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BRICS Expands to 11 with Admission of 6 New Members

The BRICS bloc of developing nations has expanded to 11 with the admission of Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The decision was made at the 15th BRICS summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, on August 24, 2023.

The expansion of BRICS is seen as a major step in the bloc’s efforts to reshuffle the global order. The bloc’s members represent over 40% of the world’s population and 25% of the global economy. With the addition of the six new members, BRICS will become even more diverse and influential.

The new members of BRICS bring a variety of strengths to the bloc. Argentina is a major agricultural exporter and has a strong manufacturing sector. Egypt is a regional power in North Africa and the Middle East. Ethiopia is a rapidly growing economy with a young and dynamic population. Iran is a major oil producer and has a strategic location in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest oil exporter and has a powerful military. The United Arab Emirates is a financial and trade hub in the Middle East.

The expansion of BRICS is likely to have a significant impact on the global economy and geopolitics. The bloc is now better positioned to challenge the dominance of the United States and other Western powers. It is also likely to play a more active role in global affairs, such as climate change and trade.

The decision to expand BRICS was not without controversy. Some critics have argued that the bloc is becoming too large and unwieldy. Others have expressed concerns about the human rights records of some of the new members. However, the leaders of BRICS have dismissed these concerns, arguing that the bloc is committed to promoting democracy, development, and peace.

The expansion of BRICS is a major development that is likely to have a significant impact on the global order. The bloc is now well-positioned to play a more prominent role in global affairs. It will be interesting to see how BRICS evolves in the years to come.

The Significance of the New BRICS Members

The admission of six new members to BRICS is a significant development that has the potential to reshape the global order. The new members, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, bring a variety of strengths to the bloc, including their large populations, growing economies, and strategic locations.

The addition of these countries will make BRICS more diverse and representative of the global community. It will also give the bloc a stronger voice in international affairs. BRICS is now well-positioned to challenge the dominance of the United States and other Western powers.

The new members of BRICS also have a number of shared interests. They are all developing countries that are seeking to grow their economies and improve the lives of their citizens. They are also all concerned about the rise of protectionism and unilateralism in the global economy.

The expansion of BRICS is likely to have a number of positive implications for the global economy. It will create new opportunities for trade and investment, and it will help to promote economic development in the developing world. It will also make the global economy more resilient to shocks and crises.

The expansion of BRICS is also likely to have a positive impact on global geopolitics. The bloc is now better positioned to play a more active role in resolving conflicts and promoting peace. It is also likely to be more effective in addressing global challenges such as climate change and terrorism.

Overall, the expansion of BRICS is a positive development that has the potential to make the world a more prosperous and peaceful place. It is a sign that the developing world is rising to challenge the dominance of the West.

The Challenges Facing BRICS

While the expansion of BRICS is a positive development, it also faces a number of challenges. One challenge is that the bloc is now so large and diverse that it may be difficult to reach consensus on important issues. Another challenge is that some of the new members have poor human rights records. This could damage the reputation of BRICS and make it more difficult for the bloc to achieve its goals.

Despite these challenges, BRICS has the potential to be a force for good in the world. The bloc can help to promote economic development, peace, and stability in the developing world. It can also help to challenge the dominance of the West and create a more just and equitable global order.

The future of BRICS is uncertain, but it has the potential to be a major player in the global arena. The bloc will need to overcome its challenges and learn to work together effectively if it is to achieve its full potential.

New BRICS Pay System: Impact on Value of U.S. Dollar and Business Risk Management

The BRICS countries have agreed to develop a new payment system called BRICS Pay. This system is intended to reduce the use of the US dollar in international trade and finance.

The development of BRICS Pay is a significant development, as it could have a major impact on the value of the US dollar and on business risk management.

Impact on Value of US Dollar

The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, meaning that it is the most widely used currency in international trade and finance. This gives the United States a significant amount of economic power.

If BRICS Pay is adopted by a large number of countries, it could reduce the demand for US dollars. This could lead to a depreciation of the US dollar against other currencies.

A depreciation of the US dollar would make it more expensive for Americans to import goods and services from other countries. It would also make it more difficult for American businesses to compete in the global marketplace.

However, a depreciation of the US dollar could also have some positive effects for the American economy. It would make American exports more competitive in the global marketplace. However, it would also boost inflation, which at a point in time that the markets expect inflation in America to fall.

Impact on Business Risk Management

The development of BRICS Pay could have a significant impact on business risk management.

Businesses that operate in the international marketplace are exposed to a variety of risks, including currency risk, political risk, and economic risk.

Currency risk is the risk that the value of a currency will fluctuate in ways that are unfavorable to a business. Political risk is the risk that a government will take actions that harm a business’s operations or profitability. Economic risk is the risk that an economy will experience a recession or other economic downturn.

BRICS Pay could help to reduce some of these risks for businesses. For example, businesses that use BRICS Pay to make international payments would be less exposed to currency risk. This is because BRICS Pay would allow businesses to make payments in a basket of currencies, rather than just in US dollars.

BRICS Pay could also help to reduce political risk for businesses. This is because BRICS Pay would reduce businesses’ dependence on the US financial system.

However, BRICS Pay could also introduce some new risks for businesses. For example, businesses that use BRICS Pay would be exposed to the risk that the new payment system will not be widely adopted. This could make it difficult for businesses to make and receive payments in international trade.

Recommendations for Business Leaders

Business leaders should carefully consider the potential impact of BRICS Pay on their businesses.

Businesses that operate in the international marketplace should develop strategies to mitigate the risks associated with BRICS Pay. For example, businesses should consider hedging their currency risk and diversifying their payment methods.

Businesses should also monitor the development of BRICS Pay and assess its potential impact on their businesses on a regular basis.

Here are some specific recommendations for business leaders:

  • Assess your exposure to currency risk. Determine how much of your revenue and expenses are denominated in foreign currencies.
  • Identify your risk tolerance. How much currency risk are you willing to tolerate?
  • Develop a hedging strategy.There are a variety of hedging tools that businesses can use to mitigate currency risk, such as forward contracts, currency options, and currency swaps.
  • Diversify your payment methods.Don’t rely solely on BRICS Pay to make and receive international payments. Consider using other payment methods, such as traditional bank transfers, SWIFT and cryptocurrencies.
  • Monitor the development of BRICS Pay. Stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to BRICS Pay. Assess the potential impact of BRICS Pay on your business on a regular basis.


The development of BRICS Pay is a significant development, as it could have a major impact on the value of the US dollar and on business risk management.

Business leaders should carefully consider the potential impact of BRICS Pay on their businesses and develop strategies to mitigate the risks associated with the new payment system.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the considerations listed above, business leaders should also consider the following:

  • The maturity of the BRICS Pay system. BRICS Pay is still under development, and it is not yet clear how widely it will be adopted.
  • The cost of using BRICS Pay. The fees associated with using BRICS Pay are not yet known.
  • The security of the BRICS Pay system. It is important to ensure that BRICS Pay is a secure payment system.
  • The impact of BRICS Pay on trade relationships. Business leaders should consider how the use of BRICS Pay could affect their relationships with customers and suppliers in other countries.

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