7 Amazing Facts About Dominic Cummings and Continuity Planning

The UKs business continuity plan BCP for pandemic drafted over more than a decade under several governments was effectively written on the back of a fag packet!

The UK needs to prepare better for major risks to business economy and society. The UK and the world is now dealing with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However it is clear from Dominic Cummings evidence before today’s joint parliamentary committee that the UK was not prepared for any pandemic despite pandemic risks being an acknowledged major threat to UK people businesses and society as a whole. What is your business doing to prepare for key significant threats to the survival of your business? How will you respond for known and unknown business risks? Who will manage your business sustainability through all business rough seas. Where will your existential threats come from? When will your business survival be challenged?

Business Resilience and Business Continuity Management

Some revelations from Dominic Cummings related to preparation of threats to continuity of life and business in UK include:

  1. People are ill prepared and potentially incompetent when responding to major risk events – senior people within the UK Civil Service and within political leadership are often promoted beyond their capability to react appropriately to mitigate impact of risk events.
  2. Written business or service continuity plans are poorly drafted and useless upon the occurrence of major risk events – the UK Civil Service and UK politicians across the political spectrum whilst in government failed to write suitable usable and effective plans to mitigate the impact of major risk events on UK businesses economy and society as a whole.
  3. Some people on your team will react poorly to the demands placed upon them from major risk events – just as in normal operating circumstances, during a disaster event and the recovery therefrom, people will perform poorly without the guidance support and direction from well written business continuity plan.
  4. Competing demands unrelated the major risk event will impede business recovery – the rest of the world will not stop spinning just because your business has been majorly interrupted due to a risk event. Your business continuity plan needs to accommodate continuation of normal business risks as well as recovery from major risk events.
  5. Delaying business decision making during a recovery of major risk event can increase the damage experienced by the business – procrastination due to fear you make wrong decisions can in itself cause further business damage.
  6. Group Think can cause increased damage following major risk event – just because everyone is pulling together to recover from major risk event does not mean you are doing the best thing for your business. Decisions made using bad thinking can exasperate the damage to a business trying to recover from major incident.
  7. Leaders can only make good decisions based on good risk analysis and data – just because you are receiving data on the impact of risk event does not mean the best solutions will be chosen during the mania of major risk event.

It is clear that any government would have struggled to manage the risks from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Tory government struggled in England and made mistakes as did the SNP led government in Scotland and the Labour led government in Wales as well as the DUP led government in Northern Ireland. However, relying on the wit and off-the-cuff reactions of leaders in the event of major incidents leads to worse outcomes and longer interruption.

Dominic Cummings may have his own motives for his written and verbal words on the Covid19 pandemic. However, what is 100 percent certain is the inability of leaders to make good decisions without a proper practiced and revised business continuity plan.

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7 Amazing Facts About Dominic Cummings and Continuity Planning

Unexpected disasters can be an opportunity to grow fast

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Making the most of unexpected disasters. Make the most of disasters. No one asks for a disaster to hit their business but when one comes along look for the opportunities that come with it. If you do this as part of business continuity planning you can come out of the disaster quicker stronger and more resilient.

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A disaster can be an opportunity to grow if you change your mindset

To come out the other side of major risk event stronger includes being ready to seize new business opportunities as well as mitigate downside risk impact.

You may be able to bring forward future planning as result of risk event. If you have a major fire then do not just build what you had before. Bring forward better ways of working that you may have planned for 5 years time prior to risk event.

  • Competitors who are not resilient as your business may not survive crisis. This may allow you to change pricing or provide opportunity to introduce new marketing campaign to mop up their customers.
  • You products or services may simply be more in demand after the crisis than before it. Attitudes of business buyers and consumers will change during and after the crisis. Your business maybe well positioned to take advantage of change of attitude to sell more and grow your business faster.

There is nothing morally bad about making the most of a bad situation. If you survive a crisis you have the right to explore a new way of working that will benefit both your business consumers and society.

Many great inventions or innovations have been introduced and transformed life and business due to mistakes. Some new drugs and products were discovered when the inventor or developer was trying to achieve something totally different from what transpired as brilliance.

Necessity is the mother of invention

When forced into an existential situation it is human nature to fight to survive. There will always be risk events that threaten survival in business. Sometimes they risk event may be located on one business. On rare occasions a risk event threats whole business systems of working.

Around every 10 years business leaders should expect a financial crisis that threatens business survival. It is almost impossible to know how the financial crisis will arise. The cause of the risk event that creates the crisis is less important than the resilience to overcome the impact on your business.

Th last financial crisis was 2008. May countries in Europe have still not recovered from the 2008 financial crisis never mind businesses.

If you are in business for the long haul then you need to be prepared for at least one financial crisis every 10 years. In between you need to be ready for your own individual crisis’s that pop up just for your business.

Learning opportunities from a crisis

Major risk events are perhaps alarmingly more frequent than one expects. Rather than being overly alarmed maybe the best thing to do is learn from risk events. Take the good from the bad to improve future business performance.

Do not press the panic button
Do not press the panic button

We can also learn from other businesses who make mistakes on our behalf! If they suffer find out what they did wrong learn from their mistakes and make sure your business does not suffer the same consequences.


More than that find out what lessons other business leaders have learned from their past mistakes or negative risk events

Sharing bad experiences allows the herd to be better protected! Sharing successes helps the herd to join in on the success for faster growth and speedier progress.

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Turning business adversity into success

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Adversity is the mother of invention. Adversity and success have a close working relationship. However it does not have to be your business that suffers the business adversity. A strong business has a developed and tested business continuity plan BCP. The BCP will not only help you to maintain your business to survive adversity but it will help you identify ways to bring forward business improvements or seize new business opportunities.

Covid19 Business Resilience

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Why is adversity important?

Necessity is the mother of invention. If you have to find a new solution for your business you will find it. Human beings are very clever. Much more intelligent than we realise. However adversity can unveil otherwise hidden abilities to do things better than before adversity hit.

Entrepreneurs and business leaders who overcome adversity

Top entrepreneurs and business leaders quickly identify and exploit opportunities from adversity. The adversity suffered maybe that of your competitors rather than your own business.

Sometimes benefiting from adversity comes from increased demand. Private jet hire cannot cope with current demand due to the coronavirus or Covid19. Thousands of people have died and many tens of thousands have been infected most in China. Commercial airlines like British Airways stopped flying into or out of China due to coronavirus outbreak. Many cannot or do not want to book a flight out of China. Many do not want to fly anywhere with other people they do not know. The result for private jet hire companies is more demand than they can supply. This will boost private jet hire revenue and profit.

The opportunity to grow from adversity is mainly about the change of demand potentially with a reduction in supply. Sometimes profiting from adversity just comes from a reduction in supply. The collapse of a business in your industry may mean you then have the opportunity to sell more and sell more profitably. Thomas Cook holiday and travel business collapsed in September 2019. Many people lost their jobs but many were subsequently taken on by Hays Travel who massively expanded their business within just a few months. TUI travel business had its best month in January 2020. Other holiday and travel related businesses have massively grown on the back of the collapse of Thomas Cook.

The key is to protect your business with a business continuity plan and to be dynamic enough to be prepared to capitalise on potential shifts for demand for your type of business. This includes being very clear on where you want your business to be in x years time and how you could get there. If you know where you are going you can perhaps more easily bring forward your business development plans in the event of a significant risk event not affecting your business directly.

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