Exploring the uncertainties and opportunities from megaprojects including mega project budget, megaproject cost overruns, mega project examples, megaproject failures and megaproject management practices.
Megaproject planning and management and mega project performance is important to megaproject fail or success. All megaproject stakeholder management is critical including megaproject contractor and megaproject owner. Furthermore, the megaproject approach should be holistic if it is to satisfy social responsibility, environmental issues and best megaproject governance if it is to be a modern successful megaproject that is financially rewarding. Penalties for megaproject failures may not just occur at the end or during the megaproject. A financial penalty can occur before the megaproject begins from a failure of the megaproject starting or contractors failing to board the bus and an opportunity lost!
Get on megaproject bus with less uncertainty with BusinessRiskTV.

Megaproject and Risk Management
Megaproject risk management is often an undervalued cousin of project intelligence that results in megaprojects often overrunning or going over budget. A more integrated holistic approach to megaproject management will reduce uncertainty in key performance areas and provide more trust and transparency on the path to more assured success.

Megaproject Approach – Risk Management and Project Intelligence
Embedded risk management principles and practices offer project owners, contractors and wider society more accurate progress reports, reduced risk of disruption and less opportunity for stakeholders in megaprojects being adversely affected; and more likely to achieve satisfaction with the whole holistic megaproject experience.
A more systematic process of identifying, analysing and responding to key project risks can develop more confidence in the success of the project for all interested parties in the megaproject.
Megaproject Concept and Megaproject Case Study
Megaprojects are large-scale, complex undertakings and investments of often more than half a billion pounds. They proceed over a number of years rather than months. Megaproject stakeholders including the project owner, many contractors and impact on millions of people once completed, if not before.
Megaproject Performance
Best megaproject performance needs confident control of tens of thousands of small steps on the road to successful completion.
Everything reaches the end game eventually. How it arrives there and how good the outcome is for all megaproject stakeholdersction s involves more than just the assets needed and small actions aggregated into a big conclusion. Mega projects involve politics, environmental issues, social issues, technical issues legal issues, a large amount of money and a lot of organisational risks.
Understanding and implementing the risk management process requires a high level of accurate, precise project intelligence.
Megaproject Leaders Forum
Our Megaproject Leaders Forum brings together potential and actual project owners, contractors and all megaproject stakeholders to discuss better megaproject risk management and intelligence.
Take the opportunity to learn from personal views of prominent megaproject leaders, how they overcame challenges of megaprojects.
Megaproject Management Practices
The best practices of designing, planning and organising megaprojects can be learned to reduce the risk of failure. We acknowledge the traditional approach to project management but offer practical project risk management consulting advice and support to make megaprojects better.
Risk factors and project data ate holistically combined to accurately monitor progress to arrive at better project completion.
Megaproject Stakeholder Management
Effective stakeholder management can be developed and delivered with better project intelligence. We aim to support the collation analysis and reporting of key information to inform decision-making to garner more confidence trust and transparency.
Megaproject Contractor
Megaproject contractors are many and varied. They work to provide the reality of a megaproject investment.
Megaproject Social Responsibility
Megaproject social responsibility requires megaproject planners and owners to be aware of and protect the wider society, not just the megaproject owners, from ethical, environmental, legal, political and economic issues deriving from a megaproject.
There are many practical issues that need to managed throughout the megaproject lifecycle. The whole megaproject lifecycle is better managed if the megaproject is approached more holistically to ensure practical project management solutions do not increase the total cost of megaproject risks.
Megaproject Governance
Improved megaproject governance will improve overall megaproject performance.
Mega Project Budget and Megaproject Cost Overruns
All megaprojects have a budget. Trouble is, an already big megaproject budget often experiences megaproject cost overruns. An extremely large-scale investment project with a small overrun is financially expensive, but can also have other costs including reputation damage which may impede future megaprojects. This can hurt project developers and contractors but also wider society if the miss an opportunity to improve your life based on poor outcome of an earlier megaproject fail.
Megaproject Failures and Mega Project Examples Of Best Practice
Many billions of pounds have been wasted on megaproject failures. We explore a best practice example to manage the risks of your involvement in a megaproject.
Future Mega Projects
You may want help with planning and managing megaprojects:
- Are you responsible for planning and managing megaprojects?
- Do you see the value to you of improving the accuracy of your project intelligence via better megaproject risk analysis and risk management?
- Do you want to hone your skills and knowledge of megaprojects?
Find out how we can help you. Email editor@businessrisktv.com

Megaproject Planning and Management
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