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How can business leaders stay up to date on local business risks

Manage the external business risks locally around your business better with BusinessRiskTV.

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Create cost effective online advertising ads to grow your business faster for longer

Effective ways of online advertising and digital marketing on

Most cost-effective digital marketing is sustainable online marketing. Find out more about our cost-effective online advertising options. Cost effective online marketing at your fingertips. Want to reach more potential new customers more cost effectively? Use our advertising and marketing tools and techniques to grow your business locally and globally.

BusinessRiskTV Ads for business is simple and cost effective


Make sure potential new customers ready to buy buy from you and not your competitors. We will help them find your products or services online. Link into your existing sales process from BusinessRiskTV advertising and marketing tools. Develop new sustainable income streams. Grow your business faster longer.

Email to discover creative marketing ideas to grow your business faster.

How to promote your business locally and globally on BusinessRiskTV

Business Marketing Ideas

Develop effective business marketing strategies – enter code #SellMoreOnline

Grow your business faster more sustainably and innovatively

Target your advertising and marketing budget at selected people or business leader key decision makers. Sell more products or services online with more cost effective advertising.

Access affordable options for marketing and advertising for your business. Grow your business online with BusinessRiskTV.

Discover how to create and execute a successful online marketing campaign with BusinessRiskTV. Focus your digital ads where your ideal customer lives online and offline. Help your company thrive online.

Find out more about our innovative ideas to market and grow your business online? Use our social media marketing SEO and video marketing to get more visible online. Develop your brand online.

Do you want to find out more about inexpensive ways to promote your business online?

Enter code #CostEffectingOnlineAdvertising

Promote and market your business on BusinessRiskTV for 12 months

Cheap ways to promote your business

Find out how to promote your business locally and globally. CLICK HERE or email entering code #Marketing to find out more.

Put your products and services in front of people in buying mode before your competitors do. Link into your existing online sales process direct from BusinessRiskTV or use our eCommerce solutions to increase your sales cash flow and profit

Increase the sources of your revenue streams more sustainably. Grow your business faster with BusinessRiskTV.

BusinessRiskTV Online Business Directory

  • Want to list your business on our online business directory?
  • Are you running any deals discounts or special offers you want more people to know about?
  • Could you write an advertorial to advertise your business and inform our readers?

Reach more new customers with BusinessRiskTV.

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Click on Register Now or email entering code #BusinessDirectory to register your interest and find out more for free

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Create cost effective online advertising ads to grow your business faster for longer

Business Risk Management Products and Services Marketing BusinessRiskTV Influencer Marketing

Enterprise risk management tools and solutions on BusinessRiskTV

Partner with BusinessRiskTV Influencer Marketing services. Collaborate with BusinessRiskTV to get your business risk management business noticed more. Make your influencer marketing budget go further to increase revenue.

Maximise your return of investment in your marketing and advertising with BusinessRiskTV.


Develop the right content to showcase your business products and services. BusinessRiskTV moves away from the traditional term of influencer. We work with key business risk management influencers in country risks and industry risks as well as holistic risk management influencers.

We team up with top business risk management influencers to promote your business interests in an ethical and transparent way.

  • Understand risks facing your business better
  • Make your brand stand out in a positive way
  • Helping brands and influencers build lasting partnerships

Enter code #InfluencerMarketing

Use Influencer Marketing to enhance your brand communication

BusinessRiskTV immerses itself in business risk management trends. We build connections with the top business thought leaders around the world. Helping your brand join the conversation at the right time. Promote your brand in the best way.

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BusinessRiskTV Influencer Marketing

Assessing the local impact of global risk events

Keep up to date with latest global risks that could impact on your business objectives with BusinessRiskTV

How can business leaders inform knowledge about global risk events that could impact on business decision-making?

Register for business risk management reports and risk management newsletter. Want to understand how risk could impact on your business? Get the latest business risk management reports and risk analysis reviews from BusinessRiskTV.


BusinessRiskTV Global Risk Report

Understanding global risks is important for all business leaders. Identifying and assessing the global risks is not a once a year task.

  1. Existing risks will morph into bigger risks to your business
  2. Small smaller risks will combine to create an aggregate risk that could even threaten the survival of your business.
  3. Emerging risks not obvious at the time of the report, could subside and just be accepted or they could gather momentum and threaten business objectives.

In addition the risks that could threaten some businesses could present an opportunity for your business to grow faster but if you miss the start of the opportunity you could miss the boat entirely or fail to maximise the potential rewards from the opportunity.

Unlike other less dynamic reporting systems companies or entitys BusinessRiskTV will provide you with regular risk reports to help you manage enterprise risks more proactively to mitigate threats to your business better and seize new business development opportunities earlier.

In short, BusinessRiskTV is less about looking back and offering expert risk reports with hindsight and more about looking forward with more dynamic forecasts backed up with practical risk management solutions for both the upside and downside aspects to global risks as it affects your business wherever you are in the world.

Filtering the global risks noise for your business

BusinessRiskTT will reduce the effort required to identify what your business needs to do next after assessing the magnitude of the risk to your country or industry in easy to understand language.
  • Take proportionate action to mitigate threats to your business
  • Evaluate and act on potential opportunities
  • Better protection faster growth in 2018

Subscribe to BusinessRiskTV Global Risk Report Service today and enter code #GLOBALRISKREPORTSUBSCRIPTION. Free Subscription Online to Global Risk Report
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BusinessRiskTV Global Risk Report

Local Sourcing From Local Suppliers Near Me

Shorten your supply chain with BusinessRiskTV

How can business leaders reduce their supply chain risks and increase business resilience

Changing how you source products may need to change after the coronavirus pandemic.

What Is Our Local Sourcing Service All About

Its about connecting business leaders to local suppliers more easily

Find a local supplier
Local Suppliers Near Me Service

Local Suppliers Near Me

The benefits of local sourcing of business products and services are many and varied from environmental benefits to real cost savings to security of supply lines to flexibility of delivery.

In the UK it is more expensive to import goods and services from overseas due to around a 10 to 20 percent fall in the value of the pound against a basket of foreign currencies in the last 12 months. Where there may have been a substantial price difference between imports and domestic suppliers, this has mostly gone as can be witnessed by the fact that the UK is exporting more now that at any time since 1995.

BusinessRiskTV is championing local UK suppliers

We’re helping to connect UK companies with nearby local suppliers when business leaders source new products and services.

Stand out more from the crowd! Support UK businesses. Help promote local business growth by supporting your local business. Get real added benefit from new local suppliers and support them to help your own business needs.  Help new local suppliers to grow with you for a long-term business relationship.   Develop a more sustainable business model.

Sourcing products from around the world can lead to more cost and more business interruptions and less flexibility in meeting your customer needs.

Develop shorter local supply chains to build your business with more certainty. In a new Brexit world developing more local suppliers will guard against the negative impact of currency fluctuations.

Undertake thorough due diligence to ensure your new local suppliers are not going to increase the risks to your customers. Trust BusinessRiskTV to help you buy local next time.

Learn how to become one of our Local Suppliers by subscribing FREE to BusinessRiskTV

Learn how to become one of our Local Suppliers by subscribing FREE to BusinessRiskTV
Learn how to become one of our Local Suppliers by subscribing FREE to BusinessRiskTV


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Reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions with

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Local Sourcing From Local Suppliers Near Me

Pitch A Short Summary Of Your Business Product or Service To Sell More

PItch your business idea online on BusinessRiskTV

Create an elevator pitch for your business idea or new small business. Your elevator pitch should be a brief. About 20 to 30 seconds long. Persuade people listening they should try your business offering. Showcase your new business or business idea on BusinessRiskTV.

Elevator Business Pitch on BusinessRiskTV

Summarise your business product or service offering or business idea to sell more into the marketplace with our help.

Innovative Business Ideas
Find Out More About Business Innovation Opportunities and Ideas for Business. Click Here or email entering code #ElevatorPitch

Write or preferably video your perfect business pitch to market and sell more profitably

Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates
Managing Business Risks Better with C&C Associates

Present your business in a way that is succinct.

Make the benefits of your product or service clear and to the front, middle and centre of your business pitch with little emphasis on the product or service features.

Write a one page summary of your offering or create a simple video to help promote your business and sell more.

Enter #ElevatorPitch in the contact form below.

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BusinessRiskTV Elevator Business Pitch