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Managing opportunities and risks better with BusinessRiskTV. Business opportunities come with business risks. External and internal risk drivers will impact on business objectives negatively and positively. Controlling business risks and opportunities can secure greater business success and build stronger business resilience. Identify assess and control business risks better with articles and videos on BusinessRiskTV. Monitor business risks to your business objectives to protect and grow your business faster.
Managing business risks is a critical business issue all business leaders face. However not all business leaders face the same business risks. Similar businesses can have the same business risks but may have different resources deployed in business risk management. Opportunities for business leaders to grow their business fast are always available to you if you look and take the best course of action. Understand the top business risks facing your business with help tips and support from BusinessRiskTV
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Business Risks And Opportunities
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Register for business risk management reports and risk management newsletter. Want to understand how risk could impact on your business? Get the latest business risk management reports and risk analysis reviews from BusinessRiskTV.
Understanding global risks is important for all business leaders. Identifying and assessing the global risks is not a once a year task.
In addition the risks that could threaten some businesses could present an opportunity for your business to grow faster but if you miss the start of the opportunity you could miss the boat entirely or fail to maximise the potential rewards from the opportunity.
Unlike other less dynamic reporting systems companies or entitys BusinessRiskTV will provide you with regular risk reports to help you manage enterprise risks more proactively to mitigate threats to your business better and seize new business development opportunities earlier.
In short, BusinessRiskTV is less about looking back and offering expert risk reports with hindsight and more about looking forward with more dynamic forecasts backed up with practical risk management solutions for both the upside and downside aspects to global risks as it affects your business wherever you are in the world.
BusinessRiskTT will reduce the effort required to identify what your business needs to do next after assessing the magnitude of the risk to your country or industry in easy to understand language.
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Shorten your supply chain with BusinessRiskTV
Changing how you source products may need to change after the coronavirus pandemic.
Its about connecting business leaders to local suppliers more easily
The benefits of local sourcing of business products and services are many and varied from environmental benefits to real cost savings to security of supply lines to flexibility of delivery.
In the UK it is more expensive to import goods and services from overseas due to around a 10 to 20 percent fall in the value of the pound against a basket of foreign currencies in the last 12 months. Where there may have been a substantial price difference between imports and domestic suppliers, this has mostly gone as can be witnessed by the fact that the UK is exporting more now that at any time since 1995.
We’re helping to connect UK companies with nearby local suppliers when business leaders source new products and services.
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Sourcing products from around the world can lead to more cost and more business interruptions and less flexibility in meeting your customer needs.
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Learn how to become one of our Local Suppliers by subscribing FREE to BusinessRiskTV
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