Content Creation Services

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If people Google you can they find you? Our Content Creation Services put your business in front of the new customers you want to grow your business faster.

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If you like what we produce for you, you pay us the agreed fee. The content on our website and social media accounts will drive more interest to your business.

Content Creation Services

Digital Marketing Kit for BusinessRiskTV

Grow your business faster with less uncertainty with a

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Marketing packages prices with are affordable for most marketing budget sizes. See our stand alone one-off advertising prices. The advertising fee is a lifetime investment to market your business and increase your brand products and services online presence.

McKinsey found recently that a around a third of buyers would spend up to half a million dollars without speaking to anyone. People just want to know they will be served. It’s not about relationships. Where do I access information I need without being in 4 hour zoom call! What do business leaders need to know today. Buy differently. Be served online today. Achieve what you need for your business more cost effectively more easily to grow faster. 


The exception is the annual fee paid for ongoing advertising and marketing support for your business growth. Digital Marketing Pack

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  2. Image, photo or logo link to your business website or social media account once in a lifetime advertising fee.
  3. Max 200 word plus image, photo or logo link to your business website or social media account once in a lifetime advertising fee.
  4. Annual fee paid for ongoing advertising and marketing support for your business growth. Renewable every year. Update your marketing and advertising campaign every month.

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Digital Marketing Kit for BusinessRiskTV

Digital Marketing Expert

Connect with people interested in your products and services with help from BusinessRiskTV

Online Marketing Experts

The fastest growing businesses are those with an affordable sustainable digital marketing strategy. We offer you digital marketing service to help you grow your business faster for longer. Our digital marketing experts and influencers will help you reach more new customers loop more affordably. How far can your business go in your preferred marketplaces with our help and digital marketing tools and techniques.

We need to understand who you are trying to reach, where and when. What you need in terms of online marketing, our digital market experts will deliver for you, so you can get on with delivering your products and services.

Ready for more customers?

If you are not selling your stock fast enough or you have spare service capacity reducing your earning power, BusinessRiskTV can help you reach people right when they’re interested in the products or services you offer. You’ll be seen not just in Search results, but across the web, from apps to YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, GETTR, Pinterest and more.

You choose the type of ad you want to show within your marketing budget and then measure the impact of your advertising and marketing with us. If it is working well, continue marketing within your budget for faster long-term growth in partnership with us.

Online Marketplaces for Online Shopping

Once we understand who you are targeting we’ll focus your marketing budget in the best place to grow your customer base.

Here’s something to help you get started

We’ll five you a free day’s marketing spend for every day you pay for to give your business a boost at the beginning of our working relationship.

  1. Contact us today
  2. Subscribe for free to BusinessRiskTV newsletter
  3. At your Digital Marketing Expert consultation quote code #No1MarketingExpert

Need extra marketing strategy help? Get started with 1:1 consultation with your own Digital Marketing Expert. Speak to a Digital Marketing Expert for your country or industry now.

  • Phone support operating hours are Mon-Fri 9am-9pm ET.
Live Chat Business Risks How To Protect Business Better and Grow Faster With Less Uncertainty
Business Risk Management UK Live Chat Business Risk Management Experts. Alternatively, Click here to contact us by email or your preferred social media account.

Advertise like a pro with Pro Risk Manager Digital Marketing Expert service

On your free call, we’ll help set your business up for long-term success by covering how to:

  • Get discovered online with tips tailored depending on your country and industry
  • Advertise like a pro by setting up your first in the best place for your business growth with guidance from our digital marketing experts.
  • Grow your online presence with not just our website, but with our wide popular social media presence.

What is a digital marketing expert?

A digital marketer is responsible for helping maintain and grow a brand or business by working on marketing campaigns. Their duties include performing market research, strategising with other marketing professionals and creating content to aid in the success of marketing campaigns. Our innovative content creation will help you market your products or services in a targeted marketing campaign to grow your business more profitably for longer.

Connect with thousands of people online


Strategies to improve business performance
LinkedIn: What are the ways to help your business succeed?


Business Risk Management
Manage Business Risks Better with BusinessRiskTV TikTok

Digital Marketing Expert

How Do I Showcase My Business Online

Learn how to market your business online with

Use your quality images to show buyers and key decision-makers why they should buy from you. Create powerful videos to attract new interest in your products or services. Describe your products or services better to boost your positioning in search engine results and improve your brand presence online.

Grow Your Business with BusinessRiskTV

How to grow your business online

Help to grow your business faster

Reach new customers.

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Promote your business more affordably and sustainably to make your marketing budget more cost effective for longer.

Grow Your Online Presence To Reach More New Customers

Business Coaching Services

Business Coaching Services

Learn how to promote your business better with BusinessRiskTV. Discover the best ways to promote your business.

To get new customers you need to promote your business.

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Give us the content you want to use to inform your potential new customers or ask us to create the content for you to attract new customers. Provide the information your audience wants to enable new customers to assess your business offering worth.

Promote your online store

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

Rethinking and Re-purposing Your Business During Uncertainty

We will create your online store to enable you to sell more online. In addition we will promote your online store with our social media and search engine optimisation SEO.

Create partnerships with other brands and business leaders to build a better online presence for your business. Collaborate to cross-promote for mutual benefit.

Work with a business leader with similar target audience but a complimentary product or service.

List your business with us to grow your business online presence

How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

How to create a professional online presence with BusinessRiskTV

Email [email protected]

Features On Better Business Development

How To Advertise and Promote Your Business Cost Effectively

How Do I Showcase My Business Online

How Do I Increase My Market Share

Selling through new channels or into new markets with BusinessRiskTV

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How to engage more customers online

How to gain market share from your competitors

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Our innovative marketing and sales development will engage your target market so you can sell more to them

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Upgrade Your Business Today

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Your market share can be increased by increasing your visibility and ease of sales process online

Get a free proposal from BusinessRiskTV to discover how easy and inexpensive it is to grow your business profit.

How to find new customers and increase sales

Targeted Marketing Investment To Hit The Potential Buyers You Need To Grow Your Business Faster

Or email [email protected]

How Do I Increase My Market Share

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Everything You Need To Know About Strong UK Economic Growth

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Better Business Performance With BusinessRiskTV

Better Business Performance With BusinessRiskTV

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  • Contribute your opinions in blog posts which impress our readers and drive new enquiries to your business. Your amazing content or copy will help us both grow faster.
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  • Send us images diagrams and documents to attract greater interest in your business offerings.
  • Grow your own email marketing list to keep in touch with people who have contacted you via us.
  • Contribute an article to our various magazines that align with your business products or services.
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We even have ways to promote your business online for free. There are other ways can market your business on a small budget. Focus your marketing budget for more profitable return on marketing expenditure.

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Learn how to advertise online with BusinessRiskTV

Enter code #MarketingOnline

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Put your products or services in front of new customers already interested in your type of business offering before your competitors do.

Cheap ways to promote your business

Find out how to promote your business locally and globally. CLICK HERE or email [email protected] for more information entering code #MarketingOnline.

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Cost ReductionRisk Magazine

Discover new ways to protect and grow your business faster with BusinessRiskTV

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Cost effective ways to market your business online with BusinessRiskTV

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Effective ways of online advertising and digital marketing on

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Email [email protected] to discover creative marketing ideas to grow your business faster.

How to promote your business locally and globally on BusinessRiskTV

Business Marketing Ideas

Develop effective business marketing strategies – enter code #SellMoreOnline

Grow your business faster more sustainably and innovatively

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Do you want to find out more about inexpensive ways to promote your business online?

Enter code #CostEffectingOnlineAdvertising

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Cheap ways to promote your business

Find out how to promote your business locally and globally. CLICK HERE or email [email protected] entering code #Marketing to find out more.

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Business Growth Hub

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Discover upcoming training opportunities

Marketing and PR News

Marketing your business more cost effectively with BusinessRiskTV

Online marketing with BusinessRiskTV

Discover innovative ways to promote and market your business more cost effectively with BusinessRiskTV.

Marketing Ideas

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Reach influencers key decision makers and the business leaders who will buy from your business

Read business development articles and watch videostream trending on BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Do you want to get in front of more potential customers next decade?

Develop a video plan for your video marketing strategy

Create your own digital video strategy to promote and market your business more profitably with

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Better Business Performance With BusinessRiskTV

Better Business Performance With BusinessRiskTV

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Whether you own or manage a business or just have something to say get in touch with us so we can put you in touch with others.

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Read citizen journalist articles and watch citizen journalist videos online

Video journalism does not have to be the preserve of the privately educated elite on mainstream media.

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Video Journalism

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Are you a leader interested in business management?

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Business Management

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Enter code #VideoMarketing

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Cheap ways to promote your business

Find out how to promote your business locally and globally

Save MoneyRisk Magazine

Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

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BusinessRiskTV Develop a video plan for your video marketing strategy

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Enter code #ShopFront

We will supply your new digital shop front where your customers look for your products and services online.

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Cheap ways to promote your business
Find out how to promote your business locally and globally

Recommended articles and videos trending on BusinessRiskTV

eRetailers In Our Online Marketplaces

Innovation Lab

Create Your Own eStore

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Selling More Profitably

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Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

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Use Influencer Marketing to enhance your brand communication

BusinessRiskTV immerses itself in business risk management trends. We build connections with the top business thought leaders around the world. Helping your brand join the conversation at the right time. Promote your brand in the best way.

ExhibitionsRisk Magazine

Discover new ways to protect and grow your business with BusinessRiskTV

BusinessRiskTV Influencer Marketing

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Learn how to build a brand online with BusinessRiskTV

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Your brand speaks for your company and its products or services. In todays online world its important that your brand has a responsive presence to grow faster.

Whether you are looking to build a brand from scratch or strengthen an existing brand BusinessRiskTV will help you build a brand using social media. We help you create and build a social media strategy to engage your target audience.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free to receive alerts and bulletins to grow your business faster Free Subscription Online
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Want to promote and market your business more profitably?

Recommended articles and videos

ExhibitionsRisk Magazine

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Building A Brand On BusinessRiskTV

How to engage customers online

Grow your business faster with new business leads

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How To Grow Your Small Business
Learn how to engage customers online
  • Highly target potential new clients based on your ideal target market.
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If you currently have products or services you want to showcase locally and globally please subscribe below via the subscribe button or contact form.

How to engage customers through social media
Subscribe to for free to learn more about how to engage customers online

Generate more leads with

In today’s fast-paced business environment, generating leads is a top priority for any organisation looking to stay ahead of the competition. However, with so much competition in the market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to generate leads that can convert into sales. This is where comes in, as a platform that helps businesses generate more leads and grow their customer base. In this article, we’ll explore some strategies to help you generate more leads on

Identify Your Target Audience
The first step in generating leads is to identify your target audience. This means understanding who your potential customers are, what their needs and pain points are, and how you can solve their problems. On, you can reach out to a broad audience of business owners, managers, and professionals from various industries. However, to make the most of this platform, you need to identify the specific segment of this audience that you want to target. This can be done by analyzing the demographics of your existing customers, conducting market research, or using’s analytics tools to track user behavior and engagement.

Create Compelling Content
Once you have identified your target audience, the next step is to create compelling content that speaks to their needs and interests. On, you can create and publish a variety of content types, including articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, and more. Whatever type of content you choose, make sure it’s high-quality, relevant, and engaging. This means using a clear and concise writing style, incorporating visuals and multimedia elements, and providing valuable insights and solutions. You can also use SEO techniques to optimise your content for search engines and increase its visibility to potential leads.

Engage with Your Audience
Engaging with your audience is critical to building trust and credibility with potential leads. On, you can interact with your audience in various ways, such as responding to comments, participating in discussions, and sharing your content on social media. You can also use’s messaging and chat features to communicate directly with potential leads and build relationships with them. By showing that you care about their concerns and are willing to help them solve their problems, you can turn potential leads into loyal customers.

Offer Incentives and Rewards
Another effective way to generate more leads on is to offer incentives and rewards to potential customers. This can be done by offering free trials, discounts, or exclusive content to users who sign up for your services or products. You can also create contests, giveaways, and other promotions that encourage user engagement and participation. By offering something of value to potential leads, you can increase their interest and motivation to learn more about your business and become paying customers.

Leverage Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is an increasingly popular strategy for businesses looking to reach new audiences and generate more leads. On, you can leverage the power of influencer marketing by partnering with influencers in your industry or niche. These influencers can help promote your brand, products, or services to their followers, increasing your visibility and credibility in the market. You can also collaborate with’s own influencers, such as expert contributors and thought leaders, to reach a wider audience and build your reputation as a trusted authority.

Use Analytics to Measure Performance
Finally, it’s essential to use analytics tools to track your performance and adjust your strategies accordingly. On, you can access a variety of analytics features, such as user behavior tracking, engagement metrics, and conversion rates. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify which content and strategies are most effective in generating leads and adjust your approach accordingly. This means experimenting with different types of content, targeting different segments of your audience, and refining your messaging and offers to better meet the needs of potential leads. offers businesses a powerful platform to generate more leads and grow their customer base. By identifying your target audience, creating compelling content, engaging with your audience, offering incentives and rewards, leveraging influencer marketing, and using analytics to measure performance, you can optimise your lead generation strategies and achieve sustainable growth for your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, can help you reach your full potential and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

BusinessRiskTV How To Engage More Customers Online

UK Economy Weak Start To 2018 Due To Weather Not Economic Climate

Latest Economic News For UK

UK economic growth 2018 started more slowly than end of 2017. The UK economy news is normally weaker at the beginning of the calendar year. Most of the UKs economic growth comes as the calendar year progresses.

UK economy news
Latest economic news for UK and global economy

Governor of the Bank of England Mr Carney

Mr Mark Carney the head of the Bank of England says poor UK economic activity at the beginning of the calendar year 2018 was due to the weather and not UK economic climate.

In addition Mr Carney reports that all slack in the UK economy has been taken up and this is likely to push up UK prices and UK inflation.

With very high levels of employment low levels of unemployment and a million plus job vacancies unfilled it is more likely that wages will increase faster. UK employers will need to pay more to attract candidates and to keep existing staff.

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Mr Carney paints a rosier future for the UK economy in 2018 with downside risks including global international trade war. UK interest rates more likely to rise later this year and this should boost value of the UK pound.

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BusinessRiskTV UK Economy News

How To Engage Customers Online

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How to do digital marketing

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Inexpensive Marketing Ideas For Small Business including how to do digital marketing better
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We use various tools and techniques to improve digital marketing:

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There is no silver bullet for digital marketing. If you have a massive digital marketing budget then this could be the solution. Is that sustainable digital marketing? Or is it a quick way to waste of pots of money?

Examples of digital marketing tools and techniques

We use a great number of digital marketing tools and techniques. Which ones we use for you depends on what you need.

The above is not an exhaustive list cause what you need might be unique.   Unique digital marketing solutions is what we develop every day.

Cost ReductionRisk Magazine
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Promote market and advertise your business products or services on

Marketing is one of the most critical aspects of running a business. It is essential for any company, regardless of size or industry, to have a strong marketing strategy in place to attract and retain customers. With the rise of the internet and social media, digital marketing has become increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in the modern marketplace. In this article, we will explore the concept of Get Visible Marketing and how it can help businesses thrive in today’s digital age.

What is Get Visible Marketing?

Get Visible Marketing is a term used to describe a marketing strategy that focuses on increasing a company’s visibility online. The goal of this strategy is to make it easier for potential customers to find a business when searching online for products or services that the company offers. This type of marketing is essential because it helps businesses stand out from the competition and reach new customers who may not have otherwise known about their business.

One of the key components of Get Visible Marketing is search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone searches for a keyword related to a business’s products or services, the goal of SEO is to make sure that the company’s website appears at the top of the search results. This is important because most people don’t look beyond the first page of search results, so if a company’s website doesn’t rank well, they may be missing out on potential customers.

Another important aspect of Get Visible Marketing is content marketing. Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience. The content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, social media posts, infographics, and more. The goal of content marketing is to provide value to potential customers, establish a business as a thought leader in their industry, and ultimately drive sales.

Social media marketing is also an essential component of Get Visible Marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide businesses with an opportunity to connect with potential customers and promote their products or services. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with followers, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic.

Why is Get Visible Marketing important for businesses?

Get Visible Marketing is crucial for businesses because it helps them stand out in a crowded marketplace. With so many businesses competing for the attention of consumers, it can be challenging to get noticed. By focusing on increasing visibility online, businesses can reach more potential customers and increase their chances of success.

Another reason why Get Visible Marketing is important is that it is cost-effective. Traditional advertising methods like TV and radio ads can be expensive, and the ROI is often difficult to measure. Get Visible Marketing, on the other hand, is relatively inexpensive, and the results can be easily tracked and analysed.

Additionally, Get Visible Marketing is essential because it allows businesses to connect with customers on a more personal level. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers on social media, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with potential customers. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales in the long run.

How can businesses implement Get Visible Marketing?

Implementing a Get Visible Marketing strategy requires a well-thought-out plan and consistent effort. Here are some steps that businesses can take to get started:

Define your target audience: The first step in implementing a Get Visible Marketing strategy is to define your target audience. Who are the people that are most likely to buy your products or services? What are their interests, pain points, and needs? By understanding your target audience, you can create content that is relevant and engaging to them.

Conduct keyword research: Keyword research is essential for SEO. By researching the keywords that your target audience is searching for, you can optimise your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you identify the keywords that are most relevant to your business.

Create valuable content: Content marketing is a critical component of Get Visible Marketing. By creating valuable content that educates, entertains, or solves a problem for your target audience, you can attract potential customers to your website. Make sure your content is well-written, engaging, and optimised for SEO.

Optimise your website: SEO is crucial for Get Visible Marketing. Make sure your website is optimized for the keywords that your target audience is searching for. This includes optimising your website’s meta tags, URLs, and content. You should also ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using mobile devices to search the internet.

Engage with your audience on social media: Social media is an essential component of Get Visible Marketing. Create social media accounts for your business on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and post regularly to engage with your followers. Use social media to promote your content, share news about your business, and connect with potential customers.

Track and analyse your results: Finally, it’s essential to track and analyse your results. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic and track your social media engagement. This will help you identify what’s working and what’s not, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Get Visible Marketing is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to increase their visibility online. By focusing on SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and other tactics, businesses can attract more potential customers and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. However, implementing a successful Get Visible Marketing strategy requires a well-thought-out plan and consistent effort. By defining your target audience, conducting keyword research, creating valuable content, optimising your website, engaging with your audience on social media, and tracking your results, you can increase your chances of success in today’s digital age.

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Recommended Further Reading

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Cost ReductionsRisk Magazine
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Reduce Time and Cost To Market Your Products or Services

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Insurance Collaboration

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Finding and marketing insurance online.

Call for insurance collaboration

Looking for a way to disrupt the commercial business insurance marketplace? Could Amazon Apple or Google sell commercial insurance policies cheaper and better? You are damn right they could. All three have pots of cash they could invest in selling business insurance more cost effectively. Will it happen perhaps not.

Once banks sort themselves out a while away I give you that they could become dominant virtual insurance companies in the commercial insurance marketplace. What about

  • Walmart or other supermarkets selling commercial insurance
  • Oil producers  might start deploying their money in other less risky ways to make a profit
  • State funds like Dubai or Norway built on oil could see insurance as an opportunity. An opportunity to totally disrupt the insurance marketplace

Apple and Google will take over the automotive marketplace in the future if Tesla are not too busy trying to get to Mars. Maybe too busy to attack the commercial business insurance marketplace but their innovative approach is a very good example of how traditional thinking in business could result in an obsolete company. BMW Ford et al none of them are immune and neither are insurance companies or insurance brokers.

Maybe your clients will buy their commercial insurance whilst on a flight across the channel on a business trip to USA. The insurer? Norway State fund is more stable than any insurance company. It might even take over a smaller insurance provider and use it as a base to disrupt the insurance marketplace.

Is the traditional insurance marketplace too big to be attacked?  Well AIG were not too big to fail. Smaller players in the insurance marketplace are not too big to suffer failure from different cause disruptive innovation.

Traditional ways of selling and distributing insurance cover to businesses are working

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However traditional ways of using insurance cover to help give business leaders a quiet nights sleep may be too conservative to survive.

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