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The latest average premium is the lowest since the third quarter of 2015, the Association of British Insurers ABI said
Find and market car insurance cover.
The amount paid by motorists for insurance fell to its lowest level in more than six years in the first quarter of 2022.
A big change occurred on 1 January 2022. New rules mean motor and home insurers are required to offer renewing customers a price that is no higher than they would pay as a new customer. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) introduced the new measures for insurers. It could mean there will be fewer cheaper car insurance discounts if you shop around to find a better car insurance deal than the one your current insurer offers you.
Looking for cheapest car insurance UK
Compare car insurance in the UK. The cost of car insurance in the UK rises and falls. However car insurance always has a significant impact on personal and corporate budgets.
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Very cheap car insurance is a little bit closer in UK
It is easy to compare cheap car insurance in UK. Whether you are responsible for your household budget or business budget it is easy to compare the cost of car insurance in UK.
It is not always to beat the car insurance renewal price. That can depend on car insurance market fluctuations.
UK car insurance premiums biggest annual fall in average price since 2014
The cost of a comprehensive motor insurance policy fell 11 percent in the UK between April and June 2018 compared to the same period last year.
Willis Towers Watson insurance brokers has reviewed the cost of car insurance in UK for The insurance broker has found that car insurance premiums have fallen for the fourth quarter in a row.
The Bigger Risk To Financial Services Jobs Is Automation Or Robots Not Brexit
Ignore the threat to financial services industry jobs of Brexit. You should be much more worried about the threat of robots. Job automation is the biggest finance sector threat and opportunity.
Financial services industry news headlines risk analysis and financial reports
Job Automation Risk To Your Financial Sector Job
No doubt. Financial services industry is very important to the UK economy. If financial services jobs were lost other sectors would be affected. Fewer services jobs needed to service those in financial services jobs!
Many jobs in financial services are high paid jobs. Top British bankers are paid much more than elsewhere. Resistance to moving to Germany is as much about personal reasons. The UK economy may or may not suffer after Brexit. Bankers will suffer.
However people in financial services are facing automation existential threat. Never mind moving to Germany your job is going full stop!
FinTech company jobs will be prevalent. Bankers less so. Most financial services jobs can be done faster cheaper better. Robots will be
less emotional
more reliable and
after a few years significantly cheaper
How long do you think the C Suite will keep your job. If job automation is better for bonuses your job is toast!
Existing financial services jobs are like UK miners jobs. The buildings will remain but the people in them will be different. Cyber security and fintech risk managers will be plentiful.
Banks insurers and funds will need cyber experts. They will stop external and internal threats to money.
Fintech risk managers will direct risk appetite and risk tolerance
C suite virtual bankers insurers fund managers will be wealthier
Wealthier investors but more at risk of systemic industry collapse
Software developers will frequent the bars and restaurants. Existing financial services people will be there waiting on tables!
Most existing financial services jobs will be lost to job automation. Do not doubt this for a second!
However it is not all doom and gloom. The key to survive is to move into the new financial services sector jobs. Some new financial services jobs do not exist right now! You must change your skills set to take advantage and survive.
Its not just the top bankers that need worry. Indeed they are the ones most likely to easily morph. Financial services jobs most at risk
Mortgage advice
Financial and investment advice
Insurance advice
Any financial services sector job your current phone app replaces!
Consumers have a choice to use financial services apps and websites. In future the consumer will have no choice. Financial services consumers will not speak to people. People will be gone replaced by job automation. The robots will have taken over the financial services world!
There is no point in complaining. No point arguing with us. Better spending your time reskilling instead. Stop worrying about Brexit. Start retraining to overcome threat of job automation. Learn tech skills not German!
Making insurance easier and cheaper to buy and sell with
Finding and marketing insurance online.
Call for insurance collaboration
Looking for a way to disrupt the commercial business insurance marketplace? Could Amazon Apple or Google sell commercial insurance policies cheaper and better? You are damn right they could. All three have pots of cash they could invest in selling business insurance more cost effectively. Will it happen perhaps not.
Once banks sort themselves out a while away I give you that they could become dominant virtual insurance companies in the commercial insurance marketplace. What about
Apple and Google will take over the automotive marketplace in the future if Tesla are not too busy trying to get to Mars. Maybe too busy to attack the commercial business insurance marketplace but their innovative approach is a very good example of how traditional thinking in business could result in an obsolete company. BMW Ford et al none of them are immune and neither are insurance companies or insurance brokers.
Maybe your clients will buy their commercial insurance whilst on a flight across the channel on a business trip to USA. The insurer? Norway State fund is more stable than any insurance company. It might even take over a smaller insurance provider and use it as a base to disrupt the insurance marketplace.
Is the traditional insurance marketplace too big to be attacked? Well AIG were not too big to fail. Smaller players in the insurance marketplace are not too big to suffer failure from different cause disruptive innovation.
Traditional ways of selling and distributing insurance cover to businesses are working
However could they also be done differently? We believe so and are seeking insurance provider partners to work with us on designing innovative ways to market and sell commercial insurance online locally and globally.
Integrating commercial insurance in holistic risk management could head off insurance marketplace disruptors from wherever they emerge.
However traditional ways of using insurance cover to help give business leaders a quiet nights sleep may be too conservative to survive.
Grow Faster With Less Uncertainty
Our point of contact to discuss more profitable ways to delivering insurance protection is Keith Lewis.
Do you want to grow your insurance business faster, more profitably and more sustainably?
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New Automotive Industry Entrants and Cross Sector Collaboration Will Bring New Threats and Opportunities
26th June 2020 Amazon Robot Delivery plus Amazon Autonomous Self Driving Vehicles To Buy In Showroom?
Amazon is one of the most successful businesses at developing innovative business growth strategy. Last year Amazon invested half a billion dollars in self driving car startup Aurora Innovation Inc. This year it looks like Amazon is continuing its investment in the car sector.
Amazon has bought robotics and autonomous vehicle company Zoox. Are they just beefing up their knowledge and business intelligence for robotic self delivery or would you buy an Amazon self driving autonomous car from a showroom instead of a Tesla. Amazons purchase of Zoox is in the region of 3 billion dollars.
31st October 2019 PSA Group the owner of Peugeot and Fiat Chrysler Agree 50 Billion Dollar Merger
The merger will create the fourth largest automotive manufacturer in the world. The merger is needed strategically due to the significant investment required by both firms to keep up with the competition. Both firms need to invest heavily in electric cars and driverless technology to be ready now never mind the future sustainability.
28th August 2019 Toyota and Suzuki Collaborating On Self Driving Car Technology
Toyota and Suzuki announce they are working together on self driving car technology.
Toyota will take a 4.9 percent share of Suzuki Motor Corp and Suzuki will invest in Toyota
22nd August 2019 Audi Daimler Ford and BMW Developing Alliance To Build Advanced Driving Assistance and Autonomous Systems According German Wirtschaftswoche Article.
The automotive manufacturers are collaborating on autonomous driving and parking systems.
The 4th industrial revolution is about to turn the automotive industry upside down rip up traditional business models and will come out the other side better and stronger but very different.
Many new features in cars and other vehicles that took a decade to normalise across the industry will need to be incorporated in a few short years. The automotive industry as always evolved but a revolution is under way.
Those who don’t keep up will be squashed to death!
Those that get on the bus will see a very different road ahead.
Those that resist change will cease to exist, and those that embrace change may or may not benefit from the changes
The pace of change within components that do or could go into vehicles is fast but the pace in which the automotive industry is changing is breath-taking, and its accelerating!
The world’s auto industry will have more customers demands to meet, but what are they going to deliver and when? Automated vehicles powered by renewable energy is nothing new. How quickly can society keep up with what is possible on the roads? Will automotive industry take to the skies! Will we get into autonomous vehicles AV and literally fly to work whilst playing computer games! Will the automobile get swallowed up whole by Google Apple and Sony?
The greatest challenge for the car industry is very similar to the greatest challenge for all gadgets gizmos plant machinery and equipment particularly those presently powered by carbon based power sources. Its battery technology that needs to change.
Tesla is leading the way not in cars but in batteries. Tesla batteries are being used to store power from the National Grid in the UK and then being fed back into the UK national electricity network when needed.
Decarbonisation is one factor driving the need to boost battery power for longer on remote items of plant and equipment like cars. However battery technology is key for all parts of global society for different reasons. In less well developed economies battery technology improvement will create new markets domestically and international trade development. In well developed economies like UK battery technology improvements will totally change what we manufacture and how we manufacture it.
Dyson cars will lock horns with Tesla cars but both will invest more in batteries than car design.
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3rd October 2018 GM and Honda New Project
General Motors and Honda have announced a partnership to develop and build an autonomous multi use vehicle together.
13th June 2018 VW Fined 1 Billion Euros By German Prosecutors
Volkswagen has been fined by German prosecutors for diesel emissions scandal. VW has already been fined by other countries for cheating the tests for diesel emissions. VW has agreed to pay more than 4 billion dollars to resolve criminal and civil penalties for installing illegal software in diesel engines to cheat USA anti pollution tests.
15th March 2018 Auto Parts Maker New Strategic Direction
Automotive parts supplier Magna International Inc will invest $200 million in ride-hailing firm Lyft. Their new partnership will develop and manufacture self driving cars.
20th February 2018 Ford Aims To Set Up German Bank To Offset Any Brexit Risk
Ford Credit Europe will remain headquartered in Britain and the new bank plans will not result in job losses or significant changes to where employees are based.