What is risk diversification? Diversification is for idiots explored. What are the dangers of over diversification in business? Concentration of effort on key risks builds better business protection and can grow a business faster with less uncertainty. Diversification is not good or bad – horses for courses! There are benefits of diversification, but not at expense of liquifying your business success.
If you do not know how to manage business risks you need to diversify your risk management strategy more to protect your business from your incompetence.
Of course you should hedge your bets in business decision making if you do not know what you are doing! Do you know your key business threats and opportunity’s ? Are you sure you know? If so go ahead full steam. If you do not know then maybe you should understand your business risks better before managing your business risks to maximise your business performance?

If you know how to analysis your business risks and truly value your business assets, then maybe you should invest most of your time and money in what you know rather than uncertainty! If you want your business to perform averagely maybe you should spread your risk decisions, or alternatively, if you want maximum performance from your existing resources you should focus on what’s best for your business? Spread your business investment wider if you feel more comfortable with that but do that knowing you do not truly understand your key business risks.

Risk Diversification Is A Protection Against Ignorance