Business Risks And Opportunities

What are risks and opportunities in business

Managing opportunities and risks better with BusinessRiskTV. Business opportunities come with business risks. External and internal risk drivers will impact on business objectives negatively and positively. Controlling business risks and opportunities can secure greater business success and build stronger business resilience. Identify assess and control business risks better with articles and videos on BusinessRiskTV. Monitor business risks to your business objectives to protect and grow your business faster.

What are the risk and opportunities in business

Managing business risks is a critical business issue all business leaders face. However not all business leaders face the same business risks. Similar businesses can have the same business risks but may have different resources deployed in business risk management. Opportunities for business leaders to grow their business fast are always available to you if you look and take the best course of action. Understand the top business risks facing your business with help tips and support from BusinessRiskTV

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Business Risks And Opportunities

Taking more calculated risks

Why calculated risk taking is important with

How can a business take more risks to perform better?

Taking more calculated risks in the next decade. Do not fear taking more calculated risks. Business leaders are often afraid to take risks.

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Taking more risks to achieve more success comes down to risk knowledge and business intelligence. A lack of risk knowledge leads to increased fear. This can result in missed opportunities to grow faster.

  • What are the potential costs of taking more risks?
  • What are the potential benefits of taking more risks?
  • How will taking more risks benefit your business?
  • What are the alternatives?
  • How much better would your business perform if the best case scenario came true?
  • What are the worst outcomes that could happen if you took extra risks and how could you reduce the risk?
  • How bad would it be if the worst case scenario risk event materialised?
  • What would your business look like in 5 years if your risk decisions were taken?

Assessing the risks incorporating both upside and downside risks will enable you to make more balanced business decisions to improve performance.

Guide To Business Enterprise Risk Management ERM
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance

Negativity bias means in part we focus more on stopping bad things from happening than creating the environment for great good things to happen. For example, we focus on stopping climate damage instead of investing money in better natural environment. We spend more money to risk control instead of seizing new business opportunities which create risk but also create more rewards for risk takers.

Welcome the threats in the 2020s as they bring opportunities

Embrace the opportunities in the new decade but be risk aware about the threats that come with the opportunities to grow. Work together with our network of business leaders and risk management experts to finish the 2020s better than you started.

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Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Taking more calculated risks

Take Back Control Of Your Future Business Success

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Whether you accept avoid transfer mitigate risks or exploit risk opportunities is not straight forward. Find new ways to improve the culture of risk management to boost business performance. Increase your business success.

  • How do you manage risks?
  • How can your management of risks be improved?
  • What risks should you take and which should you not tolerate?

Understand the risk management process better. Discover the best risk management practices. Improve your risk management with better risk management solutions.

Manage Risks Better

Sometimes we have to accept the risks our businesses face to achieve our goals. Taking no action to control the risks does not mean you have not managed the risk. It means you have identified and assessed it and proactively choose to accept it as the risk is within your risk tolerance and appetite for risk.

The other extreme is that you avoid the risk identified. The risk is beyond your risk tolerance and appetite for risk to pursuance of your business objectives.

Developing a balanced risk management action plan is not easy but it should be simple to work well.


Taking the right steps to manage risks will boost your business performance with less uncertainty.

  • Build your business resilience
  • Create more value
  • Advance your risk management capability

There is always room for improvement. Better risk management will mean your business is better prepared for the future. Improve performance regardless of business environment.

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BusinessRiskTV Enterprise Risk Management Framework Tips and Advice

Implementation and operation of risk management and conduct risk frameworks BusinessRiskTV

Tips advice and support for better decision making in financial services industry. Improve conduct risk. Change the way your business relates to your customers. Upgrade your risk management and conduct risk governance framework to ensure everyone knows who does what and when. This should embrace accountability for the consequences of not managing conduct risks in accordance with clear risk management principles risk appetite of the business.

Develop new financial conduct risk compliant products to boost business performance and sustainable business growth


The whole business needs to report on conduct risk performance. The risk function should help monitor conduct risks within the risk management plan but everyone in the business should be accountable for good customer outcomes. Internal Audit should check the documentation for conduct risk management challenging the whole business and the risk function to improve conduct risk effectively.

The Board executives and senior managers need to develop and embed the right risk management culture for the business risk tolerance and risk appetite. However all staff should be held to account by ensuring that all remuneration and incentives are linked to good risk management practices.

If people are to be held to account the business the board and senior managers must provide the tools to ensure that all staff are capable of delivering conduct risk management principles and practices. This includes training staff developing good risk management systems and early risk warning indicators to enable rapid corrective action to prevent severe impact on business objectives and major personal failure.

What is your financial services business appetite for risk?


Cut through the management information overload to focus on the conduct risks that matter to your business success and key customer outcomes. Do not procrastinate. Act to remedy deteriorating conduct risks and monitor the effectiveness of your risk management action plan.

  • Identify the best Key Risk Indicators KRIs and Key Control Indicators KCI for your financial services buisness.
  • Change your technological solutions to deliver better conduct risk management
  • Improve organisational behaviour and your risk culture to boost business performance more sustainably

Senior managers and executives will increasingly become accountable for conduct risk in UK. Protect yourself better and find new ways to comply with regulatory obligations whilst increasing your business growth.

Embed a positive risk management culture. Assess from clients point of view whether good customer outcomes are achieved consistently. Analyse trends to identify areas which may need further more in depth investigation and conduct risk assessment. The conduct risk assessment should not just focus on known risks but encompass emerging risks from external and internal risk factors.

Improve customer outcomes from financial services and products. Embed conduct risk in your holistic risk management framework.


Take steps to make it more likely that your financial products and services meet your customers needs. Deliver better outcomes for your customers with better conduct risk management framework principles and risk assessment process.

What is your risk management capability? How does it address conduct risk. All financial services industry businesses need to develop the right skillset. Organisations need to gather the right management information at the right time and disseminate risk controls have appropriate risk assessment. Does your risk management information system RMIS help you make the right decisions at the right time?

Mitigate the disadvantages of conduct risk and maximise the opportunities from conduct risk management with


Are you personally accountable? Do you want more comfort that you are doing the right things at the right time? Improve you overview of regulatory compliance and supervisory expectations of conduct risk management.

Effectively empower your colleagues to manage conduct risk better. Treat your customers fairly and protect them and your business from poor conduct risk management.

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The Financial Conduct Authority FCA in UK expects your financial services business to embed conduct risk management into your enterprise risk management framework. You need to use risk based management information to make better conduct risk management decisions.

Upgrade your governance risk and compliance GRC in a more holistic integrated way to achieve more with less uncertainty in UK.

Review your risk management framework principles and risk assessment process to boost business performance. Do not just comply with regulations. Prosper with more certainty.

Understand emerging conduct risks. Manage known existing risks better. Allocate existing resources for better return in conduct risk management. Improve customer outcomes. Know what customers want and need. Gain a competitive advantage within financial services industry.

Treat customers fairly do not just look at process improvement. Be reasonable as a minimum and look to build upon existing conduct risk management. Make sure when you develop financial products and services you meet the objectives and interests of your target market.

Does your risk appetite statement cover conducts risks? Proactively identify conduct risks. Tackle possible unfair customer outcomes before they occur. React more positively when adverse customer outcomes arise.

Develop the best strategic risk management plan for your business to

  • Improve a weak compliance system
  • Improve poor risk management culture
  • Build a more sustainable business model
  • Provide better financial advice
  • Avoid mis selling scandals
  • Protect customers interests

Create the conduct risk management plan that works for your business. Understand conduct risk better. Know what you can get out of conduct risk management.

Drive your business forward more confidently without impinging on good customer outcomes.

  • Identify key conduct risks
  • Take meaningful action to manage risks better
  • Audit and report against your business conduct risk appetite
  • Produce evidence of good customer outcomes as well as negative outcomes
  • Make first line business units responsible for conduct risk management supported by good risk management guidance and oversight
  • Make your management information systems and technology support business objectives

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Do you own or manage a financial services business?

Yes you can get your wrists slapped with non compliance fines and destruction of your brand reputation but you could be missing the opportunity to win new market share in the financial services industry.

  • Overcome weaknesses
  • Build on existing strengths
  • Seize new business development opportunities
  • Mitigate the threats to your business objectives

Develop open transparent communication across the organisation on conduct risk management. Stop paying lip service to the principles of good conduct risk management. Keep conduct risk management simple. Measure and report on conduct risk in accordance with the level of risk to corporate objectives. Involve the whole organisation in the management of conduct risks.

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Its not about how to reduce risk

External or internal driven risks threaten your business. They also create new business development opportunities. Reducing the effect of uncertainty on your business is important.

How do you manage enterprise risks? Do you put risk into different silos like safety, insurance, cyber risk, sales strategy etc? They can be rolled into one holistic risk based approach.

What is the most effective way for a business to manage risk? Look at what you are trying to achieve? Could you achieve more with your existing assets? Has good luck been saving you from disaster?

Understand the bigger picture first. When you know what risk you have then manage it.

There is danger being in business. Danger that you could blow your value. Danger you could under perform.

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Executives Behaving Badly

Learn what not to do and why as well as what you should be doing with BusinessRiskTV

Corporate Misbehaviour Is A Misnomer

Corporate or enterprise entities do not make mistakes or create a bad business culture executives do. Illegal unethical or bad business practices arise because that’s the way executives want a company to achieve corporate objectives.   Executives may or may not consider their business practices as bad or unethical but the result is the same corporate misbehaviour.

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Understanding corporate misbehaviour

It may be a pointless waste of money undertaking a business health check if the executives are going to be unreceptive to the final risk management report, or simple pay lip-service to the outcomes.

How to protect your business

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Many CEOs know what game needs to be played with enterprise risk management ERM before they can return to their own agenda for the business.   Internal or external risk management audits can just play into the CEO’s attitude to risk management.   Such executives short-term philosophy seems to rely on the hope that the shit doesn’t hit the fan during their time as CEO and whatever happens after they move on is not a concern for some incumbent CEOs.

Much of executive misbehaviour, and therefore corporate misbehaviour, is a direct result of executive pay and associated benefits.   Misdirecting executive pay and rewards drives most if not all catastrophic corporate collapses.   Before the collapse poor executive pay and rewards strategies poison business innovation and employee motivation.

To anticipate which companies will survive sustainably you could look at how executives are rewarded.   It is the single biggest driver of corporate culture and long-term success, or not as the case maybe.

Executive managers cause corporate scandals, corporate scandals are not externally driven.   The proximate cause of the corporate scandal or collapse doesn’t start further down the organisation nor does it start from outside the company.   CEO bad behaviour is normally the proximate cost or the catalyst for corporate collapse.

Corporate Scandals

Corporate scandals aren’t a surprise to most executives, never mind the CEO.   They take the level of risk they think is required to achieve their business objectives.   They roll the dice and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t.

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Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

For example, many in the banking and finance industry look upon the financial crisis as an external risk that impacted on their business strategy.   No, or little, blame can be placed at the bankers door!   It was all the other bankers and financers who were at fault for their share price collapse, mass redundancies and lost business opportunities – not their fault as their business was doing just fine until the financial crisis tsunami hit their business.

Such egotistical responses stem from either self preservation, or lack of care for their part in the near global systemic financial collapse of the banking and financial sector and the very near global anarchy which would have ensued.   Politicians, who were part of the problem, became part of the solution – make money as cheap as possible via low interest rates and massive almost unremitting quantitative easing QE.

Mothers forget how bad childbirth was

More than a decade after the start of the financial crisis there is still mass unemployment in the developed world and the developing world lost a decade of opportunity to crawl out of poverty.   However, the key decision-makers in the business world have either forgiven themselves or reinvented themselves in position of power.   In addition, a new raft of politicians are in place, or about to find positions of power, to facilitate the next financial crisis.

At its least useful, enterprise risk management ERM is a tool to spread the blame should the shit hit the fan, so one would have thought that ERM could be more popular than it is.   At its most useful it helps business leaders make business decisions that are more likely to be good ones for the long-term sustainability of the business for the benefit of all stakeholders in the business – including the CEO. Free Subscription Online Corporate Misbehaviour

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Do you have an effective risk management framework

Risk management tools and techniques too support enterprise risk management framework

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Get help restructuring your risk management framework

You need to clearly define where you are now and where you want to be including the benefits you want from embarking on embedding enterprise risk management.

What is the context or reasons for wanting to change the way you manage risks? 


Develop you own risk management policy and communicate it to all stakeholders in the business. Work on what you need to do to embed enterprise risk management within your normal business decision making process.

  • Implement your new enterprise risk management framework
  • Implement your chosen risk management process
  • Monitor review and update your risk management systems

Constantly work at improving your risk management framework.

Your risk management framework should clearly define how you are going to communicate your enterprise risk management policy and procedures. Key people in the enterprise risk management framework should have clearly defined roles and responsibilities to support the risk management process.

Your risk management strategy should set out the objectives that risk management activities in the organisation are seeking to achieve.

Create a risk management framework to support better enterprise wide decision making

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Framework and Risk Assessment Process
Create a risk management framework to support better enterprise wide decision making

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Enterprise Risk Management ERM Capabilities

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Business Risk Assessment and Management

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Evaluate business risks. Identify and assess factors with downside impact on corporate objectives, or upside potential to boost business performance.

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