Is tokenisation the future?

What is tokenization of Wall Street?

Wall Street to Main Street: 9 Key Things to Know About Tokenisation of NYSE, Treasuries, and Gold

The financial world is abuzz with talk of tokenisation, a process of converting traditional assets like stocks, bonds, and even commodities like gold into digital tokens. This digital revolution has the potential to reshape not just Wall Street, but also Main Street, impacting how everyday consumers interact with their finances. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the world of tokenised assets and what it means for you.

1. Tokenization 101: Slicing and Dicing Assets

Imagine a stock certificate – a physical representation of your ownership in a company. Now, imagine breaking that certificate into smaller, digital pieces. Each piece, a unique cryptographic token, represents a fraction of the original stock. That’s tokenisation in a nutshell. It allows for the fractional ownership of assets, making them more accessible to a wider range of investors.

2. The Big Three: NYSE, Treasuries, and Gold Go Digital

The tokenisation of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) could revolutionise stock ownership. Individual shares could be divided into smaller tokens, allowing for greater participation from retail investors. This could potentially lead to a more democratised stock market, where even those with limited funds can invest in major companies.

US Treasuries, the bedrock of American finance, could also be tokenised. This could increase their liquidity and global reach, making them even more attractive to investors worldwide. Tokenised Treasuries could also open doors for new financial products, like Treasury-backed bonds with shorter maturities.

Gold, a timeless safe-haven asset, could benefit from tokenisation by increasing its accessibility. Smaller gold tokens would allow even the most budget-conscious investor to own a piece of the precious metal. This could potentially make gold a more viable option for diversifying one’s portfolio.

3. Benefits Abound: Efficiency, Transparency, and Beyond

Tokenisation offers a multitude of advantages. Transactions could become faster and cheaper, as the need for intermediaries like clearinghouses is reduced. Increased transparency is another perk, with transactions recorded on a secure blockchain ledger, accessible to all participants. Additionally, fractional ownership opens doors for a wider range of investors, potentially leading to a more robust and inclusive financial system.

4. Security Concerns: Are My Tokens Safe?

As with any new technology, security is a paramount concern. Hacking and cyberattacks are potential threats to tokenised assets. Regulatory frameworks need to be established to ensure the safekeeping of these digital valuables.

5. The High Street Gets a Tech Upgrade: How Tokenisation Affects Consumers

The impact of tokenised assets extends beyond professional investors. Here’s how Main Street might be affected:

  • Easier Investing: Tokenisation can make investing more accessible. Fractional ownership allows people with limited savings to participate in the stock market or own a piece of gold.
  • New Investment Products: Tokenisation could pave the way for innovative financial products tailored to everyday consumers. Imagine micro-investing platforms allowing you to invest spare change in tokenised assets.
  • Democratising Finance: Tokenisation has the potential to level the playing field, giving everyone a shot at participating in the financial markets, not just the wealthy elite.

6. Challenges for Consumers: Understanding the Risks

While tokenisation offers exciting possibilities, there are challenges for consumers to consider:

  • Complexity: Understanding the intricacies of tokenised assets and the associated risks might be daunting for some.
  • Volatility: The inherent volatility of some assets, like stocks and gold, remains a concern even when they’re tokenised.
  • Regulation: The regulatory landscape surrounding tokenised assets is still evolving. Consumers need to be cautious of unregulated platforms and potential scams.

7. The Role of Banks and Financial Institutions

Banks and financial institutions have a crucial role to play in the tokenisation revolution. They can:

  • Develop User-Friendly Platforms: Creating user-friendly platforms for buying, selling, and managing tokenised assets is essential for wider adoption.
  • Educate Consumers: Equipping consumers with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about tokenised assets is paramount.
  • Partner with Fintech Companies: Collaboration between traditional financial institutions and innovative fintech companies can accelerate the safe and secure adoption of tokenisation.

8. The Future of Finance: A Tokenised World?

While the future remains unwritten, tokenisation has the potential to reshape the financial landscape. A world where assets are easily divisible, transactions are streamlined, and access is broadened could be on the horizon. However, navigating this new frontier requires a cautious approach, with robust regulations and consumer education at the forefront.

9. The Bottom Line: Be Informed, Be Cautious, Be Open

The tokenisation of the NYSE, Treasuries, and gold presents both opportunities and challenges for consumers. While the potential for greater access, efficiency, and innovation is undeniable, understanding the risks and navigating the complexities of this new landscape is crucial. As the world of finance continues to evolve, staying informed, exercising caution, and keeping an open mind to the possibilities will be key to navigating the exciting, and potentially transformative, world of tokenised assets.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Impact on Retirement Planning: Tokenisation could potentially revolutionise how people save for retirement. Imagine tokenised retirement accounts with more diversified options, including fractional ownership of assets.
  • Global Investment Opportunities: Tokenisation could break down geographical barriers, allowing easier access to international markets for everyday investors.
  • The Power of Blockchain: Blockchain technology, the secure ledger system underlying tokenisation, offers numerous benefits. Its immutability ensures transparency and reduces the risk of fraud.

The future of tokenisation is still unfolding, and the potential impact on the financial landscape is vast. It’s a wave of change that could reshape how we invest, save, and ultimately, build our financial future. By staying informed and approaching this new frontier with a cautious yet open mind, consumers can potentially reap the benefits of a more accessible and efficient financial system.

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Biggest crisis in the world today?

It’s hard to choose but it’s not too late to prepare your business for the worst and build your business resilience now!

The Gathering Storm: Preparing for Economic Turbulence in 2024 and Beyond

The winds of economic uncertainty are picking up, and many experts forecast a turbulent future in 2024 and beyond. While the present may not be a tranquil ocean, the coming horizon could unveil a perfect storm of converging crises. So, it’s not the time to raise the anchor and drift idly; it’s the moment to batten down the hatches and weather the coming tempest.

Economic Crisis Examples: A Looming Multitude

Before diving into preparation, let’s acknowledge the brewing threats. These are not mere whispers on the wind, but real, tangible anxieties gripping the global landscape.

  • Inflationary Headwinds: The spectre of inflation, once a distant memory, has reared its ugly head. Prices are skyrocketing across essential goods and services, squeezing household budgets and threatening social unrest. The U.S., for instance, saw inflation at a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022, though it has dipped since, the worry of resurgence remains. Hopes that global inflation is coming under control may prove premature given continuing wars in Ukraine and Gaza/Israel and drought in Panama Canal causing shipping costs (and future prices in shops and service industry) to spike and limiting interest rate cut wiggle room in West.

  • Stagflationary Nightmares: The chilling possibility of stagflation – a toxic cocktail of high inflation and low growth – lurks in the shadows. Central banks, attempting to curb inflation, tighten their monetary belts, potentially choking off economic activity and jobs. This double whammy could be especially devastating for developing nations. Persistently high inflation due to above will, or should, limit the West’s central banks ability to pump cheap money into grow economies that are already in or slipping into recession.

  • Geopolitical Flashpoints: From the ongoing war in Ukraine to simmering tensions in the Middle East and Asia (continuing tensions with China over a number of issues including Taiwan), geopolitical volatility threatens to disrupt global supply chains and energy markets, further fuelling inflation and economic turbulence.

  • Debt Dilemma: National and household debt levels have ballooned in recent years (USA alone has $34 trillion in debt and set to borrow more money to pay down existing debt in region of $1 trillion debt interest per annum more than it spends on defence), leaving economies vulnerable to rising interest rates and potential defaults. A wave of bankruptcies, both personal and corporate, could trigger a domino effect, amplifying the crisis. This will include a wave of redundancies in 2024 which will systemically attack viability of banking system.

These are just a few examples of the economic headwinds gathering force. While the extent of their impact remains uncertain, one thing is clear: ignoring the storm clouds won’t make them disappear.

Quotes on Preparing for the Global Economic Storm 2024:

Preparation: The Anchor in the Storm

So, how do we navigate this impending economic storm? While the future remains unpredictable, proactive measures can increase our chances of weathering the turbulence. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Financial Fortitude: Shore up your finances. Build an emergency fund that can cover several months of essential expenses. Revise your budget, cutting unnecessary costs and prioritising necessities. Pay down debt whenever possible to reduce ongoing financial burdens.
  • Skill Development: Invest in yourself. Hone your existing skills and acquire new ones that might be valuable in a changing job market. Focus on adaptability and resilience, developing transferable skills that can be applied in diverse settings.
  • Community Connections: Strengthen your social network. Fostering close bonds with family, friends, and neighbours can provide invaluable support and resources during challenging times. Community resilience flourishes through collaboration and mutual aid.
  • Sustainable Strategies: Embrace sustainable practices in your daily life. Grow your own food, invest in renewable energy sources, and minimise your environmental footprint. Building self-sufficiency reduces reliance on volatile external systems.
  • Positive Mindset: Cultivate a resilient and optimistic attitude. Recognise that challenges are inevitable, but so is our ability to overcome them. Focus on finding solutions, adapting to change, and embracing an “always learning” approach.

Remember, preparation is not about passively waiting for the storm to hit; it’s about actively building the tools and resources we need to ride it out.

Beyond 2024: Building a Resilient Future

This isn’t just about surviving the immediate economic storm; it’s about forging a more resilient future for ourselves and generations to come. We must advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth, address income inequality, and build social safety nets. Supporting initiatives that foster environmental stewardship and global cooperation is crucial for mitigating future vulnerabilities.

The coming years may be fraught with challenges, but they also present an opportunity for transformation. This economic storm can be a catalyst for change, pushing us to rethink our relationship with money, resources, and each other. We can emerge from the turbulence stronger, more adaptable, and more conscious of the interconnectedness of our global community.

Here are some final thoughts to leave you with:

  • Remember, you are not alone. Millions of people worldwide are facing similar anxieties and preparing for uncertain times. Sharing information, resources,and experiences can empower and strengthen individual and collective resilience.
  • Embrace creativity and innovation. Difficult times often spark ingenuity and resourcefulness. Look for unconventional solutions, explore alternative pathways, and don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo.
  • Focus on the silver lining. Amidst the storm clouds, there are always glimmers of hope. Invest in your mental and emotional well-being. Find joy in the everyday, nurture your relationships, and cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning that transcends economic uncertainties.

The economic storm of 2024 and beyond may be formidable, but it doesn’t have to define us. By preparing today, building resilience, and fostering a spirit of collaboration, we can navigate the turbulence and emerge stronger, more empowered, and ready to co-create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

10 Recommendations for Business Leaders to Build Business Resilience:

1. Diversify Revenue Streams: Don’t rely on a single source of income. Explore new products, services, or markets to spread risk and ensure revenue flow during potential downturns. Remember, the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

2. Cultivate Agility: Embrace a flexible and adaptable mindset. Prepare contingency plans for different economic scenarios and be ready to pivot your business model at short notice. Encourage innovation and experimentation to stay ahead of changing market trends.

3. Invest in Technology: Leverage technology to automate tasks, streamline operations, and improve efficiency. This can reduce costs, boost productivity, and make your business more responsive to external pressures.

4. Prioritise Talent Acquisition and Retention: Attract and retain top talent by offering competitive compensation, fostering a positive work culture, and investing in employee development. A strong and loyal team is vital for weathering difficult times.

5. Strengthen Supply Chains: Diversify your supplier base and build strong relationships with key partners. Develop alternative sourcing strategies to mitigate the impact of disruptions in any one part of your supply chain.

6. Manage Debt Wisely: Avoid excessive debt burdens, especially during uncertain times. Maintain healthy cash reserves and negotiate favourable loan terms to ensure financial stability and maneuverability.

7. Communicate Transparently: Keep employees, customers, and stakeholders informed about any challenges or changes facing the business. Open communication builds trust and fosters collaborative solutions in the face of adversity.

8. Embrace Sustainability: Implement sustainable practices across your operations, from resource management to environmental consciousness. This can not only mitigate economic risks but also enhance your brand image and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

9. Build Community Partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses, organisations, and community stakeholders. Shared resources, collective knowledge, and mutual support can strengthen everyone’s resilience in the face of economic challenges.

10. Foster a Positive Mindset: Encourage optimism and resilience within your organisation. Lead by example with a proactive and solutions-oriented approach. A positive company culture can boost morale, drive productivity, and create a fertile ground for navigating difficult times.

By implementing these recommendations, business leaders can equip their organisations for the coming economic storm and emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, preparation, adaptation, and collaboration are key to building a resilient business that can thrive in any climate.

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What is the potential of tokenisation?

Asset management industry trends And digital asset revolution

The Tokenisation Tide: How Business Leaders Can Navigate the Next Wave of Financial Revolution

Larry Fink, the ever-prescient CEO of BlackRock, recently declared tokenisation “the biggest trend in finance.” This isn’t just another passing fad; it’s a tidal wave poised to reshape the financial landscape as we know it. Beyond Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, the underlying blockchain technology holds transformative power, waiting to be harnessed by savvy business leaders.

Imagine a world where every financial asset – stocks, bonds, real estate/property, even intellectual property – exists as a token on a secure, public ledger. This, as Fink envisions, is the future: “a massive leap forward in terms of efficiency, transparency, and access to capital.”

Beyond Bitcoin: Unlocking the Blockchain Potential

Bitcoin may have grabbed headlines, but the true revolution lies in the distributed ledger technology underpinning it. Blockchain cuts out the need for centralised custodians, enabling secure and transparent recording of ownership and transactions. This opens doors to a plethora of benefits:

  • Increased Liquidity: Fractional ownership becomes possible, unlocking previously illiquid assets like art or real estate to a wider pool of investors.
  • Enhanced Transparency: All transactions are immutably recorded, fostering trust and reducing fraud.
  • Streamlined Processes: Smart contracts automate paperwork and human error, expediting transactions and lowering costs.

We will have the ability to securely transact and store value without gatekeepers or intermediaries and this is a paradigm shift in asset management. Businesses built for self-sovereign individuals and this decentralised world will be the ones to thrive.

Embracing Web3: Democratising Finance through Decentralisation

The tokenisation wave coincides with the rise of web3, a decentralised internet built on blockchain principles. This shift empowers individuals, displacing the gatekeepers of the traditional web who controlled data and transactions. In web3, users own their data and assets, participating in a more equitable and transparent digital ecosystem.

This presents exciting opportunities for businesses. Imagine tokenised loyalty programmes where customers directly own their rewards, or fractionalised ownership of cutting-edge technology, democratising access for all. In a world of increasing uncertainty, tokenisation becomes a powerful tool for individuals and businesses to navigate volatile landscapes.

Safe Harbour in a Stormy Sea: Tokenisation as a Geopolitical Hedge

As geopolitical tensions rise and economic instability spreads, the need for safe haven assets intensifies. Tokenised assets offer a compelling alternative to traditional havens like gold or real estate/property. Their global accessibility, divisibility, and transparent ownership record make them attractive to investors seeking to protect their wealth from political or economic turmoil.

“Tokenisation provides a secure avenue to store and transfer value across borders, especially when traditional institutions might falter,” explains Fink. “This empowers individuals and businesses to navigate uncertain times with greater resilience.”

Charting the Course: Riding the Tokenisation Wave

Business leaders who proactively explore the tokenisation space stand to gain a significant competitive edge. Here are some actionable steps:

Fink’s powerful statement serves as a clarion call: “The biggest trend in finance is the tokenization of everything.” The tides are changing, and those who seize the opportunity to ride the wave will be well-positioned to thrive in the next generation of financial markets. By embracing blockchain technology, web3 principles, and the potential of tokenised assets, they can not only build resilient businesses but also contribute to a more equitable and decentralised financial future.

Remember, the journey beyond Bitcoin only just begins. This article has provided a roadmap for navigating the tokenisation wave. Some additional articles and workshops:

  • Deeper dive into alternative blockchain platforms: Explore Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda, highlighting their tailored features for specific industries.
  • Analysis of the legal and regulatory considerations: Discussing security regulations, taxation frameworks, and the need for international collaboration.
  • Vivid portrayal of next-generation financial markets: Emphasis on increased efficiency, automation, and democratisation of access to capital.
  • Analysis of different types of tokenised assets as safe havens: Explore real estate-backed tokens, gold-pegged stablecoins, and tokenised art and collectibles.
  • Dedicated section on web3 philosophy and its impact on business models: Discuss DAOs, tokenised communities, and implications for customer engagement.

Diving Deeper: Key Concepts for Navigating the Tokenisation Space

Beyond Bitcoin: A Spectrum of Blockchain Platforms

While Bitcoin serves as the gateway drug for many, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Alternative blockchain platforms, each with its strengths and applications, await exploration. Consider Ethereum, the undisputed DeFi (decentralised finance) champion, offering faster transaction speeds and programmable smart contracts. Hyperledger Fabric, designed for enterprise use, boasts enhanced privacy and security, making it ideal for sensitive financial transactions. Corda, focused on inter-organisational collaboration, streamlines business processes through distributed ledger technology.

Charting the Legal Labyrinth: Regulatory Considerations

Tokenisation’s legal and regulatory landscape remains uncharted territory, presenting both challenges and opportunities. Security regulations aim to prevent fraud and market manipulation, while taxation frameworks grapple with the novel nature of tokenised assets. International collaboration is crucial to develop a coherent regulatory framework, fostering innovation while safeguarding investors.

Painting the Future: Next-Gen Financial Markets

Imagine a world where financial markets operate at warp speed, driven by automation and blockchain efficiency. Fractional ownership grants access to previously closed-door avenues, empowering individuals to invest in everything from infrastructure projects to renewable energy initiatives. Imagine tokenised sovereign debt traded on global exchanges, blurring the lines between traditional finance and the democratised world of blockchain.

Safe Havens in a Turbulent World: Diversifying with Tokenised Assets

As geopolitical tensions simmer and economic storms brew, the need for safe havens intensifies. Tokenised assets offer a compelling alternative to traditional havens like gold. Real estate-backed tokens provide stable value tied to tangible assets, while gold-pegged stablecoins offer a digital haven anchored in precious metal. Diversifying with tokenised art and collectibles adds another layer of resilience to your portfolio, protecting its value through inherent scarcity and cultural significance.

Web3: Reshaping Business Models and Customer Engagement

Web3 isn’t just a technology, it’s a movement. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) challenge traditional corporate structures, fostering collaborative ownership and decision-making. Tokenised communities create direct relationships with your customers, transforming them from passive consumers into invested stakeholders. Imagine loyalty programmes where customers directly own their rewards, or fractional ownership of your brand, building unparalleled engagement and loyalty.

  • “This is the age of programmable money, and tokenisation is the key that unlocks its potential. Businesses that embrace this revolution will see their customers empowered and their reach extended beyond borders.” – Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum.
  • “The future of finance is built on collaboration, not gatekeepers. By embracing web3 principles and tokenisation, businesses can unlock new value streams and build vibrant communities around their brands.” – Meltem Demirors, CIO of Coinshares.

Conclusion: Riding the Wave of Change

Larry Fink’s declaration wasn’t a mere prediction; it was a prophetic call to action. The tokenisation tide is rising, and business leaders who stand atop their surfboards, ready to navigate the currents, will be the ones to thrive. By educating themselves, identifying opportunities, and embracing the decentralised ethos of web3, they can build resilient businesses that empower individuals, unlock unprecedented levels of value, and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive financial future. The time to dive in is now. Are you ready to ride the wave?

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Effects of de-dollarisation

Benefits of de dollarisation and disadvantages of de dollarisation

America’s Towering Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb for Inflation, Interest Rates, and Dollar Dominance

The United States sits atop a colossal mountain of debt – a staggering $34 trillion and counting. This ever-expanding pyramid of IOUs casts a long shadow on the nation’s economic future, potentially triggering a perfect storm of inflation, rising interest rates, and ultimately, the erosion of the dollar’s global dominance. Let’s delve into the potential consequences of this looming crisis and explore how it might reshape the financial landscape for the U.S. and the world at large.

The US’s growing pile of debt is a “boiling frog” for the US economy, JP Morgan (ie Business leaders and consumers won’t wake up to how bad the debt pile is for them until it is too late!)

Inflationary Inferno: Unbridled government spending, fuelled by debt accumulation, injects massive amounts of money into the economy. This excess liquidity, chasing a relatively fixed supply of goods and services, ignites the flames of inflation. As the cost of living spirals upwards, eroding purchasing power and triggering social unrest, the Federal Reserve’s response becomes crucial.

Interest Rate Rollercoaster: As inflation rears its ugly head, the Fed attempts to tame it by raising interest rates. Higher borrowing costs aim to cool down economic activity, reducing demand and, hopefully, dampening price pressures. However, this strategy comes at a steep price. Borrowing for businesses and individuals becomes more expensive, impacting investment, growth, and overall economic dynamism.

The Dollar’s Demise: Rising interest rates can be a double-edged sword. While they may curb inflation, they also make dollar-denominated assets more attractive to foreign investors. This increased demand temporarily props up the greenback, but can be short-lived. The underlying reason for debt-fueled inflation remains unaddressed, casting a shadow over the dollar’s long-term stability.

De-Dollarisation Dominoes: If America’s debt crisis goes unchecked, the confidence in the dollar as the world’s reserve currency could erode. Countries and investors may look to diversify their reserves into other currencies, such as the Euro, Yuan, or even a basket of currencies. This de-dollarisation would weaken the dollar’s international prestige, making it more expensive for the U.S. to finance its debt and trade on the global stage.

Effects of De-Dollarisation: For the U.S., de-dollarisation carries several potential consequences:

  • Higher borrowing costs: With reduced demand for dollars, the U.S.government would have to pay higher interest rates on its bonds, further fuelling the debt spiral.
  • Trade imbalance: A weaker dollar could make U.S. exports cheaper, boosting competitiveness, but imports would become more expensive, raising consumer prices and exacerbating inflation.
  • Financial instability: De-dollarisation could trigger volatility in global financial markets, impacting and potentially leading to financial crises.

De-Dollarisation: Countries Taking Action: While the U.S. grapples with its debt predicament, some countries are actively preparing for a potential shift away from dollar dominance. China, Russia, India, and several other nations are increasing their gold reserves and promoting alternative payment systems, laying the groundwork for a multipolar financial landscape.

Benefits of De-Dollarisation: While the transition away from dollar dominance could be bumpy, it also presents potential benefits:

  • Reduced U.S. influence: De-dollarisation could curtail the U.S.’s ability to exert economic pressure on other countries through sanctions or manipulation of exchange rates.
  • More balanced global system: A multipolar financial system could distribute power more evenly among nations, fostering greater cooperation and reducing vulnerability to systemic shocks.
  • Rise of alternative currencies: De-dollarisation could pave the way for the emergence of stronger regional currencies, promoting economic integration and development within specific regions.

Disadvantages of De-Dollarisation: However, the road to de-dollarisation is not without its challenges:

  • Uncertainty and volatility: The transition away from the established dollar system could create significant uncertainty and volatility in global financial markets.
  • Loss of seigniorage: The U.S. derives significant economic benefits from the dollar’s reserve currency status, including seigniorage – the profit earned from printing its own currency. De-dollarisation could result in the loss of this advantage.
  • Power vacuum: In the absence of a single dominant currency, there is a risk of power vacuums and potentially more complex power dynamics in the global financial system.

The Road Ahead: America’s debt crisis poses a monumental challenge, with far-reaching consequences for its domestic economy and global financial leadership. Addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach, including fiscal responsibility, economic diversification, and exploring alternative monetary frameworks. While the potential end of dollar dominance may initially bring uncertainty, it could also pave the way for a more equitable and resilient global financial system.

Cryptocurrencies as a Safe Harbour in America’s Debt-Fuelled Storm: A Beacon or a Mirage?

The spectre of America’s ever-growing debt mountain and potential de-dollarisation has ignited speculation about alternative havens for wealth and value. Among these, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have emerged as potential contenders, sparking heated debate about their efficacy as “safe harbours” in a turbulent financial landscape.

Proponents of cryptocurrencies as safe harbours cite several compelling arguments:

  • Decentralisation: Unlike traditional currencies controlled by central banks, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin operate on decentralised networks, theoretically immune to manipulation or government intervention. This perceived independence could offer shelter from the inflationary pressures associated with excessive government debt.
  • Scarcity: Bitcoin’s supply is capped at 21 million coins, a feature designed to prevent inflation and preserve its value over time. In contrast, fiat currencies backed by governments can be endlessly printed, potentially diluting their worth.
  • Security: Blockchain technology, the underlying infrastructure of cryptocurrencies, provides a robust and transparent record of transactions,reducing the risk of fraud and counterfeiting.

However, skeptics raise concerns about the suitability of cryptocurrencies as true safe harbours:

  • Volatility: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile, with wild price swings often surpassing those of traditional markets. This volatility could wipe out wealth rather than protecting it, especially for less risk-tolerant investors.
  • Regulation: The nascent cryptocurrency landscape remains largely unregulated, creating uncertainty and potential vulnerability to government crackdowns. Regulatory clarity is crucial for widespread adoption and institutional investment.
  • Technical hurdles: Using and storing cryptocurrencies can be complex for the uninitiated, requiring specialised knowledge and technology. This barrier to entry could limit their appeal as mainstream safe havens.

So, are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin truly safe harbours in the face of America’s debt crisis and potential de-dollarisation? The answer is nuanced and depends on individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

  • For risk-tolerant investors seeking diversification and potential long-term value preservation, cryptocurrencies may offer an alternative. However, it’s crucial to understand the associated volatility and the ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
  • For those seeking stability and immediate liquidity, traditional assets like gold or diversified investment portfolios may remain more suitable.

Ultimately, whether cryptocurrencies fulfill their promise as safe harbours remains to be seen. They represent an intriguing experiment in decentralised finance, but their long-term viability as havens for wealth hinges on factors beyond America’s debt woes, including technological advancements, regulatory clarity, and broader public adoption.

In conclusion, while cryptocurrencies offer intriguing possibilities as alternative stores of value, their suitability as safe harbors in the face of America’s debt crisis and potential de-dollarization requires careful consideration of the risks and uncertainties involved. Diversification and a thorough understanding of both traditional and digital assets remain crucial for navigating the turbulent financial landscape ahead.

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Bitwise Backing Bitcoin 2024

Bitcoin could ironically be the safe haven in 2024 storm?

Bitwise Breaks the Bank: $200 Million Seed Investment Signals Bitcoin ETF Dawn

December 31, 2023 | Keith Lewis – In a move that sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community, Bitwise Asset Management, a leading player in the digital asset space, has secured a staggering $200 million seed investment for its spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This landmark development not only validates Bitcoin’s growing institutional acceptance but also paints a tantalising picture for its price trajectory in 2024, potentially fuelled by a wave of new investors entering the market.

The hefty seed investment, spearheaded by prominent venture capital firms Paradigm and Sequoia Capital, speaks volumes about the confidence these titans of the tech world have in Bitwise’s ETF endeavour. While numerous attempts at securing a US-based Bitcoin ETF have met with regulatory hurdles, Bitwise’s meticulous adherence to SEC guidelines and its focus on a physically-backed ETF, holding actual Bitcoin in its treasury, could be the key to unlocking this long-awaited access point for investors.

Larry Fink’s “New Gold” Prophecy Rings True

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s recent pronouncement of Bitcoin as “one of the best inventions in finance” and “the new gold” adds further fuel to the fire. His endorsement, representing trillions of dollars under BlackRock’s management, signifies a crucial shift in institutional sentiment towards Bitcoin, paving the way for a potential stampede towards the digital asset once regulatory barriers crumble.

Implications for Bitcoin’s 2024 Price:

The potential approval of Bitwise’s ETF in 2024 could unleash a cascade of positive effects for Bitcoin’s price:

  • Increased Liquidity: An ETF would provide a readily available and convenient avenue for institutional investors to invest in Bitcoin, significantly boosting its liquidity and potentially reducing price volatility.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Retail investors, previously hesitant due to the complexities of directly purchasing and storing Bitcoin, would gain a familiar and trusted entry point through their brokerage accounts.
  • Boosted Investor Confidence: Regulatory approval would serve as a major vote of confidence from the SEC, further legitimising Bitcoin in the eyes of traditional investors and potentially triggering a surge in demand.

While predicting future price movements remains a fool’s errand, analysts are abuzz with bullish projections for Bitcoin in 2024. Some experts forecast a potential doubling of its current price, exceeding $100,000, fueled by the combined forces of ETF approval, institutional inflows, and increased retail participation.

Beyond the Numbers: A Paradigm Shift

The significance of Bitwise’s seed investment and the potential approval of its ETF transcends mere price predictions. It marks a turning point in the mainstream adoption of Bitcoin, signalling its evolution from a speculative internet plaything to a bona fide asset class embraced by both Wall Street and Main Street. The ETF’s arrival could usher in a new era of financial inclusion, granting millions access to a previously opaque and complex investment landscape.

Of course, challenges remain. Regulatory hurdles still loom, and concerns around Bitcoin’s energy consumption and scalability persist. However, the seeds sown by Bitwise’s bold move and the growing chorus of endorsements from financial heavyweights like Larry Fink suggest that the tide is turning in Bitcoin’s favour. 2024 could be the year it truly shines, not just in terms of price, but as a potent symbol of a decentralised future reshaping the very fabric of finance.

Investment Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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Will you drown or be saved with cryptos?

Some bank shares are still more than 90% off their peak pre 2008 financial crisis so there is no such thing as “safe as money in the bank”!

The Inflationary Storm: Are Cryptos Your Lifeboat?

A dark cloud hangs over the global economy. Whispers of recession turn into shouts, and governments, desperate to keep the ship afloat, resort to the familiar mantra: fiscal stimulus and quantitative easing. But what does this mean for your hard-earned money? Enter cryptocurrencies: a digital life raft in a sea of potential devaluation.

As a currency and economics expert, I’m here to navigate these choppy waters. Today, we’ll explore the potential for crypto as a hedge against fiat currency devaluation. We’ll dive into the economic storm, examine the limitations of traditional safeguards, and assess whether venturing into the crypto realm could be your best bet.

The Looming Devaluation:

Governments and central banks worldwide have injected trillions into their economies since the pandemic. This, coupled with supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions, is fuelling an inflationary fire. Fiat currencies, backed by nothing but government promises, are losing their purchasing power. A loaf of bread that cost $2 yesterday may cost $2.10 tomorrow, silently eroding your savings and future.

Traditional Safe Havens Fail:

Historically, gold and other precious metals have been go-to hedges against inflation. But their limited supply and physical constraints don’t cater to everyone’s needs. Real estate or property, another traditional option, suffers from high entry barriers and illiquidity.

This is where cryptocurrencies enter the picture. With their decentralised nature, limited supply, and global reach, they present a new, albeit volatile, option.

The Crypto Advantage:

  • Limited Supply: Unlike fiat currencies,many cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin,have a predetermined cap on their supply. This scarcity helps limit inflation and potentially increases their value over time.
  • Decentralisation: Cryptocurrencies aren’t subject to the whims of governments or central banks. Their decentralised networks offer a buffer against devaluation policies used to stimulate economies.
  • Global Accessibility: Anyone with an internet connection can access and trade cryptocurrencies, regardless of location or financial standing. This democratises wealth management and opens doors to previously excluded individuals.
  • Store of Value: While their volatility often grabs headlines, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have exhibited long-term value appreciation. Their potential to act as a digital gold, a secure store of value in a turbulent economy, is undeniable.

The Risk Factor:

However, venturing into the world of cryptocurrencies isn’t without its risks:

  • Volatility: The crypto market is notoriously volatile. Prices can swing wildly, making them potentially unsuitable for risk-averse individuals.
  • Regulation: The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is still evolving, creating uncertainty and potential for government intervention.
  • Security: Crypto wallets and exchanges have been targets for hackers, highlighting the importance of choosing secure platforms and practicing safe storage methods.

Navigating the Crypto Waters:

So, should you dive into the crypto ocean as a hedge against devaluation? The answer depends on your individual circumstances and risk tolerance. If you’re looking for a safe haven, traditional options like gold might be better suited. However, if you have the risk appetite and are willing to do your research, cryptocurrencies could be a valuable addition to your portfolio.

Remember, diversification is key. Don’t put all your eggs in the crypto basket. Start with a small allocation, understand the risks involved, and invest only what you can afford to lose.

For Business Leaders:

  • Explore crypto’s potential as a payment option: Accepting cryptocurrencies can attract tech-savvy customers and expand your reach.
  • Consider crypto investments: Carefully assess the risks and potential rewards of incorporating crypto into your portfolio.
  • Educate your employees: Equip your team with the knowledge they need to understand and potentially utilise cryptocurrencies.

For Consumers:

  • Do your research: Understand the different types of cryptocurrencies and their underlying technologies before investing.
  • Diversify your portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in the crypto basket.
  • Start small: Invest only what you can afford to lose, and remember the market is volatile.
  • Choose secure platforms: Store your cryptocurrencies in reputable wallets and exchanges.

Cryptocurrencies present a fascinating blend of opportunity and risk in the face of potential fiat currency devaluation. While not a guaranteed solution, they offer a novel approach to securing your financial future. Remember, knowledge is power in this realm. Educate yourself, assess your risk tolerance, and make informed decisions to weather the coming economic storm. The crypto lifeboat might just be the key to staying afloat in the inflationary seas ahead.

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Fools gold or once in a lifetime opportunity in 2024?

The Crystal Ball of Crypto: Predicting Spot ETF Acceptability and Market Impact in 2024

The nascent world of cryptocurrencies has been on a rollercoaster ride, its trajectory heavily influenced by regulatory decisions, particularly when it comes to Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Spot ETFs, tracking the underlying price of a crypto asset directly, promise to unlock unprecedented mainstream access and potential legitimisation for this new asset class. With multiple applications currently under review in various countries, the question remains: Where will these applications land? And what does it mean for cryptocurrency valuations in 2024? Predicting the future is always precarious, but by analysing current trends, regulatory landscapes, and industry sentiment, we can paint a picture of potential scenarios.

The Global Regulatory Landscape: Shades of Gray across Borders

The regulatory landscape for crypto assets, and Spot ETFs by extension, remains fragmented and diverse. Different countries approach the issue with varying degrees of receptiveness and caution. Let’s take a peek into some key regions:

  • North America: The US, the world’s largest financial market, has been notoriously hesitant. Despite numerous applications, the SEC hasn’t approved any Spot ETFs yet, citing concerns over market manipulation and investor protection. However, recent developments like BlackRock’s application and a court favouring Grayscale’s case signal a potential shift towards approval in 2024. Canada, on the other hand, has already approved several Spot ETFs, setting a precedent for the region.
  • Europe: Europe has taken a more pragmatic approach, with Germany approving its first Spot ETF in 2021. Several other European countries are actively considering applications, with Switzerland and France potentially following suit in 2024. However, stricter regulatory frameworks like MiCA could impose additional hurdles.
  • Asia: The picture in Asia is complex. Hong Kong, known for its financial openness, recently broke new ground by approving its first Spot ETF, the CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF. This marks a significant departure from the stance of mainland China, which has banned individual crypto trading entirely. Meanwhile, Japan, after initial apprehension, has recently approved a Bitcoin futures ETF, potentially paving the way for further developments.

Predicting the Domino Effect: Acceptance Scenarios and their Impact

Based on these regional variations, let’s consider three potential scenarios for Spot ETF acceptance by the end of 2024:

Scenario 1: The Dam Breaks Open

A wave of approvals sweeps across major markets like the US, Canada, and several European countries. This scenario, fueled by growing institutional interest and industry pressure, could trigger a surge in demand for crypto assets, driving up valuations significantly. Increased liquidity and accessibility could attract new investors, further amplifying the bull run. This scenario, however, also carries risks, as rapid price climbs could be followed by sharp corrections if regulatory crackdowns or technological limitations arise.

Scenario 2: A Measured Waltz

Acceptance occurs but at a controlled pace. Regulators take time to carefully vet applications, prioritising robust safeguards and investor protection. This scenario would result in a gradual rise in valuations without the intense volatility of Scenario 1. New investors would enter cautiously, ensuring a more sustainable growth trajectory. However, this also means the full potential of Spot ETFs would be realised over a longer timeframe.

Scenario 3: The Cold Shoulder

Regulatory hurdles persist, with major markets like the US remaining hesitant. This scenario would keep the crypto market confined to its current niche, hindering mainstream adoption and limiting valuation growth. However, it could also foster further innovation within the crypto ecosystem, driving development towards greater decentralisation and security.

Beyond the Crystal Ball: The Unknowns and Opportunities

Predicting the future of crypto valuations is an intricate dance with numerous variables. Even the most robust analysis must acknowledge the presence of unforeseen black swans: unforeseen regulatory shifts, technological breakthroughs, or major market events. However, regardless of the specific scenario that unfolds, Spot ETFs are destined to be a game-changer for the crypto landscape. Increased institutional involvement, improved access, and potential regulatory legitimacy will undoubtedly have a profound impact on valuations, shaping the trajectory of this emerging asset class in 2024 and beyond.

As investors navigate this new frontier, it’s crucial to stay informed, manage risks responsibly, and remain adaptable to the ever-evolving nature of the cryptoverse. The crystal ball may be blurry, but the potential of Spot ETFs shines brightly, illuminating a future where mainstream adoption and institutional acceptance could propel cryptocurrencies into the heart of the global financial system.

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Will the SEC ever approve a Bitcoin ETF?

Will SEC’s Attempts to Block Spot Bitcoin ETFs Create Opportunities for Other Countries Financial Markets?

What crypto firm recently had its application rejected for a spot Bitcoin ETF but plans to immediately file again?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has repeatedly rejected applications for spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), citing concerns about market manipulation and investor protection. This has created an opportunity for other countries’ financial markets to benefit from the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

Why Does the SEC Reject Bitcoin ETFs?

The SEC has cited a number of reasons for rejecting Bitcoin ETF applications, including:

  • Concerns about market manipulation. The SEC has argued that the Bitcoin market is too volatile and prone to manipulation, which could pose risks to investors in a Bitcoin ETF.
  • Lack of regulation. The SEC has also expressed concerns about the lack of regulation in the Bitcoin market. This could make it difficult for the SEC to oversee a Bitcoin ETF and protect investors from fraud.
  • Investor protection. The SEC has said that it is committed to protecting investors, and that it does not believe that a Bitcoin ETF would meet its standards for investor protection.

Will the SEC Ever Approve a Bitcoin ETF?

It is unclear whether the SEC will ever approve a spot Bitcoin ETF. The SEC has said that it is “open-minded” about the issue, but it has also said that it will not approve a Bitcoin ETF unless it can be confident that it will protect investors.

What Crypto Firm Recently Had Its Application Rejected for a Spot Bitcoin ETF?

In March 2023, the SEC rejected an application for a spot Bitcoin ETF from VanEck. This was the third time that VanEck had its application rejected by the SEC. VanEck has said that it plans to file its application again.

SEC rejected WisdomTree’s application for Spot Bitcoin ETF.

However when the king of investment management – Blackrock is world’s largest asset manager with 1300 ETFs – applies and is provisionally at least submits Spot Bitcoin ETF then you know SEC is fighting losing battle. Would Blackrock really submit inadequate Spot Bitcoin ETF to SEC?

SEC also rejected Fidelity – another big market player – reapplication for Spot Bitcoin ETF.

Blackrock, Fidelity and crypto firms in America are preparing to reapply to SEC following recent applications rejections. The crypto gold rush will continue despite SECs attempts to destroy crypto innovation in America.

What Does Spot Bitcoin ETF Mean?

A spot Bitcoin ETF is an ETF that tracks the price of Bitcoin. This means that an ETF investor would own shares in the ETF that are directly linked to the price of Bitcoin. When the price of Bitcoin goes up, the value of the ETF shares goes up, and vice versa.

How Could Other Countries Benefit from the Approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs?

If the SEC continues to reject spot Bitcoin ETFs, other countries’ financial markets could benefit from the approval of these ETFs. This is because investors who are looking to invest in Bitcoin would be more likely to do so through a spot Bitcoin ETF that is regulated by a reputable financial regulator. This could lead to increased investment in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which could boost the economies of countries that approve these ETFs.

Could the SEC’s Attempts to Block Spot Bitcoin ETFs Backfire?

The SEC’s attempts to block spot Bitcoin ETFs could backfire. By doing so, the SEC could be seen as being out of touch with the evolving crypto industry. This could lead to investors losing faith in the SEC and its ability to regulate the financial markets. It could also lead to more investors seeking to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies through unregulated exchanges, which could pose risks to investors.

The SEC’s attempts to block spot Bitcoin ETFs could create opportunities for other countries’ financial markets. However, it is also possible that the SEC’s actions could backfire and lead to more investors losing faith in the SEC and its ability to regulate the financial markets. Only time will tell how the SEC’s actions will ultimately play out.


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Will the SEC ever approve a Bitcoin ETF?

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The Travel Rule: Implications for Businesses and Investors in the UK

The Travel Rule (effective from 1st September 2023 in UK) is an international standard that requires financial institutions to collect and share information about cryptocurrency transfers. It was developed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organisation that sets standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

The Travel Rule applies to all businesses that facilitate cryptocurrency transfers, including exchanges, wallets, and payment processors. In the UK, the Travel Rule will be enforced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The Travel Rule requires businesses to collect the following information about each cryptocurrency transfer:

  • The name and address of the sender
  • The name and address of the recipient
  • The amount of the transfer
  • The date and time of the transfer
  • The type of cryptocurrency being transferred

Businesses must also verify the identity of the sender and recipient before sharing this information.

The Travel Rule is designed to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies for money laundering and terrorist financing. By collecting and sharing information about cryptocurrency transfers, businesses can help to identify suspicious activity and track down criminals.

The Travel Rule will have a number of implications for businesses and investors in the UK.

For businesses

The Travel Rule will impose additional compliance requirements on businesses that facilitate cryptocurrency transfers. Businesses will need to implement systems and procedures to collect, verify, and share the required information. They will also need to train their staff on the Travel Rule and its requirements.

The Travel Rule is likely to increase the cost of doing business for cryptocurrency businesses. Businesses will need to invest in new technology and systems to comply with the rule. They may also need to hire additional staff to manage the compliance process.

The Travel Rule could also make it more difficult for businesses to onboard new customers. Businesses will need to collect more personal information from customers, which could deter some customers from using their services.

For investors

The Travel Rule could make it more difficult for investors to transfer cryptocurrencies between different wallets and exchanges. Businesses will need to verify the identity of both the sender and recipient of each cryptocurrency transfer, which could slow down the transfer process.

The Travel Rule could also make it more difficult for investors to remain anonymous. Businesses will be required to collect and share the name and address of each investor who makes a cryptocurrency transfer.

Overall, the Travel Rule is likely to have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry in the UK. Businesses will need to comply with the rule in order to avoid regulatory sanctions. Investors may also face some inconveniences as a result of the rule.

However, the Travel Rule is also seen as a necessary step to prevent the misuse of cryptocurrencies for criminal purposes. By collecting and sharing information about cryptocurrency transfers, businesses and law enforcement can work together to keep criminals out of the crypto ecosystem.


The Travel Rule is a complex and challenging new regulation for the cryptocurrency industry. However, it is a necessary step to protect the integrity of the market and prevent the misuse of cryptocurrencies for criminal purposes. Businesses and investors in the UK should be prepared for the impact of the Travel Rule and take steps to comply with its requirements.

In addition to the above, here are some other implications of the Travel Rule for businesses and investors in the UK:

  • The Travel Rule could lead to increased regulation of the cryptocurrency industry. As governments around the world become more aware of the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, they may introduce new regulations to protect consumers and prevent financial crime.
  • The Travel Rule could also make it more difficult for businesses to operate in the cryptocurrency industry. Businesses that do not comply with the Travel Rule could face fines or other penalties.
  • The Travel Rule could also have a negative impact on the price of cryptocurrencies. As the regulatory burden on the industry increases, investors may become less willing to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Overall, the Travel Rule is a significant development for the cryptocurrency industry. It is important for businesses and investors to understand the implications of the rule and take steps to comply with its requirements.

London-based Jacobi Asset Management has listed Europe’s first spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) on Euronext Amsterdam

15 August 2023 Keith Lewis

Europe will see a spot bitcoin ETF traded before the U.S.. Europe’s First Spot Bitcoin ETF Lists in Amsterdam.

Implications for current cryptocurrencies of Financial Stability Board FSB recommendations for regulation of cryptos globally

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations on the global financial system. In July 2023, the FSB published a set of high-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of crypto-asset activities and markets. These recommendations are designed to address the financial stability risks posed by crypto-assets, while also supporting responsible innovation.

The FSB’s recommendations have a number of implications for current cryptocurrencies. First, they will require crypto-asset issuers and service providers to be subject to the same regulatory requirements as traditional financial institutions. This includes requirements for capital adequacy, liquidity, risk management, and customer protection. Second, the recommendations will require crypto-asset exchanges and other trading platforms to be licensed and regulated. This will help to ensure that these platforms are operating in a safe and transparent manner. Third, the recommendations will call for increased cooperation between regulators across jurisdictions. This will help to prevent crypto-asset activities from being used to evade regulation or finance illegal activities.

The FSB’s recommendations are likely to have a significant impact on the crypto-asset industry. Some cryptocurrencies may not be able to meet the new regulatory requirements and may be forced to shut down. Others may be able to adapt to the new regulations, but they may face higher costs of compliance. In the long run, the FSB’s recommendations could lead to a more regulated and mature crypto-asset industry.

Will cryptos survive and prosper under FSB recommended regulations?

It is too early to say for sure whether cryptos will survive and prosper under the FSB’s recommended regulations. However, there are a number of factors that suggest that they could.

First, the crypto-asset industry is growing rapidly. In 2022, the market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies reached over $3 trillion. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing acceptance of cryptos by businesses and consumers, and the development of new crypto-based products and services.

Second, the crypto-asset industry is becoming more sophisticated. There are now a number of large and well-funded crypto companies that are developing innovative products and services. These companies are also investing heavily in compliance and risk management.

Third, the regulatory environment for cryptos is evolving. The FSB’s recommendations are a significant step forward, but they are not the only regulatory initiatives that are underway. Governments and regulators around the world are working to develop a comprehensive framework for regulating cryptos.

In conclusion, the FSB’s recommended regulations are likely to have a significant impact on the crypto-asset industry. However, there are a number of factors that suggest that cryptos could survive and prosper under these regulations. The industry is growing rapidly, becoming more sophisticated, and facing a more favorable regulatory environment. Only time will tell whether cryptos will ultimately become a mainstream asset class, but the FSB’s recommendations have made it more likely that they will.

Here are some additional thoughts on the implications of the FSB’s recommendations for the future of cryptos:

  • The recommendations could lead to a consolidation of the crypto-asset industry. Smaller and less well-funded crypto companies may struggle to meet the new regulatory requirements. This could lead to mergers and acquisitions, and a more concentrated industry.
  • The recommendations could make it more difficult for new cryptos to enter the market. The regulatory requirements will be a barrier to entry for many new projects. This could lead to a slowdown in the innovation that has been a hallmark of the crypto-asset industry.
  • The recommendations could make it more difficult for cryptos to be used for illegal activities. The increased regulation and oversight will make it more difficult for criminals to use cryptos to launder money or finance terrorism.

Overall, the FSB’s recommendations are a positive development for the crypto-asset industry. They will help to ensure that cryptos are used in a safe and responsible manner, and that they do not pose a risk to financial stability. However, the recommendations will also have some negative impacts on the industry, such as making it more difficult for new cryptos to enter the market. Only time will tell whether the positive impacts outweigh the negative impacts.

Nomura, Laser Digital and Dubai Marketplace For Crypto: Is The US Being Left Behind?

Keith Lewis 1 August 2023

Laser Digital, the digital assets subsidiary of Japanese bank Nomura has won an operating licence in Dubai, the latest in a number of mainstream financial institutions this year to enter the crypto sector.

Laser Digital received the licence from Dubai’s Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority, allowing it to offer crypto-related broker-dealer, management and investment services.

Ripple Wins Court Case Against SEC

In a landmark ruling on July 13, 2023, U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres granted summary judgment in favour of Ripple Labs, Inc. in the SEC’s lawsuit alleging that XRP, the company’s native cryptocurrency, is a security. The ruling is a major victory for Ripple and the cryptocurrency industry, and it could have far-reaching implications for the future of regulation in the space.

The SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple was filed in December 2020. The agency alleged that Ripple had violated federal securities laws by selling XRP to investors without registering it as a security. Ripple argued that XRP was not a security, but rather a currency or commodity.

In her ruling, Judge Torres found that the SEC had failed to prove that XRP was a security. She noted that the SEC’s definition of a security is “vague and open-ended,” and that the agency had not provided clear guidance on how to determine whether a cryptocurrency is a security.

Judge Torres also found that the SEC had failed to establish that Ripple had engaged in any fraudulent or deceptive conduct. She noted that Ripple had made it clear to investors that XRP was a high-risk investment, and that they should not invest more than they could afford to lose.

The ruling is a major victory for Ripple and the cryptocurrency industry. It could have far-reaching implications for the future of regulation in the space. The ruling could make it more difficult for the SEC to bring similar lawsuits against other cryptocurrency companies. It could also lead to the SEC issuing new guidance on how to determine whether a cryptocurrency is a security.

What will happen to XRP in 2023?

The ruling in the SEC vs. Ripple case is a major positive development for XRP. The price of XRP surged by more than 70% in the hours following the ruling. It is likely that the price of XRP will continue to rise in the coming months and years.

The ruling could also lead to increased adoption of XRP by businesses and financial institutions. XRP is already used by a number of companies, including MoneyGram and Western Union. The ruling could make it more attractive for other companies to use XRP, as it would no longer be subject to the same regulatory uncertainty.

Overall, the ruling in the SEC vs. Ripple case is a major positive development for XRP and the cryptocurrency industry. It could lead to increased adoption of XRP by businesses and financial institutions, and it could make it more difficult for the SEC to bring similar lawsuits against other cryptocurrency companies.

Key Takeaways

  • The SEC vs. Ripple case was a landmark ruling that could have far-reaching implications for the future of regulation in the cryptocurrency industry.
  • The ruling found that XRP is not a security, and that Ripple did not engage in any fraudulent or deceptive conduct.
  • The ruling is a major victory for Ripple and the cryptocurrency industry, and it could lead to increased adoption of XRP by businesses and financial institutions.
  • The ruling could also make it more difficult for the SEC to bring similar lawsuits against other cryptocurrency companies.

What are the next steps for Ripple?

Ripple has said that it plans to continue to develop XRP and its other products and services. The company also plans to continue to work with regulators around the world to ensure that XRP is used in a compliant manner.

The ruling in the SEC vs. Ripple case is a major step forward for Ripple. However, there are still challenges ahead. The company will need to continue to work with regulators and to build trust with the broader cryptocurrency community. If Ripple can successfully navigate these challenges, it is well-positioned to play a leading role in the future of the cryptocurrency industry.

Coinbase Sued by SEC for Selling Unregistered Securities

In June 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States. The SEC alleged that Coinbase had violated securities laws by offering and selling unregistered securities.

The SEC’s complaint specifically named 12 digital assets that it claimed Coinbase had offered and sold as unregistered securities. These assets included Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and several other major cryptocurrencies.

The SEC argued that these assets were securities because they met the definition of an investment contract under the Howey Test. The Howey Test is a legal standard that defines an investment contract as an investment of money in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of others.

The SEC alleged that Coinbase’s customers were investing money in a common enterprise by buying and selling cryptocurrencies on the platform. The SEC also alleged that Coinbase’s profits came solely from the efforts of others, namely the miners who process transactions and secure the blockchain networks on which cryptocurrencies are based.

Coinbase denied the SEC’s allegations and filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. The company argued that the digital assets it offered and sold were not securities because they were not investments in common enterprises. Coinbase also argued that the SEC had not given it fair notice that its activities were illegal.

The case is still pending in federal court. A trial date has not yet been set.

Is Coinbase in Trouble?

The SEC’s lawsuit against Coinbase is a significant development in the regulation of cryptocurrency exchanges. If the SEC is successful, it could set a precedent that would require other cryptocurrency exchanges to register with the SEC and comply with securities laws.

However, it is important to note that the case is still pending and Coinbase has denied the SEC’s allegations. It is possible that Coinbase will be able to win the case or reach a settlement with the SEC.

It is also worth noting that the SEC has not brought similar lawsuits against other major cryptocurrency exchanges. This suggests that the SEC may be targeting Coinbase specifically, perhaps because of its size or its high profile.

Only time will tell how the SEC’s lawsuit against Coinbase will be resolved. However, the case is a reminder that cryptocurrency exchanges are not immune from regulation and that they could face legal challenges in the future.

What are the Other Lawsuits Against Binance and Coinbase?

In addition to the SEC’s lawsuit against Coinbase, the company has also been sued by several private investors. These investors allege that they lost money by investing in cryptocurrencies on Coinbase’s platform.

The investors’ lawsuits allege that Coinbase failed to adequately disclose the risks associated with cryptocurrency investing. They also allege that Coinbase engaged in market manipulation and that it allowed fraudulent activity to take place on its platform.

Coinbase has denied the investors’ allegations and has filed motions to dismiss the lawsuits. The cases are still pending in federal court.

Binance, another major cryptocurrency exchange, has also been sued by the SEC and by private investors. The SEC’s lawsuit against Binance alleges that the company operated an unregistered securities exchange. The private investors’ lawsuits allege that Binance engaged in market manipulation and that it allowed fraudulent activity to take place on its platform.

Binance has denied the SEC’s allegations and has filed motions to dismiss the private investors’ lawsuits. The cases are still pending in federal court.

Is Coinbase Winning the Lawsuits?

It is too early to say whether Coinbase will win the lawsuits against it. The cases are still pending and it is possible that they could be resolved through settlement.

However, Coinbase has a strong legal team and it has denied all of the allegations against it. The company has also filed motions to dismiss the lawsuits, which suggests that it is confident in its chances of winning.

Only time will tell how the lawsuits against Coinbase will be resolved. However, the company has a good chance of prevailing in court.

Update 29 June 2023

Coinbase has filed papers asking a New York federal court to dismiss the SECs lawsuit that accuses the company of offering a dozen unregistered securities. Coinbase claimed the case should be thrown out in part because the digital assets it lists for trading are not “investment contracts”. Coinbase says the tokens it sells can’t be investment contracts because buyers and sellers are simply assets that are not tied to any contractual obligation.

Coinbase also claims that tokens that were once securities can cease to have that status as the blockchains that host them become increasingly decentralised.

Coinbase’s argument that its listed tokens are simply assets and not investment tokens has not been seriously tested in U.S. courts. The court case is unlikely to conclude until 2024.

Coinbase is also relying heavily on a so-called “fair notice defense” that is based around the constitutional principle the governments cannot initiate prosecutions if they have failed to let people know about the relevant law at issue.

Bitcoin: Going to Zero or a Million?

The future of Bitcoin is a hotly debated topic. Some believe that the cryptocurrency is a bubble that is destined to burst, while others believe that it is the future of money.

There are a number of factors that could lead to Bitcoin going to zero. One is if there is a widespread loss of confidence in the cryptocurrency. This could happen if there were a major security breach or if governments cracked down on Bitcoin.

Another possibility is that Bitcoin could be replaced by a newer, more efficient cryptocurrency. There are already a number of competing cryptocurrencies, and it is possible that one of these could eventually supplant Bitcoin.

However, there are also a number of factors that could lead to Bitcoin reaching a million dollars or more. One is if Bitcoin becomes more widely adopted as a form of payment. This is already starting to happen, as more and more businesses are beginning to accept Bitcoin.

Another possibility is that Bitcoin could become a store of value. This is because Bitcoin is limited in supply, and it is not subject to government interference. As a result, Bitcoin could become an attractive investment for people who are looking for a safe way to store their wealth.

So, which way will Bitcoin go? It is impossible to say for sure. However, the evidence suggests that Bitcoin is here to stay. The cryptocurrency has a number of unique properties that make it valuable, and it is likely to continue to grow in popularity in the years to come.

Arguments for Bitcoin Reaching a Million Dollars

There are a number of arguments that suggest that Bitcoin could reach a million dollars or more in the future. These arguments include:

  • Limited supply: Bitcoin is a finite resource. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins created, which means that the supply of Bitcoin cannot be inflated. This makes Bitcoin a valuable store of value, as it is not subject to the same inflationary pressures as fiat currencies.
  • Growing demand: The demand for Bitcoin is growing rapidly. More and more people are buying Bitcoin as an investment, and as a way to pay for goods and services. This growing demand is likely to push the price of Bitcoin higher in the future.
  • Adoption by institutions: A number of large institutions are starting to adopt Bitcoin. This includes investment firms, hedge funds, and even banks. This institutional adoption is likely to give Bitcoin more legitimacy and credibility, which could lead to even higher prices.
  • Technological innovation: The Bitcoin network is constantly being improved. This includes the development of new features, such as the Lightning Network, which makes it faster and cheaper to send Bitcoin payments. These technological innovations are likely to make Bitcoin more user-friendly and accessible, which could lead to even more demand.

Arguments Against Bitcoin Reaching a Million Dollars

There are also a number of arguments that suggest that Bitcoin is unlikely to reach a million dollars. These arguments include:

  • Volatility: Bitcoin is a very volatile asset. The price of Bitcoin has fluctuated wildly over the past few years. This volatility makes it difficult to predict the future price of Bitcoin, and it could make it a risky investment for some people.
  • Regulatory risk: There is a risk that governments could crack down on Bitcoin. This could happen if governments become concerned about the potential for Bitcoin to be used for illegal activities. A regulatory crackdown could have a negative impact on the price of Bitcoin.
  • Competition: There are a number of other cryptocurrencies that are competing with Bitcoin. These cryptocurrencies offer different features and benefits, and they could eventually supplant Bitcoin.

The future of Bitcoin is uncertain. However, the evidence suggests that Bitcoin is here to stay. The cryptocurrency has a number of unique properties that make it valuable, and it is likely to continue to grow in popularity in the years to come. Whether Bitcoin will reach a million dollars or more is anyone’s guess. However, the potential for significant gains is there, and this could make Bitcoin an attractive investment for some people.

What Do You Think?

What do you think the future holds for Bitcoin? Do you think it will reach a million dollars or more? Or do you think it is more likely to go to zero? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Do they have to kill crypto to successfully adopt CBDCs?

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are digital versions of fiat currencies that are issued and regulated by central banks. They are designed to offer the same benefits as traditional cash, such as anonymity and ease of use, while also providing some of the advantages of digital payments, such as speed and efficiency.

Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are decentralised digital currencies that are not issued or regulated by any central authority. They are based on blockchain technology, which is a secure and transparent distributed ledger system.

There is a growing debate about whether central banks need to kill crypto in order to successfully adopt CBDCs. Some argue that cryptocurrencies pose a threat to the financial system and that central banks need to take steps to ensure that they do not gain widespread adoption. Others argue that cryptocurrencies can actually complement CBDCs and that the two can coexist in the future.

Arguments for killing crypto

There are a number of arguments in favor of central banks killing crypto. One argument is that cryptocurrencies are a threat to financial stability. Cryptocurrencies are often volatile and can be used for illegal activities, such as money laundering and terrorist financing. This could lead to a loss of confidence in the financial system and could make it more difficult for central banks to manage monetary policy.

Another argument is that cryptocurrencies are a threat to consumer protection. Cryptocurrencies are often complex and difficult to understand. This could lead to consumers being scammed or losing money. Central banks have a responsibility to protect consumers and could do this by banning cryptocurrencies.

Arguments for coexisting with crypto

There are also a number of arguments in favour of central banks coexisting with crypto. One argument is that cryptocurrencies can actually complement CBDCs. For example, cryptocurrencies can be used for international payments, while CBDCs can be used for domestic payments. This could make it easier and cheaper for people to make payments across borders.

Another argument is that cryptocurrencies can promote innovation. The development of cryptocurrencies has led to the development of new technologies, such as blockchain. These technologies could be used to improve the efficiency and security of the financial system.

The debate about whether central banks need to kill crypto is likely to continue for some time. There are valid arguments on both sides of the issue. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to kill crypto will be up to individual central banks. There are direct and indirect ways central banks and governments can try to kill crypto. However, the global marketplace suggests that central banks would need to do it globally and it is not clear how they would coordinate such action when it is difficult to get global agreement on anything. Furthermore, there is an argument that cryptos like Bitcoin provide a way to hold and retain value that is outside the reach and control of central banks and national governments.

However, it is important to note that the adoption of CBDCs is not a zero-sum game. It is possible for both CBDCs and cryptocurrencies to coexist. In fact, it is possible that the two could complement each other and help to improve the efficiency and security of the financial system. Attempts to kill crypto by central banks and national governments may raise questions as to the motivations of centres of power.

What are the tangible benefits to businesses of utilising cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography for security. A cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of this security feature. A defining feature of a cryptocurrency, and arguably its most endearing allure, is its organic nature. It is not issued by any central authority, rendering it theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.

Cryptocurrencies use decentralised control as opposed to centralised digital currency and central banking systems. The decentralised control of each cryptocurrency works through a blockchain, which is a public transaction database, functioning as a distributed ledger. Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is generally considered the first decentralised cryptocurrency. Since the release of bitcoin, over 4,000 altcoins (alternative variants of bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies) have been created.

There are many potential benefits for businesses that adopt cryptocurrencies. Some of these benefits include:

  • Reduced transaction fees: Cryptocurrency transactions typically have much lower fees than traditional bank transfers or credit card payments. This can save businesses money on processing costs.
  • Faster transactions: Cryptocurrency transactions can be processed much faster than traditional bank transfers or credit card payments. This can improve customer satisfaction and make it easier for businesses to compete with online retailers.
  • Global reach: Cryptocurrency transactions can be made anywhere in the world, without the need for a third-party intermediary. This can help businesses expand into new markets and reach new customers.
  • Increased security: Cryptocurrency transactions are more secure than traditional bank transfers or credit card payments. This is because cryptocurrency transactions are encrypted and recorded on a public ledger.
  • Reduced risk of fraud: Cryptocurrency transactions are less susceptible to fraud than traditional bank transfers or credit card payments. This is because cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible and cannot be disputed.

What is tangible about cryptocurrency?

The tangible benefits of cryptocurrency to businesses are the reduced transaction fees, faster transactions, global reach, increased security, and reduced risk of fraud. These benefits can help businesses save money, improve customer satisfaction, expand into new markets, and reduce the risk of fraud.

Is cryptocurrency tangible or intangible?

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset, which means that it is not a physical object. However, it does have tangible value. This value is derived from the fact that cryptocurrency can be used to purchase goods and services. It can also be used to store value and to invest.

Does cryptocurrency have any tangible value?

Yes, cryptocurrency has tangible value. This value is derived from the fact that cryptocurrency can be used to purchase goods and services. It can also be used to store value and to invest.

The value of cryptocurrency is determined by supply and demand. The supply of cryptocurrency is limited, as there is a finite number of bitcoins that will ever be created. The demand for cryptocurrency is growing, as more and more businesses and individuals are beginning to accept it as a form of payment.

As the demand for cryptocurrency continues to grow, its value is likely to increase. This makes cryptocurrency a good investment for those who are looking to protect their wealth from inflation and other economic risks.

The adoption of cryptocurrency by businesses can offer a number of tangible benefits, including reduced transaction fees, faster transactions, global reach, increased security, and reduced risk of fraud. These benefits can help businesses save money, improve customer satisfaction, expand into new markets, and reduce the risk of fraud.

As the use of cryptocurrency continues to grow, businesses that adopt it early may be able to gain a competitive advantage.

Will SEC attacks on likes of CoinBase and Binance impede or protect USA economy

Some people with high powers and responsibilities in USA are increasing their attack on crypto-sphere. What will it mean for the America and global economy?

As the rest of the world is opening its mind to the place of cryptocurrency in modern world America is doubling down on its suppression of cryptocurrency.

Opinion: Keith Lewis 8 June 2023
It is still too early to say whether the SEC’s attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Binance will impede or protect the US economy. However, there are a few potential outcomes that could occur.

One possibility is that the SEC’s actions will stifle innovation in the cryptocurrency industry. The SEC has been criticised for its heavy-handed approach to regulating cryptocurrency, and some fear that this could lead to businesses leaving the US or choosing not to launch their products here in the first place. This could have a negative impact on the US economy, as it could prevent the development of new technologies and businesses that could create jobs and boost economic growth.

Another possibility is that the SEC’s actions will protect investors from fraud and abuse. The cryptocurrency industry has been plagued by scams and other forms of fraud, and the SEC’s actions could help to protect investors from these risks. This could lead to increased investment in the cryptocurrency industry, which could have a positive impact on the US economy.

It is also possible that the SEC’s actions will have a mixed impact on the US economy. It is possible that the SEC’s actions will stifle innovation while also protecting investors. This could lead to a slower pace of economic growth, but it could also lead to a more stable and secure cryptocurrency industry.

Only time will tell what the ultimate impact of the SEC’s actions will be. However, it is clear that the SEC’s actions have the potential to have a significant impact on the US economy.

Here are some additional thoughts on the matter:

  • The SEC’s actions could also lead to increased regulation of the cryptocurrency industry, which could make it more difficult for businesses to operate in this space. This could make it harder for the cryptocurrency industry to compete with traditional financial institutions, which could have a negative impact on the US economy.
  • The SEC’s actions could also lead to increased public scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry, which could make it more difficult for businesses to raise capital and attract customers. This could make it harder for the cryptocurrency industry to grow, which could have a negative impact on the US economy.

Overall, the SEC’s actions on cryptocurrency exchanges are a complex issue with the potential to have both positive and negative impacts on the US economy. It is important to monitor the situation closely and to assess the impact of the SEC’s actions as they unfold.

New Hong Kong Cryptocurrency Rules Take Effect on 1 June 2023

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong has finalised rules to allow retail trading of cryptocurrencies from June 1, 2023. The new rules are designed to protect investors and promote the development of the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong.

Under the new rules, only licensed cryptocurrency exchanges will be allowed to offer retail trading services. Licensed exchanges will be subject to a number of requirements, including:

  • They must have adequate financial resources and risk management systems.
  • They must conduct due diligence on their customers.
  • They must provide clear and concise information about the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies.

The SFC has also issued a number of guidance notes to help licensed exchanges comply with the new rules.

The new rules are expected to have a number of benefits for the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong. First, they will provide investors with greater confidence in the safety and security of their investments. Second, they will help to attract new investors to the industry. Third, they will help to promote the development of the industry in Hong Kong.

The new rules have been welcomed by the industry. The Hong Kong Blockchain Association said that the rules “will help to create a more stable and transparent environment for the development of the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong.”

The new rules are a significant step forward for the development of the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong. They will help to protect investors, promote the development of the industry, and attract new investors to Hong Kong.

What are the new rules?

The new rules are set out in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) Handbook. The SFO provides the legal framework for the regulation of securities and futures in Hong Kong. The SFC Handbook provides guidance on how the SFO is to be interpreted and applied.

The key provisions of the new rules are as follows:

  • Only licensed cryptocurrency exchanges will be allowed to offer retail trading services.
  • Licensed exchanges will be subject to a number of requirements, including:
    • They must have adequate financial resources and risk management systems.
    • They must conduct due diligence on their customers.
    • They must provide clear and concise information about the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies.
  • The SFC has also issued a number of guidance notes to help licensed exchanges comply with the new rules.

What are the benefits of the new rules?

The new rules are expected to have a number of benefits for the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong. First, they will provide investors with greater confidence in the safety and security of their investments. Second, they will help to attract new investors to the industry. Third, they will help to promote the development of the industry in Hong Kong.

What are the challenges of the new rules?

The new rules will present a number of challenges for the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong. First, it will be a challenge for licensed exchanges to meet the requirements of the new rules. Second, it will be a challenge for the SFC to effectively regulate the industry.

What is the future of the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong?

The new rules are a significant step forward for the development of the virtual assets industry in Hong Kong. They will help to protect investors, promote the development of the industry, and attract new investors to Hong Kong. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

What are the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are a new and volatile asset class. As such, there are a number of risks associated with investing in them. These risks include:

  • The risk of loss: The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly. As such, there is a risk that you could lose money if you invest in them.
  • The risk of fraud: There have been a number of cases of fraud involving cryptocurrencies. As such, there is a risk that you could lose money if you invest in a fraudulent scheme.
  • The risk of regulation: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is still evolving. As such, there is a risk that your investment could be affected by changes in regulation.

How can I protect myself from the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies?

There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies. These include:

  • Do your research: Before you invest in any cryptocurrency, make sure you do your research and understand the risks involved.
  • Invest only what you can afford to lose: Remember that the value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly. As such, you should only invest money that you can afford to lose.
  • Use a reputable exchange: When you buy or sell cryptocurrencies, use a reputable.

Could these new rules open drive Bitcoin value up particularly as Hong Kong May give easier access to millions of Chinese investors?

It is possible that the new rules could drive Bitcoin value up, particularly as Hong Kong may give easier access to millions of Chinese investors.

The new rules will provide investors with greater confidence in the safety and security of their investments, which could lead to increased demand for Bitcoin. Additionally, the new rules will make it easier for Chinese investors to access Bitcoin, which could also lead to increased demand.

However, it is important to note that there are a number of factors that could affect the price of Bitcoin, including the overall economic climate, the performance of other cryptocurrencies, and regulatory changes. As such, it is impossible to say for sure whether the new rules will drive Bitcoin value up.

Here are some of the reasons why the new rules could drive Bitcoin value up:

  • Increased investor confidence:The new rules will provide investors with greater confidence in the safety and security of their investments. This could lead to increased demand for Bitcoin, as investors will be more willing to put their money into it.
  • Easier access for Chinese investors: The new rules will make it easier for Chinese investors to access Bitcoin. This could lead to increased demand for Bitcoin, as China is a major market for cryptocurrencies.
  • Positive media attention: The new rules have been met with positive media attention. This could lead to increased awareness of Bitcoin, which could also lead to increased demand.

However, there are also some reasons why the new rules could not drive Bitcoin value up:

  • Overall economic climate: The overall economic climate could have a negative impact on the price of Bitcoin. If the economy is doing poorly, investors may be less willing to invest in risky assets like Bitcoin.
  • Performance of other cryptocurrencies: The performance of other cryptocurrencies could also have a negative impact on the price of Bitcoin. If other cryptocurrencies are performing better than Bitcoin, investors may be more likely to invest in them instead.
  • Regulatory changes: Regulatory changes could also have a negative impact on the price of Bitcoin. If governments start to regulate cryptocurrencies more heavily, investors may be less willing to invest in them.

Overall, it is too early to say whether the new rules will drive Bitcoin value up. There are a number of factors that could affect the price of Bitcoin, and it is impossible to say for sure how these factors will play out.

Maximising Profits and Minimising Risks: Navigating the Cryptocurrency Landscape for UK Businesses

Cryptocurrency Risks and Opportunities

Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have been gaining popularity in recent years, and businesses in the UK are starting to take notice. While these digital currencies offer a number of benefits, they also come with a number of risks and challenges. In this article, we will explore the threats and opportunities that cryptocurrencies present for businesses in the UK.


One of the biggest threats that businesses in the UK face when it comes to cryptocurrencies is their volatility. Cryptocurrencies are known for their fluctuations in value, which can be significant and happen quickly. This volatility makes it difficult for businesses to predict and plan for the future, as they may not know how much a particular cryptocurrency will be worth at any given time.

Another threat is the risk of hacking. Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets are vulnerable to cyber attacks, and if a business stores large amounts of cryptocurrency, it could be at risk of losing it all in the event of a successful hack.

Regulatory risks are also present for businesses that deal with cryptocurrencies. The UK government has not yet created a comprehensive framework for the regulation of cryptocurrencies, which means that businesses may not be sure of their legal obligations or of how to comply with them. This could result in fines or other penalties if a business is found to be in violation of any laws or regulations.


Despite these threats, there are also a number of opportunities that cryptocurrencies present for businesses in the UK. One of the biggest opportunities is the ability to reach a global market. Cryptocurrencies are decentralised, meaning that they are not controlled by any government or institution. This makes them accessible to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of where they are located.

Another opportunity is the ability to reduce transaction costs. Traditional payment methods, such as credit cards, can be costly for businesses, as they often have to pay fees to the banks and other financial institutions that process the transactions. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, can be sent and received directly between parties, without the need for intermediaries, which can reduce costs significantly.

Innovation is another opportunity for businesses in the UK. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have the potential to change the way that businesses operate and interact with their customers. For example, blockchain technology can be used to create secure and transparent supply chain management systems, which can improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Cryptocurrencies present a number of threats and opportunities for businesses in the UK. While the volatility and risk of hacking are significant concerns, the ability to reach a global market and reduce transaction costs are among the key opportunities that these digital currencies offer. Businesses that are considering incorporating cryptocurrencies into their operations should weigh the risks and benefits carefully, and should be prepared to adapt as the regulatory environment evolves.

Is money laundering the only reason nation states want to regulate and perhaps eliminate use of any unregulated crypto currency?

Are more USA crypto regulatory measures on their way? Could they be part of coordinated global clampdown on crypto?

There are bad actors using crypto to launder money. However, the biggest banks in the world have been regularly been fined for repeated widespread mismanagement that resulted in money being laundered by the traditional finance establishment. Is money laundering risk being used by the traditional finance establishment and national governments as an excuse to regulate crypto? Maybe even eliminate current crypto in favour of national CBDC or one international CBDC?


Are UK Banks Like Natwest Clamping Down on Cryptocurrency in September 2023?

In recent months, there has been growing concern that UK banks are clamping down on cryptocurrency. In particular, Natwest has come under fire for its new terms and conditions, which state that the bank will no longer allow customers to make payments to cryptocurrency exchanges.

This has led to speculation that Natwest is trying to prevent its customers from investing in cryptocurrency. However, the bank has denied this, saying that the new terms and conditions are simply a way of protecting customers from fraud and other risks.

So, what is the truth about UK banks and cryptocurrency? Are they really clamping down on it? And if so, why?

The Controversy Surrounding Cashless Society

One of the main reasons why banks are concerned about cryptocurrency is because it could pose a threat to the cashless society. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards a cashless society, with more and more people using cards and online payments instead of cash.

Banks are keen to promote this trend, as it makes it easier for them to track customer spending and to collect fees. However, cryptocurrency could undermine the cashless society by providing an alternative way to make payments.

This is why some banks have been accused of trying to stifle the growth of cryptocurrency. For example, in 2017, Barclays banned its customers from buying cryptocurrency. And in 2018, HSBC said that it would not allow its customers to use its credit cards to buy cryptocurrency.

The Real Threat to Cryptocurrency

However, the real threat to cryptocurrency is not from banks. It is from governments.

Governments around the world are increasingly concerned about the potential risks posed by cryptocurrency. These risks include the use of cryptocurrency for money laundering and terrorist financing. Governments also risk losing control of the money – control the money control the people.

As a result, governments are starting to regulate cryptocurrency. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued guidance on cryptocurrency.

NatWest’s New Terms and Conditions

Natwest is introducing new terms and conditions that will have the effect of potentially restricting customer payments to cryptocurrency exchanges and payments into back accounts from cryptocurrency. These terms and conditions are designed to protect customers from fraud and other risks, but are also potentially worrying controls over people and businesses human rights.

They send a clear message to customers that Natwest does not approve of cryptocurrency. And this message is likely to be echoed by other banks.

The Future of Cryptocurrency

So, what does the future hold for cryptocurrency? It is difficult to say. However, it is clear that banks and governments are not keen on the idea.

This could make it difficult for cryptocurrency to achieve widespread global adoption. How difficult will depend on global governance.

Only time will tell what the future holds for cryptocurrency. However, one thing is for sure: the controversy surrounding it is not going away anytime soon

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Get Paid In Crypto On BusinessRiskTV Marketplace

As the world becomes more digitised, cryptocurrencies have become a popular form of payment for individuals and businesses alike. With the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, many businesses are now considering accepting these currencies as a form of payment. Additionally, some businesses are even paying their employees and contractors in cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will discuss how businesses can get paid in crypto through the marketplace.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptography is a technique for secure communication that is used to keep transactions secure and private. Cryptocurrencies use a decentralized system that allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks or governments.

One of the most popular cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is decentralised, meaning it is not controlled by any government or financial institution. Instead, it is maintained by a network of users who validate and record transactions on a public ledger called the blockchain.

Other popular cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. These cryptocurrencies are also decentralised and operate on similar blockchain technology.

Why Get Paid in Cryptocurrency?

There are several reasons why businesses might want to get paid in cryptocurrency. First, cryptocurrencies offer fast and secure transactions without the need for intermediaries. This means that businesses can receive payments instantly, without having to wait for banks or other financial institutions to process the transaction.

Second, cryptocurrencies offer lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment methods. This can save businesses money in the long run, especially if they receive a large volume of payments.

Finally, cryptocurrencies offer a level of anonymity and privacy that is not possible with traditional payment methods. This can be particularly useful for businesses that operate in industries where privacy is important, such as adult entertainment or gambling.

How to Get Paid in Cryptocurrency through Marketplace Marketplace is an online platform that connects businesses with buyers and sellers around the world. The platform allows businesses to buy and sell goods and services in a secure and efficient manner. Additionally, the platform also supports cryptocurrency payments, making it easy for businesses to get paid in cryptocurrency.

To get started, businesses will need to sign up for a Marketplace account. Once the account is created, businesses can list their products or services for sale on the platform. When a buyer makes a purchase, the seller will receive payment in the currency of their choice, including cryptocurrency.

To receive payments in cryptocurrency, businesses will need to provide their cryptocurrency wallet address to the buyer. The buyer will then send the payment to the provided wallet address. Once the payment is received, the seller can withdraw the funds to their bank account or continue to hold the cryptocurrency.

Benefits of Using Marketplace

There are several benefits of using Marketplace to get paid in cryptocurrency. First, the platform offers a secure and efficient way for businesses to sell their products or services. The platform uses advanced security measures to protect user data and prevent fraud.

Second, Marketplace supports multiple payment options, including cryptocurrency. This makes it easy for businesses to receive payments in the currency of their choice.

Finally, Marketplace offers a global audience, allowing businesses to reach buyers and sellers from around the world. This can help businesses expand their customer base and increase their revenue.

Potential Risks of Using Cryptocurrency

While there are many benefits to using cryptocurrency, there are also potential risks that businesses should be aware of. One of the main risks is the volatility of cryptocurrency prices. Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly, which can result in large gains or losses for businesses.

Additionally, cryptocurrencies are not regulated by governments or financial institutions, which can make them vulnerable to fraud and hacking

Finally, businesses should be aware of the potential legal and tax implications of using cryptocurrency. Regulations regarding cryptocurrency vary from country to country, and businesses should consult with a legal or tax professional before accepting cryptocurrency payments.

Cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly popular form of payment for businesses around the world. By accepting cryptocurrency payments, businesses can benefit from fast and secure transactions, lower transaction fees, and increased privacy. Marketplace is an online platform that supports cryptocurrency payments, making it easy for businesses to get paid in cryptocurrency. However, businesses should also be aware of the potential risks and legal and tax implications of using cryptocurrency. By understanding these risks and taking appropriate measures, businesses can benefit from the advantages of cryptocurrency while minimising potential drawbacks.

Are Cryptos Securities?

The question of whether or not cryptocurrencies are securities has been debated for years. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken the position that most cryptocurrencies are securities, while the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has argued that they are commodities.

The SEC’s position is based on the Howey Test, a legal test that is used to determine whether an investment is a security. The Howey Test asks three questions:

  1. Is there an investment of money?
  2. Is there an expectation of profits from the investment?
  3. Are those profits to come from the efforts of a promoter or third party?

The SEC argues that cryptocurrencies meet all three criteria of the Howey Test. First, investors put money into cryptocurrencies. Second, investors expect to make a profit from their investment. Third, those profits are to come from the efforts of the developers of the cryptocurrency, who are working to create a new and innovative technology.

The CFTC, on the other hand, argues that cryptocurrencies are commodities. Commodities are defined as “any good, article, service, right, or interest in which there is an actual or potential commerce.” The CFTC argues that cryptocurrencies meet this definition because they are bought and sold on exchanges, and their prices are determined by supply and demand.

The debate over whether or not cryptocurrencies are securities is likely to continue for some time. The SEC and the CFTC are both powerful regulatory agencies, and they have different views on how to regulate cryptocurrencies. It is possible that the courts will eventually have to decide the issue.

In the meantime, investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are a new and volatile asset class, and they are not regulated by the government in the same way that stocks and bonds are. As a result, investors could lose all of their money if they invest in cryptocurrencies.

Are Cryptocurrencies a Security, Commodity, or Currency?

The classification of cryptocurrencies is a complex and evolving issue. Some argue that cryptocurrencies are securities, while others believe that they are commodities or currencies. The classification of cryptocurrencies has important implications for regulation and taxation.


A security is an investment contract that provides the investor with an expectation of profits. Securities are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has stated that it believes that many cryptocurrencies are securities.


A commodity is a good or service that is bought and sold on an exchange. Commodities are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The CFTC has not yet taken a position on whether or not cryptocurrencies are commodities.


A currency is a medium of exchange that is used to purchase goods and services. Currencies are not regulated by the SEC or the CFTC.

The classification of cryptocurrencies is still up for debate. However, it is important to understand the potential implications of different classifications. For example, if cryptocurrencies are classified as securities, then they would be subject to the same regulations as stocks and bonds. This could make it more difficult for businesses to raise money through cryptocurrency ICOs.

The Future of Crypto Regulation

The regulation of cryptocurrencies is a rapidly evolving area of law. The SEC, the CFTC, and other regulators are still working to develop a comprehensive framework for regulating cryptocurrencies.

It is likely that the regulation of cryptocurrencies will continue to evolve in the coming years. As cryptocurrencies become more popular, regulators will need to develop new rules and regulations to protect investors and ensure market integrity.

How to Invest in Cryptocurrencies Safely

If you are considering investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved. Here are a few tips for investing in cryptocurrencies safely:

  • Only invest money that you can afford to lose.
  • Do your research and understand the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies.
  • Only invest in cryptocurrencies through reputable exchanges.
  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to protect your accounts.
  • Be aware of scams and fraudulent activity.

By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself when investing in cryptocurrencies.

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