Risk events analysis is useful but not always productive

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You cannot change what happened but you can learn from it. However dwelling on past mistakes is not productive.

  • Mitigate negative impact of risk event and secure any benefits from risk event. Good can often come out of bad.
  • Learn lessons from risk events and move on quickly
  • Do not dwell on risk event impact as constantly punishing people from mistakes of past can be very demoralising and negatively impact on future business performance.

After the risk event make sure your risk management plan for future seeks to ensure it does not happen again but do not over do the risk controls. Reflecting on the lessons from the risk event facts is important but do not let emotions and pain of risk event change the risk perception of future likelihood of recurrence especially after some additional risk controls adopted maintained and reviewed.

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BusinessRiskTV Risk events analysis is useful but not always productive

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Reinvent your thinking. Reinvent the way you respond emotionally to risk.

  • Is your risk perception reality?
  • How should you respond to risk events affecting other businesses and your business?
  • How do you prioritise risk management action plan?

Choose a more certain more positive business risk management plan for your business.

  • Make sure you have the risk tolerance capacity to manage threats and right risk appetite to achieve greater business success.
  • Adversity and failure can help you become more successful especially if you mitigate downside risk.
  • Grow your business regardless of how tough the economic climate is. Overcome all roadblocks.
  • Drive your business forward. Change course if you need to but keep on track to achieve business objectives
  • Find greater comfort and a quiet nights sleep knowing you have adopted best risk management plan for your business

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