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Ways to improve your business performance
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Ideas to improve business performance
BusinessRiskTV offers suggestions to improve company operations and strategic decision-making. Pick up small business improvement ideas. Learn how to improve business performance with tips advice and support online.
Find the ideas for marginal gains in your business performance and taken together you’ll find a major competitive advantage.
Take a nod of appreciation to the Japanese business concept kaizen or continuous improvement through the aggregation of marginal gains as deployed by Mr Brailsford, head of the super-successful British Olympic and Sky cycling teams.
Forget about perfection focus on progression and compound the improvements
David Brailsford Leader of British Olympic and Sky cycling teams
Steps to improve business performance

Ask for a recommendation to improve business performance. Take part in online business discussions on the steps to improve business productivity.
How can business improve productivity
Take key steps to develop your own competitive success. Continuously improve your business with marginal gains identified with enterprise risk management philosophy.
- Maximise the return from your investment in assets like employees by engaging them in the risk management process more.
- Train employees as improving employee productivity will enable you to lower your prices to gain more market share or increase profit margin.
- Look harder, for longer, for more small gains for major aggregate increases in productivity.
Making your business more productive will increase your competitiveness and make your business more sustainable and successful.
Every employee should be accountable for increasing competitiveness but do you give them a real opportunity to improve their own productivity? Imagine what it could do for your business if everyone wanted to improve by 10 percent every year because after 5 years you could become the fastest growing business in your industry.
- You will easily afford to show your appreciation to your workforce by increasing wages.
- You will retain staff and cut down on recruitment costs.
- You will increase product or service quality delivered by more skilled staff remaining in post.
You would have created a virtuous circle of self improvement for your business and made yourself more successful. Working better together, with the right commitment to business improvement you will have improved business productivity yourself.
Cutting costs is easy and adopted by many business leaders because they do not have a culture of continuous business productivity improvement.
In recent years its been the way of business leaders to find ways to do more with less. To grow faster more profitably you need a culture of continuous productivity improvement.
You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to improve business productivity. Creating a culture of continuous productivity improvement is simple but not easy.
What tools do you use to improve business processes?

There is no right or wrong way to improve business productivity
There is no silver bullet. There are tools and techniques that can be used to assist the process of productivity improvement
- Engage all employees at all levels to do little things better setting and achieving higher standards each year.
- Debate the best practices in your own organisation or collaborate with your peers to continuous improve best practices in your industry or even across industries.
- Join a community of like minded individuals who are thought leaders in their own field or industry.
- Meet up often online to discuss and challenge ways of doing business, to identify assess and implement better ways of doing things.
- Risk Expert Panel will facilitate the learning and development process.
- Access a new continuous learning process. Be inspired and help others to improve.
- Change your risk perspective and develop the risk culture in your organisation
Learn from and with your peers.
Managers can overlook the most important part of attaining business goals

Business leaders may be great with business planning and strategy setting but still fail to improve business productivity
They might fail because they did not take their employees with them to implement new business strategy. Without engaging your whole workforce the execution of your strategy is doomed to failure or at least fail to be the success it could be.
How do you take your employees with you on the road to improved business productivity?
BusinessRiskTV can offer suggestions to improve company performance

If one recommendation to improve business results works for your business would it be worth your time and money?
Many small business improvement ideas when added together could make a difference to the achievement of your business objectives.
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