What are the ethical standards in the workplace environment?

How ethical principles influence work as a people professional?

The Informed Minority: Navigating the Maze of Manipulation in Life and Business

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, a silent battle often unfolds – the clash between an uninformed majority and an informed minority. This statement, while provocative, invites scrutiny to understand the interplay between knowledge, power, and ethical responsibility. In this context, “ethical values” become the moral compass guiding our personal and professional conduct, serving as a shield against manipulation by the informed few. By examining the origins of ethical values, their influence on work as people professionals, and their role in corporate responsibility, we can empower ourselves to navigate the complex ethical landscape of life and business.

Where Do Ethical Values Come From?

Before delving into the ethical battlefield, understanding the genesis of these values is crucial. Our ethical framework is woven from multiple strands:

  • Cultural Fabric: Cultural norms and traditions deeply influence our sense of right and wrong. The values ingrained in our communities and families shape our perceptions of fairness, honesty, and responsibility.
  • Religious Teachings: Religion offers moral directives that guide our behavior and decision-making. Whether we adhere to specific doctrines or embrace broader spiritual principles, the teachings of various faiths contribute to our ethical compass.
  • Philosophical Schools: Philosophers across time have grappled with questions of morality, offering frameworks for ethical conduct. From consequentialism to deontology, these diverse perspectives continue to inform our understanding of right and wrong.
  • Personal Experiences: Personal experiences, especially encounters with injustice, can significantly shape our ethical principles. Witnessing or experiencing harm can instill a strong desire to act with integrity and uphold justice.

These interwoven threads create a unique ethical tapestry for each individual, constantly evolving through introspection, learning, and engagement with the world around us.

Ethical Principles in Action: The People Professional’s Moral Compass

For people professionals, navigating the workplace arena presents specific ethical challenges. From recruitment and employee relations to performance management and conflict resolution, our actions require an unwavering commitment to ethical principles. These principles translate into tangible everyday practices:

  • Fairness and Equity: Ensuring just treatment of all employees, regardless of background, identity, or position, is paramount. This includes eliminating bias in recruitment, upholding equal pay practices, and providing opportunities for development without discrimination.
  • Honesty and Transparency: Open communication and truthful dealings are essential in building trust and fostering a positive work environment. This includes transparent communication about company policies, employee conduct expectations, and decision-making processes.
  • Respect and Dignity: Every individual deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This means valuing diverse perspectives, creating a harassment-free environment, and ensuring that employees feel safe and appreciated in the workplace.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: Protecting employee data and personal information is crucial. This includes respecting confidentiality in sensitive matters, obtaining consent for data collection, and ensuring secure storage and use of personal information.

By grounding our professional conduct in these core principles, we create a workplace environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

Do Ethical Values Provide the Moral Compass?

While ethical values serve as a vital guide, adhering to them is not always straightforward. Complex situations arise where competing values clash, creating ethical dilemmas. In such scenarios, critical thinking and a commitment to doing the right thing are necessary. Consulting our internal moral compass, considering the potential consequences of our actions, and seeking guidance from ethical frameworks can help us navigate these challenges.

Furthermore, ethical leadership plays a crucial role in setting the tone for organisational conduct. Leaders who actively champion ethical values, foster open communication about ethical concerns, and hold themselves and others accountable for ethical lapses create a work environment where ethical decision-making thrives.

Corporate Responsibility: Protecting Human Rights in the Workplace

The ethical sphere extends beyond individual actions and encompasses the responsibility of corporations towards their employees, stakeholders, and the wider community. This responsibility manifests in upholding and protecting human rights within the workplace environment. This includes:

  • Freedom from Discrimination: Ensuring a workplace free from discrimination based on protected characteristics like race, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. This involves implementing anti-discrimination policies, providing sensitivity training, and addressing discriminatory practices swiftly and effectively.
  • Safe and Healthy Working Conditions: Protecting employees from physical and mental harm by providing safe working conditions, adequate training, and access to support mechanisms. This includes addressing issues like bullying, harassment, and stress in the workplace.
  • Fair Compensation and Working Hours: Upholding fair compensation practices that respect employees’ contributions and providing reasonable working hours that ensure work-life balance. This includes ensuring compliance with wage regulations, avoiding wage exploitation, and offering flexible work arrangements where feasible.
  • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Protecting employees’ right to form or join unions and bargain collectively for better working conditions. This promotes worker empowerment and ensures their voices are heard within the organisation.

By committing to these core principles of human rights protection, corporations demonstrate their commitment to ethical conduct and fulfill their responsibility towards a just and equitable society. However, upholding ethical standards in the workplace environment presents ongoing challenges. Globalisation has expanded the ethical landscape, requiring corporations to consider the ethical implications of their operations across diverse cultural contexts. Issues of forced labor, environmental degradation, and unfair working conditions in supply chains necessitate diligent due diligence and proactive measures to ensure ethical sourcing and production practices.

Technology, too, presents novel ethical dilemmas. The use of artificial intelligence in recruitment and performance evaluation raises concerns about bias and fairness. Automation and job displacement require careful consideration of worker retraining and redeployment to mitigate negative impacts. The ethical implications of data privacy and security in the digital age demand robust data protection strategies and responsible data governance practices.

Addressing these challenges necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Firstly, continuous education and training are crucial for both individuals and organisations to stay abreast of evolving ethical issues and best practices. Workshops, seminars, and access to readily available ethical resources can equip individuals with the tools to make informed decisions in complex situations. Additionally, incorporating ethical considerations into organisational policies, procedures, and performance evaluation metrics can incentivise ethical behaviour and hold individuals accountable for upholding ethical standards.

Furthermore, fostering a culture of open communication and ethical reporting within organisations is essential. This encourages employees to voice concerns about potentially unethical practices without fear of retribution. Whistleblower protection mechanisms and accessible reporting channels create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to raise ethical concerns and ensure they are addressed promptly and effectively.

Ultimately, navigating the ethical maze of life and business requires a collective effort. Individuals must strive to understand the origins and application of ethical principles in their personal and professional lives. Organisations must commit to upholding ethical standards within their operations and across their supply chains. Governments and regulatory bodies must enact and enforce laws that promote responsible business practices and address emerging ethical challenges. By working together, we can create a world where ethical values not only guide individual decisions but also serve as the foundation for a just, equitable, and sustainable future.

The uniformed majority will always lose against an informed minority. So your job is to become informed about your life and business. Protect yourself and your business from the risks of manipulation by the minority.


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Managing Key Person Risk

How do you identify a key man risk? How do you manage key person risk? What is key person risk? Key person risk examples.

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Examples of failures to protect business from loss of key persons

Keyman Business Risks
Sky News Report 15 September 2023 : Only around 61 percent of prison officers planned to be on shift turned up for their shift at Wandsworth Prison on the day Daniel Khalife escaped from prison.

Key person risk, also known as key man risk, refers to the potential threat to an organisation’s operations or financial stability that arises when a key individual or individuals (often top executives or key employees) are unable to perform their roles due to unexpected events such as illness, resignation, or death. This risk can have significant negative impacts on a company’s performance and value.

Here’s how to identify and manage key person risk:

  1. Identifying Key Person Risk:
    • Dependency: Identify individuals who are crucial to the functioning of your organisation. These may include founders, top executives, or employees with specialised skills that are difficult to replace.
    • Impact Assessment: Consider the potential impact if a key person were to become unavailable. Would it disrupt operations, affect client relationships, or harm financial performance?
    • Concentration: Assess if too much authority or responsibility is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.
  2. Managing Key Person Risk:
    • Succession Planning: Develop and implement a robust succession plan. Identify and groom potential replacements for key individuals.
    • Cross-Training: Encourage cross-training and knowledge sharing among employees to reduce dependence on specific individuals.
    • Insurance: Consider key person insurance policies that can provide financial protection to the company in case of a key person’s incapacity or death.
    • Contractual Safeguards: Use employment contracts, non-compete agreements, and non-disclosure agreements to protect critical information and relationships.
    • Diversification: Aim to diversify leadership and responsibilities so that no single individual is irreplaceable.
    • Monitoring and Review: Regularly reassess and update your risk management strategies as the organization evolves.

Examples of Key Person Risk:

  1. Small Business Owner: In a family-owned business, the owner may hold critical relationships with key clients. If they become incapacitated, it could lead to client loss and financial instability.
  2. Star CEO: A tech company’s success might be highly dependent on a visionary CEO who is responsible for product development and strategy. If this CEO leaves suddenly, it could disrupt the company’s direction.
  3. Expert Consultant: A consulting firm relies heavily on an expert consultant with unique industry knowledge. If that consultant becomes unavailable, the firm might struggle to deliver services effectively.
  4. Portfolio Manager: In a financial institution, a portfolio manager who handles a significant portion of client investments may pose key person risk. If they leave, it could lead to client withdrawals and financial losses.

Managing key person risk is essential for business continuity and long-term success, as it helps mitigate the vulnerabilities associated with the reliance on specific individuals.

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Managing Key Person Risk

Is it riskier to stick with what you have or make progress towards a better business?

Business Risks: Formation & Success

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Starting a business is a bold venture that requires careful consideration of the risks involved. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a small business owner looking to grow, understanding the potential risks is crucial. In this post, we will explore the risks associated with forming and running a business. We will delve into the three biggest risks faced by small businesses and discuss what you should avoid to achieve success. So, let’s explore the question: Is it riskier to stick with what you have or make progress towards a better business?

What is the Biggest Risk in Forming a Business?

Forming a business comes with its fair share of risks, and identifying the biggest risk can help you make informed decisions. One significant risk is the uncertainty of the market demand for your product or service. Without proper market research and analysis, you may find yourself investing time and resources into a business that lacks consumer interest. Conducting thorough market research, understanding your target audience, and assessing the demand for your offering can help mitigate this risk.

Another critical risk is financial instability. Starting a business often requires significant upfront investments, and without proper financial planning, you may face cash flow issues. It’s crucial to create a realistic budget, secure sufficient funding, and closely monitor your expenses to avoid running into financial trouble.

Legal and regulatory risks also pose a significant challenge for businesses. Failure to comply with laws and regulations relevant to your industry can lead to legal repercussions and damage your reputation. It’s essential to stay updated on legal requirements, obtain necessary licenses and permits, and establish compliant business practices to mitigate this risk.

What do You Think are the Risks Associated with Putting up a Business?

Putting up a business involves a myriad of risks that require careful consideration. One of the primary risks is competition. Regardless of the industry, competition is inevitable. Failing to identify and understand your competition can hinder your business’s growth. Conduct a competitor analysis, differentiate your offerings, and develop a unique value proposition to stand out from the crowd.

Another risk is operational inefficiency. Inadequate processes, poor resource allocation, and lack of effective management can result in wasted time, money, and effort. It’s crucial to streamline your operations, invest in technology and automation, and empower your team with the necessary tools and training.

Financial mismanagement is yet another risk that can cripple a business. Inadequate financial planning, overspending, and ineffective pricing strategies can lead to cash flow issues, debt accumulation, and even bankruptcy. Developing sound financial management practices, seeking professional advice, and regularly reviewing your financial performance are essential to mitigate this risk.

What do You Think the 3 Biggest Risks are for Small Businesses?

Small businesses face specific risks that can significantly impact their success. Firstly, limited resources pose a considerable challenge. Small businesses often operate with tight budgets, limited manpower, and fewer marketing opportunities. The lack of resources can impede growth and hinder your ability to compete effectively. Careful resource allocation, strategic partnerships, and innovative marketing strategies can help overcome this challenge.

Secondly, market volatility can be a significant risk for small businesses. Economic downturns, changing consumer trends, and disruptive technologies can quickly disrupt small businesses. To mitigate this risk, staying informed about industry trends, diversifying your offerings, and adapting your business model to the changing landscape is crucial.

Lastly, inadequate scalability can be a risk for small businesses with ambitions to grow. Scaling up operations without proper planning and infrastructure can lead to operational inefficiencies, compromised quality, and overwhelmed staff. It’s important to develop a scalable business model, invest in technology, and build a strong foundation that can support growth.

What Should I Avoid to be Successful in Business?

To achieve success in business, it’s crucial to avoid certain pitfalls and mistakes. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Lack of Planning: Failing to create a comprehensive business plan can be detrimental to your success. A well-thought-out plan serves as a roadmap, outlining your goals, strategies, target market, and financial projections. It helps you stay focused, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes effectively.
  2. Poor Financial Management: Neglecting financial management can lead to severe consequences. It’s important to establish sound financial practices, including budgeting, tracking expenses, managing cash flow, and staying on top of tax obligations. Seeking professional advice from accountants or financial advisors can provide valuable insights and ensure your financial stability.
  3. Ignoring Market Research: Conducting market research is vital for understanding your target audience, identifying their needs, and evaluating your competition. Skipping this step can result in launching products or services that don’t align with market demand, wasting resources and time. Invest in market research to make informed decisions and develop strategies that resonate with your customers.
  4. Lack of Adaptability: In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, adaptability is crucial for survival. Failing to embrace new technologies, consumer trends, or industry shifts can leave you behind. Stay agile and open-minded, constantly seeking opportunities for innovation and improvement. Embrace change as a chance to grow and evolve.
  5. Poor Customer Service: Neglecting customer satisfaction can be detrimental to your business. Your customers are the lifeblood of your company, and their positive experiences are essential for building a loyal customer base. Focus on providing exceptional customer service, promptly addressing their concerns, and continuously improving their overall experience.
  6. Ineffective Marketing: Even if you offer a great product or service, without effective marketing, your business may go unnoticed. Develop a strong marketing strategy that utilises various channels such as social media, content marketing, SEO, and advertising to reach your target audience. Tailor your messaging to resonate with your customers and consistently monitor and adjust your marketing efforts for optimal results.

In the world of business, there are inherent risks associated with both sticking with what you have and pursuing progress. However, it is often riskier to remain stagnant, as it can lead to missed opportunities and eventual decline. By understanding the risks involved in forming a business, putting up a business, and running a small business, you can take proactive steps to mitigate them. Additionally, by avoiding common pitfalls such as lack of planning, poor financial management, and ineffective marketing, you can increase your chances of success. Embrace adaptability, prioritise customer satisfaction, and invest in market research to stay ahead of the competition. Remember, progress and growth are essential for long-term success in business.

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Is it riskier to stick with what you have or make progress towards a better business

Aligning Business with Stakeholders

Aligning Business Decisions with Stakeholder Expectations: A Path to Success

Maximising value by engaging stakeholders in business strategy

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organisations must understand and address the expectations of their stakeholders to foster long-term success. Stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and communities, hold diverse interests and exert significant influence on businesses. To thrive in this environment, companies must align their decision-making processes with stakeholder expectations. This article explores key strategies and best practices that enable businesses to navigate stakeholder relationships effectively and make informed decisions that drive mutual value creation.

  1. Understanding Stakeholder Expectations Before aligning business decisions with stakeholder expectations, it is crucial to gain a deep understanding of who the stakeholders are and what they seek from the organisation. Stakeholders can vary greatly depending on the industry and context but often include customers, employees, suppliers, investors, regulators, and communities. Each stakeholder group possesses unique needs, interests, and concerns that influence their expectations.

To understand stakeholder expectations, businesses should engage in ongoing dialogue and collaboration, actively seeking feedback and input. Surveys, focus groups, and open forums can facilitate this process, providing valuable insights into stakeholders’ perspectives and priorities. Additionally, staying attuned to industry trends, market dynamics, and social issues allows organisations to anticipate evolving stakeholder expectations.

  1. Establishing Clear Communication Channels Effective communication is the cornerstone of aligning business decisions with stakeholder expectations. Clear and transparent communication channels ensure that stakeholders are well-informed about organisational decisions, initiatives, and performance. Regularly updating stakeholders on key developments helps build trust, fosters engagement, and mitigates potential conflicts.

Companies should develop a comprehensive communication strategy that encompasses both internal and external stakeholders. Internal communication ensures that employees are aware of the organisation’s goals, values, and strategic direction, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment. External communication, on the other hand, involves sharing relevant information with customers, investors, suppliers, and the broader community to maintain transparency and manage expectations.

  1. Prioritising Stakeholder Engagement Active engagement with stakeholders enables businesses to align their decisions with their interests. Organisations should identify key stakeholders and develop tailored engagement plans to involve them in decision-making processes. By incorporating diverse perspectives, organisations can make well-informed decisions that account for various stakeholder concerns.

Engagement methods can vary based on the stakeholder group and context. For example, customer advisory panels, employee town hall meetings, and investor conferences provide platforms for stakeholders to voice their opinions, share insights, and contribute to decision-making. Engaging stakeholders from the early stages of a project or initiative allows for collaborative problem-solving and the identification of win-win solutions.

  1. Conducting Impact Assessments To align business decisions with stakeholder expectations, organisations must understand the potential impacts and consequences of their actions. Conducting impact assessments helps evaluate how decisions may affect different stakeholder groups and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Assessments can range from social and environmental impact assessments to economic and ethical analyses. For example, evaluating the environmental footprint of a new product launch or analysing the potential social implications of workforce restructuring can inform decision-making and help identify strategies to minimise negative impacts.

  1. Integrating Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are vital considerations in aligning business decisions with stakeholder expectations. Increasingly, stakeholders expect companies to operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Integrating sustainability and CSR principles into decision-making processes can enhance the organisation’s reputation, attract stakeholders, and drive long-term value creation.

Businesses should adopt sustainable practices throughout their operations, supply chains, and product/service offerings. This includes reducing carbon emissions, implementing ethical sourcing practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, and supporting local communities. By doing so, organisations can meet stakeholder expectations while contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future.

  1. Creating a Culture of Accountability Aligning business decisions with stakeholder expectations requires fostering a culture of accountability within the organisation. This involves clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations for employees at all levels. When individuals understand how their actions contribute to the organisation’s overall success and the impact on stakeholders, they are more likely to make decisions that align with stakeholder expectations.

Leaders play a crucial role in promoting accountability by setting a positive example and reinforcing ethical behavior. By recognising and rewarding employees who demonstrate alignment with stakeholder expectations, organizations can reinforce the importance of considering stakeholder interests in decision-making processes.

  1. Monitoring and Measuring Performance To ensure ongoing alignment with stakeholder expectations, organisations must establish robust monitoring and measurement mechanisms. Regularly tracking and evaluating performance indicators allows businesses to gauge their progress in meeting stakeholder needs and identify areas for improvement.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established to measure the organisation’s performance against stakeholder expectations. These can include customer satisfaction scores, employee engagement surveys, sustainability metrics, and financial performance indicators. By analyzing these KPIs, businesses can identify gaps, set targets, and take corrective actions when necessary.

  1. Agility and Adaptability The business landscape is constantly evolving, and stakeholder expectations can change over time. Therefore, organisations must embrace agility and adaptability as core competencies. Being able to respond promptly and effectively to emerging trends and shifting stakeholder needs is essential for maintaining alignment.

Businesses should regularly review and reassess their strategies, goals, and decision-making processes to ensure continued relevance. Engaging with stakeholders and seeking feedback on an ongoing basis can help identify emerging expectations and facilitate timely adjustments.

Aligning business decisions with stakeholder expectations is a critical aspect of building sustainable and successful organisations. By understanding stakeholder needs, establishing clear communication channels, prioritising engagement, conducting impact assessments, integrating sustainability and CSR principles, fostering accountability, and monitoring performance, companies can make informed decisions that drive mutual value creation. Furthermore, embracing agility and adaptability allows organisations to navigate the ever-changing business landscape while maintaining stakeholder alignment.

Ultimately, businesses that prioritise stakeholder expectations as a central driver of decision-making are more likely to build strong relationships, enhance their reputation, and achieve long-term success. By proactively addressing stakeholder needs, organisations can create shared value, fostering a positive impact on society while driving their own growth and profitability.

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Aligning Business with Stakeholders

Co-creating Solutions with Stakeholders

Better communication and collaboration to boost business performance

Co-creation is a process where stakeholders work together to create solutions that meet their collective needs. It is a collaborative approach to problem-solving that emphasises the importance of including all stakeholders in the process of finding and implementing solutions. Co-creation involves listening to different perspectives, brainstorming ideas, and building consensus around the best approach. Co-creation can be an effective way to solve complex problems and create positive change in communities, organisations, and industries. In this article, we will explore how stakeholders can be involved in co-creating change solutions.

Who are stakeholders?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or stake in the outcome of a decision or action. In the context of co-creation, stakeholders can be any person or group who is affected by a problem or who can contribute to its solution. Stakeholders can include customers, employees, suppliers, investors, government agencies, non-profit organisations, and the community at large. Each stakeholder has a unique perspective, experience, and expertise that can contribute to the co-creation process.

Why involve stakeholders in co-creation?

Involving stakeholders in co-creation has several benefits. First, it can increase the quality of solutions by incorporating a diverse range of perspectives and ideas. When stakeholders are involved in the co-creation process, they can share their experiences, knowledge, and expertise to help identify problems and develop solutions. This can lead to more innovative and effective solutions that better meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Second, involving stakeholders in co-creation can increase stakeholder buy-in and ownership of solutions. When stakeholders are involved in the co-creation process, they are more likely to feel invested in the solutions that are developed. This can increase their willingness to support and implement the solutions, which can lead to greater success in achieving the desired outcomes.

Third, involving stakeholders in co-creation can increase transparency and accountability. When stakeholders are involved in the co-creation process, they can provide feedback on the decision-making process and hold decision-makers accountable for the decisions that are made. This can help ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of all stakeholders and that the process is fair and equitable.

How to involve stakeholders in co-creation?

  1. Identify stakeholders

The first step in involving stakeholders in co-creation is to identify who they are. This involves identifying all the individuals and groups who are affected by the problem or who can contribute to the solution. Stakeholders can be identified through stakeholder mapping, which involves creating a visual representation of all the stakeholders involved in a particular project or issue. Stakeholder mapping can help to identify key stakeholders and their relationships with each other, which can inform the co-creation process.

  1. Engage stakeholders

The next step is to engage stakeholders in the co-creation process. This involves communicating with stakeholders about the problem, the co-creation process, and their role in the process. Communication can take many forms, including meetings, workshops, surveys, and social media. The key is to use communication channels that are appropriate for the stakeholders and that allow for two-way communication.

  1. Define the problem

The third step is to define the problem that needs to be solved. This involves identifying the root causes of the problem and the desired outcomes. Defining the problem is a critical step in the co-creation process, as it provides a common understanding of the problem and the goals that need to be achieved. Stakeholders should be involved in defining the problem, as they can provide valuable insights into the problem and its impact on them.

  1. Brainstorm solutions

Once the problem has been defined, the next step is to brainstorm solutions. This involves generating a wide range of ideas that could potentially solve the problem. Brainstorming can be done individually or in groups, and can be done in person or virtually. The key is to encourage creativity and collaboration among stakeholders. During the brainstorming phase, stakeholders should be encouraged to think outside the box and consider a range of possible solutions.

  1. Evaluate solutions

After generating a list of potential solutions, the next step is to evaluate them. This involves assessing the feasibility, impact, and effectiveness of each solution. Stakeholders should be involved in the evaluation process, as they can provide valuable input on the potential benefits and drawbacks of each solution. It is important to evaluate solutions based on the criteria that were established during the problem definition phase.

  1. Co-create solutions

The next step is to co-create solutions. This involves selecting one or more solutions and working together to develop a plan for implementation. Co-creation can involve stakeholders from different sectors and organisations, as well as individuals with different expertise and experiences. The co-creation process should be collaborative and iterative, with stakeholders working together to refine and improve the solutions.

  1. Implement solutions

Once solutions have been co-created, the next step is to implement them. This involves putting the plan into action and monitoring progress towards achieving the desired outcomes. Stakeholders should be involved in the implementation process, as they can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the solutions and identify any areas that need improvement.

  1. Evaluate and iterate

The final step in the co-creation process is to evaluate and iterate the solutions. This involves assessing the impact of the solutions and identifying opportunities for improvement. Stakeholders should be involved in the evaluation and iteration process, as they can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the solutions and identify any areas that need to be improved.

Involving stakeholders in co-creating change solutions is a powerful approach to problem-solving that can lead to innovative and effective solutions. By listening to different perspectives, brainstorming ideas, and building consensus around the best approach, stakeholders can work together to create solutions that meet their collective needs. Co-creation can increase the quality of solutions, increase stakeholder buy-in and ownership, and increase transparency and accountability. By following the steps outlined in this article, organisations and communities can involve stakeholders in co-creating change solutions and achieve positive outcomes that benefit all stakeholders.

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How can stakeholders be involved in co-creating change solutions?

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Co-creating Solutions with Stakeholders

Business Risk Management Planning For 2023

What business leaders need to know when preparing to manage business risks effectively in 2023

Calculated Risk Taking In Business In 2023

As a risk management expert, I can confidently say that taking calculated risks in business is essential for survival and success in the year 2023 and beyond. In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, it is imperative that companies stay ahead of the curve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities as they arise. This often requires taking calculated risks, or carefully considered and planned actions that have the potential to bring about significant rewards.

There are several reasons why taking calculated risks in business is important for survival and success in 2023.

First and foremost, calculated risks can lead to innovation and growth. In a world where competition is fierce and the pace of change is rapid, businesses that are able to think outside the box and take calculated risks are often the ones that are able to stay ahead of the game. By embracing new ideas and approaches, and taking calculated risks to bring them to fruition, businesses can drive innovation and open up new growth opportunities.

Calculated risks can also help businesses stay relevant and competitive in their industry. In today’s rapidly changing market, it is essential that businesses stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and be willing to adapt and pivot as needed. By taking calculated risks and embracing change, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and maintain their relevance in the market.

Another reason why taking calculated risks is important for survival and success in business is that it can help companies overcome challenges and setbacks. While it is always important to minimize risk as much as possible, it is inevitable that businesses will face challenges and setbacks along the way. By taking calculated risks and being proactive in addressing these challenges, businesses can find creative solutions and bounce back from difficult situations.

Finally, taking calculated risks can help businesses achieve long-term success. While it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and rewards of any action, it is also important to take a long-term perspective and be willing to take calculated risks in order to achieve larger goals and aspirations. By taking calculated risks, businesses can create new opportunities for growth and success that would not have been possible otherwise.

In summary, taking calculated risks in business is essential for survival and success in 2023 and beyond. By embracing innovation and change, staying competitive and relevant, overcoming challenges and setbacks, and taking a long-term perspective, businesses can thrive by taking calculated risks and embracing new opportunities as they arise.

 Top 10 business risks to manage in 2023:

  1. Cybersecurity risks: With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet in business, it is essential to protect against cyber attacks and data breaches. This includes investing in robust cybersecurity measures and regularly training employees on how to identify and prevent cyber threats.
  2. Economic risks: Economic instability and recession can have significant impacts on businesses, including reduced demand for products and services, supply chain disruptions, and financial difficulties. It is important for businesses to regularly assess and monitor economic conditions and have contingency plans in place to mitigate potential risks.
  3. Regulatory risks: Changes in laws and regulations can have major impacts on businesses, including increased costs and compliance requirements. It is important for businesses to stay up-to-date on changes in regulations and ensure that they are in compliance to avoid potential penalties and fines.
  4. Reputation risks: A company’s reputation is a valuable asset that can be easily damaged by negative events or negative perceptions. It is important for businesses to actively manage their reputation and address any issues or concerns promptly to prevent reputational damage.
  5. Market risks: Changes in consumer preferences, competition, and market conditions can all pose risks to businesses. It is important to regularly assess and monitor market conditions and adapt strategies as needed to stay competitive and respond to changing conditions.
  6. Financial risks: Financial risks can include things like unexpected expenses, cash flow issues, or difficulty securing funding. It is important for businesses to have strong financial management practices in place and to regularly assess and monitor their financial health to mitigate potential financial risks.
  7. Talent risks: Attracting and retaining top talent is essential for business success. Talent risks can include difficulty finding qualified candidates, high employee turnover, or inadequate training and development. It is important for businesses to have strategies in place to attract and retain top talent, and to provide ongoing support and development for employees.
  8. Supply chain risks: Disruptions in the supply chain can have major impacts on businesses, including delays, increased costs, and reduced quality. It is important for businesses to have contingency plans in place and to regularly assess and monitor their supply chain to mitigate potential risks.
  9. Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires can disrupt business operations and cause significant damage. It is important for businesses to have contingency plans in place and to regularly assess and update their disaster preparedness plans.
  10. Political risks: Political instability or changes in government policies can have major impacts on businesses, including changes in regulations and trade agreements. It is important for businesses to stay up-to-date on political developments and have contingency plans in place to mitigate potential risks.
Risk CategoryRisk Description
Cybersecurity risksProtecting against cyber attacks and data breaches
Economic risksEconomic instability and recession
Regulatory risksChanges in laws and regulations
Reputation risksManaging and protecting company reputation
Market risksChanges in consumer preferences, competition, and market conditions
Financial risksUnexpected expenses, cash flow issues, and difficulty securing funding
Talent risksAttracting and retaining top talent
Supply chain risksDisruptions in the supply chain
Natural disastersNatural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires
Political risksPolitical instability or changes in government policies

Example of business risk management action plan for leaders for each 2023 business risk in table

Here is a business risk management action plan for leaders for each risk in the table above:

  1. Cybersecurity risks:
  • Implement robust cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and secure passwords
  • Regularly train employees on how to identify and prevent cyber threats
  • Develop a cybersecurity incident response plan
  1. Economic risks:
  • Monitor economic conditions and trends regularly
  • Develop contingency plans to mitigate potential impacts of economic instability or recession
  • Consider diversifying business operations and sources of revenue
  1. Regulatory risks:
  • Stay up-to-date on changes in laws and regulations that may impact the business
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations
  • Develop contingency plans for potential changes in regulations
  1. Reputation risks:
  • Monitor and manage company reputation through proactive communication and addressing any issues or concerns promptly
  • Implement a crisis management plan to address potential reputational risks
  • Foster a positive corporate culture and values
  1. Market risks:
  • Monitor market conditions and trends regularly
  • Conduct market research to understand consumer preferences and competition
  • Develop strategies to adapt to changing market conditions
  1. Financial risks:
  • Implement strong financial management practices, including budgeting, forecasting, and risk assessment
  • Monitor financial health regularly and take proactive measures to address potential financial risks
  • Develop contingency plans for unexpected expenses or cash flow issues
  1. Talent risks:
  • Develop strategies to attract and retain top talent, including competitive compensation and benefits packages and ongoing training and development
  • Foster a positive company culture and work environment to reduce employee turnover
  • Implement a talent management plan to identify and address any talent risks
  1. Supply chain risks:
  • Monitor and assess supply chain risks regularly
  • Develop contingency plans to mitigate potential supply chain disruptions
  • Consider diversifying sources of supplies and vendors
  1. Natural disasters:
  • Develop a disaster preparedness plan and regularly assess and update it as needed
  • Implement measures to protect against potential damage from natural disasters, such as backup power sources and securing important documents and equipment
  • Train employees on disaster response protocols
  1. Political risks:
  • Monitor political developments and changes in government policies that may impact the business
  • Develop contingency plans to mitigate potential political risks
  • Consider diversifying business operations and sources of revenue to mitigate potential impacts of political instability.

Why business leaders need to create their own business risk management action plan to manage these key business risks facing their business in 2023

Business leaders are faced with a multitude of risks in today’s rapidly changing business landscape, and it is essential that they have a plan in place to manage these risks effectively. A business risk management action plan is a strategic approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that may impact the business.

Creating a business risk management action plan is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps leaders anticipate and prepare for potential risks that may arise. By identifying and assessing potential risks, leaders can develop strategies to mitigate or eliminate these risks before they become a problem. This proactive approach can help prevent significant disruptions to business operations and protect the long-term viability of the company.

A business risk management action plan also helps leaders prioritise their risk management efforts and allocate resources accordingly. By understanding the potential impacts and likelihood of different risks, leaders can prioritize their efforts and allocate resources to the areas that will have the greatest impact on the business.

Another reason why business leaders need to create a business risk management action plan is that it helps to build resilience and adaptability within the organisation. By regularly reviewing and updating the action plan, leaders can ensure that the business is continuously adapting to changing circumstances and able to weather any potential storms that may arise.

Finally, a business risk management action plan helps to promote transparency and accountability within the organisation. By clearly outlining the steps that will be taken to mitigate risks, leaders can foster a culture of transparency and accountability, which is essential for building trust with stakeholders and customers.

In conclusion, business leaders need to create a business risk management action plan to effectively manage the key business risks facing their business in 2023 and beyond. This strategic approach helps to anticipate and prepare for potential risks, prioritize risk management efforts, build resilience and adaptability, and promote transparency and accountability within the organization. By taking a proactive and structured approach to risk management, business leaders can protect the long-term viability of their company and ensure its success in an uncertain and rapidly changing business landscape.

Who should be preparing a risk management action plan to manage business risks in 2023?

A risk management action plan should be prepared by business leaders and key decision-makers within the organisation. This typically includes the CEO, CFO, and other top executives who have the authority and responsibility to implement risk management strategies. In some cases, the board of directors may also be involved in the development and implementation of the risk management action plan.

In addition to senior leadership, it is also important for other key stakeholders within the organisation to be involved in the risk management process. This may include department heads, team leaders, and individual employees who have relevant knowledge and expertise. Engaging a diverse group of stakeholders in the risk management process can help to identify a wider range of potential risks and ensure that the risk management action plan is comprehensive and effective.

It is also important to involve external advisors and experts, such as risk management consultants or legal experts, in the development of the risk management action plan. These individuals can provide valuable insights and guidance on industry-specific risks and best practices for risk management.

Overall, the development of a risk management action plan should involve a collaborative effort across the organization, with input and involvement from senior leadership, key stakeholders, and external advisors. By bringing together a diverse group of individuals, businesses can create a comprehensive and effective risk management action plan that helps to mitigate potential risks and protect the long-term viability of the company.

How can you get help to prepare your business risk management plan and implement a more effective risk management strategy to boost your business resilience and performance?

Our network of enterprise risk management experts can help you. Email [email protected] for more information.

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Business Risk Management Planning For 2023

What are the things you need to avoid in order for your business to grow and be successful?

Make sure you focus your business resources on the key threats and opportunities facing your business

How do you make sure your business does not fail?

Avoid mistakes your team know are too risky. Pick up business tips help and support to protect and grow your business. What do you need to make sure doesn’t happen in your business in next 5 years if you are to look back and assess your business plan to have been a success? What do you not want your business to look like in five years time? How are you going to ensure you are successful? Collaborate with other business leaders on a better business risk management strategy. Adopt a more creative innovative approach to business risk taking.

  • Find and solve business problems more cost-effectively.
  • Manage your business risks better.
  • Learn how to sell more online to grow your business faster.

Analyse key business risks currently impacting on your business and risks on the horizon. Understand the benefits of balanced business risk management strategy. Focus your available resources on what really matters for your business.


What are the things you need to avoid in order for your business to grow and be successful?



Risk Diversification Is A Protection Against Ignorance Of Your Key Business Risks

Manage your business performance better with BusinessRiskTV

What is risk diversification? Diversification is for idiots explored. What are the dangers of over diversification in business? Concentration of effort on key risks builds better business protection and can grow a business faster with less uncertainty. Diversification is not good or bad – horses for courses! There are benefits of diversification, but not at expense of liquifying your business success.

If you do not know how to manage business risks you need to diversify your risk management strategy more to protect your business from your incompetence.

Of course you should hedge your bets in business decision making if you do not know what you are doing! Do you know your key business threats and opportunity’s ? Are you sure you know? If so go ahead full steam. If you do not know then maybe you should understand your business risks better before managing your business risks to maximise your business performance?

Benefits Of Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Benefits Of Enterprise Risk Management ERM

If you know how to analysis your business risks and truly value your business assets, then maybe you should invest most of your time and money in what you know rather than uncertainty! If you want your business to perform averagely maybe you should spread your risk decisions, or alternatively, if you want maximum performance from your existing resources you should focus on what’s best for your business? Spread your business investment wider if you feel more comfortable with that but do that knowing you do not truly understand your key business risks.

What Is key to busness growth
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Risk Diversification Is A Protection Against Ignorance

Take Risks With BusinessRiskTV

Take the risk or lose the chance to grow faster with BusinessRiskTV

Take The Risk Or Lose The Chance

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Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Taking calculated risks is the business of the entrepreneur or business leaders. Taking the right risks will make your business more successful. Taking mo risk is condemning your business to a slow death, at best.

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Take the Risk or Lose the Chance to Be Better in Business

In business, as in life, there are always risks involved. But sometimes, the only way to achieve success is to take a chance.

A ship in the harbour is safe but that’s not what ships are for.

There are many reasons why it’s important to take risks in business. Here are a few:

  • Risks can lead to innovation. When businesses take risks, they often come up with new and innovative products or services. This can help them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Risks can lead to growth. When businesses expand into new markets or launch new products, they often experience growth. This can lead to increased revenue, profits, and market share.
  • Risks can lead to learning. When businesses take risks, they often learn from their mistakes. This can help them to improve their products, services, and processes.

Of course, there is also the risk of failure when taking risks in business. But the potential rewards often outweigh the potential risks.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a business or expanding your existing business, don’t be afraid to take some risks. Just make sure you do your research and plan carefully. And be prepared to learn from your mistakes.

Is it better to take the risk or lose the chance?

The answer to this question depends on your individual circumstances and goals. If you’re willing to take a risk and have a good chance of success, then it may be worth it. However, if you’re not willing to take a risk or the chances of success are slim, then it may be better to play it safe.

Why is it important to take risk in business?

There are several reasons why it’s important to take risks in business. Here are a few:

  • Risk can lead to innovation. Businesses that are willing to take risks are more likely to innovate and come up with new products and services. This can help them to stay ahead of the competition and grow their business.
  • Risk can lead to growth. Businesses that are willing to take risks are more likely to grow their business. This can be done by expanding into new markets, launching new products, or acquiring other businesses.
  • Risk can lead to learning. Businesses that are willing to take risks are more likely to learn from their mistakes. This can help them to improve their products, services, and processes.

Is it worth it to take risk business?

Whether or not it’s worth it to take risks in business depends on a number of factors, including the size of the risk, the potential reward, and the likelihood of success.

In general, it’s only worth taking risks that have a good chance of success and that are worth the potential reward. For example, it may not be worth taking a risk on a new product that has a small market potential. However, it may be worth taking a risk on a new product that has a large market potential and that can be produced at a low cost.

What does take risks mean in business?

Taking risks in business means being willing to try new things, even if there is a chance of failure. It means being willing to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities. It also means being willing to learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Taking risks is not always easy, but it can be very rewarding. When you take risks, you have the potential to achieve great things. You can grow your business, innovate new products, and reach new markets. So, if you’re looking to achieve success in business, don’t be afraid to take some risks.

Here are some tips for taking risks in business:

  • Do your research. Before you take any risks, make sure you do your research and understand the potential risks and rewards.
  • Plan carefully. Once you’ve done your research, create a plan for how you’re going to mitigate the risks and maximize the rewards.
  • Be prepared to fail. Even if you do everything right, there’s always a chance that you’ll fail. Be prepared to learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • Don’t give up. If you fail, don’t give up. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

Taking risks can be scary, but it’s also an essential part of business success. If you’re willing to take some risks, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.


Take Risks With BusinessRiskTV

Taking No Risk Is The Biggest Risk To Your Business

Are you looking to boost your business performance

If your business risk management strategy is to not take risks it is likely that your business will die quickly or slowly, but fail it will. The consequences of not taking risks in business is that your risk control costs will make your business uncompetitive in your marketplace, or you will miss business opportunities to grow faster. The risk of doing nothing is an inevitable death of your business. Intelligently taking more risk can mitigate the risks not working out and boost the return on your investment of time and money in your business. Take a business risk with more confidence with BusinessRiskTV.

Guide to being more successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur
Supporting Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

The biggest risk is taking no risk at all

Business leaders have to take risks to survive and prosper in their chosen marketplace. This does not mean business leaders should be reckless. It just means they need to be mindful of the key business risks that do impact on the objectives of the business.

Failing to plan does mean you are planning to fail. However even the best laid business plan can fail when exposed to the vagaries of the business marketplace. Your business risk management plan needs to be flexible and it needs regular reviewing to ensure it is working efficiently.

Business Coaching Services
Business Coaching Services

The best risks to take are the ones you can direct into your favour. Luck will always play its part in risk taking, but you can take risk with confidence if you have the right risk management process embedded in your business decision-making.

Why taking no risk is the biggest risk

The world of business is changing at an ever faster rate. Children born today will do jobs that have not even been invented yet.

It is often said that me learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. Not taking risks may mean you make fewer mistakes, but you may also miss the opportunities to grow faster from ways you could not have envisaged prior to taking a risk. Taking a known risk, even if you don’t know all the possible outcomes, can teach you something that can drive your business forward faster. Without business risk there is no innovation in business. Being good at taking risks means you can optimise your business performance.

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Taking No Risk Is The Biggest Risk To Your Business

The greatest risk is not taking one

You do not need to leap into the dark

Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

Supporting More Informed Decision-Making

Do not manage your business from the stand point of fear of business risks. Overcoming fear in business starts with improving your ability to inform your decision-making. With less risk information you have more uncertainty. Increased uncertainty increases negative impact on your business objectives.

Success normally comes from taking controlled risks not hunkering down, crossing fingers or hoping it will work out for you

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Even if you do not seek business risks, they will find you! Risk taking is part and parcel of the job description of business leaders. Most business leaders seek greater rewards from their business. Greater rewards normally come from taking on more risk. Taking on more risk does not automatically mean you need to take on a higher level of risk. If you control the risks you take on the net level of risk can remain the same, but the rewards can be greater.

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See The Road Ahead More Clearly With BusinessRiskTV

Learn how to improve your business decision-making capability to boost your business performance

Increase the chance of success in business by improving the quality quantity and speed of your decisions. Improve your decisions by improving the risk information at your disposal and the risk management tools and techniques you use to help you make decisions.

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Importance Of Risk Taking In Business

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The greatest risk is not taking one

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News opinions analysis reviews and activism with local and global people. Sixth generation movement to power 4th industrial revolution faster cheaper better. Connecting the world to achieve more with less.

6G Today Tomorrow and Everyday Thereafter

How do we improve on yesterday so that today and tomorrow is better and more cost effective. What is it that we have that is good?

  • What could be better?
  • Why is it not working now?
  • How are we going to change things?
  • When will we achieve enough is good enough?
  • Where do we need to act?
  • Who can help us move forward?

Striving for perfection is not our goal. Do not let perfection be the enemy of the good enough. Focus on making realistic changes for the better happen. Dreaming of a better world tomorrow does not make the real world good enough today.

Practical action to progressively improve the world we live in

Most people in 3rd world countries are not interested in woke words. They simply want to live better tomorrow than they did today. Most peoples 1st world problems could be alleviated with a holistic approach to good business management and lifestyle choices.

4th Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review
Fourth Industrial Revolution Latest News Commentary and Risk Review

Aspiration to live better wherever you live in the world can be fulfilled by solving all our problems together at once not by a piecemeal approach. Good words do not put food on the table or a roof over your head. Sodding your neighbour does not protect you from destroying everything you have built around you.

People can work together for common good

We do not need to be in the same country culture or place to work as a team to achieve what we want for ourselves. Getting what you want can help others to get what they want out of the investment of time.

Putting up trade barriers does not work for the builder of walls. Forcing people to be in your gang does not make progression towards goals fast enough. Seeing the mutual benefit at the end for all people on the bus does.

Our holistic approach to making decisions for the common good will be successful for all who lend support

If you put your shoulder to the wheel you can reap the rewards from the effort.

We are not looking for constant companions but do seek constant progress. Moving it forward a little everyday is better than big leaps now and again. We do not need to be beside you for every step but would like to be with you at the end of the journey. We can achieve more together than on our own.


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Do you fear losing what you have created instead of valuing what you might gain from taking more risk?

How to overcome loss aversion with BusinessRiskTV.com

How do we make the best use of available business assets and resources to maximise return of investment of time and money

Fear of loss often beats the desire to gain more. Fearing losing everything you have built is natural human reaction. However is your fear getting in the way of seizing new business opportunities? Keep innovating and growing with less uncertainty with BusinessRiskTV.

Develop a holistic risk management culture to drive your business forward. Up your risk appetite to achieve more with more controlled balanced risk taking.

The biggest factor in business leader decision making is fear of loss. People worry about loss more than securing gains.


Develop a more assured risk management framework and risk assessment process to match your risk culture. Make sure your risk taking remains within your risk tolerance.

Do you have loss aversion bias in decision making?

Business leaders who are loss averse feel the pain of loss much greater that any joy from any gains from decisions made. They make strategic business decisions accordingly. The risk culture of the business models the loss aversion bias of the business leader.

If this works well for your business you should continue with status quo. However if you would like to experience faster business growth you may need to take more calculated risks.

Loss aversion refers to the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. It is better for you to not lose 10000 pounds than to make 10000 pounds in business. 


However most entrepreneurs and many business leaders are in their position to better themselves. If you mitigate the potential losses from taking more risks and manage the risks to maximise the return on your investment you should end up with faster growth with less uncertainty.

It is more common in people who are not entrepreneurs or business leaders to be biased against taking risks. Loss aversion is a reflection of a general bias in human psychology. People tend to want to stick with what they know than make changes that might not work well. People in general are resistant to change. When presented with the potential benefits of change they focus more on what might be lost rather than on what can be gained.

  • What is your business risk tolerance? If you can make changes to try to grow faster that if do not work fall within your risk tolerance would you take more risk?
  • If you adopted small changes rather than one big radical all eggs in one basket change would you feel more comfortable? Spreading your faster business growth changes across a few new ideas may be better for your business. When you know which one of the new changes works best perhaps then you can focus on one new idea.
  • Do not confuse more risk taking in business with gambling. Taking calculated risks to grow faster is about assessing and then managing the risks before you action more risk taking. You can mitigate the threats from more risk as well as maximise the returns from taking more risks.

Few things in business life are guaranteed other than taxes! Even maintaining the status quo comes with the threat of business failure. Kodack photography business was once one of the most successful businesses in the world. How many Kodack films do you buy for your camera now!

The desire to avoid business losses is motivated by fear. The more a business leader fears losses the more likely he or she is to be loss averse and the more likely they are to be disinclined to make changes to their business to be more successful. Having a better understanding of the risks that could be taken to achieve more will make loss averse business leaders more comfortable with changing the the business.

Often the perception of risks and reward are skewed to the belief that you are doomed to fail which means you do not make changes to the business. By the same token it is important that all stakeholders in the business are involved in assessing risks from changes to business. Business leaders who do like taking risks can miss the pitfalls to mitigate against whilst making changes that can cause the change project fail even if it was a great idea.

With a little input and engagement from all levels of the organisation your project to grow faster is more likely to be a success. Take risks that are worth taking which are achievable with everyone onboard.


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Do you fear losing what you have created instead of valuing what you might gain from taking more risk? BusinessRiskTV

Financial success always beats other stakeholder interests?

Incorporating all stakeholders interests in business decision making with BusinessRisk.com

Do you want financial success in terms on capital value increase and dividend increases? Are you prepared to sacrifice the interests of other stakeholders to achieve this? Is long term business sustainability less important than short term financial success?

You can be very financially successful and still fail. When financial success is pursued at the expense of other stakeholders interest you have a recipe for catastrophic failure eventually.

ESG Articles

Responsible Investing with Environmental Social Governance ESG Risk Analysis

Shareholders and customers are stakeholders in the business performance not just senior management team. Pushing for bonuses at the expense of other stakeholders interests has always resulted in catastrophic losses.

Pick a more balanced risk management strategy for the benefit of all stakeholders

The financial crisis in 2008 is the most recent near systemic collapse due to poor senior management team business decisions. The senior management teams were very good at creating extra value for themselves which will have long term benefits but their customers and shareholders in the financial crisis of 2008 have lost big time and many have yet to recover lost business value.

The sad fact is that shareholders or rather their representatives pension and investment fund managers have accepted and fuelled the poor decision making of senior management teams by being part of the problem. They have misrepresented big business owners long terms interests by allow senior management teams to get away with bad business decision making that only interests the senior management teams not shareholders or customers.

Better Business Decision Making Faster Business Growth More Corporate Enterprise Success

Find ways to grow faster and protect your business better

Senior management teams are not taking enterprise risk management methodology onboard. Too often they pay lip service to the principles and practices of enterprise risk management.

  • Poor risk management cultures continue to dominate
  • Poor compliance standards are being accepted and even encouraged
  • Systemically poor risk management practices flourish on basis of a level playing field. They are doing it to make money so so should we

Enterprise risk management practices and processes need to be improved to prevent future catastrophic systemic collapses in business.

Adopt enterprise risk management methodology to improve your business performance

Guide to better business protection with BusinessRiskTV

Guide to better business protection with BusinessRiskTV

Governments and self regulating bodies need to drive business improvements with carrots and sticks. Personal accountability at board level is necessary before good enterprise risk management practices will be embedded. If business leaders cannot see the wood from the trees than they need to be forced to open their eyes.

Short term greed is prevalent within our corporate structures. If our oversight by governments and professional bodies do not pull their their fingers out then economic and social catastrophes lie ahead in the next decade.

There is more to business than short term profit maximisation. However too many business leaders do not hold to this view. Their greed will take us closer to the cliff edge if they are not forcefully stopped.

Plan for long term business resilience

Do our business leaders and politicians really understand corporate risks and how this will impact on society?

Do they care? Too often the answer must be no. So they must be made to care by other people in our capitalist society. Capitalism is the best system on which to base our future but it should not be left to greedy people to rape the good that comes from capitalism.

Political Risks Forum

Profit maximising corporations are not the flagships of capitalism. There is more to business life than profit. Reconciling business priorities is not easy. It is made easier with enterprise risk management principles and practices. Develop a more successful stakeholder management strategy for your business with BusinessRiskTV.

Creating business value is not just about creating more profit but we can make you more profitable too


Use better stakeholder management to drive future success and growth for the long term.

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BusnessRiskTV Financial success always beats other stakeholder interests?

Taking more calculated risks

Why calculated risk taking is important with BusinessRiskTV.com

How can a business take more risks to perform better?

Taking more calculated risks in the next decade. Do not fear taking more calculated risks. Business leaders are often afraid to take risks.

What Is key to busness growth
Unlock faster business growth with BusinessRiskTV.com

Taking more risks to achieve more success comes down to risk knowledge and business intelligence. A lack of risk knowledge leads to increased fear. This can result in missed opportunities to grow faster.

  • What are the potential costs of taking more risks?
  • What are the potential benefits of taking more risks?
  • How will taking more risks benefit your business?
  • What are the alternatives?
  • How much better would your business perform if the best case scenario came true?
  • What are the worst outcomes that could happen if you took extra risks and how could you reduce the risk?
  • How bad would it be if the worst case scenario risk event materialised?
  • What would your business look like in 5 years if your risk decisions were taken?

Assessing the risks incorporating both upside and downside risks will enable you to make more balanced business decisions to improve performance.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Negativity bias means in part we focus more on stopping bad things from happening than creating the environment for great good things to happen. For example, we focus on stopping climate damage instead of investing money in better natural environment. We spend more money to risk control instead of seizing new business opportunities which create risk but also create more rewards for risk takers.

Welcome the threats in the 2020s as they bring opportunities

Embrace the opportunities in the new decade but be risk aware about the threats that come with the opportunities to grow. Work together with our network of business leaders and risk management experts to finish the 2020s better than you started.

Supporting More Informed Decision-Making
Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

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Targeted Marketing Investment To Hit The Potential Buyers You Need To Grow Your Business Faster

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BusinessRiskTV Taking more calculated risks

You must enter the tigers den to catch his cubs

Advantages of risk taking in business with BusinessRiskTV.com

Business success normally only comes for those who take a few risks. However taking more risks does not automatically exposing your business to unacceptable risks necessary to beat the competition.

Open your business up to new business development opportunities and manage the risks that flow from this better


You might there are better ways to do what you already do in business or find ways to do new things to grow faster.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

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Benefits of proactive risk management

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BusinessRiskTV You must enter the tigers den to catch his cubs

Mindfulness can improve your performance

Ways mindfulness can improve your work performance

Maximise your performance by restoring your mind and body with mindfulness techniques. Focus your mind and body on the most difficult task at the beginning of your working day. Do not try to do everything when you start work. Assess what is the most important thing to do to achieve your objectives and do it. This may not be the most urgent thing that needs doing.

Doing what is most important is better for you in long run than doing most urgent things.


Your business performance may come down to your attitude to risk. However focusing your resources on managing risks better could allow you to embrace business risks more build resilience and achieve better results.

Mindfulness can help you shift your response to business risks.

  • Be more relaxed that your business risks are under control.
  • Encourage a positive risk management culture.
  • Be more creative and innovative.
  • Improve decision making.
  • Encourage more responsible attitude to all stakeholders affected by your business activities

Rebalance your risk management process to take more holistic business risk management decisions. Optimise your business performance.

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Key factors that lead to successful businesses

Why will your business be successful?

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Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance enter code #RiskAppetite

There are a number of key factors that led to successful business. Successful business leaders understand that being in business is about managing the risks from change. Unsuccessful business leaders tend to blame their failures on economic climate changes and their successes on their brilliant business management skills!

The UK retail sector is suffering major painful changes. Tens of thousands of jobs have been lost as major retailers collapsed or contracted. Yet the UK retail marketplace has some examples of major retailers bucking this trend blamed on the UK economy by unsuccessful retail business managers.

By applying their risk management knowledge successful businesses can act quicker and with more confidence it will work out


Not taking risks is not an option for most business leaders. However many risk factors coming together can appear daunting. Enterprise risk management looks at the big picture and helps you identify the steps to a better business in future.

Find out how to improve your chances of business success with BusinessRiskTV. Take calculated risks to help your business grow faster with less uncertainty. Embrace change and the risks to your business.

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What a business risk assessment should include

Business risk assessment elements should fit your business culture. Some people do not like numbers. Some do. Your business risk assessment template should reflect the culture of your organisation.

A business risk assessment is a systematic process that helps organisations identify, evaluate, and prioritise risks that may impact their operations, financial performance, and reputation. It is an essential tool for managing risk and ensuring the long-term viability of a business.

There are several key elements that a business risk assessment should include:

  1. Identifying the risks: The first step in the risk assessment process is to identify the potential risks that the business may face. This can include internal risks, such as operational inefficiencies or employee misconduct, as well as external risks, such as market changes or natural disasters.
  2. Evaluating the risks: Once the risks have been identified, the next step is to evaluate their potential impact on the business. This includes considering the likelihood of each risk occurring, as well as the potential consequences if it does.
  3. Prioritising the risks: After evaluating the risks, the next step is to prioritise them based on their potential impact on the business. This will help the organisation focus its resources on the most significant risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
  4. Developing risk management strategies: Once the risks have been prioritised, the next step is to develop strategies to mitigate them. This can include implementing control measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood of risks occurring, or transferring the risk to another party through insurance or other means.
  5. Monitoring and reviewing the risks: The risk assessment process is ongoing and should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. This includes monitoring the risks and identifying any new or emerging risks that may have arisen since the last assessment.

In summary, a business risk assessment should include the following key elements:

  • Identifying the risks
  • Evaluating the risks
  • Prioritizing the risks
  • Developing risk management strategies
  • Monitoring and reviewing the risks

Every business faces risks that could be a threat to its success

The business leaders who are better prepared for these risks and have a cost effective risk management plan and business strategy are more likely to be more successful.

Business Risk Assessment

Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

Develop a suitable risk assessment process to assist with your risk management plan preparation. Review your existing risk management process to ensure it is fit for purpose in a rapidly changing marketplace. Successful entrepreneurs have a good strategic operational and project risk management attitude and business culture that is flexible enough to cope with any economic environment.

DealsRisk Magazine

Factors for successful business

There are numerous factors that can contribute to the success of a business. Here are some key factors that are often considered critical for building and maintaining a successful business:

Clear Vision and Strategy: A successful business requires a clear vision and a well-defined strategy. This includes setting goals, defining the direction of the business, and developing a roadmap to achieve those goals.

Market Research and Understanding Customer Needs: Understanding the market and identifying customer needs are essential for success. Conducting thorough market research, identifying target customers, and tailoring products or services to meet their needs is critical in building a successful business.

Strong Leadership: Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any business. It involves providing direction, making decisions, motivating employees, and fostering a positive work culture. Strong leadership skills help in guiding the business through challenges and achieving the desired outcomes.

Financial Management: Proper financial management, including budgeting, cash flow management, and financial planning, is vital for the long-term success of a business. Sound financial management practices help in ensuring that the business remains financially stable and can weather economic uncertainties.

Quality Products or Services: Delivering high-quality products or services is essential for building a loyal customer base. Providing value to customers and consistently meeting or exceeding their expectations builds trust and helps in retaining customers, which is critical for the success of any business.

Effective Marketing and Branding: Successful businesses understand the importance of effective marketing and branding. Creating a strong brand presence, developing marketing strategies to reach the target audience, and promoting products or services effectively can lead to increased visibility, customer acquisition, and revenue growth.

Innovation and Adaptability: In today’s dynamic business environment, innovation and adaptability are crucial for success. Successful businesses continuously innovate, adapt to changing market trends, and find new ways to stay relevant and competitive in the market.

Efficient Operations and Processes: Streamlining operations and processes can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Implementing effective systems and processes, optimising the supply chain, and leveraging technology can lead to improved productivity and operational excellence.

Talented and Engaged Workforce: A skilled and motivated workforce is vital for the success of any business. Hiring and retaining top talent, providing opportunities for growth and development, fostering a positive work culture, and promoting employee engagement can lead to higher productivity and overall business success.

Customer Relationship Management: Building strong customer relationships is crucial for long-term success. Providing excellent customer service, maintaining open lines of communication, addressing customer feedback, and building customer loyalty are key factors that contribute to the success of a business.
These are some of the key factors that can contribute to the success of a business. However, it’s important to note that success is multifaceted and can vary depending on the industry, market, and individual circumstances. It’s essential to carefully plan, execute, and continuously adapt to changing circumstances to achieve long-term business success.

Strategic Partnerships and Networking: Collaborating with strategic partners and building a strong network can provide valuable opportunities for business growth. Strategic partnerships can help access new markets, share resources, and leverage complementary strengths, while networking can lead to new business leads, partnerships, and valuable industry insights.

Risk Management: Successful businesses recognize the importance of managing risks. This includes identifying and mitigating potential risks, having contingency plans in place, and being prepared to handle unexpected challenges. Effective risk management can help protect the business from potential setbacks and ensure its resilience.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Business environments can change rapidly, and successful businesses are agile and adaptable. Being open to change, willing to pivot when necessary, and embracing innovation can help a business stay ahead of the competition and navigate through uncertainties.

Continuous Learning and Improvement: Successful businesses are always learning and improving. Keeping up with industry trends, staying updated with technology, and seeking feedback from customers and employees can provide valuable insights for making informed decisions and driving continuous improvement.

Strong Customer Focus: Putting the customer at the center of the business is crucial for success. Understanding customer preferences, delivering excellent customer experiences, and building customer loyalty can lead to repeat business, positive word-of-mouth, and a strong brand reputation.

Ethical and Responsible Business Practices: Operating with integrity, practicing ethical business standards, and being socially responsible can build trust and credibility with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Demonstrating responsible business practices can contribute to long-term success and sustainability.

Resilience and Persistence: Building a successful business is not always easy, and setbacks and failures are inevitable. Successful businesses demonstrate resilience, learn from failures, and persist in the face of challenges. Perseverance, determination, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks are key traits of successful entrepreneurs.

Long-term Planning and Goal-setting: Having a long-term vision and setting realistic goals is important for business success. Long-term planning allows for strategic decision-making, resource allocation, and monitoring progress towards achieving business objectives.

Adapting to Digital Transformation: In today’s digital age, successful businesses embrace digital transformation. This includes leveraging technology for automation, digital marketing, data analysis, and online presence to stay competitive and meet changing customer preferences.

Monitoring and Measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Successful businesses monitor and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Regularly analysing KPIs provides insights into the health and performance of the business and helps in making informed decisions.

In conclusion, building and maintaining a successful business requires a combination of various factors. It’s important to have a clear vision, understand the market and customer needs, demonstrate effective leadership, manage finances wisely, deliver quality products or services, market and brand effectively, innovate, and adapt to changing environments. Additionally, building a strong team, managing risks, focusing on customer satisfaction, practicing responsible business ethics, and being resilient and persistent are key factors that contribute to long-term business success.

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Importance Of Risk Taking In Entrepreneurship

Importance Of Risk Taking In Business

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Are you confident you are managing all significant business risks cost effectively

How to manage risk in business with BusinessRiskTV.com

Is your business taking too much or too little risk? Have more confidence in your business risk management decision making process. Improve your business performance and build business resilience.

Assuming you are managing enterprise risks well can be dangerous

You might be taking too much risk unknowingly but you might also be taking too little risk and failing to make the best use of your business assets.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

How confident are you that you are managing enterprise risks cost effectively?

What are the hidden costs of your failure to manage risk properly

  • Missed opportunities cost
  • Over protection of business wasting resources and increasing your costs
  • Under protection leaving you exposed threatening your survival or prosperity and stopping you getting a quiet night’s sleep

Can you demonstrate to your business stakeholders that significant enterprise-wide risks are being effectively managed? Have you a balanced risk -reward risk management plan that prioritises the allocation of resources for best potential effect on business objectives? When was the last time you reviewed your enterprise risk management plan?

Enterprise Risk Magazine

Controlling the risks in the workplace is not just about safety and business insurance. Your business must control enterprise wide risks. What is the aggregate effect of risk on your business objectives? Do you understand the threats to objectives and the opportunities you have in front of you?

Find out how enterprise risk management can help you monitor your overall business’s performance

Identify and manage both external risk drivers and internal risk drivers impacting on your business success.

Manage Risk Better
Improve your risk knowledge to solve business problems today and in future

Do you have confidence your business is ready for emerging risks?

We are only at the beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Many jobs are going to disappear. Many jobs are going to change. Businesses that don’t change to reflect emerging risks will not survive the rapid changes that have started but will accelerate over next few years.

Prepare Your Business For The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Maximising business opportunities for growth 

There is a yin and yang to all threats and opportunities.  

  • Every threat comes with an opportunity to change for the better.  
  • Every opportunity comes with a threat that the new will destroy existing value.

Business decision makers have tougher choices now than many recent business leaders have faced and many choices may threaten survival if you choose badly. Making good choices could also drive your business forward much faster than recently possible due to the financial crisis of 2008 and recovery therefrom.

Risk and Opportunities Analysis

Have you identified and assessed your enterprise wide risks?

What have you done about the more significant risks to your business objectives? Managing risk is increasingly central to the art of business management. It is not a science. What is right for one business may not work for another in the same industry. Much will depend on the leaders of each business within the same industry.

Business Risk Assessment
Enterprise Wide Risk Assessment For Faster Business Growth With Best Use Of Business Assets

Give your managers more confidence in your company to prperly assessing all the signiciant business risks to your organisation.

There is a risk to every business decision you make. Systematically look at all the risks across your business to enable you to focus your limited resources on the options most likely to boost your business performance, productivity and profitability.

Armed with the right risk management tools and techniques, risk knowledge and business intelligence you can manage risk more cost effectively more successsfully.

Read more

How to monitor risk management plan

Evaluating risk management action plan

Save MoneyRisk Magazine

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Are you confident you are managing all significant business risks cost effectively

Mitigating Threats Maximising Opportunities

Improving business performance with BusinessRiskTV.com

Taking risks is critical for heightened business success. Too much or too little risk taking exposes an enterprise unnecessarily or restricts business performance unwittingly. Missed opportunities can be as expensive as massive business losses.

New Business Strategies Are Increasingly Important To Be More Successful For Longer

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

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Minimised Threats Maximised Opportunities

Strategic foresight consultants can help business leaders and entrepreneurs to make a success of their business regardless of the business environment. They inform the decision making process to reduce uncertainty and improve productivity.

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Understand the threats and opportunities in front of you. Make decisions now to protect your business better and grow it faster. Identify evaluate and manage risks to exploit the creative insight of your existing employees to become more productive and more successful.

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