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Emerging Risks and Trending Risks In Focus Now
How can CEOs senior management teams risk managers business owners and entrepreneurs make the right decisions more often? Find out whats on the horizon. Understand better the business risks acting on your business right now.

How do business enterprise key decision makers use limited resources more cost effectively and more successfully?
The pace of business change is increasing. How many people will drive for a living in the next decade? How many people will work in warehouses in next 10 years? What new risks are emerging for businesses when the dramatic changes of 4th Industrial Revolution expected soon are commonly in place?
Cyber crime or error is just one of the threats. How should a business like Amazon react if they are threatened by a cyber criminals who say they have the capability to shut down its warehouse and distribution drones! They presumably have not but even if it was never possible how would Amazons share price react? What will this mean for Amazon’s ability to borrow to invest in its future?
Like Amazon every business has its own most threatening risks and most exciting opportunities to grow.
Both the threats and the opportunities mean rapid changes are afoot for most businesses in the coming decade. With limited resources, what should your business focus on?
Do you have the time and energy to cope especially with information overload disrupting your ability to pick the right key risks to manage and which to accept or avoid.
Corporate Risk Spotlight
Change does not mean bad disruption to the norms change can bring good disruption for your business
Are you innovative? Is your business innovative? Do you have people in your business who are innovative?
Sure you are! Yes it is! Yes you do! You may not have found the best way to harness a well of innovation in your business till now.
BusinessRiskTV and its business partners will facilitate an innovative process in your business to overcome good and bad disruptive risks facing your organisation now and in future :
- There are cheaper ways to do what you do now
- Experts in business can help you
- Get a quiet night’s sleep knowing threats are reduced
- Seize a competitive advantage to grow faster
- Collaborate to maximise the investment in your own assets
Solve the big questions being asked of your business

Get the answers you need to know what to do next that will have the best net positive impact on your business. What are the critical risk factors you need to manage? How viable are your existing business opportunities?
Some corporate risks are mature and well known but how does YOUR business manage them in the most cost effective way? Other corporate risks are just emerging. Do you know which ones present the biggest threats and opportunities for your business?
If you know what the key risks are do YOU oversee the impact on your business or have you delegated it?
Do others in your organisation want to seize a business advantage of your competitors as much as you do? Do your competitors want any of your existing business revenue?
No you can not do everything yourself but are you creating the right risk management culture to ensure that others are of the same mind as you?
If you are not changing your failing!
- Do you currently have a sustainable business model?
- Have you assessed and managed your competitive advantages to squeeze the best out of your existing resources in terms of performance?
- Do you have a Business Enterprise Risk Management Road Map to make achieving your business objectives more likely?
Tools or strategies used in change management
It is not easy to stay ahead or move further ahead of your competition
Accepting Corporate Risks
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