Why Risk Management Keeps Failing: Join the Debate on Accountability and Systemic Risks in Our Risk Management Think Tank

We’ve been here many times before and unless something changes we will be here again – different catastrophe same old story.

Grenfell Fire: A Tragic Reminder of Systemic Risk Management Failure and the Long Road to Accountability

The Grenfell Tower fire, a catastrophic event that claimed 72 lives on June 14, 2017, stands as a stark reminder of the potential for systemic risk management failures to result in devastating consequences. The fire’s aftermath has triggered extensive inquiries, public outrage, and a series of promises to ensure accountability and prevent similar disasters. Yet, as of September 2024, over seven years since the tragedy, the path to true accountability remains elusive. The recently released public inquiry report only underscores how risk management systems, designed to protect lives and property, repeatedly fail to prevent major risk events like Grenfell.

The Persistent Failure of Risk Management Systems

Risk management is a cornerstone of modern governance, designed to identify, assess, and mitigate risks that could harm individuals, organisations, or society at large. However, time and again, we witness these systems falter, allowing preventable disasters to unfold. The Grenfell Tower fire is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern where risk management frameworks are either inadequately designed, poorly implemented, or outright ignored.

The inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire has highlighted significant flaws in the way risks were managed, from the construction materials used to the emergency response on the night of the fire. Despite existing regulations and safety protocols, these systems failed to prevent a disaster of this magnitude, raising questions about the effectiveness of risk management as a discipline.

This is not the first time we have seen such failures. The 2008 financial crisis, which brought the global economy to its knees, also stemmed from a failure in risk management within the financial sector. The crisis exposed the inadequacies of risk models, the over-reliance on flawed assumptions, and the failure of regulatory bodies to foresee and mitigate the impending disaster. The systemic collapse led to widespread economic hardship, yet accountability was minimal, with few held responsible for the crisis.

19 Reasons Why Risk Management Continues to Fail

The recurring failure of risk management systems can be attributed to a multitude of factors. Below are 19 reasons why these failures persist, often with tragic consequences:

1. Overconfidence in Risk Models: Risk models are often treated as infallible, despite being based on assumptions that may not hold in real-world scenarios. This overconfidence can lead to complacency and a false sense of security.

2. Inadequate Understanding of Risks: Organisations frequently underestimate or misunderstand the risks they face, leading to insufficient or misdirected risk management efforts.

3. Regulatory Capture: Regulators, who are supposed to oversee and enforce risk management practices, may become too close to the industries they regulate, leading to lax enforcement and oversight.

4. Complexity of Risk Environments: The increasingly complex nature of modern risks, particularly in interconnected global systems, makes it difficult for traditional risk management frameworks to keep pace.

5. Lack of Accountability: When risk management failures occur, it is often difficult to hold individuals or organisations accountable, leading to a lack of deterrence for future failures.

6. Failure to Learn from Past Mistakes: There is a tendency to repeat the same mistakes in risk management, as lessons from past failures are often ignored or forgotten over time.

7. Poor Communication: Risk management requires effective communication across all levels of an organisation, but information silos and communication breakdowns often impede the process.

8. Misaligned Incentives: In many organisations, short-term financial incentives take precedence over long-term risk management, leading to risky behaviour that is not adequately controlled.

9. Underinvestment in Risk Management: Organisations may underinvest in risk management resources, viewing it as a cost rather than an essential function, leading to inadequately designed systems.

10. Inadequate Training and Expertise: Those responsible for managing risks may lack the necessary training and expertise, resulting in ineffective risk management practices.

11. Failure to Account for Human Error: Risk management systems often fail to adequately account for human error, which can be a significant factor in major risk events.

12. Overreliance on Technology: While technology plays a crucial role in risk management, overreliance on automated systems can lead to a neglect of human judgment and critical thinking.

13. Cultural Barriers: Organisational culture can hinder effective risk management, especially if there is a reluctance to challenge the status quo or raise concerns.

14. Insufficient Risk Governance: Weak governance structures can result in poor oversight of risk management practices, leading to gaps in risk identification and mitigation.

15. Ignoring Low-Probability, High-Impact Events: Organisations often focus on high-probability, low-impact risks while neglecting low-probability, high-impact events that can cause significant damage.

16. Failure to Adapt to Changing Risk Landscapes: The risk landscape is constantly evolving, but risk management practices may not adapt quickly enough to address new and emerging risks.

17. Short-Term Focus: A focus on short-term goals and results can lead to the neglect of long-term risk management, increasing vulnerability to major risk events.

18. Inadequate Crisis Management Plans: When risks materialise, the lack of robust crisis management plans can exacerbate the situation, leading to greater harm and loss.

19. Lack of a Holistic Approach: Risk management is often siloed within organisations, with different departments managing risks in isolation rather than adopting a holistic, enterprise-wide approach.

The 2008 Financial Crisis: A Case Study in Systemic Risk Management Failure

The 2008 financial crisis serves as a poignant example of systemic risk management failure on a global scale. At the heart of the crisis was the widespread failure to manage the risks associated with complex financial instruments like mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps. Banks, driven by the pursuit of short-term profits, took on excessive risks without fully understanding the potential consequences. Regulatory bodies, meanwhile, failed to provide adequate oversight, allowing these risks to build to a catastrophic level.

The crisis exposed the flaws in the risk models used by financial institutions, which relied on historical data and failed to account for the possibility of a widespread housing market collapse. It also highlighted the dangers of regulatory capture, where regulators, influenced by the industry they were supposed to oversee, were reluctant to impose stricter controls.

The fallout from the financial crisis was severe, leading to the collapse of major financial institutions, a global recession, and widespread economic hardship. Yet, despite the magnitude of the crisis, accountability was limited. Few of the key players responsible for the risk management failures were held accountable, and the reforms implemented in the aftermath have been criticised as insufficient to prevent a future crisis.

Improving the Effectiveness of Risk Management Systems

Given the recurring failures of risk management systems, it is clear that significant improvements are needed to enhance their effectiveness. Below are several strategies that could help achieve this goal:

1. Strengthen Accountability Mechanisms: To ensure that risk management failures are addressed, it is crucial to establish clear accountability mechanisms. This includes holding individuals and organisations responsible for their actions, as well as implementing consequences for failures.

2. Adopt a Holistic Approach to Risk Management: Organiations should move away from siloed risk management practices and adopt a holistic, enterprise-wide approach that considers all types of risks and their interconnections.

3. Enhance Regulatory Oversight: Regulators must be empowered to enforce risk management standards rigorously and independently. This may require reforms to reduce the influence of industry on regulatory bodies and to increase transparency and accountability in the regulatory process.

4. Improve Risk Communication: Effective risk management requires clear and open communication across all levels of an organization. Efforts should be made to break down information silos and ensure that risk-related information is shared and understood by all relevant stakeholders.

5. Invest in Risk Management Resources: Organisations must recognise the value of risk management and allocate sufficient resources to support it. This includes investing in the necessary technology, personnel, and training to build robust risk management systems.

6. Incorporate Human Factors into Risk Management: To address the role of human error in risk management failures, organisations should incorporate human factors into their risk assessments and mitigation strategies. This includes understanding how cognitive biases, decision-making processes, and organisational culture can impact risk management.

7. Adapt to Emerging Risks: Risk management systems must be flexible and adaptive to respond to emerging risks. This requires continuous monitoring of the risk landscape and the ability to update risk management practices in response to new threats and opportunities.

8. Focus on Long-Term Risk Management: Organisations should balance short-term objectives with long-term risk management goals. This requires a shift in mindset to prioritise sustainability and resilience over immediate gains.

9. Develop Robust Crisis Management Plans: In addition to managing risks, organisations must be prepared to respond effectively when risks materialise. This requires the development and testing of robust crisis management plans that can be activated in the event of a major risk event.

10. Promote a Culture of Risk Awareness: Creating a culture of risk awareness within an organisation is essential for effective risk management. This includes encouraging employees to speak up about potential risks, providing regular training on risk management practices, and fostering an environment where risk is seen as a shared responsibility.

11. Utilise Advanced Risk Management Tools and Techniques: Advances in technology have provided new tools and techniques for risk management, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and predictive modelling. Organisations should leverage these tools to enhance their ability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks.

12. Implement Continuous Improvement Processes: Risk management should be viewed as an ongoing process rather than a one-time effort. Organisations should implement continuous improvement processes that regularly evaluate and update risk management practices based on feedback and lessons learned from past experiences.

13. Engage Stakeholders in Risk Management: Effective risk management requires the involvement of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and the broader community. By engaging stakeholders in the risk management process, organisations can gain valuable insights, build trust, and ensure that risk management practices align with the needs and expectations of all involved.

14. Integrate Risk Management into Strategic Planning: Risk management should be an integral part of an organisation’s strategic planning process. By incorporating risk considerations into decision-making at the highest levels, organisations can better anticipate and prepare for potential challenges that could impact their long-term success.

15. Regularly Test and Update Risk Management Frameworks: Risk management frameworks should not be static. Organisations need to regularly test these frameworks through simulations, drills, and scenario planning to identify weaknesses and make necessary adjustments. This ensures that the systems remain effective and relevant in an ever-changing risk environment.

16. Educate and Train Employees Continuously: Continuous education and training are essential for maintaining a competent workforce that is aware of current risk management practices. Organisations should provide ongoing training opportunities to ensure that employees at all levels understand their roles in risk management and are equipped to handle risks effectively.

17. Foster Collaboration Across Sectors: The complexity of modern risks often requires collaboration across sectors, industries, and even countries. Organisations should seek partnerships and collaborations with other entities to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in risk management. This collaborative approach can lead to more comprehensive and effective risk management strategies.

18. Address Ethical Considerations in Risk Management: Ethical considerations should be at the forefront of risk management decisions. Organisations must ensure that their risk management practices do not disproportionately impact vulnerable populations and that they operate in a way that is socially responsible and just.

19. Promote Transparency in Risk Management Practices: Transparency is key to building trust with stakeholders. Organisations should be open about their risk management practices, including the risks they face, the strategies they are using to mitigate those risks, and the challenges they encounter. This transparency can help to build a culture of accountability and encourage continuous improvement.

Conclusion: The Long Road to Accountability and the Future of Risk Management

The Grenfell Tower fire and the 2008 financial crisis are both tragic examples of how systemic failures in risk management can lead to devastating consequences. These events have highlighted the limitations of current risk management practices and the need for significant improvements to prevent future disasters.

While the road to accountability for the Grenfell fire is likely to be long and fraught with challenges, it is essential that we learn from these failures and take meaningful action to improve our risk management systems. By addressing the underlying causes of risk management failures and implementing the strategies outlined in this article, we can create more resilient organisations and societies that are better equipped to manage the risks of the future.

However, this journey requires more than just technical fixes. It demands a cultural shift in how we approach risk, moving away from complacency and short-term thinking towards a mindset that prioritises long-term sustainability, ethical considerations, and the well-being of all stakeholders. Only then can we hope to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies and truly manage risks for the benefit of all.

In the end, the effectiveness of risk management will be determined not just by the systems we put in place, but by the commitment of individuals and organisations to uphold the principles of accountability, responsibility, and continuous improvement. The question remains whether society is willing to make the necessary changes to ensure that the lessons from Grenfell and countless other failures are not forgotten but used as a catalyst for lasting, meaningful reform.

This ongoing debate over the effectiveness of risk management, particularly in light of the Grenfell Tower fire, raises critical questions about our capacity to manage risks in a way that genuinely protects people and property. If we are to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, we must ensure that risk management is not misused to provide misplaced confidence, but rather serves as a robust, dynamic tool for safeguarding the future.

Read more:

1. Systemic failures in risk management
2. Why risk management systems fail
3. Improving effectiveness of risk management
4. Grenfell fire and risk management failure
5. Risk management accountability and responsibility
6. Lessons from 2008 financial crisis on risk
7. Failures in corporate risk management
8. Risk management strategies for crisis prevention
9. Risk governance and compliance failures
10. Avoiding risk management disasters

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#RiskManagement #SystemicFailure #CrisisPrevention #AccountabilityMatters #GovernanceAndRisk #GrenfellFire #FinancialCrisis2008 #RiskStrategy #BusinessResilience #RiskAccountability #FireSafety #RiskManagement #Compliance #Governance #Risk #GRC #Manslaughter #BusinessRiskTV #ProRiskManager

This article attempts to cover the tragic implications of systemic risk management failures, drawing on recent events like the Grenfell Tower fire and the 2008 financial crisis. The aim is to provoke thought on how we can enhance the effectiveness of risk management systems to better protect society and ensure that accountability is not just a distant possibility but a reality.

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Black Swan Event Risk Analysis

They tend to happen when the fewest people are engaged; for example on a weekend or national holiday.

Is Your Business Ready for the Next Black Swan Event?

Business leaders, how are you preparing for the unpredictable? A Black Swan event can disrupt industries overnight. Share your strategies and let’s discuss the unthinkable scenarios that could redefine risk management. Are you ready?

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Risks To Businesses From Population Decline

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A Shrinking World: Strategies for Business Growth in a Declining Population

A recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), published in The Lancet, paints a picture of a world with a shrinking population by the year 2100. This demographic shift, driven by falling fertility rates, presents significant challenges for businesses across the globe. However, amidst the potential disruption, there are also opportunities for those who can adapt and innovate.

This article explores the implications of a declining population for businesses and outlines actionable strategies to navigate this new reality.

Understanding the Impact

Falling fertility rates translate to a smaller workforce, impacting both the supply of labor and the overall size of the consumer market. Here’s a breakdown of the key challenges:

  • Labour Shortage: A shrinking workforce pool will make it harder to find qualified employees. This could lead to wage inflation and potentially hinder business expansion plans.
  • Shifting Consumer Demographics: An aging population means a decrease in demand for certain goods and services traditionally targeted towards younger demographics. Businesses that cater to families with children or young professionals might see a decline in sales.
  • Social Security Strain: With fewer working-age adults supporting a larger elderly population, social security systems may face financial pressure. This could lead to increased taxes or reduced benefits, impacting disposable income and consumer spending.

Strategies for a Shrinking World

Despite the challenges, there are strategies businesses can employ to thrive in this new environment:

  • Embrace Automation and AI: Investing in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) can help offset labour shortages by automating routine tasks and improving efficiency. This allows businesses to do more with less manpower.
  • Focus on Innovation: Developing new products and services catering to the needs of an ageing population is crucial. This could include healthcare solutions, senior living facilities, or products designed for increased accessibility.
  • Reskilling and Upskilling the Workforce: Companies can invest in training and development programmes to equip existing employees with the skills needed for new technologies and changing market demands.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: In a competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent becomes even more important. Businesses can do this by offering competitive compensation packages, flexible work arrangements, and a positive work culture.
  • Embrace Diversity and Inclusion: A shrinking workforce necessitates tapping into all available talent pools. Diversity and inclusion initiatives that attract women, minorities, and older workers can be a game-changer.
  • Expand into New Markets: Businesses can explore opportunities in countries with higher fertility rates or younger populations. This may involve setting up operations overseas or catering to these demographics through exports.
  • Sustainability and Resource Optimisation: A smaller population might lead to a decrease in resource consumption. Businesses can adapt by focusing on sustainability, developing resource-efficient products, and minimising waste.
  • Invest in Customer Experience: With potentially fewer customers, businesses need to prioritise customer loyalty and satisfaction. Building strong relationships and providing exceptional customer experiences will be critical for retaining a shrinking customer base.
  • Leverage Technology for Marketing and Sales: Marketing and sales efforts can be optimised by utilising big data and analytics to identify and target specific customer segments more effectively.

Examples of Business Adaptation

Several companies are already taking steps to adapt to a shrinking population:

  • Manufacturing: Companies are investing in automation and robotics to reduce reliance on manual labour.
  • Healthcare: Businesses are developing products and services catering to the growing elderly population, such as home healthcare solutions and assisted living facilities.
  • Retail: Retailers are focusing on online shopping experiences and offering delivery services to cater to a more homebound population.

A Call to Action

The declining global population is a long-term trend, but the effects will vary by region and industry. Businesses that proactively recognise this shift and implement adaptation strategies will be best positioned for continued success. By embracing innovation, reskilling their workforce, and catering to the needs of an aging population, businesses can not only survive but also thrive in this new demographic landscape.

Looking Forward

The future may hold a smaller global population, but it also presents exciting opportunities for innovation and growth. Businesses that are proactive and adaptable will be the ones to shape this new economic landscape. The time to plan for a shrinking world is now.

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Rethinking How You Add Value as the Leader of Your Company for Personal Gain and Business Growth

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How Can You Add Value to This Role? Unlocking Your Potential for Success

As a leader in your company, it is crucial to continually reassess how you add value to your role. By reevaluating your approach, you can unlock your potential for personal gain and foster faster business growth. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a mindset that embraces learning and development. Seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth, both within and outside your current role. By constantly expanding your knowledge and skills, you become a valuable asset to your company.
  2. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork within your organisation. By building strong relationships with your team members, you create an environment where everyone’s unique skills and perspectives can contribute to the company’s success. This collaboration leads to increased innovation and productivity.
  3. Drive Strategic Initiatives: Take the initiative to identify and prioritise strategic projects and initiatives that align with your company’s goals. By proactively driving these initiatives, you demonstrate your ability to think strategically and make a significant impact on the organization’s growth.

By implementing these strategies and continuously reevaluating your role, you can add value to your position and set the stage for personal growth and accelerated business success.

The Three Most Important Things in a Working Environment

When considering the working environment, there are three crucial factors that significantly impact productivity, job satisfaction, and overall success:

  1. Open Communication: A working environment that fosters open communication is vital for success. Encourage transparent and honest dialogue among team members, where ideas, concerns, and feedback can be freely shared. This fosters trust, collaboration, and innovation.
  2. Supportive Culture: A supportive culture is essential for creating a positive working environment. Foster a culture where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated. Provide opportunities for growth, recognise achievements, and promote work-life balance. When employees feel supported, they are more likely to thrive and contribute their best work.
  3. Empowerment and Autonomy: Empowering employees with autonomy over their work is crucial. Allow individuals to take ownership of their projects, make decisions, and contribute their unique skills and perspectives. This sense of empowerment not only enhances job satisfaction but also leads to increased creativity and productivity.

By prioritising open communication, cultivating a supportive culture, and empowering employees, you can create a working environment that promotes personal growth, job satisfaction, and ultimately, business success.

Making Yourself More Valuable to Your Employer: Strategies for Professional Growth

To increase your value to your employer, it’s important to continually develop your skills and expertise. Here are a few strategies to make yourself more valuable:

  1. Seek Professional Development Opportunities: Take advantage of professional development programs, workshops, conferences, and online courses relevant to your field. Acquiring new knowledge and staying up-to-date with industry trends positions you as a valuable asset to your employer.
  2. Expand Your Skill Set: Identify areas where you can expand your skill set. This could involve learning new technologies, acquiring proficiency in a different department, or developing leadership and communication skills. Broadening your capabilities allows you to contribute to various aspects of your organisation, making you indispensable.
  3. Demonstrate Initiative: Show initiative by taking on additional responsibilities, volunteering for challenging projects, or suggesting process improvements. Proactively seek opportunities to contribute beyond your assigned tasks, showcasing your dedication and commitment to your employer’s success.
  4. Foster Relationships: Build strong relationships with colleagues, managers, and leaders within your organisation. Cultivating a strong network not only enhances collaboration but also opens doors for mentorship, career guidance, and potential advancement opportunities.

By consistently investing in your professional growth and demonstrating your commitment to adding value, you can make yourself more valuable to your employer. Remember that personal growth and professional development go hand in hand, benefiting both you and your organisation.

Maximising Your Ability to Deliver Your Best Work More Often

Delivering your best work consistently is crucial for personal and professional success. To maximise your ability to do so, consider the following:

  1. Prioritise Self-Care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential for peak performance. Make sure to get enough rest, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and practice stress-management techniques. When you prioritise self-care, you enhance your focus, energy levels, and overall well-being, enabling you to perform at your best.
  2. Streamline Your Workflow: Identify and eliminate any unnecessary tasks or distractions that hinder your productivity. Organise your workspace, set clear goals, and establish effective time management techniques. Streamlining your workflow allows you to focus on high-value tasks and produce your best work more efficiently.
  3. Continuously Learn and Improve: Never stop learning and seeking ways to improve your skills and knowledge. Stay updated with industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies relevant to your field. By staying ahead of the curve, you can bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table, enabling you to consistently deliver exceptional results.
  4. Seek Feedback and Embrace Growth Opportunities: Actively seek feedback from your peers, superiors, and clients. Constructive criticism provides valuable insights into areas for improvement and allows you to refine your skills. Embrace growth opportunities such as workshops, training programs, and mentorship to further develop your expertise and expand your capabilities.
  5. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive mindset even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Adopting a growth mindset allows you to view obstacles as learning opportunities and bounce back stronger. A positive mindset fuels resilience, creativity, and a drive to deliver your best work consistently.

By implementing these strategies and constantly striving for improvement, you can maximise your ability to deliver your best work more often. This not only benefits your personal growth but also contributes to the overall success and growth of your organisation.

Remember, rethinking how you add value as a leader and continuously seeking ways to enhance your performance is a powerful catalyst for personal gain and accelerated business growth. Embrace the opportunity to evolve and thrive in your role, and the results will be rewarding for both you and your organisation.

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Rethinking How You Add Value as the Leader of Your Company for Personal Gain and Business Growth

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Businesses must be able to benefit from change. We explore the importance of adapting to change in a business. What are the benefits of change in the workplace. Changes in business can be necessary due to external and internal business risk factors. Not all change has to be major. Small incremental changes, combined, can be more effective and beneficial to your business than giant leaps. Constant major changes can also be counterproductive.

  • What are the negative effects of change in business?
  • What are the positive effects of change in business?
  • Learn how to embrace change and innovation in your company.

Today’s organisation’s must embrace change to survive and prosper. Ensure your business has a culture of looking at change as an opportunity to improve not something to fear or resist. Explain the importance of accepting change positively to your employees and customers.

  • Employees will develop new skills which will make them more valuable to you but also more valuable in the marketplace.
  • Employees will have new opportunities to be more creative in alignment with new business objectives so both can navigate choppy market conditions.
  • Employees will become more engaged with and committed to your business as their ideas will help grow the business and their role within the business.

Sell the benefits of a constantly changing business to your employees so they can help you not run away from your business.

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Why should businesses embrace change?

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We look at why change is important. Explain the importance of accepting change positively. Not forgetting both the negative and positive effects of change in the workplace. Control the negative effects of change while enhancing the positive effects of change.

Embracing change means embracing failure. Not all changes will be successful. However if employees feel that their ideas and failure of ideas will be accepted without recrimination and even rewarded, you will find the gems in the rough that will boost your business development.

You need and plan and a process to filter the ideas. Your plan needs to engage all levels of your organisation not just the management team.

Embracing change will help your business find and develop new ideas and opportunities to grow faster. Change in business is inevitable so why not embrace it positively at all times to get the best out of it and mitigate anything bad about change. Embracing change is essential for the future success and growth of your business so adopting a culture and a habit of embracing change will supercharge your growth. Change will no longer threaten your survival in business.

What are the benefits to customers when a business changes?

Adapt your business and embrace change to benefit old and new customers. A culture of embracing change and a process for managing risks of change will lead to more satisfied customers as well as more engaged workforce.

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Much innovation is born out of necessity – for example during times of war. The COVID period maybe our time of war. It as certainly led to the worst economic period for several hundred years including from two world wars. What we can learn from Abandoned Engineering on Yesterday Channel is that our forefathers have invested incredible amounts of money and energy in ideas that failed for various different reasons. If you want your business to be resilience regardless of the economic environment you need to adopt the right risk management strategy to give your business the best chance of surviving in all economic weather. We may think we have been unlucky. However, all previous generations have had their challenges. Our challenge is to be innovative, creative and resilient no matter what is thrown at us.

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There is always trouble ahead for business leaders

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Inspiring Leadership To Strive To Achieve More In Business

And there are always opportunities to grow a business faster too. There are always leadership challenges regardless of era in business. Improve management of the biggest issues facing the business world today.

Learn how to overcome leadership challenges. Being a successful business leader means there will always be challenges. The business problems will change but it is naive to thing that your challenges are more difficult than the challenges other leaders have overcome in the past.

In the UK the biggest issues combined that impact on future business success is poor productivity and lack of skills. UK business leader must invest in capital assets including automation or machinery as well as people. Workers in the UK need dramatic upskilling. There has been a distinct lack of investment over the last decade that needs redressing over the next decade. Instead of whinging about lack of immigration UK business leaders need to be more innovative and invest in engaging existing workforce more.

We can achieve so much more than we are currently doing. There is a significant lack of investment in innovation and new ideas to overcome business challenges. Perhaps it is a hangover from the slow recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. Business leaders have thought about survival for so long that it has suppressed a more creative and innovative business world.


We need to change our business thinking. Invest in innovative thought processes to discover new ways of overcoming business problems in front of us.

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Deutsche Bank currency guru says it’s ‘time to sell the dollar’ as greenback sees longest losing streak since 2021

The dollar has been on a losing streak in recent weeks, and a top currency strategist at Deutsche Bank is betting that the trend will continue.

George Saravelos, global co-head of FX research at Deutsche Bank, said in a note to clients on Thursday that he’s once again betting that the dollar will weaken against the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, and other major currencies.

“We believe that the dollar’s recent weakness is more than just a temporary correction,” Saravelos said. “We see a number of factors that are likely to keep the dollar under pressure in the coming months.”

One of the factors that Saravelos is pointing to is the Federal Reserve’s plans to raise interest rates. The Fed is expected to raise rates several times this year in an effort to combat inflation. However, Saravelos believes that the Fed’s rate hikes will be less effective than they have been in the past because the global economy is now in a different phase.

“The global economy is no longer in a synchronised growth upswing,” Saravelos said. “This means that the Fed’s rate hikes are likely to have a more muted impact on economic activity and inflation than they would have in the past.”

Another factor that Saravelos is pointing to is the strength of the euro. The euro has been rising in recent weeks, and Saravelos believes that this trend is likely to continue.

“The euro is benefiting from a number of factors, including the strong performance of the European economy,” Saravelos said. “We believe that the euro is likely to continue to outperform the dollar in the coming months.”

Saravelos’s call is a reversal of his previous stance. In January, he said that the dollar was “oversold” and that he expected it to rebound. However, he has since changed his view, and he now believes that the dollar is likely to continue to weaken.

Saravelos’s call is in line with the views of other currency analysts. A recent survey by Bloomberg found that 60% of currency analysts believe that the dollar will weaken in the coming months.

If Saravelos is right, it could have a significant impact on the global economy. The dollar is the world’s reserve currency, and its value has a major impact on the prices of commodities, assets, and goods. If the dollar weakens, it could lead to higher inflation and lower economic growth.

Of course, it’s impossible to say for sure what will happen to the dollar in the future. However, Saravelos’s call is a warning that the greenback’s days of dominance may be coming to an end.

In addition to the factors mentioned by Saravelos, there are a few other reasons why the dollar could continue to weaken.

  • The US trade deficit is widening. This means that the US is importing more goods and services than it is exporting. This puts downward pressure on the dollar.
  • The US economy is growing more slowly than other major economies. This means that investors are less likely to hold dollars as a safe haven.
  • The US political landscape is becoming more polarised. This could lead to uncertainty and volatility in the markets, which could also weigh on the dollar.

Of course, there are also some factors that could support the dollar. For example, if the Fed raises interest rates more aggressively than expected, it could boost the dollar’s value. However, overall, the trend seems to be pointing towards a weaker dollar.

What does this mean for investors?

If you are an investor who is holding dollars, you may want to consider hedging your bets by investing in other currencies. You may also want to consider investing in assets that are less sensitive to changes in the dollar’s value.

If you are a business that exports goods or services, you may benefit from a weaker dollar. This is because a weaker dollar will make your goods or services cheaper for foreign buyers.

Overall, the outlook for the dollar is uncertain. However, there are a number of factors that could lead to a weaker dollar in the coming months. Investors and businesses should be aware of these factors and should adjust their strategies accordingly

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BusinessRiskTV Guide To Business Protection

Running a successful business requires more than just a great product or service. It involves understanding and managing the risks that can impact your organisation. From financial risks to cybersecurity threats, there are various factors that can jeopardise the stability and growth of your business. In this BusinessRiskTV Guide to Business Protection, we will explore the key areas you need to consider to protect your business from potential risks.

Risk Assessment
The first step in protecting your business is to conduct a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying and evaluating the potential risks that your business may face. It is essential to assess both internal and external factors that could impact your operations. Internal risks may include financial instability, employee turnover, or operational inefficiencies. External risks can range from economic downturns to changes in regulations or new competitors entering the market. By conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, you can prioritise your efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Financial Risk Management
Financial risks can have a significant impact on your business’s sustainability. It is crucial to develop a robust financial risk management strategy to protect your company’s assets and ensure its long-term viability. This includes identifying potential risks such as cash flow issues, debt management, currency fluctuations, and interest rate changes. Implementing financial controls, diversifying revenue streams, and creating a contingency fund are some of the strategies you can adopt to mitigate financial risks.

Insurance Coverage
Insurance plays a crucial role in protecting your business from unexpected events. It is essential to assess your insurance needs and ensure that you have adequate coverage. Different types of insurance policies are available to address specific risks, such as property insurance, liability insurance, business interruption insurance, and cyber insurance. Carefully review the terms and conditions of each policy to ensure that it aligns with your business’s unique requirements. Regularly reassess your coverage to account for any changes in your operations or business environment.

Cybersecurity Measures
In today’s digital age, businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Protecting your business’s sensitive information and customer data is of utmost importance. Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, encryption, secure passwords, and regular data backups. Educate your employees about the best practices for data security and create a culture of awareness within your organization. Conduct regular security audits and stay updated with the latest cybersecurity trends to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

Legal Compliance
Compliance with laws and regulations is critical to protecting your business from legal risks. Failure to comply with relevant regulations can result in hefty fines, legal battles, and damage to your reputation. Stay informed about the laws and regulations that govern your industry and ensure that your business adheres to them. This may include data protection laws, labor regulations, environmental regulations, and consumer protection laws. Establish robust compliance processes, including regular audits and training programs, to minimise legal risks.

Business Continuity Planning
Developing a comprehensive business continuity plan is essential to ensure that your business can withstand unexpected disruptions. Identify the critical functions of your business and create contingency plans to mitigate risks. This may involve developing alternate supply chains, establishing remote work capabilities, or creating backup systems for crucial operations. Regularly test and update your business continuity plan to account for any changes in your operations or potential risks.

Reputation Management
Protecting your business’s reputation is crucial for long-term success. A damaged reputation can result in loss of customers, decreased revenue, and difficulty attracting top talent. Implement strategies to build and maintain a positive brand image. This includes delivering excellent customer service, being transparent and ethical in your business practices, and actively managing your online presence. Monitor social media platforms, respond promptly to customer feedback, and address any negative publicity proactively.

Strategic Partnerships
Collaborating with strategic partners can help mitigate risks and enhance your business’s protection. Strategic partnerships can provide access to additional resources, expertise, and networks that can help you navigate risks more effectively. Look for partners who complement your business and share similar values. Collaborate on joint projects, share best practices, and leverage each other’s strengths to enhance your risk management capabilities. Building strong relationships with suppliers, distributors, and other key stakeholders can also contribute to the overall protection of your business.

Employee Training and Engagement
Your employees are an integral part of your business’s protection. Investing in employee training and engagement can help mitigate risks and enhance your overall business resilience. Provide regular training sessions on topics such as risk awareness, cybersecurity, compliance, and crisis management. Foster a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable reporting potential risks or suggesting improvements. Engaged employees are more likely to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing risks, contributing to a safer and more secure business environment.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation
Business protection is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. Regularly review your risk management strategies and update them as necessary. Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in your industry to anticipate potential risks. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and implement a robust reporting system to track the effectiveness of your risk management efforts. Conduct periodic audits and risk assessments to identify any emerging risks or areas for improvement.

Protecting your business from potential risks is essential for its long-term success and sustainability. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, implementing financial risk management strategies, securing adequate insurance coverage, strengthening cybersecurity measures, ensuring legal compliance, developing a business continuity plan, managing your reputation, leveraging strategic partnerships, investing in employee training and engagement, and continuously monitoring and evaluating your risk management efforts, you can enhance your business protection. Remember, business protection is an ongoing process that requires adaptability and a proactive approach to address the ever-evolving risks in today’s business landscape. By prioritising risk management and taking proactive measures, you can safeguard your business and position it for long-term growth and success.

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Failure Of Governance

Poor corporate governance endangers the existence and success of businesses

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Looking at the costs of failure of governance. Good governance can be expensive but not compare to the cost of governance failure.


The risk of enterprise failure increases with inadequate governance risk and compliance processes

There are many examples of the biggest firms in the world collapsing due to bad risk management practices. Good corporate governance risk and compliance systems build business resilience and can improve business performance.

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Managing Business Rules

There are several techniques that can be useful for managing business rules in an organisation. Here are some recommendations:

Documenting business rules: One of the most important techniques for managing business rules is to document them in a clear and concise manner. This can include using a variety of formats such as decision tables, flowcharts, and natural language descriptions.

Centralising business rules: To avoid inconsistencies and duplication of effort, it is advisable to centralise the management of business rules. This can be done using a dedicated software tool or a repository that stores the rules and makes them accessible to relevant stakeholders.

Version control: It is crucial to keep track of changes to business rules over time, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Version control techniques such as branching and merging can help in managing changes to business rules.

Testing and validation: Business rules should be tested and validated thoroughly to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. This can be done using a variety of techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

Auditing and monitoring: Regular auditing and monitoring of business rules can help to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can be done using automated tools or through manual reviews.

Governance and ownership: Establishing clear governance and ownership of business rules is essential to ensure that they are being managed effectively. This can include assigning ownership to specific individuals or teams and establishing processes for reviewing and approving changes to business rules.

By following these techniques, organisations can effectively manage their business rules and ensure that they are aligned with their business objectives and regulatory requirements.

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