Can we fertilise the ocean with iron?

What does iron do to the ocean?

Ocean Pastures: Can Iron Ore Resuscitate the Blue Desert?

The vast expanses of the ocean often evoke images of abundance and life. Yet, much of it resembles a vast “blue desert,” with vast regions deficient in crucial nutrients, limiting phytoplankton growth and cascading up the food chain. Iron ore, an unlikely hero, has emerged as a potential key to restoring these “ocean pastures,” sparking both hope and controversy.

The Nutrient-Limited Ocean:

Phytoplankton, microscopic algae at the base of the marine food web, drive ocean health. However, vast areas, particularly in subtropical gyres, lack essential nutrients like iron, limiting their growth and impacting the entire ecosystem. These regions, aptly named High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) zones, hold immense potential for restoration.

Iron Fertilisation: A Controversial Solution:

The concept of adding iron to stimulate phytoplankton growth is known as iron fertilisation. Iron ore, rich in its namesake element, has become a potential fertiliser source. Proponents argue that carefully controlled iron addition can trigger phytoplankton blooms, boosting fish populations and sequestering carbon dioxide as organic matter sinks to the ocean floor.

The Haida Gwaii Experiment:

In 2012, the Haida Gwaii experiment tested iron fertilisation. While it showed increased phytoplankton productivity, concerns arose about potential unintended consequences like altered ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms. This experiment highlighted the need for rigorous scientific research and environmental monitoring before large-scale applications.

Environmental Concerns:

Critics of iron fertilisation raise concerns about disrupting delicate ocean ecosystems, favouring certain species over others, and potentially promoting harmful algal blooms. The long-term impacts on deep-sea ecosystems and potential disruption of carbon cycles remain under investigation.

Regulatory Landscape:

The London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution (LC) currently prohibits commercial iron fertilisation activities due to the uncertain potential environmental risks. Research exceptions are allowed, guiding controlled experiments like the Haida Gwaii project.

Potential Benefits:

Proponents argue that carefully managed iron fertilisation could offer numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Fisheries: Increased phytoplankton could support larger fish populations, revitalising depleted fisheries.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Increased phytoplankton growth could lead to more organic matter sinking, potentially enhancing carbon sequestration in the ocean depths.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: By boosting the ocean’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, iron fertilisation could contribute to climate change mitigation strategies.

Challenges and Uncertainties:

Despite potential benefits, several challenges and uncertainties remain:

  • Ecological Impacts: Long-term ecological impacts on diverse marine communities require further investigation.
  • Scale and Control: Scaling up iron fertilisation from small experiments to large-scale application presents logistical and environmental challenges.
  • Economic Viability: The costs of deploying and monitoring iron fertilisation need to be balanced against potential economic benefits.
  • International Cooperation: International cooperation is crucial for developing comprehensive regulations and ensuring responsible implementation of iron fertilisation, if deemed viable.

Looking Ahead:

Ocean pasture restoration with iron ore holds potential, but significant research, environmental assessments, and international cooperation are necessary before any large-scale implementation. Responsible science, robust regulations, and careful consideration of potential risks and benefits are essential to navigate this complex issue and determine if iron ore can truly help re-green the blue desert.

Further Exploration:

For a deeper understanding, consider exploring these resources:

Remember, this is just a glimpse into a complex and rapidly evolving topic. Stay informed, explore diverse perspectives, and engage in responsible discussions as we navigate the potential of ocean pasture restoration with iron ore.

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Fossil fuel businesses need encouragement on environmental protection innovation not blocking

Why do we use fossil fuels instead of renewable energy

Around half of UK parliaments MPs or lawmakers have asked the trustees of UK parliament pension fund to sell all its shares in oil and gas companies. The Divest Parliament Pledge is purpose is to protect the environment. However companies like BP are also at the cutting edge of innovative new ways to create power. Encouraging fossil fuel businesses to innovate for the future is more important than showcasing MPs environmental protection credentials for the sake of a few more votes.

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The demand to ditch fossil fuels came in the Divest Parliament Pledge has been signed by around half of the MPs in UK parliament including Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson in a Scottish constituency and the Scottish National Partys SNPs Westminster leader Ian Blackford. Given that the Scottish economy is still making alot of money out of oil and gas in the North Sea this seems particularly short sighted and counterproductive and perhaps two faced!

The UK Parliamentary Pension Funds single biggest holding is 11.6 million pounds worth of shares in BP. It also owns 10.9 million pounds worth of shares in Royal Dutch Shell.

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, said: ā€œThe climate emergency requires that we keep fossil fuels in the ground.

Obviously the oil and gas industry is polluting the atmosphere. However UK industry could not compete or survive if business leaders banned the use of fossil fuels. If we use fossil fuels then it is hypocritical to say we will not invest in oil and gas industries.

The oil and gas industry leaders are themselves moving their investments into low polluting or non polluting alternatives to creating energy and power to drive business and household use. They are acting on climate change for their own good and the good of society.

In addition the UK heavily taxes these fossil fuel businesses. Plus these businesses create hundreds or thousands of jobs and these people pay income tax to support the NHS and other public expenditure.

It is not showing leadership by forcing UK parliament pension trustees to sell shares in fossil fuel business. It hypocritical grandstanding trying to win votes from the public increasingly fearful of climate change.

What would be more impressive and productive would be to encourage fossil fuel businesses to innovate with tax cuts on environmental protection innovation. However that would require real leadership and like most things that are good a short term cost. The long term benefits for the environment the public and the fossil fuel businesses would far outweigh the short term cost.

Instead of grand standing on an environmental protection ticket these MPs could be more effective at leading change.

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BusinessRiskTV Fossil fuel businesses need encouragement on environmental protection innovation not blocking

Carbon Offsetting Is For Guilty People With More Money Than Climate Change Sense

Have you booked a holiday overseas and feel you need a way to justify your expansive carbon footprint? Have plenty of money and lots of good words to say about protecting the environment that does not involve sacrificing your overseas holiday? Think you can fool your friends and yourself into thinking you are protecting the environment? Then carbon offsetting is for you!

So you think that your conscious is clear cause you pay money to pump more carbon into the environment? You might be fooling yourself and your friends but we both know carbon offsetting is not protecting the environment. Stop flying that will help save the planet!

Many people including Extinction Rebellion XR activists think that their personal carbon footprint is not the problem. It is other peoples carbon footprint that is the problem! How ridiculous!.

Off course it is your right to express with tears anger and protesting your fears for the imminent extinction of the earth but think about it for a moment. Extinction? Do you really think carbon offsetting is the response to imminent extinction? You may be kidding yourself and your friends justifying your lifestyle choices with carbon offsetting but carbon offsetting is simply a farcical excuse to allow you to blame everyone else for death of the planet whilst you swan off on your holidays!

Its okay little children we can still fly off on holiday cause I use carbon offsetting to save the planet instead! Its peoples shameful lifestyle that is killing the planet. If only they heard about carbon offsetting. Then the ice caps would not melt and the air around Heathrow would be simply devinely healthy.


If you think there is a real extinction threat then instead of a voluntary carbon offset that allegedly counteracts the damage your life is doing to the planet you should be doing less damage to the planet.

If you think there is imminent threat of planet extinction instead of using your money to restore the damage you have forced on the planet why not just not damage the planet.

Carbon offsetting is to designed to give you an excuse to fly off on holiday when your children ask if your flight is helping to kill the planet. Carbon offsetting if you believe in extinction threat is actually a very dangerous tool that is more likely to do harm than good. Your money would be better invested in not doing damage in the first place.

Carbon offsetting is only offering flyers and the like a way out of their environmental green guilt. It is not saving the planet. It is making the damage to planet worse and you know it really. The key to saving the planet is to change your behaviour and the way you spend money.

Carbon offsetting is good PR for your unwillingness to make lifestyle sacrifices. It does not help save the planet.


We are not backers of Extinction Rebellion message. Their environmental targets are unreachable and are therefore not smart in any way whatsoever. If there is a growing climate emergency it will be defused by people changing their spending habits not by carbon offsetting.

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Where to get career advice for adults UK

We provide information advice and guidance to help you make best career decisions on learning training and work choices in UK

Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced member of your team or business your future career prospects start here

Get expert careers advice on job applications CVs and cover letters interview tips starting a new job and career planning.

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Find and apply for jobs online with help from Fill your job vacancies.

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You can find knowledge on everything from interview tips to career advancement guides. Start browsing for a new job now!

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BusinessRiskTV expert career advice includes CV advice interview advice cover letter next career steps planning. Our career advice service covers all stages of the job search process.

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How to get a better job UK

Job search in the UK online with

Looking for better job opportunity

How to get a better paying job.

How to get a better paying job

Want a better job

Tips for finding a better job

Finding a better job may not mean you have to leave your present employer. An existing employer may have new job opportunities for you if you move side ways as well as up. Moving sideways for same pay may give you the opportunity in near future to lift your career to a new level.

Search and apply for jobs

Find and apply for jobs online with help from Fill your job vacancies.

Assuming you are leaving to find a better job BusinessRiskTV can help your career breakthrough to better pay andĀ a more rewarding opportunity.

Find a better job

Many great companies work with BusinessRiskTV to find solutions to their business problems. One problem for employers is the growing skills gap. Many businesses do not have enough of the right skilled workforce to do what they need to do.

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Develop the career you want not the one you have fallen into

Ever feel trapped in your job? Want to feel more wanted? If you have the aptitude and a good work ethic there are many unfilled job vacancies in the UK.

However great opportunities rarely simply fall into your lap. You have to graft at career development to speed up the process and become a success.

Developing your career faster means you will get more money as a by product of your success, so its not being greedy wanting more money. It is part and parcel of being more successful in your career development.

In the UK we tend to be a bit more reserved. Talking about wanting a better paid job and career progression may be frowned upon You’re too big for your own boots but it is okay to moan about being skint. Not having enough money to do the things you want in life can normally only be solved by looking for a better job unless you win the lottery!

If you want a better job you’re going to have to work hard at finding a better job. BusinessRiskTV can assist though you will still need to put in the time but if you do then you will get a better job. It is the law of supply and demand. If you have the talent then you’re dream job is out there so get grafting now!

However better paying jobs aren’t always better jobs. Sometimes better paying jobs are the jobs most people don’t want to do and thats why you get premium pay level. Make sure you know what’s out there and then work hard at putting yourself in the best position to secure your dream job.

BusinessRiskTV How To Get A Better Job In UK