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Create an elevator pitch for your business idea or new small business. Your elevator pitch should be a brief. About 20 to 30 seconds long. Persuade people listening they should try your business offering. Showcase your new business or business idea on BusinessRiskTV.
Elevator Business Pitch on BusinessRiskTV
Summarise your business product or service offering or business idea to sell more into the marketplace with our help.
Find Out More About Business Innovation Opportunities and Ideas for Business. Click Here or email entering code #ElevatorPitch
Write or preferably video your perfect business pitch to market and sell more profitably
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Present your business in a way that is succinct.
Make the benefits of your product or service clear and to the front, middle and centre of your business pitch with little emphasis on the product or service features.
Write a one page summary of your offering or create a simple video to help promote your business and sell more.