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Public Sector Pay, Pay Increments, Final Salary Pension Schemes and Industrial Action 2023
Public sector pay refers to the compensation received by employees working in government organizations and services, including health, education, and law enforcement. In the United Kingdom, public sector pay is determined by a combination of factors, including the type of work performed, experience, and qualifications.
Pay increments are regular increases in pay that are given to employees as part of their overall compensation package. They are often based on length of service, performance, and other factors. In the public sector, pay increments are usually set by government agencies and negotiated with employee unions.
Industrial action refers to collective action taken by employees to protest against their employer, including strikes and work slowdowns. In the UK, public sector workers have taken industrial action in recent years in response to concerns about pay, pensions, and working conditions.
In 2013, the UK government introduced a cap on public sector pay increases, limiting them to 1% per year for several years. This has led to widespread frustration among public sector workers, who have seen their real wages decrease due to inflation. In response, many unions have called for the cap to be lifted, and some workers have taken industrial action to protest the freeze on pay increases.
In 2019, the government announced plans to ease the cap on public sector pay, allowing for increases of up to 3% for certain workers, including police officers and prison guards. However, this has been criticized by some as not enough to make up for years of frozen pay.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has also brought the issue of public sector pay to the forefront, as many public sector workers, including healthcare professionals, have been on the front lines in the response to the crisis. Some have called for these workers to receive a pay increase to reflect the increased risk and workload they have faced during the pandemic.
In conclusion, public sector pay, pay increments, and industrial action are complex and interrelated issues in the UK. The cap on public sector pay increases has led to frustration among workers, and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of public sector workers into sharp focus. The ongoing debate over public sector pay will likely continue in the years to come.
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Outsourcing Company Interserve Goes Into Administration With 45000 UK Jobs At Risk
Interserve contracts are likely to continue as normal. Hopes are high that no job cuts will follow.
Following the collapse of Carillion the demise of Interserve questions the whole business model for public sector outsourcing to the private sector. Outsourcing includes cleaning catering and building contracts.
Accountants EY are the administrators. EY is expected to carry out a so-called pre pack administration an insolvency procedure under which a company arranges to sell its assets to a buyer before administrators are appointed. This means Interserve can avoid a Carillion style collapse.
Shocking Waste Of Public Money
UK government will pay 33 million pounds to Eurotunnel to settle legal action from Eurotunnel over extra ferry services in the event of a no deal Brexit.
Chris Graylings Department for Transport DfT awarded a contract to three suppliers to provide additional freight capacity for lorries. Eurotunnel claimed the contracts were awarded in an inappropriate secretive way and they should have been made aware of the governments procurement project especially as they had live real life experience of running ferry service.
Eurotunnel will make some improvements to its tunnel terminal as part of settlement to help manage Brexit risks. However has the government procurement project wasted millions of taxpayers money? Could getting procurement projects right be completed without legal financial and reputational damaged? Yes!
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27th February 2020 Redcar and Cleveland Council IT Service Closed Down By Cyber Attack
Hackers have scrambled files to extort money from the council. The council IT services have been closed down for 3 weeks by ransomware attack. It has had to build a new server and website whilst hiding the cyber attack from knowledge of the general public. However the council IT capabilities will be reduced for sometime yet.
1st August 2018 Amazon Attacks Public Sector Procurement Marketplace
Amazon has signed a procurement contract to deliver cost savings to the public sector in the UK. Amazon will supply many different largely mundane items that could add up to around a half a billion pound contract. New public sector clients will range from Yorkshire schools and emergency services. It is hoped that the contract will save public sector organisations in Yorkshire a lot of money.
Amazons dedicated website will deliver the service over a five year deal with Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation YPO a procurement body owned by local authorities which helps to drive the cost of goods down by agreeing mass deals with suppliers.
Amazons first deal with the public sector in UK is its first but Amazon has similar deals in USA.
The end user can sometimes feel frustrated by such big contract deals so it will be interesting to see how this works in the UK over the next few years.
24th July 2018 Public Sector Workers Biggest Pay Rise in Nearly 10 Years
The 1 percent public sector pay cap has been scrapped in England and Wales. The cost of scrapping the cap is estimated at 4bn pounds.
Public sector unions have been arguing for pay rises closer to 5 percent.
17th January 2017 Ridiculous Risk Management Culture Or Individual Judgement Failure?
From time to time we hear reports of ridiculous overzealous risk management control. For example, it was reported today in the Even Standard that a pensioner was fined 80 pounds by Ealing Council for pouring a cup of coffee down a drain. She allegedly disposed of the coffee down a drain in Ealing shopping centre because she didn’t want to fill the public bin with liquid. Two enforcement officers gave her an on the spot fine. Ealing Council investigated the case and decided to drop the fine saying that their priority is to make sure that the borough is clean and litter free and we apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
What was the environmental cost of pouring coffee down the drain instead of soaking the bin with coffee? What was the reputational cost to the council for ridiculous fine? What was the financial cost to the council?
Do public sector get the right risk management balance? There are no ridiculous safety legislation in the UK. There is ridiculously interpretation of safety legislation. Who is at fault for the ridiculous interpretation? Is it the senior managers creating the wrong imbalanced risk management culture or is it simply individual errors of interpretation or implementation of organisation policy?
15th December 2017 Social Care Funding Changes
Local authorities have complained about the cuts to their funding. There is a recognition across the political partys in the UK that social care is in crisis that is set to get worse.
English local authorities will be allowed to increase council tax to help fund social care. The social care precept on council tax bills will go up thus increasing total council tax per annum.
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