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Unleash your potential growth. Become a faster growing UK business that doesn’t need extra capital to drive future success. We offer support and mentoring to develop a new business growth strategy for your business. Network with like minded business leader.

Citizen Journalism Articles

Read citizen journalist articles and watch citizen journalist videos online

If you have got a great story to tell we will be the megaphone to get you heard more often!

Develop new income locally and globally

Sell more to people and businesses on your doorstep and dip your toe into the export marketplace on the back of a low value pound which could be making your products and services more than 10 percent cheaper abroad.

Marketplace Consultants Helping Online Selling Partners Grow Their Business Faster With BusinessRiskTV

Marketplace Consultants Helping Online Selling Partners Grow Their Business Faster With BusinessRiskTV

Access business intelligence guidance and risk management experts who can provide the business risk knowledge and experience to help you seize new business opportunities.

Business Exhibitions and Conferences

Take part in business development workshops to mitigate business risks and improve business performance.

Best Virtual Exhibition Platform

Virtual Exhibition Platform To Showcase Your Business Products and Services To Buyers Already Interested In Your Type Of Business Offering

Business Magazine Articles

Write about what you know – your business!   By writing about your business products and services, you develop your brand and help potential new customers to understand why they should buy from you and not one of your competitors.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Magazine

Enterprise Risk Management ERM Magazine

Inform your business decision making process with risk based articles.   Watch business management videos online for free.   See experts risk analysis for your country or industry.

  • Develop your risk insight and business intelligence.
  • Boost your business performance.
  • Align your risk taking with your appetite for risk

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BusinessRiskTV Business Growth Adviser

Are You An Entrepreneur Or Business Leader Who Is Procrastinating Or Fearful Of The Future?

Making better business decisions with BusinessRiskTV

UK Business Growth Opportunities

Business leaders need confidence in their decision making and entrepreneurial thinking to find new business opportunities.

Positive Risk Management
Positive Risk Management

Look at the world through an improving business and economic environment.   The UK is strong and set to get stronger

Guide to being more successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur
Supporting Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

Are You an entrepreneur of business leader who is procrastinating or fearful of the future

The UK has the skills and ability to be greater than it is right now

Don’t listen to the doom-mongers! The UK has more opportunities to grow faster than it has had in front of it for decades.   Don’t look back at today and think, “I wish I had seized the day”. The time for waiting is over. Today will be the past and your great historic past is for the making now!

Business Leaders Need To Cut Their Cloth Accordingly

Are there huge economic uncertainties just now?

Of course! When haven’t there been significant uncertainties for business?   However, should we wait before investing time and money in our future?   Absolutely not! This is the time for sowing the seeds of your future success.   Businesses in the UK have so many opportunities for growth.

Where are the growth opportunities ?

Well have you looked properly! They are there. Your competitors may have spotted them. Look and you shall find!

Too much noise and not enough action!

Everybody is busy, but being busy doesn’t mean to say you’re in the growth business. Are you working hard but standing still? Have you got the talent, the assets and the ambition but not the results you’d hoped for?

The UK was built on innovation and hard graft, but in the recent past, we’ve been grafting too much and not innovating enough. The UK’s business leaders need to think smarter, not just work harder.

I could do with some help here mate!

Talk is cheap! I hear you! However, talking with like minded innovators who want to move to the action phase quickly might produce new business growth for your company.

Do most business leaders want the same thing – growth? Presumably none want to down-size. Many are happy to stay the same, though few businesses can survive by staying the same.

Many of your peers are happy to share ways to overcome barriers to business survival and business growth. No one person knows it all and even if they did, what they learnt would soon be out of date. Unless you keep up to date with best practices and evolving methods of working, you are going backwards behind competitors.

Sometimes we need to be inspired by the actions of others

Olympic competitors are inspired by the achievements of other Olympians. They may be at the top of their game, but they can still be inspired by the success of their peers.

Balanced Enterprise Risk Perspective

Are you taking too little or too much risk?   Poor business performance can come from too much, or too little risk.

Getting access to the horse’s mouth

If you don’t know – ask for free! It is highly unlikely that your business problems are totally unique. They might be unusual and have a different impact on your business, but the solution to your business problems have almost certainly already been found at another business somewhere in the world.

It is important to get risk into the right perspective. If you don’t know enough about your enterprise risks, it is possible that you are being overly cautious.   Alternatively you might be acting (or not acting) recklessly, and are on the edge of catastrophic disaster, due to lack of risk knowledge. Are you deliberately not asking questions cause you might not like the answers?

Are you an entrepreneur or business leader who is procrastinating?

Become a Risk Management Online member to access enterprise risk management collaboration for faster business growth and better business protection.

10 Essential Habits to Nurture and Develop as an Entrepreneur

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires more than just having a great business idea. It involves nurturing certain habits that can help you navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey. In this article, we will explore ten essential habits that aspiring entrepreneurs should cultivate to foster personal and professional growth. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and increase your chances of success.

  1. Embrace Continuous Learning. One of the key habits for nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit is a commitment to continuous learning. Successful entrepreneurs understand that knowledge is power, and they never stop seeking opportunities to expand their expertise. They read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, and engage in online courses to stay updated with the latest industry trends and developments. By fostering a thirst for knowledge, you can make informed decisions, adapt to changing circumstances, and position yourself as an expert in your field.
  2. Cultivate Resilience. Entrepreneurship is a challenging endeavour, often marked by setbacks and failures. To navigate through these hurdles, it is crucial to cultivate resilience. Successful entrepreneurs view failures as learning opportunities and bounce back stronger. They develop a positive mindset, practice self-care, and surround themselves with a support network that encourages them during tough times. By embracing resilience, you can overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and persevere on your entrepreneurial journey.
  3. Foster Creativity. Creativity is at the heart of entrepreneurship. To nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, make creativity a daily habit. Allow yourself to think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and explore new ideas. Engage in activities that stimulate your creativity, such as brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, or artistic endeavors. By fostering creativity, you can generate innovative solutions, differentiate yourself from competitors, and seize new opportunities.
  4. Practice Effective Time Management. Time management is crucial for entrepreneurs who juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks. Develop habits such as setting clear goals, prioritising tasks, and utilising productivity tools. Identify your most productive hours and allocate them to the most critical activities. Additionally, delegate tasks and outsource non-essential activities to free up your time for strategic decision-making and growth-oriented pursuits. Effective time management will enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and enable you to make the most of each day.
  5. Build a Strong Network. Successful entrepreneurs understand the power of networking and relationship building. Cultivate the habit of attending industry events, joining professional organisations, and actively engaging in online communities. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, mentors, and potential partners. By building a strong network, you gain access to valuable resources, receive guidance from experienced entrepreneurs, and open doors to new opportunities.
  6. Develop Effective Communication Skills. Effective communication is vital for entrepreneurs, whether it’s pitching ideas to investors, collaborating with team members, or connecting with customers. Practice active listening, articulate your thoughts clearly, and develop strong interpersonal skills. Embrace different communication channels, including public speaking, writing, and digital platforms. By honing your communication skills, you can convey your vision persuasively, build strong relationships, and inspire others to support your entrepreneurial endeavors.
  7. Embody Adaptability. In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability is essential for entrepreneurial success. Develop the habit of embracing change, seeking feedback, and staying flexible in your approach. Be willing to pivot when necessary and adjust your strategies based on market trends and customer feedback. By embodying adaptability, you can stay ahead of the curve, seize emerging opportunities, and navigate through uncertain times with confidence.
  8. Prioritise Self-Reflection. Entrepreneurs often get caught up in the daily grind and neglect self-reflection. However, taking time to evaluate your progress and introspect is crucial for personal and professional growth. Cultivate the habit of journaling, meditation, or mindfulness practices. Reflect on your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. By prioritising self-reflection, you gain clarity, make better decisions, and develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your entrepreneurial journey.
  9. Embrace Risk-Taking. Entrepreneurship inherently involves taking risks. To nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, develop a habit of calculated risk-taking. Understand the potential rewards and consequences of each decision, conduct thorough research, and trust your instincts. Learn from failures, iterate, and adapt. By embracing calculated risk-taking, you can uncover new opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and propel your entrepreneurial ventures forward.
  10. Practice Resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to develop resilience as a daily habit. Surround yourself with a supportive network, take care of your physical and mental well-being, and maintain a positive mindset. View failures as learning experiences, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and persevere in the face of adversity. By practicing resilience, you can overcome obstacles, maintain your focus, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

Nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit requires the cultivation of specific habits that foster personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. By embracing continuous learning, cultivating resilience, fostering creativity, practicing effective time management, building a strong network, developing effective communication skills, embodying adaptability, prioritising self-reflection, embracing risk-taking, and practicing resilience, you can enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and increase your chances of success. Incorporate these habits into your daily routine, and watch yourself grow into a successful and thriving entrepreneur.


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Enterprise Risk Management Thought Leaders

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  • Reduce how uncertainty impacts on your business objectives.   Improve your decision making capability.
  • Gain a competitive advantage in your industry.
  • Maximise the return of your investment in business assets.
  • Inform your next big strategic or operational decision

Want to learn how to protect your business and grow market share?

Do you have any of the following priorities for the next 3 years :

  1. Develop a new product or service
  2. Enter new markets with existing products or services
  3. Make strategic investments
  4. Develop new partnerships
  5. Sell more

What are the threats to the above objectives and how can you reduce the uncertainty that they will be successful or make them more successful?

Disrupt Your Industry

BusinessRiskTV Leadership Training and Development

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Use innovation to give your business a competitive edge. Grow your business faster. Learn how to grow your small business with marketing from BusinessRiskTV.

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How To Expand Business Tips

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How to grow your small business

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Access tips opinion and analysis of how to grow your small and medium sized business. Pick up real life practical tested ideas from successful business executives.

New strategies for growing your business

Faster growth ideas are easy to implement with BusinessRiskTV and its sister websites and business partners. Discover innovative business solutions will you you to grow your business faster.

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How To Improve Supply Chain Risks

Understand the importance of supply chain risk management with

Manage business threats and opportunities with enterprise risk management ERM principles and practices. Take a practical enterprise risk based approach to supply chain management. Review your top risks in your supply chain.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free tips and advice alerts and bulletins on how to improve supply chain risks

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Assess and mitigate supplier risk

Learn more about improving supply chain risks. Understand supply chain risks and how to mitigate them. Not understanding your supply chain risks increases the risk of business interruption at best and at worst threatens your business survival.

Increasing business partnerships and business outsourcing of non core business functions reduces the expertise to manage some risks and increases the likelihood that an external risk could stop you servicing your clients business needs.

Identify assess and manage supply chains risks better

Improving supply chain risks and supplier performance could easily improve your own business performance and business resilience.

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates : Supply Chain Risks
Subscribe to Supply Chain Risk Management enter code #SupplyChain

Learn supply chain risk management tools techniques and processes. Increase supplier’s risk transparency and reduce cost of supplier’s risk. Create a supplier quality improvement plan.

Get access supply chain risk management solutions to make better business decisions.

What supply chain risk factors is your business exposed to?

How do you plan to handle supply chain risks?   Improve your supply chain risk management capabilities.   Get a clear picture of supplier’s risk for you business.   Reduce your vulnerability and increase your resilience.

Supply Chain Risk Management
Supply Chain Risk Management Articles Discussion Live On Demand Video Streaming To Help You Manage Risks Better

Click to here more about Supply Chain Risk Management

DealsRisk Magazine
Supply Chain Risk Management Magazine

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BusinessRiskTV How To Improve Supply Chain Risks

How Do You Assess Business Risks

Business risk assessment tools techniques and tips with

Identify and assess your business risks. Identify risks to your business objectives. Control strategic operational and project risks. Prioritise the use on your limited resources after assessment of the key risks.

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV for free alerts and bulletins on how to assess business risks

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Business Risk Assessment and Management

Learn how to assess risk and create a risk management plan to improve business performance. Identify cost effective controls to mitigate and reduce risks.

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates
Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates

Evaluate business risks. Identify and assess factors with downside impact on corporate objectives, or upside potential to boost business performance.

Find out about a different more risk based approach to planning your business’s future success.

Develop a new process of identifying risks, assessing risks and developing new strategies to manage risks facing your organisation.

Manage the internal risks and external risks facing your business better

Learn from peers and risk assessment experts. Continuously improve your own risk assessment process. Pick up tips on how to embed and integrate risk assessment into your enterprise’s strategic, operational and project decision-making.

Regularly meet online wherever you are in the world to speak to your peers and risk assessment experts. Collaborate on agreed risk assessment projects or learn during risk assessment workshops to improve your risk knowledge and risk management skills.

  • See a different risk perspective based on others experiences and risk knowledge that will provide a different enterprise risk insight
  • Improve the effectiveness of your risk assessment process to boost your enterprise performance
  • Like minded individuals working to improve risk assessment best practices
  • Improve your corporate risk and strengthen your resilience

Learn how to assess business risks


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Learn Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Improve your business performance with enterprise risk management training courses.

Do you want to manage enterprise risks better?Develop your enterprise risk management knowledge. Practical enterprise risk management training courses online and in classroom.

Expand Your Risk Knowledge of Enterprise Risk Management ERM

Learn how the ERM discipline can benefit your business performance. Internal and external risks can have a downside impact on your organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives. The flipside is that they can have an upside potential on your business success.

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates
Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates

Enterprise risk management ERM is a holistic integrated approach to business decision-making. A risk based approach moves away from the simple bean-counting approach of financial risk to explore the true impact on your business of enterprise risks.

We have a range of enterprise risk management services including training, mentoring and business promotion to ensure that the upside potential of risk is not lost in your business strategy.

  1. Contact us to schedule a free online meeting to discuss your business needs;
  2. We will present a report recommending action to reduce uncertainty in your business planning;
  3. Implementation of the recommendations will involve working in partnership with you to achieve your objectives.
Business Risk Consulting and Business Risk Management Training
BusinessRiskTV Risk Management Services

Learn Enterprise Risk Management ERM