How job hunters and recruiters find each other with BusinessRiskTV to make faster career development progress and fill business skills gaps fast and cheaper
Find a new job and develop your career faster. The UK has a growing skills gap so job hunters are getting themselves into the driving seat. Employers are having to pay more money to retain and attract employees. Register for career development tips and job opportunities. Keep informed about relevant employment opportunities and Risk News. Join our community today for free.
Not everyone has matched with the right employer for them. Even if you were once happy with your employer, you may now have outgrown them. Sometimes you have to move onto a new employer to secure the reward you need and deserve for someone with your experience and skills.
Discovering the best next career step for you may just just come to you out of the blue even if you are not looking. If you are searching for a new job sometimes it’s nice just to get a tipoff on a new job vacancy you may not otherwise have come across.
We are not a recruitment agency. We do connect job hunters with recruiters. Job seekers don’t pay us anything. Recruiters pay us a fee. We put the recruiter and the job hunter together and they decide what happens next.

What to Look for in a Company: A Guide to Finding the Ideal Workplace

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right company to work for is crucial for both personal and professional growth. It’s no longer solely about landing any job; job seekers now seek an environment that aligns with their values, offers growth opportunities, fosters a positive culture, and provides a work-life balance. This article explores the key factors to consider when evaluating potential employers, helping job seekers make informed decisions and find their ideal workplace.
- Company Culture and Values. A company’s culture and values play a significant role in determining whether it’s the right fit for an individual. Before committing to a company, research its mission statement, core values, and overall culture. Look for organisations that align with your own values and provide a supportive and inclusive work environment. Consider factors such as employee recognition, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and work-life balance policies.
- Growth and Development Opportunities. Professional growth and development are vital aspects of a fulfilling career. When evaluating a company, examine its commitment to employee development. Look for opportunities such as mentorship programs, training initiatives, tuition reimbursement, and chances to take on challenging projects. A company that invests in its employees’ growth demonstrates a long-term commitment to their success and provides a pathway for advancement.
- Compensation and Benefits. While job satisfaction is not solely dependent on compensation, it remains an essential factor. Evaluate the company’s compensation structure, including salary, bonuses, and incentives. Additionally, consider the benefits package, which may include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and flexible work arrangements. Assess the overall value provided by the company, weighing it against your financial needs and long-term goals.
- Work-Life Balance. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for personal well-being and job satisfaction. Look for companies that prioritise work-life balance and offer policies such as flexible working hours, remote work options, and generous vacation time. A company that values work-life balance enables employees to maintain a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
- Opportunities for Impact and Meaningful. Many individuals seek a sense of purpose in their careers, desiring work that makes a positive impact on society. Evaluate how a company contributes to the greater good through its products, services, or corporate social responsibility initiatives. Additionally, consider the degree of autonomy and ownership employees have over their work. Finding a company that provides meaningful work allows individuals to feel a sense of fulfillment and engagement.
- Leadership and Organisational Stability. The leadership style and stability of an organisation greatly impact its culture and success. Research the company’s leadership team and assess their track record and reputation. Look for signs of transparent communication, a commitment to employee well-being, and a long-term vision for the organisation. Stability and clear leadership instill confidence in the company’s future and provide a solid foundation for professional growth.
Finding the right company to work for requires careful evaluation of various factors. By considering aspects such as company culture and values, growth opportunities, compensation and benefits, work-life balance, opportunities for impact, and leadership, job seekers can make informed decisions that align with their personal and professional aspirations. Remember that every individual’s priorities may differ, and it’s important to prioritise what matters most to you. Take the time to research, network, and ask relevant questions during interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s values and work environment. By finding a company that aligns with your goals, you can embark on a fulfilling career journey and thrive in your chosen field.
Reduce Stress Of Job Search
Searching for a new job can be a daunting and stressful experience. Whether you’re unemployed or looking to make a career change, the process of finding the right job can feel overwhelming. However, there are several ways to reduce the stress of searching for a new job and make the process more manageable.
- Set Realistic Expectations
One of the biggest sources of stress when looking for a new job is setting unrealistic expectations. While it’s important to aim high, it’s equally important to be realistic about what you can achieve. This means being honest about your qualifications and experience, as well as your personal circumstances. It’s also important to remember that finding the right job can take time, and that there may be setbacks along the way.
- Create a Plan
Having a plan can help to reduce stress and make the job search process more structured and manageable. This means setting goals, creating a timeline, and breaking down the process into smaller steps. For example, you might set a goal to apply for five jobs a week, or to attend three networking events a month. Having a plan in place can help you to stay focused and motivated, and to feel more in control of the job search process.
- Use Online Tools
There are many online tools available to help you with your job search. These include job search engines, networking sites, and professional organisations. Using these tools can help you to find job opportunities, connect with potential employers, and learn more about your chosen industry. They can also help you to build your personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.
- Network
Networking is a key part of the job search process, and it can help to reduce stress by providing you with a support network of like-minded professionals. This means attending networking events, reaching out to former colleagues and classmates, and joining professional organisations. Networking can also help you to learn more about the job market and to stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments.
- Take Care of Yourself
Looking for a new job can be stressful, and it’s important to take care of yourself during the process. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. It also means taking breaks when you need them, and finding ways to relax and unwind. Some people find that mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety.
In conclusion, searching for a new job can be a stressful experience, but there are several ways to make the process more manageable. By setting realistic expectations, creating a plan, using online tools, networking, and taking care of yourself, you can reduce stress and increase your chances of finding the right job. Remember to stay positive, stay focused, and stay motivated, and you’ll be well on your way to finding your dream job.
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Know your worth – never stay with people who don’t value your presence – from relationships to employers.

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What’s stopping you
When you decide that you are not getting enough out of your life you will be ready to change jobs, change your current job, start your own business or completely change the direction of your life for the better. Most people who do have regrets at the end of their life regret what they didn’t do rather than what they did do. Make sure you know what really matters to your enjoyment of your life and ignore what others think is right for you. When you know what you want out of your life it is more likely that you will get more out of your life.

Skills Gap Crisis UK
As the UK economy opens up more to try to recover from the pandemic, employees have changed their expectations of employers and employers are struggling to fill job vacancies. It is so what strangely, given people’s fear of losing their job due to pandemic, a jobs market for job hunters and ambitious career developers to take advantage of.
- UK job vacancies at record high
- UK employers struggling to fill job vacancies
- UK average wages are increasing faster but if you are not keeping up with inflation you are accepting a pay cut
- UK job vacancies are above pre-pandemic levels
- Employers are struggling to staff positions

Future Of Work Post COVID
Many people are reviewing their career development due to COVID-19 pandemic. Record high job vacancies in USA and high job vacancies in UK despite relatively high unemployment levels caused by pandemic suggests people are no longer willing to be treated like disposable waste by many employers. For employers this may mean that they can no longer treat employees badly. For potential employees this may mean that they want more money and more flexibility before agreeing to exchange their time for money.
- What is it you want from an employer?
- Where do you want to work?
- Who do you want to work with?
- Why will you choose to work with one employer but not another?
- When do you want to work?
- How will an employer keep you?
Countries like Iceland have successfully trialled 4 day working week. Some employers will stick with home working flexibility. Others are more willing to pay more to attract you and so should your existing employer due to a skills gap or skills shortage – know your worth. Most important lesson from COVID pandemic is that the biggest mistake you will make in life is thinking you have time. Develop a career that YOU are going to be happy with when you retire not what anyone else thinks you should do.
Arguably the COVID pandemic has shown that the office is no longer the place for mandatory working. It should be an option to maximise flexible working for both employees and employers. The office can still be a useful destination for collaborating, mentoring and business socialising to build work relationships and team working but even here this should be flexible option not mandated part of job description.
If employers want to cast the widest net to recruit the best employees to deliver best business services they need to change their policy on home working post COVID pandemic to embrace flexible home working options for all employees that does not exclude or bind the best employee contributions to their business success.
You can develop the career you want within the work life lifestyle you want. Employers can recruit and retain best employees they need to perform at highest level. What is needed in balanced flexible working policy that encompasses remote working and office working.
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Lack Of Calibre Recruits Or Lack Of Investment In Business Training In The UK?
Some business leaders complain of a growing skills gap in the UK. Whose fault is that? Is it the education system?
Possibly there is the wrong preparation for employment by our education system in the UK. However when you hear business leaders say that there just is not the right calibre of recruit in the UK or even in whole of Europe you have to ask yourself if it is actually business leaders who are primarily responsible for the skills gap in the UK.
Are such business leaders really right when they say they cannot find people in the whole of the UK or Europe they can train to do the jobs they say they have?
Skilled employees do not grow on trees they grow in your business!
Employers in the past have sought to buy in off the shelf skilled workers from around the world and haven’t invested in UK people. This is part of the reason that political reform is happening. Instead of moaning about the lack of skilled staff UK employers need to control the controllable and boost investing in business training.
How much money have you spent on investing in your existing staff or recruits to fill the skills gap?
Business leaders are right. There is a growing skills gap in the UK but business leaders are part of the problem and the solution. Businesses need to invest more in their workforce to fill skills gaps enhance productivity and retain staff.
If you are not developing your career with your existing employer then maybe you need to change employer. Find an employer who is prepared to work with you not exploit you!
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