level. When you have benchmarked where your business is now you can work on enhancing your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities.

Changing your decision making process will help managers and business owners achieve performance and profitability targets with more certainty. Improve your risk management capabilities with help of BusinessRiskTV.

Are you looking for practical advice on how to develop and embed your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities?

Most businesses have room to continuously improve their ERM capabilities for the purpose of improving overall business performance and enterprise wide risk management with more certainty.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free for alerts to the latest enterprise risk management ERM news, opinions and product reviews.

Enterprise risk management ERM capability
Improve your enterprise risk management capability enter code #ERM

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Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capabilities

Strategic Planning Process

Know Where You Are and Where Your Going

Develop new strategies to achieve what you want for your business with less uncertainty

Strategic Planning Consultants Strategic Planning Consultants assist you to achieve more with your existing assets rather than wish you had more resources.

They’ll help you identify what’s coming down the line for your business and then help you seta course for more success with less uncertainty.   Your business will become more resilient.   All your employees and other stakeholders will know clearly what your doing and why.   You’ll al be on the same bus going in the same direction and you’ll get there quicker and more profitably.

We’ll break down the steps you need to take for heightened success into manageable bites that you’ll quickly digest and move onto the next mouthful without indigestion!   Your diet of business advice will increase your appetite for more and more success, but you’re eyes will not become too big for your belly!

Strategic Planning BusinessRiskTV Strategic Planning

BusinessRiskTV Strategic Planning Consultants

Mitigating Threats Maximising Opportunities

Improving business performance with

Taking risks is critical for heightened business success. Too much or too little risk taking exposes an enterprise unnecessarily or restricts business performance unwittingly. Missed opportunities can be as expensive as massive business losses.

New Business Strategies Are Increasingly Important To Be More Successful For Longer

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Enter code #RiskTaking

Minimised Threats Maximised Opportunities

Strategic foresight consultants can help business leaders and entrepreneurs to make a success of their business regardless of the business environment. They inform the decision making process to reduce uncertainty and improve productivity.

Business Opportunities and Threats

Business Threats and Opportunities Live

Understand the threats and opportunities in front of you. Make decisions now to protect your business better and grow it faster. Identify evaluate and manage risks to exploit the creative insight of your existing employees to become more productive and more successful.

Business Risk Partners

BusinessRiskTV Risk Partners

BusinessRiskTV works with partners and clients to maximise the opportunities and minimise the threats to business objectives.

BusinessRiskTV Mitigating Threats Maximising Opportunities

Promote Market Advertise Online

BusinessRiskTV Connecting You Online With New Customers

Grow your business online with paid and free advertising tools and techniques. Our online marketing and internet advertising services reach out to your potential customers needs priorities and preferences when it comes to lifestyle and business purchases.

Entrepreneurs and business leaders know the best way to market any business online. We offer creative and innovative ways to do this. You pick the ones that are best for your business.

If you do not have a penny to spending promoting marketing advertising your business online you can still promote market advertise your business via our tools and techniques. Market your business yourself without spending a lot.

Promoting marketing and advertising your business is not about developing your website. It is about getting your business in front of potential customers more often so you can sell more profitably online for longer.

BusinessRiskTV encourages your potential customers to visit your own advertising tools like your website or social media account and tells them why they should buy your product or service and not your competitors product or service.

Enter code #PromoteAdvertise

Online Marketplaces for Online Shopping

How to advertise your business online for free

We have a number of tools to help you put your business in front of more potential customers for free. If you browse our website you’ll see plenty of opportunities to promote market and advertise your business online for free if you know how to promote your website free of cost.

Social Media Consultancy Services
Subscribe to Social Media Marketing Consulting Services enter code #SocialMediaMarketing

How to promote your business locally and globally on BusinessRiskTV

There are many opportunities on BusinessRiskTV to promote market advertise your business locally. We have designed the website so that you can target your investment of time and money in the places your potential customers are most likely to want to visit.

Our best marketing strategy for your business will depend on your business. We want to get to know your business products or services better before we select from various marketing strategies available to you. The marketing strategy that isright for your business will encourage more potential buyers to buy from you.   They will know for us why they should buy from you.

Free online advertising for small business

If you’re thinking ads when you think advertising we can do that for you. However our innovative advertising and marketing techniques help you appear in front of buyers with the capability of spending money on your products or services.   Feel free to exploit our free online advertising for small business tools.

Use social media and online marketing in clever and interesting ways to creatively and innovatively grow your business more profitably more sustainably.

BusinessRiskTV Promote Market Advertise Online

Most Important Things To Know In Business Are What Are Your Biggest Problems Impacting On Business Objectives

Understand what your key threats and opportunities really are with BusinessRiskTV

Take The Courage To Embrace Potential Failure Of Business

You Control the Solutions to Your Business Problems: Exploring Creative Thinking and Problem Solving in Business

In the dynamic landscape of business, problems are inevitable. From operational inefficiencies to market challenges, businesses face a myriad of obstacles that require strategic thinking and effective problem-solving skills. The ability to identify, analyse, and resolve these issues is crucial for organisational success and growth. This article explores the significance of problem solving in the business realm, delving into the BusinessRiskTV model as a powerful tool for addressing challenges. Furthermore, it highlights the role of creative thinking in problem solving and provides three practical ways businesses can leverage creativity to overcome obstacles.

  1. Understanding the Solution to Business Problems
    Before diving into the solutions, it is essential to grasp the concept of business problems and their significance. Business problems can range from operational bottlenecks to strategic dilemmas, and their resolution plays a vital role in maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring sustainability. By identifying the root causes of problems and employing appropriate problem-solving techniques, businesses can create innovative solutions that drive progress and success.
  2. The BusinessRiskTV Model of Problem Solving
    The BusinessRiskTV model offers a structured approach to problem solving, enabling businesses to navigate challenges effectively. This model involves six key steps: problem identification, analysis, solution generation, evaluation, implementation, and review. By following these steps, organisations can systematically address problems, ensuring comprehensive and sustainable solutions. The model encourages a proactive mindset, emphasising the importance of continuous improvement and learning from past experiences.
  3. The Importance of Solving Business Problems
    Solving business problems holds numerous benefits for organisations. Firstly, it helps optimise operational efficiency by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies, reducing costs, and improving productivity. Secondly, problem solving enables businesses to adapt to changing market conditions, seize opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. Furthermore, effective problem-solving fosters a culture of innovation, empowering employees to think critically and contribute to the organisation’s growth.
  4. Leveraging Creative Thinking in Problem Solving
    Creative thinking plays a crucial role in solving complex business problems. By encouraging fresh perspectives, challenging assumptions, and exploring unconventional solutions, businesses can unlock new possibilities and generate innovative ideas. This section explores three key ways in which organisations can utilise creative thinking:

a. Divergent Thinking: Encouraging brainstorming sessions and open discussions enables teams to generate a wide range of ideas. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, businesses can tap into the collective wisdom of their workforce and uncover unique solutions.

b. Design Thinking: This human-centered approach emphasises empathy, understanding, and collaboration. By immersing themselves in the customer’s perspective, businesses can develop innovative solutions that cater to their needs, preferences, and pain points.

c. Reverse Thinking: This approach involves challenging the status quo and flipping the problem on its head. By questioning assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives, businesses can discover fresh insights and uncover unconventional solutions.

What is the solution to the problem in the business? What is the McKinsey model of problem solving? Why is it important to solve business problems? What are 3 ways a business can use creative thinking to solve business problems?
What are business problems you may need to solve today?

Solving business problems is an imperative aspect of organisational success. By embracing the BusinessRiskTV model and incorporating creative thinking, businesses can take control of their challenges and pave the way for innovation and growth. The ability to identify problems, analyse their root causes, and generate effective solutions enables organisations to adapt to dynamic market conditions and gain a competitive edge. Moreover, by fostering a culture of creative thinking, businesses can unlock new perspectives and ideas, fueling continuous improvement and long-term success. Ultimately, the power to control the solutions to business problems lies within the organisation itself, and by leveraging their resources, knowledge, and creativity, businesses can overcome obstacles and thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Then take action to reduce the risk of failure

What is achievable in your business?

Know with more certainty what your business could achieve if it makes some changes.

Understand Key Threats And Opportunities

Use risk management experts to help you make right choices

Once you know what your biggest business problems are you can identify how to best use limited business resources to reap the quickest gains to achieve greater business success more quickly.

Too often people in business at all levels of the organisation are working extremely hard. This can be a problem because they can burn out whilst solving problems that do not matter to the achievement of key business objectives. Solutions include employing more staff to work on the same minor business problems then business leaders wonder why they are spending more without any increase in business productivity and no business performance improvement.

Improving business performance requires better use of existing key business assets for a better return in your investment of time and money.

Develop the quality and capacity of your workforce to achieve more for themselves and the business

Training employees to help themselves will help your business achieve its objectives by overcoming the biggest business problems more easily with existing  resources.

Get Help To Grow Your Business

Get Help To Grow Your Business Faster –

What are your biggest business problems

If you can’t answer this question immediately, right now, then you are missing out on quick more profitable gains to easily make your business more successful.

If you can answer this question immediately and with near absolute certainty then you should be performing pretty efficiently already. If not why haven’t you taken steps to remove barriers to your greater business and personal success?

Develop a new business management strategy with a new decision making process designed to help you identify evaluate and manage your biggest business problems more cost-effectively. If you can’t tell us what your biggest problems are in a very short summary of the key information then you haven’t truly identified your biggest critical business problems impacting on your business objectives.

Strategy to compete with competitors

Discover How To Beat The Competition In Sales

You could develop a new business strategy for success that is less complicated, cheaper to implement and brings greatest rewards if you change your thinking about business management.

This could be a pivotal moment for your business

You either know exactly what you need to do today to change your business trajectory or you may need a little outside help. BusinessRiskTV can provide that help.   If you do not need help we wish you well for the future.   If you do need help get in touch below and tell us what you need help with. Free Subscription Online

Business Risk Management Help Tips Advice Support

BusinessRiskTV Pragmatic Practical Business Solutions For Your Biggest Business Problems

Entrepreneur Advice To Aspiring Business Owners

Help and support for entrepreneurs

Find The Solutions To New Business Problems

Entrepreneurship tips advice and support on BusinessRiskTV. Entrepreneur business articles. Entrepreneurs sharing best practices to help other entrepreneurs. Find best entrepreneur and business forums for your business ideas and problems.

Take control of your future for more successful outcomes. Identify assess and manage future risks today. Make the future you want for your business by being better informed via our horizon scanning services.

BusinessRiskTV News Headline Risk Analysis Debate Discussion
Business News Headlines Debate Opinions and Enterprise Risk Analysis

Business Tips For Entrepreneurs

Access tips entrepreneurs to be successful from your phone pc or mobile device. Pick up tips for success in business.

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start a business on your own?Have you just set up a business and need help you overcome a business problem? Become a more successful entrepreneur with BusinessRiskTV.

Entrepreneur tips and strategies

Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs can overcome problems faster. Improve your foresight to adapt your business for improved success in future.

Are you planning for a brighter future

Identify a suitable business mentor to make progress faster and reduce uncertainty. Ask top business leaders to share their advice for entrepreneurs. Use our business coaching webinars to find out more about best working practices.

Cost ReductionsRisk Magazine
Discover new ways to protect and grow your business faster with BusinessRiskTV

Great Marketing Solutions for Every Business Owner with BusinessRiskTV

BusinessRiskTV Marketing Solutions

As a business owner, it’s essential to find the right marketing solutions that can help you attract new customers, increase your brand awareness, and ultimately grow your business. However, with so many marketing channels and strategies available, it can be challenging to know where to start and what to focus on.

Fortunately, BusinessRiskTV is a platform that offers great marketing solutions for every business owner, regardless of their size or industry. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best marketing solutions offered by BusinessRiskTV and how they can benefit your business.

BusinessRiskTV Directory Listing
One of the simplest yet effective marketing solutions offered by BusinessRiskTV is their directory listing service. By listing your business on their directory, you can increase your online visibility and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

BusinessRiskTV’s directory is organised by industry and location, making it easy for users to find businesses that match their needs. By listing your business on their directory, you’ll also benefit from increased exposure to BusinessRiskTV’s user base, which includes business owners, entrepreneurs, and investors.

BusinessRiskTV Video Marketing
Video marketing is becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach new customers and engage with their existing ones. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of video marketing solutions, including:

Video production: BusinessRiskTV can help you create high-quality videos that showcase your products or services, share your brand story, or provide educational content that helps your customers.

Video hosting: Once your videos are produced, BusinessRiskTV can host them on their platform, making it easy for you to share them on social media or embed them on your website.

Video promotion: BusinessRiskTV can also help promote your videos to their user base, increasing your exposure and engagement.

BusinessRiskTV Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers and build brand awareness. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of social media marketing solutions, including:

Social media management: BusinessRiskTV can help you manage your social media presence by creating and scheduling posts, monitoring your accounts for engagement, and providing analytics to track your progress.

Social media advertising: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and run social media ads that target your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website or landing pages.

Influencer marketing: BusinessRiskTV can connect you with social media influencers who can help promote your products or services to their followers.

BusinessRiskTV Content Marketing
Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of content marketing solutions, including:

Blogging: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and publish blog posts that share your industry insights, highlight your products or services, or provide educational content for your customers.

Email marketing: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and send email newsletters that keep your customers informed about your business and provide them with exclusive offers or promotions.

Whitepapers and eBooks: BusinessRiskTV can help you create longer-form content such as whitepapers and eBooks that provide in-depth information about your industry or products/services.

BusinessRiskTV SEO
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimising your website and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). BusinessRiskTV offers a range of SEO solutions, including:

On-page SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you optimise your website’s structure, content, and metadata to make it more search engine-friendly.

Off-page SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you build high-quality backlinks to your website, which can improve your search engine rankings.

Local SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you optimise your website and online listings to rank higher in local search results, making it easier for local customers to find and connect with your business.

BusinessRiskTV Event Marketing
Hosting events is a great way for businesses to connect with their customers and build brand awareness. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of event marketing solutions, including:

Event planning: BusinessRiskTV can help you plan and organize events that showcase your products or services, provide educational content for your customers, or build relationships with industry leaders.

Event promotion: BusinessRiskTV can help promote your events to their user base, as well as create and distribute promotional materials such as flyers and social media posts.

Event management: BusinessRiskTV can help you manage your events, from registration and ticketing to on-site management and post-event follow-up.

BusinessRiskTV Branding and Design
Branding and design are crucial components of any marketing strategy. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of branding and design solutions, including:

Logo design: BusinessRiskTV can help you create a logo that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Brand identity: BusinessRiskTV can help you develop a cohesive brand identity that includes your logo, colour scheme, typography, and other visual elements.

Graphic design: BusinessRiskTV can help you create eye-catching graphics for your website, social media, and marketing materials.

BusinessRiskTV offers a wide range of marketing solutions that can benefit businesses of all sizes and industries. From directory listings to video marketing, social media management, content marketing, SEO, event marketing, and branding and design, there’s something for every business owner looking to increase their online visibility, attract new customers, and grow their business.

By partnering with BusinessRiskTV, you can access these marketing solutions and benefit from their expertise in the field. They have a deep understanding of the latest marketing trends and strategies, as well as a user base that spans industries and regions.

If you’re looking for great marketing solutions for your business, consider partnering with BusinessRiskTV to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

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You may have already built a successful business. Or you want to start your own new business. Kicking on is not easy. Would you welcome some free help to make better business decisions?

Business leaders should never stop learning how to work better with their employees to find a way to achieve business and personals goals.

Small business owners and managers could improve the leadership and management skills with BusinessRiskTV. You may well be brilliant at what you do, but how can you inspire and encourage those who work for you to be brilliant too?

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Skills for business leaders

What Business Leaders Need to Know Today: Keys to Effective Leadership and Essential Skills

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, successful leaders must possess a unique set of skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities and challenges they face. This article explores the essential skills that business leaders need to cultivate and the keys to being an effective leader in the current business environment. Additionally, we will highlight the valuable resources available on to assist business leaders in their quest for excellence.

I. Adaptability and Agility: One of the primary skills business leaders need today is adaptability. The ability to respond to change quickly and effectively is crucial in a dynamic market. Leaders should be open to new ideas, embrace innovation, and encourage their teams to think creatively. offers insightful articles and resources on change management, strategic planning, and organisational agility, providing leaders with valuable insights into adapting their businesses to thrive in an ever-changing environment.

II. Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building: Emotional intelligence (EI) is another vital skill for leaders in today’s business world. Leaders must have the ability to understand and manage their own emotions while also empathising with their employees, clients, and stakeholders. Building strong relationships and fostering a positive work culture is essential for long-term success. offers resources on leadership development, communication strategies, and employee engagement, empowering leaders to enhance their emotional intelligence and create meaningful connections within their organisations.

III. Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making: Business leaders must possess excellent strategic thinking and decision-making skills. They need to have a clear vision for their organisation and be able to develop and execute effective strategies to achieve their goals. Moreover, leaders must make informed decisions based on data and market insights. provides valuable resources on strategic planning, risk management, and market analysis, equipping leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to make strategic decisions with confidence.

IV. Resilience and Risk Management: In today’s uncertain business landscape, leaders must be resilient and adept at managing risks. They should anticipate potential challenges, develop contingency plans, and lead their teams through difficult times. offers a wealth of resources on risk management, crisis leadership, and resilience strategies, enabling leaders to proactively identify and mitigate risks, ensuring the continuity and long-term success of their organisations.

V. Continuous Learning and Innovation: Successful business leaders recognise the importance of continuous learning and innovation. They actively seek opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills, staying updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. provides a platform for leaders to access industry-specific insights, thought leadership articles, and expert opinions, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within their organisations.

VI. Effective Communication and Team Management: Leadership is about effectively communicating goals, expectations, and feedback to team members. Business leaders must be skilled communicators who can inspire and motivate their teams, fostering collaboration and achieving optimal performance. offers resources on effective communication techniques, team management strategies, and leadership development programs, equipping leaders with the necessary skills to lead and manage diverse teams successfully.

VII. Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: In today’s business environment, ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are crucial for building trust and maintaining a positive reputation. Business leaders should prioritise ethical decision-making, accountability, and sustainability. provides resources on ethical leadership, CSR strategies, and sustainable business practices, guiding leaders in creating a purpose-driven organisation that contributes positively to society and the environment.

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Business leaders of today face unique challenges and opportunities in a rapidly evolving business landscape. By cultivating essential skills such as adaptability, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and resilience, leaders can navigate these challenges successfully. The keys to effective leadership lie in continuous learning, effective communication, and ethical decision-making. serves as a valuable resource hub, offering insights and tools that empower leaders to enhance their skills, make informed decisions, and drive their organisations towards long-term success in a rapidly changing world.

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Leaders In Business Innovation

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Business innovation is the most important way to beat other companies to find new income streams and develop profitability in the UK.

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How To Prepare Your Business For All Risks

BusinessRiskTV can help your business get prepared for the risks that threaten your resilience as well as the opportunities for business growth

Is your business prepared for the risks it faces in future?

Be Prepared For All Business Risks
Get your business ready for anything

Who or what will protect your business in future?

No one person or type of business protection will ensure your resilience and survival but you must at least be very clear how you are manage all business risks.

How well prepared your business will directly correlate with your ability to recover in the event of a major risk event. The lack of a practical plan of recovery could be the difference between business survival and business failure.

Although enterprise risks vary in scope form and size a well thought out business plan tailored to your business, will speed up your business recovery in the event of a disaster physical or reputation threatening.

Do not risk fatally damaging your business and all the investment in your key asset. The most resilient businesses have already thought through all types of risks and have a clear business sustainability plan regardless of the risk occurring.

With each risk your business faces, you need to know how to minimise the downside and maximise the upside outcomes.

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Small Business Financial Mistakes

Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

Small business owners often make financial mistakes that can have serious consequences for the success of their company. Here are some of the most common financial mistakes made by small business owners, and advice on how to prevent them:

  1. Not keeping accurate financial records: Without accurate financial records, it can be difficult for small business owners to make informed decisions about the financial health of their company. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should establish a system for keeping accurate financial records, such as using accounting software or hiring a bookkeeper.
  2. Not having a budget: A budget is an essential tool for small business owners, as it helps them to plan for expenses and manage cash flow. Without a budget, small business owners may overspend and find themselves in financial trouble. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should create a budget and stick to it.
  3. Not having enough working capital: Working capital is the amount of money a business has available to cover its short-term expenses. Without enough working capital, small business owners may struggle to pay bills and meet other financial obligations. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should maintain a healthy level of working capital by managing expenses and seeking financing when necessary.
  4. Not having adequate insurance: Insurance is an important tool for small business owners, as it helps protect their company against potential financial losses. Without adequate insurance, small business owners may find themselves facing financial ruin in the event of a disaster or other unexpected event. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should review their insurance needs and purchase the appropriate policies.
  5. Not diversifying investments: Small business owners often invest a significant portion of their assets in their own company, which can be risky. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should diversify their investments to spread risk.
  6. Not seeking professional advice: Small business owners often make financial decisions without seeking the advice of a professional. This can lead to costly mistakes. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should seek the advice of a financial advisor or accountant before making important financial decisions.

By avoiding these common financial mistakes, small business owners can increase the chances of success for their company.

Small Business Advice Forum
Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

More small business risk management articles and videos

  • Avoiding Financial Pitfalls: Top Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Prevent Them
  • Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them
  • Steering Clear of Financial Disaster: A Guide for Small Business Owners on Common Mistakes and Prevention Strategies
  • Financial Survival for Small Business Owners: Common Mistakes to Avoid and How to Protect Your Business

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