Conformity Of Global Financial Leaders Led To 2008 Financial Crisis
Global financial leaders made faulty decisions because as a group they lost touch with reality and had an inherent poor moral compass. That has not changed. GroupThink will cause or make worse the next global disaster.
Global Leaders Poor Moral Compass Will Lead To Next Financial Crisis
The financial services industry is like a cartel. It deliberately publishes false economic risk analysis and critically evaluates global risks to benefit the financial services preferred strategic direction. Such groupthink is creating business decision making that will lead to financial failure yet again.
The City is thinking as one to protect The City not to develop a sustainable UK economy. It is fighting to protect itself in the short to medium term. If it succeeds it will miss the opportunities for more rapid business growth and the UK will miss out too.
The financial services industry is a highly cohesive and organised sector of the economy which is massively supported by the media and politicians.
Enlightened Holistic Risk Management Framework and Risk Assessment Process
The saviour of capitalism is the full adoption of enterprise risk management ERM principles and practices.

Enlightened Holistic Risk Management Framework and Risk Assessment Process
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BusinessRiskTV Groupthink Theory