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Failure Of Governance

Poor corporate governance endangers the existence and success of businesses

Learn how to improve the way you do things in business

Looking at the costs of failure of governance. Good governance can be expensive but not compare to the cost of governance failure.


The risk of enterprise failure increases with inadequate governance risk and compliance processes

There are many examples of the biggest firms in the world collapsing due to bad risk management practices. Good corporate governance risk and compliance systems build business resilience and can improve business performance.

Corporate Governance Failure
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Managing Business Rules

There are several techniques that can be useful for managing business rules in an organisation. Here are some recommendations:

Documenting business rules: One of the most important techniques for managing business rules is to document them in a clear and concise manner. This can include using a variety of formats such as decision tables, flowcharts, and natural language descriptions.

Centralising business rules: To avoid inconsistencies and duplication of effort, it is advisable to centralise the management of business rules. This can be done using a dedicated software tool or a repository that stores the rules and makes them accessible to relevant stakeholders.

Version control: It is crucial to keep track of changes to business rules over time, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Version control techniques such as branching and merging can help in managing changes to business rules.

Testing and validation: Business rules should be tested and validated thoroughly to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. This can be done using a variety of techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

Auditing and monitoring: Regular auditing and monitoring of business rules can help to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can be done using automated tools or through manual reviews.

Governance and ownership: Establishing clear governance and ownership of business rules is essential to ensure that they are being managed effectively. This can include assigning ownership to specific individuals or teams and establishing processes for reviewing and approving changes to business rules.

By following these techniques, organisations can effectively manage their business rules and ensure that they are aligned with their business objectives and regulatory requirements.

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BusinessRiskTV Managing Uncertainty Better

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If you manage your business risks better you can improve your business success. Find out more about the benefits of risk management for your business. Pick the best risk management training course for your needs and budget.

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Risk Magazine

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Apply the best working practices principles and framework for your business.

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

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Tips advice and support for strategic operational and project risks. Get assistance to identify assess and control business risks.

Risk Advisory Services
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ExhibitionsRisk Magazine

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BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Services

Business Risk Manager Service

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Business risk manager service with BusinessRiskTV. Want help to protect and grow your business faster? Find out more about our free business risk management online service. Network with top business thought leaders locally and globally.

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See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV
See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

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Business Risk Manager Services
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Industry Risk Management Forum With BusinessRiskTV

Best practices in risk management with BusinessRiskTV.com

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Inform the way you think about your industry risks. Consider changes to the way you manage risk. Reduce the threats to your business. Open up new business development opportunities. Stay on top of key industry risk factors.

Business Leadership Articles

Business Leadership Articles

Introducing the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum

BusinessRiskTV industry risk management forum enables members to contribute to BusinessRiskTV. Active members around the world contribute articles and videos to help grow their business faster with less uncertainty to help inform readers industry business risk management decision making.

  • Boost your sales more profitably
  • Increase your network of business contacts
  • Protect your business uncertainty negatively impacting on your business

If you want an innovative flexible way to grow your business faster and build business resilience join and contribute to industry risk management forum today.

Members of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club collaborate to reduce corporate threats and increase business growth opportunities through

  1. business networking with key business decision makers locally and globally
  2. improved risk assessment via better business intelligence
  3. reduced cost of risk control via deals discounts and special offers

Build a more successful and sustainable business more easily with BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum.

Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

Join the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum and receive FREE business risk alerts bulletins and latest business risk news to stay ahead of your competition.

The Forum is free to join. Then you choose whether you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV to promote your own business and inform online readers. You pay an annual membership fee to regularly contribute to BusinessRiskTV and promote your business interests cost effectively.

BusinessRiskTV.com RiskWatch

Key benefits of BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum and reasons to join and contribute today

  1. Free to join. There is no cost to join the forum. Once you join you also have the option of contributing to BusinessRiskTV to better market promote and advertise your business. In addition you will have increased access to discussions workshops and executive training to better protect your business. You are in control of what to do next after you join the club for free.
  2. Free business intelligence to inform your decision making to build your business resilience. Forum members receive free news alerts and bulletins. Our risk watch service scans the horizon for emerging risks and analyses business risk trends. You can attend online discussions workshops and executive training sessions.
  3. Safe and secure. All payments are made through Paypal an independent third party online payment service which stops us receiving full details of your banking or payment details so you are protected by Paypals security systems.
  4. Build your online profile and connections to grow your business faster. BusinessRiskTV has an impressive online profile to connect you with local and global business risk management experts and new sales for your business.
Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement


BusinessRiskTV has already built up an impressive bank of like minded business leaders and business risk management consultants for club members to tap into for business tips advice and support.

The BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum is carefully expanding its reach to help business leaders to better protect and grow their own businesses and careers.

BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum is NOT just a talking shop. It is a business growth hub to practically accelerate members revenue streams. It is business accelerator where everyone has the same interest in seeing the businesses build resilience regardless of economic environment.

Industry Risk Factors

Join BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum entering code #IndustryRiskManagement

You are in control of your relationship with us

In addition to controlling your own business risks better you are in total control of how you use BusinessRiskTV and how much you want to contribute to it to increase your own business growth.

You are always in control of your subscription to BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum. You can choose to remain on the free membership and still receive free business intelligence and risk knowledge. Or you can regularly contribute to the content and thus increase your own business profile and business growth.

We are in it for the long term and look forward to working with members for sustainable mutual benefit. If you want to stop your membership you can at any time. We are looking forward to you working with us to help your business grow faster.

Examples of business intelligence and business growth features on BusinessRiskTV


Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • Is BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum free to join and how does BusinessRiskTV make money? It is free to join now to receive free alerts bulletins and business risk news. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV by becoming a Member you pay an annual fee. BusinessRiskTV also accepts donations to support free independent business risk management news broadcasting and business risk management research. In addition businesses pay us one off fees to promote market and advertise their business products and services.
  • Am I tied into the BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum? It is free to join the forum. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV there is a membership fee. You are free to leave the club at anytime. You will not be entitled to a refund of the annual membership fee but will not be tied to renew your membership.
  • How long does membership last? 12 months renewable annually.
  • I do not know anything about online business marketing and development? That is one of the great strengths about being in the Industry Risk Management Forum. You simply join now and then we will email you to find out what you need to do to grow your business faster. We will then go away and start your marketing and promotion campaign. We will design post and update your contributions to promote your business. Our team of enterprise risk experts and business risk advisers help protect and grow your business faster.
  • How fast will my business grow? It is impossible to say. It depends on how well we can work together to get the most from your existing business development tools and initiatives. The potential is there for massive gains but the value of your membership fee could be worthless if we fail to work well together. That is why our members should always diversify our marketing options to maximise the likelihood of increasing sales. We will guide you on the diversification options based on our discussions on what you offer and when. You are not putting all your business development eggs in one basket but the affordable membership fee expands the likelihood of your business growing faster.
  • How often can my business contribute to BusinessRiskTV? Contribution levels is based on hours it takes to produce and publish each contribution. You will be buying 56 hours of work to produce and publish your contributions each year.
  • Does my business need to contribute regularly to BusinessRiskTV? No. The more you contribute the more you promote your own business interests and increase the chances of faster business growth.
  • My business marketplace is not in UK so can I still join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV? YES! The Club is open to any business selling legal and morally acceptable products and services. Legal is legal but morally acceptable comes down to our own opinion as to what is morally acceptable. Areas include Europe USA Canada Latin America Australia and Asia Pacific.
  • Is paying my membership fee safe? Yes. Your membership fee will be paid via Paypal a global independent payment provider who have their own safe and secure payment systems. We will never see your full payment details as these are retained by Paypal who will transfer your membership fee to our Paypal account.
  • What is the annual membership fee? This will vary depending on how many members we have. As the number of members increase so will the annual membership fee so get in quick to keep your membership fee low!
Industry Risk Factors

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BusinessRiskTV Industry Risk Management Forum

Types Of Business Risk

All types of business risks under review with BusinessRiskTV.com

What types of business risk impact on your business objectives? Understand business risks and solutions. How can you manage all types of business risk better? Network with top risk management experts locally and globally to discover new ways to manage all type of business risk.

Latest news commentary and review of all types of key business risks

Need to align your corporate enterprise risk management strategy with your risk culture including appetite for risk and risk tolerance to achieve business objectives with less uncertainty.

See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV
See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

Integrate your enterprise risk management strategy into your business objective setting process and your risk review process.

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BusinessRiskTV Business Key Risks

BusinessRiskTV Key Business Risk Review will help you identify and control key business risks impacting on your business. We cover the main types of business risk.

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Know the key business risks impacting on your business objectives and understand how to manage the risks better.

Not all risks need to be managed. Some should just be identified assessed and accepted to achieve your business objectives. You need to consider the kinds of events that could pose a risk to your business and take steps to mitigate them. You also need to identify and assess new business opportunities so you deploy business assets for best return.

Examples of business risks under review

  • Strategic Risk. A competitor parking their business offering on your turf
  • Regulatory Compliance Risk. Changing health safety or environmental legislation or a new court case setting a new precedent.
  • Financial Risk, Changing interest rates creating new business opportunities or threats
  • Operational Risk. Fire taking out key production line plant or equipment.

Manage such risks better to reduce of lower than anticipated profits or increase the chance of higher profit and business growth.

Identify which business risks threatening your business or creating new business opportunities to achieve greater success


BusinessRiskTV is exploring key business issues in UK and globally. We aim to help you to understand and manage business risks effectively so you are better placed to grow your business with more confidence. Prepare your business to withstand known and unexpected business risks.

Business is about taking risks. However taking more informed risks will help you achieve what you want for your business with more confidence.


There are many uncertainties facing your business. Recognise the key business risks potentially impacting on your business then focus your time and money on those risks for better outcomes.

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Discover new ways to protect and grow your business better with BusinessRiskTV

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Types Of Business Risk

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BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Training Courses

Business Risk Management Club

Help to protect and grow your business

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Manage business risks better by country by industry and by specific types of business risks. Join our business risk management club for free.

Introducing the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club

BusinessRiskTV business risk management active members club enables members to contribute to BusinessRiskTV for free. Active members around the world contribute articles and videos to help grow their business faster with less uncertainty to help inform readers business risk management decision making.

  • Boost your sales more profitably
  • Increase your network of business contacts
  • Protect your business uncertainty negatively impacting on your business

If you want an innovative flexible way to grow your business faster and build business resilience join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV Club today.

Members of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club collaborate to reduce corporate threats and increase business growth opportunities through

  1. business networking with key business decision makers locally and globally
  2. improved risk assessment via better business intelligence
  3. reduced cost of risk control via deals discounts and special offers

Build a more successful and sustainable business more easily with BusinessRiskTV.

Join Buisness Risk Management Club Free

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club Today For Free enter code #RiskClub

Join the BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Club and receive FREE business risk alerts bulletins and latest business risk news to stay ahead of your competition.

The Club is free to join. Then you choose whether you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV to promote your own business and inform online readers. You pay an annual membership fee to regularly contribute to BusinessRiskTV and promote your business interests cost effectively.

Key benefits of BusinessRiskTV Risk Club and reasons to join and contribute today

  1. Free to join. There is no cost to join the club. Once you join you also have the option of contributing to BusinessRiskTV to better market promote and advertise your business. In addition you will have increased access to discussions workshops and executive training to better protect your business. You are in control of what to do next after you join the club for free.
  2. Free business intelligence to inform your decision making to build your business resilience. Club members receive free news alerts and bulletins. Our risk watch service scans the horizon for emerging risks and analyses business risk trends. You can attend online discussions workshops and executive training sessions.
  3. Safe and secure. All payments are made through Paypal an independent third party online payment service which stops us receiving full details of your banking or payment details so you are protected by Paypals security systems.
  4. Build your online profile and connections to grow your business faster. BusinessRiskTV has an impressive online profile to connect you with local and global business risk management experts and new sales for your business.
Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Fast Growing Local and Global Business Risk Management Connections

BusinessRiskTV has already built up an impressive bank of like minded business leaders and business risk management consultants for club meMbers to tap into for business tips advice and support.

The BusinessRiskTV Club is carefully expanding its reach to help business leaders to better protect and grow their own businesses and careers.

BusinessRiskTV Club is NOT just a talking shop. It is a business growth hub to practically accelerate members revenue streams. It is business accelerator where everyone has the same interest in seeing the businesses build resilience regardless of economic environment.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Founder of BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Club

Read Keith Lewis Testimonials as to the quality of his work. This gives some background as to the quality of the business risk management business intelligence being gathered and distributed.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

You are in control of your relationship with us

In addition to controlling your own business risks better you are in total control of how you use BusinessRiskTV and how much you want to contribute to it to increase your own business growth.

You are always in control of your subscription to BusinessRiskTV club. You can choose to remain on the free membership and still receive free business intelligence and risk knowledge. Or you can regularly contribute to the content and thus increase your own business profile and business growth.

We are in it for the long term and look forward to working with members for sustainable mutual benefit. If you want to stop your membership you can at any time. We are looking forward to you working with us to help your business grow faster.

Hands Free Business Growth and Development Of Your Business

One of the great strengths of the BusinessRiskTV business risk management club is that members do not need to know how to market their business online. You can simply email us the message you want to promote and we can connect you with more new potential customers or other business leaders.

You can read business risk management articles or watch videos for free including business risk management expert opinions and analysis to inform your own business decision making process.

After you join the club you can just use it as a simple way to be kept up to date on emerging and developing corporate risks impacting on your business objectives.

Sit back and receive email alerts to important business risk intelligence to develop your risk management knowledge. Alter your business risk management plan accordingly based on expert risk analysis. Alerts bulletins and news have the potential to build your business resilience and business growth.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Boost Your Business Growth

BusinessRiskTV Club could be very profitable for your business if you contribute to the content and connect to your business. There are no guarantees of returns but membership of the club expands your options for greater business success and business resilience. There will be failures. That is the nature of business marketing and development. However you will get access to innovative flexible ways to grow and protect your business better. We will minimise the cost of uncertainty impacting on your business objectives over time. At the same time we will increase the chances of become a market leader in your industry and country.

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • Is BusinessRiskTV Club free to join and how does BusinessRiskTV make money? It is free to join now to receive free alerts bulletins and business risk news. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV by becoming a Member you pay an annual fee. BusinessRiskTV also accepts donations to support free independent business risk management news broadcasting and business risk management research. In addition businesses pay us one off fees to promote market and advertise their business products and services.
  • Am I tied into the BusinessRiskTV Club? It is free to join club. If you want to contribute to BusinessRiskTV there is a membership fee. You are free to leave the club at anytime. You will not be entitled to a refund of the annual membership fee but will not be tied to renew your membership.
  • How long does membership last? 12 months renewable annually.
  • I do not know anything about online business marketing and development? That is one of the great strengths about being in the Business Risk Management Club. You simply join now and then we will email you to find out what you need to do to grow your business faster. We will then go away and start your marketing and promotion campaign. We will design post and update your contributions to promote your business. Our team of enterprise risk experts and business risk advisers to help protect and grow your business faster.
  • How fast will my business grow? It is impossible to say. It depends on how well we can work together to get the most from your existing business development tools and initiatives. The potential is there for massive gains but the value of your membership fee could be worthless if we fail to work well together. That is why our members should always diversify our marketing options to maximise the likelihood of increasing sales. We will guide you on the diversification options based on our discussions on what you offer and when. You are not putting all your business development eggs in one basket but the affordable membership fee expands the likelihood of your business growing faster.
  • How often can my business contribute to BusinessRiskTV? Contribution levels is based on hours it takes to produce and publish each contribution. You will be buying 56 hours of work to produce and publish your contributions each year.
  • Does my business need to contribute regularly to BusinessRiskTV? No. The more you contribute the more you promote your own business interests and increase the chances of faster business growth.
  • My business marketplace is not in UK so can I still join and contribute to BusinessRiskTV? YES! The Club is open to any business selling legal and morally acceptable products and services. Legal is legal but morally acceptable comes down to our own opinion as to what is morally acceptable. Areas include Europe USA Canada Latin America Australia and Asia Pacific.
  • Is paying my membership fee safe? Yes. Your membership fee will be paid via Paypal a global independent payment provider who have their own safe and secure payment systems. We will never see your full payment details as these are retained by Paypal who will transfer your membership fee to our Paypal account.
  • What is the annual membership fee? This will vary depending on how many members we have. As the number of members increase so will the annual membership fee so get in quick to keep your membership fee low!
Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Join BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club enter code #RiskClub

BusinessRiskTV Business Risk Management Club

Business Wide Risk Assessment

Enterprise wide risk assessment training and consultancy from BusinessRiskTV.com

Take a holistic approach to business risk management. Make the best use of existing business resources. Optimise your business performance.

Enter code #BusinessWideRiskAssessment

Enterprise Risk Management Magazine
BusinessRiskTV Enterprise Risk Management Magazine

Has your company carried out business wide risk assessment?

Undertake a business wide risk assessment to know which key risks you need to focus your resources on for best return of investment of time and money. How likely is it that the risks materialise? If the risks do occur what would be the impact on your business objectives.

Enterprise Risk Management Academy
BusinessRiskTV Business Enterprise Risk Management Academy
  1. Identify and assess corporate risks faced by different functions within your business.
  2. Identify and assess external risk drivers.
  3. Develop the most appropriate risk management plan to manage the impact of uncertainty on your business objectives.

Your business wide risk assessment should be comprehensive. A corporate holistic risk management approach will help you maximise the return on your investment.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free for business risk management tips advice and support

Manage a wide range of risk factors impacting on the success of your business. Inform your enterprise wide risk assessment. Adopt a more risk based approach to business management.

Understand the risks inherent in your business before taking appropriate action or indeed before accepting the risks as part and parcel of doing more business. Your risk appetite and risk tolerance will be key to your approach to risk management plan.

Business Wide Risk Management
Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free for business risk management tips advice and support

Read enterprise risk management articles and watch videostream trending on BusinessRiskTV

Business Risk Management Professionals Magazine ERM

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BusinessRiskTV Business Wide Risk Assessment

Business Agony Uncle

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Common business problems and solutions
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