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Business reinvention with BusinessRiskTV

Change management thinking to a more balanced risk approach to threats and opportunities. Reinvent your business risk management model. Work with top thought leaders in the world of business thinking.

  • Evaluate your current business situation
  • Make more informed business decisions on how to proceed
  • Think about your appetite and business risk tolerance when considering what you want to achieve

The business marketplace is always changing. What people and business leaders want or expect changes. Change your business thinking to respond with more confidence. Proactively manage potential future risks better today.

Step guide to reinventing your business with BusinessRiskTV

Our guide to reinventing your business. Start with your risk management culture. Identify your management team risk appetite and risk tolerance. Identify your corporate tolerance to risk. The key to your business reinvention is your risk culture. You can then change your

  • risk management principles
  • risk management framework and
  • risk assessment process

This will help you deploy a risk management plan that works better for your business.

Develop a new business model for today and tomorrow


Overcome resistance to become a more forward thinking business with stronger resilience. Build greater business success with less uncertainty. Get ahead of the current business curve.

First step to reinventing a business

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Refresh your thinking and that of your business management team. Focus your resources on whats important to your business success. Manage the significant uncertainties impacting on your business objectives.

Reinvent your business before its too late

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Recommended articles and videos

Reinvent your thinking. Reinvent the way you respond emotionally to risk.

  • Is your risk perception reality?
  • How should you respond to risk events affecting other businesses and your business?
  • How do you prioritise risk management action plan?

Choose a more certain more positive business risk management plan for your business.

  • Make sure you have the risk tolerance capacity to manage threats and right risk appetite to achieve greater business success.
  • Adversity and failure can help you become more successful especially if you mitigate downside risk.
  • Grow your business regardless of how tough the economic climate is. Overcome all roadblocks.
  • Drive your business forward. Change course if you need to but keep on track to achieve business objectives
  • Find greater comfort and a quiet nights sleep knowing you have adopted best risk management plan for your business

Get help to find the best way forward for your business. Create more value with less uncertainty from existing resources. Start planning for greater business success.

BusinessRiskTV Reinventing Your Business Thinking Reinvent Your Business Stay Positive

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Analysing country and industry risks and potential impact on businesses. Broadcasting online risk management news research reports and commentary. Publishing risk management product and service reviews.

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Managing Uncertainty Better

Understand your business risks to manage your key business risks better with BusinessRiskTV

How do leaders manage uncertainty in business better

Managing uncertainty is a daily business dilemma. Business leaders have internal and external risk factors driving uncertainty in business. Often this uncertainty can lead to poorer business performance or even catastrophic business failure.

We are developing a business risk management hub to help inform your leadership team. Reduce the impact of uncertainty on your business success.

  1. Various risk management identification tools and techniques will bring emerging risks to your attention
  2. Our Partners analysis country and industry risks
  3. Inform your attitude to risk and take a more balanced risk based approach to business management

Our free enterprise risk management resources provide a free risk insight to the risks that matter to your business prosperity and even survival. Develop your risk knowledge for free.

Join in our online risk management discussions workshops and training sessions to hone your risk management skills and ability.

Leaders can manage uncertainty in various ways. Some bury their head in sand. Others adopt a belts and braces approach to risk control incurring imbalanced costs to benefits.

We can not guarantee you greater business success. We can help inform your business decision making process. You will be more likely to make better business decisions.

When facing doubts or uncertainty many business leaders turn to their gut instinct. Rolling the dice may turn up the result you are aiming for. This may work for you. However better risk management information may enable you to choose a different path. Or it may over procrastination to drive forward growth with more confidence. Not making a decision can be as bad as instinctively shooting off blindly.

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  • Leaders can use risk management principles and practices to take the next step towards success with more confidence.
  • Leaders can prepare themselves and their business to face the uncertain business environment to control threats and seize new business opportunities.
  • Leaders must learn to manage uncertainty better but they need not do this alone

Free subscription to BusinessRiskTV can support your business improvement plans.

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Meet the challenges to your business with more confidence. The world is facing growing uncertainty. Adjust your business strategy to account for the significant risks impacting on your business objectives.

Join more than 27000 people interested in better enterprise risk management.

  • Read business risk management articles relevant to your enterprise.
  • Watch videos to inform your business decisions making.
  • Pick up ideas from top business thought leaders to grow your business faster with less uncertainty.

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BusinessRiskTV Managing Uncertainty Better

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Business Risk Management Club

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Introducing the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club

BusinessRiskTV business risk management active members club enables members to contribute to BusinessRiskTV for free. Active members around the world contribute articles and videos to help grow their business faster with less uncertainty to help inform readers business risk management decision making.

  • Boost your sales more profitably
  • Increase your network of business contacts
  • Protect your business uncertainty negatively impacting on your business

If you want an innovative flexible way to grow your business faster and build business resilience join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV Club today.

Members of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club collaborate to reduce corporate threats and increase business growth opportunities through

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Build a more successful and sustainable business more easily with BusinessRiskTV.

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Join the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club and receive FREE business risk alerts bulletins and latest business risk news to stay ahead of your competition.

The Club is free to join. Then you choose whether you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV to promote your own business and inform online readers. You pay an annual membership fee to regularly contribute to BusinessRiskTV and promote your business interests cost effectively.

Key benefits of BusinessRiskTV Risk Club and reasons to join and contribute today

  1. Free to join. There is no cost to join the club. Once you join you also have the option of contributing to BusinessRiskTV to better market promote and advertise your business. In addition you will have increased access to discussions workshops and executive training to better protect your business. You are in control of what to do next after you join the club for free.
  2. Free business intelligence to inform your decision making to build your business resilience. Club members receive free news alerts and bulletins. Our risk watch service scans the horizon for emerging risks and analyses business risk trends. You can attend online discussions workshops and executive training sessions.
  3. Safe and secure. All payments are made through Paypal an independent third party online payment service which stops us receiving full details of your banking or payment details so you are protected by Paypals security systems.
  4. Build your online profile and connections to grow your business faster. BusinessRiskTV has an impressive online profile to connect you with local and global business risk management experts and new sales for your business.
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Fast Growing Local and Global Business Risk Management Connections

BusinessRiskTV has already built up an impressive bank of like minded business leaders and business risk management consultants for club meMbers to tap into for business tips advice and support.

The BusinessRiskTV Club is carefully expanding its reach to help business leaders to better protect and grow their own businesses and careers.

BusinessRiskTV Club is NOT just a talking shop. It is a business growth hub to practically accelerate members revenue streams. It is business accelerator where everyone has the same interest in seeing the businesses build resilience regardless of economic environment.

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Founder of BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Club

Read Keith Lewis Testimonials as to the quality of his work. This gives some background as to the quality of the business risk management business intelligence being gathered and distributed.

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You are in control of your relationship with us

In addition to controlling your own business risks better you are in total control of how you use BusinessRiskTV and how much you want to contribute to it to increase your own business growth.

You are always in control of your subscription to BusinessRiskTV club. You can choose to remain on the free membership and still receive free business intelligence and risk knowledge. Or you can regularly contribute to the content and thus increase your own business profile and business growth.

We are in it for the long term and look forward to working with members for sustainable mutual benefit. If you want to stop your membership you can at any time. We are looking forward to you working with us to help your business grow faster.

Hands Free Business Growth and Development Of Your Business

One of the great strengths of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club is that members do not need to know how to market their business online. You can simply email us the message you want to promote and we can connect you with more new potential customers or other business leaders.

You can read business risk management articles or watch videos for free including business risk management expert opinions and analysis to inform your own business decision making process.

After you join the club you can just use it as a simple way to be kept up to date on emerging and developing corporate risks impacting on your business objectives.

Sit back and receive email alerts to important business risk intelligence to develop your risk management knowledge. Alter your business risk management plan accordingly based on expert risk analysis. Alerts bulletins and news have the potential to build your business resilience and business growth.

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Boost Your Business Growth

BusinessRiskTV Club could be very profitable for your business if you contribute to the content and connect to your business. There are no guarantees of returns but membership of the club expands your options for greater business success and business resilience. There will be failures. That is the nature of business marketing and development. However you will get access to innovative flexible ways to grow and protect your business better. We will minimise the cost of uncertainty impacting on your business objectives over time. At the same time we will increase the chances of become a market leader in your industry and country.

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Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • Is BusinessRiskTV Club free to join and how does BusinessRiskTV make money? It is free to join now to receive free alerts bulletins and business risk news. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV by becoming a Member you pay an annual fee. BusinessRiskTV also accepts donations to support free independent business risk management news broadcasting and business risk management research. In addition businesses pay us one off fees to promote market and advertise their business products and services.
  • Am I tied into the BusinessRiskTV Club? It is free to join club. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV there is a membership fee. You are free to leave the club at anytime. You will not be entitled to a refund of the annual membership fee but will not be tied to renew your membership.
  • How long does membership last? 12 months renewable annually.
  • I do not know anything about online business marketing and development? That is one of the great strengths about being in the Business Risk Management Club. You simply join now and then we will email you to find out what you need to do to grow your business faster. We will then go away and start your marketing and promotion campaign. We will design post and update your contributions to promote your business. Our team of enterprise risk experts and business risk advisers to help protect and grow your business faster.
  • How fast will my business grow? It is impossible to say. It depends on how well we can work together to get the most from your existing business development tools and initiatives. The potential is there for massive gains but the value of your membership fee could be worthless if we fail to work well together. That is why our members should always diversify our marketing options to maximise the likelihood of increasing sales. We will guide you on the diversification options based on our discussions on what you offer and when. You are not putting all your business development eggs in one basket but the affordable membership fee expands the likelihood of your business growing faster.
  • How often can my business contribute to BusinessRiskTV? Contribution levels is based on hours it takes to produce and publish each contribution. You will be buying 56 hours of work to produce and publish your contributions each year.
  • Does my business need to contribute regularly to BusinessRiskTV? No. The more you contribute the more you promote your own business interests and increase the chances of faster business growth.
  • My business marketplace is not in UK so can I still join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV? YES! The Club is open to any business selling legal and morally acceptable products and services. Legal is legal but morally acceptable comes down to our own opinion as to what is morally acceptable. Areas include Europe USA Canada Latin America Australia and Asia Pacific.
  • Is paying my membership fee safe? Yes. Your membership fee will be paid via Paypal a global independent payment provider who have their own safe and secure payment systems. We will never see your full payment details as these are retained by Paypal who will transfer your membership fee to our Paypal account.
  • What is the annual membership fee? This will vary depending on how many members we have. As the number of members increase so will the annual membership fee so get in quick to keep your membership fee low!
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BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Business Risk News Bulletins

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Business Riskwatch

BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Watch

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Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; everything else is public relations

George Orwell

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Looking for ordinary members of the public to report news events and business leaders or risk experts to help inform our readership

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Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BusinessRiskTV video journalist.

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How to overcome trade barriers in international trade

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International Trade News

UK Japan free trade deal

UK Japan free trade deal signed October 2020

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Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership CPTPP Business Development with UK

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Better manage the risks of selling internationally

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How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

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Will you suffer catastrophic loss to disruptive innovation or become a business disruptor yourself

Understand your future business threats and opportunities better with BusinessRiskTV

Protect yourself and benefit from innovation driven business growth

The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us. For some it will be a plague but for others it’ll will be a feast.

Every day you can find multiple great ideas that could potentially disruptive the current way of doing things. My favourites at the moment are flying modes of transport that could easily replace vehicles that have to travel on roads and flying machines that briefly go to space to get to their destination quicker. They may seem like far off technological developments, but the technology works now.   Its flight rules and regulations that will hold them back to protect carmakers and airplane makers not technology risks.

Everyday new innovative ideas and products flood onto the market. For most it will be like Tomorrows World. The innovative ideas will not be sustainable. We want to work with people who want to take over the world in a good way!

Pull in our resources to make innovation-driven business growth more likely to succeed and maximise the return of your investment of time and money.

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If you don’t have time to be innovators you may need to find time to protect against business market disruptors

Fatal existential business decisions are easy to see in hindsight. Foresight consultants can help you take steps to protect yourself from your own poor business decisions.

Anyone can take a wrong turn. If you’re lucky the decision may not be malignant. You might survive to fight another day. On the other hand.

Professional Risk Management Services

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Your brand maybe vulnerable to others who have been thinking differently, or from changes to the marketplace. It may fail cause your performance ain’t good enough, or because your competitors change the rules of the game.

How you fail may not matter too much after you’ve failed. It will be too late to consider what you are doing wrong. Kodak didn’t want to change when they had to change to survive. They were making too much money from photographs to change to embrace digital photography. Market changes can kill the best businesses.

The best form of defence is often attack

Being more innovative or creative can be frightening. Picking the wrong horse in a paddock of new opportunities can be very costly. Innovation can also be exciting and highly rewarding.

How To Increase Sales More Sustainably In Business

We aim to make innovation for you more exciting and rewarding as well as reducing the uncertainties that accompany innovation and creativity. Disruptive innovators can draw on our tips advice and support to become more successful with more certainty.


Are you confident you are managing all significant business risks cost effectively

How to manage risk in business with

Is your business taking too much or too little risk?

Have more confidence in your business risk management decision making process. Improve your business performance and build business resilience.

Assuming you are managing enterprise risks well can be dangerous

You might be taking too much risk unknowingly but you might also be taking too little risk and failing to make the best use of your business assets.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

How confident are you that you are managing enterprise risks cost effectively?

What are the hidden costs of your failure to manage risk properly

  • Missed opportunities cost
  • Over protection of business wasting resources and increasing your costs
  • Under protection leaving you exposed threatening your survival or prosperity and stopping you getting a quiet night’s sleep

Can you demonstrate to your business stakeholders that significant enterprise-wide risks are being effectively managed? Have you a balanced risk -reward risk management plan that prioritises the allocation of resources for best potential effect on business objectives? When was the last time you reviewed your enterprise risk management plan?

Enterprise Risk Magazine

Controlling the risks in the workplace is not just about safety and business insurance. Your business must control enterprise wide risks. What is the aggregate effect of risk on your business objectives? Do you understand the threats to objectives and the opportunities you have in front of you?

Find out how enterprise risk management can help you monitor your overall business’s performance

Identify and manage both external risk drivers and internal risk drivers impacting on your business success.

Manage Risk Better
Improve your risk knowledge to solve business problems today and in future

Do you have confidence your business is ready for emerging risks?

We are only at the beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Many jobs are going to disappear. Many jobs are going to change. Businesses that don’t change to reflect emerging risks will not survive the rapid changes that have started but will accelerate over next few years.

Prepare Your Business For The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Maximising business opportunities for growth 

There is a yin and yang to all threats and opportunities.  

  • Every threat comes with an opportunity to change for the better.  
  • Every opportunity comes with a threat that the new will destroy existing value.

Business decision makers have tougher choices now than many recent business leaders have faced and many choices may threaten survival if you choose badly. Making good choices could also drive your business forward much faster than recently possible due to the financial crisis of 2008 and recovery therefrom.

Risk and Opportunities Analysis

Have you identified and assessed your enterprise wide risks?

What have you done about the more significant risks to your business objectives? Managing risk is increasingly central to the art of business management. It is not a science. What is right for one business may not work for another in the same industry. Much will depend on the leaders of each business within the same industry.

Business Risk Assessment
Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

Give your managers more confidence in your company to prperly assessing all the signiciant business risks to your organisation.

There is a risk to every business decision you make. Systematically look at all the risks across your business to enable you to focus your limited resources on the options most likely to boost your business performance, productivity and profitability.

Armed with the right risk management tools and techniques, risk knowledge and business intelligence you can manage risk more cost effectively more successsfully.

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How to monitor risk management plan

Evaluating risk management action plan

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Are you confident you are managing all significant business risks cost effectively

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capabilities

Improving enterprise risk management to boost business performance with BusinessRiskTV

How do you develop and improve your enterprise risk management model

How mature is your enterprise risk management system? Could improving your enterprise risk management framework and risk assessment process improve your enterprise performance?

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Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capability Reviews

Your enterprise risk management framework is critical to embed cost effective enterprise risk management principles practices and procedures to protect your business better and grow it faster. Apply an improved ERM framework to aid improved strategic operational and project risk outcomes to support improved business performance and sustainability with less uncertainty.

Build a more holistic integrated risk based decision making process


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Business leaders face new challenges to their business survival and prosperity on a daily basis. Our service will help you to build your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities for free.

Grow your risk knowledge and risk intelligence enterprise wide with the help of BusinessRiskTV. We can help you complete a business health check of your ERM capability and provide tips help and support you to grow your understanding of ERM in a practical way that brings improved productivity and business performance.

Preserve and grow the value of your business with help of BusinessRiskTV. Enhance your enterprise wide risk awareness to improve your business decision making process.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Training

Dynamically respond to internal and external risks for better risk management outcomes for benefit of all stakeholders in the business.

We will help you to put the enterprise risk management ERM theory into practice to help you achieve strategic operational and project objectives with more certainty.

Our ERM capabilities oversight will enable your business to adopt a more practical more cost effective approach to risk mitigation, and seizing more new business opoortunities.

Take the ERM capabilities business healthcheck to find out your enterprise risk management framework maturity level. When you have benchmarked where your business is now you can work on enhancing your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities.

Changing your decision making process will help managers and business owners achieve performance and profitability targets with more certainty. Improve your risk management capabilities with help of BusinessRiskTV.

Are you looking for practical advice on how to develop and embed your enterprise risk management ERM capabilities?

Most businesses have room to continuously improve their ERM capabilities for the purpose of improving overall business performance and enterprise wide risk management with more certainty.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free for alerts to the latest enterprise risk management ERM news, opinions and product reviews.

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Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capabilities

Mitigating Threats Maximising Opportunities

Improving business performance with

Taking risks is critical for heightened business success. Too much or too little risk taking exposes an enterprise unnecessarily or restricts business performance unwittingly. Missed opportunities can be as expensive as massive business losses.

New Business Strategies Are Increasingly Important To Be More Successful For Longer

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

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Minimised Threats Maximised Opportunities

Strategic foresight consultants can help business leaders and entrepreneurs to make a success of their business regardless of the business environment. They inform the decision making process to reduce uncertainty and improve productivity.

Business Opportunities and Threats

Business Threats and Opportunities Live

Understand the threats and opportunities in front of you. Make decisions now to protect your business better and grow it faster. Identify evaluate and manage risks to exploit the creative insight of your existing employees to become more productive and more successful.

Business Risk Partners

BusinessRiskTV Risk Partners

BusinessRiskTV works with partners and clients to maximise the opportunities and minimise the threats to business objectives.

BusinessRiskTV Mitigating Threats Maximising Opportunities

How To Manage Business Risk Better and Grow Business Faster

How to grow a company successfully with

Could you manage your business risks better? Do you know what the key threats to your business are and how to manage risks better? Maybe more cost effectively? Could you grow your business faster? Inform you decision making with BusinessRiskTV business risk management articles videos and online broadcasts.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a business plan

Evaluate If Your Business Is Ready

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Encourage Proactive Management

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Learn New Risk Management Techniques In Business

Common business risks facing your business could be managed better. Learn new ways  to manage risk more productively with more certainty.

Running a business can be very satisfying but it can also be dangerous for the health of your finances! Potential risks will present ways to threaten business survival or reduce profitability. Other risks may present opportunities to grow faster. Both types of risk need to be managed to maximise your success both personally and corporately.

The business environment sets the scene for successful businesses it does not dictate your success or failure

Anyone can cross their fingers and hope for success but clever business leaders don’t leave their success to luck!

If you don't drive your business forward your set for failure
Drive Your Business Forward With

Not everything is going to go well no matter how hard you plan things. Life often gets in the way of the best business plans! In the real world you have to take calculated risks to achieve more than the next business leader who is risk averse.

How do you get the enterprise risk balance right though?

There are many ways to get the right enterprise risk management ERM balance right. First of all you need to know where you are now and how much of an appetite for risk your key decision makers have.

Once risk appetite and risk tolerance are clear then the culture of risk management can be tailored to strike the right risk management balance for your organisation.

How to identify manage and control the effect of risk on your business objectives

Some risk has to be accepted. How much? What is not acceptable has to be managed. How will risk is managed will dictate how sustainable your business will be in future as well as how successful it will be.

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BusinessRiskTV How to manage business risk better and grow business faster with more certainty

Most Important Things To Know In Business Are What Are Your Biggest Problems Impacting On Business Objectives

Understand what your key threats and opportunities really are with BusinessRiskTV

Take The Courage To Embrace Potential Failure Of Business

You Control the Solutions to Your Business Problems: Exploring Creative Thinking and Problem Solving in Business

In the dynamic landscape of business, problems are inevitable. From operational inefficiencies to market challenges, businesses face a myriad of obstacles that require strategic thinking and effective problem-solving skills. The ability to identify, analyse, and resolve these issues is crucial for organisational success and growth. This article explores the significance of problem solving in the business realm, delving into the BusinessRiskTV model as a powerful tool for addressing challenges. Furthermore, it highlights the role of creative thinking in problem solving and provides three practical ways businesses can leverage creativity to overcome obstacles.

  1. Understanding the Solution to Business Problems
    Before diving into the solutions, it is essential to grasp the concept of business problems and their significance. Business problems can range from operational bottlenecks to strategic dilemmas, and their resolution plays a vital role in maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring sustainability. By identifying the root causes of problems and employing appropriate problem-solving techniques, businesses can create innovative solutions that drive progress and success.
  2. The BusinessRiskTV Model of Problem Solving
    The BusinessRiskTV model offers a structured approach to problem solving, enabling businesses to navigate challenges effectively. This model involves six key steps: problem identification, analysis, solution generation, evaluation, implementation, and review. By following these steps, organisations can systematically address problems, ensuring comprehensive and sustainable solutions. The model encourages a proactive mindset, emphasising the importance of continuous improvement and learning from past experiences.
  3. The Importance of Solving Business Problems
    Solving business problems holds numerous benefits for organisations. Firstly, it helps optimise operational efficiency by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies, reducing costs, and improving productivity. Secondly, problem solving enables businesses to adapt to changing market conditions, seize opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. Furthermore, effective problem-solving fosters a culture of innovation, empowering employees to think critically and contribute to the organisation’s growth.
  4. Leveraging Creative Thinking in Problem Solving
    Creative thinking plays a crucial role in solving complex business problems. By encouraging fresh perspectives, challenging assumptions, and exploring unconventional solutions, businesses can unlock new possibilities and generate innovative ideas. This section explores three key ways in which organisations can utilise creative thinking:

a. Divergent Thinking: Encouraging brainstorming sessions and open discussions enables teams to generate a wide range of ideas. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, businesses can tap into the collective wisdom of their workforce and uncover unique solutions.

b. Design Thinking: This human-centered approach emphasises empathy, understanding, and collaboration. By immersing themselves in the customer’s perspective, businesses can develop innovative solutions that cater to their needs, preferences, and pain points.

c. Reverse Thinking: This approach involves challenging the status quo and flipping the problem on its head. By questioning assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives, businesses can discover fresh insights and uncover unconventional solutions.

What is the solution to the problem in the business? What is the McKinsey model of problem solving? Why is it important to solve business problems? What are 3 ways a business can use creative thinking to solve business problems?
What are business problems you may need to solve today?

Solving business problems is an imperative aspect of organisational success. By embracing the BusinessRiskTV model and incorporating creative thinking, businesses can take control of their challenges and pave the way for innovation and growth. The ability to identify problems, analyse their root causes, and generate effective solutions enables organisations to adapt to dynamic market conditions and gain a competitive edge. Moreover, by fostering a culture of creative thinking, businesses can unlock new perspectives and ideas, fueling continuous improvement and long-term success. Ultimately, the power to control the solutions to business problems lies within the organisation itself, and by leveraging their resources, knowledge, and creativity, businesses can overcome obstacles and thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Then take action to reduce the risk of failure

What is achievable in your business?

Know with more certainty what your business could achieve if it makes some changes.

Understand Key Threats And Opportunities

Use risk management experts to help you make right choices

Once you know what your biggest business problems are you can identify how to best use limited business resources to reap the quickest gains to achieve greater business success more quickly.

Too often people in business at all levels of the organisation are working extremely hard. This can be a problem because they can burn out whilst solving problems that do not matter to the achievement of key business objectives. Solutions include employing more staff to work on the same minor business problems then business leaders wonder why they are spending more without any increase in business productivity and no business performance improvement.

Improving business performance requires better use of existing key business assets for a better return in your investment of time and money.

Develop the quality and capacity of your workforce to achieve more for themselves and the business

Training employees to help themselves will help your business achieve its objectives by overcoming the biggest business problems more easily with existing  resources.

Get Help To Grow Your Business

Get Help To Grow Your Business Faster –

What are your biggest business problems

If you can’t answer this question immediately, right now, then you are missing out on quick more profitable gains to easily make your business more successful.

If you can answer this question immediately and with near absolute certainty then you should be performing pretty efficiently already. If not why haven’t you taken steps to remove barriers to your greater business and personal success?

Develop a new business management strategy with a new decision making process designed to help you identify evaluate and manage your biggest business problems more cost-effectively. If you can’t tell us what your biggest problems are in a very short summary of the key information then you haven’t truly identified your biggest critical business problems impacting on your business objectives.

Strategy to compete with competitors

Discover How To Beat The Competition In Sales

You could develop a new business strategy for success that is less complicated, cheaper to implement and brings greatest rewards if you change your thinking about business management.

This could be a pivotal momentum for your business

You either know exactly what you need to do today to change your business trajectory or you may need a little outside help. BusinessRiskTV can provide that help.   If you do not need help we wish you well for the future.   If you do need help get in touch below and tell us what you need help with. Free Subscription Online

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Want help with your business growth strategy?

What is the key to business success for your company

What Is key to busness growth

Key To Faster Business Growth

If you do not grow you may not survive

Most businesses lose business for existing customers. You can lose revenue from existing customers for a variety of reasons not all within your control. You are business could die a death of a thousand cuts. Gradually losing many customers over long period of time.

To survive and prosper you need to grow your customers. Either more income from existing customers or find new customers to sell more to. What is your strategy for business growth?

Key to business success

The right key for your business may differ slightly from the key that works for another business. BusinessRiskTV can help you find the right key for driving your business performance to greater business success.

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The risks that surround growing your business faster can be as daunting as the risk of an event interrupting normal existing business activities. Our holistic risk management approach will manage upside and downside risks better to help upgrade and expand your business with more confidence in your decision making. Improve the outcomes from your preferred business choices.

What is it you want for your business

We can help you get it. We know you are passionate about growing your business. We are passionate about helping you grow your business faster.

We’ll help you ask the right questions of your business and help you find the answers. More than that we will help you implement the actions needed to make your business more successful.

BusinessRiskTV Key To Success In Small Business

Why Do Businesses Need Leaders

Develop your business leadership skills with BusinessRiskTV

The importance of leadership in business is either underestimated or played down. Your team or business functions will operate in line with the inspiration you create or fail to create. Zombie businesses can survive in most business climates, but few will thrive in the business marketplace without good leadership, either from the top, or from middle managers who pick up the baton where the actual leaders have dropped it.

Innovative Leadership In Business

Leaders are needed at all levels of the business

However a great business needs a great visionary. Most visionary’s are made not born. That’s the good news! The bad news is that few business leaders seek to create a vision for their business that everyone else can buy into.

Whats worse is that few businesses invest sufficiently in developing future business leaders

There are many reasons for this. For some businesses, existing business leaders fear training those below them in case they walk away from the business to competitors or to become a new competitor business.

One way to overcome this fear is to share the rewards developing leaders bring to the business and not be too  greedy over short term spoils of new business generated and instead look to the long term benefit of fairly rewarding key business team members.

All hugely successful organisations and businesses need effective leaders

To become a great business leader requires much more than technical business skills that say accountants and lawyers may have. Great business leaders have bundles of emotional intelligence to bring in everybody into improve business performance not just the Board.

Top business leaders are not always brilliant business managers. You can be an amazing business manager, but may never be a business leader. Often great business leaders are not in management positions. Their talent is wasted cause they never get into a position to fully express themselves for the benefit of the business as a whole and themselves.

How do you find the business leaders in your business and bring business leaders together to focus on sustainable business growth?

Enterprise risk management methodology will help in this regard. Many SMEs and large businesses can benefit from developing the leaders who will guide us to a better future.

A look at the business news headlines in most week’s will reveal examples of bad business leadership. W need to help educate business leaders better to reduce frequency of bad business events and increase the occurrence and size of business successes. How we get there does not matter too much, but too often we don’t.

Is your business a zombie business, or worse a business that’s about to hit the rocks?

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BusinessRiskTV Why Do Businesses Need Leaders

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How to improve an organisation performance will vary depending on the type of business and the culture of your business developed by its leaders. Our approach is flexible.   We would welcome the opportunity to talk to you about our ideas for better business protection and faster growth.

Every organisation is striving to improve. We can help you achieve that improvement through greater employee engagement to simple tools and techniques to attract new customers.

  • Pick up tips and ideas for improving overall company performance with a risk based approach to business management.
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Put your customer success first and in the process focus on your own business performance improvement. If you want to increase the productivity of your business we can help you focus your existing resources to improve business performance.

Sometimes business owners want to improve their business but are not sure how to. Access tips for improving your business performance.

Develop your knowledge you need to fine tune your organisation so it performs at its best day in day out enterprise wide with an holistic risk based approach to business decision making.

High levels of employee engagement in an organisation are linked to superior business performance including increased profitability.

How To Increase Business Performance

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How To Improve Sales More Profitably

No matter your budget there are always ways to increase your sales and grow your business faster. What are the steps to help grow your business faster? Find out more about new creative ways to boost sales in the UK. Get help to increase your business sales.

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  • establish an integrated risk based enterprise wide approach to management
  • understand internal and external risk drivers which impact on your objectives
  • improve the efficiency and productivity
  • improve management information reporting and dissemination
  • develop your risk management for strategic operational and project risks

Use our deep understanding of enterprise risk management to identify and implement cost saving initiatives improve sales and manage risks better.

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How to increase productivity in an organisation

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How To Improve Business Performance

Productivity In The UK Workplace

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How To Improve Productivity In The Workplace In UK

For the UK to sustainably increase wages meet the needs of an aging population and develop business growth it needs to increase productivity by 25 percent just to match the productivity of German workers in recent times.

German workers have the same output in 4 days that it takes UK workers 5 days to produce, according to the UK Chancellor Philip Hammond in is Autumn Statement on the UK performance to date.

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Improving Productivity In The Workplace

Increasing output for every hour of input

To improve productivity, the UK needs to produce more from every effort put into a business or enterprise. The UK government needs to play its part including boosting internet broadband availability and speeds, improving road rail and air transportation, as well as increase spending on other infrastructure improvements. However every business needs to work out what it needs to do to get more output from the same resources.

Poor sales growth domestically and internationally, reliance on cheap particularly foreign workers(most of UKs new jobs created over recent year have been foreign workers), and a lack of investment in training of employees is a big part of the UK Plcs poor productivity. Another significant part is the lack of engagement of existing assets the existing workforce. Business enterprise leaders have not involved the whole workforce in business decision-making. Every business has talented workers who know how to solve business problems and improve productivity but business leaders have not taken a holistic approach to productivity improvement. Where a business has poor productivity it is because not everyone is on the some bus to achieve a common destination. The solution is to engage the workforce more in business decision making process.

improve productivity in business

How do you improve your business productivity

The public sector also needs to do more with less, in an age of austerity. The UK needs to somehow get more out of every available resource invested in public services.

BusinessRiskTV will help you get everyone on the same bus!

BusinessRiskTV will use business enterprise risk management tools and techniques to engage your workforce to improve business productivity and overall performance.

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How efficient is your business?

Have your investments in people and other assets produced as much as possible? Could you produce more with your existing resources? Could you more cleverly focus your money and time on efforts that will bring greater corporate and individual rewards?

Business Risk Assessment

Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

Or are you working hard at working hard

Few business leaders and their employees don’t work hard. Hard work is required, but if you are all working hard with insignificant improvement then maybe you should ask yourself if there might be another way to make business decisions?

Better Business Decision Making Faster Business Growth More Corporate Enterprise Success

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Effective Ways to Enhance Workplace Productivity

Find out how to boost your business productivity in the UK. Complete the form below and tell us a bit about your business and business needs.

Want your business to be as productive as possible?   Pick up business tips on how to get the most out of your existing resources from your peers and from business management experts in your country, industry or business focus.

The time for looking for cost savings has passed. It is now time to look for ways to increase value produced by your business.

  • Is your business a Zombie business. Not alive just existing?
  • Is your business a dead-fish that you are blaming on being in a stagnant pool, when there is plenty of life in your area of expertise but you just can’t find business growth?
  • Do you need practical steps you can take today or tomorrow that will increase your business opportunities?
  • How can you improve the workplace culture without increasing wages immediately?
  • How can you motivate your employees  to be more productive and therefore produce a more profitable workplace?
  • Our approach to improving productivity in the workplace is not to just talk about improvement but to help create business growth

We will help you improve effective communication across your organisation to help all employees to perform better.

Develop a more positive risk management culture to increase productivity.

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Positive Risk Management

BusinessRiskTV Improving Business Enterprise Productivity

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If you have got a great story to tell we will be the megaphone to get you heard more often!

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Sell more to people and businesses on your doorstep and dip your toe into the export marketplace on the back of a low value pound which could be making your products and services more than 10 percent cheaper abroad.

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Marketplace Consultants Helping Online Selling Partners Grow Their Business Faster With BusinessRiskTV

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Virtual Exhibition Platform To Showcase Your Business Products and Services To Buyers Already Interested In Your Type Of Business Offering

Business Magazine Articles

Write about what you know – your business!   By writing about your business products and services, you develop your brand and help potential new customers to understand why they should buy from you and not one of your competitors.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Magazine

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Magazine

Inform your business decision making process with risk based articles.   Watch business management videos online for free.   See experts risk analysis for your country or industry.

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  • Align your risk taking with your appetite for risk

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Understand Enterprise Risk Management ERM

BusinessRiskTV can help you to understand ERM to help protect your business better and grow it faster. Embed enterprise risk management principles and practices to boost your business performance.

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What are the internal and external risk drivers in your organisation?

Are you responsible for driving the risk management process in your enterprise? Need some help to manage key risk drivers better? Learn how to improve the level of understanding of risk across your enterprise.

New to it? Learn how to develop and a risk management process in your business.

Reap the benefits of enterprise risk management for your organisation

Manage and optimise risks facing your organisation to achieve more with your existing resources.

Develop an enterprise wide approach to managing strategic, operational and project risks. Understand external and internal risks to achieve objectives with less uncertainty.

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Are You An Entrepreneur Or Business Leader Who Is Procrastinating Or Fearful Of The Future?

Making better business decisions with BusinessRiskTV

UK Business Growth Opportunities

Business leaders need confidence in their decision making and entrepreneurial thinking to find new business opportunities.

Positive Risk Management
Positive Risk Management

Look at the world through an improving business and economic environment.   The UK is strong and set to get stronger

Guide to being more successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur
Supporting Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

Are You an entrepreneur of business leader who is procrastinating or fearful of the future

The UK has the skills and ability to be greater than it is right now

Don’t listen to the doom-mongers! The UK has more opportunities to grow faster than it has had in front of it for decades.   Don’t look back at today and think, “I wish I had seized the day”. The time for waiting is over. Today will be the past and your great historic past is for the making now!

Business Leaders Need To Cut Their Cloth Accordingly

Are there huge economic uncertainties just now?

Of course! When haven’t there been significant uncertainties for business?   However, should we wait before investing time and money in our future?   Absolutely not! This is the time for sowing the seeds of your future success.   Businesses in the UK have so many opportunities for growth.

Where are the growth opportunities ?

Well have you looked properly! They are there. Your competitors may have spotted them. Look and you shall find!

Too much noise and not enough action!

Everybody is busy, but being busy doesn’t mean to say you’re in the growth business. Are you working hard but standing still? Have you got the talent, the assets and the ambition but not the results you’d hoped for?

The UK was built on innovation and hard graft, but in the recent past, we’ve been grafting too much and not innovating enough. The UK’s business leaders need to think smarter, not just work harder.

I could do with some help here mate!

Talk is cheap! I hear you! However, talking with like minded innovators who want to move to the action phase quickly might produce new business growth for your company.

Do most business leaders want the same thing – growth? Presumably none want to down-size. Many are happy to stay the same, though few businesses can survive by staying the same.

Many of your peers are happy to share ways to overcome barriers to business survival and business growth. No one person knows it all and even if they did, what they learnt would soon be out of date. Unless you keep up to date with best practices and evolving methods of working, you are going backwards behind competitors.

Sometimes we need to be inspired by the actions of others

Olympic competitors are inspired by the achievements of other Olympians. They may be at the top of their game, but they can still be inspired by the success of their peers.

Balanced Enterprise Risk Perspective

Are you taking too little or too much risk?   Poor business performance can come from too much, or too little risk.

Getting access to the horse’s mouth

If you don’t know – ask for free! It is highly unlikely that your business problems are totally unique. They might be unusual and have a different impact on your business, but the solution to your business problems have almost certainly already been found at another business somewhere in the world.

It is important to get risk into the right perspective. If you don’t know enough about your enterprise risks, it is possible that you are being overly cautious.   Alternatively you might be acting (or not acting) recklessly, and are on the edge of catastrophic disaster, due to lack of risk knowledge. Are you deliberately not asking questions cause you might not like the answers?

Are you an entrepreneur or business leader who is procrastinating?

Become a Risk Management Online member to access enterprise risk management collaboration for faster business growth and better business protection.


10 Essential Habits to Nurture and Develop as an Entrepreneur

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires more than just having a great business idea. It involves nurturing certain habits that can help you navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey. In this article, we will explore ten essential habits that aspiring entrepreneurs should cultivate to foster personal and professional growth. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and increase your chances of success.

  1. Embrace Continuous Learning. One of the key habits for nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit is a commitment to continuous learning. Successful entrepreneurs understand that knowledge is power, and they never stop seeking opportunities to expand their expertise. They read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, and engage in online courses to stay updated with the latest industry trends and developments. By fostering a thirst for knowledge, you can make informed decisions, adapt to changing circumstances, and position yourself as an expert in your field.
  2. Cultivate Resilience. Entrepreneurship is a challenging endeavour, often marked by setbacks and failures. To navigate through these hurdles, it is crucial to cultivate resilience. Successful entrepreneurs view failures as learning opportunities and bounce back stronger. They develop a positive mindset, practice self-care, and surround themselves with a support network that encourages them during tough times. By embracing resilience, you can overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and persevere on your entrepreneurial journey.
  3. Foster Creativity. Creativity is at the heart of entrepreneurship. To nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, make creativity a daily habit. Allow yourself to think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and explore new ideas. Engage in activities that stimulate your creativity, such as brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, or artistic endeavors. By fostering creativity, you can generate innovative solutions, differentiate yourself from competitors, and seize new opportunities.
  4. Practice Effective Time Management. Time management is crucial for entrepreneurs who juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks. Develop habits such as setting clear goals, prioritising tasks, and utilising productivity tools. Identify your most productive hours and allocate them to the most critical activities. Additionally, delegate tasks and outsource non-essential activities to free up your time for strategic decision-making and growth-oriented pursuits. Effective time management will enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and enable you to make the most of each day.
  5. Build a Strong Network. Successful entrepreneurs understand the power of networking and relationship building. Cultivate the habit of attending industry events, joining professional organisations, and actively engaging in online communities. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, mentors, and potential partners. By building a strong network, you gain access to valuable resources, receive guidance from experienced entrepreneurs, and open doors to new opportunities.
  6. Develop Effective Communication Skills. Effective communication is vital for entrepreneurs, whether it’s pitching ideas to investors, collaborating with team members, or connecting with customers. Practice active listening, articulate your thoughts clearly, and develop strong interpersonal skills. Embrace different communication channels, including public speaking, writing, and digital platforms. By honing your communication skills, you can convey your vision persuasively, build strong relationships, and inspire others to support your entrepreneurial endeavors.
  7. Embody Adaptability. In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability is essential for entrepreneurial success. Develop the habit of embracing change, seeking feedback, and staying flexible in your approach. Be willing to pivot when necessary and adjust your strategies based on market trends and customer feedback. By embodying adaptability, you can stay ahead of the curve, seize emerging opportunities, and navigate through uncertain times with confidence.
  8. Prioritise Self-Reflection. Entrepreneurs often get caught up in the daily grind and neglect self-reflection. However, taking time to evaluate your progress and introspect is crucial for personal and professional growth. Cultivate the habit of journaling, meditation, or mindfulness practices. Reflect on your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. By prioritising self-reflection, you gain clarity, make better decisions, and develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your entrepreneurial journey.
  9. Embrace Risk-Taking. Entrepreneurship inherently involves taking risks. To nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, develop a habit of calculated risk-taking. Understand the potential rewards and consequences of each decision, conduct thorough research, and trust your instincts. Learn from failures, iterate, and adapt. By embracing calculated risk-taking, you can uncover new opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and propel your entrepreneurial ventures forward.
  10. Practice Resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to develop resilience as a daily habit. Surround yourself with a supportive network, take care of your physical and mental well-being, and maintain a positive mindset. View failures as learning experiences, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and persevere in the face of adversity. By practicing resilience, you can overcome obstacles, maintain your focus, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

Nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit requires the cultivation of specific habits that foster personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. By embracing continuous learning, cultivating resilience, fostering creativity, practicing effective time management, building a strong network, developing effective communication skills, embodying adaptability, prioritising self-reflection, embracing risk-taking, and practicing resilience, you can enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and increase your chances of success. Incorporate these habits into your daily routine, and watch yourself grow into a successful and thriving entrepreneur.


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How To Improve Supply Chain Risks

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Manage business threats and opportunities with enterprise risk management ERM principles and practices. Take a practical enterprise risk based approach to supply chain management. Review your top risks in your supply chain.

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Assess and mitigate supplier risk

Learn more about improving supply chain risks. Understand supply chain risks and how to mitigate them. Not understanding your supply chain risks increases the risk of business interruption at best and at worst threatens your business survival.

Increasing business partnerships and business outsourcing of non core business functions reduces the expertise to manage some risks and increases the likelihood that an external risk could stop you servicing your clients business needs.

Identify assess and manage supply chains risks better

Improving supply chain risks and supplier performance could easily improve your own business performance and business resilience.

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Learn supply chain risk management tools techniques and processes. Increase supplier’s risk transparency and reduce cost of supplier’s risk. Create a supplier quality improvement plan.

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What supply chain risk factors is your business exposed to?

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What Is Risk Management?

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What is risk management in a business context?

Enterprise risk management is the management of the effect uncertainty on business or enterprise objectives. An organisation should create the risk management framework upon which to apply and embed the principles of risk management and the risk assessment process.

Manage Risk Better

Improve your risk knowledge to solve business problems today and in future

Effective enterprise risk management ERM should focus on managing risks better not measuring risks. Many business leaders think they have an effective ERM system of working, but in fact they have a detailed risk assessment process. This may or may not manage risks better.

The process of identifying risks assessing risks and developing strategies to manage risks better

The risk assessment process must factor in the risk perception and risk culture of the organisation. The risk perception of the assessor so can greatly skew the risk assessment process in a direction that results in either too much or too little risks being taking.

Too much financial cost will be incurred controlling risk disproportionately or the opportunity cost of taking too little risk may mean the business fails to grow as fast as it could with existing resources.

The outcomes of business activities and decision-making are uncertain. There is therefore a risk that the decisions taken are good ones or bad ones.

Enterprise risk management ERM is about trying to increase the number of good decisions and reduce the number of bad decisions to make achieving business objectives easier cheaper and more profitably or more efficiently, in the case of not-for-profit organisations.

ISO 31000 Risk Management

ISO 31000 Risk Management

Identify assess and prioritise action and resources to manage enterprise risks better

Reduce the effect of uncertainty on the objectives you have set for your business or enterprise. Use ERM to pull together your available resources to create a coordinated and cost effective risk management plan.  Use your existing resources to more confidently improve your business performance.

Minimise the threats to your business objectives. Maximise the opportunities open to your business.

  • Learn methods of risk management in business
  • Update your process of risk management in business
  • Discover new risk management echniques

Taking risks is part of corporate success. You need to take risks to grow and develop. In an ever changing business environment you have to effectively manage risks to achieve more with certainty.

Minimising enterprise threats and maximising business growth


Understand enterprise risks impacting on your organisation. Analyse and manage risks to make sure you achieve your organisations objectives.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM is an integrated holistic and joined up approach to managing risk across an organisation and its extended networks


BusinessRiskTVs objective is to build business intelligence in enterprise risk management in all industries and across the globe. Read enterprise risk management articles and watch videostreaming online.

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Business Risk Assessment and Management

Learn how to assess risk and create a risk management plan to improve business performance. Identify cost effective controls to mitigate and reduce risks.

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates
Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates

Evaluate business risks. Identify and assess factors with downside impact on corporate objectives, or upside potential to boost business performance.

Find out about a different more risk based approach to planning your business’s future success.

Develop a new process of identifying risks, assessing risks and developing new strategies to manage risks facing your organisation.

Manage the internal risks and external risks facing your business better

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Regularly meet online wherever you are in the world to speak to your peers and risk assessment experts. Collaborate on agreed risk assessment projects or learn during risk assessment workshops to improve your risk knowledge and risk management skills.

  • See a different risk perspective based on others experiences and risk knowledge that will provide a different enterprise risk insight
  • Improve the effectiveness of your risk assessment process to boost your enterprise performance
  • Like minded individuals working to improve risk assessment best practices
  • Improve your corporate risk and strengthen your resilience

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BusinessRiskTV How Do You Assess Business Risks

Learn Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Improve your business performance with enterprise risk management training courses.

Do you want to manage enterprise risks better?Develop your enterprise risk management knowledge. Practical enterprise risk management training courses online and in classroom.


Expand Your Risk Knowledge of Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Learn how the ERM discipline can benefit your business performance. Internal and external risks can have a downside impact on your organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives. The flipside is that they can have an upside potential on your business success.

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates
Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates

Enterprise risk management ERM is a holistic integrated approach to business decision-making. A risk based approach moves away from the simple bean-counting approach of financial risk to explore the true impact on your business of enterprise risks.

We have a range of enterprise risk management services including training, mentoring and business promotion to ensure that the upside potential of risk is not lost in your business strategy.

  1. Contact us to schedule a free online meeting to discuss your business needs;
  2. We will present a report recommending action to reduce uncertainty in your business planning;
  3. Implementation of the recommendations will involve working in partnership with you to achieve your objectives.
Business Risk Consulting and Business Risk Management Training
BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Services

Learn Enterprise Risk Management ERM

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Inform your business decision making process. Read risk management articles and view videos on the best and worst of business risk management examples. Network and collaborate with your peers locally and globally to find out more about your risk exposures.

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Enterprise risk management news opinions and reviews. Buy new risk management product deals discounts and exclusive offers. Read articles and watch videos to inform your enterprise risk management policy :

  • Change your attitude to risk and risk management.
  • Rewrite your risk management strategy based on new enterprise risk management information.
  • Improve your risk awareness and risk control measures
  • Explore the right level of risk for your organisation and develop a new appetite for risk
  • Adjust you risk management organisation and arrangements
  • Update your risk management procedures and rerank your risk management priorities
  • Change your proactive and reactive responses to risk and risk management practices

Disseminate latest risk and risk management information to your senior management team and work colleagues.

Benchmark your organisation against the best risk management practices in the world of business.

Find the latest risk management products and services reviews. Get alerts to new risk management product and service deals discounts and exclusive offers.

Identify emerging risks and existing risks that are changing. Adjust your risk management plan priorities to improve your business performance and business resilience.

Tips to protect your business better and grow it faster

Risk Management Professional Magazine
Risk Management Magazine

The BusinessRiskTV Enterprise Risk Management magazine aims to publish original work that explores conceptual and empirical papers, articles and case studies from all branches of enterprise risk management

Exchange ideas  and collaborate with risk practitioners and your peers to protect your business better and grow it faster. Papers are invited from researchers practitioners policy makers and other stakeholders in the field of enterprise risk management ERM. We welcome your contributions in the form of articles Press Releases case studies and video.

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