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What are the risk and opportunities in business

Managing business risks is a critical business issue all business leaders face. However not all business leaders face the same business risks. Similar businesses can have the same business risks but may have different resources deployed in business risk management. Opportunities for business leaders to grow their business fast are always available to you if you look and take the best course of action. Understand the top business risks facing your business with help tips and support from BusinessRiskTV

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Manage Risks Better

Sometimes we have to accept the risks our businesses face to achieve our goals. Taking no action to control the risks does not mean you have not managed the risk. It means you have identified and assessed it and proactively choose to accept it as the risk is within your risk tolerance and appetite for risk.

The other extreme is that you avoid the risk identified. The risk is beyond your risk tolerance and appetite for risk to pursuance of your business objectives.

Developing a balanced risk management action plan is not easy but it should be simple to work well.


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Its not about how to reduce risk

External or internal driven risks threaten your business. They also create new business development opportunities. Reducing the effect of uncertainty on your business is important.

How do you manage enterprise risks? Do you put risk into different silos like safety, insurance, cyber risk, sales strategy etc? They can be rolled into one holistic risk based approach.

What is the most effective way for a business to manage risk? Look at what you are trying to achieve? Could you achieve more with your existing assets? Has good luck been saving you from disaster?

Understand the bigger picture first. When you know what risk you have then manage it.

There is danger being in business. Danger that you could blow your value. Danger you could under perform.

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Executives Behaving Badly

Learn what not to do and why as well as what you should be doing with BusinessRiskTV

Corporate Misbehaviour Is A Misnomer

Corporate or enterprise entities do not make mistakes or create a bad business culture executives do. Illegal unethical or bad business practices arise because that’s the way executives want a company to achieve corporate objectives.   Executives may or may not consider their business practices as bad or unethical but the result is the same corporate misbehaviour.

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Understanding corporate misbehaviour

It may be a pointless waste of money undertaking a business health check if the executives are going to be unreceptive to the final risk management report, or simple pay lip-service to the outcomes.

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Many CEOs know what game needs to be played with enterprise risk management ERM before they can return to their own agenda for the business.   Internal or external risk management audits can just play into the CEO’s attitude to risk management.   Such executives short-term philosophy seems to rely on the hope that the shit doesn’t hit the fan during their time as CEO and whatever happens after they move on is not a concern for some incumbent CEOs.

Much of executive misbehaviour, and therefore corporate misbehaviour, is a direct result of executive pay and associated benefits.   Misdirecting executive pay and rewards drives most if not all catastrophic corporate collapses.   Before the collapse poor executive pay and rewards strategies poison business innovation and employee motivation.

To anticipate which companies will survive sustainably you could look at how executives are rewarded.   It is the single biggest driver of corporate culture and long-term success, or not as the case maybe.

Executive managers cause corporate scandals, corporate scandals are not externally driven.   The proximate cause of the corporate scandal or collapse doesn’t start further down the organisation nor does it start from outside the company.   CEO bad behaviour is normally the proximate cost or the catalyst for corporate collapse.

Corporate Scandals

Corporate scandals aren’t a surprise to most executives, never mind the CEO.   They take the level of risk they think is required to achieve their business objectives.   They roll the dice and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t.

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Taking Risks To Achieve More In Business With BusinessRiskTV

For example, many in the banking and finance industry look upon the financial crisis as an external risk that impacted on their business strategy.   No, or little, blame can be placed at the bankers door!   It was all the other bankers and financers who were at fault for their share price collapse, mass redundancies and lost business opportunities – not their fault as their business was doing just fine until the financial crisis tsunami hit their business.

Such egotistical responses stem from either self preservation, or lack of care for their part in the near global systemic financial collapse of the banking and financial sector and the very near global anarchy which would have ensued.   Politicians, who were part of the problem, became part of the solution – make money as cheap as possible via low interest rates and massive almost unremitting quantitative easing QE.

Mothers forget how bad childbirth was

More than a decade after the start of the financial crisis there is still mass unemployment in the developed world and the developing world lost a decade of opportunity to crawl out of poverty.   However, the key decision-makers in the business world have either forgiven themselves or reinvented themselves in position of power.   In addition, a new raft of politicians are in place, or about to find positions of power, to facilitate the next financial crisis.

At its least useful, enterprise risk management ERM is a tool to spread the blame should the shit hit the fan, so one would have thought that ERM could be more popular than it is.   At its most useful it helps business leaders make business decisions that are more likely to be good ones for the long-term sustainability of the business for the benefit of all stakeholders in the business – including the CEO. Free Subscription Online Corporate Misbehaviour

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Great Marketing Solutions for Every Business Owner with BusinessRiskTV

BusinessRiskTV Marketing Solutions

As a business owner, it’s essential to find the right marketing solutions that can help you attract new customers, increase your brand awareness, and ultimately grow your business. However, with so many marketing channels and strategies available, it can be challenging to know where to start and what to focus on.

Fortunately, BusinessRiskTV is a platform that offers great marketing solutions for every business owner, regardless of their size or industry. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best marketing solutions offered by BusinessRiskTV and how they can benefit your business.

BusinessRiskTV Directory Listing
One of the simplest yet effective marketing solutions offered by BusinessRiskTV is their directory listing service. By listing your business on their directory, you can increase your online visibility and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

BusinessRiskTV’s directory is organised by industry and location, making it easy for users to find businesses that match their needs. By listing your business on their directory, you’ll also benefit from increased exposure to BusinessRiskTV’s user base, which includes business owners, entrepreneurs, and investors.

BusinessRiskTV Video Marketing
Video marketing is becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach new customers and engage with their existing ones. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of video marketing solutions, including:

Video production: BusinessRiskTV can help you create high-quality videos that showcase your products or services, share your brand story, or provide educational content that helps your customers.

Video hosting: Once your videos are produced, BusinessRiskTV can host them on their platform, making it easy for you to share them on social media or embed them on your website.

Video promotion: BusinessRiskTV can also help promote your videos to their user base, increasing your exposure and engagement.

BusinessRiskTV Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers and build brand awareness. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of social media marketing solutions, including:

Social media management: BusinessRiskTV can help you manage your social media presence by creating and scheduling posts, monitoring your accounts for engagement, and providing analytics to track your progress.

Social media advertising: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and run social media ads that target your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website or landing pages.

Influencer marketing: BusinessRiskTV can connect you with social media influencers who can help promote your products or services to their followers.

BusinessRiskTV Content Marketing
Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of content marketing solutions, including:

Blogging: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and publish blog posts that share your industry insights, highlight your products or services, or provide educational content for your customers.

Email marketing: BusinessRiskTV can help you create and send email newsletters that keep your customers informed about your business and provide them with exclusive offers or promotions.

Whitepapers and eBooks: BusinessRiskTV can help you create longer-form content such as whitepapers and eBooks that provide in-depth information about your industry or products/services.

BusinessRiskTV SEO
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimising your website and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). BusinessRiskTV offers a range of SEO solutions, including:

On-page SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you optimise your website’s structure, content, and metadata to make it more search engine-friendly.

Off-page SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you build high-quality backlinks to your website, which can improve your search engine rankings.

Local SEO: BusinessRiskTV can help you optimise your website and online listings to rank higher in local search results, making it easier for local customers to find and connect with your business.

BusinessRiskTV Event Marketing
Hosting events is a great way for businesses to connect with their customers and build brand awareness. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of event marketing solutions, including:

Event planning: BusinessRiskTV can help you plan and organize events that showcase your products or services, provide educational content for your customers, or build relationships with industry leaders.

Event promotion: BusinessRiskTV can help promote your events to their user base, as well as create and distribute promotional materials such as flyers and social media posts.

Event management: BusinessRiskTV can help you manage your events, from registration and ticketing to on-site management and post-event follow-up.

BusinessRiskTV Branding and Design
Branding and design are crucial components of any marketing strategy. BusinessRiskTV offers a range of branding and design solutions, including:

Logo design: BusinessRiskTV can help you create a logo that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Brand identity: BusinessRiskTV can help you develop a cohesive brand identity that includes your logo, colour scheme, typography, and other visual elements.

Graphic design: BusinessRiskTV can help you create eye-catching graphics for your website, social media, and marketing materials.

BusinessRiskTV offers a wide range of marketing solutions that can benefit businesses of all sizes and industries. From directory listings to video marketing, social media management, content marketing, SEO, event marketing, and branding and design, there’s something for every business owner looking to increase their online visibility, attract new customers, and grow their business.

By partnering with BusinessRiskTV, you can access these marketing solutions and benefit from their expertise in the field. They have a deep understanding of the latest marketing trends and strategies, as well as a user base that spans industries and regions.

If you’re looking for great marketing solutions for your business, consider partnering with BusinessRiskTV to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

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Small Business Financial Mistakes

Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

Small business owners often make financial mistakes that can have serious consequences for the success of their company. Here are some of the most common financial mistakes made by small business owners, and advice on how to prevent them:

  1. Not keeping accurate financial records: Without accurate financial records, it can be difficult for small business owners to make informed decisions about the financial health of their company. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should establish a system for keeping accurate financial records, such as using accounting software or hiring a bookkeeper.
  2. Not having a budget: A budget is an essential tool for small business owners, as it helps them to plan for expenses and manage cash flow. Without a budget, small business owners may overspend and find themselves in financial trouble. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should create a budget and stick to it.
  3. Not having enough working capital: Working capital is the amount of money a business has available to cover its short-term expenses. Without enough working capital, small business owners may struggle to pay bills and meet other financial obligations. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should maintain a healthy level of working capital by managing expenses and seeking financing when necessary.
  4. Not having adequate insurance: Insurance is an important tool for small business owners, as it helps protect their company against potential financial losses. Without adequate insurance, small business owners may find themselves facing financial ruin in the event of a disaster or other unexpected event. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should review their insurance needs and purchase the appropriate policies.
  5. Not diversifying investments: Small business owners often invest a significant portion of their assets in their own company, which can be risky. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should diversify their investments to spread risk.
  6. Not seeking professional advice: Small business owners often make financial decisions without seeking the advice of a professional. This can lead to costly mistakes. To prevent this mistake, small business owners should seek the advice of a financial advisor or accountant before making important financial decisions.

By avoiding these common financial mistakes, small business owners can increase the chances of success for their company.

Small Business Advice Forum
Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

More small business risk management articles and videos

  • Avoiding Financial Pitfalls: Top Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Prevent Them
  • Safeguarding Your Business: Common Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them
  • Steering Clear of Financial Disaster: A Guide for Small Business Owners on Common Mistakes and Prevention Strategies
  • Financial Survival for Small Business Owners: Common Mistakes to Avoid and How to Protect Your Business

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