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15th December 2018 Johnson & Johnson Knew Talcum Powder Contained Asbestos But Failed To Tell Customers For Over Three Decades
According to the release of an investigation report by news agency Reuters the company new about the asbestos but did not inform its customers.
The investigation also found that the pharmaceutical company had employed a range of tactics to shape research into the problem and protect its Baby Powder brand.
In one case the company commissioned and paid for a study told the researchers their desired results and then hired a ghostwriter to redraft the article presenting the findings.
The investigation centres on documents released by Johnson & Johnson relating to the 11700 plaintiffs claiming that the companys talc caused their cancers.
13th July 2018 Johnson Johnson To Pay Nearly 5 Billion Dollars In Damages To 22 Women Who Alleged Talc Products Caused Them To Develop Ovarian Cancer
A USA court awarded 550m dollars in compensation and added more than four billion dollars in punitive damages. JandJ said it was deeply disappointed and plans to appeal. Legal action was brought by women and their families who said they developed ovarian cancer after using baby powder and other talc products for decades.
Of the 22 women represented in this case six have died from ovarian cancer. Their lawyers alleged the company knew its talc was contaminated with asbestos since the 1970s but failed to warn consumers about the risks.
Talc is a mineral and can sometimes be found in the ground in close proximity to asbestos
denied that its products ever contained asbestos and insisted that you they do not cause cancer.
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